A name is not just given to a person at birth. It defines him completely future destiny. By taking a name test you can learn a lot about yourself interesting information. If you take it into account, many different nuances will become clear and natural, and some problems will be avoided. Finding out your weaknesses and strengths, a person can achieve heights in what he loves, build harmonious relationships and prevent troubles from arising. Therefore, when naming a child, parents should remember the possible difficulties that he will have to face in the future. But it is also important to consider positive features character that the baby will have.

The test for compatibility of names in love is also popular. It can be used to determine how close people are. If in a couple one suits the other, then achieving mutual understanding will be much easier. Therefore, every year, finding out the compatibility of two people based on astrological and personal characteristics is becoming more and more in demand. Of course, love can arise in a completely incompatible couple, but such a marriage promises a lot of disagreements and difficulties.

At birth, as a gift from our parents, we receive something that accompanies us until the end of our days - this name, and we coexist with it all our lives. Sometimes a person can be tormented by doubts, what would happen if he had a different name? Would this have any impact on his life? Or maybe this name doesn’t suit him at all? Do such thoughts befall you? If yes, then take the test and you will find out which name is right for you.

The test about which name suits you will inform you whether your parents named you correctly. Its result will give you reason to think about the reasons for some events in your life. Maybe you're just following someone else's path?

A name compatibility test in love will inform you about how mutually compatible you and your dear friend are, and will hint whether it is worth continuing meetings if they cause discomfort.

The test for the name of a boy who loves you will reliably name the name of this young man. Sometimes the result may show an unfamiliar name. This suggests that you will soon meet its carrier.

A test for your middle name will help you understand the other side of your soul and inform you about what your parents originally wanted to call you. Perhaps some of your unexpected actions are dictated by another personality.

Quiz about your name best friend, will give information about the name of a girlfriend who can help in trouble and share happiness. It may not coincide with the name of the girl you are friends with now.

The test about what my girlfriend's name will be gives you a reason to think and look around you. What if you already know each other, but there’s just no spark between you yet? Then we need to act.

A test about the combination of first and last name will tell you a lot about life path individual and about the possible outcomes of certain incidents. After all, the reason for many oddities lies in passport data.

The baby name test will not ask you about the names you like. After all, when choosing an option, you need to rely not only on personal tastes, but also on information gleaned from the subconscious.

A test about your name in Japanese will make it clear what it would sound like in the language of this country, and what path you would choose while living in this mysterious state. It can be solved with friends at a party.

The test for the name of your future soulmate has been time-tested. He will give you knowledge of what your chosen one will be called. When you see someone with this name around you, try to take a closer look at him.

The name influences the fate and character of a person, so it is important to determine whether it is in harmony with your energy. Largely from the right choice depends on health, well-being and a happy life.

Numerologists have determined that harmonious sound vibrations important for our well-being. Using numerology everyone can calculate the sound code of a name, which will help to understand how the name affects the state of emotions and health. To do this, you need to add up all the digits of your date of birth, converting them into a single digit number. For example, 08/06/1975 = 6+8+1+9+7+5=36=9. Each code corresponds to certain sounds.

1. A, I, C (for example, Afanasy, Anastasia) are bright red.

2. B, T, S (for example, Boris, Tikhon) reflect a bright orange color.

3. V, K, U (for example, Vitaly, Ulyana) correspond to the color yellow.

4. G, K, F (for example, Gleb, Fedor) correspond to the color green.

5. D, M, X, Yu (for example, Yuri, Khariton, Denis) contain blue.

6. E, N, C, I (for example, Jacob, Elisha) correspond to deep blue.

7. K, O, Ch (Olesya, Chingiz) correspond to the color purple.

8. F, L, W (for example, Shamil, Lily) correspond to the color pink.

9. Z, R, Shch (for example, Ruslan, Zinovy) correspond to the golden color.

Not everyone can boast of a set of favorable sounds, but useful sound vibrations accompany us throughout our lives. In childhood, diminutive names often include healing sounds that help the harmonious development of personality. Affectionate addresses and gentle comparisons (for example, sunshine, swallow) help sound code positively influence emotions and endow a person with useful qualities.

To use your name for treatment, take advantage of color therapy. It will also help correct negative moods and increase your energy potential. Colors have frequency characteristics similar to letters and can increase your resistance negative factors. In addition, you will be able to use the characteristics of your name colors in clothes, accessories, own home. Thus, you can have a beneficial effect on your inner component, which will help you achieve happiness, health and well-being.

Use this knowledge to your advantage and include it in daily life meditation in order to unleash your inner potential. Start every day with positive attitudes, and soon you will notice noticeable changes in better side.We wish you good luck in all your endeavors, and do not forget to press the buttons and

22.06.2017 04:16

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It is widely believed that Name given to a person during the sacrament of baptism is kept secret. However, this opinion is misleading. This is nothing more than a superstition associated with an erroneous view of the sacrament of baptism as a kind of mystical ritual that protects the baptized from ill-being and the influence of “dark” magical forces. Naming a person with a name is carried out, first of all, as a sign of introducing the personality “”: the name “in the world” must correspond Name" ". Wherein Name"in the world" and Name“in” differ, as a rule, only if the name, given to a person at birth and registered in the corresponding certificate, not in. In this case, for naming at baptism, one chooses Name, close to “worldly”. For example, the name “Polina,” which is not in the calendar, most often corresponds to the “Pelageya” and “Apollinaria” that are present there. So, second Name, different from the official one, not everyone has. However, in any case Name, assigned to a person at baptism, is not a secret, but is pronounced publicly and recorded in certain documents.

Thus, the first and easiest way to find out your present second Name- ask about it from the godparents who were directly present at your christening, or - from your other close relatives who may have this information.

The second method is to find a baptismal certificate that contains this information. The baptismal certificate can be kept by both the direct and the baptized person.

If the necessary information is forgotten by relatives, and the certificate of baptism, you need to find the one in which it was carried out and go there for the metric lists stored there, which should indicate data about all persons baptized in this church.

Some people have supernatural and magical abilities from birth, they do not have to make any effort to manifest and realize them. But there are few such people. There are much more of those who dream of discovering a magical gift within themselves and revealing new possibilities of their body and their psyche. Develop in yourself magical powers It is possible, and this development will be especially effective if it begins in childhood. But if parents did not pay due attention to the development of the child’s characteristics, a person can show these powers in adulthood.


If you feel that you have lost many of your abilities and want to regain and develop them, your task is to complete a series of exercises and tests that will allow you to understand whether you have magical powers at all and will reveal your magical potential.

Place a magnet anywhere in the room, then turn off the light, close your eyes and try to feel the magnet's pull without touching it. If you have a gift, even a hidden and weakened one, you should feel the magnetic field after some training.

Then try the exercise - you need to guess which envelope contains the bill and which envelope remains empty. Take two absolutely identical opaque envelopes, put a banknote in one of them, and then close your eyes and shuffle. Place them in front of you and try to intuitively determine which one contains the .