In fact, to meet the girl of your dreams, you just need to understand a little about female psychology, and then, using simple techniques, you will be able to do it.

What do girls pay attention to first? If you decide to meet a charming lady, you should pay attention to your appearance. The fair sex loves neat, well-dressed young men with polished shoes and smoothly shaved cheeks. Of course, if brutal stubble is a permanent attribute of your image, you should not radically change your image.

It's not the best time to start a new relationship if you've already had a lot to drink.

It should be remembered that a sip of wine for courage and a couple of glasses of vodka have completely different effects.

And most importantly, you should remain yourself. Don’t try to invent something or behave unnaturally - this is immediately noticeable and alarming.

How to get attention

First of all, you should approach the girl and introduce yourself. You can say that you noticed her among the crowd because she amazed you with her charm and sweet smile. You should tell a little about yourself and try to interest the lady.

Of course, it all depends on the situation you are in. If you're at a disco, try asking her to dance. If on the beach, offer to play beach volleyball with you; if on a walk, buy a bouquet of flowers and give it to her. If you are in the company of mutual friends, assess the situation realistically. Perhaps one of your friends can introduce you to a beautiful stranger. Remember what talents you have.

If you have hearing and a voice, you can sing a beautiful and romantic song that you will dedicate to the lady of your heart.

If you saw a girl on the street completely by accident, but suddenly decided to get to know her, approach her. Say that you understand that she probably doesn’t meet people on the street. But still, ask to make an exception for you. Come up with a romantic story about how you once dreamed about her, and you have been looking for her for a long time, but now you just couldn’t pass her by.

The main task is to try to interest the person you like, to find as many common interests as possible. Girls love funny and witty guys. It will be good to have a few jokes and funny stories in mind. Maintain eye contact with the lady, look her in the eyes, and smile as much as possible.

If the acquaintance was successful and you found a common language, do not forget to take the girl’s phone number and be sure to call back.

Do you want to take a beautiful girl on a date, but still can’t get to know her? Then what are you waiting for - surprise, delight, amaze. Simple methods don't work - use original ones, but don't stop! I will tell you how you can meet a girl in an original way and get her “Yes” within a few minutes after the first contact.

A beauty has appeared on the horizon - improvise!

You saw a girl that you liked, then act right now. If you’re not ready, you don’t have any jokes or prepared phrases in stock, just improvise using these tips.

"Girl, where am I?"

After you have seen your target, draw lost person. Pretend you can't figure out what city you're in. Go up to the girl and ask what kind of city this is and where you are. Your acting skills are not important here, because this one phrase will bring a smile and bewilderment on her face. After she answers you, you can thank her for saving your life and continue the conversation - the first step has already been taken.

A banal and original dating method

Do you remember how in old Soviet films men used the phrase “Can you tell me what time it is” or “How to get to the library” to meet a girl on the street. But few people use such banality nowadays - we will complicate the task:

Read also:

  1. Show your masculine self by brazenly blocking her path. In this case, such tactics are permissible. And this method is designed for people with a sense of humor - girls who don’t understand jokes may simply be scared of you. But we don’t need people like that.
  2. Show her that you are joking - smile, remove your serious face and become an easy-going, cheerful guy.
  3. Connect flirting to all this and continue the phrase with some kind of joke. For example, if we are talking about the library, say “It’s scary how I like to read.” If a girl says she doesn't know where the library is, ask about the bookstore. If you hear a negative answer here, say, “Don’t you even know where the most cozy and beautiful cafe is?...But I know.” So, while continuing the conversation, you can take her out for coffee or invite her on a date.

“Can I hold on to you?”

A very unusual (arrogant) way - to give the impression of an old acquaintance or something. He looks something like this...

Gather all your self-confidence and charisma and follow these instructions:

Here it is important to let the girl know that she is helping you, and not just serving as a step or a pillar - they love to cheat, and a woman’s fantasy can ruin your attempts in the bud.

  1. If you are wearing closed shoes, take off one shoe, sneaker, etc. a little.
  2. Go up to the girl and say something like this phrase: “Girl, stay still for a while, please.”
  3. When you address her, do not look into her eyes for a long time so that the actions look more natural.
  4. Approach a girl with complete confidence - she will not refuse you. If you still have a bit of fear left in you, just imagine that you are approaching an old friend who will definitely help you.
  5. You have already attracted her attention, now tell her that she helped you out a lot and invite her to drink coffee as a sign of gratitude.

You are the hero savior

Have you ever imagined how you save a girl’s life and she gives you her favor for it? I'll be honest: this is unlikely to ever happen. But you can still act as a savior: pretend that the girl is about to step on a ladybug:

  1. “Girl, be careful! You almost stepped on a ladybug. Where are you in such a hurry?”.
  2. If a girl says that there is no ladybug: “Don’t worry, she flew away. I notice everything - especially sweet, beautiful creatures like you...”

"You forgot to meet me"

Here you will also have to surprise and shock the girl - be brave and persistent. Run after the girl and shout for her to stop: “Wait, wait, you forgot something.” When a girl stops and asks what we're talking about– stop, smile and say that she forgot to meet you. This method works - it has been tested more than once. You are not talking to a passive girl who is worried about her own affairs, but to an emotionally aroused girl who is more malleable. Well, originality of this kind can also bear fruit.

Surprise a woman with gifts

Roses for strangers

Today you are not just a guy who picks up girls, but a gallant man who simply cannot be refused. You will have to spend money to do this, but the result promises to be good. Buy one rose (you can buy a whole bunch and pull one at a time if you want). Just go up to the girl you like and give her a flower. Any of them will be embarrassed, surprised and immensely happy in their hearts. Give her a few compliments, invite her for coffee. My extensive experience and the experience of my friends confirms that this way you can not only take a number and go on a date, but even seduce a lady on the day you meet.

If you like a girl for a long time...

Every day you go to work and meet people along the way. beautiful girl? Or maybe you know where she hangs out with her friends. So why haven't you met her yet? The most obvious step is to meet a girl on the Internet, but it’s better to go big: Buy balloons, helium and colored markers. After inflating the balloons, write notes to them with compliments or confessions. You can attach one note with your phone number. When you meet, just give the girl your gift - she will definitely want to see you again. But most likely, your communication will begin during the presentation of the gift.

“Do you happen to have...?”

A great way that I always recommend to my friends. If you prepare in advance, you can buy a chocolate bar or some small interesting thing. If you're improvising, feel free to use a flashlight, duct tape, a pen, and whatever else you have with you. Just go up to a stranger and ask:

“Do you happen to have a nice pen?”

When the girl says “No”, answer: “Then I’ll give it to you, and you’ll give me a minute of your time.”. You can ask for a phone number in return.

Perseverance and talent will help you

These methods require special conditions, but they work best. Don't give her a chance to evade!

This is a great method that I found on YouTube. Using it, the guy met and invited a beautiful girl on a date in half a minute. So here it is:

  1. To do this, you must have a car (at least she does), closed glasses of coffee and two phones.
  2. Stop at a traffic light near the car in which the girl is sitting.
  3. Tell her: “Girl, would you like to have some coffee?”
  4. Most likely, she will tell you that she is in a hurry.
  5. Then you just take a closed glass of coffee and give it to her - she is shocked, laughs and is surprised.
  6. After that, you ask for a phone number and believe me, she will give it to you!
  7. If she says that there is no phone, throw the phone in her car (this, of course, is very risky).
  8. Then call him and ask him out on a date.

You can act in different ways, but the main thing is that by inviting her for coffee, you have an answer to any of her refusals. Your persistence, thoughtfulness of your plan, courage and good sense of morale simply will not allow her to leave.

Method for artists

You are very lucky if, in addition to strength and courage, you have the talent to draw. You have a huge trump card in your hands. If you are in one place with a girl for a long time (for example, you are waiting for a bus at a bus stop), draw her portrait on a piece of paper or a beautiful bouquet of flowers. After that, hand it to her, showered with compliments. Any lady will melt from such a gesture. That's it, now in her eyes you are a romantic, mysterious and very pretentious young man.

Meet people wherever you can

It is important to always practice the art of dating. Try not to wait for the right moment, don’t look for your soulmate - come up and compose on the go, after a couple of weeks of this practice you will have a lot of experience: people will send you, fall in love, tell their girlfriends about you, etc. The main thing is that every approach you take will be original and unforgettable!

Meeting in a supermarket

Take a bottle of wine and put it in the girl’s basket. At the same time, say something like: “I’ll have the wine, and you’ll have a nice evening...or cake...or a date.” You've shown that you're a confident man who just doesn't take no for an answer and that should impress her.

Option for the shy

Even for those who have never been able to cope with their shyness, there is a way out! Girls simply adore secret admirers, it seduces them and gives them self-confidence. And in general, this is romance, and they love it so much. So, when you are sitting in a cafe or restaurant and see a beautiful girl, write her a note: "Hello. You are simply charming. I stared at you so much that I was almost late for work - I had to quickly run away. Let's meet right there at 18.00 on Wednesday. I will wait for you". Pass the note to the waiter and leave quietly. Now you will be the main intrigue for her, which she will definitely want to unravel.

Now you have a whole arsenal of ways to meet a girl in an original way. Be confident and persistent and you will be able to achieve not just an acquaintance, but something more.

Even though the girl is beautiful, that doesn't mean anything.

Use the Four Times Rule to level out the conversation and take her masks off.

This rule will help you remove the protective checks from the girl and continue to communicate with her as long as you want. The rule will allow you to change the place of the situation with her, isolate her from her friends, or achieve what you want. The rule is universal and applies to many aspects of life, not just seduction.

Let's imagine a situation: you approach a beautiful girl, and she wastes the conversation and ignores you at first.

You make 4 attempts to make the conversation smooth and get her off protective masks so that she can focus completely on you. You need to be persistent with her 4 times. The fifth time is already too much.

On the first three attempts you should already expect a negative reaction from her. The first three attempts to establish a conversation will not remove skepticism from the girl. She will not want to communicate with you right away - this is a normal reaction.

Why should she want to communicate with you right away if she doesn’t know who you are and what you want? b?

It's after your fourth try that the magic happens, check and see for yourself. It is this rule of four that will allow you to magically discover beautiful, high-status girls.

Example. At the club you approached an unfamiliar beautiful girl. Don’t use my words and this sequence of my 4 phrases as a template for approaching a girl to meet you. This is just a common example. Always speak your own words, coming from you personally.

Rule of 4 in action: example phrases

Your persistence and sincerity removes her protective masks

When a woman realizes that what you say matches what you feel, they perceive you differently and look at you just as a normal guy.

These are 4 attempts, and her focus is on you. This is how it all happens. Persistence always leads to the goal.

Now she thinks - you're a guy who goes after what he wants. You didn't pressure her. You can be funny. She took off her mask and sees that same guy in you. Now you are both relaxed and open to each other. All!

Video where I answer questions about seducing beautiful girls

See my video with an example of approaching a girl below.

In this video, I immediately answer questions about how to meet a girl if you are embarrassed by prying eyes, how to stop worrying about it, and many other interesting questions.

Enjoy watching!

About happiness, love and self-sufficiency - perfectly conveys the state at the time of its writing.

5. Put yourself and your dreams first.

Incorporate and become aware of the following understandings and beliefs.:

  1. Value yourself more than you value now.
  2. Be independent no matter what, free.
    Make your own decisions.
  3. Put yourself first, not the girls! Live for yourself and for your dreams.
    Then in the eyes of a woman you will be the man who cannot be possessed. It's incredibly attractive.
  4. Be the main thing for yourself in this life. But you should also not become arrogant and think that you are the navel of the earth. Don't put yourself above others and don't be arrogant.
  5. Live your own heart, your own life and follow your dreams.
    By sticking to this, women see that they cannot curb you. Only you are the most important thing in your life, and your dream is the most important thing.
  6. No woman can stand with my real mission, whatever it is.
    No woman can be more important than my dream, which I keep in my head, with which I wake up every day.
  7. Freedom is a key attraction factor. Freedom attracts.
    A woman is attracted to a man who is truly free.
  8. A component of charisma is to live your dream and under no circumstances don't put any woman first in your life, no matter how beautiful she is .
    As soon as you put her first, you lose yourself.

Always remind yourself and re-read these 5 tips on how to meet a stranger, a rich girl or a status person.

If you want to fully understand the topic of seduction, meeting girls and social dynamics, I advise you to sign up for individual training with me. See you!

For example: you are choosing wine in a supermarket... you have met the girl of your dreams. You are simply blinded by her beauty, you are ready to write poetry and dedicate serenades to her. You now understand what kind of women could start wars on earth...

But she didn't notice you. He simply walked by, took the wine she liked and went on to make her purchases. And you remained standing at the counter, blinded by her beauty and wondering how to find the words to speak to her. And you don’t understand what phrases you should say so as not to seem like an idiot in her eyes. You should find the perfect excuse, the perfect phrase for getting to know each other. BUT you don't understand why you're afraid to even think about approaching her.
Then she left. All that was left was the scent of her perfume...

Does this sound familiar to you? I think everyone has found themselves in this situation. In principle, this should not bother you. But if this happens day after day, then the situation needs to change. Pull yourself together, this problem will not solve itself. Perhaps your friend met such a beautiful girl. All that remains is to be happy for him. But perhaps his sister or mutual friends introduced him to the girl. It’s stupid to expect such an amazing girl to fall at your feet. Therefore, if you yourself do not start being active, then you have no chance meet this one beautiful girl .
Now I'll tell you a secret how to meet a beautiful girl. Young men often try to meet girls, but they ignore them. In fact, young people begin to compare themselves and, before doing anything, come to the conclusion that they simply are not worthy of such a beautiful girl. “She’s too beautiful for me,” “she won’t like me,” “I don’t deserve her,” and so on. But beautiful girls are the loneliest in the world, so most young people are afraid to come up and talk.

So, stop being afraid and prove to everyone, and most of all to yourself, that you deserve to be happy. Don't be afraid to get a negative result. This is also a result and in the end you will get what you deserve.
In truth, a girl will never think that you are an idiot if you tried to get to know her. Even if she refused you, there could be a million reasons for this. Don't despair. Perhaps she has a husband or boyfriend and is happy, or she is simply in a hurry. In any case, the girl will not insult you and laugh.

If you still understand the main idea of ​​the article and are ready to change your life for the better, stop worrying about what might happen to you during dating. This won't happen. The worst thing that can happen is that she will talk to you coldly and refuse to give you your phone number. But the chance of this is ten times less than a positive result.

If you say something interesting, you are charming and cheerful, then you have a great chance of spending today with her.

Try to start a conversation in a fun way:
You: Hello
She: hi
You: I'm practicing communicating with a beautiful girl. My name is... What are you doing here?

Usually this kind of conversation starter intrigues a girl. It's incredible, isn't it? In fact, you can look for the perfect prepositions and phrases to get acquainted, but the truth is that you can say whatever you want6 to start dating. What matters more is how you speak and how you behave.

Getting to know a beautiful girl the right way is as easy as quitting smoking. I've done this ten times already. Mark Twain would agree with me, at least regarding how easy it is to quit smoking.

It all depends on your mood and willingness to make new acquaintances. The desire of a beautiful girl to get to know you can be ignored. It didn’t work out with one, but you will be able to meet another beautiful girl. You never know how many beautiful girls there are, especially after a few sips of alcohol. With each subsequent sip, the number of beautiful girls increases in direct proportion to the strength of the drink. But... I don’t recommend this method. I am not a member of a temperance society. However, you need to get acquainted with a sober head. Otherwise, how can you be sure that the girl is really beautiful? Sometimes this is important.

One more warning. I don’t recommend using spicy “road” situations to meet a beautiful girl. This refers to digging with a smart look under the hood of the car of a lonely blonde huddling forlornly to the side of a semi-desert highway. Of course, unless you are a born auto mechanic.

Ideal place and the time to meet a beautiful girl is a morning jog. Lots of advantages. You can immediately assess your physical fitness and figure qualities. It is unlikely that the girl uses special makeup for morning jogging. Beauty and health in one bottle. You run in the same direction, catch up and start a casual conversation about the benefits of morning jogging. Ninety percent for the acquaintance to take place. The main thing is to get into resonance.

If you can't beat your morning nap, don't despair. He who seeks finds. Look around carefully. Smile at everyone, especially the beautiful girls you meet. To do this you need to go for a walk. From the car window, your smile may simply not be noticed. You walk slowly. The dress code is modest, but tasteful. Be sure to use a good deodorant. Avoid smoking and chewing gum. Don't be afraid to smile. Look for that beautiful girl who will answer a smile with a smile. After exchanging smiles, try to start a conversation, offer to drink a cup of coffee in a nearby cafe. Listen to your heart and you will succeed.

Ready-made recipes, how to properly meet a beautiful girl, no. A situation leading to a pleasant acquaintance can arise at any time and in any place where there are beautiful girls. Therefore, keep yourself in good shape. Remember how Alla Borisovna sang: “Luck is a matter of chance, but you have to wait for chance.” And be ready for it. Don't overlook your case. Good luck to you!