Flexibility usually refers to the range of motion in joints, as well as the length of the ligaments and tendons that surround the joints. If you want to become more flexible, stretching exercises alone will not be enough. Yoga or Pilates can improve your flexibility and overall health. Besides, proper nutrition and getting enough fluids in your diet will help you become more flexible.


How to start doing stretching exercises

    Contact a fitness instructor. Before you begin stretching exercises, it is important to talk to a trainer or fitness instructor. Even one lesson or master class will be enough to remember the correct poses.

    • A fitness instructor will assess your natural flexibility and range of motion and recommend exercises based on your fitness level and desires.
    • Look for stretching or flexibility classes.

      V gym, in a martial arts studio or in a yoga studio.

    Be sure to warm up your muscles before stretching exercises. If you try to pull on cold muscles, you can strain or injure them. It is best to do stretching at the end of any other workout.

    Load options before stretching Walk or run for 5-10 minutes.
    Light dynamic stretching. You can do lunges, rotate your arms at the shoulder in both directions, pump up your abs, trying to reach with your hands the toes of your straightened legs. The most important thing is not to freeze in one position.
    Relax your joints. Massage your back, legs, gluteal muscles and hip flexors while lying on a special cushion.

    Stretch your arm and shoulder muscles. Stand or sit on the edge of a stable chair. If you decide to stretch your muscles while sitting, watch your posture.

    Perform the exercise with a straight back. Lower your shoulder blades and do not bend your back to the sides.

    • Extend one arm straight out in front of you and press the other just above the elbow. Press your hand until you feel tension. Do not push your hand further than it starts on its own. Hold for 5 seconds. Don't forget to breathe deeply. Then release and repeat with the other hand.
    • Raise one arm above your head, bend it at the elbow, and lower your palm behind your head. Try to grab the palm of the first hand behind your back with your second hand, if you can reach it. If you can't reach, bend your other arm, bringing your palm below your elbow, and reach down to create tension in your biceps. Hold for 5 seconds, then repeat with the other hand.
  1. Do a bridge to stretch your back muscles. The bridge is a full-body exercise, but the muscles that work the most are your chest, legs, and core. Lie on the floor on your back, bend your knees to 90 degrees and place your feet on the ground.

    • Place your palms on both sides of the mat and begin to lift your hips so that your body forms a bridge. Your thighs should be parallel to the floor. Hold at the top for 5-10 seconds, taking deep breaths, and then lower to the floor. Repeat 3-5 times.
    • If you want to make the exercise more challenging, do a bridge and then lift one leg up towards the ceiling. Lower your leg and repeat on the other leg.
  2. Make a butterfly. The butterfly is a stretching exercise for the gluteal and thigh muscles. In addition, it allows you to relax your neck and back. Sit on the floor and stretch your legs forward.

    • Bend your knees and bring your feet together. Grab your feet with your hands and, as you exhale, bend your body towards your feet. Important

      tighten your core muscles and do not bend your back,

      And also move your shoulders back.

    • Bend down as low as you can. Hold for 30–120 seconds. Don't forget to breathe deeply.
  3. Perform side torso twists while sitting. Sit on the floor, stretch your legs in front of you, and bring your legs and feet together. Tighten your core, pull your shoulders back and lower them.

    • As you exhale, turn your body to the side and place both hands on the floor on the side you are turning to. Don't arch your back and twist only at the waist - don't rotate your hips.
    • Hold for 15-30 seconds, return to the starting position and repeat on the second side. You can do 2-4 repetitions on each side.
  4. Do the back exercise. There is an exercise taken from yoga and Pilates that opens the chest and stretches the muscles of the back and core. Lie on the floor on your stomach, stretch your legs back.

    • Bend your elbows and place your palms on the floor on either side of your body. As you exhale, straighten your arms and bend your back. Lower your shoulders and move them back.
    • Try to squeeze your shoulder blades together without lifting your hips off the floor.

      Feel the stretch in your chest.

      Hold this position for 15-30 seconds, then lower to the ground. Repeat 3-5 times.

  5. Do this exercise for your hip flexors and quadriceps. This exercise is similar to lunges, but in this variation, straightening the leg allows you to stretch the hip muscles, as well as the tendons and quadriceps. To perform the exercise, kneel on the floor.

    • Place one foot forward so that it forms a right angle. Take a step forward as far as possible. You will feel a stretch in the second leg. The shin should be perpendicular to the floor and the knee should be above the ankle.
    • Grasp the knee of the leg that is currently in front and push your hips forward. Breathe deeply. Hold for 15-30 seconds, then return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

    Yoga or Pilates

    1. Focus on your breathing. Breathing is key element yoga and pilates. Before you begin, meditate on your breathing for a few minutes.

    2. Choose poses that can be easily modified. At the very beginning of classes, you may find it difficult to get into the correct position. Use special yoga bricks or rolled or folded towels. Place them under your body to perform the exercises correctly, and do not stretch more than you can.

      • For example, the forward fold is useful for developing flexibility in the legs and back. You may not be able to immediately reach your palms and place them on the ground. Try placing a yoga brick in front of your feet and resting your palms on it.
      • The body may behave differently different days. Be patient and don't be discouraged if one day you don't stretch as hard as you did the previous workout.
    3. Relax your spine with cat and cow poses. This pose is suitable for beginners and improves back and core flexibility. In addition, it helps to relax physically and psychologically. Get on all fours.

      • Your wrists should be directly under your shoulders and your knees should be directly under your hips. Straighten your back so that it looks like a flat tabletop, lower your shoulders down and away from your ears. Breathe deeply.
      • As you inhale, bend your back strongly, lift your head and open your chest. Hold this position.
      • As you exhale, arch your back toward the ceiling, tuck your chin toward your chest, and tuck your shoulders slightly inward.
      • Repeat the exercise for 5–10 cycles of inhalation and exhalation, without changing the combination of movement and breathing.
    4. Hold the position for several breaths. If you're looking to improve your flexibility, it's important to hold the position and breathe deeply as you stretch the muscles during yoga or Pilates classes. This allows you to relax your body and stretch more.

      • As you inhale, think about the strength of your muscles. As you exhale, relax your muscles and try to go lower in the stretch.
    5. Perform movements without pauses. Many poses in yoga and Pilates are combined, and each movement is synchronized with the breath. Constant movement will allow you to improve flexibility and increase blood flow to your joints.

      • Remember to focus on your breathing. If you start to get out of breath or feel like you're holding your breath rather than synchronizing it with your movements, try to slow down.
    6. Learn to salute the sun. Sun salutation is vinyasa, that is, a chain of movements that are performed sequentially without stopping, and for each movement there is an inhalation or exhalation. There are 12 poses in sun salutation.

      • Get into the starting pose - the mountain pose in yoga. You will need to move smoothly from one pose to another, synchronizing your breathing with your movements, and then return to mountain pose.
      • Sun salutations are a great cardio workout. This exercise can serve as a warm-up to more intense stretching or flexibility training.
    7. Exercise regularly and consistently. There won't be any changes unless you practice constantly. You don't have to exercise every day, but it's important to try

      • At first, exercise for 10-15 minutes 3-4 times a week. If you like it, try doing it more often, but don't quit halfway through.

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Today we will talk about... Plasticity is an indicator of the health and youth of the human body. Nowadays, you can find very few people who consider themselves flexible enough, which is not helped at all by the current lifestyle of sitting at a personal computer for 8 hours, traveling on public transport and a completely unhealthy diet. Our physical ones consist mainly of short trips to the store or to work.

How to properly develop flexibility in your back and whole body at home

In our time, playing sports has become not just entertainment, but a vital necessity, without which it is impossible to stay healthy, vigorous and strong. Every modern man must develop in order to always remain in good mood and well-being. Many people don’t know where to start and often ask themselves the following questions: how to develop body flexibility at home?

Every modern person suffers from a lack of time for sports; we happily fill our lives with going to the cinema, restaurants or nightclubs, losing precious health every year.

You can find the latest training programs and development of body flexibility at. Before you start exercising, it’s better to see a doctor to make sure your body’s capabilities. And only then will you be able to do stretching and not be afraid for your health.

What is flexibility and how to use it correctly?

Flexibility is a bodily characteristic that shows the level of joint mobility. It can and should be developed through regular performance of special complexes. It is recommended to start with simple and not complex exercises and only then, gradually move to a more professional level.

What is flexibility and how to use it correctly

Please note that in at a young age Flexibility is given to humans by nature, and if we deepen these skills, they will remain with us for many years. The peak of our plastic activity occurs somewhere around 10-12 years old; by the age of 17, without regular training, it gradually disappears.

It’s good if a person, at least by the age of 30, is thinking about regaining his former flexibility, and with it health and youth. As an example, we can cite yogis who, even in old age, have excellent health; developed plasticity probably plays an important role here. If you are thinking about how to develop body flexibility at home, then this article is for you.

  1. Before training, be sure to do a light warm-up; it will warm up the joints and muscles of your body, preparing the body for stress.
  2. During training, you need to breathe slowly and deeply, hold and sharp inhalations and exhalations are undesirable.
  3. Exercise only in comfortable clothes that will not hinder your movements.
Recommendations for performing a set of exercises to develop flexibility
  1. The back and spine should be straight, especially in forward bending exercises.
  2. Regular exercise is the key to your success, so you need to exercise at least three times a week.
  3. In stretching exercises, jerking and sudden movements are not allowed, as you can only harm yourself.
  4. Perform each exercise at least 5 times, increasing the number of repetitions with each workout.

Exercises that develop flexibility of the whole body

  • Sit with your gluteal muscles on your heels and, while inhaling, bend up and back as much as possible, rounding your back in the chest area. Exhale and place your body on your knees.

Exercises that develop flexibility of the whole body
  • Sitting on the floor, spread your straight legs as far apart as possible. Keeping your spine straight, bend over one leg first, trying to reach your feet with your hands. If you succeed, then try placing your body on your leg, first placing your stomach on your thigh, then your chest, and only then lowering your face. Do not try to lower your head first, such actions will give us an unnecessary bend in the back, which will not contribute to the development of back flexibility. Also try not to bend your knees. Repeat similar steps for the other leg.
  • Now, without changing your position, bend one leg at the knee and place your heel as close to your groin as possible. Tilt towards the straightened leg, first you need to touch your feet with your fingers, and then deepen the tilt and try to put your torso on your leg. Don't rush, don't pull yourself down, bend over as much as your flexibility allows. Change the position of your legs and repeat the same.
  • Stand straight, put your feet together, and inhale left hand up, lower the second one onto your thigh. Bend to the right, the left arm bends along with the torso, the right one slides down the thigh. Do the same, switching hands. Now raise both your arms up and tilt your head back and top part body back with exhalation. The knees are tense, the gluteal muscles are tightened. As you inhale, return to the starting position, but without stopping, bend forward until your back and tailbone become one straight line. We deepen the tilt and try to reach the floor with our fingers; if we succeed, then lower the stomach, chest and face onto the hips. We fixate in this position for several breathing cycles and return to the starting position. This exercise will help in as soon as possible develop body flexibility at home. Do it several times a day.

First of all, we need regular exercises that promote the development of spinal mobility. When performing them, it is worth remembering the following:

  • flexibility, even under the most intense loads, develops rather slowly;
  • Exercises to develop flexibility should not cause pain. Too much load, especially in the initial period of training, can cause injuries of varying severity. To avoid severe pain, muscles definitely need rest.
  • the set of classes must be balanced, which contributes to the symmetrical and harmonious development of the body.

Exercises for body flexibility.

  1. Lying on your stomach, you need to spread your legs slightly to the sides and bend your arms slightly, while pressing your elbows to your body. In this position, you need to touch the floor with your forehead. As you inhale, begin to move upward, arching your spine and leaning on your arms, and as you exhale, lower to the floor. In this case, the main thing is not to lift your pelvis off the floor. The exercise is repeated four times. When performing it, the emphasis is on working the back muscles, not the arms.
  2. Standing on the floor, you need to spread your legs shoulder-width apart and clasp your hands behind your back. Without bending over, gently lift them up. Next, slowly lower your arms and unlock the lock, and then, after stretching your hands, repeat the exercise from the beginning. You need to do five repetitions of this exercise at one time.
  3. Sitting on the floor, stretch your legs straight together. Use your fingers to smoothly reach towards your toes. If there is an initial stretch, then you can hold your toes with your hands and try to reach your forehead with your knees. Do this three to four times.
  4. Lying on the floor, close your legs together and place your arms along your body. Helping with your hands, slowly lift your legs and pelvis up. Hold the shoulder blade stand for a few seconds, then lower your legs down, while trying to touch the floor behind your head with your toes, but without bending your knees. After holding this position for a few seconds, carefully and slowly straighten up. Repeat the exercise three to five times.
  5. Sitting on your knees, cross your legs and place your hands behind your back. It is necessary to move your elbows deep back and place your palms together. Breathing deeply and evenly, stay in this position for half a minute. Repeat the exercise three to four times.
  6. Standing on the floor, spread your legs as wide as possible. Having placed emphasis, half-squat on the right leg, reach for the left leg right hand, while leaning on his left hand. All this time, the left leg should be straight. Stay in this position for thirty seconds and change legs. Repeat the exercise five times.
  7. Standing on the floor with your legs together, place your hands on your waist and bend forward and backward, ten times in each direction. To become flexible Special attention need to be given .

I hope we answered your question about how to become flexible and how to develop flexibility. But remember that all exercises must be done slowly, slowly, in order to avoid possible adverse consequences. Performing such exercises for a long time will certainly give your body plasticity and flexibility.

On how to become flexible - we offer 5 special exercises + detailed instructions for them. We will help you find the grace of a cat!

I always admire dancers and gymnasts when I watch their performances and admire not only how masterfully they perform tricks, but their amazing flexibility.

It seems that these girls' bodies have fewer bones than theirs. ordinary people, so they glide across the parquet like beautiful snakes.

Naturally, I also thought how to become flexible like them.

I did something in this direction, and the gym sessions, which I don’t miss, include several stretching exercises.

It is clear that I have not reached the level of flexibility of dancers and gymnasts, but no one is stopping you from working on yourself to become a snake girl.

Is it even possible to become flexible?

Flexibility is a very interesting concept.

Well, first of all, how to determine flexible person or not?

The one who can tie his body into a knot is certainly flexible, the one who, bending over, does not reach the floor with his hands, is a wooden Pinocchio.

But there is also an intermediate link.

So, what to do with girls who can do the splits, but don’t demonstrate any other special tricks?

Should they try to become more flexible or not?

Another question that worries the minds of girls is whether it is possible to become flexible at all or is it a natural talent?

The true answer to this question lies somewhere in the middle.

There are people who are already born with gutta-percha, and there are those who, through long training, manage to develop at least a little flexibility and their results do not seem too impressive to anyone.

It depends on your luck, but any girl can become sufficiently flexible if she is not lazy.

Why become flexible and do special exercises?

  1. You strengthen your muscles, especially your legs and back.
  2. Make your posture more beautiful.
  3. You gain elegance and grace.
  4. Better sleep.
  5. Become more resilient.
  6. Increases the overall tone of the body.

Think about whether you want to become flexible?

You can test your level of flexibility to see what you need to work on in the following ways:

    Gradually lowering your head, try to reach your chin to your chest.

    If you were unable to do this or felt pain during the exercise, this indicates insufficient flexibility of your spine.

    Start bending backwards, you can even try to stand on the bridge with the support of a reliable partner.

    Are you in pain?

    Do you hear a nasty crunch?

    This indicates that you don't move much and could use some flexibility.

    Can you lean forward and place your palms on the floor?

    Then you are not a completely lost person in terms of flexibility.

    Slowly begin to sit in a diagonal split.

    Does not work?

    Is there at least 30 cm left to the floor?

    No problem, special exercises will definitely help you.

If after all these checks you find that you lack flexibility, then think carefully about whether you are ready to work on this problem.

Becoming flexible without having the natural ability to do so is not so easy, because:

  1. Flexibility develops quite slowly.
  2. Too intense training will exhaust you and can lead to problems with.
  3. To achieve good results, just home training is not enough.

What activities can you do to become flexible?

You can significantly improve the flexibility of your body by playing sports.

If you choose the right sport, which devotes a lot of time to stretching, then you won’t have to do special flexibility exercises at home.

What sports are the best to help you become flexible?

    She will work magic even with those who are made of rigid wood.

    It is enough to devote 15 minutes a day to yoga to show decent stretching within a month.

    Dancing, of any style.

    It doesn’t matter what you do (be it strip dancing or hip-hop), any dancer needs stretching.


    Naturally, you won’t demonstrate Olympic results as an adult, but you can become more flexible.

In general, to become more flexible, you can engage in any kind of sport.

Going to the gym, running in the morning, and even 15-minute exercises at home help improve stretching.

What does it take to become flexible at home?

If you don't like to exercise socially strangers or you don’t have extra money to pay a trainer, but still want to become flexible, then you can successfully perform special exercises at home.

Training flexibility and stretching without the supervision of a trainer can be dangerous, but if you follow the precautions, nothing bad will happen:

    It will take at least a month for you to see real results.

    Remember that you are not trying to set an Olympic record, but are training stretching solely for yourself.
    Take your time, don't be nervous and everything will work out.

  1. It is advisable to do stretching exercises in the morning, on a half-empty stomach.
  2. It is very important that you feel good and are in a good mood.

  3. Wear comfortable clothes for flexibility training that do not restrict your movements, you can even train in underwear if you live alone or are not embarrassed by other family members.
  4. Before you start doing flexibility exercises, you should do a 5-minute exercise to warm up your muscles.
  5. Plan your workout so that it includes different exercises: stretching the arms, legs, spine, buttocks.

    You cannot pay attention to some parts of the body and ignore others.

    If you feel severe pain, stop pulling the muscle immediately.

    Our goal is to become graceful flexible girl, and not disabled.

5 special exercises to become flexible

The easiest way to become flexible is to do special exercises every day.

In fact, there are countless stretching workouts - on the Internet you can find training videos for every taste.

I offer you 5 exercises that help girls become flexible, which a fitness trainer at the gym I visit shared with me:

Do you want to have a flexible back? The set of exercises in the video will help you with this:

There are many ways how to become flexible.

Yes, stretching exercises cannot be called simple and the effect of them is not immediate, but the results will not keep you waiting if you train daily.

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How to be young and beautiful? How to be healthy? How to become flexible? We can ask ourselves these and other questions every day. After all, youth is short-lived, and to be

You want to be beautiful, slim and fit for as long as possible. Good condition body is, first of all, the flexibility and elasticity of our muscles. A flexible body tells us about the health of the spine, joints, and normal motor activity, so it is necessary to carefully work on the development of this important quality. Unanimous and, most likely, the only way The development of body flexibility can be recognized by regular training, where the emphasis must be placed on constant stretching. This will allow you to achieve excellent results in a short period of time. Stretching the back muscles (spine, thoracic), legs, arms gives us the opportunity to economically spend energy and distribute it.

How to become flexible and how to achieve the desired result?

Our practical advice

It is important to remember that you need to start developing body flexibility in childhood. Many parents turn a blind eye to this, and by adolescence they begin to wonder why the child does not do the splits or do a “bridge.” You can add elasticity to your body at any age, the main thing is to work hard at it, do flexibility exercises, and also move more, namely: take walks and minimize sitting on the couch in front of the TV or computer. If muscles are not trained, they contract and lose strength. And this is fraught with various unpleasant results for your body.

Training, or How to become flexible

Before starting classes, the muscles need to be warmed up and only then begin to perform more complex exercises. Here are some of them:

  1. Feet shoulder-width apart, raise your arms to the sky and stretch your arms upward as much as possible, stretching your back muscles. In this case, there is no need to lift your heels off the floor. We count to ten and bend down, trying to reach the floor with our hands. (Repeat five to ten times).
  2. We sit on the floor, legs forward, lean forward as much as possible and try to reach our fingertips. You need to stay in this position for 10 seconds, then return to the starting position (Repeat five to ten times).
  3. Lie down on the floor, arms straight above your head, legs straight. We raise our leg to right angle and pull it towards your head. We do fifteen to twenty times on each leg.
  4. Standing on the floor, we pull one knee to the chest one by one, holding it for five to ten seconds. Then we lower the leg.

Correct execution is the key to success

Exercises should be performed slowly, smoothly, without haste. You should be comfortable. It is advisable to “work” in a good mood. It is important to remember that flexibility is the work of all muscle groups, and therefore you cannot pay separate attention to the legs or arms, everything must be in combination. If you do everything clearly and correctly, then the question of how to become flexible will never arise. You will have amazing health for many years of your life. And even very young people will envy your flexibility.