Do you think there is a connection between date of birth and a woman’s behavior in marriage? This idea may seem absurd - after all, people cannot be divided into a certain number of psychological patterns, and, regardless of their will, adhere to a certain scenario. Nevertheless, common features character is inherent in each sign, so some moments of communication with a person can be predicted in advance.

Aries - a reliable wife

Aries is a responsible woman, and she takes starting a family seriously. Her main difference from other wives is that she relies mostly not on her husband, but on herself. If the majority of representatives of other zodiac signs are looking for a meeting with a man who, in their opinion, is ready for family life, then an Aries girl gets married when she herself is ready for it. She will never give birth to more children than she can raise if for some reason she is left without a husband.

Another golden quality of Aries is the ability to take care of loved ones. Despite being constantly busy, she manages to pay attention to her children, her husband, her and his relatives and mutual friends. At the same time, she does not need gratitude; Aries is one of the most selfless signs of the zodiac.

It is not surprising that those who are interested in her not only from a romantic point of view are drawn to a lady with such a characteristic. For the sake of her beloved husband, she is ready to make the most unimaginable sacrifices, and there are many who want to take advantage of this. If this happens, she will be very disappointed in men and is unlikely to decide to marry again. The Aries woman is a monogamous woman, and divorce for her can be the biggest tragedy in her life.

ARIES ♈ Zodiac sign

Read more about the characteristics of Aries.

Taurus - economic wife

From an everyday point of view, the Taurus woman tops the ranking of the best wives by zodiac sign. Household chores do not seem boring to her. She maintains order in the house, is always ready for the unexpected arrival of guests, knows how to cook something new and interesting from the most simple products. She also manages money wisely. All her purchases are practical, and she also has a financial reserve in case of unexpected expenses.

The temperament of a Taurus wife is calm. She does not need violent passions, showdowns, and she does not respect communication in a raised voice. This woman is conservative. TO grandiose changes, such as moving or a complete change of interior, it must be prepared in advance. All her actions are planned and thought through several times, and she really does not like to deviate from the “program”.

Of all the zodiac signs, Taurus has the most strong families, since they are in no hurry to get married, and make such a decision only if they are 100% confident in their partner.

TAURUS ♉ Zodiac sign

Read more about Taurus.

Gemini - a multifaceted wife

The representative of the air zodiac sign has many interests besides family, so the role of a simple housewife seems boring to her. She has a large social circle, has creative hobbies, and follows the news and world of fashion. There is never a dull moment with such a woman, she is temperamental and unpredictable, in a good way this word. It will not be easy for a jealous man to be married to her, but despite many acquaintances, including those of the opposite sex, she values ​​her family and cares about its future.

A Gemini woman rarely marries at a young age, and if this happens, her way of life hardly changes from this. She can do several things at once, but amazingly manages everything. Her character is easy - the Gemini wife does not find fault with her husband and does not look for a reason for a quarrel, especially if there is no reason for it. An affair on the side or an initiative for divorce on her part are possible only out of boredom. For happy life this lady needs an intelligent and active husband who shares her interests.

GEMINI ♊ Zodiac sign

Read more about Gemini.

Cancer is a caring wife

In the life of a Cancer woman, family takes first place. She strives for consistency, so she does not waste time on men who only want an easy relationship. The desire to live together is one of the main qualities that attracts her to representatives of the opposite sex. Finding a lonely Cancer is difficult - this woman does not like to be alone, so she can get married just for the sake of marriage.

The display of care on the part of the Cancer wife sometimes reaches the point of being ridiculous. She does not accompany her husband to meetings with friends and various kinds of parties, but she can easily organize a good evening for his company, for example, set the table for them, and go to another room so that the men can chat peacefully. If the husband is very late after work, then she will only worry about the fact that he has not had dinner yet or is not dressed for the weather.

By and large, she needs not so much a husband as close person near. As long as a Cancer woman thinks and worries about someone, she does not consider her life meaningless.

CANCER ♋ Zodiac sign

Read more about the characteristics of Cancer.

Leo - a bright wife

Sociable and attention-grabbing, the Lioness remains the same after marriage. Cleaning up dust and the world of pots is not what she strives for, so the domestic part of her life is often lame. It is worth noting her independence in financially- the ability to earn money usually more than compensates for her reluctance to do housework. It is easier for her to settle down at work and earn money for the services of a housekeeper, especially since the Leo woman will never miss an opportunity for career growth.

For a wife born under this zodiac sign, it is very important to take first place in her husband’s life. She needs admiration, and if her husband does not pay enough attention to her or devotes everything free time her hobbies, she will find all these qualities in another man. If she develops mutual understanding with her husband, she will try in every possible way to decorate his life. The Lioness knows how and loves to organize trips and fun events, as well as delight her loved one with gifts and pleasant tokens of attention.

LEO ♌ Zodiac sign

Read more about Leo's characteristics.

Virgo is a practical wife

Virgo's practicality knows no bounds - this woman will get married only if future spouse She is interested not only as a man. The everyday side of life comes first for her, and family in her concept is, rather, a partnership between two people, where there may be no room for romance at all.

The Virgo wife is very demanding of her husband. First of all, she does not tolerate inconstancy. If the husband does not keep his word, changes plans on the fly, does not have clear ideas about the future together and is not financially stable, the marriage will not last long. Virgo fulfills her part of her obligations with all responsibility, but the problem is that not every man will be satisfied with all these qualities. The union promises to be strong only if there is a complete coincidence of interests.

A romantic, or a person who lives by feelings, will not feel comfortable next to her. In her relationship with her husband, Virgo strives for leadership. She knows how to manage money wisely even with the most modest income; her family will always be well-fed and dressed for the season. Virgo is completely independent. In marriage, she is looking for comfort, but not a way to solve her problems, including material ones.

VIRGO ♍ Zodiac sign

Read more about Virgo.

Libra - a sophisticated wife

The Libra woman is able to brighten the life of any man who is accustomed to being the boss in a relationship. She knows how to look good and behave with dignity in society, she is smart, and understands art. She is tactful and pleasant in communication, loves to receive guests, and keeps order in the house.

Representative air element cannot be called a decisive person. A woman like her usually gets married when from the outside interested man an initiative comes, supported by specific actions, but that’s not all. First of all, she will evaluate the standard of living that a potential candidate for her hand and heart can offer her, and only then will she think about his human qualities.

By and large, the Libra woman needs strong male shoulder, comfort and absence of complaints from the husband. She herself will also not find fault with him, especially over trifles. Having met a strong man, a Libra woman will stick to the course he has chosen and try to just be there. It is unlikely that there will be any initiative on her part for any changes, but she will happily support almost any idea of ​​her husband.

LIBRA ♎ Zodiac sign

Read more about Libra.

Scorpio - passionate wife

The Scorpio woman does not wait to be noticed. Having become interested in a man, she herself shows signs of attention towards him, and in most cases achieves reciprocity. There is no calculation on her part and there cannot be; she is driven by feelings. Not everyone can resist her charm, and this despite the fact that she does not specifically develop any line of behavior and does not rely on her appearance.

She won’t wait for a proposal from her loved one either. If there is no initiative on his part, she may well raise the question herself in order to clarify the situation. The status of a mistress will not suit her - she needs either everything or nothing. Having become a wife, she claims the first place in her husband’s life, but she herself is ready to live by his desires and interests. She is caring, generous, and active in every way.

Even the fire signs of the zodiac cannot compete with the passion of Scorpio. This woman’s love is long-lasting, and her interest in her beloved husband does not fade even after many years of marriage.

SCORPIO ♏ Zodiac sign

Read the detailed characteristics of Scorpio.

Sagittarius - the elusive wife

Of all the zodiac signs, Sagittarius ranks first in activity. This woman not only loves change, but lives by it. She is interested in meeting new people, traveling, attending various events and trying her hand at one activity or another. It is not surprising that, trying to be on time everywhere, she does not pay due attention to any of her affairs. Not least of all, these words apply to family life.

The Sagittarius woman does not plan marriage in advance. It usually happens like this: having an affair with one or another young man, she does not take this relationship seriously until one of the guys shows persistence and charms her with the similarity of his views on life. To be happy, she needs a husband who will also be her friend, always looking for adventures on his own.

She is almost not interested in the everyday side of life. Sagittarius is perhaps the only zodiac sign that believes in the concept of heaven in a tent and does not strive for stability. A woman of this sign is not picky, constantly needs new emotions and is ready to endure everything except boredom.

SAGITTARIUS ♐ Zodiac sign

Read more about the characteristics of Sagittarius.

Capricorn - business wife

Capricorn is a practical, responsible and far-sighted woman. She takes marriage very seriously, so falling in love or passion will never motivate her to start a family. If she is not completely sure own strength or doubts her beloved man, she will not dare to become his wife.

A representative of this zodiac sign strives for financial independence. In her life it would never occur to her to celebrate her wedding with her parents’ money or to seek material gain in a relationship with a man. She herself also does not seek to be a support for anyone; equality and independence of both spouses is one of her main conditions for living together.

This woman loves her family very much. She likes to spend weekends in the company of her husband and children, she loves a calm environment and the company of family and friends.

CAPRICORN ♑ Zodiac sign

Read more about the characteristics of Capricorn.

Aquarius - democratic wife

An Aquarius wife can become best choice a man tired of women's hysterics and eternal discontent. Even if she doesn’t like something, she doesn’t criticize, at most she will say her opinion in the most unobtrusive form. The representative of this sign is pleasant and easy to communicate, tactful, and, not surprisingly, attractive not only to her spouse.

It can hardly be said that it does not matter to her who her husband will be, but in relationships with men her initiative is almost not felt. If she has two candidates for her hand and heart at once, most likely she will go to the more persistent one. In a representative of the opposite sex, she does not evaluate him first of all personal qualities, but how he treats her, and what he is ready for for her. At the same time, she will sacrifice her interests and capabilities for the sake of family happiness. If any difficulties arise, her husband will solve them, and most likely, alone.

AQUARIUS ♒ Zodiac sign

Read more about the characteristics of Aquarius.

Pisces - romantic wife

Pisces are the most feminine, gentle and romantic wives. Their feelings will always come first, so material well-being, career and they will never put everything in this spirit above love. When getting married, women of this sign do not think for a long time and do not strive to get to know their future spouse better.

Pisces are dreamy people. Falling in love can deprive them of the opportunity to soberly assess what is happening, as a result of which the person with whom they plan to connect their life will be perceived by them as a character from a fairy tale who has no flaws. In case of subsequent disappointment, Pisces may fall into a prolonged depression and continue to search for their happiness without getting a divorce.

Women of this sign are not very practical. Their business skills are poor, so financial independence is possible either as a result of a profitable marriage, or if their creative hobbies are ways to generate income. One way or another, they spend any money they receive almost on the very first day, without worrying too much about the very near future.

PISCES ♓ Zodiac sign

Read more about Pisces.

The Aries wife is self-confident and emotional. In any dispute with her husband, she considers herself right and always says what she thinks to his face. Aries choose only strong men as husbands, but in family life they themselves help their husbands make a career. Aries wives are too impatient, so you shouldn’t count on them creating a cozy and calm atmosphere at home. The house for an Aries woman is too small for the manifestation of her creative energy. The Aries wife knows how to cook well, but she does not like to do housework. The Aries woman is a devoted wife, but she quickly becomes disappointed in her husband if he cannot implement her plans.

2. Taurus.

The Taurus wife has business acumen. She is very practical and makes her husband work hard for the well-being of the family. Taurus do not believe in unearthly love, they are too materialistic. Financial side Those who choose a representative of this zodiac sign as their wife will have an excellent life throughout their lives. The Taurus wife will create a strong and stable financial situation for the family by any means. Taurus can become a good housewife only next to a successful and rich man; she offers home comfort and care only in exchange for high material security. The Taurus wife herself will never file for divorce, although often their husbands leave them on their own, no longer able to withstand their stubbornness and prudence. Taurus never compromises; in a family quarrel, she always remains the winner.

3. Gemini.

The Gemini woman has been looking for a man for a long time with whom she could truly fall in love. If she manages to marry her ideal, then she becomes an irreplaceable wife in all respects. The Gemini wife is not grumpy and never reproaches her husband for his mistakes. She is feminine and friendly if she has a loved one next to her. For the sake of love, Geminis are able to extinguish their emotions and sacrifice a lot. But the Gemini wife is very changeable; today she can idolize her husband, and tomorrow she can throw him out. Homework The Gemini woman performs according to her mood. If she is passionate about something, then she will not do laundry, clean or cook that day. But all evening she will tell her husband about her new hobby, inviting him to cook dinner himself. Gemini women have an independent character and they only get along with those who respect their interests.

4. Cancer.

The Cancer wife suffers from low self-esteem, and therefore she is hysterical, jealous and obsessive. Every day she needs to hear compliments from her husband and confirmation of his love. Cancer loves to nag for any reason, which is why their husbands often run away from them, and after parting they feel their obsession and hysteria for a long time. The Cancer wife herself never cheats on her husband; she is a good housewife and a caring mother. the main problem Cancer woman - her passivity. She never has her own opinion and mostly listens to her mother's advice. In family life, she is completely dependent on her husband financially.

5. Leo

The Leo woman chooses her husband herself, placing increased demands on him financial situation. She marries those who give her expensive gifts and promise her a prosperous life. The Leo wife is attractive and sympathetic. She spares no effort or money to appear before her husband as a real queen. Next to her beloved husband, she proves herself to be a good housewife and caring mother. But she does not forgive her betrayal of her husband, and does everything possible to take full revenge on her husband.

6. Virgo.

A Virgo wife is caring and kind, but only if she has a successful man next to her. Virgo can completely deprive a weak and insecure husband of peace and happiness. Selfish, domineering and frigid - this is all about her, Virgo, who is married to such a man. Virgo women know how to adapt, they are caring housewives and attentive wives only if the husband is worthy of her respect. As soon as a man makes a mistake, she throws away her “sheep's clothing” and turns into a spouse who is calculating, cunning and sharp-tongued.

7. Libra.

The Libra woman is beautiful and feminine, which is why she gets married early. By character, she is a typical housewife, for whom home and children come first, and only second is her husband’s love. Therefore, she is indifferent to sex and makes love with her husband only to fulfill her marital duty. But she herself is very sentimental. If the husband is passive in bed or shows indifference to his Libra wife, she may develop depression. For this reason, Libra becomes jealous and overly controlling of her husband, which often leads to the breakdown of the marriage.

8. Scorpio.

The Scorpio wife is faithful and devoted, but an absolute owner. She does not forgive betrayals and “stings” painfully if her husband betrays her. Scorpio loves her home, and her bed is of particular importance to her. She is passionate and sensual and easy to appease. good attitude and gifts. The downside of a Scorpio wife is that she is vindictive, touchy and quick-tempered. Scorpio loves money and she is happy only when she has enough of it. The monotonous family life of Scorpio quickly tires; it does not know how to flow smoothly with the flow. The only thing that can keep her close to her unloved husband is her children, whom she views as the embodiment of their love.

9. Sagittarius.

The Sagittarius wife quickly “sits on her husband’s neck.” She is capricious and loves to dress expensively and fashionably. The main thing for a Sagittarius woman is self-expression, and she doesn’t care how her husband gets money to make her dreams come true. Next to a successful man, the Sagittarius wife becomes his good friend and comrade. She is a hospitable and caring hostess. But Sagittarius women are overly freedom-loving and prone to adventure, so they often commit rash acts.

10. Capricorn.

The Capricorn woman chooses her husband herself and often she marries for convenience. Capricorns desire practical and influential husbands. If they succeed, then they become ideal housewives with exceptional ambition for the success of their husband and children. Capricorn needs to feel the love and support of her husband every day, then she repays him with deep gratitude, which cannot be shaken. But an unsuccessful choice of a spouse and problems in their personal lives make Capricorns selfish and demanding. Family life in this case brings a lot of disappointment and suffering to Capricorn, because Capricorn does not know how to forgive other people's mistakes and weaknesses.

11. Aquarius.

The Aquarius wife is not jealous and never bothers her husband with checks. But she also demands the same attitude from her husband. Aquarius loves freedom, and when she has the opportunity to change her sexual partner, she goes for it, without particularly thinking about how this will affect the relationship of her husband and children. In family life for Aquarius, the most important thing is mutual understanding and spiritual unity. Only in such a family does Aquarius become an exemplary wife and an excellent housewife, capable of inspiring her husband to a creative search and a brilliant career.

12. Pisces.

The peace and happiness of her husband and children is above all else for the Pisces woman. That's why she doesn't demand her husband increased requirements and are content with what they have, although the husband’s career and the well-being of the family often want to leave the best. The Pisces woman is characterized by increased sensitivity to other people's needs, which does not give her the opportunity to feel happy. All Pisces wives are wonderful housewives who know how to cook deliciously and create comfort in the home. They are devoted to their husband, but do not forgive betrayal and lies.

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The wife is a commander, the wife is an ideological inspirer, the wife is an ideal housewife, the wife is a stronghold, hope and support: behind an Aries woman, anyone feels like behind a stone wall. For all her strong qualities, the Aries woman does not at all strive to come to the fore: moreover, she is much more seduced by the role eminence grise. And when will they give it to her husband? Nobel Prize, she will grin vainly in the back row of the hall: she knows who the laureate really is. But the universe saves you from challenging her choice of tie, Friday night menu or schedule for visiting Auchan. Because she knows what's right. Dot.


The most amazing wife, because even our ball could not convincingly answer the question of how to drag a Taurus girl down the aisle. Because Taurus knows for sure that just yesterday she came across a better option. And Taurus will choose with feeling, sense and arrangement, because he chooses for life. No, man, they are not asking you, turn sideways again, we’ll appreciate your belly. Remind me, did you bring your annual income certificate? Bring it when you come to the second round. But if Taurus has made a choice, you can rest assured: all his life the spouse will have to prove that the choice was correct, and the Taurus woman will lament that she so mediocrely gave her hand to the first person she met. Heart? No, no, there was no conversation about the heart.


If you put together ten men married to Gemini women, you will hear ten mutually exclusive characteristics of their wives. A clockwork orange, a sad jellyfish, a frenzied careerist, a born housewife, a mother cuckoo or a mother-cuckoo with many children: the range is inexhaustible. We reveal a secret: Geminis are a reflection of their man. He is cheerful and proactive - she will be the same. He is gloomy and greedy - get it, sign it, where is the change for 14 kopecks? In a word, marrying a Gemini is a great opportunity to look at yourself from the outside. Few dare, it’s worth noting.


This wife is praised by Homer, and the valleys that she surveyed with radiant eyes are applauded. And she is economical, and smart, and a needlewoman, and a cook, and a wonderful mother, and an exemplary fighting friend. Numbers in the “I’ll marry a Cancer girl” line ran out yesterday, hey man, you were told not to take up! But there is, there is a catch. The ideal companion hides ironclad gloves in the pocket of her lace apron for those who still don’t understand that on weekends you need to hill potatoes and collect Colorado beetles, the best leisure time is renovating your apartment, and you should take a vacation in August, at the same time prepare mushrooms for the winter. Kuuuuuuuuck? Where did you all run to?

a lion

A wife from the House of Weights and Measures: perfect in everything, looks stunning, cheeky in bed, socialite in society, pardon the pun, in the kitchen... Has anyone seen a Lioness woman in the kitchen? We wiped our crystal ball three times, but no: several times a cat’s shadow flashed by the refrigerator, but then we remembered that two bottles of champagne remained unfinished there. Leo is a decoration wife, a showpiece wife. For the joy of basking in its rays, you will have to become a conqueror, a collector of lands and find slaves who will delight the life of your queen. You can pay your slaves extra, she won’t know. And don’t forget to stock the refrigerator with champagne.


Virgo easily gets married, because together it is much more effective to complete the assigned tasks! With her, men begin to make dizzying careers, and she, like a faithful squire, will always be there, help with advice or action and will never complain. You, dear men, will complain, because Virgo will never, never say “enough.” That golden antelope has not yet been born, and there are never too many shards in the house. Virgo is always confident that it is possible to achieve more, better, and in general, why did you sit down? The floor is not swept! Round-the-clock activity, seasoned with perfectionism, is a powerful cocktail, but, they say, it sticks out in such a way that it is no longer possible to refuse it.


Enveloped in fog, calling for kisses, the Libra woman strives to marry a strong and brutal man, so that she can languidly lower her eyes when he brings her another prey, and peacefully replant violets in her free time from light sighs. But if a man breaks his leg while hunting or loses a crossbow in an unequal battle... The Libra woman goes into Rakshi-Satan mode so suddenly that many freeze for the rest of their lives in an astonished pose with bulging eyes. Yes, this cute creature is by no means devoid of power, it just doesn’t show it for the time being. She will win everything back, return home with a crossbow and a pair of armored personnel carriers on a string. But that's all. Once you fall in her eyes, you can’t come back. You are the weak link, goodbye.


The wife is Fort Boyard, if you know what we mean. Every day there are new challenges, and most of them are in the spirit of “get the key from the jar.” poisonous spiders"- you never know what a beautiful Scorpio woman needs for complete happiness. And she doesn’t agree to anything incomplete, so she regularly reminds her chosen one where the door is in her palace (even if it’s his palace) and how long the line is at the front entrance of those who want to passionately kiss those spiders (and it’s true, it’s standing). The test is not for the weak, but what is the reward: collect the word “HAPPINESS” from the letters Z, O, A and P - and you and Scorpi will have eternal earthly and unearthly bliss. Wait. We'll call the bookmaker. Place your bets, ladies and gentlemen!


The wisest and calmest woman of the zodiac knows: perfection does not exist, ideals are unattainable, the world is unfair, only decay is eternal. And what does this next one hope for, what offers fidelity (ha), prosperity (here Sagittarius does not hide a smile, because she inadvertently checked the status of her fifteen savings accounts), romance (expenses about nothing), and - attention - all this for some... then a measly 50 years (maximum)? In a word, if you persuade Strelchikha to even try, we already feel sorry for you. Even in marriage, she will think that she is wasting her life, and only the fireworks constantly created around her can somewhat smooth out the situation. In a word, burn.


It is categorically impossible to marry the most prudent and pragmatic sign of the zodiac, do not try. Finding an unmarried Capricorn woman is also almost impossible, we saw several unique individuals in a crystal ball, but it would be better if we saw this sight immediately, so be thankful that the ball can’t take photos. The Capricorn woman gets married before you know that you are her husband. She calculated everything, verified it, drew up an estimate, assessed the risks and came to the conclusion that you are a worthy option. Turn off the lights, drain the oil, you will be her husband and you will be happy. Happy, she said.


Wife is the fifth element. She periodically spews nonsense, clearly sees her existence as a Special Mission, has a contemptuous attitude towards everyday life in all its manifestations, and her ideas in 99% of cases lead to a “big badabum” ending. But at the same time, she’s damn good, charming and so helpless in a hostile world that you won’t even notice how you’ll learn how to iron her chlamys, prepare her favorite salad and get a robot vacuum cleaner so that she doesn’t slip on cat hair. When you go on a business trip, you will leave her a la carte meal or a credit card pinned to the business card of a restaurant where it’s delicious. But you will never, ever be bored.


Mimimi wife. “I pressed something and everything disappeared!” - practically Rybka’s life motto. She didn’t do it on purpose, she didn’t know it was possible, she wasn’t warned, it just happened! The fish is so touching in its infantilism that any Cancer, excuse me, can fly against its background. That’s why Rybka has a sea of ​​ocean of fans, everyone vying with each other to save her and surround her with care, and the most devoted one receives her in his arms. But our magic ball never sleeps, and therefore we ourselves saw how at night Rybka opens a secret door, behind which she has a gold reserve equal to the annual budget of Luxembourg (what if the man goes broke), armory named after Sarah Connor (what if there was war) and some other supplies in case “something went wrong.” Yes, and she always has a couple of spare men. For P is forethought.

She will be a very responsible wife. A woman of this zodiac sign is support and support in everything for her chosen one. Aries enter into marriage only after they feel that they are ripe for marriage. family relations. These are some of the most caring wives of all the zodiac signs. These women are considered monogamous and rarely remarry if family life with the first husband did not work out. The Aries woman is constantly busy with something and at the same time finds time for everything and everyone. She will do everything to make her beloved man feel comfortable with her.

– one of the most economic signs of the zodiac. A woman of this zodiac sign will be an excellent housewife and faithful wife. She always takes care of home comfort. Cooking, cleaning and other household chores are always in the foreground for her. The wives of this zodiac sign cannot be called wasteful, since they manage every penny rationally. She always has savings for a rainy day. Behind such a wife, a man will be like behind a stone wall. As for the character of Taurus, he is quite calm. However, in some cases, Taurus can show excessive stubbornness and persistence. They are very loyal and reliable life partners with whom you can build strong family ties.

– one of the brightest wives according to the zodiac sign. Women of this zodiac sign are multifaceted and creative personalities. Sometimes it can be difficult to find a common language with them, because they have their own individual views on life and marriage. Geminis love freedom very much and hate it when people start to sort things out with them. They also cannot stand being asked to report on delays after work. Geminis are very freedom-loving, and do not like it if they are trying to deprive them of the most important thing in their life after marriage. At the same time, women of this zodiac sign have an easy-going character and will not throw hysterics at their spouse.

Can be ideal wife. This zodiac sign values ​​peace and homeliness. Cancers will not throw tantrums at their husband for any reason or without reason. Often women of this zodiac sign turn out to be businesswomen. Cancers know how to make money and will not tolerate financial shortages in their family. At the same time, representatives of this zodiac sign are very sensitive and expect a lot of attention to themselves from their chosen one. Cancer women love constancy very much; they have the strongest alliances. They are always faithful to their chosen one and do not make scandals for him with or without reason.

The woman will be a good and bright wife. Representatives of this zodiac sign love to be in the foreground and dominate in relationships. Because of their eccentric disposition, it is sometimes difficult for lionesses to choose a suitable candidate for marriage. They love to be the center of attention, are very sociable, often make new acquaintances, which is why they often provoke jealousy in their chosen one. Leo women do not like to sit at home, so do not expect that after the wedding she will become a housewife and spend her evenings at home preparing dinners.

will be a practical wife, for whom financial well-being will always be in the foreground. This zodiac sign always strives for material wealth. Often virgins marry for convenience. For them, paradise in a hut is unacceptable. Therefore, a virgin always chooses a wealthy, purposeful and self-confident man as her husband. She must be one hundred percent confident in her partner before agreeing to marry him. Virgos believe that the spouse should solve all problems that arise alone. Despite the fact that women of this zodiac sign are very selfish, on the other hand, they are immensely caring and tender with their chosen one. Next to them, the man feels like a real king.

A woman is a good wife who you can completely rely on. Women of this zodiac sign marry solely for love. Be confident in the sincerity and durability of Scorpio's feelings. They will provide their future husband with home comfort and care. This is one of the most loyal signs of the zodiac. Scorpio will never throw tantrums at their partner. For these women, trust between each other comes first. You should not deceive a Scorpio; sooner or later he will find out about it and may simply leave silently.

She will be an ideal wife if she marries for love. These are very passionate, sophisticated and sentimental natures. Sagittarius women can show care for their chosen one like no other zodiac sign. At the same time, Sagittarians have a very complex and literally explosive character. They are very jealous and can start quarrels over trifles. Also, representatives of this zodiac sign love to travel. These women love new emotions, it’s never boring to be around them, and in bed they are first-class lovers.

A woman will be a good wife for a business and practical person, because she herself is one. The wife of this zodiac sign always feels responsible for the comfort of the family hearth. Capricorn will only marry a man in whom she is completely confident. A woman of this zodiac sign is not one of those who can go to their heads with love. She approaches starting a family more than thoughtfully. Capricorn loves to be financially independent, so these women are used to achieving everything financially themselves. Capricorns love the comfort of home and prefer to spend their weekends with their family.

Tops the ranking of the best wives by zodiac sign. A woman born under this sign will never throw hysterics at her husband. She will not criticize her companion. Even if she doesn't like something, she will hint about it in a veiled form. Aquarians are pleasant to communicate with, they are one of the best interlocutors. Women of this sign allow men to dominate in relationships. Aquarius loves persistent men and would prefer to marry someone who will fight to the last for her hand and heart. Aquarius women place leadership entirely in the hands of men and believe that it is the weaker sex that must solve all problems that arise in the family.

Once you find out the Zodiac Sign of your chosen one, you can easily understand what she will be like in marriage. Hurry up to get the best companion before all the ideal wives are snapped up.

There are no ideal people: there are those who are ideal for your Zodiac Sign. Love compatibility will lift the veil of secrecy and reduce your time searching for “the one.” Of course, every man has his own idea of ​​the standard of femininity. However, many representatives of the zodiac circle were still awarded the title of “best wife in the Universe.” Who are these mysterious strangers? We'll find out now.

12th place. Mistress wife

Damn alluring, fantastically cunning and stunningly beautiful, the Scorpio woman is the worst wife. To become engaged to a Scorpio means to voluntarily give yourself into slavery. Naturally, it is an honor to serve such an elegant lady, sometimes even status, but there is one big problem: you will have to adapt to her violent temper and capricious character. We warn you right away - this lady is eccentric and mysterious. It can take you a lot of time and effort to polish your characters. Rest assured: with it you will earn yourself a fortune, a bald head and a disability pension. And all because the iron principle of Scorpio is “dominate, conquer, humiliate.”

11th place. Actress wife

Marrying Rybka is like being in a one-man theater. Under no circumstances will you know what she thinks about, what motivates her and how she spends her leisure time. But she has a lot of things for you to do. The first and most important thing is to understand what the sweetheart wants and bring it at any cost, throwing it at her feet along with flowers. And then everything else - be the breadwinner, you are my stone wall, my master, my master, passionate lover, best friend, loving husband. And believe me, such a woman must always be seduced, surprised, amused, encouraged, protected. If not, then she will simply say “fi” and walk beautifully into the sunset. This is because the Pisces woman does much more than you - she decorates the marriage: every day, by the sweat of her brow.

10th place. Queen wife

The lioness is a real queen, and the attitude towards such an important person should be appropriate. Such a woman needs to be immediately provided with royal quarters. Well, then, as usual, be a knight and constantly conquer new lands for your queen, spreading her glory throughout the land. But all other women pale in comparison to the Lioness. She is the one and only star shining in the sky for an ambitious man. This is a motivating woman for whom you will have to do everything. If you want to enjoy her company, you simply have no other choice.

9th place. Fighter wife

A Sagittarius woman in marriage is a fighting friend: with her through fire and water. She will stand behind you and hand you ammo. Yes, precisely cartridges, because she will have to shoot hordes of fans who are not even embarrassed by her refusals and words that she has been married for a long time. And of course, cartridges will come in handy for protection during family arguments. An angry Sagittarius wife is worse than an evil Tatar. Our advice to you: it is better to surrender without a fight. Then even a heart-rending cry is unlikely to save you: “Darling, I understand everything, you’re right, only you are right!”

8th place. Dangerous wife

The Gemini wife is akin to a mystical entity - a kind of mysterious and enigmatic person. There are women who make a winner out of a man, there are also young ladies with whom even the alpha male becomes a loser, and there are Gemini women. They see right through their husband; it’s useless to even pretend. Such ladies look to the very depths. And there, in the depths of your soul, they feed your inner demons. Geminis themselves consider themselves happy wives, but admit about yourself the terrible truth Not all men are capable. Most often, only a saint survives next to a Gemini woman. How else can one explain such courage?

7th place. Rival wife

Everyone knows that being with an Aries is like dancing on a volcano. This Strong woman, and all sorts of wimps, please, to the end of the line. She needs strong man, a real fighter, a hero who can withstand the family apocalypse every day. The violent temper of such a woman is not entertainment for amateurs, let’s put it that way. As soon as the Aries lady finds a good match for herself, the fun begins: the war for survival. The fight will be equal, the strongest will fight, and no one will ever win. Such a couple will pump up the strength of spirit to infinity. If you are ready to compete with a woman who will never give in under any circumstances, go ahead.

6th place. Cat wife

Women representing the Sign of Libra are the most charming, sincere, affectionate creatures, but completely unsuited to everyday life. But on the other hand, what kind of house is it without a warm cat? Just dullness, loneliness and emptiness. The Libra woman with all her appearance demands affection, tenderness, attention, and many men from this themselves purr like March cats. But the graceful cat must always be held in your arms - if not, then she will instantly leave you. And you don’t need to ask what happened, because: “Oh, that’s it!”

5th place. Wise wife

Virgo is a wise woman. Very wise. Damn wise. Sometimes it's even scary. She doesn’t need to explain anything, she already knows everything in advance. Such a woman will forgive anything, because even this she has already foreseen for a long time, and in the end we are all human. Virgo will always support, hug, help with wise advice, and show the way. She is a beloved woman, a wise judge, and a best friend all rolled into one. Therefore, men who have chosen Virgo as their wife do not need friends, for which I want to feel sorry for them, because Virgos are often attacked by stupidity. And here we see what grief comes from the mind. Such a lady uses all her intelligence and makes a big deal out of nothing. All she's missing is a sign that says "caution - brainstorm." True, Virgo later admits that she was wrong and even apologizes, but these consequences are disastrous for a man.

4th place. Wife-motivator

The Taurus woman is a perpetual motion machine. This is a sign of stability, so such ladies most often marry hooligans, because they like the contrast of interests. But feelings are feelings, and lunch is on schedule. The Taurus lady wants delicious food, a dress, a villa, a car, and an island. Everyone should envy her. Therefore, a bully who accidentally falls into the tenacious claws of Taurus quickly becomes an exemplary family man and knows by heart her entire set of motivating techniques. Such a wife nags skillfully, as well as blackmails. Her masterly manner of manipulation turns a street guy into a successful man with a capital S. If the husband was smart enough not to contradict her.

3rd place. Principled wife

A firm and decisive Capricorn woman knows her recipe for happiness. She simply knows what she wants from life, marriage and husband, respectively. And she will not give up on her goal. The Capricorn young lady will not marry just anyone because of some stupid feelings and false beliefs, oh no. Such a woman is sure that for a marriage to be happy, you need to work hard on it. The problem is that she will take you with an iron grip and refine you to an acceptable ideal. And this is an irreversible process - no one has yet managed to come out alive. But after your rebirth, peace and harmony will reign in the marriage, and you will be guaranteed a happy old age.

2nd place. Forever young wife

Freedom-loving Aquarius women, according to astrologers, are wonderful wives. Such a wife seems to be nearby, but at the same time she seems to be not there. What could be better for a man? No one takes out, saws, or drips on the brains. True, such a woman adheres to the main rule - she does not waste time on low-level life, so do not expect her to clean and cook for you. In family life there should be a place only for unbridled fun. This woman is the ideal character of all men's dreams: always young and beautiful (even if she is 80, she continues to have fun like a student). In addition, the Aquarius wife will deal only with her own life, giving the man complete freedom, and will never prefer to bother her head with only him alone.

1 place. Perfect wife

The first place in the ranking of “The best wife in the world” is occupied by Cancers. You will have to run after such a lady, but the game is worth the candle. In marriage she will show herself in all her glory. This is a real hostess, smart, beautiful all rolled into one. The house is clean and tidy, there is harmony in the family, the children are educated, the husband is fed, the spouse’s parents are happy. Family for her the main objective in life, so he will please you in everything. And whoever neglects family responsibilities will pay heavily. In such a dictatorship, sometimes you want to regret that you did not marry some Lioness, but your wife does not allow you to regret.