IN last years There is a significant increase in the migration of our country's population outside its borders. As a rule, Russians prefer to marry foreign citizens.

Just a few decades ago, such phenomena were extremely rare. On this moment Statistics show that the number of marriages between citizens of Russia and other countries is steadily increasing.

Approximately 5% of all officially registered relationships are with residents of other countries. This article will talk about how to properly register a marriage with an Armenian.

Marriage with an Armenian man/woman: pros and cons

Armenia is a long-suffering country, where in order to build your own home and grow crops, you need to make a lot of effort.

Most likely, it is for this reason that men from this country are laconic. They prefer not to talk in vain, but to act.

Few people know that representatives of the stronger sex living on the territory of Armenia are only so strict and incredibly aggressive in appearance. Behind their beautiful appearance hide subtle and vulnerable natures who clearly know how to love, perform a lot of eccentric actions, are able to enjoy every moment, and are also ready to give their hearts to women.

But few people understand what marriage with an Armenian actually means? Of course, you need to pay attention that this is a strong family, which is built on mutual respect and understanding. Residents of this state know how to honor their own traditions and are also quite respectful of their elders.

Many women are interested in the question: where can you really meet an Armenian? Of course, you can go to this country as a tourist.

Few people know that this is truly a wonderful state. It is likely that you will be lucky enough to meet the man of your dreams, your real prince. If you can win his heart, you will become his legal wife.

Consequently, you will enter the Armenian family and also become its full member. After a certain time, you will realize how lucky you are. People who are the indigenous inhabitants of this amazing country put family above all else.

For this reason, they strive to create not only incredibly strong, but also quite large families. An Armenian man, naturally, is always the head of the family. But, it should be noted that this is not a despot or a tyrant. He is first and foremost caring and loving husband, and also the father.

Such a responsible and strong-willed representative of the stronger sex will work tirelessly to provide for his own wife and children.

Armenians love children very much, they spoil them. Kids always live in care, honesty, loyalty and respect. But an integral part of education is discipline, as well as rigor.

If you accept all the laws, traditions and customs of a given people, then your acquaintance with an Armenian can develop into something more. If love doesn't work out, you are definitely guaranteed friendship. But how can we understand their holy traditions?

First of all, you need to become more familiar with the history of Armenia. You should feel all the pain of the Armenian people.

It should be noted that in temperament and character, Armenians are very different from the peoples of the Caucasus.

They are more reasonable, full of confidence and dignity. Another distinctive quality of such men is calmness.

The wars that were fought on the territory of their state for quite a long time taught them to value kindness, peace, and also to live in harmony with their neighbors and at the same time enjoy life.

How to officially register a relationship with a foreigner in Armenia?

To enter into a marriage, the mutual consent of the man and woman is absolutely necessary. It is important that they are both of marriageable age.

It should be noted that it is strictly prohibited to formalize relationships for the following categories of persons:

  1. a man and a woman, if one of them is already in a formal union;
  2. between immediate relatives (parents and children, grandparents and grandchildren, as well as between siblings and half-siblings);
  3. it is prohibited to register marriage between cousins;
  4. It is not yet possible to formalize the relationship between adoptive parents and adopted children;
  5. The law prohibits the registration of marriages between persons if at least one of them is incapacitated.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that state registration of relations between the sexes is carried out with the obligatory presence of the persons getting married. Unions in absentia, that is, by proxy or through a representative, are strictly prohibited.

State registration of marriage is carried out by:

  1. territorial body of the Civil Registry Office. As a rule, the wedding takes place at the place of registration of one of the parties entering the union. Naturally, the procedure requires the availability of an appropriate certificate from the place of residence;
  2. registration chamber of marriage and birth, which is located within the structure of the Ministry of Justice of Armenia.

It should be noted that the legal registration of relations between people who do not have a permanent place of residence is carried out by the registry office of the temporary place of residence of the person getting married. In this case, the citizen is obliged to provide a special certificate with a permanent residence permit.

If an application for marriage is submitted to a military personnel at the place of service, then his place of residence is considered to be the location of the corresponding military unit or the place of distribution of the organization.

It should be noted that on his part it is necessary to provide a certificate from the place of service. Many people are interested in what documents must be provided in order for an application for legal marriage to be considered?

As a rule, to apply you need to have with you:

  1. a joint statement from a man and a woman who wish to be united in marriage;
  2. passports;
  3. documents confirming that none of the persons who want to get married are in an official relationship.

Please note that for a foreigner who wishes to become the husband/wife of an Armenian/Armenian, it is necessary to make a copy of the passport, which is confirmed by a notarized translation.

Armenian wedding traditions

Becoming the wife of an Armenian means following all the traditions of this nationality. There is nothing more beautiful than Armenian weddings.

For many centuries, regardless of the political situation in the country, the people carefully preserve all existing customs and rituals.

All close and distant relatives, friends, friends of relatives, as well as unfamiliar people must be invited to the solemn wedding. Weddings in this country are distinguished by their scope and splendor. The wedding is celebrated over several days.

Most main holiday birth new family requires meticulous preparation. All relatives and friends must take part in this. Of course, no wedding celebration is complete without engagement.

On a pre-selected day, relatives gather at the house of the potential groom with numerous gifts for the bride. As a rule, these are jewelry.

According to ancient traditions, it is the groom’s parents who give the dress to the bride. In traditional Armenian families, the ritual of confirming the innocence of the future wife is still observed.

After the wedding night, a messenger is sent to the house of a respectable bride with a red apple of praise for the father and mother.

Attitude towards civil marriage in Armenia

Armenians are not welcome to live in civil marriage. As a rule, only after the wedding the groom takes the bride from the family nest.

Conditions and procedure for official registration of marriage with an Armenian man/woman in Russia

To formalize a relationship on the territory of our country with a resident of another state, it is necessary to follow generally accepted rules.

Fictitious marriage for the sake of obtaining citizenship: what should you be wary of?

For an Armenian man, a wife is, first of all, the mother of his children, and only then a woman. Thus, having turned her into a kind of sacred cow and put her on a strict sexual diet, he prefers to demonstrate his temperament in the company of other ladies. At the same time, he often complains that his missus prefers to lie like a log. The funny thing is that the man does not experience remorse or moral torment, because in his mind, in this way he preserves the “purity of the family.”

For example, some Armenian men go to the left in search of oral sex. When asked why not add similar variety to the family sex life, many are seized with a fit of “righteous indignation.” How can this be, after all, his wife is a “decent woman”, how can one even think “such a thing” about her. One of my friends quoted a phrase from a famous Hollywood film: “She then kisses my children with those lips.” At the same time, everyone is sure that they satisfy the sexual needs of their spouse, which is often far from the truth. Although a year after the wedding, the newlyweds even stop kissing.

The main problem of many Armenian men, either due to mentality or improper upbringing, is that they perceive sex as something obscene. At the same time, despite their bragging and “great” sexual experience, in bed they are mostly illiterate, primitive and devoid of imagination. The limited thinking and rather stingy imagination of our men prevents them from understanding that sex is, first of all, an act of love. This is the merging of two souls and bodies, the reunion of alpha and omega. This is the best invention of nature or the gods, the vulgarization of which, in my opinion, must be included in the list of mortal sins. In bed between two loving people Be it just lovers, much less husband and wife, it shouldn’t be taboo.

Dear Armenian men, your wives are, first of all, women. They have many secret desires that you don't even know about. Yes, she is a mother, a housewife, a wife, but she is a Woman. So reveal her feminine essence in her. Kiss her, caress her until your knees tremble. And believe me, the response will not only not keep you waiting, but will also pleasantly surprise you.

Text: Louise Sakunts

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It just so happened that happiness (or misfortune) came upon me. My Armenian man. Of course, this is just another thing, I’ll tell you, but I like it (for now).

In our heads there is a certain stereotype of this kind of male individuals as hot, reckless, temperamental men who are greedy for women.

So, I want to reveal this stereotype based on my more than one year of experience. I hope my experience will be useful to you, will push you or, on the contrary, will warn you in time against that avalanche of emotions called relationships with an Armenian. May men of other nationalities, which I respect very much, forgive me; as they say, I have studied this and that is what I am writing about.

Acquaintance, or how to understand whether he is or not.

So, you met an Armenian man who shows you signs of attention, how to understand who he is and what he is represents itself. Does he want a serious relationship or just an adventure for the night?

First, take a closer look at him, what he talks about, what he thinks about. It may seem that Armenians are similar in their worldview, but this is absolutely not the case. And among them there are cattle, there is an elite, some of which differ little from the cattle, and there are quite intelligent, educated individuals. They are similar in mentality, but their behavior is completely different. In any case, an educated, well-mannered Armenian will not bullshit, will not curse or hit.

The layer of well-mannered Armenians has a very respectful, even chivalrous attitude towards a woman (any), so with such a person, or in the company of such people, you are absolutely safe.

How to determine who is in front of you? My criteria are the following:

An intelligent, penetrating look, in appearance and manners should be different from the tomato seller at the market, the clothing style is European, and not a half-Asian half-gopnic outfit,
Knowledge of languages: the Armenian more or less suitable for you speaks excellent Russian, moreover, not only Russian,
Topics of conversation and manners: try to get your boyfriend to talk, the person who suits you should understand a little about everything, be able to support any topic, and most importantly, talk calmly, without showing any out-of-place temperament.

Let's move on to you. How should you behave?

In principle, as usual, without straining, Armenians are not Ethiopians after all, the topics and manners of behavior are similar. But there are some differences:
It sounds corny, but be a little more modest. A story about your achievements, how cool/talented you are, how many people you have under your command and how high your salary is will not bring you dividends, but rather will scare you away,
Don't overdrink, the sight of a drunk woman talking nonsense can scare off your potential soul mate. Moreover, if your boyfriend himself is not a fan of alcohol, which is quite possible (in the year of my relationship, I have not seen my man and his friends, not only drunk, but even a little drunk)
Don't slow down, try to get into the topic, make jokes. Armenians are very cheerful, humorous people (although the humor is a little specific, such English humor with a Caucasian accent).
If your man is from Armenia itself, try to speak as literary as possible, remember that he studied Russian from books and our slang can hurt his ears. The most harmless phrases like “fucked up”, “wow”, etc. for him the height of bad manners.

What is it likecharacter if mArmenian man

The myth about the voices and gesticulations was created by people who have nothing to do with the Caucasus. Those Armenians with whom I have had the opportunity to communicate, on the contrary, are distinguished by philosophical calm. As far as I understand, boys are raised from childhood to hide their emotions, they cannot show joy or sadness in public, society raises them to be stoic.

What is actually true is a sudden change in mood, this can happen at absolutely any moment. From a phone call, from an awkward situation and, worst of all, from the wrongly chosen word that you could say at that moment! A stoic philosopher can explode over what seems like a small thing, and then spend hours like a volcano during an eruption. So that the phrase “Think what you say” does not just apply here, but think, think and think three more times, preferably also analyze what HE might think if you are you say, and only then say.) With him you should be not just a woman, but an intelligent, wise woman, while at the same time remaining tender, caring, fragile.

Don't forget that he should feel like he's in charge in your relationship. This does not mean that you should not have your own opinion, you really should, otherwise he will not be interested in you. Just deliver it correctly, clearly, briefly, and most importantly, calmly and on time. Everything needs to be done so that ultimately, he supposedly comes to this himself. Such a fine line!

It is useless to enter into heated arguments with him; from childhood they are accustomed to arguments and showdowns (they call this bazaars), so for every argument you have, he will have ten “smart” arguments. He will easily prove to you that milk is black and the earth is flat! Don't prove it, just ask. Give him a chance to nobly yield! Never use phrases like “tired”, “fed up”, “fuck you...”. They take everything literally, then they will burden themselves for weeks with how he could get bored or “bored”, he’s so good.


Do not provoke jealousy under any circumstances - this is DANGEROUS!!! Firstly, they may not understand (this is in the best cases). Secondly, it may even break off the relationship altogether. This does not mean that he is not jealous of you, he is jealous, he just doesn’t show it, verified!!! For example, when you walk together, it may seem that he is not paying attention to you at all, but this is not so. Your man is Armenian, in this time he is busy with serious work, he is watching who else is paying attention to you!) At this moment a storm of emotions is boiling in him: on the one hand, “yesss - this MY woman, look, she is beautiful, smart, etc.”, on the other – “how dare you even look at MY woman, she is ONLY MY TREASURE.” This is jealousy...) ))

If you're really jealous You, try to do it more gently (without wild hysterics and inappropriate words, of course you need to show emotions, but do it with dignity - you are a woman!) Just explain that some of you things are unpleasant or even admit directly that you are jealous, but calmly!

His friends…

An Armenian man, as a rule, has a wide circle of acquaintances and friends. Moreover, this is his pride, his life capital (at least he thinks so). Let this does not scare you, in any case he will communicate with friends, have his own hobbies, do not interfere with this. Just accept it and that's it! Don't be jealous that he didn’t take you with him, if he said that he would go have tea with a friend, believe me, he really drinks tea. The conversation could just be about work, using some exclusively masculine expressions, etc. By the way, it was very funny to see serious, respectable men in Yerevan in the evenings tea drinkers or coffee and cake talking with a very smart look.

You and the man are Armenian

Praise your loved one. Men of this nationality are mostly, and especially in their younger years, breadwinners and workaholics; one cannot be indifferent to this. It is very important for him to realize that all his actions, actions, achieved goals are not just self-realization. He should feel that everything he does, he does for you, thus showing what kind of person he is. man. It is important! Appreciate any of his efforts, successes, tell him about it, reassure him and support him when something doesn’t work out. In return, you will receive a huge return, you will be his muse, for which he will be ready to do anything. Of course, this is pleasant for a man of any nationality, but ESPECIALLY for an Armenian!!! By the way, the Armenian man is very attentive, he will also pay attention, even to the little things that you do for him and say that he likes it Nice.

And of course, don’t forget about your appearance. You are, first of all, a woman, and a woman should and must be beautiful and well-groomed (I’m not talking about a painted doll with a ton of makeup on her face). If you already use cosmetics, then try to do it correctly, emphasizing your natural beauty!!!

And your main weapon, if an Armenian man, is femininity (feel the man behind you, the warrior that he is), calmness (remember, your man is, in fact, very emotional, although he may not show it at first, but inside there is always a raging volcano here, right here yours duty to calm him down), give him tenderness, kindness and ALWAYS smile.

Of course, every person is unique, but common features approximately exactly like this. Remember, you definitely won’t be bored! Good luck to you dear girls! Love and be loved!!!

Some people manage to attract the attention of an Armenian easily and naturally, while others, despite all their efforts and attempts, fail. So, let’s try to answer the question: how to win the love of an Armenian man?

What is an Armenian man like?

Character of an Armenian man

First we need to find out what exactly do we know about Armenian men?

The image of a fatal handsome man with an ardent temperament and reverent attitude towards a woman has firmly settled in our thoughts. In fact, Armenian men do not stand out much among men of other nationalities. Armenians are distinguished by a sharp change in mood, jealousy, unconditional charisma, loyalty to traditions, reverence for family ties, and hard work. These are the main characteristics obtained from women living or communicating with men of this nationality. Armenians living in Russian cities are more socialized than their compatriots living in their homeland. But, it is necessary to remember that each person is an individual and people of Armenian nationality are no exception.

How to attract the attention of an Armenian man?

Before figuring out how to win the love of an Armenian man, you need to clarify how you can attract his attention to your person. There are no known facts that Armenian men prefer a certain type of woman. Therefore, it makes no sense to dye your hair from blonde to brunette, lose weight or gain weight. An Armenian may be attracted by mystery in a woman, or by the presence of a zest that seems to be visible, but is not solved. This way you can intrigue him and arouse his interest. If your meeting is casual and you would like to start a relationship with this person, under no circumstances impose yourself on him, try to gently push him to action and then very reluctantly give in to his request. Behave as unapproachable as possible, this will push him to further action, because Armenian men are essentially conquerors. Mysterious, inaccessible and well-groomed appearance– your main weapon on the first stage towards the goal.

How to win the love of an Armenian?

How to make an Armenian fall in love

So, now you need to consolidate the result obtained and move to a new level of relationship with the object of your dreams. You need to try to tie him to yourself. Learn to cook his favorite dishes and learn the Armenian language, this will flatter him and it will be much easier for you to communicate with his family when you get to know your relatives and friends in the future. And such an acquaintance will definitely take place. And for your relationship to become as strong and durable as possible, you need to please the parents of your Armenian man. It is the opinion of his family that will play decisive role in your relationship. No matter how much affection the young man has for you, he will be able to break off relations with you if the family decides so.

If you are looking forward to a long-term relationship with your partner, then he will certainly be proud if you know his roots and understand all the “branches” of his huge family.

You will need to show your partner what exactly he is playing main role in your relationship, but don't let him deprive you of your own opinion. This will earn him respect for you, and he will be proud that an independent girl recognizes him as the head of the relationship.

You should not test his feelings with jealousy. Armenians, as a rule, are very jealous and you can expect a scandal at best, or a complete break in relations at worst.

Learn to respect your Armenian boyfriend. Show him your intelligence, understanding and admiration. An Armenian man will be proud that he has such an intelligent and understanding girlfriend. And most importantly... If your relationship has grown into a serious one and you have achieved your initial goal, express your love for him. After all, every person needs to be loved.

And in the end...

You have put a lot of effort into getting the love of an Armenian man. What will you get in return? Armenian men, as a rule, are well-mannered, it is interesting to communicate with them, they look after you beautifully and show care. If you plan to start a family with him, then according to statistics, Armenians good husbands, caring fathers who put family first. They respect their wife and her opinion.

Armenian man. With this phrase, an image of a high handsome man with an oriental appearance. And many girls and women are ready to do a lot if only this attractive and mysterious handsome man would pay attention to them.

Some people manage to attract the attention of an Armenian easily and naturally, while others, despite all their efforts and attempts, fail. So, let’s try to answer the question: how to win the love of an Armenian man?

What is an Armenian man like?

First we need to find out what exactly do we know about Armenian men?

The image of a fatal handsome man with an ardent temperament and reverent attitude towards a woman has firmly settled in our thoughts. In fact, Armenian men do not stand out much among men of other nationalities. Armenians are distinguished by a sharp change in mood, jealousy, unconditional charisma, loyalty to traditions, reverence for family ties, and hard work. These are the main characteristics obtained from women living or communicating with men of this nationality. Armenians living in Russian cities are more socialized than their compatriots living in their homeland. But, it is necessary to remember that each person is an individual and people of Armenian nationality are no exception.

How to attract the attention of an Armenian man?

Before figuring out how to win the love of an Armenian man, you need to clarify how you can attract his attention to your person. There are no known facts that Armenian men prefer a certain type of woman. Therefore, it makes no sense to dye your hair from blonde to brunette, lose weight or gain weight. An Armenian may be attracted by mystery in a woman, or by the presence of a zest that seems to be visible, but is not solved. This way you can intrigue him and arouse his interest. If your meeting is casual and you would like to start a relationship with this person, under no circumstances impose yourself on him, try to gently push him to action and then very reluctantly give in to his request. Behave as unapproachable as possible, this will push him to further action, because Armenian men are essentially conquerors. Mystery, inaccessibility and well-groomed appearance are your main weapons on the first stage towards the goal.

How to win the love of an Armenian?

So, now you need to consolidate the result obtained and move to a new level of relationship with the object of your dreams. You need to try to tie him to yourself. Learn to cook his favorite dishes and learn the Armenian language, this will flatter him and it will be much easier for you to communicate with his family when you get to know your relatives and friends in the future. And such an acquaintance will definitely take place. And for your relationship to become as strong and durable as possible, you need to please the parents of your Armenian man. It is the opinion of his family that will play a decisive role in your relationship. No matter how much affection the young man has for you, he will be able to break off relations with you if the family decides so.

If you are looking forward to a long-term relationship with your partner, then he will certainly be proud if you know his roots and understand all the “branches” of his huge family.

You will need to show your partner that he is the one who plays the main role in your relationship, but do not let him deprive you of his own opinion. This will earn him respect for you, and he will be proud that an independent girl recognizes him as the head of the relationship.

You should not test his feelings with jealousy. Armenians, as a rule, are very jealous and you can expect a scandal at best, or a complete break in relations at worst.

Learn to respect your Armenian boyfriend. Show him your intelligence, understanding and admiration. An Armenian man will be proud that he has such an intelligent and understanding girlfriend. And most importantly... If your relationship has grown into a serious one and you have achieved your initial goal, express your love for him. After all, every person needs to be loved.

And in the end...

You have put a lot of effort into getting the love of an Armenian man. What will you get in return? Armenian men, as a rule, are well-mannered, it is interesting to communicate with them, they look after you beautifully and show care. If you are planning to start a family with him, then according to statistics, Armenians are good husbands, caring fathers who put family first. They respect their wife and her opinion.

These tips are not at all a guide to action, since each person is, first of all, a formed personality with his own principles and worldview, and, accordingly, he needs a special approach. But, these tips can help you better understand the thoughts, feelings and affections of an Armenian, which in the future will help you create and strengthen your relationship with your beloved man.