You can regain access to your VKontakte account even after deleting it, if you have forgotten your password or your profile has been hacked by scammers. Repeat the simple steps in our instructions and do not agree to offers to buy a magic script that will solve the problem. We'll tell you how to restore a page in Contact without paying and using legal methods.

It is not difficult to return a VK account after deletion within the first 7 months. This free opportunity is provided to all users by the social network, while you also restore your friends list, entries in your feed, and saved contacts.

To restore your personal page in Contact after deleting it, go to the social network website with your login and password. You will see the deleted profile and the data until how long the recovery function will be available to you. Click on the “Restore your page” link above and confirm the action. The usual social network news feed will open; you have managed to restore your page after deletion.

If more than 7 months have passed since the deletion, how can I restore the deleted page? Write a request to VKontakte technical support and be prepared to confirm the authorship of the account. If it is still archived and can be restored, you will receive detailed instructions on what to do next. Once the profile is permanently deleted, it will no longer be possible to resume it - you can only create a new page.

After blocking or hacking

You may lose access to the page due to administrator blocking - if you are caught sending spam or other violations of the rules. Fraudsters can also hack your account and change your password. Before restoring the VK page, it would be a good idea to check your computer with an antivirus - some viruses block access to the social network and display a spoofed message in which they offer to restore the VK page for a certain amount. Do not agree to the offer; after treating the PC, access will immediately return.

How to restore a page account in a contact depends on the type of blocking:

  1. Temporary - for minor violations of the rules. After logging into the social network, you will be asked to run the antivirus, then confirm your identity by entering the code from the SMS message. At the same time, you can change to receive SMS directly on the profile unfreeze page.
  2. For serious violations, next to the message about detected abuses you will see a blocking period. You can restore the VK page only after its completion.
  3. Eternal - in case of repeated non-compliance with the rules or fraud, the administration blocks the VKontakte page forever. If you still want to return your Contact page, click on “Contact support” below. State in detail the circumstances of what happened and wait for the administration’s decision.
  4. In case of hacking - if fraudsters hacked the account and set a new password, the profile will be frozen. All you have to do is enter your login and confirm page recovery with the code from SMS via phone. During the process you will change your password, use a more complex combination to avoid being hacked again.

We have discussed how to restore access to a page after being blocked by the administration. Use official methods and do not use a spy script, which will only make the situation worse.

No password

How to restore your VK profile if you forgot your login and password? A special form will help you regain access social network by the address, because people often forget their login details. Algorithm for recovery if you forgot your password:

  1. Enter your phone number or email address.
  2. Enter the last name indicated on your personal page.
  3. Confirm that the system has found the required account.
  4. Receive a code by phone or email and enter it in the form.

If a phone number was not linked to your account, and there is no access to e-mail, then you will still be able to return your old page. How can you start recovery without a phone number:

  1. Click on the phrase about forgotten data below.
  2. In the next step you will need the address of your page. If it is not saved by you or your friends, run a search for people on VKontakte. Use your first and last name, city, age, place of study - everything that was indicated in the profile.
  3. Next to the link you want, click “This is my page.”
  4. To restore the page, enter an available number mobile phone, take and upload a photo - your face against the background of a PC monitor or tablet with an open browser from VK.
  5. Add a photo of your ID. You only need a clear image of the name, surname and personal photograph in the document; its number can be covered with a piece of paper or erased in a graphics editor.
  6. Submit your application and you will receive the administration’s decision via SMS.


We figured out whether it is possible to return a hacked VKontakte account and how to log into the social network without forgotten password. For all problems there is an official and free solution. Therefore, do not pay scammers money for restoration or for a script - there is a high probability of losing access to the social network forever.

how to restore a VKontakte page without a phone number

  1. I have a question. I linked my contact page to a new number 14 days ago. Today is the 14th day there is no password yet, is it possible that it will arrive only in the evening?
  2. Tell me, the phone number is blocked, I went through all the settings on how to restore a page without a phone number, they told me “The application has been submitted,” how long does it take for the admin to approve the application and will he approve it at all?
  3. actually restored the stolen number. try writing to her.
  4. Instructions for recovering the page (password) in contact?

    Restoring a page via e-mail and SMS
    In fact, this method is the easiest. Go to the password recovery page and enter your email or VKontakte login. Now after entering your email or login, you enter your phone number. Next you should receive an SMS message on your mobile phone. If you haven’t attached your phone number to your page, then read on!

    How to recover a password without a phone number?
    If you did not attach your cell phone number to the page, then we go through the procedure of restoring the page without a phone number.

    Restoring a page after spam
    Often, when you spam or someone spams for you, the page is blocked with the text that you sent spam. In this case, you will need to go through the “password change” procedure and that’s it. There is nothing complicated here. But if you are unable to change your password, then wait three months and if no spam is sent during this time, then your profile will be unlocked automatically.

    Is it possible to return a page after hacking without a phone number, email and password?
    In fact, it is impossible to return a page after hacking without a password, e-mail and phone number! At a minimum, you must have two of the three requirements listed. It is possible to restore the page without changing the page.

    By the way, it is useful for beginners to register on VKontakte. ru, the main thing is to indicate real data.

  5. Anya, they rejected the photo even after.
    I cursed them. After that.
  6. help me restore the page, I’ve already done everything I can but not how ((((
  7. I want to return my old VK page, but I remember the phone number that was linked to this page, but I haven’t had a SIM card for a long time and my number is different, what should I do?
  8. It won't help without a phone number
  9. How can I reset my VK password if the registered number is lost, please help me? ((
  10. How to restore a page without a phone number and password
  11. I tried to do everything and couldn’t do anything (
    I need to take a photo with the screen and send it to them, but there’s no way (
    Help who can...
  12. I was not approved
  13. 89091300965 number and password tsstsshshshgiroy
  14. Step-by-step instructions for restoring a VKontakte page

Incorrect password. How to recover?

We are usually sure that we are entering the password correctly. But if it suddenly doesn’t fit (the VK website doesn’t accept it), there’s no need to rush. Maybe you are entering Russian letters instead of English? Then switch your language. And if capital letters instead of small ones? Then turn off the Caps Lock button. If the password does not work, no matter what options you try, or you have forgotten it, you need to restore access.

To restore access to the page, go to the VKontakte website and click on the link "Forgot your password?":

Another way is to open the link. If you are on a phone, open this link: for mobile users. A new window will appear with the VKontakte website in it, and you can switch between it and this page. Come back here and read on.

Do not register a new page for the same number! You will not be able to restore access to the one for which you forgot the password.

The beginning of recovery. What should be done?

You will be asked to enter your phone number or e-mail (address Email), with whom you logged into VK. The easiest way is to restore it using your phone number, if you have it at hand. Enter and click "Further":

The “Action Confirmation” window may appear - you need to check the box there "I am not a robot" and/or execute small task. Look further.

What should I do if I don’t remember my login? Look here how to find out: What to do if you forgot your VKontakte login. And if you can’t remember your phone number or email, look just below, there’s a link you need ("Press here"):

Next you need to provide a link to your page (it looks something like this: or just an ID (for example, id12345678). To find a link to yourself, there will be a people search below. And this instruction will help you find out the ID of the old page. Then you will be shown your first and last name - if everything is correct, click "Further" and proceed to the full recovery procedure (see).

How can I find my old, previous page?

To find the old page and restore access, first log out new page(this is a link "Go out" on the VK website in the menu at the top right). Then you will still have to remember how the old page was registered: what phone number, email address - at least something.

If the number to which the page was linked is at your fingertips, look below.

And if you have a number, but you don’t remember your last name (it was a fake one), look at these tips: What to do if you forgot your last name, first name VKontakte.

Password recovery via SMS

After you have created a password, here's what you need to do:

  1. Where they ask “phone or e-mail”, enter your phone number, for example, 89161234567.
  2. You will be asked for your last name: enter the last name you indicated on the page. This is done for security reasons. What to do if you forgot your last name in VK?
  3. The page will show the user's avatar, first and last name. If it's definitely you, confirm it.
  4. You will receive an SMS with a recovery code on your phone. This is not a password! This is the recovery code, you will need to enter it there on the page.
  5. Now you will be prompted to set a new password that you came up with. It will need to be entered twice and both times the same way. Do not press Enter between them, but move to the second field with the mouse. Is the Caps Lock button turned on? If the indicator is on, only capital letters are entered. And if Num Lock is turned off, then numbers cannot be entered on the right side of the keyboard, keep this in mind. Also, remember what language you are entering your password in.
  6. When you change your password, you will receive another SMS. There you will be reminded of your login and this new password.
  7. Now you can go to Contact. You can do this with home page VKontakte or from the start page “” - the second option is more convenient, since in the future it will be easier for you to access your favorite sites with one click.

What to do if the code does not arrive?

Read the instructions:

What to do if it says “Error. Not available for this user"?

If you recover your password through an application on your phone and an error occurs, try doing it from a regular computer, laptop or tablet - just go to the site through a browser and do everything according to these instructions that you are looking at right now, from the very beginning. Another possible situation is that your page is not linked to this phone number. Maybe you never did this, or if you did, then maybe later this number was “unlinked” from the page. See the next method -.

What to do if “Error. Request limit exceeded?

This error happens when you request a password recovery code to be sent via SMS to your phone. The site writes that the code will be sent and then reports that the number of requests per day has been exceeded. First try to do everything from your computer if you are currently doing it from your phone. If it doesn’t work from your computer, read on for the explanation: this means that protection against too frequent password recovery attempts has worked. What to do? You need to wait one day. Try to recover your password tomorrow. You don't have to ask for a code all the time. This is a security measure against intruders, so please be understanding. Perhaps someone wanted to hack your page. Wait until tomorrow, request the code and be sure to set a complex password that is difficult to guess (more about passwords -).

What to do if “Error. "Quick password recovery is not available"?

This means that you have login confirmation enabled by mobile phone, and you can no longer recover your password via SMS. What to do in this case is written here:

How can I find out the password if I don’t remember it or have forgotten it?

Read here:

How to restore access without a phone if the linked number no longer exists or is lost

You are trying to restore access to the page, and when VKontakte reports that it will now send an SMS message with a code, you realize that you no longer have access to this number. Then you have exactly two options: restore the number (SIM card), if possible, or go through the full restoration procedure. Both ways are here:

How to link a VK page to a new phone number?

You can link a page to a new number, even if you do not have access to the old one. Just change the number in the settings (

There are only two ways to restore access to the page if you do not have a phone number associated with it (lost, stolen, the page was hacked, blocked, etc.). There are no other options. Both methods are here, read:

The first method, the fastest, is to restore the SIM card

If old number was registered in your name or in the name of someone close to you, you can restore your SIM card at a mobile phone store if you go there with your passport. This is done quickly and inexpensively. Even if you don't remember the number you had, at least remember mobile operator and go to their salon - they will remind you of the number and restore your SIM card. After this, you will quickly restore access via SMS, and then, if necessary, link the page to a new number (it will unlink from the old one).

If you have already created another page for this number or simply linked it to another page, then it is no longer possible to restore access via SMS, and only the second method remains.

The second method, without SMS - application for restoration

It only works if the restored page contains your real first and last name, and also contains your real photo. The page is restored to the new mobile number (it should not be linked to another page). This method takes time - from one to several days.

The page must have Your photo, where the face is clearly visible. It’s better if it’s in the “Photos from the Page” album (that is, it’s on the main photo or was there at one time). It might also be on an album called “This Is Me” or something like that (but not “My Friends”). It’s even possible in a hidden album, but if the photo is in “Saved” or on the wall (the “Photos on the Wall” album), it will not work. If the photos on the page were deleted (for example, by a burglar), then this must be indicated in the comments to the application. And the page must be real first and last name. In exceptional cases, the page is restored if only the last name is fake (and you agree to change it to a real one). A fake cannot be restored this way.

Better do it from computer or at least from a tablet.

Attention: a link to your application will be sent to the phone number you indicated as available - you can always go to it and see what’s going on with your application. They may ask you to send something else, so don’t be lazy and check from time to time. The application will be reviewed by the support service, so you will have to wait (a day, two, three - usually no longer).

How do I know that the application has been approved and the page has been restored? An SMS will be sent to the phone number you indicated as available. You will be sent new login information: login and password (the password can be changed after the first login). See also:

Another way to access restoration is to open the full version of the VK website, click on "Forgot your password?", there will be a link below "If you don't remember your details or don't have access to your phone, click here." Click on the words "Press here", and you will be directed to a request to restore access to the page.

In future highly recommended link your page to your current mobile phone number to avoid hacking, and also to be able to quickly restore access if you forgot your password. If you change your number, you need to change it in the VK settings!

Why was the application rejected?

Read about why the application to restore the page was rejected and what to do in this case:

How can I restore access to a page that does not have a number associated with it?

Could it be that there is no number associated with the page? Yes, if you registered another page for the same number. In this case, it is possible to restore access to a page to which no number is associated only, that is, through a full recovery.

A fairly common situation: you enter your VKontakte username and password as usual, but are horrified to discover that it does not work, or you receive a message indicating that your page was hacked because spam was sent from it. In this article I will tell you how to restore access to the VKontakte page.

What to do if VK is hacked? All ways to unblock VKontakte

To avoid having to re-read dozens of extra paragraphs, click on the most appropriate link from the list:

  1. I still have access to my phone number and mailbox.
  2. I still have access to my mailbox, but I changed my phone number or did not link it to my VKontakte page.
  3. I just forgot the password for my page. I wasn't hacked.
  4. They require me to send an SMS to a short number in order to restore access to VKontakte.
  5. I submitted a request to reset my password, but it was rejected.

The easiest way to restore to VKontakte is using the phone number to which your page was linked. The procedure is as follows:

2. In the window that appears enter the phone number to which the VKontakte page is linked in international format (for example, via +7 for Russia), then click next and in the window that appears, enter the letter-symbol code (captcha) from the picture.

3. Next step enter the Last Name indicated on the page.

5. Now an SMS from the contact with digital code, which must be entered in the next step.

5. And finally, on the last step we you need to come up with a new password for VKontakte, which should certainly be more difficult than the previous one. My recommendations on what the password should be can be read in this post.

That's all, we have restored (and in fact changed) the password for our VKontakte page via SMS.

Password recovery without access to the phone number.

The procedure for restoring access to a VKontatka page, without access to a phone number, but with access to email, is largely similar to the previous one, with a few exceptions.

2. In the window that appears enter your email address(For example [email protected] or [email protected]), then click next and in the window that appears, enter the letter-symbol code (captcha) from the picture.

3. Now you and I are being sent to recover your password via SMS, but you and I agreed that we don’t have access to it, so we act differently. Below the line there is a line “ If you do not have access to the number or the code does not arrive, try clicking here." Click on the link at the end of it and get there.

4. Fill in all the fields and click on “ Apply now».

Once it is approved, you will be given back access to the page.

Recovering your VKontakte password without access to your email and phone number.

Even without access to mailbox and mobile phone number, you can restore access to your VKontakte account, but to do this you will have to fill out a special application form. Recovery procedure:

1. To avoid taking extra steps, follow the link

2. If you don’t know the id of your VKontakte page, then don’t worry and follow the link

3. Fill in all the fields and click on “ Send a request».

After it is approved (usually it takes about two days), access will be restored and you will be able to log into your VKontakte page using a new password.

How do I know if my application has been approved?

If you did everything correctly, then in a moment you will find yourself on a page with one single link, which I would recommend saving.

By clicking on it you can monitor the progress of processing your applications for restoration of access to VKontakte.

After clicking on it after 12 hours, you will see a happy notification that “the application to restore access has been reviewed and accepted, and a new password has been sent to your email.

We go to the mail and open the letter from Contact.


Your application to restore access to your page on the website has been checked and approved.
To enter your page, use this E-Mail or Login: [email protected]
Your new password: 51953980
Your page is now linked to a mobile phone number: 79123456789
You can change your password in your page settings.

Good luck!
Administration of

Now return to the VKontakte page, indicate a new login and password and EVERYTHING! The blocked contact page is available again!

PS. Don’t forget to change your password to a more complex one, otherwise your contact may be blocked again for spam. If for some reason you were unable to unblock a blocked contact, you can ask me your question in the official site group or in the comments.

VKontakte asks me to send an SMS message to a short number.

If you are required to send an SMS message to a short number, then know that your PC is one hundred percent infected with at least one virus or your host is dirty!

Remember: Even if your antivirus program is regularly updated, this does not guarantee complete security and protection from Internet threats. Once Contact blocked- that means the antivirus missed the infection!

Do not under any circumstances send SMS to VKontakte short numbers! Instead, check out my virus removal article or treat yourself.

VKontakte sent me a login and password, but I can’t log in

The most common glitch during recovery. The VKontakte administrator approved the application to restore access, sent a password 24 hours later, but the person cannot log in using this data. Many people don’t know what to do in such a situation, but the solution is simple! You create another extended request for restoration and indicate in the note that the data sent in the SMS did not match. In 90% of cases, they are restored the second time without problems! The remaining 10% is restored on the third attempt.

And further. Be sure to check your PC for viruses with free Doctor Web! To avoid a situation where you regained access to a social network and immediately lost it due to an infection on your computer.

PS. As a rule, you will not be able to submit a second application for restoration immediately, but 24-48 after the previous one is approved. It won't work any faster, you'll have to wait.

SMS stubbornly does not arrive at my number. What to do?

If the “resend code” link, rebooting your mobile phone, checking your balance do not help, and you are sure that you entered the phone number correctly without spaces in the international format (with a + sign at the beginning), and you are also sure that it is your number that is linked to the page, then there is only one thing left - a direct letter to the VKontakte support service by email [email protected]. Be sure to indicate in your letter maximum amount data (link to your page, your name, the number you linked, and also take screenshots of the data you entered so that VKontakte can make sure that the SMS does not arrive for a reason beyond your control, and not because you entered it incorrectly data). In 3-5 days they will answer your email and tell you what to do next.

Another way- ask any of your friends who have a page on VKontakte to contact the support service on your behalf and say that this is how it is - SMS messages from VK are not being received at such and such a number. Admins will fix this and everything will work.

Nothing helped?

If, after the recommendations I have given, for some reason you still cannot restore access to VKontakte and go to your page, then you can describe your problem in detail in the comments and we, together with other participants, We will definitely help you!