The plank exercise is considered one of the most effective exercises for pumping up the abdominal muscles. This exercise gained popularity due to the simplicity of the workout and the belief that it is good for weight loss. Is it so? We will talk about this and how to do this exercise correctly in our material today.

    The exercise is unique in that without equipment or exercise equipment it works several different muscle groups at the same time. These are the muscles of the abs, shoulder girdle, arms, back, legs, buttocks. The plank exercise also increases the endurance of the entire body, helps you lose weight by accelerating your metabolism, and even improves your psycho-emotional state. It doesn't matter if you prefer group classes in CrossFit or individual training, it is the practice of the plank that will make performing other exercises safe and effective.

    The plank exercise is great for cool-downs in CrossFit!

    Let's talk about the following things:

    • All types of planks.
    • Correct plank technique.
    • Benefits and harms for the body.
    • How to make plank progress in 30 days.

    Types of planks

    All types of planks have general rules and similar execution techniques. However, they differ in the position of the body, arms, legs, and the tilt of the body. Accordingly, in each variety, exercises can be included different groups muscles.

    • Straight arm plank. This is a classic version of the exercise. It is performed statically and is the best exercise to improve the stabilizing abilities of the abdominal muscles.
    • Elbow plank is a more complicated option. The angle between the body and the floor decreases, making it harder to stand. In addition to the abdominal muscles, the work includes the large pectoral muscle, deltoid, quadratus dorsi, muscles of the anterior thigh.
    • Plank with arm or leg extended. Increases the effectiveness of the exercise by reducing the support points. Gives a great load on the core muscles and develops balance well.
    • Side plank. That is, you stand in a fixed position on 1 arm and 1 leg.

    Having mastered these exercises, you can subsequently diversify your workout by adding jumps, push-ups, twisting, lunges to the classic version, as well as using additional equipment, for example, a fitball, a bench, weights in the form of a pancake or sandbag.

    The plank exercise comes in over a hundred different variations. Today we will take a closer look at two classic types: on the hands and on the elbows. The exercise seems simple, however, if you violate the execution technique, its effectiveness may come to naught. Therefore, before doing the plank, carefully read the text below and then the benefit from the exercise will be maximum.

    Execution technique

    Now we will figure out how to do the plank exercise using the example of 2 classic execution techniques - on straight arms and on the elbows.

    The video is very detailed and clear about the bar - watch it!

    Straight arm plank

    Remember that what is important is correct technique. Further, having understood the nuances of the exercise, you will gradually be able to improve your time indicators. On the first day of classes, standing in the plank for 20 seconds will be enough for a beginner. Every day your result can be gradually improved. Then you will achieve the best results.

    If you don’t have a mentor with you to check the correctness of the technique, then perform the exercise in front of a mirror. Also use a fitness mat.

  1. Take a lying position. From this position, rise up so that you are resting only on your palms and toes. The hands should be located exactly under the shoulders.
  2. Don't bend your legs, keep them straight
  3. The position of the back is absolutely straight. The shoulder blades are down. Don't round your back or stick out your tailbone. Gaze forward
  4. The abs must be kept at maximum tension and not relaxed until the end of the plank.
  5. The feet can be placed together, or they can be spread apart to shoulder width. The wider your feet are, the easier it is to perform the exercise, but you will reduce the efficiency of the muscles.
  6. Breathing - calm and continuous

Complicating the exercise

  • Single leg plank. It is necessary to stand up, observing all the above rules and raise one leg up, keeping the body position static. After completing the exercise with one leg, repeat with the other. To maintain balance, you can place your hands slightly wider than your shoulders.
  • Plank with arm extended. While standing in a plank position, extend one arm forward and maintain balance, making sure to maintain a straight back line. Repeat the same steps, extending the other arm.

Elbow plank

The principle of execution is the same as in the hand plank. The only difference is that you lean on your forearms. To do this, you need to bend your arms, keep your elbows strictly under your shoulders. Make sure that the spine does not bend, the tailbone does not protrude, and the abs remain tense.

Complicating the exercise

  • On one leg. Leaning on your elbows, lift one leg up and stay in this position. Then repeat with the second leg.
  • With an outstretched hand. While in an elbow plank, extend your arm forward. After standing motionless in this position for several seconds, change your hand.
  • The hand and elbow planks can be combined into one exercise. First, take a position on straight arms, then lower yourself to your elbows, alternately bending first one arm, then the other. Then return to the starting position. Repeat several times.

Video with 5 unusual and effective plank variations, for those who confidently do the classic version of this exercise.

The benefits and harms of planks

What are the benefits of the plank exercise? Conventionally, the benefits of it can be divided into several components, such as benefits for the back, legs and abs. Let's talk in detail about each case in terms of the benefits and harms of the exercise.

Benefits for the back

Most people who lead a sedentary lifestyle suffer from back pain. The back is a vulnerable spot for both professional athletes and ordinary gym goers. The main reason for this phenomenon is weak core muscles. The benefit of the plank exercise for the back is to strengthen the muscle groups that are responsible for stabilizing our body. During the plank, large back muscles are worked out: rectus, latissimus, lumbar and neck muscles. This symmetrical load on the abs and back makes your posture correct and your stomach toned. By performing the plank exercise regularly, you can get rid of back pain, notice progress in strength exercises, and minimize the possibility of spinal injuries. The back bar will help prevent osteochondrosis.

However, be careful: the exercise can be harmful if you have any problems with the spine. And poor technique can even lead to back injuries.

Benefits for feet

Almost all leg muscles work in the plank. In various types of exercises, the gluteus medius and maximus muscles are under great tension, and the thigh and calf muscles work. By doing the plank regularly, you will notice that the leg muscles become stronger, more toned, the buttocks become more toned, and the legs become slimmer. The buttock bar has another positive effect - a reduction in cellulite, due to improved blood microcirculation in this area. When starting the exercise, you should take into account the great tension that falls on your legs.

Although the classic plank is performed in a static position and is gentle on the joints, In some cases, for example, with ankle problems, the exercise can be harmful.

For weight loss

Great news for those who want to lose weight. By doing the plank, you can quickly get rid of extra pounds. As you know, the weight loss effect is achieved in the case of a calorie deficit. That is, you need to spend more energy than you consume with food. Combining proper nutrition and the plank exercise, you will significantly speed up your metabolism, which will lead to weight loss. Another benefit for those losing weight is that systematic exercise tightens the skin and makes it more elastic.


We have already found out what the plank does and what the benefits of the exercise are. However, please note that doing planks can also cause harm. It is contraindicated for people with spinal injuries, intervertebral hernia, and pregnant women. In postoperative and postpartum period The exercise should also be done with caution. Such people should consult a doctor, otherwise they can cause serious harm to their health.

30 day program

The plank exercise will become your indispensable assistant on the path to health and a great figure. Having learned how to do a plank correctly, start practicing. The positive effect of training will not take long to appear.
Use our plank exercise program for 30 days. In it you can combine different types. You already know how each exercise is useful. In a month you will feel the effectiveness of the exercise and see amazing results. Complete the plank for 30 days using this scheme, which will allow you to achieve progress by gradually increasing the execution time.

Day 120 sec
Day 220 sec
Day 330 sec
Day 430 sec
Day 540 sec
Day 6Rest
Day 745 sec
Day 845 sec
Day 91 min
Day 101 min
Day 111 min
Day 121 min 30 sec
Day 13Rest
Day 141 min 30 sec
Day 151 min 30 sec
Day 162 minutes
Day 172 minutes
Day 182 min 30 sec
Day 19Rest
Day 202 min 30 sec
Day 212 min 30 sec
Day 223 min
Day 233 min
Day 243 min 45 sec
Day 253 min 45 sec
Day 26Rest
Day 274 min
Day 284 min
Day 294 min 30 sec
Day 305 minutes

Summer is getting closer and issues of harmony are becoming more and more of a concern. I recently offered an effective complex for weight loss, I hope you are doing it. But for better results, it is advisable to do other exercises. For example, a plank, the benefits and harms of which will be discussed today, as well as how to do this exercise correctly, how often and how much, and whether it is effective for losing weight.

Plank is physical exercise, in which you need to stay in one position for some time, leaning only on your arms and toes. It is often included in training programs, although opinions about this exercise vary. There are reviews that it does not bring any benefit, but there is also the opposite opinion that the bar should be included in your complex, since when it is performed, more than 90% of all muscles work. So let's look at the effectiveness of this exercise.

We are all different, some can devote time and money to sports and constantly visit the gym or swimming pool. But some people can’t afford it, and it’s not even a matter of finances or laziness; sometimes there is a catastrophic lack of time for this.

The “plank” exercise is interesting because it does not require a special room, equipment or sportswear, and it does not require a lot of time.

The “plank” is also attractive because it has many varieties, from simple classic to quite complex options, therefore suitable for people with different physical fitness, both men and women. If you wish, you can create a whole set of exercises to work different muscle groups.

Of course, if your goal is to have an ideal figure, then exercise alone is unlikely to achieve this. But even by devoting a minimum of time and doing a simple classic plank, you will improve not only your figure, but also strengthen the muscle corset that supports our spine, and this is very important, especially with a sedentary lifestyle.

Plank exercise - benefits and harm

The training can be dynamic (isotonic) and carried out with the help of movements, but you can train without doing any movements. Such training is called static (isometric).

During dynamics, the load on the muscles alternates, they either relax or tense; during static exercises, constant muscle tension occurs. Static exercises are considered strength exercises, they increase muscle tone, endurance of muscles and tendons, but they will not build muscle with their help. Dynamic exercises are suitable for this purpose.

The plank is the most popular static exercise with which you can work different muscle groups, including the transverse muscle. The transverse muscle holds our internal organs and if it is relaxed, it provokes the growth of the abdomen. In our usual abdominal exercises, this muscle works, but indirectly. The plank develops that part of the abs that is difficult to develop dynamically. This exercise also solves a number of other problems.

The benefits of exercise for men and women

In addition to the press bar, you can:

  • strengthen the back muscles, which improves posture and is useful for osteochondrosis
  • do more arms toned, legs, buttocks
  • fight cellulite by accelerating blood circulation and lymph flow
  • reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis
  • due to the stretching effect, relax stiff back muscles, relieve tension and pain in the shoulder region, which often bothers people who have sedentary work
  • strengthen ligaments, tendons, joints
  • speed up metabolism
  • improve muscle coordination, vestibular system, developing a sense of equilibrium and balance.

The plank exercise is universal and suitable for both men and women. As I already said, static exercises do not contribute to muscle building and this fact is appreciated by women who want to have a toned figure, but not lose their femininity.

Men include this exercise in their complex due to the fact that it gives good results when drying the body, and also makes the muscles more resilient.

Plus a general health effect that is beneficial for both the female and male body.

Plank for weight loss - reviews and tips

Rita, 29 years old:

I gained a lot of weight after giving birth. I was looking for something that I could do at home and take a little time. The plank seemed to me the best option. At first it was unbearable to stand in the pose for even 20 seconds. But it’s okay, I didn’t despair. A month has passed: I have lost weight (though I have reduced the amount of food I eat), and my arms have become more defined, and my hips and butt have tightened, and now I have no cellulite.

Svetlana, 35 years old:

I’ve been doing the plank for 20 days now, the result is zero, I’m disappointed. I’ll try for another 10 days, then I’ll give up if results don’t appear.

Ekaterina, 27 years old:

I’ve been doing the plank for two months now, and the results have simply amazed me. From 72 kg I dropped to 63 kg. The muscles began to tone, the buttocks noticeably tightened. I’m not going to quit, of course I limited my diet: a minimum of sweets and starchy foods.

Alina, 41 years old:

I can’t say that the bar has any effect on weight. I noticed this in myself after a couple of months of training. I wanted to lose a little weight, yes. But, apparently, such an exercise is not designed for such a result. However, it helps to get a trim waist, which is a very nice fact. Maybe if you increase the time you do the exercise, you will be able to lose weight. But, in principle, I am satisfied with what I have achieved – a flat stomach.

Natalya, 52 years old:

The “our everything” bar is maximum results with minimum costs. Arms are toned, beautiful abs, no “breeches”. I stand for 3 minutes every day.

I gave as an example several reviews about the effectiveness of the “bar” for weight loss, there are actually a lot of them and they are very different. Some people write rave reviews and consider it a super tool for weight loss, but there are also completely opposite opinions.

What is the reason for such different reviews about this exercise? I decided to find out what experts had to say about this, but even here opinions were divided.

Some say this:

Static loads, which are carried out without much strain or, so to speak, half-heartedly, are produced due to the work of red muscle fibers, which are an excellent tool for obtaining energy from fat deposits. Thus, if your main goal of training is weight loss, then static exercises with light loads are the ideal solution to your problems.

But there is also this opinion:

The plank strengthens muscles, works the core, improves the tone of the hips, buttocks, arms and shoulders, but the plank is not suitable for burning fat and losing weight. effective exercise. This exercise is designed to tone muscles, not burn fat.

But experts are unanimous on one thing:

The plank and its modifications are a great way to strengthen the body and get rid of sagging, but to lose weight, dietary restrictions are required.

From the above, the conclusion suggests itself, the problem cannot be solved with just one bar, and other exercises, you need to approach the issue of losing weight in a comprehensive manner.

In order for the effect of the bar to be as quick and noticeable as possible, you must adhere to a number of rules:

As experts say, by following the above rules, it is quite possible to adjust your weight in a month, but, of course, you will not be able to remove 20 kilograms. How much exactly depends on other factors, such as the physiological characteristics of your body, age, and how correctly the exercises are performed.

In addition, watch the video, it tells you how to use the plank exercise for weight loss.

Contraindications and harm from exercise

We have found out everything about the benefits, but before including the bar in your set of exercises, it is important to know whether it has contraindications, so as not to harm your health.

The first thing that is important to know is that a constantly tense muscle under static load compresses the blood vessels and, accordingly, its blood supply deteriorates. Pushing blood into a tense muscle, the heart muscle has to work hard, accordingly the load on the heart and blood vessels increases and, as a result, it can increase sharply arterial pressure, even have a heart attack. Therefore, people prone to high blood pressure Those with heart or vascular diseases must be extremely careful. The exercise can be done, but experts recommend that such people stay in the plank position for no more than 2 minutes and it would be a good idea to consult your doctor.

During exacerbation of chronic diseases, colds and flu, it is better to postpone classes until better times.

You cannot do a plank in the following cases:

  • pregnancy
  • abdominal hernia, intervertebral hernia
  • diseases internal organs, in which physical activity is prohibited
  • pinched nerves, injuries to the spine, arms, legs
  • joint diseases

You can do the plank, but with caution, starting with lighter options and only after consulting a doctor:

  • in the postpartum period, especially during complicated labor and caesarean section
  • V recovery period after injuries and operations.

For overweight people, in order not to harm the spine and reduce the load on the joints, it is recommended to do the plank while standing on your knees, and not on the tips of your toes.

It is important to ensure that the exercise is performed correctly so that your back is straight and does not sag. Improper execution will make the exercise useless, but this is not the worst thing. Improper execution can lead to disc displacement and cause pain in the lower back, neck and shoulder joints.

How to do a plank correctly

Static exercises have a disadvantage - muscles that are not regularly stretched lose flexibility over time. If the plank is an additional exercise to the dynamic complex, then it is better to do it after the main exercises. If you only practice the plank, then before the load you need to do a warm-up, which should include stretching exercises.

You can do the exercise at any time of the day, even after eating.

So that your feet don’t slip when performing the exercise and you can keep your body in a horizontal position, it’s better to do the plank in sports shoes.

You need to start getting acquainted with this exercise with the usual classic plank and it is performed as follows:

  1. The body should form a single line from the top of the head to the heels, the back is straight, it cannot be bent either up or down. The buttocks should also not rise or fall
  2. The gaze is directed to the floor; it is considered a mistake to raise the head, as this puts additional stress on the cervical vertebrae
  3. You stand on your toes with your feet together. There is a lightweight option when your feet are shoulder-width apart, this makes it easier to maintain balance.
  4. The arms are bent at the elbows at an angle of 90 degrees and are directly under the shoulders. The wrists are parallel to the elbows. It is considered a mistake when the palms are clasped in front of you or when the hand is turned around and the flat palm is placed on the floor
  5. The muscles of the abs, hips, buttocks are tense. Try to evenly distribute the load on your arms and legs
  6. Breathing freely, without delays

You need to stand in this position for at least 20 seconds. If during the exercise a slight burning sensation appears in the muscles, do not be alarmed, it means you are doing everything correctly.

Increase the time spent in the plank gradually; it is better to do it efficiently, but in less time than vice versa. The body must get used to such a load.

In the video you will clearly see what errors can occur when performing the exercise.

Variations on the plank theme - different techniques, photos, videos

If the classic plank seems like a very simple exercise to you, then you can increase the load using different execution techniques. See photos, videos, choose the option you like.

Plank on extended arms

Plank with feet supported on a fitball (bench) on straight arms

Bent arm side plank

Side plank at arm's length

Side plank with straight leg raise

Side plank with bent leg raise

Plank leg raises

Stretch your arm forward while lifting the opposite leg

Reverse plank on bent arms

Reverse plank on straight arms

Reverse plank with leg raise

Climber plank (leg to chest curl)

Dumbbell plank row

I don’t know about you, it all seems very difficult to me, I’m only doing the classic plank for now. But the video confirms that doing the plank in different options this is real, so there is something to strive for.

To summarize, we can say that now knowing all the pros and cons of the plank exercise, feel free to move from the computer to the mat, this great way work on your body.

To help you, led by Doctor of Biological Sciences, the best expert in the field of weight loss - Galina Nikolaevna Grossmann. Using her method, many hundreds of thousands of women have already lost weight and, most importantly, the lost kilograms do not return to them even after six months or even several years! Get the course via the link while it is freely available.

I wish you beauty, slimness and health.

Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.

It often happens that simple exercises turn out to be the most effective, regardless of the purpose of training. The plank exercise is a regular static position that pumps up almost all the muscles of the body. You should keep your body off the ground as much as possible for a long time. Note: absolutely straight body!

For those who have not yet done the plank, it may seem that doing it is as easy as shelling pears, but this is far from the case. When performing the plank correctly, if you do the exercise strictly following the technique, quite a lot of energy is required. But you will definitely be pleased with the results: increased strength and endurance, toned muscles abdomen, back, legs, buttocks.

The plank is one of the best exercises for developing strength and endurance. In addition, this static exercise perfectly works the gluteal and thigh muscles, corrects posture, and improves coordination of movements.

There are many variations of the plank, and you can make the exercise more difficult by changing the position of your body parts to increase the intensity of the impact on your muscles. In this video, personal trainer Jill Rodriguez demonstrates different kinds planks with which you will make your body strong and strong.

5 Benefits of Plank Exercise

The plank has become very popular due to the fact that it has a strengthening effect on the cardiovascular system. This is no coincidence, because this exercise involves several muscle groups at once. What benefits does the bar provide in our daily lives?

  1. Abdominal strengthening

The plank forces the deep internal core abdominal muscles to actively work. These are the same treasured muscles responsible for the abs. The muscles become toned - the stomach becomes flat and the abs become steel.

However, keep in mind that in order for the cubes to appear, you need to get rid of the reserves subcutaneous fat. For men, 6% will be enough, and for women, 9%.

  1. Reducing back pain

Regular planking significantly reduces the severity and frequency of back pain. This happens because the spine becomes more flexible and stronger. The plank is also a great workout for the back muscles, especially the upper part. According to the Committee on physical culture USA:

“Since the plank is a static exercise, the minimum of movement while maximizing tension in the deep abdominal muscles provides an excellent opportunity to strengthen the skeletal system, which, in turn, helps reduce pain in the lower back.”

  1. Flexibility

In addition to developing strength, the plank improves muscle flexibility and elasticity. These are the shoulder muscles, the muscles of the collarbones, and the shoulder blades, first of all, and these are the most difficult parts of the body to train. Even your feet and toes will get a workout.

If you do a side plank, you will be able to stretch your side muscles (especially if you extend your arms up, parallel to your body). An effective alternative to stretching is the elbow plank - unlike the classic plank, here the main load is placed on the arms.

  1. Improved mood

Almost every physical exercise has the potential to improve our mood. And the bar is no exception. This in itself is a unique exercise because it is able to tense and stretch the muscles during execution, and then gives an incomparable feeling of relaxation throughout the body. The bar is especially useful for those people who lead a sedentary, sedentary lifestyle. Exercise relieves tension after a busy day working day, removes fatigue and gives a positive mood.

  1. Forming correct posture, strengthening balance

To do a plank correctly, you need to tense your abdominal muscles as much as possible. This is important for maintaining an upright position. Side planks, planks with extensions and balls are especially useful for correcting movement coordination and strengthening the sense of balance. Want to test how resilient you are? Try the side plank leg raise - get into a side plank position, then slowly lift your top leg. How long can you hold out like this? Lower your leg, return to the starting position, repeat the exercise with the other leg. The plank is a universal exercise. During the execution, all the muscles necessary for the formation of correct posture are involved. These are the muscles of the back, chest, shoulders, abs and neck. If you regularly do this simple exercise, you will not notice that you are sitting or standing with a much straighter back.

How to do a classic plank?

You can watch a demonstration of the exercise in the video at the beginning of the article.

Typical mistakes when performing the plank exercise

If you prefer a text description, here are the recommendations on how to do the plank correctly from the US Committee on Physical Culture.

  • “Keep your elbows directly under your shoulders, with your wrists on the floor parallel to your elbows.
  • Shift the center of gravity to top part back, chin pressed tightly to the neck (as if you were holding an egg between your chin and throat).
  • While in this position, tighten your abdominal muscles, buttocks (tailbone) and thighs. Watch your breathing: it should be deep and measured.
  • Hold the plank for at least 20-30 seconds (with the correct form, you can not stand longer than this period of time). Rest for 1 minute, then repeat 3-5 more times.
  • Start the exercise using your elbows and fingers (use your knees if necessary), gradually moving to a high plank.”
  • While in the front plank position, it is very important to tense your abs as much as possible, focusing on your navel. The fact is that it is adjacent to the transverse abdominal muscle, thanks to which the intestines are held inside, and the spine receives tremendous support. So, by drawing in the area near the navel, you force the internal transverse muscle to actively contract. Want to slim stomach with 6 cubes? Then lower your chin as low as possible and tighten your navel as much as possible.
  • Do Kegel exercises. In general, these exercises are more familiar to women than men. They are performed by squeezing and unclenching muscles. pelvic floor. If you explain in simple words, then imagine that you abruptly stop urinating in the middle of the process, and then just as abruptly resume. This experiment is possible thanks to these pelvic floor muscles.

How to do other types of planks?

As already mentioned, there are many types of planks: front, side, reverse. And each affects certain muscle groups. The frontal one perfectly works the upper and lower parts of the body: abs, back, chest, shoulders, neck, biceps, triceps, buttocks, thighs, calves. The side plank is especially effective for training the obliques, which in turn strengthen the spine. And when performing a reverse plank, the muscles of the buttocks, hips, abs, and back are intensively tensed.

To do a side plank, lie on your right side with your legs straight. Then lift your body using your right forearm. Your body should form a single straight line, from head to toe. Hips and knees are on the floor. You can put yours left hand on the floor in front of you, on your hip or behind your head, for better stability. Tighten your abs and hold the position for 1 minute.

To do a reverse plank, sit on the floor with your legs straight in front of you. Place your palms on the floor under your shoulders, tighten your buttocks and thighs, and then lift your body up. If it is very difficult, then you can support yourself not on your hands, but on your elbows. Hold the position for 1 minute, making sure your body forms a perfect horizontal line, from shoulders to heels.

Plank exercises for the abs: home workouts

How to do a plank correctly for weight loss or for training your abdominal muscles, watch the video from a therapist and trainer.

4 common mistakes

It is very important to perform the exercise correctly to avoid sprains and dislocations. As certified personal trainer Estelle Underwood noted in the Huffington Post:

“If you feel pain in your neck or lower back while doing planks, this may indicate weakness in the upper or lower spine. If the core muscles are weak and untrained, the spine will sag, causing vertebral displacement, pressure on the intervertebral discs and/or injury to the shoulder joint.”

People with back injuries need to be careful when performing planks. Start the exercise slowly, without sudden movements. Hold the plank position for several seconds, and if there is no pain, you can increase the time. Also, try to avoid a few common mistakes:

  1. Lowering the hips, head and shoulders
  2. Placing your hands too close together (causing damage to your shoulder joints)
  3. Holding your breath
  4. Holding the plank for too long - it’s better to stay in the position for a short time, but following all the rules

Take a 2-minute test to determine your fitness level

If you are able to hold a classic plank for 2 minutes, then you have a good level of physical fitness. If not, you need to develop strength and endurance. Think about it, maybe excess weight What is the main reason why you can't hold a plank for 2 minutes? For motivation, we recommend that you watch the following video with the participation of George Hood, this is the current Guinness Book of Records record holder for holding the classic bar. Its time is 1 hour 20 minutes 7 seconds. The previous record was held by Richard Hazard, his time was 50 minutes 11 seconds.

Plank exercise: reviews and results

If you want to strengthen your core muscles and tighten your stomach, there is only one exercise that can help you - the plank. It belongs to one of the classical yoga poses, is basic exercise in Pilates, callanetics, stretching and other fitness programs. The plank received the name due to the wonderful effect it has on the body.

What are the benefits of the plank exercise?

Planck is static exercise, that is, during execution no movements are made, and for some time the body is held in one position. Statics even engages deep muscles, forcing them to function with maximum efficiency. From the first seconds, the plank stance involves the work of the feet, shins, legs, torso, forearms, arms and stomach. When doing it, they strengthen deltoids, psoas muscles, biceps, triceps, back muscles, buttocks and thighs.

The plank is especially good for the abs, as it engages the rectus, oblique and lateral muscles. This is one of the few exercises that, if performed regularly in a short period of time, will help improve posture and strengthen the spine, tighten the buttocks, and.

A plank stance will help prevent osteoporosis and spinal problems that can result from a sedentary lifestyle. To achieve similar results, it must be done correctly.

How to do a plank correctly

The basic plank position is considered to be resting on your forearms. The elbows should be located exactly under the shoulders, the body straight, tense and extended from the heels to the top in a straight line. Lean on your forearms and do not arch in your lower back or hips. To keep your body straight, try to direct your lower abdomen toward your chest, your tailbone up, your heels back, and the front of your thighs up.

While doing the plank exercise, pay attention to other parts of the body. Place your feet parallel to each other, separately or together. The closer they are located, the more abdominal muscles will be involved. Keep your legs straight and tense - this will reduce the load on your lower back and protect you from discomfort after training. Keep your buttocks toned all the time. Tighten your stomach, while exhaling, slightly pull it towards your spine and try to keep it in this position throughout the entire exercise.

It is recommended that untrained people hold the plank for about 10-20 seconds and gradually increase the duration of the exercise. For those who have little physical training, you can do several approaches of 1 minute each. People familiar with the sport are advised to hold the plank for 2 or more minutes in a row.

Plank options

This exercise can be complicated and performed in different variations.

Strong muscles, beautiful posture and much more

It is no coincidence that the plank is at the peak of popularity. All athletes love and recommend this exercise, calling it one of the most beneficial for the body. The plank works a lot of muscles and quickly produces results in the form of a toned figure. What are the other benefits of this exercise and how can you make it even more effective?

What could be simpler than the classic plank - a rack supported by the elbows and tips of the toes? This is an elementary exercise - you don’t need to move while performing a stance, the main thing is to hold it in for as long as possible, which is the main difficulty. Only those who have enough strong muscles core, hips, back and arms. If you can’t spend a long time in the plank, it doesn’t matter, this exercise will help you gradually bring yourself into the required form. You will get not only toned muscles, but also a beautiful, healthy body.

Start small - for the first time, stand in the plank for 30-40 seconds (even this will be enough to understand how much the muscles are tensed), and then start increasing the time you perform the exercise. Don’t forget about regularity and repeat it every day - your efforts will be rewarded with visible results: the plank removes the stomach and sides, tightens the buttocks and thighs, gives the back and shoulders beautiful contours. But that's not the only benefit you can get from doing planks regularly—it has many additional benefits. We list them below.

Improved posture

The sedentary lifestyle that most of us lead does not have the best effect on our posture. At the workplace, we strive to make ourselves more comfortable, and not in the right way, hence stooping - at best, serious spinal diseases - at worst. The plank will help you avoid such problems. When performing this exercise, you need to keep your back straight, without arching or twisting it - this way it gets used to the correct position. And due to the fact that the plank strengthens the core muscles, it will simply be easier to keep your back straight - for this the muscles will need less strength.

Stress relief

When performing a plank, your body will definitely experience tension. But despite physical activity, psychologically you are unloaded - the exercise drives all extraneous thoughts away and forces you to concentrate on maintaining the stance for as long as possible. Stress also goes away because the bar helps you straighten, stretch, and feel a surge of strength. So this exercise is ideal to end a difficult day.

Acceleration of metabolism

This is an unobvious advantage of the plank. It’s hard to imagine that this exercise burns calories much better than, for example, the same mobile crunches! Nevertheless, it is true. This is what makes the bar capable of “accelerating” and speeding up your metabolism - thanks to it, you will not have problems with metabolism (provided you eat a healthy, balanced diet).

Improved flexibility

The plank is an exercise not only for “pumping up” muscles, but also for stretching. The back muscles and oblique abdominal muscles will be stretched. Thanks to this, you will feel much better after a whole day spent in the same “hunched” position at work, and you will also become much more flexible and flexible.

Improved balance

If standing on one leg or performing a rotation without collapsing or falling is not an easy task for you, the plank will help change the situation for the better. A complex of stabilizer muscles, which include the core muscles, helps us maintain balance; the bar trains them.

5 most effective plank options

This plank is more difficult than the extended arms plank, which is considered classic. By bending your arms at an angle of 90°, you increase the load on the muscles, forcing the muscles of the chest and lower back to work, and not just the abdomen.

It is performed in the same way as the classic one, with straight arms, but with the stomach up. By changing the position, the muscles of the buttocks and calves receive the load, so the reverse plank can significantly improve appearance legs

When leaning on one hand, maintaining a straight body position is not so easy. But such a plank better works the core muscles, and also uses the hips and buttocks.

By lifting your arm or leg while doing the classic plank, you not only challenge your muscles, but also train your balance.

Try doing a plank supported by a fitball - the load on the muscles will increase, and you will also have to maintain balance.

Don't forget: good shape is achieved through both regular exercise and balanced nutrition. This is the key to an active lifestyle! Try to follow it, and if you have something to ask, contact .

10 November 2015, 15:23 2015-11-10