Each of us has more than once had to deal with such an unpleasant phenomenon as the rudeness of people around us. And in order to learn how to act correctly in such cases, you need to understand what reasons force a person to so brazenly and aggressively bring down his dissatisfaction on you.

Modern society is unthinkable without active communication and interaction of people with each other. That is why each of us, sooner or later, is bound to encounter human rudeness and outright impudence. You can avoid this only by completely protecting yourself from human attention, for example, by going to live in a deep forest or endless desert. In all other cases, it is necessary to develop the correct tactics of behavior in situations where they are trying to deliberately and rudely get at you.

23 main reasons that make people treat their own kind rudely

  1. Bad mood. Depression, sadness, resentment - all this can force a person to throw out his negative mental attitude in the form of rudeness and arrogance.
  2. Conflict relationships in the team, family.
  3. Anger and aggression, which are the dominant character traits of some people. Mother nature creates them this way and it is almost impossible to change anything in this case.
  4. Low level of intelligence and primitiveness of thought processes.
  5. Sometimes they are rude in order to provoke you to a certain action.
  6. An impudent act intended to amuse oneself and others.
  7. Failure in life, low social status and unfulfilled desires.
  8. Some people are rude as a psychological defense, delivering, so to speak, a pre-emptive strike.
  9. Sometimes the reason for verbal rudeness can be your harmless appearance and inability to fight back in the face of such attacks.
  10. Low self-esteem boor.
  11. Sometimes people are pushed into rudeness by virtual anonymity. A person who is quite friendly and friendly in everyday life turns into a very impudent and arrogant type when communicating on social networks and forums.
  12. Very often people are rude, feeling their power and impunity.
  13. A person who is rude is unconsciously fueled by the violent emotions of his victim.
  14. Polite and courteous behavior is very often perceived as weakness on your part. In response you get aggression and rudeness.
  15. For some individuals, boorish behavior is the main method of struggle for survival.
  16. Sometimes they are rude out of despair when they lose control over the current state of affairs.
  17. Psycho-emotional traumas, especially in childhood, are deposited in the subconscious and may in the future cause boorish behavior.
  18. Sometimes the reason for rudeness in communication can be an elementary feeling of envy.
  19. Rudeness can manifest itself purely mechanically, as a firmly established stereotype of behavior.
  20. Sometimes, to obtain the necessary information, there is nothing left to do but simply be rude to the person.
  21. Behind the mask of impudence and swagger, sometimes, lies incompetence in some issue or matter.
  22. For some people, rudeness is the result of a lack of communication. In this way they make up for its deficiency.
  23. And the list ends with the fact that boorish behavior becomes the result of a progressive mental illness.

How to deal with rudeness

One of the main means of combating this annoying phenomenon is calmness and complete ignoring of the insolent person. Of course, we are talking only about those cases when everything is limited to verbal attacks, without physical violence.

It is very difficult to remain impassive and apathetic when words of insult and outright abuse are thrown at you. But if you practice, it becomes an easy task. The main thing to remember is - under no circumstances be like a boor! If you respond with anger and shouting to his impudence, only he will win. After all, the main goal of all his attacks and attempts in your direction is a response in the form of violent negative emotions. Deprive him of this pleasure by enduring all stupid attacks with dignity and stately indifference. And, believe me, after a while you will be able to enjoy how the bubbling anger and the impossibility of achieving the goal will begin to corrode your annoying opponent from the inside.

In an eventful life, everyone has encountered rudeness. It could be fleeting insults, psychological pressure or rudeness in conversation. After such moments, the mood often deteriorated, negative emotions went off scale, and we could start to be rude too. But reacting correctly to rudeness is as easy as shelling pears.

What should you not do?

It should be understood that depending on the type of rudeness addressed to you, the tactics of responding to them also change. It is also important to take into account the circumstances of each specific situation: what is suitable for boors on the street is in no way applicable during business communication.

However, there are certain things the use of which is highly discouraged. And the most important of them is ignoring. You should not completely ignore rudeness and boorish behavior addressed to you, because such behavior is a priority - impunity.

Ham pursues deeper goals than it might initially seem. And the whole essence of a boorish attitude is:

  • caustic and caustic remarks in order to capture a person’s attention and provoke him into conflict;
  • attempts to humiliate a person;
  • force him to act according to a certain scenario, manipulating psychological weaknesses.
Humiliated people allow themselves to be rude. This humiliation is rooted deep in the human heart, for example, in the form of childhood insults. By being rude, a boor forces his target to react and pursues very specific goals. Let's look at them and how not to behave with impudent people:

1. Aggression and indifference.

Completely ignoring boors and their rudeness will contribute to their feeling of complete freedom, and your mood will deteriorate. Rudeness is a mental slap in the face, and turning the other cheek (as well as, in principle, allowing yourself to be humiliated) is absolutely forbidden here.

The second extreme is beating a boor with his own weapon, that is, he personally becomes a boorish person and is rude in response. It is important to note a detail that is missed by many: boors have an amazing immunity to identical behavior. They “feed off” your energy and feel impunity, which gives them space for subsequent humiliation.

Therefore, it is important to follow two basic rules when dealing with boors:

  • do not be rude in response in any situation (if the situation is tense and it is difficult to concentrate, it is better to leave the company of the boor);
  • do not ignore insults addressed to you, and the degree of rudeness does not matter.
2. Search for deep meaning.

You should not waste your precious time on boors, trying to understand the true motives of their behavior. Let’s say right away that this is a matter of complexes and mental conflicts, in attempts to cope with which a person follows the path of least resistance, that is, he uses rudeness and insults.

Again, it all depends on the circumstances of the incident: if a student resorts to rudeness at school, such behavior could be unconscious (for example, unpleasant life situations). But when a stranger on the street or a cashier in a store is rude, you shouldn’t waste time trying to understand the truth.

You will lose energy, nerves and time trying to explain to a person the mistakes in his behavior. And in the end, you will come across an impenetrable barrier of stupidity, unwillingness to admit mistakes and another portion of rudeness.

3. Worsening.

When a boor has certain life/mental problems, he resorts to rudeness, not wanting to acknowledge their existence. Due to the aggression released, the boor begins to feel confident, temporarily forgetting about pressing problems.

The longer you maintain contact with your interlocutor and his rudeness, the more exhausting the situation will be. The conversation should be short but succinct. The boor must understand that he got into trouble in vain and needs to retreat.

4. Physical violence.

Remember that rudeness is a duel between the speech apparatus and self-esteem. You should not loose your hands or throw objects at boors. There is a possibility of problems with the law, and assault is worse than any retaliatory rudeness. By overpowering yourself and reacting correctly to rudeness, you will get much more benefits than simply crippling a person.

Why people start to be rude, what you can and cannot do in such situations, you will learn from the following video.

How to properly respond to rudeness?

Let's look at a few general tips that will undoubtedly help with responding to rudeness:

1. Arrogance and pride.

A slightly raised head, frowning eyebrows, a look in the spirit: “What’s going on?” They will instantly inject a portion of reason into the scoundrel (this is noticeable externally by the emotions of the face). Just a couple of seconds of such a look is enough for it to have an effect.

2. Politeness.

When a person resorts to rudeness, the last thing he expects is sincere politeness:

  • “Dear, do you have any complaints?”;
  • “Why are you trying to provoke me?” and so on.
When questioning a bully, you don’t need to expect a rational answer - this is just a way to competently counter the rudeness of your interlocutor. When addressing a rude person with such phrases, there is no need to slow down, because his manner of speech is not worthy of your attention.

If a cashier or salesperson is rude, direct contact cannot be avoided. But having asked the mentioned questions, there is a high probability of seeing a guilty look directed downwards. Don't say anything, but calmly enjoy the process. Answer only to the point and do not thank the boor, because on a psychological level it looks like gratitude for the disrespect shown towards you.

3. Calm and frank.

Boors are cowardly by nature. Your fear and confusion makes them stronger on a psychological level, so stay calm.

If they make complaints to you or are openly rude for any reason, try to answer as naturally and truthfully as possible:

  • "You stink! Did you come out of the trash heap?”;
  • “You're being rude to strangers. Were you raised poorly?

Don’t try to invent non-existent facts of your life: there is no need to look happier, more successful and better in the eyes of a boor. You are inherently better.

Types of rudeness

Rudeness from boors does not have the slightest grain of truth or rational meaning, their goal is to humiliate you and incite conflict. Therefore, do not allow yourself to feel guilty, inferior, and do not make excuses for rudeness in any form. If an adequate person has complaints about you, he will never resort to a boorish manner of communication.

As already said, it all depends on the situation and circumstances. Let's look at the most popular:

1. On the street.

If rudeness is heard in your back (usually it is caustic mockery), it means that you have been chosen as a target for insults. If you don’t want to enter into a verbal dialogue with a boor, switch the contact to non-verbal.

A perplexed and questioning look thrown towards the boor, with a slightly raised eyebrow, will quickly cool his ardor.

In fact, you don’t even have to try to make a specific facial expression: just look at the boor, as if he was a couple of stages of evolution late in development.

2. On road.

The concept of “autoham” has long been introduced in psychology. Both drivers and pedestrians can be rude. Follow these tips for the correct reaction:

  • show pity and sympathy for the boor, because it is so difficult for him to exist in this life that there is nothing left except rudeness (a look filled with empathy);
  • try to translate the conflict situation into humor: “I thought the engine caught fire, but it turns out that steam came out of your ears from emotions!”;
  • If a pedestrian decides to shout inarticulately at the driver (you) in a boorish manner, make a horrified grimace (the stupider and more absurd, the better) and, exhaling with relief, finish off with the phrase: “You’re yelling like that! I thought Hitler had risen!”
3. In the Internet.

Here rudeness flourishes, because it is impossible to punish the offender. And complete impunity for bullying only fuels the rude people’s interest in action.

This is that rare case when completely ignoring the interlocutor is the best outcome. If you continue to communicate with such a person, a lot of your nerves and strength will go nowhere. Once you step on such a rake, do not repeat your mistakes.

4. At work.

If the rudeness comes from the boss, try using the method of sharp gratitude. When the essence of the complaint is that you were late, say that you are grateful for the criticism addressed to you. Promise that you will definitely leave your sick child at home so that you can arrive on time and not be late. Express yourself as calmly as possible, without sarcasm, otherwise you risk losing your job.

In addition to the rudeness of employees who openly dislike you, it is permissible to allow a little more. Before starting to be rude, the offender draws up a scenario of your actions in his head. Use classic phrases that will disrupt the integrity of his plans and instantly disarm him:

  • "AND?";
  • “Rudeness is not becoming, especially yours”;
  • “For what purpose are you saying this?”;
  • “It will take me forever to look at each of your complexes. Or two."
How to respond to bullying and insults at work, and why you shouldn’t ignore them, you will learn from this video.

Rudeness from strangers

It’s a completely different matter if a child is rude. The best scenario would be the aforementioned ignoring (not entirely) and demonstrative facial expressions.

Absolute indifference to the boorish behavior of children will increasingly push them to repeat unpunished actions.

The ideal option would be a psychological maneuver of striking from several directions at once:
  • Follow a young boor with a menacing look - this is where unconscious fear comes into force: awe of your own parents.
  • Voice your thoughts about him, but not in an aggressive manner, but, for example, with the phrase: “Who taught you this?” Ignore his answer and continue on your way, the main thing is to sow thoughts in him: “Am I doing the right thing?”
  • Do not continue the dialogue with the boor after what happened. He wanted to get attention, and if the goal is not achieved, then he is doing something wrong.
There is a main rule that applies to boors in general, but especially to unfamiliar boorish children: do not try to teach a child proper behavior in society. Due to age and lack of experience, the child is not able to fully understand the problems of inappropriate attitude towards other people.

How to react to the rudeness of a spouse/child in the family circle? First, try to understand the essence of the problem. It is quite possible that rudeness is a way of making claims towards you. Try to listen to the words. This way you can soberly assess whether you are really to blame:

1. Is there a dishonest attitude towards family responsibilities on your part?

For example, you took over the laundry/cleaning/cooking around the house, your wife or husband earns money at work, but you can’t cope with your own affairs. If this is the case, then you should sincerely apologize and explain why you can’t cope, and you don’t like rudeness towards you. A loving person will understand, forgive, and most importantly, ask for forgiveness for his boorish behavior.

If you consider the claims insufficient, then do not ask for forgiveness.

End the dialogue with the phrase: “In the end, I will be able to forgive your boorish behavior, but I’m unlikely to forget.” If your spouse was in a bad mood or angry, he will remember these words for a long time and will not be rude in the future.

2. The freedom of action.

People begin to be rude when they feel impunity for their actions. Put the rude person in his place by telling him that this is not the way to communicate with your loved one. Continue with the phrase: “Or don’t you love me anymore?”

This will have no effect only in two cases:

  • a person on the verge of a nervous breakdown or in a state of passion;
  • There is a really serious problem in family relationships, and you cannot do without a visit to a family psychologist.

3. Rudeness as an attitude.

If your spouse’s rude behavior occurs on an ongoing basis, then you can react to rudeness in the style of the famous game “Cold, Hot.”

When your spouse behaves without rudeness, show affection, care, communicate, in general - be yourself. If your loved one starts to be rude, cover yourself with ice:

  • do not initiate communication;
  • do not talk about the events of the day or do it very briefly;
  • answer all questions “yes/no/don’t know”;
  • respond to offers of sex with “I think not today”;
  • carry out family duties as quickly, quietly and well as possible.
However, always say “thank you” and “please”, because your goal is to teach a lesson for rudeness, but nothing more. Also maintain a measured tone: it should not be too “warm” or too indifferent.

It’s a completely different matter if it’s your own child who starts being rude. Remember that children a priori love their parents, so rudeness occurs when:

  • the child needs something: your attention, understanding, even help that he doesn’t talk about;
  • something influenced him: a fight, humiliation or insults at school/on the street, rudeness from other people;
  • I didn’t like something about your actions: you could have accidentally offended him, put him in an awkward situation, or shown injustice.
The most appropriate reaction to the rudeness of a son or daughter is to try to understand their essence:
  • in case of boorish behavior, as always, do not take rude words or demonstrative actions to heart;
  • find the true reason for boorish behavior;
  • handle the situation wisely, and if the problem is with you, correct yourself if you did wrong;
  • remember: if for you the existing problem is insignificant, then for your child it can almost be a conflict of the universes, without exaggeration.
Boorish behavior can strike anywhere and at any time. Take well-known advice, keep a sober mind and self-control. The most important rule in the fight against rudeness: do not belittle yourself or make excuses, and the boor will soon understand that it would be better to look for another victim to satiate his ego.

In this article, we will talk to you about such a phenomenon as rudeness and how you can get out of a meeting with a boor with the least losses.

The fact is that we often have to encounter certain problems that, to one degree or another, bother all people.

It is this problem that I would like to talk to you about in more detail.

This problem is rudeness.

One way or another, virtually each of us has encountered a boor in our lives. Boor can be found everywhere, at all levels of the social ladder, in any place. The phenomenon itself is complicated by the fact that there are no clear delineations of places where one can meet such a person, and therefore one cannot simply avoid meeting him. In some cases, you have to live or work next to a boor. Is it worth describing how difficult this test is...

This article is dedicated to all those people who suffer from boors in their lives, and I will try to clarify the essence of this phenomenon. And talk about possible courses of action in a situation where you had to deal with a boorish attitude towards yourself.

What is rudeness?

The essence of the very semantic phenomenon of rudeness is very well shown in the biblical myth of Noah's Ark. As a matter of fact, the word itself, boor, was taken precisely from this myth.

Those who want to study it in detail can read the book of Genesis in the Bible.

I will tell you the essence of the myth briefly... After the waters of the global flood began to recede, Noah's ark landed on dry land. Noah released all the animals he had saved from the ark and began farming. He planted vineyards and made wine. Having drunk the drink, he became drunk and lay naked in his tent.
Noah had three sons: Shem, Ham and Japheth. Ham, seeing his father in such a state, began to laugh at him and told his brothers about what he saw. The other two sons, taking the blanket with their backs, entered their father’s tent so as not to see his nakedness and covered him.
After Noah sobered up, he learned about how his son Ham behaved with him, and cursed him, appointing him as a slave to his other two sons.

You can talk as much as you like about the legality of Noah’s decision in relation to his son, and about the moral qualities of Noah himself, but it should be understood that the myth dates back to a time when the authority of parents for their children was indisputable, therefore, to give up respect for parents was the gravest thing sin.

So, from the myth, we can conclude that rudeness is a lack of respect towards another person, a violation of his psychological boundaries for the purpose of humiliation.

Who are these boors?

In the old days, the attitude of children towards their parents should have been exclusively respectful, which Ham did not demonstrate; we can conclude that a boor is a person, for some reason, unable to respect other people, empathize with them, or put himself in the place of another person. Boor - looks for any flaw or weak point in another person in order to attack his sense of self-worth. Boors tend to show permissiveness; in their rudeness they are deprived of self-control and the ability to self-restraint.

Of course, a boor cannot be called psychologically healthy. A boor is a person who, for some reason, has a hidden moral flaw in himself.

Rudeness is a sign of a personality disorder.

There may be several reasons:

  1. Elementary bad manners. It is known that a person is shaped by the environment in which he grows and develops. If in a family, rudeness is the norm, then with a high degree of probability the child will grow up to be a boor. The same goes for empathy; if parents do not show this quality, then the child will have nowhere to get it. Exceptions to the rules are also possible, for example, if a child sees a good example of respectful relationships in the family of a friend or close relatives, it may be formed contrary to what he saw at home, but this is rare and not always such a contrast with his family ends well for the psychological health of himself child.
  2. A person can be crippled by the environment in which he was forced to be and endure rudeness towards himself. In fact, for a long time he was a victim of attacks from other people. Possibly been bullied. When experiencing an extremely traumatic experience of personal victimization, a person may act very aggressively towards other people. There is a kind of transition from violence against him to his own violence against those who bullied him. This has nothing to do with a normal, adequate response to aggression, since in this case the victim-sadist connection is at work. This person does not cease to be a victim, but under certain conditions he will take pleasure in mocking his offenders or people who have nothing to do with what he suffered in the past - this is a kind of acting out the aggression accumulated over years of humiliation.
  3. A person can be a sociopath. In simple terms, a sociopath is a person who has no conscience. This phenomenon is very difficult to explain, since it is very difficult to imagine a person who has no conscience in principle. Such a person lives guided in life only by his own pleasure and ego. At the same time, a sociopath cannot be called completely sick, since he is healthy in intellectual, volitional and medical indicators. And yet, if he is given a simple problem related to morality and morality, he will not be able to solve it, most likely he will try to guess the answer. The moral pain and experiences of another person are inaccessible to him to understand.

Why do we suffer from rudeness?

So, what happens when we meet a boor on the path of life. In essence, there is a gross violation of our psychological boundaries, which causes confusion and shock. In essence, this is psychological violence, from which no one teaches us to defend ourselves.

For most people raised in our culture, violence is a taboo, a prohibition. Therefore, when someone applies it in one form or another to us, to put it mildly, it is unexpected and unusual for us.

An even more serious problem is the response to violence. For a person who has never answered it, this is a serious moral dilemma, and it is far from a fact that he will be able to resolve it, right on the spot where he was rude.

A serious moment of subsequent internal torment is fear, which is natural in this situation, because in essence you find yourself in a completely new field for yourself, and you have to do something that you usually don’t do, since you usually don’t encounter such an appeal to yourself, and don’t accustomed to saying outright rude things to other people. And this is right, remaining a good, kind person is much more important than becoming like a person who has fallen ill with rudeness.

How to answer a boor correctly?

What can be done to stop rudeness, not to become like a boor, and in general to prevent all this from developing into a physical clash, simply put, a fight?

There is simply no universal way to curb a boor, but nevertheless there is a certain choice of strategies that can help you get out of contact with such people without losses, or almost without losses. Next, we will look at some options that can help you in most cases.

It is important to remember that the less you talk to these types of people, the better. Their main goal is to provoke you into aggression. And therefore, to any banal phrase that would allow you to get out of the conflict with dignity, like: “Let's not quarrel!”, you can receive a rude answer indicating where you should go. Further, an increase in rudeness implies an increase in stakes in the form of aggressiveness; the final phase of such a conflict may be direct physical confrontation (in other words, a fight).

Therefore, first of all, it is important to develop the correct attitude towards boors and rudeness, thus, such people and the phenomenon itself will be perceived by you as something that does not need to be answered, but which is better to pass by:

The first two methods allow you to reduce contact with the boor to a minimum and therefore work best and with the least losses for you, but the actual use of these two methods is especially justified when you do not have to constantly contact the boor.

Remember: By getting involved in aggression, you risk answering to the law, since in this situation you yourself will be indistinguishable from a boor. You took part in escalating the situation and succumbed to provocation.

As can be seen from the above points, interaction with a boor always comes down to limiting him through something.

  • This can be done through the right attitude towards the boor. For example, as for a seriously ill person who cannot even realize this.
  • This can be a restriction through attention, when we simply do not contact this person, do not start a conversation with him, ideally do not even look in his direction (the so-called: “Zero attention, a pound of contempt”).
  • This may be a restriction by law.
  • This may be a limitation through the joint influence of the collective suffering from this person.
  • This may be a limitation through the demonstration of one type of force or another.

In any case, if a person cannot limit it himself, then someone else limits him.

What to do if your spouse is a boor?

This is truly an ordeal. After all, a loved one, a spouse, or spouse can be a boor.
In any case, no matter who this person is, you will be subject to constant attacks. Such a person can literally destroy your self-esteem. Constant contact with such a person can destroy your personality, transforming you into a victim, making you fragile to even minimal life circumstances. You literally have to survive. What can be done in these circumstances.

  1. You can sincerely talk with a person close to you, tell him what pain he gives you, you can say that you simply can no longer tolerate such an attitude towards yourself, since it threatens your mental, and therefore physical health. You can discuss in detail what your ideal relationship should be like. You can write this on paper by concluding an agreement between each other. Of course, you should not think that this will immediately solve the problem of rudeness in your relationship; you should be prepared for the long journey that you will go through together. But if a person understands the importance of the changes that he needs to work on, then this is already a lot, a lot.
  2. You can ask him to go to a psychologist. Better yet, go to a family therapist together. In this case, the changes will be faster, more thorough and of higher quality.
  3. If a person close to you does not see any problems in the way he communicates with you, you should think about whether you are ready to tolerate such an attitude towards yourself in the future. The boor is capable of quite literally wiping you out of the world. Really evaluate your psychological and physiological resources. It may very well be that you should not put up with the presence in your life of a person who does not respect you, your psychological boundaries and health.

What to do if a close relative is a boor?

Everything is similar to what was described in the previous paragraph, except that the issue of complete separation is not raised here. If a person does not want to take into account your pain and suffering from communicating with him, then think about the fact that the frequency and proximity of communication with such a person should be regulated. Communicate less frequently and more briefly. If a person cannot limit himself, then other people limit him.

What to do if your boss is a boor?

Unfortunately, let's be honest, there are very few levers of influence on such people in our realities. Very often in our country we are faced with a terribly low level of corporate culture and management personnel. At the same time, people try to hold on to their jobs with all available strength. The times are such that highly paid jobs are not found so often, and a person needs to feed himself and his family, pay rent, and generally have a satisfying level of consumption.

And yet, think about whether you have the right to tolerate bullying yourself. After all, the consequences of years spent in a team with a similar attitude from management can be disastrous both in terms of mental health and physical health. This can cost you a lot.

If you find yourself in a team where subordinates are regularly subjected to humiliation and psychological violence from their boss, then sooner or later you will be faced with a choice: “To be or not to be.”

  1. Assess your condition and psychological resources. Are you ready to tolerate this kind of attitude towards yourself? Is the money you receive worth the injuries you received?
  2. Always try to create alternative options for your future so as not to panic if your main job is in danger. You must know exactly what you will do if you suddenly find yourself unemployed. It's better to have several alternative options.
  3. First, find yourself an alternative job, even if it’s not as profitable as your current one, and after that you can try to do something.
  • Surely, not only you suffered from your boss’s rudeness; you can talk to other people in the team, and all come up to talk to the boss together. It is unlikely that he will fire all his employees.
  • You can talk to your boss face to face about your working relationship with him. I’ll say right away that the chances of reaching a compromise with a boss who is sick with rudeness are not great; as a rule, agreements, even if reached, do not last long, and there is also a high probability of your situation at work worsening. Still, it's worth a try.

In any case, do not go too far; try not to be like him when communicating with such a person. Be polite and diplomatic. If the conversation does not work out due to constant sarcasm on his part or rudeness, having the safety net of a workplace, write a letter of resignation.

Remember that working in some teams and with some bosses is tantamount to disrespect for yourself.

What to do if a colleague is a boor?

  1. Unfortunately, this option often occurs.
    Try to react at the first attacks of a boor. Talk to him frankly. Ask to explain the reason for his behavior? Find out if he has any problems? Let him understand that he shouldn’t talk to you or other people like that. Ask for respect for chain of command and work ethic. In general, outline for him the boundaries that should not be crossed.
  2. Such people very often hurt not only you. You can try to put pressure on such a person together with other team members. In this case, such a person is unlikely to stay in the workplace for long, even if you simply stop noticing him.
  3. If it so happens that the rest of the team is in coalition with the boor, then know that this team is sick. Do you need to stay in a sick team, because all it will bring in the end is illness. As in the previous paragraph, I recommend that you always have as many options for the development of your future as possible. Job options will help you not experience so much anxiety and fear of being unemployed.

This concludes my article; I wish you to encounter boors as rarely as possible on your life’s journey!


Alkhimenko Ilya Alexandrovich.