During the interview, in response to questions related to size wages, the applicant may hear a mysterious phrase: “We have a grading system in our company.”

First of all, you should not perceive the mention of grades as an excuse by the HR manager to avoid voicing the real salary for a specific position. Where the grading system functions correctly, as a rule, it is easier to understand both the timing of salary increases and the size of its increase.

What is grading?

The grading system is quite new for the personnel and financial policies of many Russian companies. It should not be surprising that it is enough a large number of HR specialists have only heard about its existence, but have never used it in practice.

Grading is not new in global personnel policy; at least, this system has been discussed since the 1940s. It was then that they first started talking about it in connection with the developments of the American Edward Hay, president and founder of the consulting company Hay Group. But what is good for the Western mentality does not immediately and does not always take root in Russian reality.

It has long been a textbook Maslow's pyramid suggests that any person focuses primarily on meeting basic needs - food, water, safety. And since this can be obtained for money, then it becomes the leading motivation for effective work. It is difficult to imagine that meeting the basic needs of employees is directly linked to the corporate values ​​of the company. Consequently, the amount of financial compensation for labor will still prevail over the factors of non-material motivation of the employee.

It is on this basis that the grading system operates, aimed at financial incentives for personnel.

But at the same time, do not confuse grading and just accrual of bonuses and premiums, since there are qualitative differences between them.

The grading system itself lies in the fact that the hierarchy of positions at the enterprise is built according to certain criteria, which, in turn, directly affects the employee’s salary.

Both grade and full upgrade

Not all HR specialists see the need to implement a grading system in their companies. When we're talking about about a small company of 5-8 people, then this can be fully explained. But if you mean large organization where several hundred people or more work, then often such a decision lies in a simple reluctance to almost completely modernize the entire personnel structure of the company.

Yes, ultimately, grading is aimed at stimulating the work of each employee, but still it affects not only financial side. First of all, ordering occurs in the very structure of the organization.

Currently, the grading system is divided into job grading And employee grading. And if the first type is appropriate primarily in large companies, then the second is preferable in small companies. But both types of grading are aimed primarily at financial stimulation of the employee, and only then at non-material types of incentives.

Often, HR specialists do not want to break existing HR-financial relationships. Employee bonus system with good performance also works quite effectively, but there is no special desire to rank positions using enough complex systems calculations do not arise.

But without a grading system, it is problematic to determine the real value of a particular specialist and offer him adequate financial compensation - no less than he deserves, but not too much. His personal contribution to the development of the company’s business should be clearly identified.

“If an employee is paid a salary that clearly does not correspond to his level of professionalism and performance, then the employer loses. But if an employee receives a salary that is less than his “market value,” then his level of interest will sooner or later drop and he will quit. This means the company will lose again,” shares his opinion Elena Savelyeva, independent business coach.

How much is each individual employee worth?

Grading is a fairly accurate technique, and a simple description of the quality of work of a particular employee is clearly not enough here. As the practice of many companies that have successfully implemented a grading system shows, the complete completion of such a project requires from 3 to 12 months.

Grading is based primarily on a point-factor assessment of the labor efficiency of each employee. In addition, if the issue of grading arises in an organization, then it must be carried out at all levels of positions, including senior management, which is often forgotten in practice.

But you shouldn’t overly complicate things, adding excessive mathematics where you can get by with more in simple ways. Since the emphasis is on the implementation of key performance indicators and related bonuses, the actual amount of wages depends on the employee’s personal achievements and how he fulfills the plan.

There are also psychological reasons, explaining the reluctance of a number of HR specialists to implement grading in their companies. To a greater extent, this is due to the quite predictable dissatisfaction of that part of the employees whose salary may decrease precisely as a result of their real assessment. The inevitability of layoffs, as well as the costs associated with finding and adapting a new employee, makes it necessary to postpone the introduction of such a system, although, as practice shows, grading is justified in financially fast enough.

Grading takes into account a variety of indicators of the value of each specialist, which directly determine the size of his salary and rewards. Among such factors and employee's degree of responsibility, And the impact of his work on the business results of the entire company, and also quite rare for domestic practice price calculation... errors. In addition, actual working conditions are taken into account, as well as degree of communicative and information-analytical load for a specific employee.

When grading is not a panacea

Despite the undeniable usefulness and effectiveness, the real significance of this incentive system should not be exaggerated. Since the implementation of a grading system will require costs - both time and financial, it is worth deciding how much it is really necessary in a particular company.

Solar panel quality class - Grade A, B and C: what is it?

In the description of solar panels, the characteristics indicate: “quality class - Grade A” or “quality category - Grade A” or “solar cells grade A”.
Sometimes representatives of one or another factory indicate that only they have quality class A, but all other factories have only quality class B or C, therefore, solar modules from other factories are cheaper, worse and will stop working in a few years (to justify unreasonably high prices ).

You need to understand that no one makes solar cells of poor quality on purpose; it is impossible to produce solar cells in artisanal conditions, since the equipment for a solar cell workshop is very expensive pleasure, and all manufacturers are interested in obtaining class A solar cells.
Gradation (classification) of solar cells is carried out during interoperational and final quality control in the production of solar cells: according to defects in appearance and by instrumental control.

Defects identified during interoperational control are so-called critical defects (Grade D), such workpieces are disposed of and are not allowed for further processing and sale. Both equipment manufacturers and solar cell manufacturers are involved in solving this problem. Such cases are quite rare and we will not consider them in detail.

The photo shows blanks for solar cells that have passed interoperational control:

About instrumental control solar cells

Before us is an “ideal” solar cell; there are no visible defects on it: chips, broken geometry, stains, broken tires, etc.

Some incompetent sellers of solar modules claim that if there are no visible defects on the solar cells, if the solar cell is 156 by 156 mm in size, then they are selling class A solar modules. But solar modules made from cells of other sizes: 156 mm by 78 mm (the so-called half ) or 156mm by 39mm (the so-called quarter), then this panel is made from industrial waste and exclusively class B or C or D.

Firstly, solar cells come in sizes 125mm by 125mm (the so-called third generation), and also come in sizes 100mm by 100mm (second generation) and 80mm by 80mm (first generation). These generations are no worse or better than each other in terms of characteristics. But the fact is that the workpiece from which solar cells are cut increases in size approximately every 10 years (this allows the cost of solar cells to be reduced) and the size of solar cells increases.
So, let's return to our apparently “healthy” cell. Let's carry out instrumental control. Every plant that cares about the quality of solar modules and cares about its reputation, for example the Sunny Energy plant, has an electroluminescent monitoring installation.

There are several such installations at the Sunne Energy plant; there are installations for testing individual solar cells as part of a laboratory:

There are also electroluminescent control installations built into the production lines of solar cells, and into the lines of finished solar modules:

As a rule, such installations measure more than 40 different output control parameters; they are automated; only manufacturers with a high degree of capitalization can afford such installations.

This is how a “healthy” solar cell may look externally during instrumental control:

Dark areas are areas under the bus and places where electricity generation is disrupted. With so many “bad” areas, the solar cell is rejected and sold to factories that specialize in the production of cheap solar modules or have received orders for “cheaper solar modules.”

Microcracks on solar cells, already included in the assembled solar module, with electroluminescent control.

So when they tell you:
- our solar cell consists of 156mm x 156mm cells without external defects, That's why she is class A,
This is obviously false information.

Solar cells 156 mm x 156 mm without external defects, can also be class B, it is enough on the popular resource alibaba.com, where almost all sellers from China are present, in the search bar type: B Grade 156x156mm Solar Cell, dozens of offers for solar cells will appear 156 mm x 156 mm class B without external defects:

Please remember, even a seemingly impeccable solar cell may be of poor quality:

A solar cell that has not passed instrumental control due to low energy indicators, damaged internal and/or external structure, is classified as class B. A solar battery made from such a solar cell degrades (loses the declared characteristics within a certain time) quite quickly: within 3- 5 years.

Externally, it is impossible to distinguish such solar modules from high-quality ones, so please carefully choose suppliers of solar modules with a good reputation. It is desirable that this be a factory that has its own production of solar cells and a modern laboratory for quality control of solar modules.

About visualcontrol solar cells.
At the final quality control, after instrumental control, external quality control of solar modules is carried out.

Visual screening occurs based on the following indicators:

Color deviations:

Paste leak on tire application line

Water spots or dark spots

Let's summarize what a solar cell is class A:
This is a solar cell that has undergone strict instrumental and external control from a manufacturer with a good reputation.
Such a cell after a special aging test (PID test) shows a decrease in the power of the elements by no more than 5%

solar cell class B, this is a solar cell with an already damaged, external or internal structure, and (or) that has not passed visual inspection. Such a cell after a special aging test (PID test) shows a decrease in the power of the elements by no more than 30%

Solar cells class C, after a special aging test (PID test), shows a decrease in element power of more than 30%

This gradation of solar cells is international, but if you are told that the gradation is determined solely by appearance: for example, a solar cell “whole means class A” or “half means class B”, then you have an incompetent seller.

Here is a photograph of the solar cells of the “halves” manufactured for the Russian space constellation of Glonass satellites,
manufactured by OJSC Saturn, Krasnodar. According to the classification of would-be sellers: “half means class B.” Fortunately, Krasnodar engineers are not familiar with such a homemade theory. (Photo used with personal permission of Rustem Rinatovich Adagamov)

Conclusions: you are guaranteed to buy category A solar modules if you buy from a manufacturer with a good reputation.

If you are buying solar panels, check which factory the solar panels were made at. If the seller hides the manufacturer and sells under his own trade name, it is better to refuse such a purchase; there is a big risk of buying a pig in a poke.

If you are told that this is a Russian manufacturer,
then please keep in mind this list of manufacturers:
1. CJSC TELECOM-STV (large-unit assembly from imported components)
2. Ryazan plant of metal-ceramic devices (large-scale assembly from imported components)
3. OJSC "Saturn", Krasnodar (full production cycle)
4. Hevel Plant, Novocheboksarsk (full production cycle)

For information:
Glonass satellites use Krasnodar solar panels, an international concern AirbusDefense and Space (ADS) plans to purchase batteries for the OneWeb (global Internet) satellite constellation from the Saturn plant in the amount of 900 sets.

All other solar modules sold in Russia are exclusively imported.

Bonus for reading the article to the end:
photo report from JSC Saturn, Krasnodar -

The main weapon in the world Lineage II- one of the elements of combat equipment. With its help, the character deals damage to enemies. The basic parameters of the weapon are physical and magical attack. It also has physical and magical protection, attack speed and other less significant indicators that affect the characteristics.

In the game, weapons are divided into classes (swords, clubs, bows, etc.) and grades (no grade, D grade, C grade, etc.). The weapon class for a character should be chosen in accordance with his profession. For example, archers are not recommended to fight with swords. The damage inflicted on the enemy will be weak, and they will not be able to use their attacking abilities (skills). However, at the same time, magicians or healers, in addition to magic staves, can also use some swords that have an increased magical attack. Dwarves also have and develop skills for both using clubs and using pikes. Before choosing any weapon, you should thoroughly study the characteristics and skills of your character.

The higher the grade of the weapon, the higher its basic performance. But there is also a small but... For a character who has reached, for example, level 20, for using weapons of grade C or higher, a penalty will be imposed on attack speed and accuracy. Those. He will strike at long intervals, and often these strikes will not reach the target (zero damage). What weapon at what level should a character acquire in order to avoid receiving a penalty?

From levels 1 to 19, No grade weapons are used.

From level 20 to 39, D grade weapons are used.

From levels 40 to 51, C grade weapons are used.

From level 52 to 60, B grade weapons are used.

From levels 61 to 75, A grade weapons are used.

From levels 76 to 79, S grade weapons are used.

From level 80 to 83, S80 grade weapons are used.

C 84 uses weapons of the C84 grade (S84 grade).

Characters with more high level can use weapons of a lower grade. There are no fines for this.

In weapons stores located in cities, you can purchase weapons without a grade , D grade and C grade for magicians and warriors. In a specialty store Luxury Shop (Luxor), which is located in Town of Giran, Grade B weapons are sold, but you can purchase them not for money, but for crystals.

In order for weapons to cause higher damage during battle, it is advisable to use magic charges. They are also divided into grades and classes. For example, for weapons of grade C, you should purchase charges of the same grade. Charges that do not have a grade can be purchased in trading stores located in cities. Charges of grade D and higher can be purchased from other characters or from gnome crafters. According to the rules of the game, only crafters can make charges of various grades (depending on the level of the gnome).

Charges are also divided into two classes:

Soul Shots– used for physical weapons.

Soul Charges- used for magical weapons, divided into types - ordinary Spirit Shot- cost less, cause less damage) and Blased Spirit Shot- cost more and cause higher damage. Are in higher demand).

The main weapon has no restrictions on improvement. It can be sharpened with special scrolls, insert a crystal SA (SA), Elemental Stone and Life Stone .

With the help of improvement scrolls (sharpening), the damage dealt to an enemy or monster increases. Regular scrolls can be purchased from other players, knocked out from monsters, or obtained from treasure chests by opening them with keys (they also drop from monsters). Blessed scrolls drop out when successfully hunting Raid Bosses. The game provides various events, by participating in which you can also get enchantments. The castle manor also provides the opportunity to obtain various upgrade scrolls.

Inserting a stone into a weapon SA (SA), the special attributes of the product can be improved. The stones vary in level and color. You can improve weapons of grade C and higher with the help of SA.

Life Stone- This is another way to improve (augment) your weapon. Augmentation is available for products of grade C and higher. The character's level must be equal to or higher than the stone's level.

Elemental stones can be inserted into weapons of grade C (S) and higher. This stone adds attack power of the corresponding element to a weapon. Exists 4 types of attributes - Earth (Earth), Water (water), Fire (Fire) and Air (Wind). You can get them on Crystal Island from high-level monsters.

Among players, there is a division of weapons of each grade into levels: low (low), medium (middle) and high (top). For example, the expression “Top D weapon” means that the character owns a D-grade weapon, which has the highest magical and physical attack and defense indicators of this grade.

The ANR26650 is a LiFePO4 battery from A123 Systems that supports a discharge current of up to 70A. These batteries are very popular among those who assemble assemblies for electric vehicles. They are even counterfeited. The manufacturer itself produces 2 grades - Grade A and B, while there is no information anywhere about what is worse than Grade B. I have a pair of each grade and I decided to test one pair at currents of 0.5A (0.2C), 5A, 10A and 20A, and compare all 4 banks at 20A. Why 20A and not 70? It’s just that my load can’t do it anymore, but I think the difference will be visible even at 20A.

I bought jars from different time from the same supplier - Queen Battery. I have been buying lithium batteries only from them for more than six months now. I have already placed 4 orders and they have never failed.

The testing methodology has not changed - charged and discharged using ZKETECH EBC-A20(4-wire connection, discharge up to 20A). As always, I adhered to the requirements of the IEC61960-2003 standard (the same GOST 61960-2007) regarding measuring battery capacity. Measurements were made at temperature environment 23-25°C. Before each charge/discharge cycle, each battery rested for at least one hour (usually an hour and a half). Charging in all cases occurred with standard current according to the datasheet (standard charge current, 2.5A).

But I slightly updated the holder - I replaced the steel plates with copper ones (20x20x0.3mm).

Main characteristics taken from the datasheet

  • Rated voltage: 3.3V
  • End of charging: 3.6V
  • End of discharge: 2.0V
  • Nominal capacity: 2500mAh
  • Minimum capacity: 2400mAh
  • Standard charging current: 2.5A
  • Maximum charging current: 10A
  • Maximum discharge current: 70A
  • Max. short-term discharge current: 120A (10 seconds)

So, first let's look at the external differences. Grade A (above) has much more information on the shrink wrap than Grade B, which only shows ANR26650.

Heat shrink around the negative contact of Grade A is painted with a zebra

And from the positive contacts side there are no differences

Let's move on to the results.

First Grade A:

Everything is fine here. Even at 20A, the capacity remains above the nominal 2500mAh, and at 0.2C/0.5A it almost reaches 2700mAh.

Now let's look at Grade B:

This can does even better - at 0.2C it delivered exactly 2700mAh, and even outperformed Grade A at all discharge current values. This is quite strange, since in theory Grade A should be better than Grade B...

Now a comparison of two Grade A and two Grade B cans at a 20-amp discharge:

By the way, these banks weigh noticeably lighter than their 4.2V lithium counterparts - 76g versus 96.

Well, at the end there is a video version of the review in English:

To begin with, you need to decide what it is. Refubrished (in relation to technology)- these are devices that have been brought to new condition by replacing components and/or external elements (housing). Divided in turn into two types Manufactured refurbished And Seller refurbished.

The first is also often called certified refurbished, these are devices that were returned to the manufacturer under warranty or for other reasons. After which the device was sent to the manufacturer, where the fault was eliminated, external elements were replaced and testing was carried out. After which these devices are equipped with new peripherals: cables, charging, etc., packaged in special packaging. packaging or with special markings and sent to the company’s warehouse. For example, Apple and Dell do this. Such devices come with a full warranty. There is no risk in buying them. But the savings in this case are minimal.

But the second type - seller refurbished much less monotonous. This process can be carried out either by the final seller on eBay/Aliexpress or by special mini-factories in China. And it can be a simple addition of the device with new accessories and a box, if there are no malfunctions or external defects. So is the complete restoration of the device. In this case, they can be divided into gradations: Grade A/A+ And Grade B.

What it looks like in practice: in China, faulty phones are bought en masse, and then, depending on the scope, the repairs are made right on the spot in the radio market, in a little workshop, or sent to a special mini-factory. Here lies the first and most the main problem- raw material. Spare parts for everything mass models they are often in stock, and modular repairs take a few minutes and cost pennies, so it is easier and cheaper for a person to repair a device than to sell it for next to nothing. That's why they buy up damaged devices - completely broken, drowned, with unsoldered or faulty chips on the board.

After this, all elements of the case and the display are replaced, faulty spare parts are replaced inside, the board is repaired and “rolled” (if required). Here the second problem arises - the quality of the repair and the quality of the materials used. Spare parts are also divided into Grade A/A+ - good copies and original; Grade B/C - so-so copies and rejection. Using my own example, I can describe the difference in their quality.

For example, I ordered a display module for iPhone 5 - the quality was indistinguishable from the original, the camera and microphone were also of excellent quality, although there was no oleophobic coating (it seems that it does not exist on copies at all). Then I decided to save money and order cheaper modules, the seller did not indicate the quality, but it felt like Grade C, production rejection - there were dead pixels on both displays, and one had a small dark spot. There was also a case with the iPhone 4 screen - the screen itself was good quality, but the front camera was of very low quality - the resolution seemed to be 0.1MP, and soapy, and there was also a large purple blob in the center of the picture. There were many more such examples, but these are enough for clarity.

At the last stage, the device is completed with accessories: headphones, cable, charger - they differ in the quality of materials and similarity to the original, but the filling itself is unchanged: the headphones sound disgusting, the charger does not have controllers and chips (you should also be very careful with this). Then all this is packed into a box (the quality of the cardboard and printing also varies from bad to indistinguishable).

As you can see, the quality of components can vary greatly from good to disgusting. And given that sellers strive to earn as much as possible, there is no doubt about their choice. Add to this the lack of quality control at such “enterprises” and the end result is a product of dubious quality, and sometimes even dangerous (remember the cases of exploding iPhones in China). Moreover, all these gradations are quite arbitrary; many sellers do not indicate them, and it is practically impossible to verify them.

So keep this in mind when you doubt whether to choose LG G2, Meizu M1 Note or wait for Xiaomi mi4i. Well, think about why a “brand new” iPhone in Moscow costs one and a half times cheaper than in the USA (we’re talking about unlocked).

P.S: there are many free services on the Internet for checking iPhone by IMEI on the production/activation date.