In life modern man The Internet occupies one of the key places today. Whether this is good or bad is up to you to decide, but you definitely cannot dispute it. Today you can do everything on the Internet - shop, play, chat with friends, work. Fortunately, people have learned to use the World Wide Web not only for entertainment - online learning is becoming increasingly popular. This is not surprising - in any free minute, only with access to the Internet, a person can devote time to self-education. Online you can now find sites dedicated to a variety of topics, from learning handicrafts to courses for young electricians. However, you and I are, of course, interested in business English) As it turns out, there are not many online resources for learning business English, unlike general English. However, we have tried to find for you a selection of sites that will be useful when studying business English on your own or for reinforcing the material you have learned at Yuppie school. the site contains a large number of articles devoted to the study of business English; tips, recommendations and examples for writing business letters, writing a resume, important information about preparing for international exams, you can test your knowledge by completing interesting and useful exercises and business English tests.

2. as the name implies, it is dedicated to the peculiarities of composing business letters. On the site you can find 7 free lessons on writing business letters, as well as examples of ready-made official letters on various topics.

3. the site contains links to tests, exercises and lessons for all levels. The most popular of them are exercises on writing business letters, writing a resume, preparing for an interview, as well as tests on knowledge of idiomatic expressions. the site contains a large number of exercises and tests to test knowledge of business English. The exercises on the site are divided into categories such as: general business speaking, medical English, financial English, marketing English and the like. The site contains exercises to test reading and listening skills.

5. - this site will be useful both for students studying business English and for teachers. Contains a lot of business vocabulary and examples of business English grammar features. You can also find exercises to consolidate your knowledge of business vocabulary and grammar. a site that contains many thematic articles to expand the business vocabulary of the ravine. Contains a large number of your own exercises and links to exercises from other sites to test your knowledge of business English.

7. a feature of this site is that the reading texts and exercises contained on it are not fictitious stories or works of art, A actual news peace. News texts adapted for different levels. For every “news” there is grammar tasks, listening and other types of exercises.

Greetings, my dear readers.

Do you know how many times I hear “it would be great to know business English”? Dozens of my friends, even if they started to learn something, got confused in the endless tons of textbooks on business English and gave up. And after that they never returned to their goals and plans to know the language at the .

  • Market Leader

Probably the most famous and complete set of literature on business English. This is not even one textbook, but a whole series developed from Elementary level to Advanced. The good thing is that you can start develop your business English from the very beginning of learning the language. It contains various rules, explanations and exercises that will help you both on the initial path and at a good level of knowledge.

Many people say that there are not enough exercises here, but my opinion is that before you reach the Upper-Intermediate level - use this book. If you have already crossed this line, you can change this textbook to a more complex one. For example, one of those that I will recommend next.

  • First insight into business

An excellent book from a foreign publisher that will significantly expand your lexicon. It is suitable for university students who are developing their language skills, and is also perfect for those who already have a sufficient level of general English, but are very lacking in business vocabulary. A book with very good texts, vocabulary and exercises.

    Businessaboutswearingin English

This is already domestically published literature that will help expand your knowledge in various fields, provide a lot of practical material to improve both grammatical and lexical skills, as well as a sufficient number of exercises for consolidation.

Although in most cases I prefer foreign publishers, this book occupies a special place on my textbook shelf. It is suitable for both undergraduate and graduate students, teachers and self-study language.

  • English for business studies

This textbook is based on the main sections of business: management, production, marketing, finance and economics. Moreover, each section is divided into lessons in which texts and exercises will help you quickly master and expand your skills. lexicon.

Moreover, in each lesson there are exercises on interesting topics, in which you can develop your oral speech and practice using new vocabulary. Therefore, the book is also suitable for group classes, where you can spend enough time on improving your spoken business language.

  • We mean business

A book created specifically for beginners to learn this direction of the language. It is suitable for students, secretaries and administrative staff. This is a good start in learning necessary vocabulary. It is not divided into any specific "business" topics, such as management, leadership or even accounting, but rather even common topics. Therefore, if your goal is to learn a certain direction, then skip this textbook. Books were higher for you.

Well, have you already decided which textbook you will use? To be honest, I still can't say which one is the best. Therefore, no matter what you choose, everything will help you!

In addition to textbooks, it is now very important to use online services. For some people this will be the best option mastering and revitalizing your English language. If we talk about business English language, then I always recommend an online course « Business English» , developed by the notorious LinguaLeo. Try it and you won't regret it.

But once again I want to ask you not to scatter yourself on all the books at once. Pick one and work through it from start to finish. It will be much more effective if you focus on one book and work on it inside and out.

And if you want to receive even more tips, tricks and useful materials, subscribe to my blog newsletter. I promise there will be a lot of interesting things.

In the meantime, I say goodbye.

Phrases for communicating with partners and colleagues are an essential key to the success of any businessman.

Conversations in English during negotiations or in the office should be easy and relaxed. The outcome of a transaction almost always depends on the general impression of the company representative present at the business meeting.

Always go into meetings or negotiations with a positive attitude. Tell yourself you"re going to make this the best deal for all parties.

Always participate in business meetings or negotiations with a positive attitude. Tell yourself that this will be the best deal for all parties.

~Natalie Massenet

In the article, we have already outlined what phrases and expressions should be avoided when communicating in English with business partners.

This article contains key phrases for communicating with business partners in English. Having learned them, you can easily start a conversation, direct it in the right direction, and, undoubtedly, emerge victorious from a business meeting.

Business greeting in English

Compliance with etiquette standards - business card any company.

The entire course of the negotiations will depend on how you start the conversation. Be decisive and extremely polite, do not forget to smile.

Remember that business etiquette standards may differ between the British and Americans. We advise you to read the article to know how to properly address a colleague from the UK and the USA, what to wear and how to behave during a business meeting.

Phrases for clarifying details in English

If you need to clarify something during a conversation, be sure to use these phrases:

Intermediate phrases in English Translation into Russian
I’d (We’d) like to clear up one more point I would like to ask one more question
Now comes the next point And now the second question
What about…? How about...? And how about …?
Let's get on (pass on) to… Let's move on to the question of...
Is there anything else you’d like to take up? Is there anything else you want to discuss?
On the one hand…, on the other hand… On the one hand on the other hand …

Phrases for summing up a business meeting

At the end of any business meeting, regardless of its outcome, be sure to thank your partner and express your hope for further cooperation.

While summing up, talk key points and clarify deadlines fulfillment of agreements.

Closing phrases in English Translation into Russian
I believe we can consider the matter closed I think the issue can be considered resolved
All right, I’ll get in touch with my friends (colleagues, people) and consult them Okay, I'll contact my colleagues and consult with them
All right, I’ll be expecting to hear from you (your reply, your next visit) Ok, I look forward to hearing from you (your response, your next visit)
I’ll phone you (ring you up, call you up) today (tomorrow, in the afternoon) I'll call you today (tomorrow, afternoon)
Does it suit you? Yes, quite Does it suit you? Yes, it is quite
My (Our) decision is final My (Our) decision is final
We'll think your proposal over We will consider your proposal
We'll think it over We'll think about it
We'll be expecting your confirmation We will be waiting for your confirmation
In conclusion I’d like to say… In conclusion I would like to say
Let's sum up the discussion Let's summarize the discussion

Phrases for expressing agreement and disagreement in English

Every day, in life and in work, we must decide whether we agree or disagree with other people's ideas.

In the office, you must be willing to respond to other people's suggestions. This could be a serious discussion about who to hire or how to cut costs, or a simple conversation about where to go for lunch.

And here you just need phrases in English on how to agree or disagree with the proposal of your colleagues.

Expression of agreement, confidence, approval

When you hear an idea you like, you want to show your support, right? Learn in advance the necessary phrases, how to agree in English and show approval and interest.

Expressing agreement, confidence, approval in English Translation into Russian
Of course/Certainly Certainly
Yes, definitely Yes, sure
It is true It's right
Quite right / Exactly so / Quite so Absolutely right
You are quite right You are absolutely right
It is a fact It is a fact
There is no doubt about it There's no doubt about it
I am sure of it I am sure about that
It is very probable It's very likely
I agree with you I agree with you
I (We) quite agree with you Completely agree with you (agree)
I fully agree with your point of view I agree with your point of view
I don't mind I don't mind
I don't object I do not mind
I have no objections I have no objections
I have nothing against it I have nothing against it
That's all right / All right / Good Fine
Very good! Very good!
Excellent! Amazing! / Great!
Fine! Wonderful!
That's fair enough That's quite fair
I'm glad of that I'm glad about this
I'm glad to hear it I am glad to hear it
I agree I agree
I agree to it I agree to this
Agreed/Done/Settled Agreed
We agree to your terms We agree to your terms
It suits us (quite) all right This (quite) suits us / We are satisfied with this
You may be sure You can be sure
You can rely upon what I tell you You can rely on what I tell you
You may rely upon me You can rely on me
I'll surely do everything I can I will definitely do my best
I'll do my best / I'll do my utmost I'll do my best
By all means Of course, by all means
With pleasure With pleasure
With great pleasure With great pleasure
You are welcome! Please!
I'm at your disposal I'm at your service
I'm at your service I am at your service

Expression of disagreement, disapproval, refusal

In the business world, it is very important to be categorical and decisive. If you are not satisfied with something, do not be afraid to refuse, but at the same time be polite so as not to offend your interlocutor, be sure to monitor his reaction to your words - this will help to avoid all sorts of conflicts and misunderstandings.

Expressing disagreement, disapproval, refusal in English Translation into Russian
I don't think so Don't think
I'm afraid not I think no
No, not quite Not certainly in that way
It isn't (quite) so This is not (at all) true
I'm afraid you are wrong I'm afraid you're wrong
No, not usually Usually no
I don't see any advantages I don't see any benefits
It’s very kind of you but… This is very kind of you, but...
I’m afraid we can’t meet your request I'm afraid we cannot accommodate your request
I'm sorry to say no Unfortunately, I have to refuse
I can't agree with you I can't agree with you
I can't agree with that I can't agree with this
I object to that I object to this
I don't agree I disagree
I disagree with you/I don’t agree with you I don't agree with you
Certainly not Of course not
It's not fair It's not fair
That does not depend on me It does not depend on me
It can't be done It can't be done
It's out of the question This is completely out of the question
It's quite impossible This is completely impossible

On how to express disagreement, you can watch the video “How to disagree with ideas in English”, from the same series of business video podcasts from Business Podcast

Phrases in English for communicating in the office with colleagues

In a confined space like an office, it is very important to control your emotions and carefully select phrases in English so as not to offend any of your partners.

We form our own opinion on a given situation, and often it does not coincide with the opinion of our friends, partners, and colleagues.

In such a situation, it is important to simply advise a certain solution, and not impose your own opinion. Do not forget that a person always has the right to choose, and no one has the right to take it away.

Expression of regret, sympathy, sympathy

When communicating with colleagues, it is important to remember the human factor. After all, you must admit, it is difficult to make important decisions if something happens to you.

Sometimes basic words of support and sympathy can calm you down and help you in your future work.

Expressing regret, sympathy, sympathy in English Translation into Russian
What a pity!/Too bad! What a pity!
How unpleasant! How unpleasant!
That's bad Very sad (bad)
I regret it I'm sorry about that
I sympathize with you I sympathize with you
It’s nothing much, I hope I hope there's nothing wrong
There’s nothing to worry about Nothing to worry about
Don't worry Don't worry
What's wrong? What's happened?
Don’t worry, it’ll be all right Don't worry, everything will be fine
Oh, we'll think of something Okay, we'll figure something out.
Unfortunately things haven’t improved Unfortunately, the situation has not improved

Expression of uncertainty, doubt, hesitation

It often happens that it is difficult to make a decision at lightning speed. In such cases, it is important to gain time without looking indecisive in the eyes of your partners.

Pre-learned phrases and your persuasiveness will partially help with this.


In the business world, we need to talk to different people, hold meetings, negotiate. To achieve heights, you must always remain firm and determined. At the same time, do not forget to be polite and follow the rules of business etiquette.

For greater confidence when communicating with foreign partners, we suggest taking our course and be sure to learn the key phrases presented in this article.

In contact with

1.4. Platform (Platform) – a computer program (software) owned by the Contractor, available on the Website on the Internet. For the User, the Platform is the main tool: for access to Units; payment for services; obtaining information about the volume of services received; exchange messages with the Teacher and Administrator and use other functions. For the Teacher, the Platform is the main tool: for conducting paid individual or group lessons on foreign language Users to create and make changes to the structure of individual Units; to receive reports; for video and audio calls; for messaging and other functions.

1.5. Lesson – an event in which the User studies a specific Unit. Usually it takes several Lessons to master one Unit. Lessons can be independent, i.e. using the Platform without a Teacher; individual, i.e. one User and one Teacher; and group.

1.6. Level is a symbol of the degree of proficiency in language skills, which is assigned to the User by the Administrator based on the results of an oral conversation and the latter passing a written test - Placement Test. Usually starts with Beginner and ends with Expert.

1.7. User – any individual who has accessed the Platform via the Internet to conduct remote, paid, individual or group lessons in a foreign language.

1.8. Administrator is a person who organizes communication between the User and the Teacher.

1.9. Teacher – a person conducting a Lesson together with the User.

1.10. Executor is a legal entity (IP Krivoruchko Svetlana Pavlovna, address: 124683, Moscow, Zelenograd, 1519-243), offering to anyone to an individual(User), use the Platform for independent, distance, paid, individual or group learning of a foreign language.

1.11. Autopayment function – providing the Contractor with the opportunity to automatically receive funds from the User’s Payment Card for the Contractor’s services.

1.12. Parties – joint name of the User, Contractor in the text of this Agreement

2. Procedure for concluding an agreement

2.1. The text of this Agreement is a public offer. The text of this Agreement is published on the Contractor's Website at .

2.2. Acceptance (acceptance of an offer to conclude an agreement) is the User’s payment for the Contractor’s services by prepayment in the manner determined by this Offer. The User's acceptance of this Offer means that he fully agrees with all the provisions of this Offer.

2.3. From the moment of acceptance by the User, this Agreement is considered concluded. During the execution of this Agreement, the User receives information letters to the email address specified by the User when registering on the Site.

2.4. This Agreement comes into force from the moment of its conclusion and is valid until the Parties fulfill their obligations under it, unless otherwise provided by this Agreement.

3. Subject of the Agreement/Offer

3.1. The subject of this Agreement is the provision by the Contractor of services for distance, paid, individual or group training of the User in a foreign language via the Internet using the Platform or other software products, the use of which is permitted under the terms of this Agreement

3.2. The Contractor grants the User the right to functional use of the Platform and the Site within the functionality of the Platform and the Site, which allow organizing remote, paid, individual or group lessons in a foreign language.

4. Procedure for this Offer

4.1. The Contractor begins to fulfill his obligations under this Offer only after the User has fulfilled his obligations to pay for services in accordance with the provisions of this Offer.

4.2. The Contractor independently provides services to the User, but may involve third parties, both individuals and legal entities, to provide services under this Offer.

4.3. Before the provision of services by the Contractor, the User must make a full prepayment for the selected number of Lessons or pay for at least 5 (five) unpaid Lessons following the schedule.

4.4. The provision of services is carried out via the Internet, using the Platform, and third-party software can also be used if it meets the necessary technical requirements.

4.5. The lesson is considered to be conducted properly (Successfully Conducted Lesson) if no complaints are received from the User within 24 (twenty-four) hours from the date of the Lesson through the Platform.

4.6. This Agreement is a framework Agreement, that is, it defines the general conditions of the obligations of the Parties, which can be specified and clarified by the Parties by concluding separate agreements or otherwise on the basis of or in pursuance of this Agreement.

4.7. The performer is not educational organization, does not provide a curriculum, premises for examinations or similar testing in any other form for obtaining certificates and other documents established by law on completion of training courses or on obtaining any qualifications.

5.1. The Contractor grants the User the right to functional use of the Platform and Site within the functionality of the Platform and Site - free of charge.

5.2. The Contractor accepts payments (made by bank transfer) from the User to pay for services.

5.3. Cost of services for one Lesson duration:

Lessons can also be purchased as a package consisting of several lessons. As a rule, in this case, a discount is provided and special rules for transferring/cancelling Lessons and refunds apply.

The Lesson category NON-NATIVE or NATIVE is determined by the qualifications of the Teacher. A Teacher who belongs to the NATIVE category is more qualified, therefore the cost of a Lesson taught by such a Teacher is more expensive.

5.4. The parties agreed that the Contractor has the right to unilaterally change the cost of Lessons by posting a new cost on the Site and making changes to this Offer, while the cost of Lessons already paid by the User is not subject to change.

5.5. If the User has one paid Lesson left, the User is obliged to pay for the next Lessons until the end of the last paid Lesson. If the User fails to fulfill this obligation, the Contractor has the right to cancel the User’s Lesson schedule and schedule Lessons with other persons for the time previously reserved for the User.

5.6. The Contractor may post on the Site special offers, promotions, conditions for concluding independent agreements with the Contractor's partners for the provision of services for distance, paid, individual or group foreign language training via the Internet using the Platform.

5.7. The moment of payment is considered to be the receipt of funds into the Contractor’s account, which is confirmed by a corresponding notification to the User’s email address. The User can check and control their payments and account balance on the Platform. The User is independently responsible for the correctness of the payments he makes, and also independently pays for all services of communication organizations necessary for interaction with the Teacher/Teachers.

5.8. The User must keep a copy of the document confirming payments made under the terms of this Agreement.

5.9. The user has the right to pay for services by using the Autopayment function.

5.10. With the consent of the User, given in the Personal Account by placing a symbol next to the line “Autopayment” (activating the Autopayment function), payment under this Agreement is made automatically in accordance with the User’s prior acceptance for the entire period of validity of this Agreement or until the User revokes this acceptance.

5.11. When activating the Autopayment function, funds will be debited from the User's Payment Card, with which the User previously made payments under this Agreement. To change the User's Payment Card, it is necessary to make a payment using another Payment Card.

5.12. In the case of using the Autopayment function, the User instructs the Contractor to write off, without additional instructions (acceptance) from the User, based on the Contractor's payment requests, funds from the User's Payment Card in the amount of any unfulfilled obligation of the User under this Offer.

5.13. The amount of the direct payment is equal to the payment previously made by the User.

5.14. Payment from the User's Payment Card, when using the Autopayment function, is made 48 hours before the start of the unpaid Lesson.

5.15. On the date of fulfillment of the monetary obligation provided for by this Offer, the User undertakes to ensure that there is a balance of funds in the current account in an amount not less than the amount of such monetary obligation.

5.16. The User may at any time refuse to use the AutoPayment function by removing the symbol opposite the “Autopayment” line in the Platform (disabling the AutoPayment function).

5.17. The Contractor has the right to terminate the Autopayment function at any time unilaterally out of court with prior notification to the Payer through the Platform.

6. Transfer of Lessons

6.1. The User can transfer Lessons no later than 24 (twenty-four) hours before the start of the Lesson. Failure to comply with the specified deadline is equivalent to the User’s failure to attend the Lesson. The number of possible transfers of Lessons depends on the intensity of the User’s Lesson schedule, set by the Administrator.

6.2. How general rule The user has the right to:

6.2.1. transfer of 1 (one) Lesson per month with a lesson schedule of 1 (one) Lesson per week;

6.2.2. transfer of 2 (two) Lessons per month with a schedule of 2 (two) Lessons or 3 (three) Lessons per week;

6.2.3. transfer of 3 (three) Lessons per month with a schedule of 4 (four) Lessons or more Lessons per week.

6.3. The Teacher has the right to postpone Lessons (in case of illness and for other valid reasons) by notifying the User no later than 24 (twenty-four) hours before the start of the Lesson. If the User believes that the Teacher reschedules Lessons too often, which impedes the effectiveness of the Teacher’s provision of services to the User, then the User has the right to contact the Administrator with a reasoned request to change the Teacher in writing.

7. Absence from class

7.1. If, at the set time, the User does not log into the Platform to contact his Teacher and start the Lesson, the Teacher, during the entire duration of the scheduled Lesson, attempts to contact the User through the messaging system available on the Platform, and also immediately notifies the Administrator about the situation that has arisen. The Administrator also makes attempts to contact the User through the messaging system available on the Platform, as well as by mobile phone, if the User indicated it when registering on the Site. In this case, the start time of the Lesson is considered to be the time set on the Platform. If, as a result of the above procedures, it was not possible to contact the User, then the Lesson is considered completed and is paid in the amount of 100% (one hundred percent).

7.2. If at the established start time of the Lessons plus 5 (five) minutes the User cannot enter the Platform and start the Lesson, he must immediately contact the Administrator using mandatory without exception, all available means of communication, namely:

7.2.1. telephone, skype and email indicated in the “Contacts” section of the Site

7.2.2. messaging system available on the Platform.

7.3. Lessons that did not take place due to the fault of the Teacher are transferred in full to another time chosen by the User.

7.4. Neither the Contractor nor the Teacher is responsible for the failure to provide the service due to the User’s lack of necessary software, technical problems with Internet connection and quality or other similar problems.

8. Suspension of Lessons. Refusal to continue Lessons

8.1. The User may suspend the provision of Services while maintaining the Lesson schedule (Suspension or Break) subject to the following conditions:

8.1.1. the duration of a break in Lessons does not exceed 14 (fourteen) calendar days inclusive;

8.1.2. suspension of Lessons is possible if at least 90 (ninety) calendar days have passed since the end of the previous suspension;

8.1.3. at the start of the break in Lessons (day last lesson before the break), the User must have fully paid for at least 5 (five) Lessons.

8.2. In order to exercise his right in accordance with clause 8.1, the User must notify the Administrator and Teacher of his intentions no later than 5 (five) working days before the expected Suspension/Break in Lessons.

8.3. If the User violates the above conditions for Suspension of Lessons, the Teacher reserves the right to maintain the User's Lesson schedule after individual discussion.

8.4. If it is necessary to suspend the Lessons again, but 90 (ninety) calendar days have not yet passed since the end of the previous suspension of the Lessons (clause 8.1.2 of this Offer), the User may suspend the Lessons by notifying the Teacher and Administrator 24 (twenty-four) hours before the beginning of the next Lesson, while the Lesson schedule is not saved for the User.

8.5. The Teacher and/or the User has the right to suspend the provision of services on their own initiative during the New Year, Christmas and May holidays, having previously notified the other party: the User or the Teacher no later than 5 (five) working days in advance.

8.6. The User's Teacher may be replaced if there are valid reasons for this (temporary disability of the Teacher, other circumstances), having previously notified the User about this through the Personal Account messaging system or by e-mail. If the User does not agree to study with another Teacher, the User has the right to suspend the provision of services.

9. Procedure for sending messages

9.1. The main method of communication between the User, Teacher and Administrator is the message sending system in the Platform.

9.2. The user can also send requests using the contact information indicated in the lower section of the Site.

9.3. All requests from Users are processed no later than two business days from the date of receipt of the request in accordance with this Agreement.

9.4. In order to report an increase in the number of Lessons, a change in the duration of Lessons, a change of Teacher, a suspension of Lessons or any other change, the User must contact the Administrator in accordance with this Section.

10. Personal data

10.1. By registering on the Site or signing up for a trial Lesson, the User agrees to the transfer of personal data in accordance with the privacy policy located at: https://152фз.рф/get_prv/f082b47d0b455d5bef99e30cdd88aad7

11. Refund/cancellation of paid Lessons

11.1. The User has the right to stop conducting Lessons at any time by notifying the Teacher and Administrator by email indicated on the Site no later than 24 (twenty-four) business hours before the start of the next scheduled Lesson and in the absence of debt or any other types of financial obligations of the User before the Teacher and/or Performer.

11.2. After receiving a message in accordance with clause 11.1 of this Agreement, the Administrator must confirm to the User the termination of the Lessons by email indicated on the Site no later than 1 (one) hour before the start of the next scheduled Lesson. The Administrator also reports the exact amount for paid and unused Lessons, which must be returned to the User. The refund must be made no later than 15 (fifteen) banking days after the User makes a decision to terminate the Program under the terms of this Agreement.

11.3. If from the moment the User sends a message about termination of the Program until the next scheduled Lesson there are less than 24 (twenty-four) hours left, then this next Lesson is considered paid for and must be completed for the Teacher and the User.

11.4. If the Administrator does not fulfill its obligations in accordance with clause 11.2 of this Agreement, then the User must duplicate his appeal using the contact information specified in the “Contacts” section of the Site, while the User is not obliged to continue conducting the Lessons.

11.5. The amount of the User's refund for unused Lessons in accordance with this paragraph is calculated without taking into account the discount received by the User. Thus, unused Lessons, which were subject to a discount of 100% of their actual cost specified in the “Payment” paragraph, received by the User, are not refundable. Also, to carry out a refund operation, the Contractor has the right to withhold from the User a commission in the amount of 10% (ten percent) of the total cost of all paid Lessons subject to refund, but not less than 500 rubles for one refund operation to compensate for the expenses actually incurred by the Contractor.

11.7. Refund/cancellation of paid Lessons cannot be made by the Contractor for Lessons that are considered to have been conducted properly in accordance with clauses 4.5.

11.8. According to clause 5.3 of this agreement, Lessons included in the package (i.e. purchased at a discount) cannot be canceled or postponed more than 30 calendar days ahead from the date and time of the start of the first Lesson included in the paid package, while the amount Refunds for unused Lessons are calculated without taking into account the discount provided by the corresponding package.

12. Notification Obligations

12.1. The Contractor undertakes to process all incoming orders, as well as applications and requests for orders within 24 (twenty-four) hours from the receipt of such an order. As confirmation of acceptance of such an order for execution, the Contractor must send an electronic message to the person wishing to place an order by email address, which was indicated by such a person when registering on the Site.

12.2. The Contractor undertakes, within 24 (twenty-four) hours from the date of receipt of such an order, to notify the person wishing to place an order of the impossibility of fulfilling such an order with a reasoned explanation of the reasons. Such notice must be sent by any available means.

13. Other conditions

13.1. This Agreement is governed by and subject to interpretation and execution in accordance with the laws and other regulations of the jurisdiction in which the Contractor is located. Each Party is obliged to fulfill its obligations arising from this Agreement in good faith and with due care. Any disputes arising from this Agreement are resolved through negotiations in a claims procedure. If an agreement is not reached through negotiations within a month, the dispute shall be resolved in a court of jurisdiction in which the Contractor is located.

13.3. This Agreement comes into force from the date of acceptance of the Offer by the User and is valid until the obligations are fully fulfilled by both Parties. The Agreement may be terminated unilaterally by either Party. Termination of this Agreement unilaterally by the User is carried out according to the rules established by this Agreement.

13.4. For failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement, the Parties are liable in accordance with the terms of this Agreement and the current legislation of the jurisdiction in which the Contractor is located.

13.5. The parties are not responsible for full or partial failure to fulfill their obligations under this Agreement if such failure was a consequence of force majeure circumstances (force majeure), namely: flood, other natural Disasters, military actions, decrees and decisions of authorities state power or other events.

Hey, everyone! Today we will find out: why you need to learn business English, features of its study, structure business letter and the corresponding expressions that will be needed when writing it. C"mon!

Today's business world bought one important feature— it requires the development of intercultural and international relations.

This determines the high importance of learning English in order to successfully conduct business abroad.

Why you need to learn business English

Many people ask the question: “Why learn business English? After all, I know the general structure of the language and I have a good vocabulary.”

But as you may have guessed, to organize working moments with foreign colleagues, you need absolutely not the English we learned at school, but its business version.

It is impossible to start learning business vocabulary with a zero level of knowledge of general English. (Read about English levels)

It is advisable to have a level of at least “Pre-Intermediate” in order to learn business English effectively and easily, to correctly construct sentences using business vocabulary, avoiding mistakes.

Typically, a Business English course provides the following skills:

  • creating a resume;
  • passing an interview;
  • conducting presentations and negotiations;
  • the ability to freely express thoughts at conferences;
  • conducting business correspondence and documentation (contracts, reports, payments).

Let's dwell on the last point and consider the correct composition of a business letter for correspondence.

To make the letter correct, you need to use short sentences and simple vocabulary.

It is worth using smooth and easy turns without sharp transitions - the simpler the letter is written, the better.

Structure of a business letter

  • Greetings.

The beginning of any business letter begins with the recipient letters:

Read about address in English.

In the first sentence letters always use a friendly greeting.

After a short introduction formulate the main idea of your letter in one or more sentences:

I’m writing to inquire about ...

I am writing to inquire about...

I’m writing to apologize for ...

I am writing to apologize for...

I'm writing to confirm ...

I am writing to confirm...

I’m writing to comment on ...

I am writing to comment...

I’m writing to apply for ...

I am writing to apply...

This is followed by write about your request or answer a request.

If you want to express a complaint, you will find phrases such as:

In order to emphasize the urgency of the letter, you can use the following expression:

Your last point should include notes and reminders. Also include yours here Contact details.

  • Signature

Here are some common ones ways, to finish the letter:

Example of a business letter


When writing a business letter, you should not forget about the following points:

  • Use normal conversational speech.
  • Business letter in English should be simple.
  • Ask in a letter direct questions.
  • Three times check the name, last name And floor.
  • Use polite phrases.
  • Always turn to yourself" I».
  • Do not use « We”, if it is not clear who exactly.
  • Change all the questions and sentence structure that sound vague.
  • Always bet current date letters.

May your partners respect you and correct English be with you!

Big and Friendly family EnglishDom