The article will tell you how to protect your loved ones and your home with the help of spells and prayers, and will present you with icons.

For many centuries, people have believed in the power of other people's envy and the evil eye, considering this to be the source of their troubles and problems. From an esoteric point of view, this is completely logical. By directing his negative energy at a person on any occasion (envy, resentment, hostility), he contributes to the disruption of his energy field, which means the emergence of certain problems: in business, relationships, mental and physical health.

Old and effective methods will help protect yourself from any evil eye and damage:

  • Red thread on hand(often replaced by a red bracelet). It is believed that if a loved one ties this thread to you and at the same time reads a prayer, his words will protect you from any evil coming from an envious person, and the red color will scare away damage and slander.
  • Pin. It should not be attached in a visible place (under clothing, under the hem or on underwear). It is believed that if a person wishes you harm, his unkind words will definitely hit the point of a pin and will not be able to harm you.
  • Pectoral cross. Any image of Jesus Christ can protect you from evil, but the cross with which you were once baptized has the greatest power. It is customary to wear it on the body, hiding it under clothes.
  • Blue bead. Like red, blue drives away all evil from a person and restores his energy field. A blue protective bead is most often made in the shape of a small eye. This bead can be hung on a bracelet, on a neck, on a pin, or simply carried in your pocket.
  • Reading prayers and spells. Regular “cleansing of your aura” will remove all negative flows, influences, and any evil eye (unintentional or special) from you. To do this, you need to select the appropriate prayer (see below) and read it with persistent faith in your soul while performing the ritual (washing yourself with holy water, for example, or lighting a candle).

How to protect your child, newborn from the evil eye and damage?

A little person who has just recently come into this world is very vulnerable to all the negative influences of the outside world. That is why the child’s frequent whims and restlessness are explained by the intervention of the evil eye or damage. It is imperative to protect your child from such things.

How can you protect your child:

  • Baptism. This is the most reliable and effective way. So the child stands before God and he gives him a Guardian Angel, who will protect him from any evil. Baptism also “drives away demons” from the child, making the baby calm and peaceful. After baptism, you should wear it without removing the cross.
  • Name icon. During your baptism or church visit, you can purchase personalized icon to your child. In the case when you give your child an unusual and non-Orthodox name, you get a second name for the child, which is selected by the clergyman (analogous or consonant). The personalized icon should be read to the mother in front of the child and this little thing should be kept in the stroller or crib.
  • Tying a red thread. This should be done by the mother and no one else. While tying, mom must make 7 knots and read a protective spell. The thread should be wool, from an ordinary ball (or a special thread ordered from Jerusalem). That’s why there are a number of similar amulets to this principle, for example, attaching a red ribbon, bow or flower to a stroller or crib. The color red can “scare away” any evil from a child.
  • Silver pin on clothes. Just as in the case of an adult, a pin has its place in protecting a child. It is believed that the shape of this device is very unusual and this is what the amulet “obliges”. A negative that hits a pin becomes looped and rotates in a circle without hitting the person. The pin can also be attached to the stroller so that anyone looking into it cannot harm the child.

For a child

How to protect your family from the evil eye and damage, curses and envy?

Despite the fact that not every person believes in protective magic, conspiracies and prayers that protect home and family from the “evil eye” are quite popular and in demand. Everyone wants to protect their loved ones in any way, when this cannot be done on their own (at the energy level), as well as to preserve their health, strength and not spoil relationships.

Ways to protect your family:

  • Icon. Every home must have at least one icon. It is preferable to have the image of Christ and Mother of God. These saints will protect not only the house, but also every member of the family. Icons should be stored in a “high place” (higher than a person’s height, on a shelf, for example) or hung in one of the corners of the house. Icons should be looked after, not allowing them to gather dust; icons should be prayed for and candles should be lit in front of them.
  • Rowan. As already mentioned, the red color scares away evil, and the red color that nature created will also bring only positive things to the home and family. In order for any evil or unkind person to leave your home, tie a bunch of viburnum berries (one sprig) with a red woolen thread, read a prayer of protection (see below) and hang it above the front door.
  • Protection fee. Some herbs have the magical effect of identifying evil and driving it away from the place where there is a protective amulet. It's very easy to make it yourself. To do this, you should collect several sprigs of mint, St. John's wort and wormwood in a bunch. Tie the branches together with red thread and read the prayer. Hang the bunch above the front door of the house. If you don’t want to attract attention with this amulet, you can simply sprinkle dry wormwood under the rug in front of the entrance.
  • Horseshoe. This is a common amulet that not only drives away evil, but also attracts good luck to a person. Every family member can wear such a pendant in the form of a horseshoe, you can also hang a symbolic (or real) horseshoe above the entrance to your house, it is only important to make sure that the ends of the horseshoe look up and not down, otherwise you risk achieving a different effect .

For home

How to protect your loved ones from the evil eye and damage, curses and envy?

If you want to protect loved ones who do not live in the same house with you, but are still family and loved ones to you, you should read protective prayers for them daily (or quite often). You can do this in front of any Holy image that you trust. While reading the prayer, be sure to remember the person and say his name.

IMPORTANT: Give your loved ones miniature personalized icons and ask them to always carry them with them for protection. You can also stock up on holy water Orthodox holidays and periodically let loved ones wash their faces with it or add it to food and drinks.

How to protect a pregnant woman from the evil eye and damage, curses and envy?

It is known that a pregnant woman, sometimes carrying a child, is very vulnerable to negative manifestations from the outside world. An unkind person can not only put the evil eye on her, but also cause her to get sick and have difficulty giving birth. The evil eye can also harm women in labor by “spoiling or taking away” the milk.

If you are pregnant or a woman close to you is pregnant, try to protect her from the “evil eye” on your own. To do this you can tie with red thread belly under clothes if you are in crowded places. So, any person, whether intentionally or not, will not be able to harm you with his thoughts and words.

You can do the same wear the image of the Virgin Mary– faithful protector of all women and children. To do this, you can purchase an amulet in the church and consecrate it there. It is known that silver repels evil, and gold attracts, so during pregnancy, give preference silver jewelry, but do not take off your engagement ring - it is a faithful protector for you. Do not remove the cross with the image of Christ on your body and often read prayers to the Mother of God for the protection of mother and child.

For a pregnant woman

How to protect yourself at work from the evil eye and damage, curses and envy?

Every person’s workplace is full of negativity, envy and the “evil eye”. A huge number of people accumulate here, who do not always want the best for their colleagues. So that you can enjoy your successes and your career can rapidly move up, make it a rule to always “protect yourself” with effective methods:

  • Pray for protection to Holy images and read conspiracies for successful work.
  • Wash your face with holy water before or after a working day (you can also use water infused with silver to eliminate negativity).
  • Carry with you your personal amulet that will protect you in “vulnerable” situations.

Rituals to protect yourself:

  • Protection “Brick Wall” from an ill-wisher. If you have a person at work in whom you are sure that he does not wish you well, but only wants to harm you. Regularly, before starting your working day, mentally build 4 walls around yourself, imagining each brick. Of course, this will take time, but such energetic protection will protect you from any “eye and word.”
  • Protection with mirror. This mirror should be imagined in the same way as the wall. In this case, it should be imagined where you have contact (visual, for example) with a person who wishes you harm. Thus, any of his threats and wishes can be returned to him.
  • Groats. Nature was created to please people and give them goodness. It is known that a person is surrounded by things that absorb and things that emit negativity. If you are surrounded by a lot of evil and envy at work, try using “natural defense.” Let there be a small box with grain (any kind) on your table. Every day, dip your fingers into the grain and sort through the grain so that it absorbs all the evil that has “settled on you” and you feel better, fueled by positivity.
  • Jade figurine. This mineral is known for its ability to protect its owner from any negative influences from the outside world. Such a figurine should be placed on your desktop, you can also wear jade jewelry on yourself, the main thing is not to talk about the magic of this material to anyone.

At work

How to protect yourself from the evil eye and damage, curses and envy based on photos on the Internet?

It happens that loved one is not with you at the moment, he is on a trip, or simply your contact is not possible for a number of reasons. In such situations, you cannot take care of it yourself, and then protection from the evil eye by photo comes to the rescue.

How to do:

  • Take photos in a quiet room
  • Light three church candles and place them on the table around the photo.
  • Wash your hands with holy water
  • Place your hands on the photo (on the person you want to protect).
  • Read the “Creed” prayer three times and ask the Lord for protection specifically for this person (say his name and imagine an image).
  • Also ask to remove all the evil that may lie on it. And symbolically remove the evil eye like dirt or dust, brushing it off with your hand and throwing it away.
  • After reading the prayer, cross the person in the photo three times.
  • Don't blow out the candles, let them burn out

How to protect your house, your apartment from damage?

The most effective protection for a person from any evil is an icon. There are a number of prayers and icons that are intended to protect the home and family from any evil from the outside world. You can attach the protective image to reverse side entrance door (in the residential part). While attaching the image, you can read a prayer and hang a bunch of wormwood next to it (it is not removed even when it dries).

How to protect the front door, threshold?

From time immemorial, homemade salt has been a powerful talisman for the home. She did not allow evil or any person with evil intent to enter the house. Salt could be sprinkled around the house, at the very the right way– draw a strip of salt under the threshold (you can cover it with a rug).

How to protect your garden and yard?

It's no secret that a large and prolific garden plot can evoke admiration and envy among neighbors. For good or evil, an ordinary person can “jinx” a vegetable garden and it will stop pleasing its owner with the harvest. There is a sure way to protect the earth. You should bury mirrors (any kind, but not broken ones) in each corner of the garden (4 corners in total, like in a square figure). Then any “word and eye” will not be able to influence the earth, and the damage will return to its owner.

How to protect your car from damage?

A car is not only a means of transportation, but also an object of envy for those who do not have one. Every owner should protect his car, especially if he is purchasing a car that has already been used by another person. You can do this yourself or by asking a clergyman for help. It is necessary to sprinkle the car with holy water and read a protective prayer. It would not be superfluous to have an image of the Saint and a cross with the crucifixion of Jesus Christ in the car.


How to protect your cow, dog?

Healthy and large livestock can also be the envy of neighbors and surrounding people. You can protect any animal that you have in your home. For this you can use a bunch of wormwood. You can set a dry bunch on fire, blow off the flame and cover the animal with smoke, walking around it three times. Homemade salt is also used, which was sprinkled on the animal during the conspiracy.

IMPORTANT: On Trinity any Orthodox man collects a bouquet of fresh greenery and birch, which is stored for exactly 40 days under the roof of the house. After 40 days, you can use this dry herb to cleanse your animal of the evil eye, just stroke it several times from head to tail, read a protective prayer or spell.

How to protect your business?

In order for your business to prosper and any evil eye not to disrupt your plans, as well as to contribute to the formation of a debt trap, you should read a special conspiracy to the business owner himself. For the ritual, he uses three church candles, a glass of water, into which he dips 5 coins with the number 5 (5 kopecks or 5 rubles).


How to protect your store?

In order for your personal store, like your business, to prosper, you should read special protective prayers and conspiracies. This should be done before the start of the working day and right in the store, when there is not a single customer in it. In this way, you will not only protect your store from ruin, but also make it “thrive.”


How to protect your office?

An office is a personal workplace in which important decisions for a business or company can be made. Spells and prayers will help to ensure that there is always a prosperous atmosphere in the office. Don’t be lazy to create your own personal amulet that will give you prosperity and success by placing it in your office.

A spell for many occasions

Prayers protecting against the evil eye and damage, curses and envy

Relationships with people are not always good; someone may envy you and wish you harm. Reading special prayers will help you avoid curses in your direction, the evil eye and slander. If you often feel unwell, you lose strength and inspiration, everything breaks down and falls out of your hands - this is sure sign evil eye

“Our Father” - from the evil eye and damage: prayer

Icons protecting from the evil eye and damage, curses and envy

Icon of the Seven Shots

Icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Icon of the Mother of God

A stone that protects from the evil eye and damage, curses and envy

From bad and negative influences from environment A person can be protected by special amulets stones. You should choose such a stone based on two methods:

  • According to my feelings. If at first sight and touching the stone you felt something or noticed that if you have a certain stone you are “lucky”.
  • According to zodiac signs. In this case, there are a number of stones that correspond to the characters and characteristics of each sign. You can find out which stone is right for you in the article.

Charms that protect against the evil eye and damage, curses and envy

Every amulet that people have invented or found in the history of mankind has, one way or another, justified itself. There are a number of the most “faithful” amulets: four-leaf clover, horseshoe, red and blue, blue eye, cross, hare’s foot and much more. You can choose your personal “lucky” amulet by reading detailed description every amulet against damage and the evil eye is here.

How does salt, tansy, a cross, a wedding protect from damage and the evil eye, curses and envy?

The most powerful amulets against the evil eye:

  • Salt - absorbs negativity
  • Tansy – drives away evil spirits
  • Cross – blesses every good deed and prevents evil from being done.
  • Wedding – protects lovers from the evil eye, betrayal, and separation.

How to remove the evil eye and damage from yourself at home?

It is customary to remove damage in church by confessing sins and reciting prayers to cleanse the soul, but if you “ Hard case“or you cannot visit a person who is engaged in removing damage and the evil eye, you can try to do it at home. For the ritual you will need holy water and a church candle. You should read the plot and wash your face with water. After this, pour the water into the ground.

Orthodox prayer against the evil eye and damage: text

If you do not know Orthodox prayers, you will need one that protects the believer from any evil, damage and the evil eye.


Prayer against the evil eye and damage: strong, text

If prayer for protection does not help you, you can read strong prayer. It should be read three times, loudly, with lit candles and in front of the icon.

From damage and the evil eye

Dua against the evil eye and damage: how to read?

Dua - muslim prayer, protecting a person from any evil. It is customary to read it to Allah at any time of the day and on any day when a person feels bad or has a desire to turn to the Almighty.

Surahs from the Koran against damage and the evil eye.Strong Muslim prayer against the evil eye and damage:

Video: “Suras from the Evil EYE and DAMAGE”

Prayer against the evil eye of witchcraft and the tricks of the devil

Powerful prayer and directions against the Devil will help protect yourself from evil forces. It should be read only by those who truly believe in God.


Damage to health: signs and how to remove

If a successful and healthy person suddenly feels a loss of strength, experiences illnesses and a series of failures, he should definitely check himself for damage and the evil eye, and also try to remove this curse on his own.

Signs of damage and the evil eye:

  • Irritability and nervous breakdowns
  • Poor health that cannot be treated
  • Dishes break frequently
  • Everything is falling out of hand
  • Frequent hiccups that don't go away
  • Constant yawning
  • Fatigue and apathy, depression

IMPORTANT: You can remove damage to an Orthodox person by visiting church. There you should fervently pray to the Mother of God, Jesus Christ and light three candles at the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Prayer to Cyprian from corruption: text

The Great Martyr Cyprian will be able to protect everyone who asks him from any evil coming from other people.

Prayer of Cyprian and Ustinya against corruption:


Damage to death: signs and how to remove

Damage to death is a terrible curse that can slowly but surely make a person fade. Such damage manifests itself very clearly: animals around a person die, plants wither and a house collapses, he unexpectedly spoils relationships with all close people, and he himself feels very bad. Only a person who has knowledge and knows the rituals can remove such damage. You can help yourself by reading prayers.

Orthodox prayers against corruption and witchcraft

In order not to harm himself and betray the Lord, an Orthodox person can read the prayers prescribed in the psalms. They will protect a person from any evil that may surround him and will only strengthen faith in the Almighty.

Powerful Prayer

Damage to a person: how to read a conspiracy against corruption?

Damaging a person is black magic; it can be caused by an unkind person who masters the “black art.” You can protect yourself by putting up a protection or reading a conspiracy that will return the damage to its owner.

How to remove the evil eye and damage from yourself at home with salt, how to remove it from yourself and your child?

It is advisable to use sea salt or ordinary salt, but hardened on a stove (this is how it is “charged”: sea salt by the sun during evaporation, and ordinary salt by fire). While sprinkling the threshold, around the house, livestock and rooms, read the protective plot. Read prayers while sprinkling salt on yourself or your child.

Conspiracy against damage

Prayer from the enemies of evil and corruption. Prayers from evil enemies and damage

Powerful prayers from enemies and their evil:

Prayer from enemies

Removing spoilage with an egg at night. How to remove egg damage?

Determining and removing egg damage is a common phenomenon. The egg should definitely be taken from your own farm, from your own chickens. An egg rolls over a person while reading a prayer or spell. This should be done for a long time. After reading, you should break the egg, if it is light (ordinary) - there was no damage, but if it has darkened (or even black) - this is damage, the black contents of the egg - damage to death.

Prayer to Jesus Christ from corruption. Prayer to Jesus Christ for deliverance from corruption. Prayer to the life-giving cross against corruption

Powerful prayers:


Thursday salt for the evil eye and damage

Thursday salt is salt stored on Maundy Thursday, the holiday preceding Easter. This salt is considered sacred and healing. It can be used during the performance of rituals to cleanse from the evil eye and damage.

An indestructible psalter to remove damage from a person


The never-ending hymnal

How to cleanse yourself from damage? How to cleanse a house from damage and the evil eye?

You can cleanse your house of any evil by sprinkling it with holy water. Water should get into all corners, door and window openings. You can also use Thursday salt. Read the “Creed” and “Our Father” prayers during the ritual.

Symbol of faith

Damage to money: signs and how to remove it

Manifestations of damage:

  • Losing money
  • Job loss
  • Loss of business
  • Constant failures
  • Frequent downgrades
  • Frequent theft
  • Unrepaid debts
  • Apathy, lack of inspiration
  • Bad feeling

IMPORTANT: Reading prayers and conspiracies will help you get rid of money damage. Place coins everywhere in the house: under cabinets, a sofa, a bed, a threshold, a floor, a carpet - this is necessary in order to “have money”.

Spell on a pin against damage and the evil eye

Read the spell while pinning a pin:


Mirror protection from damage and the evil eye

Read the plot while burying the ritual mirror.

Video: “Mirror Ritual”. Magic Defense with Backlash. Protection with return"

Protection from the evil eye, curses and damage will help protect yourself, loved ones, home and business from the negative influence of sorcerers. Magic protection is easy to install, has a long-lasting effect, and is difficult to destroy.

In the article:

Protection from envy and the evil eye for beginners

Inexperienced magicians use old simple and effective rituals that can protect a person.

Pin spell

First buy a new pin: a used one will not work. They bring the future amulet to the candle fire and read three times:

Just as iron pierces this fire, so it would pierce the evil eyes of envious people; just as fire burns this iron, so it would burn the evil thoughts of enemies.

The amulet is pinned to clothing in the chest area. It is better to wear the amulet on the wrong side and monitor the condition of the pin: when the pin begins to change, this signals that they are trying to cast the evil eye, damage or curse on the person. The used product is not worn, but buried in the ground and a new charmed amulet is attached. Check out more.

Morning ritual

You can put up strong protection yourself against damage and the evil eye in the morning. For the ritual, they arm themselves with a sharp object (a thin knife or a gypsy needle). Find a window facing east and turn to face it.

Taking the instrument in hand, they draw an imaginary five-pointed star in the air, focusing in sharp object strength and internal energy. They imagine that the picture is hanging in the air. The drawn amulet should not seem invisible or a figment of the imagination, it should be felt, the feedback from the touch should be felt. The person realizes that the star exists and protects against threat.

Several stars are drawn so that amulets protect peace and protect from outside influence. They sense their presence and believe that the stars will become a barrier to black magic.

Save a family from adversity

The ritual will help protect the family from the evil eye and damage. Held in consecrated living space, otherwise the effect will not last.

They go to the forest and collect aspen branches according to the number of relatives. While collecting, they say:

Picking up another twig, they introduce a relative. When enough has been collected, they return home. Having laid out the twigs, read:

I conjure the servants of God (list all names) from sorcerers, sorcerers and witches, from the white gyrfalcon and the black raven, the old woman and the old man. I protect from evil slander, the evil eye and damage (list all names). And the haters and spiteful critics in dark forest I’m sending you to go around, collect some wool from Mother Earth, and bother yourselves. So that the servants of God (list the names of family members), there was no one to bewitch, disfigure and spoil: not by spell, not by slander, not by stake, not by deed, not by candles, not at night, not during the day, not on one day, and not for all eternity. My word is forever strong. Amen.

The twigs are kept at home. The duration of the effect of the ritual is one year, but after that the plot is repeated again. There are many rituals with aspen: amulets are made from the wood against damage, curses and evil forces, illnesses and negativity are brought to the tree, and damage is caused.

Mirror protection from the evil eye and damage

The ritual of mirror protection is carried out after sunset. They sit in the center of the room and place 7 mirrors around them. Important condition: Each must be reflected in the other.

Opposite them they place one white lit candle and draw a large circle with chalk for protection.

The task is to close the energy of the magician and the mirrors so as not to let in the negative. You should concentrate and get rid of extraneous thoughts, remember the good things.

They mentally relive the day, imagining that no one will cause damage, the person is happy with life, successful and copes with difficulties along the way. 15 minutes of meditation is enough.

The mirrors turn away from the person, moving counterclockwise. You can start with anyone. Turning away the next mirror, they extinguish the candle. When the ritual is completed, the attributes are collected and hidden, no longer used for other rituals. To destroy the magical barrier, the mirrors are broken.

For additional protection from envy and someone else's attack, take a round double-sided mirror on a chain and wrap it in black leather. The amulet is worn around the neck or in the chest pocket. Also suitable for this purpose

Spell against damage on a sheet of paper

You can install protection from a professional sorcerer, but if you have a sufficient supply of energy and a strong desire to protect yourself from negative influences, you can perform the ritual yourself.

For the ritual, take a small sheet of foil. The conspiracy has a strong effect if the ritual is performed by a person who has not been subject to witchcraft influence. You need to take whatman paper in your right hand and say:

If the sky is bright and the soul is bright, let it continue to be so, if any evil force tries to exert influence, he will go away and leave (his name).

Whatman paper folds up, goes into a bag and is carried with you. The protection works as long as the sheet remains silver. , whether they tried to break through the barrier, take out whatman paper and unfold it: the presence of stains indicates an attempt at “assassination”.

Business protection

Ill-wishers want to destroy competitors by sending... This is a common way to eliminate successful competitors in business.

In order for a business to prosper and make a profit, the enterprise must be secured. The ritual is simple: go to the temple, find the image Nikolai Ugodnik, Place a candle near the icon and say three times:

Saint Nicholas, you destroy mountains, destroy stones, destroy grief, witchcraft, sorcery, envy, hatred, deals, the evil eye. Protect God’s servant (name) from a bad moment, not for an hour, not for two, but forever. Amen.

Afterwards they go home, but the ritual does not end. They take the clothes they wear to work, clean them, repeating:

I sweep away the evil, the black, with a rooster’s word I patch it up from the envious eye, the evil eye, the unkind eye. Whoever envyes, whoever becomes embittered, whoever is unkind, will become dusty with this dust in their eyes. Let it be so!

The ritual is strong, but the ritual will have to be performed once every six months, since the protection weakens over time.

Protect your home from negative influences

You can make protection against damage and protect your apartment yourself. Rituals are performed even if there are no witchcraft attacks. Protecting your home will protect you from many problems, most of which will disappear after the ritual.

An ancient way to cleanse the house

They go to the corners of the house and sprinkle them with holy water. All objects in the room are sanctified.

Take bulbs (according to the number of rooms), remove the husks. Each one is pierced and hung on a red thread. A knot is tied on both sides of the bulbs. The finished amulet is placed in every room.

After a week, the onions are removed and wrapped in white sheets of paper. At night they go out into the street, make a fire and throw the attributes there. When the bulbs burn out, the protection is set.

Ritual for the waxing moon against damage

The ritual is performed on the twelfth lunar day. You will need:

  • salt blessed in Maundy Thursday;
  • 9 wax candles;
  • blessed water;
  • coins (according to the number of corners of the home).

Place coins in the corners. They light and leave a candle at the entrance, and a second one from its fire. They explore each room with her, saying the words:

Lord, deliver me and my house from the evil deeds of strangers and godless seductions, and hide me and my family from these snares in the hidden wilderness of Your salvation. Lord, give me courage and strength, the strength to resist bad and evil intentions. May I not deny You, our Redeemer and Savior, and Your holy Church. But give me, Lord Jesus, night and day tears and lamentation for my sins, and have mercy on us at the hour of Your terrible Judgment. Amen.

They remember the corners where the candle crackled. When the tour of the rooms is completed, they return to the entrance and place a candle on the floor next to the first one. Whisper 9 times:

O our God, the Savior, who willed under the shadow of Zacchaeus, bring salvation to all that dwelling. You yourself have always and now restrained thee that we desired, with unworthy prayers to you and prayers that bring you unharmed from all harm, blessing those who live here. Amen.

Today I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will talk about the use of magical protection. Let's start with independent rituals used in Russian witchcraft. Let's look at the rituals of black magic, and also touch on such common methods of protection as tattoo amulets against damage. Let's consider effective ways staging protection against damage and the evil eye, which are used by practicing magicians.
  1. The first magical ritual is protection for the home.
  2. The second method that I will offer you is a mirror shield for a practicing magician.

Is there a real need to protect yourself from negativity?

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will say right away that magical protection is not a panacea for any attacks, damage and the evil eye. If you persistently hit the target, you can break through any witchcraft protection on a person. In addition, in black magic there are many rituals of weakening, removal and hacking. As indeed in the magic of Runes. But magical protection will soften the blow, will repel an unprofessional attack, and, of course, will give the magician time to feel the threat, mobilize and not allow the influence of others to take control of his life.

Real magicians do not discuss the question of necessity independently install strong protection against damage, since its necessity is known. A professional magician is never limited to one defense. There are always several of them. These are diverse shields that do not conflict, but, on the contrary, are connected and together form a serious energy barrier against magic and witchcraft attacks.

The witchcraft defense of a practicing magician is not easy to crack.

This requires knowledge and strength. The magician protects not only himself, but also his bloodlines, loved ones and home. If it is difficult to curse the magician himself, then they can damage the house, and from there the damage will go to its inhabitants. Real magicians do not allow this. The shields on the homes of magicians and sorcerers are also very powerful. When a task arises, what kind of protection to install against damage, a real magician and a beginner have a huge selection of effective rituals.

Yes, there are indeed many ways to protect yourself, blood relatives, loved ones and home in the arsenal of the ancient tradition of black magic. And many of them are quite simple. Here is an example of how to independently install protection against damage through a lining in your home. Salt is needed for this protection.

How to install protection against damage to your home yourself

Magic protection from linings. Many magicians use this protection in their practice. Here are the ingredients needed to make a witchcraft mixture:

  1. Thursday salt
  2. dried crushed flowers and leaves of St. John's wort
  3. a few cloves of garlic
  4. canvas bag

You can install witchcraft protection against negativity on your home yourself. The home ritual is simple, effective, and has long been used in the practice of Russian witchcraft. Place all the ingredients in a bag and read the protective spell over it three times:

“I close the house, I speak, from, from evil intent, from evil lining. Salt will take away the blackness, the grass will unfurl evil, the color will open up evil words, no one will know, no one will pass, no one will wither, no one will die. Three times three turn, three times three turn, three times three from the gate.”

Hide the bag under the threshold. Salt absorbs negativity, and therefore the protection must be changed after a certain time. The old bag needs to be burned, and, of course, outside the house.

Use this method to independently install energy protection:

  • from curses
  • magical damage,
  • evil eye
  • and other destructive influences on the house and its inhabitants,

- better on Maundy Thursday, because... the strength and energy of this day will give her additional energy for a self-made ritual. However, you can take not Thursday salt, but ordinary, coarsely ground salt, purchased specifically for witchcraft rituals. This is a simple protection against magic and witchcraft; it does not have to be timed to coincide with Maundy Thursday. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, believe that this magical ritual can be used if necessary.

We independently put on ourselves mirror protection from damage and witchcraft

If negativity has been diagnosed, it must be completely gotten rid of. And this needs to be done urgently. You cannot give black corruption the opportunity to take root in your field and the underlying magical program.

This means that your main task is to remove the damage and install protection.

I would like to offer you a method of mirror protection. In general, mirror shields are a very strong thing. However, they are not suitable for everyone. So, before you install such a magical protective wall for yourself, do a diagnosis and find out if it is right for you. Mirror defenses can take a lot of energy. There are others side effects– closing not only from negativity, but also from positive events. In some cases, the money channel suffers. However, I repeat, not everyone has side effects and not always. Do diagnostics.

To install protection yourself after removing the damage, you will need:

  • 2 mirrors
  • 2 wax candles
  • flap of white natural fabric
  • sharp ritual knife
  • your picture
  • natural fiber rope

Place both mirrors in front of you. Place a candle near each mirror and light them.

Read the plot to protect against damage and the evil eye 7 times:

“Seven days, seven nights, seven fast rivers, seven high mountains, and seven secret words, spoken in seven books. The seven wise men said that if they come together into one, they will not return back. That cursed tribe was cast down from heaven, by lords, by snowdrifters, who became known, and the secrets of those seven men were hidden with black eyes, with oak doors, but not from me, (name), they were covered, the evil one with wisdom, the Satan with cunning. My eyes are sharp, sculpted like a falcon, I know the secrets of those men. Their power is hidden in the mirror surface, with ruinous words, with river stones, they cannot be destroyed, they cannot be martyred, they cannot be tied to a dead thing, knots are distant or forty, a root dug, a poisonous toad cannot be thrown into the grave. And if anyone decides, he will wrap himself in a loose shroud, a fresh grave. Such is the mirror concealment, preserved by the warlock. Whoever hides his soul in two mirrors will not be revealed by the demon himself. This is the knowledge, the knowledge of seven men, it is spoken in seven books, it is folded into two mirrors. So for my darling, the body is alive, two mirrors are protected by a spell. So there will be eternal centuries, black books, seven wise men, forests, rivers, witch faces. Amen".

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

Read the protective plot 7 times to protect yourself from the evil eye at home, damage and any other negative. Then lay a piece of fabric on the mirror, which left hand. Cut your right hand, let the blood drip onto the mirror on your right hand. Rub the blood with your fingertips around the salt on the mirror surface, read the words of the protective spell against the evil eye and damage:

“The soul to be hidden, the body to be preserved, was ordered by blood, by seven men, by their verbs. What a distant verst, there is no way to get to me (name). The shield is reliable. Amen".

After transferring the scrap onto the surface with the blood, read the text of the protective plot against damage:

“I shift, I unlock myself with our prayer from words, eyes, and deeds of destruction, I defend. Seven words are like one. I, (name), have a cross, oblique, mirror-like, with a menacing rejoicing. The rag is white, the darling is fleshy, not for my body but for the rag business, not for me, but for this rag. This is the legend. Amen".

Place your photo on the rag, face down, and cover it with a second mirror, then take a string and tie them together so that the mirrors are securely fastened together. Wrap the resulting structure in canvas and hide it securely. When done, read the closing plot to strongly protect yourself from negativity:

“Seven messages, one department, not in words, but in mirror-like smoothness. I can’t be fooled, I can’t be driven away with bad words, cold talk, or the witcher’s slander. My shield is mirrored. Amen".

Tattoos protecting against the evil eye and magical damage

It's time to talk about tattoos, and which ones are best used as amulets against the evil eye and damage. Each drawing applied to the body has not only an aesthetic meaning, but also contains a certain sacred meaning. When choosing a protective tattoo, thoroughly study the meaning of a particular image. There are tattoos with negative meanings. It is not recommended to wear these on your body.

Let's look at a few examples of widespread images that are commonly worn as protective tattoos from the evil eye and other energetic influences.

  • Dreamcatcher and spider tattoo - Mystical symbol. Catches bad dreams in its net and protects from evil spirits. If you add a spider to such a design, the amulet will be stronger and will acquire even deeper symbolism. Semantics of the image of a spider: accuracy, secrecy, practicality and modesty, Creative skills and magic, infinity and harmony. Protective tattoos against the evil eye and damage are great for girls. The spider tirelessly weaves its web, tangling the thread of fate in its paws, which makes it the ruler of human lives.
  • Black sun tattoo is a strong male amulet that bestows good luck. It carries great positive energy that the person will radiate. It will become a reliable shield from enemies and damage. The black sun is an ancient tattoo that protects against the evil eye and dark witchcraft.
  • Celtic Patterns – These protective tattoos consist of infinite number loops and curls, and carry a colossal semantic load. Such tattoos are very powerful amulets against the evil eye. These are magical ornaments, each of them has its own symbolism. The most popular type of protective tattoo of this type is the Celtic knot, symbolizing the interweaving of spiritual and life paths.
  • A protective hieroglyph tattoo is a stylish, widespread symbol. Images in the form of Chinese and Japanese characters often used as protective tattoo amulets against the evil eye. They carry uniqueness and mysticism. Simple in appearance, the hieroglyph is difficult to translate and can hide deep meaning and powerful energy.
  • A protective tattoo against the evil eye and damage is purely 13 - the number 13 tattoo does not carry any negative load. This is a kind of protest against superstitions. Such a drawing makes its owner happier, and is often used as protective tattoo against the evil eye. In total, the number 13 gives the number 4. According to numerology, 4 is a mystical number symbolizing power, absolute power over space and time. Symbol of earth, justice, order. The Four feels confident in the spiritual and material planes. This is the basis for everything that exists. He knows how to give raw material a form of completeness and perfection.

Slavic amulets and runes - protective tattoos against the evil eye and magic

Slavic amulets and runes are very popular as magical protections. The most widely used symbols are the Ladinets and the fern flower.

  • Ladinets is a protective symbol of family values; in addition, it is a symbol of delving into the other world, the world of intuition and magic. A wonderful tattoo against the evil eye and damage for girls.
  • The Slavic symbol in the form of a fern flower has, in addition to protective properties, also healing properties.

You need to be especially careful with images of runes. The runes contain a huge magical power. They are used as protective tattoos against damage and for protection from negativity of any nature. The problem is that only a professional magician working in the tradition of runic witchcraft can draw up the correct rune formation to protect against damage and curses. Misinterpreted is big trouble.

In general, runes are not recommended to be worn as a protective tattoo on the human body. The fact is that a person is constantly changing. His views, intentions, goals and values ​​change. Runes are unchanged in their meanings, and it may happen that a rune, designed to protect against damage, begins to interfere and conflict with its bearer. This is why magicians do not make runic tattoos against the evil eye and witchcraft. Runic inscriptions are applied to the body, but only temporary - with a pen, marker, henna, etc. Rune amulets and amulets against damage are applied to specially prepared wooden dies or stones.

Ancient tattoo Eye of Horus - protection from damage and other harmful witchcraft

The Eye of Ra, also known as the Eye of Horus, is one of the most widespread symbols of Ancient Egypt in tattoo art. The right eye of the sky god Horus symbolizes the Sun, and the left eye symbolizes the Moon. It was this lunar divine eye that suffered in the battle with the god of death and chaos Set. The god of wisdom Thoth healed the eye of Horus, and now this image is a strong magical tattoo amulet against damage and the evil eye.

The evil eye usually means something random, an unintentional negative impact. And damage is specific actions, words that are aimed at a person in order to cause harm. A person who has become the object of an evil thought can suffer quite a lot, without even knowing what caused this unpleasant situation.

The evil eye, damage, the crown of celibacy - scientists have been arguing on this topic for many centuries. Leaning first to one side, then to the other. Of course, it is much easier to be skeptical about everything than to seek the truth. But if there is so much talk on this topic, it means there is still some truth here.

According to experts, there is no negative energy in amulets against damage and the evil eye, and cannot cause any harm to others. Amulets, talismans, and rituals can only protect their wearer, protecting him from the evil intentions of strangers.

Evil eye - ways to protect

Any people can cause harm, without meaning to and without knowing it. Feelings such as hatred, envy or jealousy can easily develop into negative energy that will fall on the unfortunate victim. People often wonder how to get rid of the evil eye, but they do not clearly understand the true nature of this mysterious phenomenon.

Magicians and psychics claim that the evil eye is a negative effect on a person, which manifests itself with the strongest result when curses are shouted at the back. It should be noted that by raising your voice at a person during a conversation, you can inadvertently jinx him.

Therefore, you need to be careful with people: try to show only positivity, smile, have fun, and in no case criticize. Then you will be absolutely sure that you will not cause unpleasant situations.

Types of evil eye:

  1. An evil eye created by sorcerers.
  2. An involuntary evil eye that is induced without rituals. This can happen due to envy, jealousy, etc.

How to avoid becoming a victim of the evil eye?

Often people ignore protection from the evil eye, not knowing that it can really help, thereby becoming a victim of ill-wishers and envious people. You can determine that you have fallen into the net by your poor health: weakness, nervous tics, exhaustion, and the like. Also, people who have been exposed to the evil eye have quite frequent mood swings, bad dream, irritability and dissatisfaction.

Is it possible to get rid of the evil eye and damage yourself or seek the help of a specialist.

One quick way is to wipe the victim's face with the back of her robe or skirt. The baby can be covered entirely with the hem of the dress.

The victim should also find water and mentally transfer all the negative energy to it. This could be a walk along the river bank, or just taking a shower. If you don’t know how to protect yourself and your loved ones from the evil eye and damage, you need to take water procedures upon arrival home. Throughout the day, water will wash away all accumulated negative energy and cleanse the body.

Damage and its features

Damage differs from the evil eye in that it was intentionally directed at a person for a specific purpose; most often, they turn to black magicians for this. Damage is applied to a person in order to bring him to a very serious illness or even death.

To do this, magicians must perform a special ritual using various attributes. Often they whisper a spell about the flowers they brought from the grave, or they cast spells about water and earth, because they are very strong conductors of energy. Falling into this trap, people do not know how to save themselves. The signs of damage are very similar to the evil eye, only their manifestation is much stronger and longer lasting; sometimes even experienced doctors cannot cope with such diseases.

Manifestation of damage:

  • a sharp deterioration in health;
  • infertility;
  • loss of funds;
  • unexpected death;
  • family quarrels;
  • suicidal tendencies
  • alcohol and drug addiction.

You should also contact a specialist if you have:

  • causeless headache;
  • persistent nausea;
  • constant fatigue and weakness;
  • sweating;
  • weakness;
  • unquenchable thirst.

There is a simple way to quickly diagnose and remove the negative impact. Here you need to turn to a person close to you for help: he will place a bowl of water on the top of your head and pour melted wax, about one hundred grams, into it.

If the wax lies in an even layer, then there is no damage, but when the wax lies in the form of squiggles, then damage lies on you. This is how they remove damage: you need to pour wax until they lie in a perfectly even layer.

How to get rid of damage and curses yourself?

  • Here you will need a regular photograph, which is also suitable for a passport.
  • You need to glue it onto a snow-white sheet of paper and carry it in a pocket on your chest for three days, face forward.
  • Stick it on a piece of white paper and wear it in your breast pocket for three days: facing forward for four days.
  • Then you need to take a dark envelope, a candle and a saucer.
  • Take out your photo and cut off the white paper around it and burn this paper in a plate.

Then throw the ashes into a pond, and put the photograph itself in an envelope and hide it away on a shelf among old books. If this does not completely remove the damage, it will at least make the victim feel better before a specialist arrives.

A few simple ways to clean your home

If you feel like your home is being engulfed Negative influence, which means you need to clear it of negative energy as quickly as possible. The most the easy way is fumigation. To do this, you need to purchase a herbal mixture. If there are more males than females in your family, then there should be more plants with male names.

For example, ginseng, burdock, plantain and so on. And vice versa, if there are more females, then the plants should be: calendula, lemon balm, oregano, coltsfoot, etc. We dry the collected herbs, chop them, put them on a plate and set them on fire.

Important: if the herbs smoke and do not burn, then everything was done correctly. With this saucer we go around the whole house clockwise. You can also protect your house from damage with the help of candles: we bring a wax candle from the church, light it and go around the whole house, saying a prayer against damage.

Protection with the power of thought

Sometimes it happens that, out of the blue, a person begins to feel unwell, is overcome by bad premonitions, becomes dizzy and loses his mood. This may be a warning that you were subjected to a “magical attack” unintentionally or purposefully. If you don’t have any amulets, pins, or a red bag at hand, then you can protect yourself with the power of thought.

  1. To do this, you need to concentrate your attention as much as possible, clench your palms tightly into a fist and clearly imagine how gold or silver threads seep into your body.
  2. Because silver and gold can cleanse the aura and create a protective dome.
  3. At the same time, you need to say to yourself: “Everyone who sends evil spirits to me, take it for yourself.
  4. And I am under the strong protection of good forces and light. It was, is and will always be so.”

After a few minutes, consciousness begins to clear up, and bad sensations go away on their own. It’s very interesting, if you look around carefully, you will notice that someone present will feel worse (if this person who cast the spell on you is in your field of vision). Thus, the spiteful critic will give himself away.

Magic red bag with herbs.

It has long been known that the color red has strong energy, and this has been noted by magic experts. All kinds of amulets, talismans and amulets of red color help protect against the evil eye and damage. We are talking about a specially designed bag that has the most powerful force against negative and evil thoughts.

You need to sew your own bag from red fabric and put the following components in it:

  • Verbena
  • sea ​​salt
  • Clover
  • Dried dill

Now we need to endow our amulet with protective energy. We take the bag in our hands, closing our eyes, and imagine that our accessory is endowed with white light, and its rays can kill various evil spells. The main thing at this time is to feel safe.

Then we sew up our red bag well and put it in a secluded place, maybe in a secret pocket of the bag, so that your talisman will always be next to you. You can also sew a thread to the amulet and wear it under your clothes around your neck.

How to protect your family from the evil eye and damage?

Not only we, but also our relatives can be subject to negative influence, especially if unkindness often happens in our home.

To do this, it is necessary that there are three strongest amulets in the house, which should be stored in the most vulnerable places: at the entrance, on the loggia or by the window. One of the talismans is a stone that has a through hole.

The second is a magnet, and the larger it is in volume, the more powerful its protection. And the third amulet is any fossil, since it will protect the house from natural disasters and discord. If you turn to a magician for help, he will definitely recommend that you purchase a glass sphere - a Witch's ball against damage and the evil eye of your home.

  • It is quite difficult to purchase it, but if you manage to find it, it will be the most a strong talisman.
  • The ball must be placed in a place where light from the sun's rays will fall on it.
  • The bright surface will reflect all negative energy and protect your home.

If you perform all magical rituals with light and positive thoughts, then all the above actions-rites will be much more effective. Positive energy serves to create a reliable, indestructible “fortress” that protects from the evil eye and damage. And everything that comes to you that is negative and evil will return to the sender with double the force.

The evil eye, damage and curse are types of magical influence on a person; with their help, ill-wishers, independently or with the assistance of an appropriate specialist, deliberately cause harm to the physical and psychological health of their victims. Absolutely anyone can earn the role of a victim of evil interference, so it is useful for everyone to know how to protect themselves from the evil eye and damage.

First of all, children should be protected from negative magical effects. Special attention This should also be given to newlyweds and pregnant women. People who are successful in various areas of life can also become victims of the evil eye and damage.

Typically the energy potential of an adult healthy person enough to resist magical influence, but it is advisable for the vulnerable categories listed above to resort to additional protection.

The most common methods to protect against the evil eye and damage include:

  • reading prayers and special spells;
  • everyday wearing of various amulets and talismans;
  • performing rituals for protection.

The following information will help you choose the most suitable option in each specific case.

Prayers and conspiracies against the evil eye and damage

Reading prayers and conspiracies is perhaps the simplest and least expensive way to protect yourself from the evil eye and damage. You can say security phrases at any time and anywhere. Most often, their words are easy to remember and quickly pronounced. The simplest prayer for all troubles:

"Save me, God!"

The request for help is also contained in the short Jesus Prayer:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.”

The beautiful song “Save and Preserve” is addressed to the Mother of God with a request to intercede and have mercy:

“Blessed Virgin, Mother of God, Good Mother of God,
Do not forsake us with your eternal and kind prayer..."

Her full text contained in the prayer book. For protection from the evil eye and any evil they call on their Guardian Angel, Saint Cyprian, Archangel Michael and others. For the same purpose, they read Psalms of David 26, 34, 90.

In the morning, in order to protect yourself from negative influences, the following words are said three times:

“Having prayed to the Lord, I will remove the evil eye from the soul and body of God’s servant (name). I, the evil eye, am driving you out of my head, from my eyes, from my face and heart, from my blood and white bones, from my veins and all veins, from my back and shoulders, from my lower back and stomach. So that you, the evil eye, do not remain in this body. Amen".

Or the following:

“I will go out, crossing myself, from the house to the threshold, from the yard through the gate, into an open field. There stands the Church of God and the royal doors themselves dissolve. The servant of God (name) himself is charmed by sorcerers and sorcerers, from those who think trouble for him. Let them count the sand on the road and the stars in the sky. Forever and ever. Amen".

Quick words from false negativity:

“For evil - grass, for good - beauty! I'll take black magic into the forest! I’ll water the thorn bush and let him drink! Let evil go into the earth from the servant of God (name)!”

Or these:

“Stars, turn away all the evil that has come to me! I forgive his tricks of the unclean side, I return all his deeds to her!”

There are also more narrowly focused conspiracies for protection from the evil eye and damage. For example, to protect children:

“Lord, turn away all enemies, sorcerers of the day and night, gossipers and eye-catchers from the servant of God (name). Amen!"

If necessary, suitable words can be found in collections of spells by numerous authors.

Charms and talismans against the evil eye

A variety of amulets and talismans resist the evil eye and damage no worse than protective words. The most common of them:

  • pin;
  • a bag of salt or protective herbal infusions;
  • jewelry with natural stones.

Other things are also used as a way, how to protect yourself from damage. For example, toys, mirrors and accessories. Motanka dolls, brooms, incense and plants are used as amulets that can be placed at home or in the workplace.

A detailed description of these items will help you choose the appropriate option for a particular case.


A new pin is used as protection against the evil eye and damage. I hook it with the clasp down near the heart on the inside of the garment. This pin is regularly inspected and replaced if necessary. This should be done if it is rusty or broken. Such changes mean that the pin has fulfilled its function. The spent amulet, unfastened, is thrown away or buried.

Red thread

Nowadays this method is quite popular, how to protect yourself from damage, like the red one on your wrist. More recently, it was even considered a fashion accessory. In order for the thread to protect, and not decorate, it must be tied in a special way. The right time for this is the period of the waxing moon. I tie a natural scarlet thread on either hand into three or seven knots and wear it without taking it off, but change it if necessary.

Bags of salt or herbs

A bag is sewn from natural fabric that can easily fit into a clothing pocket, and it is filled with protective natural materials. Salt and dried herbs are suitable for this. The following plants have the most powerful properties to protect from evil:

  • periwinkle;
  • dill;
  • basil;
  • laurel;
  • caraway;
  • clover.

Garlic and oak bark are also suitable for this. Ideally, materials are collected and dried with the intention of creating amulets, but, in extreme cases, infusions purchased at a pharmacy or spices from a store will also work. It is believed that if the bag is torn or lost, then it has fulfilled its function. It should be replaced with a new one.

To protect against the evil eye and damage, salt is not only carried in a bag. It is placed in a saucer or glass of holy water near the bed, and added to water for washing and bathing. To give salt additional power, it is recommended to consecrate it on Maundy Thursday or, before using it, read the spell:

“To everyone who wishes evil, salt in the eyes, smoldering ashes and hot sand. These people cannot know God and cannot go to heaven, cannot touch the stars and cannot talk to the moon. Let the servant of God (name) not be harmed, destroyed, or persuaded. Let it be so".

Jewelry with natural stones

There is a whole science about using minerals to improve life - lithotherapy. Various natural materials and the ways of interacting with them have different effects on a person’s health and mood, as well as on his relationships with others, on the course of his affairs. According to the principles of lithotherapy, the same minerals have their own effect on people belonging to different zodiac signs. The following are considered universal protective stones:

  • hematite;
  • aquamarine;
  • black obsidian;
  • amethyst;
  • Tiger's Eye;
  • amber;
  • black agate;
  • nephritis;
  • turquoise;
  • black tourmaline;
  • malachite.

They are used as amulets in the form of unprocessed pieces of rock or elements of jewelry. It is important to remember that stones that are used as a way to protect yourself from damage, the evil eye, and curses should be periodically cleansed of accumulated negativity. To do this, they can be washed in running water, placed in salt or in the sun for a while.

There are two opinions about wearing protective jewelry. Some believe that they should be hidden from prying eyes, like pectoral cross. Others believe that stones, on the contrary, should be displayed. Beautiful decorations distract the attention of ill-wishers and protect from their negative energy.

Since anyone can suffer from magical sabotage, everyone should know about ways to protect themselves from the evil eye and damage on their own. The described methods are quite accessible and feasible at home. To carry out professional protective rituals, it is better to turn to appropriate practices.

How to make strong protection against spoilage yourself at home? In this material, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will offer you simple, but quite effective protective rituals. Based on today's realities, when those who cast magic for themselves try to achieve their goals by any means, this topic is very, very relevant. In black magic rituals a large number of witchcraft methods, using which you can independently protect yourself from the evil eye and damage.

Using them, you can independently cast powerful protective spells against damage on yourself and your home. These protections are also used. In addition, I will tell you about strong amulets against damage that are worn as jewelry. But in witchcraft everything is relative, and not everything is what it seems. So, some decorations are by no means harmless, and wedding ring they cause severe damage.

Self-protection from damage to a person

In a situation where they pour water at the doorstep, throw needles or small coins, trying to take away well-being and destroy peace in the house and peace in the family, it is imperative to do a diagnosis. And based on its results, do cleanings and exhibit strong defenses from damage to the apartment and preferably to each family member.

Can be runic anti-targeting severe damage apply, or work through the Gods. Spread the salt well so that it absorbs the black negativity. Or you can plant protective herbs in the yard or in pots on the windowsill. This is a good independent protection against the evil eye, unwanted, envious guests, and harmful neighbors. Here is an independent way to protect against damage with a lining.

For a magical ritual of protection from the evil eye and negativity you need to take:

  • coarse salt
  • garlic cloves
  • dry herb St. John's wort
  • linen bag

“I close the house, I speak, from the power of black, from, from the lining of the bad. Salt will take away the blackness, the grass will unfurl evil, the color will open up evil words, no one will know, no one will pass, no one will wither, no one will die. Three times three turn, three times three turn, three times three from the gate.”

Hide the bag under the threshold. Salt will absorb all the negativity sent, garlic will drive away ill-wishers, scare them away from the threshold astral entities. St. John's wort, a strong witchcraft herb, will do the same. After some time, the bag should be burned and taken away from the house. Wherein read a protective plot against the evil eye and damage(you can use another strong protective spell against inducing negativity):

“Swamp evil, underground evil, from the blue fog, from the black dope, where is the rotten ear, where is the gray hair, where is the red rag, the little shaker, I will take the wrong path, I will go to the church gates, I will light not a wedding candle, but a memorial candle, I will remember evil spirits for repose. Amen".

St. John's wort is a very good herb that has long been used by sorcerers in their practice. There's a lot you can do with this strong grass, including protecting yourself from the evil eye. If you collect St. John's wort in a bouquet, tie it with a red ribbon, and hang it in your home, you can be sure that it will protect the family from quarrels and strong scandals, and will also drive away otherworldly entities and ghosts.

How to make your own personal protection against damage through water

Standing in front of a mirror, cast a three-fold protective spell against damage to the water, and also drink in front of the mirror. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, read that this needs to be done daily, developing a strong shield from evil people and hatred, from any attempts to cause harm through black witchcraft.

This is a powerful ritual to make your own protection against damage at home.

“I’m walking across an open field, and seven spirits with half-spirits meet me, all black, all evil, all unsociable. Go, you spirits with half-spirits, to dashing people, keep them on a leash. So that I will be safe and sound from them on the road and on the road, in the house and in the forest, in the church and at the feast and in trouble. My conspiracy is long, my words are strong. Whoever disproves the word, then it will be for the worst, not for the good, as I said before. Amen".

Free protection from curses and spellcasting enemies

From troubles and from evil enemies, that they curse you in vain (sworn relatives often do this), and from those who practice witchcraft for their own purposes, and everyone strives to take something away from you, fool you, spoil, or bewitch you, do this self-protection from curses, from the evil eye, envy and damage.
Take a bath in running water, dry yourself with a new towel, while reading the words of a protective spell against the effects of damage 3 times:

“The shroud is white, sepulchral, ​​the scythe is sharp, impregnable, incorruptible, not subject to jurisdiction, not obligatory. Scythe, scythe, my enemies, take them to your place. I will fill the prison with stones and support it with a white mountain. The feather grass will stagger, the black cloud will leave me. I’ll wash myself with clean water and calm my soul. For me (name), the dawns are quiet, the days are calm, the nights are bright. Amen".

Bring the towel home and dry it over the fire. Read this witchcraft plot again to protect against damage until the towel becomes dry. Then fold the charmed towel and store it in your things. Repeat the magic ritual to protect yourself from the evil eye and damage every month.

How to choose magical jewelry from the evil eye and damage

Many strong amulets, which carry great witchcraft power and are capable of protecting their owner from the evil eye and damage, are also very beautiful in appearance. Anti-damage jewelry and inducing black negativity, can be worn in the form of rings, bracelets, pendants and necklaces, pursuing not only a very specific goal - magical protection, but also satisfying your aesthetic needs.

The world of protective amulets and amulets is magnificent and diverse. Many of them were known in ancient times. Personal amulets can be completely different, both in the material from which they are created and in their affiliation with the magical tradition. There are simple personal amulets, for example, a red thread against the evil eye. And there are those that are quite expensive, for example, precious and semi-precious stones.

Natural minerals have long been considered a strong talisman against harmful witchcraft. Wear precious ring from the evil eye of corruption better on the left hand. With this magic ring you can check the evil eye. Eat simple ways such testing. Below I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will give an example of diagnosing negativity and the evil eye on a person, which you can do yourself by using a ring.

How to identify the evil eye with a gold ring for free

There is a very simple way to diagnose the evil eye at home. You will need
Golden ring. Wash your face thoroughly, then run the ring over your cheek from top to bottom. See if there is a trace of dark color left. If there is no trace, then there is no negative either. However, if the ring has left a dark stripe on the cheek, then there is a high probability that the person has the evil eye, and measures need to be taken to get rid of the negativity.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

Black magic of harm - strong damage through the ring

So, in witchcraft practices, magicians use jewelry from damage and other negativity, protecting and covering themselves. But through jewelry you can also cause damage, such as, for example, severe damage to a gold ring. Black spells are given to a gift, and then to the person you are casting a spell on. There are known magical rituals of hexing for slavery, for subordinating the will of the object.

Real sorcerers have long been working with rings, a symbol of continuity and infinity. Magicians perform various rituals through rings. For example, black spells on a wedding ring come out strong, such that they work for a long time and have a harsh influence on the victim. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, believe that it is not necessarily the wedding ring of your enemy. You can do things with a simple decorative ring. Here is an example of such a witchcraft conspiracy to damage using jewelry. It's called the ring of slavery.

Strong damage through the ring to suppress the will of the enemy

Witchcraft rituals of will suppression are used both in the practice of punishment and in love magic for the strict subjugation of a loved one.

Here's what you'll need for an independent ritual of corruption to subjugate a person's will:

  • simple copper ring without stone, without inscriptions or signs
  • black lace
  • photo or item of the victim
  • black thin candle

Wear the ring on a cord for 40 days. The ring should be in contact with the body. On the fortieth day, take off the ring, put it on a photo or thing of the person you are casting a spell on, light a candle, read the Lord’s Prayer in reverse. Then place the ring on the candle.

And read the text of the plot of strong damage through the ring 40 times:

“Dark spirits, eternal spirits, close endless love in this ring. Slave love, eternal love, rub into him all the torment of my heart. Quick snake, be my black mother. It’s a pity in the very heart of my dear, hateful for everyone besides me. The first time you sting, with love for me (name). You’ll sting a second time, poisoning you with hatred for homewreckers. And the third time you sting, you will send his pride to the next world. He will become my slave. I am marrying him with a slave ring in agreement with the black mother, the quick-moving snake. And bow to you, grave spirit, black priest. Cool my dear, to everyone besides me, the hateful one, to women and men, to old women and old men, to my dear father and blood mother, to brothers and sisters, to slutty young women, to the white light, to the red sun, to the night moon. He should only be with me, the devil’s slave, baptized by God, enslaved by Satan, (name). This ring is enchanted, consecrated with black power. I seal it with black sealing wax, guard it with a black executioner, in agreement with the black priest and the named mother, the quick-moving snake. And whoever breaks this ring, the spirit of the grave will not leave him, the poison will enter him, he will go to the grave. Let it be so. Truly."

Bow forty times, don’t talk to anyone, and go to sleep. Leave the candle to burn out. Complete the ritual in the morning guidancedamage to the wedding ring, taking the candle melts to the cemetery. Go to the personalized grave, make sure that the spirit is ready to help you, leave an offering at the grave, and then bury the candle fluffs in the grave soil. For 9 days, place the slave ring on the finger of the victim of the ritual of corruption while sleeping.

At the same time, read the words of the conspiracy to induce damage through the ring:

, from dark witchcraft and a strong evil eye. Multi-colored stones: yellowish-pink, blue, transparent, purple, red, will protect their owner from depression, fears and insomnia. And also evil eye pendant with topaz it will calm a person’s violent temper and help cope with anger. This stone teaches a person to see positivity and luck where others do not notice it.
  • Cornelian. Stones with an intense fiery color will save their owner from the most fierce and irreconcilable anger, from black envy, from malicious intent, from damage and the evil eye. If wear an evil eye ring with carnelian, then it can cope not only with negative energy the evil eye, but will also protect its wearer from loss of strength and low mood. This mineral is a wonderful talisman for lovers who want to preserve their love for many years.
  • Cat's eye. Golden or greenish stones with a spectacular highlight, similar to an elongated cat’s pupil, one of the most famous amulets against the evil eye and witchcraft damage. Evil eye pendant with this mineral it will become a strong obstacle to induced damage. But, in addition, this decoration will help a person attract the attention of the right people, establish a good relationship with others. A cat's eye will protect a married couple from cheating.