Autumn is a great time for walking in the forest. The absence of intrusive insects that greatly annoy people in the summer months, the natural riot of colors, and fresh air make staying in the autumn forest especially pleasant. But the autumn forest can surprise you not only with clean air and bright colors; best time for quiet hunting for a wide variety of mushrooms. So what mushrooms can you pick in the fall?

Silent hunting in September

Without exaggeration, September can be called the most mushroom month per year. In September it is still quite warm, so summer types of mushrooms continue to grow actively:

  • white;
  • boletus;
  • boletus;
  • boletus and others.

But at the same time, the first mushrooms, characteristic only for the autumn season, begin to appear:

  • autumn honey mushrooms;
  • chanterelles;
  • milk mushrooms;
  • saffron milk caps.

In autumn, as in summer, the mushroom picker’s most desired trophy is the porcini mushroom. Boletus is very versatile in culinary terms; it can be:

  • dry;
  • fry;
  • cook;
  • marinate;
  • salt.

Boletus can be perfectly stored frozen for several months. The amount of protein contained in porcini mushroom is comparable to amount of protein, which is contained in meat. It is most often possible to find boletus in mixed forests.

As for boletus, just like in August, September boletus continues to delight mushroom pickers with its abundance. Butterfly is a small yellow mushroom that grows mainly in pine forests and forest edges. Gourmets especially appreciate them when salted.

Boletus - noble mushroom, comparable in its taste and nutritional properties to boletus. It is distinguished by a bright red hat, thanks to which it is clearly visible against the background of forest grass. Depending on the species, it can grow in both coniferous and deciduous forests. Without exaggeration, soup made from boletus can be called an amazingly tasty dish.

Boletus is more often found in birch groves in summer. In September, mushroom hunting lovers greatly appreciate the boletus mushrooms growing in the swamps. They have a dark brown, sometimes completely black cap, for which they received the name “blackheads”. This type of boletus is characterized by its small size, dense structure and is almost never wormy.

In autumn, the average daily temperature is significantly lower than in summer, due to which wormy mushrooms come across much less frequently.

What mushrooms grow in October

In October, typical summer types of mushrooms begin to gradually lose their positions. If at the beginning of the month it is still possible quite successfully collect boletus mushrooms, boletuses and boletuses, then by the end of October these representatives of the mushroom family are less and less often seen in the baskets of mushroom pickers. When the temperature at night does not exceed 5 °C, and during the day the thermometer does not rise above 10 °C, the time of active growth of autumn mushrooms begins.

October - best time collecting autumn honey mushrooms. There are several varieties of these mushrooms:

  • hemp;
  • thick-legged;
  • meadow;
  • yellow-red;
  • bulbous;
  • dark.

Small mushrooms with round caps can be cut off along with the legs; if the caps of the mushrooms have opened, then the legs, as a rule, are not taken, since they cease to have nutritional value and are poorly absorbed by the body.

Chanterelles - these mushrooms are so called because of their color similarity to the famous forest animal. Chanterelles grow in groups along the edge of the forest, avoiding heavily shaded places. Chanterelle is a small fungus, with a cap diameter of about 5 centimeters and a short stalk. Very tasty when fried.

Chanterelles too used in medicine. An extract is made from them, which, according to medical experts, prevents the development of cancer.

Milk mushrooms - edible mushrooms, growing in large families in forest glades. As a rule, they are found near birches. There are four types of milk mushrooms:

  • ordinary;
  • peppery;
  • black;
  • turning blue

The breast has a concave cap measuring 10 to 20 centimeters, which has shaggy edges and may be covered with mucus. In cooking it is used exclusively in salted form.

Saffron milk caps are notable for their orange-red cap color and pronounced resinous aroma. The size of the camelina cap sometimes reaches 18 centimeters, and the length of the leg is 8 centimeters. Grows in groups mixed forests. Due to the high taste of saffron milk caps not subject to heat treatment and are consumed fresh or salted.

If the autumn is warm, October mushrooms can continue to grow until the last days of November.

Late autumn edible mushrooms

Many mushroom pickers are interested in the question of whether mushrooms grow after frost and where to look for them when the temperature drops below zero. There are several types of mushrooms that continue to grow with the onset of cold weather, these include:

  • oyster mushrooms;
  • greenfinches;
  • rows;
  • winter mushrooms.

Oyster mushroom is an inconspicuous gray-brown fungus that inexperienced mushroom pickers often mistake for toadstool. Oyster mushroom feels great at sub-zero temperatures and stops growing only with the onset of severe December cold. Main nutrient for oyster mushrooms is cellulose, so it can often be found on rotten stumps and rotten trees. Like honey mushrooms, oyster mushrooms grow in large, united families. From a culinary point of view, it has proven itself well in fried and pickled form.

Greenfinch is a typical representative of late autumn mushrooms. Received this name for green color of your body. The main places where greenfinch grows are mixed forests. Most often it grows in groups, although sometimes single specimens are found. It stops active growth only when the forest ground is covered with a dense layer of snow.

Violet row is a medium-sized mushroom that grows in both deciduous and mixed forests. It differs from other mushrooms in the bright purple color of its cap, which becomes lighter as it grows. Eating violet rowan in its raw form can be extremely dangerous for humans, since it contains toxic substances. However, after heat treatment hazardous substances are neutralized, and the row can be eaten without fear.

Winter honey fungus - just like summer and autumn honey mushrooms, grows on old stumps and rotten trees. The main differences between the winter honey fungus and its counterparts growing in more warm time years are:

  • smaller size;
  • velvety leg with no ring;
  • darker color.

There have been cases where honey mushrooms continued to bear fruit in January and February, during winter thaws.

The main problem for inexperienced mushroom pickers is that when collecting honey mushrooms, you can often encounter false mushrooms, which look very similar to the real ones, but are completely inedible. Therefore, every mushroom picker should certainly know how edible honey mushrooms differ from false ones.

The difference between false honey mushrooms and real ones

The fact is that false honey mushrooms, just like real ones, grow in large families on trees in damp places, so it is quite possible that you collect edible mushrooms from one tree, and their poisonous counterparts grow on the next one. It follows from this that you should never rush to collect mushrooms in a basket, you must carefully examine each individual growing group, and only after you are convinced of the authenticity of the mushrooms, you can start collecting them.

There are a number of signs by which false honey mushrooms can be recognized:

  • In edible individuals the cap is rough, covered with dark dots, while in false ones it is absolutely smooth.
  • Genuine representatives have a white film under their hats; doubles do not have it.
  • Unlike real mushrooms, the aroma inedible species extremely unpleasant.
  • The color of the cap of poisonous individuals has brighter tones.
  • The records inedible mushrooms They are green or yellow in color; edible ones are beige.

Knowing these differences will help you always collect only edible honey mushrooms and protect you and your loved ones from poisoning.

A quiet hunt in the autumn forest lifts your spirits and improves your health, and delicious dishes made from autumn mushrooms will be an excellent addition to your good mood.

Autumn brings many different mushrooms. They can be collected from late August to November. They are stored better than, for example, summer ones. Among them there are a lot of tasty ones, suitable for various culinary purposes. We invite you to get acquainted with the most common of them.

Let's begin our acquaintance with a representative of the mushroom kingdom, which is popularly known as the “king of mushrooms”, since it is considered the most valuable in terms of nutritional and taste qualities. It is also called boletus.

It is easy to recognize by its large convex cap, 7-30 cm in diameter, which can be from brown to white. The older the mushroom, the darker it is. In high humidity it looks as if it is covered with mucus. In normal times, its surface is matte or shiny.
The stem of porcini mushrooms usually looks massive. It can reach a height of 7 to 27 cm and a thickness of 7 cm. Its shape resembles a barrel or a mace. As the mushroom matures, the stem changes somewhat in appearance and can take on a cylindrical shape with a thickened bottom. It is painted either to match the cap, only slightly lighter, or in brown, reddish tones. May be completely white. It is completely or partially covered by a mesh.

The flesh of young representatives is white. In older ones it becomes yellow. It is juicy, meaty, soft in taste. Retains color when cut. Its smell and taste are weakly expressed and clearly appear only during the cooking process.

The white tubular layer consists of tubes 1-4 cm in diameter. With age they turn yellow and green.

The porcini mushroom is a mycorrhiza-former. Adjacent to various trees, however, it prefers conifers most of all. Grows in forests rich in moss and lichen. It is cosmopolitan, meaning it is represented on all continents except Australia.

Its fruiting period is from mid-June to October.

It is a universal mushroom, that is, it is suitable for eating fresh and for all types of processing - frying, boiling, pickling, pickling, drying.

Did you know? Bamboo is recognized as the fastest growing plant in the world - on average, it adds 20 cm per day. However, it was overtaken by the Veselka mushroom in this indicator. Its growth rate is 0.5 cm per minute. Thus, in 10 minutes he gains 5 cm in height.

Another very famous mushroom among consumers is oyster mushroom. It is characterized by its large size. Its cap grows from 5 to 15 cm in transverse size; record holders have been seen with a 30-centimeter fruiting body. It can be shaped like an ear, a shell, or simply round. The caps of young representatives are convex, while those of mature ones are flat or wide-funnel-shaped. Their surface is smooth and glossy. As the mushroom grows, not only the shape but also the color of the cap changes - it goes from dark gray to light gray, sometimes with a purple tint.

The leg of the oyster mushroom is small, often so small that it is not visible. It can be curved, in the shape of a cylinder, tapering downwards. Her color is white.

The pulp is also white, soft, juicy, pleasant to taste, and practically odorless. In mature mushrooms, it becomes tough and has fibers.

Oyster mushroom is a saprophyte, that is, it grows by destroying dead or weakened wood. It grows mainly in groups, multi-tiered “stacks” of several fruiting bodies. Single specimens are rarely found.

Growing time: September-December.

Oyster mushroom is very valuable for cooking because it contains a large amount of protein and amino acids, almost as much as in meat and dairy products. Moreover, the proteins contained in it are well absorbed human body. Only young specimens are suitable for food. They are used for preparing boiled dishes, for salting and pickling.

Did you know? Carnivorous mushrooms exist in nature. They feed on nematodes, amoebas and springtails. They have special growths with which they catch insects. Oyster mushrooms, in particular, are carnivores.

A mushroom from the Russula family. His hat is large - from 5 to 20 cm in diameter. The shape is initially flat and slightly convex. At maturity, its edges curl, and the whole thing takes on the shape of a funnel. The surface of the fruiting body is covered with milky or light mucus. yellow color.

The hat is placed on a small stem 3-7 cm long. Its transverse size is 2-5 cm. It grows in the shape of a cylinder and is hollow inside. The color matches the cap - white or yellow.

The flesh of the milk mushroom is white. She's fragile. Its smell is pungent, reminiscent of fruit.

The milk mushroom belongs to the lamellar mushrooms. His plates are arranged frequently. They are wide, painted in yellow and cream shades.

The mushroom is found in deciduous and mixed forests of Russia, Belarus, the Volga region and Siberia from mid-summer to September. It is classified as conditionally edible. Salt it after getting rid of the bitterness by soaking it for 24 hours.

The hedgehog has several edible and conditionally edible species. The most commonly found is the yellow hedgehog, and the most delicious is the combed hedgehog. The first has a large cap - up to 15 cm in diameter, orange or red. In youth it has a convex shape, and later becomes flat. On the inside, like almost all hedgehogs, spines grow.

The stem of the mushroom looks like a yellow cylinder. She is not tall, about 2-8 cm.

The pulp is brittle and yellow in color. It has a fruity taste, but only in young representatives. In old people it is hard and bitter.

The mushroom is found in Eurasia and North America from the first month of summer until mid-autumn. Can grow until the first frost.

Both the cap and the leg are eaten fried, boiled and salted, but after pre-treatment in the form of soaking to remove the bitterness.

The combed hedgehog is much less common than the yellow one. However, it is interesting due to its unique taste, similar to crab or shrimp meat, and appearance. It consists only of a fruiting body in the form of several flowing combs of light colors, growing on tree trunks and in wood cracks. The mushroom is found in Crimea, on Far East and in China from late summer to October.

Important! The fruiting bodies of mushrooms tend to accumulate harmful substances in the environment. Therefore, in cooking you should use only those specimens that are collected in environmentally friendly areas.

This is one of the varieties of champignon. The mushroom is so named because mature age it looks like an open umbrella. However, immediately after appearance, its cap is spherical or egg-shaped. Painted beige, light brown, covered with scales.

The leg is tall - from 10 to 25 cm and thin - 1-2 cm in diameter, with a smooth surface. Empty inside.

The pulp is tender, with a strong odor. Completely white in color, but when broken or cut it turns orange.

The plates also change color when pressed - from white to orange-red. Their width is about one and a half centimeters. They are located frequently.

The blushing umbrella is a saprotroph. Comes across open areas in forests, parks, steppes, meadows. Its habitats are Europe, Asia, Northern and South America. Prefers to grow in groups, rarely seen alone. Grows from July to early November.

Only the caps are eaten, since the legs are very tough. They are eaten fresh and used for drying.

The chestnut mushroom is similar to the white mushroom, but it has a brown, hollow stem. The hat has different shapes- from convex to completely flat. Its dimensions are small - 3-8 cm. Its color is chestnut. The surface of young representatives is velvety, mature ones are smooth.

The leg is in the form of a cylinder, 4-8 cm high and 1-3 cm thick. In some specimens it thickens towards the base. In youth it is solid, then becomes hollow. Its color is in harmony with the color of the hat, maybe a couple of shades lighter.

The pulp is white. It remains the same even after a cut or break. The smell and taste are not particularly pronounced. The taste is dominated by notes of hazelnut.

This is a tubular mushroom. The tubes under the cap are short, up to 0.8 cm long, and white. They turn yellow with age.

Habitat: deciduous and mixed forests of northern regions with a temperate climate. The fruiting period is from July to October.

Chestnut mushroom is used mainly for drying, since it can become bitter when cooked.

The goat mushroom has several additional names - rusty moss mushroom, moss mushroom. Representative of the tubular species. His hat is from 3 to 12 cm in diameter. The shape is in the form of a convex pillow. In old age - in the form of a plate. When there is high humidity, it becomes covered with mucus. The color is red, yellow-brown, ocher.

The leg is low, 4-10 cm in length, cylindrical, solid. The color matches the cap. Its bottom is yellow.

The pulp is dense, rubber-like when old, and light yellow in color. When cut, the color changes slightly to reddish or pinkish. The smell and taste of fresh mushrooms are almost invisible.

The habitat is conifers of northern regions with a temperate climate in Europe, the Caucasus, the Urals, Siberia, and the Far East. The kid mycorrhizes with pine. It can grow in groups or singly from late summer to early autumn.

Cooks prepare the kid fresh. It is also suitable for pickling and salting.

The chanterelle has a funnel-shaped cap-footed fruit body. irregular shape yellow, orange flowers. Such appearance makes the chanterelle unlike any other mushroom. The cap reaches 3-14 cm in diameter. The stem grows 3-10 cm in height. It thickens from bottom to top.

Its flesh is white or yellow. The cut often turns blue or red. Its taste is sour, its smell is weak, reminiscent of the aroma of fruit mixed with roots.

Hymenophore folded. The folds are wavy.

Chanterelle primarily grows on soil, but can also grow on moss. Forms mycorrhiza with many deciduous and coniferous trees. It grows only in groups. It has two fruiting periods. The first begins in June, the second lasts from August to October.

Chanterelle is a universal mushroom and can be consumed in any form.

Important!All types of chanterelles are edible. However, some are inedible and poisonous mushrooms They disguise themselves as it and can cause harm to human health. These include, for example, the poisonous omphalot or the inedible false chanterelle. Therefore, it is important to have information on how to distinguish common chanterelles from their counterparts.

The oiler is so named because its cap is covered with an oily, slippery layer. In the common oiler it can be large and reach 14 cm. It is hemispherical in shape. Over time, the shape changes and can become flat, convex, and pillow-like. Depending on the color dark shades brown, brown.

The cap is located on a low stem from 3 to 11 cm in length. Its color is white. It has a white ring on it, which turns brown with age.

The pulp is juicy, white or light yellow, red at the base.

The tubular layer passes to the stalk. Its color is yellow.

The oiler is found in coniferous and mixed forests of the Northern Hemisphere and subtropics, in well-lit areas. It forms mycorrhiza with conifers. Appears en masse in September. Fruiting lasts until the end of October.

The butter dish is very popular in cooking. It is actively used for preparing soups, sauces, and side dishes. It is tasty if you fry it, marinate it, or pickle it. Suitable for drying.

A mushroom that is most often found in moss, which is why it got its name. It has many species, most of which are edible. Mushroom pickers love it for its excellent taste and low worminess. The most delicious are green, variegated, red, and Polish varieties. The boletus has an external resemblance to the boletus. However, their hats are different.

The green flywheel has a hemispherical cap, 3-10 cm in diameter. Over time, it straightens and becomes convex-spread with a drooping edge. It is brown in color. Its surface is dry and matte.

The leg grows 5-10 cm in length, sometimes up to 12 cm. Its thickness is from 1 to 3 cm. It is dense, rusty-brown in color, sometimes covered with a not very expressive mesh.

The pulp is white. It has a pleasant aroma and taste.

Likes to grow in forests with conifers and deciduous trees of Eurasia, North America, Australia. The fruiting period is long - from June to November.

Green moss mushroom is a mushroom with good taste. For example, in Germany it is valued more than porcini mushroom. Moss mushrooms are eaten fresh, stewed, fried, salted and pickled. They dry it in reserve.

A cap mushroom with a mucus-covered cap, 5-12 cm in diameter, and a large stalk with a mucus ring up to 12 cm long. The cap is colored purple, pink, violet with gray and brown tones. It has the shape of a hemisphere and then a plate. Leg - yellow, light yellow, purple. The pulp is white. The plates are sparse, descend onto the stem, and are painted in light colors. The smell and taste are not very pronounced. The taste is somewhat sweet.

The growing area is conifers of the Northern Hemisphere. The most common varieties are spruce, pine, spotted, and pink. Fruiting time is summer-autumn. Grows in groups.

Culinary specialists boil and salt mokrukha. Also used for canning and pickling after 15 minutes of cooking. Before cooking, it must be cleaned of skin and mucus. During heat treatment, the mushroom may darken.

By the end of fruiting, the convex cap of the autumn honey mushroom becomes flat, and its edges become wavy. Its surface has various shades of brown, green and is covered with light scales. The center is slightly darker than the edges. The size of the cap reaches 3-10 cm in diameter.

The leg of the honey mushroom is light brown, 8-10 cm long and 1-2 cm thick, completely covered with scales.

The pulp is dense, and in old mushrooms it is thin with a good, appetizing aroma and taste. The color is white.

Under the cap there are rare plates. They are painted in light colors and may have dark spots.

Various sources classify honey fungus as edible or conditionally edible specimens. It must be cooked, as raw or undercooked it can cause digestive upsets. Autumn honey fungus is suitable for boiling, frying, salting, drying, pickling.

There are several types of boletus. All of them are edible and have differences in external characteristics, but similar in taste. As the name implies, the fungus mycorrhizes with birch.

The common boletus can have a cap, the color of which varies from light gray to dark brown. It is large - up to 15 cm in diameter, similar in shape to a hemisphere, but over time it becomes similar to a pillow. When humidity is high, a mucous layer appears on its surface.

The hat is placed on a thick long stem - 15 cm in length and 3 cm in diameter. It has the shape of a cylinder, slightly expanding at the bottom. Its surface is strewn with dark scales.

The pulp is white. When broken or cut, the color usually does not change. It has a good taste and an appetizing, persistent aroma.

The tubular layer is formed by long tubes of a dirty color.

The boletus has a long fruiting period, which begins in early summer and ends in late autumn. Found in mixed and deciduous forests of Eurasia, North and South America.

The mushroom is suitable for boiling, frying, pickling and drying. For older specimens, it is recommended to cut off the tubular layer.

This is the name of several types of mushrooms that most often grow next to aspen. Their main feature is the orange, red color of the cap and the blueness of the flesh when cut. All types of boletus can be eaten.

Let's take a closer look at the most common species - red, popularly known as redhead, krasyuk or krasik. His hat grows up to 15 cm in circumference. At first it appears in the shape of a hemisphere, then it becomes like a pillow. The surface is velvety, painted in various shades of red.

The leg is quite high: from 5 to 15 cm, fleshy and thick - up to 5 cm in diameter. It is colored light gray and covered with scales.

The pulp is dense, but softens as the mushroom matures.

Under the cap there are white tubes 1-3 cm long.

Boletuses are very frequent neighbors deciduous trees in the forests of Eurasia. They appear in June and finish bearing fruit in October. These mushrooms are characterized by three phases of fruiting. In autumn it is most widespread and protracted.

Boletus is considered one of the most delicious mushrooms and is often placed in second place in nutritional value after the white “king of mushrooms”. Culinary experts consider it universal.

Ryzhiki are loved by mushroom pickers and are highly valued by chefs. Some species are used to make delicacy dishes. These mushrooms are eaten fresh, pickled and salted.

They are easy to recognize - they have a bright, red-colored hat. In the true saffron milk cap it is large - from 4 to 18 cm in diameter. At birth it is convex, but over time it straightens out and forms a funnel. The edges gradually curl up. The surface is smooth and shiny.

The leg is small in size - 3-7 cm in length and 1.5-2 cm in thickness. Most often it is the same color as the cap, sometimes painted in lighter colors. It is shaped like a cylinder, which is narrowed at the bottom.

The pulp is dense in consistency, yellow-orange in color.

The lamellar layer consists of frequent orange-red plates.

Saffron milk caps are inhabitants of coniferous forests. Found from July to October. Fruiting peaks occur in July and September.

This is the common name for agaric mushrooms with caps. different colors in the form of hemispheres, with fibrous or scaly skin, which most often grow in rows. One of the most delicious types is Mongolian. The transverse size of its cap is 6-20 cm. After its appearance, it is hemispherical or ovoid, by the end of its life it is spread out, convex, with edges curved downwards. The cap is covered with white skin.

The stalk grows in the center and reaches a length of 4-10 cm. As the mushroom grows, the color of the stalk changes from white to gray or yellowish-dirty.

The pulp is white, very tasty and fragrant.

This mushroom comes into Central Asia, Mongolia and China.

In the conifers of the Russian regions, the most common species are earthy, lilac-legged, matsutake, and giant. Rowers usually bear fruit from August to October.

Cooks pickle them, marinate them, and boil them.

Almost half of the mushrooms that are found under deciduous and coniferous trees in Eurasia, Australia, East Asia and America - these are russula. They appear en masse in August and September. They finish bearing fruit in October. These mushrooms are not very valuable in terms of taste, however, they are eagerly collected by mushroom pickers. The most delicious are those representatives whose caps are colored predominantly in green, blue, yellow tones and have as few red shades as possible.

One of the most delicious russula- greenish or scaly. She has a large green cap in the shape of a hemisphere, covered with cracks. It reaches a diameter of 5 to 16 cm. The leg of this russula is low - 4-12 cm, white. The pulp is dense, white, sharp in taste. The plates are frequent, white or cream colored.

This representative of Russula can be eaten raw, dried, boiled, pickled, and salted.

Important! You need to be extremely careful not to confuse the edible greenish russula with the poisonous toadstool, because they are quite similar. The main difference is the leg. In russula it is erect, narrowed downward, and white. The pale toadstool has a tuber-shaped thickening at the bottom, a ring and light green or yellow streaks and veins. The toadstool also has a film under the fruiting body.

The forest champignon or sweet champignon has a small cap, reaching a diameter of 10 cm. When young, it grows in the shape of a bell or egg, when mature it becomes flat, prostrate, with a hump at the top. It is brown in color.

The stem of this mushroom is high - up to 11 cm, club-shaped. It grows up to one and a half centimeters in thickness. White when young, then turns grey. Young specimens have a ring on the stem, which later disappears.

The pulp is thin and light. Turns red when pressed. Pleasant in taste and smell.

The plates under the cap are often located. They are white and darken with age.

Champignon grows in groups in conifers. Mostly found near anthills. Fruits from August to September.

In cooking, forest champignon is used to prepare fried, boiled, salted, pickled dishes, and it is also dried.

Did you know? Today's most big mushroom On Earth, it is believed that the dark honey fungus was found in 2000. The area of ​​its mycelium is 880 hectares national park in Oregon (USA). The record holder is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest living organism on Earth.

In conclusion, we note that autumn is traditionally considered the mushroom season, so the choice of mushrooms during this period is very large. The height of the mushroom season usually occurs in the first autumn month. At this time, summer mushrooms are still leaving and boletus, milk mushrooms, saffron milk caps, chanterelles and other species appear. From October, fruiting begins to decline, but porcini mushrooms, aspen mushrooms, russula, boletus, and moss mushrooms are still found. Mushroom preparations made in a given month are stored longer than those made in summer. In November there are oyster mushrooms, honey mushrooms, and rows of mushrooms. In a word, throughout the fall, lovers of “quiet hunting” can enjoy picking mushrooms.

Video: mushroom season, edible mushrooms

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135 once already

Mushrooms are a special gift of nature. They are tasty and are used by chefs in a wide variety of dishes. And what a pleasure it is to pick mushrooms: a forest filled with the aromas of herbs and foliage, the chirping of birds and the delight of mushroom finds! And no mushrooms from a store can compare with the fragrant mushrooms from the forest found in person.

Picking mushrooms is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. There is an optimal time to collect different types of mushrooms. And, of course, we need appropriate weather conditions. The mushroom picker's calendar will help you choose the time to go for mushroom gifts of nature. Experienced mushroom pickers, of course, can do without it, but beginners will find the mushroom calendar very useful.

What edible mushrooms grow in autumn?

Autumn brings many different mushrooms. They can be collected from late August to November. They are stored better than, for example, summer ones. Among them there are a lot of tasty ones, suitable for various culinary purposes. We invite you to get acquainted with the most common of them.

  • Porcini
  • Oyster mushroom
  • Gruzd
  • Edible hedgehog
  • Umbrella blushing
  • Chestnut mushroom
  • Kid
  • Chanterelle
  • Oiler
  • Mosswort
  • Wet
  • Autumn honey fungus
  • boletus
  • Boletus
  • Ryzhik
  • Ryadovka
  • Russula
  • Forest champignon

Mushrooms growing in September

Mushrooms grow in September in deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests. They are found in artificial forest plantations.

Before picking mushrooms in September, you should understand the varieties and names, and also understand which mushrooms can be collected and which ones should be discarded.

There are a large number of varieties of all mushrooms. There is no general world classification. On the territory of Russia they are divided into 4 categories:

  • maximum value;
  • less nutritious and tasty;
  • with mediocre taste;
  • low-value, with weakly expressed taste qualities.

Type 1 includes porcini mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, saffron milk caps and yellow milk mushrooms. The most favorable regions for collecting such mushrooms are the Tula region and the Moscow region.

The 3rd category in Russia includes edible mushrooms with average nutritional value and taste (moss mushrooms, russula and honey mushrooms). In the Voronezh and Belgorod regions, russula and milk mushrooms are collected in the fall. In the Altai Territory, they are less common in September; they are collected in the summer months.

According to their edibility, September mushrooms, like all others, are divided into the following groups:

  • edible;
  • conditionally edible;
  • inedible;
  • poisonous.

This classification is based on safety for consumption and ease of preparation. It is impossible to get poisoned by edible mushrooms, even if they are raw.

Conditionally edible ones cannot be eaten raw. They taste bad. They are pre-soaked, then boiled or dried.

Safe for human health, but tasteless, inedible mushrooms. They are not used in cooking.

In poisonous organisms, toxic substances cannot be removed by simple cooking techniques at home. Eating them is life-threatening.

When to collect boletus mushrooms in the fall

Boletus mushrooms, especially young and strong ones, are in no way inferior to white ones - even boiled, dried, or fried. And if they go in layers, then you can collect more than one bucket of them in a relatively small forest.

According to popular belief, the first boletuses appear when the mountain ash blooms, and then they do not leave the forest clearings all summer and birch groves. Unless, of course, the summer was too hot and dry. But the summer boletus has one drawback - it loves this one very much. delicious mushroom worm. So the mushroom picker has to, reluctantly, throw away one mushroom after another.

In autumn, boletus flowers are clean and strong. And besides, their special appearance appears - with a thick stem and a dark cap, the taste is practically no different from the white one. Finding it, however, is not easy in the fallen leaves. But if you come across one, then you can find a dozen more around it.

At what temperature do mushrooms grow in autumn (boletus mushrooms)? Their temperature regime is almost the same as that of white ones. For boletus, 10–12 degrees Celsius is quite enough, only these mushrooms like more humid weather, and not long rains, and thick autumn fogs. And if the autumn is dry, then boletus mushrooms should be looked for in damp places, in lowlands and even in a swamp.

The weather, according to mushroom pickers, is the most favorable at this time. And you don’t have to wait for rain; air temperature and increased soil moisture promote the ripening of a variety of types of mushrooms. But which autumn month is most suitable for mushroom pickers? Each month has its own attractions, but what mushrooms can be collected in large quantities in October?

Mushrooms in mid-autumn

Walking through the autumn forest, when the sun is warm and the leaves rustle under your feet, you can see mushrooms at almost every step. October is a great time for mushrooms: cool nights and foggy mornings, which has a very beneficial effect on the quality of mushrooms. Mushrooms collected in October will be better stored in winter than those collected earlier.

In October, you need to look for mushrooms in the forest, because they predominate in the clearings in September, and October mushrooms grow under trees, in forest thickets and on stumps. So, what mushrooms grow in October:

Judging by the list, this will be a good harvest, but remember that You need to go looking for October mushrooms before the first frost, as long as the weather is favorable. Each type is tasty in its own way, and you can prepare a wide variety of dishes and preparations. But in order not to collect toadstools in October, you need to study each species in detail.

Boletus, boletus and oyster mushrooms

Boletus mushrooms are edible mushrooms that do not necessarily grow under birch trees. They can be found in deciduous forests absolutely anywhere. Thus, mushroom pickers often collect boletus mushrooms on the edges and hillocks. The hat is dark brown, in the shape of a semicircle. Inside there is white pulp, which immediately darkens when cut. A young mushroom is elastic and dense, an old one is watery and fibrous, and the stem becomes tough and inedible. Therefore, it is worth collecting only young mushrooms.

For the winter, boletus can be used to make excellent canned food or simply dry it. Just imagine on a cold winter evening. Once you inhale the aroma of this dish, you are already transported to the autumn forest.

The next type of mushroom that is harvested in October is boletus or white mushroom. It is considered royal among mushroom pickers because it has an amazing taste and aroma. in a pine or spruce forest. The cap is dark brown to purple. The pulp is white and very dense, which does not change color when cut. A basket of porcini mushrooms offers a wide variety of dishes. Pickles, fried and boiled boletus, as well as dried for the winter. This is very valuable and therefore, having collected a basket of boletus mushrooms, you can consider yourself lucky.

Where to collect mouse mushrooms in Crimea (gray row)

Oyster mushroom is an unpretentious mushroom that is not afraid of frost. These mushrooms can be collected at the end of October, and in some regions even in December. Habitat: stumps, aspens, oaks, birches or poplars. So, while wandering through the forest in search of tasty mushrooms, pay attention to the stumps where young oyster mushrooms may be hiding. The shape of the oyster mushroom resembles an ear and belongs to the oyster mushrooms.

A young mushroom has a convex cap with curved edges, but adult mushrooms have smooth edges. The stems of the mushroom are dense and slightly curved down. The color is grayish, even ashy. You can prepare a lot of dishes from oyster mushrooms. You can marinate them, or you can fry them with onions, and they are also great when salted.

True connoisseurs of this mushroom try to grow oyster mushrooms at home. They simply place the bags of spores in the cellar and - voila! - fresh mushrooms all winter.

Honey mushrooms and saffron milk caps

Lovers of mushrooms can find them on damaged trees; this is a favorite habitat for mushrooms. Often these are birch or aspen trees. Honey mushrooms are less common on coniferous trees. The shape of the fungus cap resembles a ball, the stem is thin and dense, up to 18 centimeters long. Colors range from cream to yellow, but sometimes have a red tint. Honey mushrooms can be either pickled for the winter, dried or fried. Mushrooms are also very tasty and simply pickled.

All about edible mushrooms growing in the Krasnodar region

The next type of October mushrooms are saffron milk caps. It is simply impossible to miss them in the forest. The bright red color and the convex cap, wrapped at the edges, immediately gives the mushroom away, no matter where it is hiding. Habitat: pine forests. The taste of the mushroom is not inferior to white or any other. And when preserved, it retains its bright color. In many countries, sauces are made from camelina and added to a variety of dishes, and camelina oil is especially popular among gourmets. This highly aromatic product is ideal for dressing salads or cooking.

Talkers and Garlics

Talkers got their name because of the hats that look like a loudspeaker. Lives in temperate climates. The govorushka tastes sweet with spicy notes. The leg is not eaten, but the cap is very tasty either marinated, fried or salted. You can identify a talker not only by the shape of its cap, but also by its floral smell.

Walking through the October forest, enjoying the last warm days, pay attention to the stumps. This is where you can find the garlic mushroom. It got its name because of its garlicky smell. The mushroom has a small convex cap and thin leg. The color comes in both brown and red. Usually these mushrooms are dried and used as a seasoning.

Blues and waves

Or cyanosis is an excellent mushroom that is eaten fried, salted, or pickled. The color of the cap is purple in a young mushroom, and with age it becomes dark purple. The diameter of the cap reaches 15 centimeters, and the cylindrical leg reaches all 8 centimeters. The taste has a fruity aroma, and when raw it is sweet.

If you want to tinker a little with mushrooms, but get a worthy reward in the form of an amazing taste, go to the birch forests for volnushki. They require a lot of effort when processing, but they have a very rich taste no matter how they are prepared. You can recognize the mushroom by its convex pinkish cap up to 12 centimeters in diameter, which is framed by a fringe. The leg reaches 6 centimeters. Volnushki can be salted or fried, they will amaze your guests unforgettable taste. The work will not be in vain. For example, very tasty dish- baked trumpets with rice and vegetables.

The best mushrooms and mushroom places Samara region

Chanterelles and greenflies

A popular species among mushroom pickers is chanterelles. Firstly, they have a refined taste, and secondly, these mushrooms are not wormy. A mushroom of bright rich yellow color with curved wavy edges of the cap. The habitat of chanterelles is coniferous forests. They are often eaten fried with potatoes. And their unforgettable aroma transports you to the forest path of a coniferous forest.

Who would have thought that edible green mushrooms exist? Yes, believe me, there is. Zelenukha or - a mushroom of rich green color, which does not change even after processing. Habitat: pine forests. Their flat caps peek through the pine needles. The smell is nutty, and they taste very meaty. Just remember, you need to consume green flowers in moderation, otherwise you can get poisoned.

Unusual boletus and black milk mushrooms

Boletus mushrooms are not for everyone. They live in pine or mixed forests and have a convex cap. Mushrooms grow on the edges of the forest in groups. Often, adult mushrooms are affected by worms, so you should only look for young fungi. A distinctive characteristic is that it is highly oily, so it is ideal for frying, boiling and pickling.

The mushroom season is long. Mushroom picking does not stop from mid-spring until late autumn. It is especially joyful to pick mushrooms in the autumn forest, when there are bright colors around, the gentle sun is warming, and the soul and body are filled with peace. Before the first frost, while it rains and the weather is warm, autumn mushrooms invite us to the forest to harvest:

  • boletus and boletus;
  • white and milk mushrooms;
  • chanterelles and saffron milk caps;
  • honey mushrooms and butter.

The rich and generous mushroom “catch” allows you to make the “final” preparations for winter: salt and marinate the forest products, dry and freeze them. Collected at different times of the year different types mushrooms Therefore, every season you need to know what mushrooms to pick, where to pick them, so that you can return home with a harvest, enjoy it, and not put your life and the lives of your loved ones in danger. Today the topic of our conversation will be autumn mushrooms.

What mushrooms grow in autumn

Each region grows its own autumn mushrooms. This is due to various climatic conditions And different forests, growing in the territory of western Ukraine, in the east of the country, south, or in its central part. After all, porcini mushrooms, fly mushrooms, boletus, russula, milk mushrooms, and saffron milk caps “settle” under coniferous trees (pines and fir trees). And under deciduous trees (birches, aspens, oaks, lindens) - boletus, milk mushrooms, russula, valui, volnushki).

Let's figure out where it is better to pick mushrooms, and what varieties are most often found in Ukraine.



Boletus mushrooms, which are often found in autumn, grow until the onset of stable frosts. They love sunlight, so look for them in well-lit areas. The boletus mushroom grows in deciduous forests under birches and any other deciduous trees, on the edges and clearings. Mushrooms hide under the foliage individually and in whole families.

Having collected boletus mushrooms from the forest, they must be properly boiled and only then harvested. Note that at home (in a greenhouse, on a plot) you can easily buy ready-made mycelium in a specialized store or by making planting material from an old mushroom. The mushroom needs to be cut, left in water overnight, and then sown in the tree trunk of your chosen tree in the garden. A simpler option: plant pieces of the cap in the garden, or, even better, in a greenhouse, keep them in constant humidity, and begin harvesting in the spring.

Saffron milk caps

The cohort of autumn mushrooms also includes saffron milk caps, which are very appetizing and attractive in appearance. They are also good in taste; the dense flesh is similar to the taste of boletus mushrooms. Experienced mushroom pickers know very well what saffron milk mushrooms look like. And it’s not difficult for an amateur to recognize them by their red-red color. They also have smooth, funnel-shaped caps with characteristic stripes located, like sun rays, from the funnel to the edges. The inside of the saffron milk caps is also red, smelling deliciously of resin.

Delicious saffron milk caps

Experts distinguish saffron milk caps:

  • spruce, which prefer to grow among fir trees;
  • real ones, which should be looked for in the pine forest in the moss;
  • red, growing between deciduous trees and distinguished by a bright pink hue;
  • false, with a bright yellow juice that smells like chicory.

Experienced lovers of quiet hunting know where to collect saffron milk caps. Firstly, in the same place, year after year. Secondly, in the most well-lit places between fir trees and pines. Saffron milk caps are collected from late summer until November, and a variety of dishes are prepared. By the way, in European cuisine these autumn mushrooms are treated as a delicacy. Cooking saffron mushrooms is not difficult. They are lightly boiled and then stewed, fried, added to salads, pies, vegetable stew, soups. Famous chefs use saffron milk caps to prepare an incredibly aromatic, piquant mushroom sauce.

Ryzhiki are also dried, frozen, salted and pickled for future use.

Oyster mushrooms

Oyster mushroom. Description

Who doesn't know these tree mushrooms like oyster mushrooms. In nature, there are three dozen species of these delicious, vitamin-packed and very aromatic mushrooms. Oyster mushrooms grow on almost all trees (deciduous and coniferous), as well as on fallen trunks and even stumps. Typically, oyster mushrooms can safely be classified as autumn mushrooms, since they are not afraid of frost and snow (after all, they “hang” on the trunks).

Therefore, they can be collected even at the beginning of winter and eaten even without resorting to cooking. Yes, yes, the mushroom is considered absolutely safe. And if you cook oyster mushrooms, do so with minimal cooking so that their indescribable aroma and exquisite taste remain. Mushrooms are good fried and stewed. They can be prepared by drying or pickling.

Winter mushrooms

Winter mushrooms. Description

The well-known honey mushrooms come in summer, autumn and even winter. Autumn-winter honey mushrooms are subject to quiet hunting all autumn, all winter, until spring. They are collected from diseased and dead deciduous trees. When frost hits, the mushrooms fall asleep and freeze, coming to life at the slightest rise in air temperature. In the winter honey fungus, unlike the summer one, only the cap needs to be cut off, since the leg is already becoming stringy, tough, and indigestible.

Honey mushrooms are boiled for half an hour and your favorites are prepared mushroom dishes: roast, soup, autumn “roast” with potatoes.

Late oiler

Late oiler

Delicious sweet boletus also fits the definition of “autumn mushrooms.” They are most often collected under coniferous trees: pines, spruces. The hunt can last almost until the first frost, that is, right up to December. Look for mushrooms on yellow leg with a brown oily cap in open spaces (edges, clearings).

The main advantage of harvesting boletus in the autumn is the absence of worms in them. This property, by the way, applies to all autumn edible mushrooms. They are not affected by worms when it is cool outside, so it is pleasant to collect them; practically nothing is thrown away

Before cooking, the late butterdish should be thoroughly soaked and then boiled. A variety of dishes are prepared from mushrooms: they are fried with onions and spices, boiled in soup with sour cream, marinated with garlic and dill, and salted with blackcurrant leaves. This mushroom is good in all dishes!

Autumn mushrooms. Safety regulations

  • Do not put a mushroom in the basket that you are not sure is edible and safe for health. Better to play it safe once again and leave the fungus where it grows;
  • Go hunting early in the morning in order to have time to collect a rich harvest before the evening twilight. And at dawn, mushroom caps, shiny with dew, are better visible;
  • do not take even the most beautiful and large mushroom specimens growing in roadside strips, on the sides of roads and highways. Mushrooms are better than sponges at absorbing everything from environment their habitat, that is, the entire periodic table will be in abundance in roadside mushrooms, and this already threatens severe poisoning;
  • try to preserve the mycelium - the root of the mushroom, that is, do not tear the mushroom, or even cut it off, but twist it until the stem separates from the mycelium;
  • Use the correct container for collecting and carrying mushrooms. The ideal option is a basket, a basket, a box, but not a metal bucket that oxidizes the “mushroom catch”;
  • go on a “silent hunt” in company knowledgeable people, experienced mushroom pickers. Then a walk for mushrooms will bring pleasure and health benefits. After all, to distinguish edible safe mushrooms from their poisonous doubles You can only learn through practice.

Collect either summer or autumn mushrooms, eat them and make preparations from them. And try growing them at your dacha: in a greenhouse, in a garden, on stumps. It's interesting, tasty and healthy!