As long as there is enough in the world a large number of material assets, important documents or significant people, the security guards will not be left without work.

Therefore, it makes sense to think about drawing up a business plan for a security company. It is worth knowing that there are quite a large number of nuances, which will be discussed further.

Only those people who have relevant work experience and skills in handling weapons can successfully run such a business. In addition, those to whom they turn for help can also engage in similar activities. former employees law enforcement or retired military personnel. It is worth noting that this is too specific a service to master all the features of this business after creating an enterprise.

The main thing is to decide what exactly the security agency will do. You can be engaged in the protection of individual objects, cargo during transportation, installation and maintenance of alarm systems on consoles, the provision of bodyguard services and the provision of security in a complex. You will need to start with what the entrepreneur or leading specialists know best.

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What is needed to open a private security company?

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Registration of a private security company (private security company)

The specificity of the security business is strict control from government agencies. A license for private security activities can be obtained from the department for licensing and permitting and control over private security and detective activities of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate. At the same time, operational control over the activities of private security companies is carried out by divisions of regional police departments.

A package of documents that will be needed in order to obtain a license (it is important to note that their documents are reviewed for about 60 days):

  • statement;
  • an explanatory note (indicating the territory of operation of the private security company, a description of all services provided, the planned number of employees of the enterprise, possible intentions to use special technical and other means, weapons, and so on);
  • constituent documents and all necessary information about the founders;
  • certificate of registration with the tax office;
  • receipt of payment of the license fee (300 rubles for consideration of the application, 1000 rubles for obtaining a license).

It is important to take into account the fact that the minimum authorized capital for a private security company the amount may be 10,000 rubles.

In addition, the head of the private security company must have a higher education and have an identity card for a private security guard. At least three full-time employees must also have similar certificates. They can be obtained from the licensing and permitting department for those who have successfully completed special training, or for those who have worked in the police department or security agencies for more than 3 years. The security guard certificate itself is valid for 5 years and costs approximately 1,500 rubles.

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Obtaining the necessary weapons permit

It is worth noting that not every security company works with weapons. Weapons may be needed, for example, when protecting significant material assets, at gas pipelines, industrial warehouses. However, for protection educational institutions, grocery store halls, dormitories, there is no need for weapons.

One firearm is allowed per 4 guards. In order to have a place to store weapons, you will need to equip a special room. The equipment that will be needed for the weapons room, if you meet all the requirements, will cost approximately 70,000-100,000 rubles. It will need to be coordinated with the licensing and permitting department, SES, firefighters, private security, and placed on the control panel at the public health authority. This will cost approximately another 10,000-30,000 rubles monthly.

In order to be able to use such special means as gas canisters, stun guns, rubber sticks, handcuffs, you will need to obtain a certificate from the licensing department and register them for specific security guards. Handcuffs (estimated cost - 200-300 rubles per set) and rubber sticks (cost approximately 150-320 rubles per set) will need to be purchased by each of the guards.

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Rent of office space for opening a private security company

A private security company needs office space mainly for holding meetings with potential clients and security guard candidates. In addition, it may contain weapon room and the rapid response team, if available. In order to equip a weapons room, you will need approximately 8-10 square meters. m area. The rapid response group is most often located near the main protected objects. Moreover, they should be in places that are as convenient as possible for access. Therefore, for this purpose, it is necessary to rent 2 rooms (the total area of ​​which is 15-20 square meters) for the security guard on duty and the rest.

It is worth noting that for a beginner private security company it will be enough to rent premises small sizes area of ​​about 10 sq. meters (if a weapons room is not provided), which will not be located in central regions. This area will be enough to arrange one workplace(on which the table, computer and telephone will be located). The cost of renting such premises is on average 5000-7000 rubles monthly.

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Equipment you will need to open such a business

The main equipment of security companies are radios and telephones. In order for the process of communication with management and the duty officer to be possible as usual, mobile and landline phones are most often used to communicate with the duty officer and for communication between posts of the same facility. The company, which has approximately 20 employees, spends on mobile communications approximately 2000 rubles per month. The simplest walkie-talkie, which can be used inside one facility and does not require frequency allocation, can cost approximately 1,500-2,000 rubles.

It is worth remembering that all security guards must be equipped with a uniform. To work in enclosed spaces, employees are given trousers and a jacket with the company’s symbols on it. This can cost approximately 700-800 rubles per set. In order to be able to work at posts outside, shoes and outerwear are required. The simplest short boots (high boots) will cost approximately 1,300 rubles, a sweater that can be worn in winter will cost 800 rubles, a jacket, warm pants, and a hat will cost approximately another 2,000-2,500 rubles. The form must be changed every 2 years.

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Finding the employees you will need to complete the job

The law states that a private security company employee must have a security guard ID. Most often, it happens that employees undergo training at their own expense or at the expense of future wages. An enterprise can pay for an employee’s training, but there is a fairly high risk that he will want to change his place of work.

You can hire employees without certificates, but they must work together with an experienced security guard. Trainee security guards most often receive a salary of approximately 600 rubles per daily shift, and those who have certificates receive an average of 800-1000 rubles. An operational duty officer earns 1200-1500 rubles, and employees of rapid response groups will need to pay approximately 900-1200 rubles. The law requires that the lives of all employees be insured at company expense while performing work.

The usual mode of work at the security guard post is every two days. Therefore, you will need at least 3 full-time security guards per post.

Security companies located in Moscow most often hire their employees in the provinces, using a rotational approach. Those guards who have completed their shift are leaving. The following workers come in their place. Such guards will need to find housing (it should be cheap, for example, a hostel).

There is some expert advice. It is worth knowing that the director of the private security company is recommended to hire deputy assistants if there are more than five protected objects. Such an employee will engage in negotiations with interested clients, conduct business with existing customers, promptly resolve all issues that will arise at the facilities, and actively interact with licensing and permitting authorities. Wage for such an employee can be approximately 20,000 rubles.

When the number of employees is more than 30-50, you will definitely need an HR manager. Regarding the person who is needed for the position of accountant, it is worth knowing that he can be hired part-time for 3,000-5,000 rubles, because private security companies must submit reports according to a simplified scheme (allowed for those enterprises with less than 100 employees).

Consequently, the business plan of a private security company contains the following employees who may be needed to open such an enterprise:

  • security guards;
  • HR managers;
  • accountant;
  • lawyer.

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Searching and attracting potential clients

You should know that it is necessary to find the first clients of a security company even before it opens. Quite often they become personal acquaintances or friends. In order to find new customers, direct sales are most often used: they go around stores, kindergartens, bathhouses, office centers, and so on, while offering services. Private security companies can place advertisements in city information services. An example could be "What? Where? How much?". This will cost the business owner approximately 12,800 rubles per year. You can supplement your advertising campaign with tickers and local newspapers. In this case, the monthly advertising budget for the enterprise will be about 1,500 rubles.

The private security company enters into agreements with clients, according to which it bears financial responsibility for the values ​​that are protected. In this case, a passport of the object must be drawn up, requirements for security must be specified, instructions must be described that contain information about the necessary actions of security guards in different situations. Requirements for security may be, for example, monitoring compliance with the regime of access to the site by visitors and staff, compliance with rules internal regulations, protection of material assets from removal, and so on. Private security companies can insure their liability to the client. The average tariff may be 1%.

Large corporations and budget organizations enter into security contracts based on the results of competitions, which are open. You can find information about tenders on the organizers' websites or in newspapers.

The price of services will depend on the results of the competition. It is worth knowing that it may be lower than the market price, but these are large orders that you will need to fight for.

Hi all! My name is Oleg. At my previous job, I held the position of marketer for a regional security agency, one of the largest in my region. Today I work on the staff of one of the digital agencies.

It's no secret that in last decade The Internet has become the first point of contact between the client and the company. This phenomenon has not bypassed the security services market (both in the B2B and B2C segments). The market is becoming denser, new players are appearing, and competition is growing. It would seem that in 2018 there is no place for new players in the digital environment in a competitive market, but is this so? Let's get a look.

Purpose of the study

Determine what qualitative and quantitative indicators players in this market need in order to effectively develop in the digital environment. Be as competitive as possible against the background of the main players.

Let's start with the fact that any relationship with a private security company starts with filling out a feedback form on the website or calling the manager. We will not consider the call area; we will leave this to the sales department, since this is a completely different story. As a rule, before sending an application, a potential client studies: the website; social media; reviews and other sources (points of contact) that seem critical to him when choosing a company.

Comparison criteria

Below we list the basic criteria, which essentially determine the total number of requests from potential clients to the company.

Companies to compare

To conduct a comparative analysis, we will take the five most interesting players that are present in the security services market.

  • Crown
  • Caesar Satellite
  • Legis
  • Gulf Stream
  • Delta

In addition to specific numbers and comparisons of important indicators, we will also measure success in terms of quality. In other words, when contacting us, it is important for us to understand that they will support us here, they will not abandon us, everything will be professional and prompt. My colleagues and I selected (in our opinion) a number of the most powerful players in the Moscow market. We will rank them on a 5-point rating scale. As a result, each of the factors will be combined into an overall final score.

Criterion 1. Presence on social networks

As we see, 4 out of 5 companies are represented in the most popular social networks and are engaged in their development. Caesar Satellite does this best. Their Facebook group is an example of high-quality and effective promotion.

Criterion 2. Volume of incoming traffic to the site

We will evaluate quantitative indicators using the service: spywords. Of course, it does not provide exact data, but on average we will get fairly objective figures for comparison.

contextual advertising

In this block we will consider one of the most effective tools attracting targeted traffic - contextual advertising. Do our companies use this channel? If yes, then to what extent?

We see that in Yandex. In Direct, all companies show approximately the same results, but in Google AdWords there is a clear leader - Caesar Satellite. The company that uses this channel for attracting targeted traffic the least is Krona.

Traffic from search engines

In this block, we will consider the amount of incoming traffic to company websites in the context of the Yandex and Google search engines (according to the spywords service).

As we see, it is impossible to single out a leader as such. All companies receive traffic in approximately equal amounts.

Criterion 3. Site assessment

Site structure

In this block we evaluate 3 components:

  • The structure of the site (landing pages) in terms of demand for services in Moscow.
  • User experience/convenience of the site (my “taste”).
  • Complete description of services and equipment.

Website optimization

In this section, we tried to select significant indicators from the point of view of website optimization. The summary data is summarized in the table below.

All companies showed excellent results. Therefore, we can conclude that they monitor the optimization of their sites.

Mobile devices

In this block we evaluate sites and availability mobile applications from companies.

All participants showed fairly good results. I would especially like to highlight the Delta company with its functional and interesting solution.

Download speed

Here we will evaluate the loading speed of sites using two services PageSpeed ​​Insights and GTmetrix. Summary data is given in the table.

All participants showed fairly good results. It was not possible to evaluate the download speed of Caesar Satellite.

Criterion 4. Cool features

The basis of selection strengths(chips) of sites was based on the principle of uniqueness. That is, only those advantages were selected that were exceptional in their own way - absent from other competitors on the list.

For example, such benefits as: personal account; detailed and informative content; infographics - were not considered, as they are present in all companies on the list.

As a result, we see that the number of “chips” is not so large. This is primarily due to the specifics of the companies’ activities. In this niche it is quite difficult (and not required) to come up with elements of the “Wow effect” category.

Criterion 5. Reaction speed

In this block, we tried to evaluate the speed of response to an incoming application. Three channels were taken for evaluation: online chat Online; Application form; group in social network VK.

9 requests were made to each company, 3 for each channel. Requests were made in different days/ different time intervals. In order to obtain the most relevant data.

For each channel, we will calculate the average score and present it in the form of a table.

As we can see, there are quite large growth areas. Some of our requests did not receive a response at all, and some received a response, but after 20 - 30 minutes.


The final (summary) scores for the analysis performed are presented in the form of a diagram below. We see that at the current time, the leader in the security services market is the Delta company. It is she who has the maximum number of points according to the evaluation criteria we previously formalized.


I would also like to note that the specifics of this business imply cross-functional connections between the company’s departments. Therefore, in addition to digital promotion, components such as:

  • Business processes - they must be described and understandable to all departments/employees of the company.
  • Work on the sales funnel in the CRM system - maintaining the client base.
  • Automation of document flow - in particular, this is the exchange of data between the warehouse accounting program and the CRM system used.

To maintain the tone of your company in the digital sphere, check and develop.

What do we primarily associate with a security agency? With stern people in black clothes with the company logo on the back, with weapons and walkie-talkies, as well as with all those brutal elements that are used as symbols: grinning dogs and wolves, shields and swords, predator birds, weapons, etc. It is also a color combination of red and black, which gives rise to rather gloomy thoughts. It would never occur to anyone to make associations between companies providing security services and the Internet. Meanwhile, private security promotion services are a very promising area of ​​marketing and an opportunity to generate your sales.

How much does it cost to advertise a security company on the Internet?
  • Advertising of security services is often given insufficient attention by the owners of private security companies; you have a great opportunity to be among those few who understand the importance of this process.
  • On television we can still see short, laconic videos of security agencies, or we can see billboards on city streets that are no less stern than the people working for the company they advertise. Internet resources turn out to be the least covered and the most promising.
  • Do you think that your potential clients are not there? You are wrong! Promotion of security services in the vastness of the network can be very effective.

The opportunity to promote a private security company on the Internet will very likely bring you significantly more benefits than any other type of advertising. Why? Everything is very simple! Today, the virtual space covers more and more people and organizations. Meetings happen there, purchases are made, deals are concluded. Many people can work all day long from the comfort of their own home or office using the Internet. Moreover, people may need very real security services, surveillance of an office or apartment, video surveillance. So, paying attention to promoting security services on the Internet is a unique opportunity to attract these people to your web resource.

Private security company advertising: how to promote services?

  • High-quality advertising services for security agencies are as important as having a walkie-talkie for your employees - without it, no information will be received.
  • Also without promotion of private security company the world, including potential clients, will be deprived of information about your company. Once you realize this, you will understand the need to devote some time and money to promoting your business.
  • Our company offers you its services for promoting a web project for a security company. We have been promoting Internet resources for several years now, and we are ready to bring your web resource to the top of search engines. Believe me, we have a good understanding of the market for security and safety services, not to mention the fact that we know perfectly well how to promote the website of a security company or private security company.
I want to promote my security agency in search engines!

Our specialists will write texts for your website that are optimized for search engine optimization and contain comprehensive information about your company that may be of interest to your potential clients.

Advertising for a security agency: how to attract clients?

Timely and appropriately placed advertising for a security agency - and you can not only stand out from your competitors (rest assured: numerous), but also give full information about yourself to potential clients - those people who may not yet have come to a decision about their need in security services, or simply cannot decide on the choice of the company they want to contact. Perhaps it is with the help of the successful promotion of private security companies that they will finally make a final decision.

Calculate the cost of work on your project!
  • You can use contextual advertising security services, the results of which will be immediately visible.
  • Search engine optimization of your website is a long-term but effective advertising service that will allow you to promote your website in search engine results for queries related to security and security services.
  • The combination of the first and second options is the most best option to achieve maximum effect - increase traffic, calls, clients, and ultimately the development of the security business, your enterprise, private security company.

Our company, promoting the website of a private security and safety agency, will help you break into the top ten search engines for the queries that interest you. Just imagine: people who need such services and are trying to find a suitable company for themselves via the Internet will be one of the first to see your web resource. Don't miss the opportunity to express yourself loudly!

Trust the professionals - competent advertising of a security company and its promotion on the Internet will make your business profitable! You can find out how to promote a private security company’s website right now by calling 8-800-333-13-25 - the call within Russia is free, or request through the online cost calculation form.

You made a mistake when filling out the form!

Contact Information:


Open own business Many people want it, but only determined and strong-willed people who want to succeed take such a step. We'll talk about a special type of business. Security business - what is it and what advantages does it have? Is the profitability of such an enterprise high? How difficult is it to open it? There are many questions. And it is best to consider each of them separately.

Who chooses a security business?

Not every person will risk opening a private security company. But more and more such people are appearing. Why? The answer is quite simple. Firstly, competition in this segment is minimal. Secondly, the financial investment required to open an agency is relatively small.

If literally ten to fifteen years ago criminals were engaged in security, now the situation has changed dramatically. Security is provided by special services, which include private security companies. Legalized enterprises hire professional security guards.

Even in times of crisis, experts are confident that the security business will not suffer. Enterprises in crisis conditions reduce staff, refuse advertising, but do not limit security costs.

Most often, former military or police officers undertake the organization of a security company. But this is not the norm. A civilian can also start opening a security company. And there are all prospects for this. In addition to state-owned enterprises that control the activities of private security companies, many non-state associations have opened, specially created to provide legal support to such enterprises and advisory assistance.

Profitability of a security company

Any company, organization or large corporation needs to protect its business and property. Therefore, the demand for the activities of security agencies is constantly growing and brings quite high profits. The growth of enterprise profitability is directly proportional to the size of protected objects. If the security agency's clients have small objects, the profitability can be more than twenty percent. But if the company’s activities are well-established and its employees are highly qualified to accompany valuable cargo, protect and protect people, profitability rises to 100%.

At the beginning of your activity, there is no point in counting on maximum profitability. To do this you need to earn a good reputation. Therefore, the article focuses on issues such as opening a private security company and developing a successful business.

Official registration

For further activities of a security agency, registration is required, as established by law. To simplify the registration process, you can register yourself as individual entrepreneur. But in this case, you will not be able to hire people. But working alone, you won’t get much income.

The real solution is to open an LLC. To do this, in addition to registration, you must obtain a license. Since you are an organization, it means you need a staff of employees, preferably with experience.

The security business has its own specifics - all its activities are strictly controlled at the state level. A license for eligible activities is obtained from the Central Internal Affairs Directorate. To do this, contact the licensing and permitting department.

A package of documents must be submitted. Please note that copies of all necessary documents are notarized. Here is the list:

  • articles of association and its copy, identification number;
  • extract from Unified register legal entities;
  • the charter of the enterprise and its copy;
  • the owner of the agency provides copies of the passport and diploma higher education, work book;
  • mandatory presence of Russian citizenship;
  • copies of passports of future employees of the enterprise.

Important. At least three of your employees must provide private security credentials.

The license is prepared by the relevant authority within two months. You will have to pay for this service about 1500 rubles. If time is valuable to you, you have ready clients, you can use the services law firms who specialize in solving these issues. They themselves collect the necessary documentation and expedite obtaining a license for 10 thousand rubles. If it is necessary to obtain certificates for security guards, the cost of their services increases up to 45 thousand rubles.

Read also: How to open a recruitment agency: business plan

It is possible to buy an existing security company that is already operating and has the necessary package of documents. The cost of such an enterprise fluctuates from 60 to 85 thousand rubles.

Business plan development

A business plan for a private security company needs to be developed at the very first stage, when the decision is made to start this business. A correctly drawn up plan, where goals are indicated, has been drawn up detailed description project, the required personnel are listed, the prices for the services provided are indicated, it will show how profitable the enterprise can become, and how ready you are to run your own business.

It is not always possible to draw up a competent and properly developed action plan on your own. You can turn to people who know all the nuances of this type of business for help.

Personnel issue

This is an important issue, since the quality of work performed depends on the correctly selected staff. The law requires that each security guard have a special identification card. Therefore, most owners of security companies hire former military personnel or employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Such employees are registered quickly and without problems. If a person gets a job without the necessary documents, he must pay for his own training. Security guards who do not have a certificate can work as trainees alongside a professional employee. In addition, the enterprise will need a director, an accountant, and technical personnel.

Expert advice. If there are five or more orders for the protection of objects, the director will need a deputy. He is entrusted with such responsibilities as negotiations with customers, maintaining contacts with existing clients, promptly resolving emerging issues, and interacting with regulatory and licensing authorities.

Well, if the number of employees has increased to fifty people or more, you need to hire a personnel manager. A simplified reporting scheme will allow you not to hire a permanent accountant, but to find someone who can work part-time.

Office rental

Before opening, you need to select office space. At first, a room with an area of ​​up to ten will be enough. square meters. The office is convenient for holding meetings with customers and interviews with future employees. In the future, when your agency’s services expand, you will need additional room for organizing a weapons room.

Just starting their work, most private agencies undertake to protect small objects. These could be hospitals and kindergartens, schools, offices and shops. Firearms in this case it will not be needed. Security guards are equipped with telephones and walkie-talkies.

But if the activities of your company expand and you have the opportunity to take on particularly important orders, specializing in the protection of people, escorting valuable cargo, and protecting strategic objects, in this case you will need to think about equipping your employees with firearms.

Weapons room

Search for clients

You already understand how to open a security agency, Required documents received, organizational issues resolved. A very important question remains: “Where to find clients?” Clients themselves are unlikely to contact you. Nobody knows about you yet.

Any business - be it a start-up or a long-running one - needs clientele. It is the end consumer of goods and services that serves as a source of financial resources, which means that it gives your business the opportunity to grow and develop. A lot has already been said about how to attract clients, but such information will never be superfluous. No matter how much marketing research is conducted, questions always remain, for example, why equal conditions the client selects one of the offers. However, these are special cases; in general, customer preferences can be calculated with a fairly high degree of probability, which is what marketers do within the same company, city or country. There is also international marketing. And all these specialists are looking for an answer to the same question: “How to attract clients?” The accumulated material is very interesting, so today we will study it.

A mysterious creature called "client"

It is very important to have a good idea of ​​who our client is. This is a key concept because it allows you to focus your efforts and direct them towards achieving specific goals. Since it is much easier to attract customers of one target group, we must first figure out in which direction we need to act.

In general, all potential clients are divided into corporate and private. Every company is primarily attracted to citizens of the first category, since they represent an entire segment in the consumer market. It is difficult to get such a client, but the benefits from such transactions are very good. However, you should not focus on large production, because an attentive attitude towards each individual customer can ultimately work into your hands, because he may one day lead an entire corporation with him. Therefore, when discussing how to attract clients, we can confidently say that individuals are the category that is most worth working with.

The most popular ways to get new clients

In fact, private businesses do not always have a team of marketing specialists on staff, so they have to get out of the situation using proven means. At the same time, businessmen often adopt methods to attract customers from their competitors and quickly adapt them to their own needs. We will consider both typical and non-standard methods of winning new consumers of goods or services.


Who among us has not paid attention to such signs? Promotions, sales, discounts - all this attracts the consumer, and he will most likely take an interest in at least the terms offered. If you are looking for a way to quickly attract customers, then you need a bright and well-designed banner in a crowded place. Moreover, the content can be different: a bonus for the procedure received in a beauty salon or lending with preferential terms - it doesn’t matter, the most important thing is that the person receives your message in an accessible form.

It is very important that, by resorting to such a method of stimulating customer activity, the service seller counts on the population’s commitment to “free cheese.” Even if a person does not really need what you offer, he may be interested in the product solely because the conditions seem favorable to him. As a result, he can not only take advantage of the offer himself, but also tell others.

We continue to attract freebie lovers

Indeed, a huge number of advertising gimmicks are connected precisely with this. Marketers play on people’s impulsiveness, and therefore try to make their “web” as attractive as possible. When talking about how you can attract customers, you cannot ignore such a method as planned price reductions. “All seasonal procedures are 40% cheaper”, “The entire range of the outgoing summer is now 60% more affordable!” - these and similar slogans gather customers at tremendous speed.

The principle of providing a discount on a product also works very well. This method always works, regardless of whether we understand market mechanisms or not. This can be seen very clearly when the price tag is 999 rubles or 2990.

Promotions and discounts are rather crude mechanisms; moreover, if business owners are asked how effective the promotion was, they cannot always answer. The product or service has been sold, but not at the original price. Has sales increased enough to cover this difference? It is precisely so that you understand well how to attract profit and customers that today we want to reveal best ways attracting them.

Increased loyalty

Only the laziest businessman does not use the listed methods, but their effectiveness may vary. Therefore, in order for them to actually work, we recommend that you use the following methods. First of all, it is advisable to limit the validity period of your offer. Such a marketing ploy will make it possible to instill in a potential client the idea that conditions may soon change in a direction unfavorable for him.

The second option is similar to the first, but has some nuances. In this case, the main task is to colorfully describe the advantages of the product (service), and then mention that their quantity is very limited. This could be a VIP collection or a unique offer that is difficult to refuse.

Let's talk a little more about how to attract new clients. Agree, initially a person doesn’t care whether he goes to you or to the company opposite. Offer the first person to purchase a product or service a valuable prize. This does not necessarily have to be a product; a free consultation with an expert (a master class on makeup or appearance care) is perfect.

And finally, you can come up with some kind of souvenir for your first clients. This could be a cosmetic bag, a flashlight keychain with a logo, some companies practice serving sweets and fruits, especially if the visit is timed to coincide with some holiday. It's a small thing, but nice.