You will learn how to start your business from scratch in a small town and what to do to make it profitable. What ideas for business with minimal investment most justified in the province?

A small town is not an obstacle for large, much less medium and small businesses. Entrepreneurial people are everywhere - if only there is a desire, but you can realize your potential even in a small locality.

Don’t rush to move to big cities - their smaller counterparts also need jobs and quality goods/services. In this article we have prepared an overview of business ideas for small towns. These ideas are easy to implement and do not require large investments.

Business in a small town - how justified is it?

To begin with, there is no clear definition of a “small” city. This concept is relative and largely subjective. For one businessman, these are places with a population of less than 50,000 inhabitants, a second feels comfortable in cities with a population of 100,000-300,000 people, and for a third, even half a million people will be small.

According to official data, out of 1,100 cities in Russia, only 37 have a population of more than 500 thousand. This means we have many platforms for building a small local business.

Most often, those who have lived there all their lives or have relatives there open their own businesses in such settlements. But modern technologies make it possible to set up a business almost anywhere and control it in the future remotely.

At the same time, minimal investments are required to open, since the cost of rent and the level of workers’ wages in the province are much lower.

Small towns tend to lack infrastructure. People lack a variety of products, entertainment, and services. If you live in such a town, you yourself can confidently say what you lack as a resident.

But what if you are not familiar with the locality closely enough to know about its problems? Any startup starts with analysis. First you need to study the city and its infrastructure and find out what its residents need.

We have selected several current trends that are taking root well in small towns.

Popular business areas in the province

Let's look at the most popular areas of business in small towns.

Choose in these areas - you won't go wrong.

Services sector

Services are always and everywhere in demand by the population. But what is included in this broad concept? Hairdressing services, legal services, shipping services, home training, etc. Within a small town, it is better to pay attention to the types of services that residents need regularly. Tire fitting, car service, shoe repair.

Whatever area you choose, you need to carefully study your potential competitors and, if possible, collect “news from the field” - find out what residents are not happy with in their work, what needs to be improved and added.

Selling goods

The most banal, but at the same time a win-win- grocery store. In provincial cities, stores do not pamper residents with a variety of assortments, and federal grocery chains have not yet reached many.

In addition to basic necessities, residents lack quality clothing and shoes, household goods and other things. Market research will allow you to identify which areas are not covered and choose the right niche.


Most often, small towns are located near some kind of factory - a city-forming enterprise where most of the population works. Open your own production - not a factory, of course, but a small full-cycle enterprise. For example, a bakery - in many cities there are problems with quality bread. If you occupy this niche, there will be no end to buyers.

In addition, labor is cheap here and there will always be employees for a company that assembles shovels, for example, or produces paving slabs. But then it will be necessary to establish sales in other regions and regional centers.

You will not only earn money, but also create additional jobs, and in case of great success, a family business that you will pass on to your children.

What kind of business can you open in a small town - TOP 8 ideas that work

This is just an indicative list and you don’t have to limit yourself to it.

Flower business

I would like to voice an unusual but interesting option for making money on flowers.

Small towns are full of private houses where hardworking women compete in growing a wide variety of flowers. In the summer, organize the purchase of the most beautiful specimens for a small fee and put them together into successful compositions. And in winter, engage in the traditional supply of flowers for the holidays and provide decoration services for weddings and other celebrations.

Renting out premises

This profitable option is for those who have free money to purchase residential or commercial space. Pay attention to the towns at ski and traditional resorts - during the high season, daily rentals are in great demand. And in the low season you can rent out the premises to business travelers.

The advantage of this option is that you will not lose the money invested if it fails.

Commission shop

Since in most cases the level of wages and the purchasing power of the population are low, people often have to turn to Second Hand stores.

It won’t be difficult to arrange the supply of things; you just need to take into account the tastes of the population. If you want to expand your business, sell not only used clothes, but also other goods. A pawnshop becomes a logical continuation of such a business.

Repair of household appliances

In areas with a population of more than 20 thousand people, there are already federal chain stores that sell modern household appliances - all kinds of multicookers, coffee machines and hobs.

Not every man knows how to repair newfangled equipment. And well-worn microwaves and vacuum cleaners also require periodic maintenance. People here are more used to repairing things rather than throwing them away when they break. Therefore, a flow of clients to a good specialist is guaranteed.

Opening a private kindergarten or development center

If in major cities behind private garden people pay 10 thousand and more, then be prepared for lower checks. However, private kindergartens are in great demand among the population against the backdrop of a reduction in preschool institutions. Of course, in this case it is necessary to carefully select personnel and control food.

Provincial cities lack a variety of entertainment and educational programs for children. Within the development center, you can offer several groups to choose from. The only question here is where to find competent personnel.

Nowadays there are a huge number of developmental programs for children that do not require special training - you just need to love children.

Finger painting, sand therapy, baby yoga and first steps in English will fit perfectly under one roof. And the traditional children's playroom will become a favorite place to spend time for mothers and babies.

Furniture repair

Low wages do not allow residents of the province to buy expensive modern furniture. However, everyone has a need for beautiful and high-quality things. If you have a friend in mind with golden hands, organize a tandem, where you will organize the business and attract clients, and your friend will repair and update outdated furniture.

You just need to purchase the necessary tools and materials, and send a friend to a course in upholstery of upholstered furniture. This is a very profitable option, despite its apparent simplicity.

Hairdressing services

It also happens that in big cities There are not enough beauty specialists. Hairdressing services will be in demand always and everywhere as long as people grow hair. But besides this, women love manicures, cosmetology, and makeup.

If you have a diploma as a hairdresser and are inclined to open your own office, take courses in makeup or aesthetic cosmetology. This way you will expand the list of your services, which means you will increase the number of clients.

“Everything for 50” format stores

This is real money magnet, especially in small towns. The biggest difficulty in organizing the work of such a store is calculating the profitability of sales, since the purchase price of some goods is higher than the selling price.

This is compensated by a large markup on other groups of goods. You can start small by stocking your shelves with cheap and functional products. And in the future, after studying the needs of the population, we will expand the range. And promoting such a store is as easy as shelling pears - housewives and word of mouth will do it for you.

There are other options: buying a franchise of a popular catering establishment such as KFS, a dumpling shop or pizzeria, a karaoke bar, a bowling alley or a dry cleaner, where they will help you at the opening stage. But they are quite expensive and have their pitfalls, so we’ll leave them for another article.

Where to start - step-by-step instructions

The key to the success of any undertaking is a properly drawn up plan to achieve the goal.

Take advantage of expert insights.

Step 1. Choose a direction and analyze competitors

First, decide which direction will bring you more pleasure in your work. What can you do with enthusiasm?

After you find the answer to this question, answer the following: will this business be useful and in demand in the location you have chosen?

If yes, then move on to studying your competitors. The following indicators are important here: their location and distance from each other (it is better to visualize this on a map); level of service, price range and breadth of assortment.

It is better to summarize all these indicators in a comparative table, which will clearly show the pros and cons of your competitors. Take the time to visit their establishments yourself and personally evaluate the work.

Step 2. Draw up a business plan

In the business plan, you need to take into account all the costs and write down all the steps to implement your idea.

First, write down each task and the time it will take to complete it in as much detail as possible:

  • searching for suitable premises;
  • selection of employees;
  • search and purchase of equipment;
  • sign making;
  • which renovation work needs to be carried out indoors;
  • employee training;
  • registration of a legal entity - for a small business, an individual entrepreneur is enough.

After that, start calculating costs.

Here are the main expense items:

  1. Rent.
  2. Internal and external design points.
  3. Equipment costs: no need to buy if you can rent.
  4. Salaries to employees.
  5. Advertising costs: outdoor advertising and indoor advertising in social networks, posting advertisements, making booklets (optional depending on the type of your business).

Step 3. Launch the project and look for clients

After you have completed all the points of your business plan, decide what you will do yourself and what it is better to entrust to contractors. Often, new entrepreneurs take on the entire burden of tasks to reduce costs and fail.

If you don’t know how to attract customers to your “Everything for 50” goods store, then trust in the hands of SMM specialists who will be able to show advertising of your store to residents of the town.

How to correctly analyze the market and competitors

Competitor analysis provides basic information for drawing up a business plan based on market needs. A competitor location map will help you choose the optimal location for your point.

Keep in mind that it is advantageous to locate next to related businesses. Thus, it is advisable to place a flower shop near a candy store or alcohol store; tire service - next to the car service; furniture repair - next to the furniture store.

A competitor comparison chart provides comprehensive information on what prices to charge and what products or services to add to your portfolio to outperform your competitors. To complete the picture, ask your friends or post a survey in the settlement group on social networks.

The more you know about your competitors, the higher your chances of beating them.

How to grow your business

Competition in the province is often small but fierce. How you establish yourself initially among locals will play a key role in the future of your business. Therefore, always try to provide the best possible service.

Large retail chains took an example from the West and were the first in the country to introduce service standards. These standards take a long time to reach provincial cities, and here people pay more attention to the politeness of the staff and the quality of service.

Teach your employees to smile and wish Have a good day- and soon you will notice how the number of regular customers has increased.

Regularly conduct mystery shopper raids on your toughest competitors and use the information you receive to improve your business.

You shouldn’t spread rumors like “one client told me that he recently bought expired goods from Vasily” if you can’t back them up with anything. Word of mouth in villages works both ways, and in this way you will only ruin your reputation.

Loyalty programs work great in conditions of limited competition. Since there are not many clients, try to look individual approach to everyone. Friendly attitude and individual privileges are the best engine of trade in such conditions.

What is the basis of a successful business in a small town?

And a few more fundamental success factors.

Remember them and don’t forget to put them into practice.

Product Availability

Keeping in mind the level of salaries and purchasing power of the population, try to keep prices always at the same level. And take this into account when developing a price line - in the difficult conditions of small cities, price stability is important to people.

And don’t forget that in a city that can be walked around in 30 minutes, it’s not at all difficult to go to a nearby store where prices are lower.

Close attention to competitors

A small number of competitors is one of the main advantages of entrepreneurship in small towns. Always stay up to date with your competitors and changes in their work. Any mistake by a competing company is a chance to improve its performance.

Consistently good reputation

The opening of a new store is a big event for the life of a provincial town, so be prepared for close attention from residents.

During this period, everything must be impeccable - the quality of service and goods, the level of service and promotions. If you manage to win the favor of buyers at this stage, then you are guaranteed a flow of regular customers.

A few more ideas in video format:


You don't have to live in a metropolis to open your own successful business. Quality and a serious approach to business are valued in any city. Technologies used in business today allow us to work from anywhere in the world.

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During a crisis, new businessmen face serious risks at every turn. Many goods and services that were extremely popular just yesterday remain unclaimed. And products that have never been in great demand, on the contrary, are sold at crazy speed. In this regard, many aspiring entrepreneurs are looking for an answer to the question of what kind of business is profitable to open now. In this article, we have collected several popular ideas that will help you choose a promising direction of activity and stay afloat in conditions of economic instability.

Computer diagnostics of cars

IN Lately Many technical centers are opening where you can fix any car breakdowns. At the same time, the number of stations that perform computer diagnostics of cars for various faults is also growing. This service is always in demand among car owners, so if you are interested in what kind of business you can open in the city, pay attention to this profitable field of activity.

In order to organize such a business, you will need premises and special equipment for computer diagnostics:

  • Computer;
  • Fault decoding program;
  • An adapter that connects the computer to the car;
  • Mobile scanner.

The whole set costs 90–380 thousand rubles. Since new models and brands of cars appear every year, you will have to regularly update computer program. Each update will cost you 2–3 thousand rubles. This service is provided by specialized companies.

Confused about what kind of business you can open in small town? Pay attention to this simple and quite profitable idea. Prices for computer diagnostics services for cars range from 3-5 thousand rubles. The procedure takes 30-60 minutes. Accordingly, in one day, such a station will bring in approximately 25 thousand rubles. With a large influx of clients, you can earn 100-300 thousand rubles in a month, which means that you can quickly return all your initial investments. Such a serious profit is a powerful argument for those who still doubt whether it is profitable to open their own business now. To increase your income, you can offer customers on-site computer diagnostics, door unlocking, and other time-saving services.

Software development

As a rule, this service is used small companies and organizations that cannot afford to employ experienced specialists. Most often they order the development of programs for accounting and office management, business process automation, planning and more.

If you are well versed in Internet technologies and programming and are thinking about what kind of small business you can open in the city, try organizing your own IT company.

The most profitable areas of activity in this area:

  • Development of applications for smartphones;
  • Training courses on 1C;
  • Creation of online games;
  • Software development for enterprises and organizations.

Jewelry repair shop

Repairing and manufacturing jewelry is a fairly profitable business, since the demand for such a service remains consistently high in any economic conditions. With the right approach, the jewelry business brings serious income to its owners. In order to competently organize such a business, you need to have some experience. If you have never worked in this field, before opening one, consult with professionals who can give you good advice.

A jewelry workshop will require large financial investments from you, approximately 6 million rubles. If you do not have your own start-up capital, it is better to consider other options for what kind of business to open now so that it will be profitable in the future. Starting a business during a crisis with debts and loans is too risky and dangerous.

The profitability of a jewelry workshop largely depends on the number of clients. At the start-up stage, you will not receive much income, but over time, when the business begins to flourish, your earnings will increase significantly. On average, a jewelry workshop brings in 400-700 thousand rubles of net profit per month. But in order to achieve such results, you need to work for 2-3 years. If you are wondering what profitable business open in the city, be sure to consider this promising idea.

Security Agency

Thinking about what kind of business you can open in 2016, I would like to separately highlight such areas of activity as a security agency. This is a highly profitable business that does not require large investments at the start, so if you have not yet decided what kind of business you can open with minimal investment, take a closer look at this interesting and profitable idea. Before starting such a business, you need to carefully study its specifics and features so that no problems arise in the future.

According to the legislation of our country, the security business is subject to licensing. In order to obtain such a document, you need to contact government bodies. A license is issued provided that you have specially trained employees on staff. It is desirable that these are people with experience in law enforcement agencies.

Another important point is weapons. Not all security organizations use it. One unit firearms costs 200–300 dollars. In addition, security agencies purchase gas cylinders, traumatic weapons, rubber batons, stun guns, etc. Each protective equipment must be assigned to a specific employee. The profitability of such a business reaches 30%. All the money spent on the organization security agency, you can return it in 6–8 months. This is a great option private business can be opened without significant financial investments.

Tailoring studio

Lately, many women have been wondering what... small business Can I open it at home? If you know how to sew well, why not organize a small workshop for repairing and sewing clothes at home? This is capable of generating decent income even during a crisis. Modern people They are tired of the monotonous assortment presented in clothing stores, so they prefer to sew exclusive, original items to order. In addition, clients often contact the studio before various special events - weddings, proms and other holidays. The demand for such services is consistently high, so if you have not yet made a final decision, organize a small home workshop and receive a good, stable income. At first, you can complete all orders yourself. In time, when to appear more clients, rent a separate room in a residential area, purchase equipment and hire several seamstresses. The most best advertising for such a business - word of mouth.

Taxi service

Many citizens of our country began to often wonder what small business Can I open it using my own car? The simplest option is private transportation. This activity brings in good income, but if you want to work independently, you should remember that you will have to purchase a special license. In addition, you should ensure your safety, since sometimes you come across unpredictable clients who can pose a real threat to your health and even life.

It is much more profitable and safer to cooperate with a taxi dispatch service. In this case, you will be able to receive orders from the operator, but for this you will have to pay 30% of your total earnings. Speaking of which, the amount of profit largely depends on the locality in which you work and on fuel consumption.

Resale of goods from China

This has become very popular among budding entrepreneurs. Let's take a closer look, shall we? All you need to work is a computer with Internet access and entrepreneurial spirit.

To make money, you need to find an inexpensive product in Chinese online stores, post its photo and description on your own resource, and resell it at a good margin. When the client pays for the purchase, you repurchase the goods from Chinese suppliers and order their delivery to the buyer’s address. The markup on the product is your earnings. This is an excellent option for those who are interested in what kind of business can be opened without investment, since you do not invest a penny in the purchase of goods.

Profitable business ideas for a small town

According to experts, this is one of the simplest and, at the same time, profitable areas of entrepreneurial activity for beginners.

Production of concrete products

Can't find a suitable idea? Try making custom-made concrete products. This could be the production of rings for wells and waste pits, or the production of garden sculptures. If you have never done this kind of work, the necessary information can be obtained from specialized literature and video tutorials on the Internet. The most important thing is your desire, and experience comes with time. To quickly master this skill, you can work for several months with entrepreneurs involved in the production of concrete products. In this case, you can carefully study the technology under the guidance of experienced specialists.

The thought of stopping working “for someone else” and starting your own business haunts millions of people. However, just the desire to be called a businessman is not enough: for a business to be successful, you need to think through a lot of things even at the stage of developing an idea. Finding your niche sometimes turns out to be much more difficult than getting funds to implement a project. And in order to organize a business in a small city, you need to take into account that the specifics of entrepreneurship in small towns and in megacities are very different. What is in great demand in a million-plus population will not always be in demand in the regional center. The opposite situation is also possible: in provincial towns many niches are empty not because there is no demand, but simply no one has thought of filling them yet. How to open a business in a small town, and what should you take into account?

Features of business in small towns

A small town is a settlement with a population of about 50 thousand people. Medium-sized cities, where up to 100 thousand residents live, in the context of business can also be classified as small, since their specifics are quite far from the situation in megacities.

What are the features economic life small towns?

  1. First of all, this is the low purchasing power of the population: the labor market is quite narrow, earnings are low. Organizing some exclusive goods and services may be a great idea, but in the realities of your city it is unlikely to “take off” - simply because most people cannot afford it, and you will not work at a loss. Boutiques, vegetarian restaurants and car dealerships rarely open in small towns. The population is more accustomed to buying consumer goods, going to inexpensive cafes, and going to regional centers or capitals for large purchases.
  2. On the other hand, in small towns there is often a shortage of even basic goods and services. For example, there are no “middle class” chain brands of clothing, and people have to dress either at the market or go on “shop tours” to shopping centers in nearby cities. See if there is at least one supermarket within walking distance, or do you need to go to the other end of the city? Is there a children's cafe in the locality where you can go with your child on the weekend to eat ice cream and organize a party with entertainment program? Think about what services in your city are missing for you, your friends, and neighbors - perhaps this information will help you decide on the direction of a profitable business in a small town.
  3. In small towns it is difficult to achieve large turnover due to limited customer flow. If you focus your business exclusively on the population of a particular city, you will quickly hit a “ceiling”: do not forget to reach residents of neighboring settlements and think about expansion options in the future.
  4. The advantages of small cities include a relatively low barrier to entry into business. This is due to the fact that the basic costs of an entrepreneur - renting premises, paying staff, advertising - will generally be lower than those of a company opening in a large locality.
  5. The competitive environment for small town businessmen is more favorable: it is easier for them to get state support starting your own business. It is enough to draw up a business plan and receive a subsidy at the employment center or join a local entrepreneurship support program.
  6. The main method of promoting business in small towns is word of mouth. It's free, but it works both ways. Satisfied clients will quickly advertise your services to all their colleagues and friends. But as soon as you “tarnish” your reputation, the same people will dissuade their acquaintances from bringing money to your store.

Business in small towns: with and without investments

Traditionally, the most popular types of small businesses are trade and services. If you are interested in what kind of business you can open in a small town without investment, a store is not your option: purchasing goods will require significant funds in any case. It's easier if you know how to do something with your hands and do it well. For example, the services of hairdressers, manicurists, seamstresses, and plumbers are in demand everywhere and always. By registering as an individual entrepreneur, you will be able to provide such services on a professional basis and earn money absolutely legally.

Of course, it is unlikely that “golden hands” will bring you “mountains of gold.” But you can quite count on a small but stable income, especially if you acquire a regular clientele. When you can no longer cope on your own, you can think about finding help. The main idea of ​​such entrepreneurship is to eventually transfer the business from the category of individual “semi-handicraft” services to a full-fledged public service enterprise: the presence of an office/premises, hired staff, transfer of most of the clients to the hands of other employees and transition to the status of business owner. Most often, this is what the path of many successful local entrepreneurs looks like - owners of repair and auto repair shops, etc.

It’s another matter if you are ready to make serious financial investments in your project. Here the choice is richer: purchase an already existing business, buy a franchise of a well-known chain, or come up with and implement your own original idea or open a simple but profitable business from scratch that requires initial costs.

For example, to organize a bakery, only with minimal necessary equipment you need to spend more than 1 million rubles. But if you have a premise in mind in a well-traveled location, your friends who own grocery stores and cafes are ready to take your future products for sale, these investments will quickly pay off. Fresh bread with a crispy crust and fragrant pastries They sell with a bang in any locality, and the products of local bakeries made from gray flour and preservatives are no competitor to them.

Traditionally profitable businesses in small towns include medicines, household goods, and catering. If you have start-up capital to start a business, it may be worth considering the option of such a “down-to-earth”, reliable business, rather than creating a bicycle, trying to come up with a brilliant idea.

Business ideas for a small town

As an example, consider a few simple business ideas for a small town:

  1. The “Husband/Wife for an Hour” agency is suitable for a “hands-on” man, a homely woman or a married couple. Paid help with household: minor repairs, troubleshooting, repairing and assembling furniture, plumbing and electrical work, sawing wood, one-time cleaning of premises, etc. In addition to the cost of registering an individual entrepreneur (about 1 thousand rubles), you will need a good set of tools (from 10 thousand rubles) and inexpensive advertising: advertisements in the local press, leaflets. If your services are in demand, you can think about expanding the range of services and personnel.
  2. . If there are a lot of car enthusiasts in your city or a busy highway passes by the locality, the tire shop will never be left without work. You will have to spend money on renting a garage/box/plot of land and special equipment. A sign and signs along the road with your address are also required. Initial costs – 200–250 thousand rubles. Consider the seasonality of the business: during the period of general “change of shoes,” hire assistants and think about what services you will “stick with” during the off-season.
  3. Workshop for making keys and minor repairs. People lose their keys regardless of whether they live in a small town or a big one. You need to buy a special machine that “stamps” keys, a programmer for intercom keys, blanks and rent a “nook” in some shopping center. Costs – from 70 thousand rubles.
  4. . Despite the “mini” prefix, the cost of starting this business cannot be called small. The premises for a bakery must not only be rented, but also brought into compliance with sanitary requirements. Buy furniture, commercial equipment, equipment for production (dough mixing machines, proofers, bread makers) - a total of at least 1.5 million rubles.
  5. Handicraft and souvenir shop. Suitable for those who love handicrafts or are ready to mediate the sale of creations by masters and craftswomen in their city. In small settlements, the production of original goods associated with the symbols of the city, local nature, and attractions is often developed. All kinds of “hand-made” are now in fashion: many people want to have original, exclusive items for reasonable money and are willing to pay for them. It is better to sell homemade products in a small shop - agree with the craftsmen on the supply of goods, rent a small room and decorate it in an antique style. But place your main emphasis on online trading: create an online store and offer shipping to other cities. If you make the product yourself or buy it for sale, the costs will not exceed 50 thousand rubles.

Many of the above ideas can be implemented without, but you need to remember that such entrepreneurship is illegal. The chance that tax and law enforcement agencies will be interested in your “underground” activities in a small city, where everything is in plain sight, is much more real than in a metropolis. If you really want to build a business, you should start by registering a company and choosing the optimal tax regime.

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  • There are no fewer opportunities for opening a profitable business in a small town than in a metropolis. There is an opinion that starting a business and making it profitable in a small town is almost impossible.

    People don’t see the positive sides and believe that their idea will fail. Actually this is not true. Let's consider the most promising business ideas for a small town.

    Promising business ideas for a small town

    In the minds of many people, when they hear the word “business,” a stereotypical image of a middle-aged business man leaving the chic office of a large company involuntarily appears. At the same time, it seems like a metropolis with dozens of skyscrapers.

    However, many businessmen conduct their business in small towns and do not necessarily wear a business suit. In a small city it is possible to open a business no less profitable than in the capital.

    There is still no consensus on which cities are considered small and which are not. It is generally believed that the population of a small town should be no more than 50 thousand people. But for business people, these can also be cities with a population of half a million or more. However, we should not forget about some of the peculiarities of doing business in small towns.

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    Differences between small cities and large ones

    If you have business ideas for small towns, consider the following features:

    • life in a small town is not as fast paced as in a metropolis, so the population can take a long and conscious approach to the decision to purchase goods or services;
    • Fashion trends are not critical for people from small towns. The main thing is that this is a product at an affordable price that people are willing to spend a lot of time searching for;
    • short distances. Objects are next to each other;
    • the environmental situation here is much better than in big cities;
    • stress has a significantly lower impact on the population;
    • public transport is used less frequently, which indicates some cost savings;
    • Small towns have almost everything that a large city has. Generally, people can visit any place by private car or public transport if the need arises;
    • lifestyle differs significantly from mentality;
    • every small town has its own values ​​that influence its way of life;
    • the crisis and globalization have much less impact on small cities compared to megacities;
    • provided that demand decreases, protection from bankruptcy is higher than in a large city.

    Disadvantages of business in small towns

    When exploring business ideas for a small town, pay attention to the disadvantages that exist in a small town. These include:

    1. Small income.

    You shouldn’t think about huge profits expressed in millions, because the incomes of people from your target audience are quite modest.

    1. Opportunities for growth are limited.

    If you have a great business idea, then there are much more opportunities for its implementation and development in a metropolis than in a small town. The number of clients of your company will grow and stop at a certain level. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the possibilities of expanding your activities. For example, this could be opening a branch in a suburban area or some related business. It happens that entrepreneurs find promising industries while working on an existing business. In this case, you can create something new, thereby increasing your range of possibilities. However, one should not always hope for an increase in the number of average checks, since residents of small towns, again, receive small incomes.

    1. Narrow market.

    Unusual small business ideas in small towns cannot always be realized. There may be low demand for them. Even a standard business idea won't always work. For example, if in megacities you can open your own pizzeria, despite the fact that there are already hundreds of them, and at the same time count on a good profit, then in a small town, perhaps no one will visit your establishment, preferring a long-familiar and favorite place.

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    Advantages of small towns as sites for doing business

    1. Easy entry to the market.

    You need much less money to start your own business. much easier to implement. Renting real estate is cheaper than in big cities. Wages will also be lower. Thanks to these two conditions, your fixed costs will be significantly lower.

    1. Low level of competition.

    In a tiny city, small business is developing poorly, so you can count on a small number of competitors in your industry. It is possible to occupy a niche that is in demand, but is not occupied by anyone. This will be much easier to do than in a metropolis, since all trade points and companies can be visited by yourself.

    1. Support programs.

    This advantage is somewhat related to the above point. Due to the poor development of small businesses in small towns, the authorities are willing to accommodate them halfway. Entrepreneurs are offered various subsidies and grants. Your business ideas will not be left without government support.

    In the case of business in small towns, there are also several controversial issues that can be turned either to the benefit of your business or to the detriment.

    In small towns, the word of mouth effect works very well. This can be an excellent advertisement for you or, conversely, ruin your reputation, especially if significant shortcomings were identified at the beginning of doing business.

    It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the number of your clients in a small city may be limited. However, here it will be much easier to study and create a portrait of your consumer.

    33 profitable business ideas for a small town

    Before you start implementing your business idea, consider the following points:

    1. Study in detail the consumers in your locality. Pay attention to the level of competition.
    2. Select competent employees with a responsible approach to work.
    3. If your business involves working with suppliers, take them carefully and seriously.
    4. Search for suppliers in your immediate area. If you attract them from large cities, it will be unprofitable for you.
    5. Develop a business plan, find funds to open your own business, while first assessing your capabilities.

    Whether your business will pay off or not depends on a number of conditions. However, you should not count on quick profits. It may take several years before your initial investment is recouped. This will largely depend on the demand for the goods or services offered.

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    Profitable business ideas for beginners and experienced entrepreneurs in a small town:

    №1. In small towns, it is logical to open stores with socially low prices. This way you can provide yourself with a stable profit, although it may be small. Those products that consumers use daily are always in demand.

    №2. In the age of the Internet, you can open your own business online. Online stores sell goods from all over Russia and neighboring countries. Here you can trade whatever you want: children's clothing, auto parts, jewelry and much more.

    №3. Opening a small cafe would be a good idea. Just choose a menu familiar to residents and pay attention to the number of similar establishments in the city (as a rule, there are few of them).

    №4. A canteen with low prices or a mobile cafe will also be in demand.

    №5. Entertainment services may also prove popular: organizing and holding weddings, corporate events, and children's parties.

    №6. The audience will be interested in a club for people over 30 or a disco for young people. All you need is a room with a pleasant interior and lighting. If there is already something similar in the city, you can always open night club and invite popular DJs there, which will be your competitive advantage.

    №7. In a small city, many parents are looking for an opportunity to give their children an education that will be no worse than in a metropolis. They hire tutors and look for teachers. Opening language courses is a profitable business in a small town, to start which you can use ready-made ideas (buying a franchise, etc.).

    №8. For children, you can create an educational and leisure center for the purpose of development and learning.

    №9. All women want to be beautiful, so opening your own hair salon with standard services would be a good idea to start with.

    №10. Residents of small towns do not always use public transport. Many people require the services of taxi drivers. This is especially true in winter. Find drivers with personal cars and you can safely start your own business.

    №11. You can sell in large cities products that you grow yourself without the use of toxic fertilizers. Organic vegetables and fruits are always in demand among residents of megacities.

    №12. A small room can be used to operate an atelier for repairing and sewing clothes or for other purposes (shoe repair, key making).

    №13. Garbage disposal is a pressing issue for many small towns. You can create your own business that will solve this problem.

    №14. Taking into account the traditions and life of the residents of your city, you can create decorations that correspond to the culture.

    №15. In any locality there is always a demand for cleaning clothes that are difficult to wash at home. You can open an establishment providing such a service.

    №16. You can open a branded sweet products store offering tastings. Many will not be able to pass by without trying the delicious products.

    №17. Gift shop. You can stylishly and beautifully decorate the boutique in which you will sell Gift Baskets and cards for all occasions. The main thing is to treat clients with respect and meet them halfway. You also need to always be able to offer the buyer a product for a specific event and for a specific person. Assess the financial capabilities of the residents of your city and, taking this factor into account, indicate the price of the product.

    №18. When exploring business ideas for a small town, you should pay attention to the sale of essential goods. You can open a small bakery where you will always have fresh and tasty bread. This will be your advantage, since bread from the metropolis does not always meet these criteria. The range can be expanded by any types bakery products: tubes, puff pastries, pies and so on. This type of business has more prospects for development in a small town.

    №19. Modern technologies are also popular in small towns. A business such as mobile phone repair, computer equipment, the sale of satellite dishes and related equipment will be in demand.

    №20. For residents of a small town, dental services are also relevant and necessary. Opening dental clinic, you can earn big money.

    №21. Private driving courses for future motorists may be in demand.

    №22. Minor repairs and work with equipment. All you need is to have a few men on your staff who know how to do all the necessary household work.

    №23. Private kindergarten more relevant in a small town as in a big one. Nanny services are also always in demand. Many parents have no one to leave their children with during school holidays or weekends. You can easily select staff using reviews from the local population, since the city is small and everyone knows each other.

    №24. Since almost every family in a small town has a car, opening a tire shop would be a good idea. You need to have a large room equipped with equipment. Find good locksmiths who will attract people by doing quality work. Nearby you can create a car wash and a small cafe.

    №25. If your house is near a village, then you can receive tourists. Many residents of megacities miss the silence and want to relax in a real village, caring for their pets and garden.

    №26. Sports complexes and GYM's. By opening such an establishment, you can earn good money.

    №27. Stores with modern technology (computers, mobile phones and so on).

    №28. Opening of a furniture workshop. This may include the manufacture and repair of furniture. All you need is to find good craftsmen and invite them to work for you. This will bring considerable success.

    №29. If you have premises that can be converted into a small hotel, this would be a good move. You can offer rooms at any time, working around the clock. If you take into account all the nuances and good advertising, you will quickly achieve success.

    №30. “Husband for an hour” service. The better you do your work, the more clients you will have. The main task is to solve a household problem, be it a minor repair, connecting equipment, plumber or electrician services. All you need are tools and the ability to do any homework. To open a business you will need no more than 5 thousand rubles.

    №31. Creation of handmade products and their subsequent sale. This could be jewelry, toys, soap, paintings and much more. Initial investments may not exceed 3 thousand rubles. Skills and abilities can be acquired for free by watching videos on websites and communicating on thematic forums.

    №33. Translations. If you know foreign language at an advanced level - carry out translations by placing advertisements on the Internet or in offline advertising channels.

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    Expert opinion

    Entrepreneurs in the regions should not be afraid to work ahead

    Alexey Kanevsky,

    President of the Interportfolio company, Moscow; PhD in Chemistry

    My advice to entrepreneurs: be more attentive to the service and sales sectors. These industries in Russia seriously lag behind the world level in terms of quality and quantity of proposals.

    • Cafes and restaurants. Even in the capital, many catering establishments do not reach the European level.
    • Inexpensive and compact stores. There is a shortage of good stores located close to home and selling quality products.
    • Specialized workshops. Shoe repair shops are in particular demand. Due to the development modern technologies A popular area is the repair and maintenance of electronic devices.

    In provincial cities, small businesses are less developed than in the capital. However, after a while all Moscow tendencies come there. For this reason, entrepreneurs from the regions should pay attention to the capital’s new products and introduce trends before their competitors.

    5 business ideas for women in a small town

    You may have a talent that everyone admires. For example, you knit well, sew beautiful high-quality clothes, embroider beautiful paintings. Why not consider making money from your hobby?

    It may happen that in the city there are many people already doing what you love. If so, advertise and sell your creations online.

    You will need to create your website, add photos of your work and invite your target audience to purchase your products, which can be sent to customers by mail. You will be pleasantly surprised by the number of responses from residents of big cities who miss handicrafts.

    All you need to start a business is the Internet and mail. You can create a simple website yourself or entrust it to a friend who knows the specifics this issue. Here are some promising business ideas for beginners in a small town.

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    Business idea 1. Hand-made products

    These can be paintings, a sewn dress, handmade gifts for loved ones and much more. Using your skills, you can open your own business.

    Business ideas for a woman in a small town:

    • beadwork and embroidery;
    • creating bouquets from both flowers and various sweets and other items;
    • making beautiful cards, posters or collages;
    • sewing bags, wallets;
    • making boxes.

    Friends and acquaintances will eagerly purchase your crafts. Plus, you don't need to buy gifts from the store because handmade is more valuable than any purchase from a supermarket. The cost of making one creation, as a rule, is no more than 500 rubles.

    If, for example, you purchase materials for making your fake for the amount of 300 rubles, then you can sell it for at least one thousand or even more. Business ideas for a small town from the handmade sector can be absolutely unique.

    If you think that all the income can be associated only with the sale of your creations, then this is not so. You can also train others to do the same, thereby increasing your earnings.

    Business idea 2. Creative studio for children.

    Unfortunately, today parents spend little time on the development of their child. Usually they just take them to kindergarten in the morning and pick them up in the evening. However, in many such institutions, children are practically not taught real creativity.

    You can open your own business in a small town by creating a wonderful creativity studio for children. Ideas for developing children's creativity can be very different. For example, you can teach children pottery or knitting or sewing. In general, everything that you own.

    Business idea 3. Various courses for women.

    This line of activity seems to be a continuation of the previous idea. You can organize some courses for women in the area in which you are well versed. This can be in several areas depending on your skills and experience.

    Many women would like to learn how to sew and cook, and learn the psychology of raising children. Modern girls are interested in such a topic as relationships with the opposite sex. And if there is demand, then supply needs to be created. Take a closer look at the people around you and see what you can do for them. If you are considered an excellent employee at work and you have leadership qualities and strong desire, then, most likely, you can easily organize courses for women.

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    Business idea 4. Clothing and underwear store for women.

    Many small business ideas for girls in a small town are related to the women's trade underwear and clothes. In the future, you will be able to sell other women's products in your store in addition to clothing. For example, this could be cosmetics and various accessories. This type of business requires the creator to have certain funds to start, time and experience in commerce.

    Before starting a business, we advise you to do an analysis of existing stores for women. You can introduce yourself as a buyer in point of sale and find out which products are in highest demand and why. This way you will be more likely to achieve success in your store.

    Women with small children are not recommended to take out a loan and open such a business, especially if they have no experience. It’s better to consider business ideas for a small town from scratch and choose a project in which you can gain experience in order to take on a more complex business in the future.

    Business idea 5. Services from the field of “Beauty and Health”.

    If you love to take care of yourself, don’t have bad habits and are ready to provide beauty services for other women, then this is the business for you.

    Expert opinion

    When can a hobby become a business?

    Pavel Shubin,

    General Director of the branch of the Belousov Group company, owner of the Azhur knitting production, Nizhny Novgorod

    It so happened that until 2012 I was passionate about the field of information technology, but then I suddenly wanted to change something in my life. One day I was visiting my friend and noticed a very funny knitted doll. My friend said that the doll is interesting not only for children, but also for adults. At that moment, I decided to start making similar toys that would bring joy to people.

    I have no knitting skills, so I had to turn to experts in this field. It turned out that such a doll is not easy to knit. For this reason, I rejected my first idea and concentrated on knitted New Year's toys (or rather, a wrapper for a New Year's ball). I managed to find a woman on a forum for knitting enthusiasts in Nizhny Novgorod. I explained my idea to her and she did the first job I liked. At that moment, I decided to order 70 balloons from her, made in the corporate style of the IT company where I worked. We gave the balloons to our clients and partners. People were delighted and said that they had never seen anything like it. Then I realized that this idea was worth developing.

    Later I turned to other knitters, but they made much worse wrappers. I decided to offer the first craftswoman, for a certain amount, to make several options for a sample and write a description of their creation. Using the instructions, other knitters also began to produce beautiful products. Two months before the end calendar year I had half a thousand of these balls. I gave away some of them, but sold most of them very easily. Those who managed to see photographs of the products contacted me with the question “Where can they be purchased?” I'm currently trying to automate the process by choosing a knitting machine. This is something like my hobby, I don’t take this topic as a serious matter, but I think my friends won’t have any questions about choosing New Year’s gifts for a long time.

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    Ideas for a small business in a small city mostly involve minimal start-up costs and quick payback.

    Tip 1. Find a field that is in demand and interesting to people. When you discover a need, think about how you can satisfy it.

    Tip 2. Develop a detailed business plan and think about it carefully. Don’t throw all your resources into an area about which you know little or nothing.

    Tip 3. Assess the level of income of the residents of your city. As a rule, in small towns there are few jobs, and most people work in one enterprise. Owners of city-forming enterprises take advantage of the situation and pay employees little money. For this reason, in tiny towns, residents very rarely have a good income.

    Tip 4. Study the qualitative composition of the city. You can open a small business in a small town, aimed at tourists, if there are many interesting places there. You should not use extravagant ideas if your city is not popular with visitors.

    Tip 5. Pay attention to the labor market. It is unlikely that you will be able to find a highly qualified specialist or employee in a small city. Therefore, you should not take risks and open a business, the development of which requires exclusive personnel.

    Tip 6. Shortage of in-demand goods. For example, there is no store of a well-known inexpensive clothing brand, or in the entire city there is only one grocery supermarket with social prices. In this case, the idea of ​​opening a store that will fill the existing deficit will be successful.

    Tip 7. Consider the effect of word of mouth in a small community. Information spreads very quickly in a small town. If you sell a quality product, word of mouth will help you get by without advertising; if your business has significant flaws, then you risk losing all your customers.

    Tip 8. Small businesses must use relatively new ideas for a small town. But at the same time, your case should be understandable to the majority. However, you shouldn’t adopt everything from someone else’s business.

    Tip 9. Pay attention to the demand for the idea. In the best case scenario, your business should solve the problem of the majority of the city's residents. However, her character itself is not known. You will have to discover this for yourself.

    Tip 10. If you manage to discover any need of city residents, then organize benchmark marketing. Rate the work best companies in your industry and use a successful example of their work in practice.

    Tip 11. You can organize a small business by choosing ideas for a small city that are profitable to implement, since they involve the sale of goods that are in great demand. These can be food kiosks, construction shops, car shops, and so on. This also applies to services. In a small town, popular places can be tailor shops, dry cleaners, auto repair shops, etc.

    Tip 12. Choose a legal form for registration and resolve all financial issues. Here you can register an individual entrepreneur or LLC. Each form has its own advantages and disadvantages. If you work without registration, you risk falling under the watchful eye of the tax office, since you are in a small city. What the tax system will be depends on the type of your business. If it is small, then you need to choose the option where you need to pay less taxes.

    Tip 13. Initial investment. You cannot open your own business without any investment. Here either personal or borrowed funds are used. If you find an industry with low competition and high demand, you will quickly be able to make a profit and recoup your investment.

    We conclude - profitable business It’s not difficult to organize in a small town if your ideas are promising and you’ve taken into account all the nuances.

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    Information about the experts

    Alexey Kanevsky Graduated from the Moscow Institute of Petrochemical and Gas Industry named after. THEM. Gubkin (now Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after I.M. Gubkin) and graduate school at this university. Since 1995 – commercial director of the Centaur group of companies. Since 1996, he has been developing and promoting exclusive brands of imported beer. Chairman of the Economics Committee of the Moscow city branch of the public organization "Support of Russia".

    Pavel Shubin at the end of 2012, he headed the branch of the multidisciplinary company Belousov Group that opened in Nizhny Novgorod; before that he was the general director of the IT company NS Labs. In 2011 he founded his own knitting production “Azhur”, to which he devotes his free time from his main job.