The information contained in the name can amaze, surprise, discourage, but certainly not leave you indifferent. When you study the meaning of names, you better understand not only yourself, but also those close to you.

A name is a special “code” that is woven into a person’s personality and affects his characteristics, character, and habits. Knowing a person’s name, you can find an approach to him, pick up the key to the secrets of his soul. Each name carries its own specific message, its own energy. Therefore, it is worth studying each name in detail. So, today we will find out what the name Michael means.


When turning to the history of a name, it is important to first find out its origin. It must be said that the name Mikhail has Jewish roots that go deep into antiquity. As researchers say, the origin of this name is shrouded in many secrets, but one thing can be said for sure: the name Mikhail is one of the most ancient on earth, and a person with this name is destined for a very difficult fate.

This name is translated as “equal” and “like God.” Also, if we talk about the origin of this name, it should be noted that one of the archangels was named Michael, and some peoples to this day do not call their children that, considering this name inappropriate for a mere mortal.


It is important to consider the character of a boy and a man named Mikhail in order to know what fate awaits this person. If you decide to name your child this name, then you will have an obedient and incredibly inquisitive child. This child can be touchy, and if he is “hurt”, he will easily rebuff his offender.

For this boy, the praise of his parents and other significant adults is important. He will try to complete all tasks perfectly so that he will be appreciated. In appearance, he may give the impression of being a too soft child, but believe me, if someone crosses his path, he will give free rein to his feelings.

In general, he is a kind, sensitive and intelligent boy beyond his years. The main thing is that such a child is protected by his parents, because he needs their attention like no one else.

In his youth, Mikhail's character is fully revealed; he still displays touchiness and temper, but learns to control his emotions. As a result of working on himself, he becomes flexible and good-natured.

Misha is the life of the party! His character helps him to be an interesting conversationalist and a wonderful friend. But sometimes Mikhail allows himself to delve into other people’s affairs and problems without asking, which often leads to conflicts and misunderstandings.

Power and authority are of particular importance to Mikhail, so he tries to surround himself with just such people in order to make the right impression on others. Misha has a wonderful character and always strives to help those who are in trouble.

The older Misha gets, the better he learns to manage his emotions. But, unfortunately, touchiness accompanies him throughout his entire life. Hurt pride is the cause of many conflicts in Mikhail’s life.

Misha combines seemingly incompatible things: on the one hand, he has a strong and powerful character, and on the other, he shows emotionality and sentimentality. His sensitivity towards others and his desire to solve everyone's problems make him an excellent friend and buddy.

This person is able to show character, he does not get involved in adventures and does not take risks. He shows miracles of tactics and strategy, as well as caution, moving towards his own goal. But it must be said that fate very often turns out to be on his side.

To find out the meaning of the name Mikhail, it is worth studying not only his character, but also other features of his personality.

Misha has an idea of ​​morality, he understands what moral standards are accepted in society and, if possible, tries to comply with them. But, unfortunately, in order to fulfill his desires, he is ready to sacrifice both morality and morality.

Mikhail's health is enviable: he has good immunity, and most diseases are simply not scary for him.

Women love Mikhail for his sensitivity, fortitude and remarkable intellectual abilities. Although, at the same time, he is not a romantic and it will be rare to pamper his beloved with gifts and pleasant little things.

He treats his family with special sensitivity. He is ready to surround all family members with care, attention, love and kindness. Mikhail tries to avoid conflicts in the family, he indulges his wife’s weaknesses and tries to please her in everything, so most often he and his wife live in perfect harmony.

Misha has a wonderful, subtle and insightful mind. His analytical and logical abilities are very high. All his decisions are carefully thought out and weighed.

This man is wonderful, and for many even an ideal worker; he is distinguished by high efficiency, hard work and the ability to find a way out of any situation. He can also become an excellent leader, as he is easily able to organize even the most difficult process.

Those who have the name Mikhail are definitely lucky, since they have incredible intuition, but, unfortunately, they do not use it enough, as fate often reminds them of.


It is impossible to find out the meaning of the name Mikhail without understanding what female names it is compatible. It is always useful to know how the names of two people are combined and what such a union can lead to. We will look at the most typical combinations below.

and Mikhail are a fatal and extremely difficult couple. Each of them is inclined to walk on the edge of a knife in relationships: Anna endlessly gives reasons for jealousy, and Mikhail reveals himself as a very unbalanced person.

Elena and Mikhail are a difficult but interesting couple. They may not be alike, but they have a mutual interest. And Misha is ready to endure all the charming features of Elena with pleasure.

Tatyana and Mikhail are a wonderful union! It is created once and for many years, because in this pair there is incredible mutual understanding and mutual assistance. Tatyana gives this relationship emotions, and Mikhail gives comfort and calm.

Marina and Mikhail are a connection between two reasonable and rational people. They seek in each other spiritual peace and comfort, as well as trust and understanding.

Christina and Mikhail are a wonderful couple. They are able to create wonderful family, where everyone’s role will be comfortable and understandable: the wife is the keeper of the hearth, the husband is the protector and breadwinner.

Ksenia and Mikhail are a fairly harmonious couple. They are capable of making concessions and compromises. Each of them in a relationship tames his difficult character for the common good.

Yana and Mikhail are an example of a wonderful and sensitive couple. They treat each other with tenderness and attention, which is why they are able to carry their feelings through the years.

And Mikhail are wonderful partners. This alliance can create an ideal team capable of achieving many goals, but, unfortunately, families will not come out of this partnership.

It is also important for owners of this name to know another useful information, which can help in everyday life. Name days, or angel's day, have a special meaning in a person's life, and Michael can celebrate them several times in each month of the year.

To find out the dates of your name days, you should look at orthodox calendar, there are more than fifty of them in a year - for example, in only one month: July 16, 17, 22 and 25.

This boy and man can be affectionately called: Mishanya, Mishutka, Mishenka, Mishuta, Mishulya.

  • Stones that should be used as amulets or talismans are green jasper and chrysoprase.
  • The ruling planets of this name are Mercury, Saturn.
  • It is not difficult to guess that the brown bear is suitable as an animal totem for those who have the name Mikhail.
  • The talisman tree is a fragrant linden tree.

Names have a special meaning in life; it is important to consider what your name is - you are Mikhail or Innocent - because almost everything will depend on this. By unraveling the mysteries and secrets of names, you will begin to better understand both yourself and other people. Author: Daria Potykan

Career, business and money

Mikhail is a good worker; he is distinguished by his hard work, discipline and responsibility. He is always attentive to his colleagues and has an authoritative opinion, but his lack of diplomatic abilities prevents him from resolving some issues peacefully. Misha is reasonable and balanced - he will become an excellent engineer, programmer, architect, lawyer or doctor.

Mikhail will also achieve success in business; he prefers to build his own business on his own, he likes this process. Such a man does not like illusions and surprises, develops measuredly, and for this reason is able to achieve prosperity.

Marriage and family

Marriage for Mikhail is a serious step, this decision is taken by him carefully, while all possible positive and negative sides. Misha is one of the monogamous people, so having a single wife in his life will be the norm for him. Prefers non-conflict and soft women, cannot stand rudeness. Great importance for Mikhail it is sexually compatible with his wife.

High moral principles do not allow change; he considers an affair on the side to be a low act. Serious demands are placed on the wife. Mikhail's wife should not only be a good mother and an attentive wife, but also a worthy interlocutor who creates comfort in the house. Misha tends to idealize women; he is ready to selflessly help all the ladies, which can play a cruel joke on him.

Mikhail is a loving husband and caring father who devotes a lot of time to his family. He will protect his household from any adversity, trying to ensure that an atmosphere of harmony and comfort reigns in the house. Misha does not tolerate loneliness well, for this reason he concentrates all his strength and interests around his family. He often makes compromises, so quarrels are a rare guest in his family. Their only reason can be jealousy, so the wife should not give her husband reason to doubt. Divorce will be a serious blow for him.

Sex and love

Women happily give their attention to Mikhail; they are attracted by the reliability, kindness and loyalty of these men. It’s always interesting to be with them, but they won’t agree to Misha’s beautiful courtship; to them, such things seem like a waste of time. The chosen one can count on flowers, but no more, Mikhail’s suitor is clumsy, and he does not approve of external manifestations of love.

But sex for him is not an empty phrase; such men have no relationship with intimate life no problem. In a friend he appreciates gentleness, kindness and easygoing nature. Mikhail is generous, but very jealous. He is not particularly interested in the peculiarities of female psychology, he is straightforward, which can alienate and frighten his partner. For such a man to express himself intimately, his chosen one must be affectionate, gentle and strong in character.


Mikhail is a disease-resistant person, endurance and strength will be his distinctive features. Over time, diseases of the nervous system may appear.

A man should avoid stressful and depressive situations. Physical activity does not frighten him; owners of this name can boast of excellent health.

Interests and hobbies

Mikhail's hobbies are beneficial. This person really likes to arrange the house and garden - we're talking about about the favorite pastime of a person with this name.

Misha loves to communicate with different animals, trying to get some kind of pet. Sometimes such a man is interested in fishing, likes to play the guitar and sing.

Affects the fate and character of a person. Do you know everything about such an old name as Mikhail, read further in the article.

what does the name mean

The name Michael has its roots in the ancient Jews. Directly translated from Hebrew, Michael literally means “mi” - “who”, “ka” - “how”, “el” - “God”. "Like God" or " equal to God" - this is how this ancient Jewish name is interpreted. Previously, this was what they called the long-awaited. This name signifies the need to be dominant everywhere and always, no matter how much it is in demand. “Faster, stronger” - it is important to be first and foremost.

Where does it come from?

The history of the origin of the name Mikhail originates from Biblical motives. IN Christian faith this is one of the seven archangels, the most important and influential. If we combine the literal meaning of the word “Arch angel mi ka el” and Old Testament, it turns out that the “Senior Messenger from God” is Archangel Michael, that is, the messenger of the Most High and the protector of the Israeli people. He is also the patron saint of the city of Kyiv, a fighter against evil spirits, guardian of the builders and leader of the holy angels of heaven.

Angel Day according to the church calendar

Back in the last century, in order to find out when Michael’s name day was church calendar, it was necessary to go to the church to the priest. Today, this matter is much simpler. You can find it on the Internet detailed information about all the days when one honors given name. This is very important point for those who want to name their firstborn according to church canons.

The full list of classical dates consists of 14 days and is as follows:
  • 24.01 - Rev. Michael of Klopsky is venerated;
  • 27.02 - the relics of the blessed Mikhail of Chernigov were transferred;
  • 23.03 - martyr Michael of Thessalonica is venerated;
  • 20.05 - memorial day of Michael of Ulumbia;
  • 03.06 - Day of St. Michael of Murom;
  • 05.06 - St. Michael the Confessor;
  • 25.07 - on this day tribute is paid to St. Michael Malein;
  • 19.09 - they remember the miracle performed by the Holy Archangel of the same name;
  • 03.10 - day of remembrance of the Holy Prince of Chernigov;
  • 13.10 - the first Metropolitan of Kyiv is venerated;
  • 14.10 - day of Mikhail Zovisky;
  • 21.11 - celebrate the Council of the Archangel of God;
  • 05.12 - commemorated in honor of Prince Mikhail Tverskoy;
  • 31.12 - second day of St. Michael the Confessor.

Short and diminutive address

The name Mikhail has different shapes sound and pronunciation. Briefly - Misha. Affectionately: Mishutka, Mishenka or Mishulya. This is what the little ones are usually called. For adult men, the diminutive Mishanya, Mikha or Mishka is used.

Name in different languages ​​of the world

The name is quite common in many countries around the world. U different nations it sounds and is pronounced differently:

  • in England, America - Michael;
  • in France - Michel;
  • on Spanish- Miguel;
  • in Georgia - Mishiko;
  • in Arab countries - Mikail (مكايل,ميكائيل);
  • in Germany - Michael;
  • in Australia - Mitchell;
  • in Hungary - Mihaly;
  • in Italy - Michele;
  • in Finnish it sounds like Mika;
  • in Japan you can meet Mihairu (ミハイル).

Character Traits, Temperament and Behavior

They call him Mikhail for a reason; the meaning of the name and its influence on the character and destiny of a person is very great. It’s like the saying about a ship: “As you name it, so it will sail.” As a child, Mishenka is everyone's favorite. It sparkles with joy, fun, full vitality. Ready to sing and dance tirelessly, actively develop and always be on top.

He is usually successful in his studies, but often does not know how to complete a task, so he rarely becomes the best student. A superficial look at everything that is happening gives parents a sign to pay attention to their son’s diligence, so that already adult life he could prove himself thoroughly in something. Adult men with this name have positive qualities:
  • they are always purposeful;
  • responsive;
  • incredibly good-natured;
  • have active position in life.

Misha often seeks approval from other people for what he does. This is no accident. He sincerely loves people, values ​​their opinions, new ideas, and communication. Therefore, he is always surrounded by many friends. True, he truly gets close only to a select few, because he does not know how to sacrifice everything for the sake of others.

Study, professions and career

Misha can only succeed in school if he works hard, completes assignments diligently, and listens carefully to his teachers. If his parents teach him perseverance and concentration on the subject, Mishenka has every chance of becoming an excellent student. Only at an older age will Mishanya be able to restrain her frivolity and show interest in something.

Important! These people have excellent contact with other people. Their vocation is employment in the social sphere.

Often people with this name become excellent managers, teachers or doctors. They are easily given recognition by management. And not only because they are hardworking, but also because of their ability to present themselves correctly. A variety of hobbies make Mikhail a versatile personality. He can succeed in his career and still spend a lot of time with friends.

Health and hobbies

Mikhail has a strong personality, the characteristics of the name indicate his endurance, strength, and resistance to. He will cope with moral and physical activity. Already in mature age men with this name may have problems with the heart and blood vessels. This is their weak point, especially with alcohol abuse. If we talk about Misha’s hobbies, they are quite mundane. He enjoys working in the garden. Loves to arrange his home and plot. Manual labor is no stranger to him. Misha also loves animals and can spend hours fiddling with them, training them, or just playing. He also does not refuse truly masculine activities - fishing or hunting, especially if this happens in a friendly group.

Love relationships and marriage

At its core, adult Misha is not a romantic. And even despite the fact that women always surround such a man, he will not court beautifully and do crazy things for the sake of his beloved. The most he can squeeze out of himself is flowers for the holiday. Romantic exploits are clearly not such a person’s strong point. Mishan takes marriage very seriously. Being a monogamous person by nature, he believes that he needs to get married once and for all.

Important! Women with the names: Olga, Yulia, Nastya, Tatyana, Natalya are perfect companions for Misha. It will be difficult to get along with Anna, who will constantly give reasons for jealousy.

Therefore, he approaches this decision carefully. Mikhail likes gentle and soft women with kind hearted. He does not accept rudeness in principle. There are a number of requirements for a wife: thriftiness, attentiveness, caring, fidelity. In a family, such a man will always be caring and loving husband and father. Behind him, his entire family feels like behind a stone wall and lives in love and harmony.

Name Astrology

Misha has his own talismans in astrology:

  • Libra.
  • Patron planet: Mercury.
  • Lucky colors: yellow and light green.
  • Stone: jasper.
  • Tree: .
  • Animal: tiger.

Famous men with this name in history

History is familiar with many celebrities with the name Mikhail. These people are absolutely different professions and vocations.

  • - the first tsar in the Romanov dynasty. Was the heir Russian Empire in the period 1899–1904
  • Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov- famous Russian poet and scientist. He was a chemist, physicist, astronomer and test scientist. He fought for the development of science and education in Russia. Years of life - 1711–1765.
  • Mikhail Yurjevich Lermontov- Russian poet and playwright, artist. His works are known all over the world. “Borodino”, “Hero of Our Time”, “Mtsyri” were translated into many foreign languages.
  • Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov- prince, commander and commander of an army of Russian soldiers in 1812. Served the Russian Empire from 1759 to 1813.
  • Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka- a composer whose works had a huge influence on composers of subsequent generations. Among his most famous masterpieces: the opera “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, the symphonic fantasy “Kamarinskaya”, the romance “Venice Night”.
  • Mikhail Alexandrovich Vrubel- Russian artist who worked at the turn of the 19th–20th centuries. He worked in different genres - from graphics to sculpture. Received the title of academician in painting.
Considering everything positive features named Mikhail, you can safely call your son that way.

According to Mendelev

A good, simple, gentle and cold name. Soft, even weak and compliant in small things, but stubborn and adamant in the main and defining issues. Calm, self-confident, he will not immediately approach anyone. These same qualities determine a high degree of criticality when perceiving other people’s ideas and “resistance to fire”; It is almost impossible to captivate him with anything reckless. Nevertheless, Mikhail can take risks, but will not rush headlong into any adventure.

Possesses strong will and a stable psyche. Strives to develop a unified approach in similar situations, which allows him to make quick decisions, despite the presence of the “slow” sign, but is not inclined to impulsive, unexpected actions,

Misha has not yet shown the “good” sign; that will come later. He is “small” and “feminine”, but kind and reliable, although not very strong. He doesn’t have the “cold” sign yet. Entering the world of adults, Misha seems to gain strength and puts on the armor of equanimity and calm.

Mikhail's intelligence is above average, but his excitability and suggestibility are lower. He is inclined to complete the work he has started. He does not fall into euphoria when he succeeds and steadfastly endures the inevitable streaks of bad luck.

He is very attached to his family, loves children, and leaves current household issues to be solved by his family.

The main color of the name is blue. There is also a dark red stripe.

According to Popov

Healing from mental wounds is easiest to find next to Michael. He perceives someone else's pain as his own and will not hesitate to help with advice or action.

According to Florensky

The comparison between the Mikhails and the bear has been firmly established, just as, on the contrary, the name of this latter is generally accepted - Mishka. This equation between Michael and the shaggy beast is made on the basis of clumsiness, clumsiness, and some disheveledness. By its nature, the name Mikhail is the opposite of earthly inertia with its both hostile and beneficial inhibition of impulses and aspirations. And, falling on the earth, this name lives on it as alien to the earth, not adapting to it and not being able to adapt. Michael is one of the oldest known names in history. But even during the many thousands of years of its presence on earth, it remains a revelation on earth and does not become its own here, although it has become overgrown with everyday connections and everyday growths. It is difficult for this name to exercise itself in earthly environments that are too dense for it. A bird, even if it could somehow exist at the bottom of the ocean, could not fly under water on wings adapted to a much more subtle element - air. Likewise, the heavenly being, Michael, falling to earth, becomes slow and clumsy, although in himself he is incomparably more mobile than those who surround him on earth.

Mikhail requires great internal efforts and corresponding willpower to achieve what he wants in the world. He has to climb before he gets to where most others come easily and almost without thinking. And therefore Mikhail feels unlucky and blames the world for this, which is inert and unresponsive, but in fact receives from Mikhail impulses that are little accessible to him, the world. Michael, either with bitterness, if he is good, or with anger, when he is bad, denounces the world for its inertia, rightly noting this property of the world, but unfairly not taking it into account precisely as a property, without which the world would not be a world.

According to Higir

Comes from the Hebrew name Mikael - equal, like Yahweh (God).

Little Mikhail can be seen in the children's choir. He has good hearing, and he is also a very sociable boy. Educators and teachers have no trouble with him. Misha tries to do everything correctly and well.

Mikhails are endowed with a logical mind. They can successfully work as teachers, lawyers, and there are military leaders among them. They quickly navigate in unfamiliar surroundings and are balanced, but they take criticism painfully. They love animals and rarely do without a cat or dog in the house. Children feel Mikhail’s kindness, he loves to play with them, does not refuse them anything, and pampers them with expensive toys. Enjoys spending time in the garden. Doesn't tolerate loneliness well. Patiently cares for his elderly parents, the whims of the elderly do not irritate him. It’s easy to communicate with Mikhail, just put up with it... A wife shouldn’t be angry with him for a long time - her husband highly values ​​a woman’s gentleness and easygoing nature. Mikhail is generous and not petty. He drinks a little, after drinking, he becomes sentimental and, in a fit of emotion, can give away everything he has. At parties, Mikhail behaves relaxed, jokes, sings songs, he is what is called the “soul of the party.” Likes to show off a little. The main thing for him in a woman is kindness; he avoids rude women. He is jealous and has difficulty hiding it.

He has a wide choice for marriage, he can be successful with Alexandra, Alina, Bogdana, Borislava, Vanda, Varvara, Venus, Vera, Vesta, Gelena, Gella, Juliet, Diana, Dina, Eva, Elena, Elizaveta, Clara, Lydia, Leah, Marina, Martha, Nina, Raisa, Rimma, Ruslana, Seraphima, Tamara, Christina, Ella, Jadwiga. Family life with Glafira, Elizaveta, Inga, Kira, Oksana, Olga, Yana will not work out happily.

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name: “Who is like God” (biblical)

Energy of the name and character: In terms of sound energy, this name is quite bright and quiet, although it ends on a fairly low note, giving the word some solidity and even severity. It is not for nothing that in Rus' it became the nickname of the bear - Mikhailo Potapych. On the other hand, behind his silence one can discern clearly expressed mobility, and even impetuosity. Of course, the impact of the name on a person in this case is noticeably smoothed out, and this is due to the fact that today this name is very common; nevertheless, it still largely determines the character of its bearer.

Most often, from childhood, Misha displays such traits as mobility, curiosity, and excitement in children's games. It is unlikely that his interest will be focused on any one subject; rather, he will be attracted to a wide variety of activities: from all kinds of interests and hobbies to interest in school subjects. Much here will be determined by the influence of his parents and the environment where Misha will grow up. At the same time, his mobility is usually balanced, which makes him a fairly obedient child, whose whims rarely bother his parents too much. In general, the name inclines him towards good nature, but it also often endows its owner with a fair amount of touchiness. Sometimes grievances reach such strength that Misha can give up, which he soon begins to regret and feel guilty about.

In adulthood, Mikhail's mobility is replaced by calm poise; in the family he is usually a good boss, at work he is a neat and diligent worker, but touchiness may remain inherent in him throughout his life. This is an important point. Firstly, it testifies to Mikhail’s significant pride. Secondly, grievances can seriously complicate his life and interfere with the fulfillment of many life plans.

It is very important to remember that often touchiness is not compatible with ambitious aspirations; if a person has set high goals for himself, he must be prepared for resistance from others and even their opposition. This is an objective law of psychology, and it is not so smart to be offended by it. It is interesting that many Mikhails overcome this resistance with the help of a sense of humor, often bordering on caustic irony. Most people are defenseless against such weapons, and therefore it is useful that these qualities are sufficiently developed in Misha, it is not for nothing that today there are so many satirists and humorists among the Mikhails. However, even here you need to know when to stop, otherwise you can make yourself a great many secret enemies, which are much more dangerous than obvious ones. The most optimal thing for Mikhail is to rid his pride of pain, which can be done with the help of simple faith in oneself and the ability to see behind people’s shortcomings not malicious intent, but misunderstandings, not only other people’s, but also one’s own.

Secrets of communication: For all his calmness, Mikhail often likes to start all sorts of disputes, in which he often either gets excited or quite successfully ironizes. Nevertheless, it will hardly be logical if you answer him in the same way; it is much more appropriate to recognize not his rightness, but his right to such a point of view, if, of course, it is not associated with personal insults. We should also not forget that among the Mikhails there are few vindictive people.

The name's trace in history:

Michelle Nostradamus

Many different stories and legends are told about the French predictor Michel Nostradamus, some of which are similar to jokes. So, they say that one day, when Nostradamus was sitting near his house, his neighbor’s pretty daughter passed by, heading into the forest to get some brushwood.

“Good afternoon, monsieur,” she said.

“Good afternoon, girl,” Nostradamus answered her.

An hour later she returned home with a bundle of brushwood on her shoulder.

“Good afternoon, monsieur,” she greeted again.

“Good afternoon... little woman,” came the answer.

It is difficult to argue with the statement that Michael (Michel) Nostradamus (1503–1566) is not only the most mysterious, but also the most famous figure among the many predictors around the world, whose personality is so overgrown with legends, speculation, and somewhere clean water fantasies that after five centuries it is no longer so easy to separate fact from fiction. Nevertheless, much can be said for sure about Nostradamus. Thus, there is no doubt that he was one of the most educated people of his time, well acquainted with medicine, astronomy, mathematics, philosophy and speaking several languages.

A passionate, witty man who loved to eat well (Nostradamus’s works include a cookbook), he bore very little resemblance to the image of the gloomy hermit that is often associated with his name these days. Having barely graduated from university and received a doctor's license, Nostradamus rushed into the thick of things, directing all his energy to fight the plague - a real curse of France. And it was he, with his knowledge and extraordinary intuition, who managed to do the impossible: he managed to stop the plague epidemics in several large cities.

Later in his life there was everything over the edge - love (in a total of two marriages, Nostradamus became the father of nine children), and death, and fame, and wanderings. Nostradamus's first wife and two of his children died of the plague; then the Inquisition showed a keen interest in him, forcing him to flee his native country, then he returned to France and at the age of 45 - a new marriage... It is difficult to say at what exact moment the laconic inscription “Prophet” appeared on the pages of the Book of Fate by Michel de Notre Dame . It is only known that until the end of his life, Nostradamus considered himself a conductor of some divine Power, which wished through him to inform people about the events of the future.

One way or another, but with the death of his soothsayer real life just started. Even now, five centuries later, the ten poetic “Centuries” (“Centuries”) he wrote in encrypted form excite and captivate, as if promising to open the invisible curtain separating us from tomorrow. And where the Mystery lives, there is no place for oblivion and indifference, and therefore who knows how many more centuries or millennia people will remember the name of Michel Nostradamus?

1. Personality: those who besiege

2.Color: red

3. Main features: will - activity - sexuality - health

4. Totem plant: elm

5. Totem animal: tiger

6. Sign: Virgo

7. Type. They are very inclined to withdraw into themselves and look harshly at others. They are overly subjective, rarely try to put themselves in the place of another person. Don't let these boys become like their totem - the tiger.

8. Psyche. They are guided by logic, they lack diplomacy somewhat. Favorite saying: “It’s either hit or miss.” Pride is their vulnerable trait, and it is quite possible to play on their desire to always and everywhere be the best and unsurpassed.

9. Will. Very strong, even despotic.

10. Excitability. Faint, but gives them some warmth.

11. Reaction speed. These are choleric people, but they are in complete control of their reactions. They carefully select smart and intelligent friends to whom they remain faithful, but they cannot imagine friendship without the complete subordination of their friends to their will. Very sensitive to defeats and failures.

12. Field of activity. They achieve success easily. They have been accustomed to discipline since childhood and demand the same from others. They work to achieve a specific and clearly defined goal, and not for the sake of unexpected discoveries. They like medicine and achieve great success in trade.

13. Intuition. More or less they listen to her voice.

14. Intelligence. They have a lively, cold analytical mind. Without thoroughly studying the situation, they do not draw conclusions.

15. Receptivity. Strong, although they try to hide their sensitivity. They have a merciless memory, never forgetting either the good they have done or the evil they have caused.

16. Morality. High morality is one of their main features; They don’t accept jokes on this topic.

17. Health. They have enormous vitality! Healthy, resistant to disease, but must take care of the circulatory system and heart.

18. Sexuality. Very sensual. They reach sexual maturity early, but do not know or understand female psychology at all. Instead of trying to seduce a woman, they behave like cavemen...

19. Activity. No comments needed!

20. Sociability. It's theirs weak side. Lack of tact leads to the fact that those around them begin to experience antipathy towards them.

21. Conclusion. There is no need to make them “huge evil wolves”, as this gives them great pleasure, while those around them develop an inferiority complex. Do not forget that from childhood they need to be put in place; later this will be much more difficult. ..if not completely impossible!

Sexy portrait of a name (according to Higir)

The formation of Mikhail’s sexual individuality is quite slow; he does not know himself for a long time. He learns the intimate side of life later than his peers. It happens that his first partner turns out to be his wife, and before the wedding he himself did not fully realize either his sexual needs or his sexual capabilities. Mikhail is inclined to idealize a woman; in his youth he considers her an unearthly being worthy of worship. With age, he gets rid of this idea, but his attitude towards a woman as a weak creature in need of male protection and patronage does not change, and he still overestimates the merits of his partner. Mikhail regarding

cold and reserved in love pleasures, although he easily succumbs to the intoxicating charm of erotic caresses.

“Summer” Mikhail often reduces the pleasures of love to rare episodes that occur out of necessity. At the same time, he is quite skilled in the technique of sex and, when he wants to demonstrate his masculine abilities, he can show off his skill. “Winter” Mikhail does not like external manifestations of love, does not tolerate tender phrases and cannot stand being caressed, and his own caresses are always somewhat rude, sometimes he causes pain to a woman. All Mikhails are squeamish, so they are afraid of panic random connections. With their wives they are diplomatic and patient. They like women who are gentle and compliant; they do not accept rudeness in a woman. For the “January” Mikhail, sex is a kind of indispensable part of communication and does not leave a big mark on his soul. He strives for entertainment, a pleasant pastime and is in no hurry to get married. IN family life strives for independence, makes quite high demands on his wife, including sexual ones. In life together, Mikhail is easy. He is generous, not petty, charming.

Why have people, since ancient times, attached such importance to the sound of the word they call children? A person believes: by calling your child one name or another, you can endow the baby with certain qualities and abilities.

Every nation has its heroes, and their names become symbols of power or success. People began to use them in different countries, and it is not so important what roots these words have. For example, the origin of which has not yet been precisely established, can be heard both in Russia and in America, in Europe or Israel.

Where it all began

Linguists and historians have substantiated the popularity of the name Michael due to the fact that it was borne by one of the heroes of the Holy Letter - Archangel Michael. “Arch angel mi ka el” is a phrase where each word has its own meaning:

  • Arch is the main, eldest of the angels.
  • Angel - messenger, messenger, vicegerent.
  • Mi ka el is considered one of the names of the Creator.

By naming their children this way, our ancestors hoped for a person’s special purpose in life, that he would have strength and courage, as well as piety. And not without reason, because Archangel Michael was the most important among the seven angels and possessed special strength and power in the fight against evil.

But the translation of this word from the ancient Jewish language sounds like “similar, equal to God.” In some sources, the word is interpreted as follows: “begged, begged from God.”


If you choose the name Mikhail for your child, then a wonderful baby will grow up in your home and become the center of attention. He is smart and quick-witted, reaches out to everything new and is in a hurry to learn the world. The child is charming in his love for everything beautiful and unusual - he is a little connoisseur of art. As he grows up, he tries to cover all spheres of life: numerous clubs and sections captivate him. But such an activity can quickly get boring, and then the boy goes in search of something new and exciting.

It’s hard to call him a born leader, but thanks to his kindness and gentle disposition, other children are happy to be drawn to him. Mikhail sometimes looks like a little old man who knows and understands everything, he loves to tell what he hears and is not averse to adding details. Cute dreamer easily adapts to kindergarten, immediately finds like-minded people and wins the attention of educators. Gentle, sympathetic, sociable and kind - these are the qualities Mikhail is endowed with. The secret of this man’s name lies in his ability not only to become a messenger of God, but also to bring good to everyone around him.


Subtlety, vulnerability, sensitivity - the main characteristics that distinguish the person bearing the origin of this word determine the character of a person from his youth: he appreciates beauty and tries with all his might to convey it to others. He is an esthete and erudite, strives for perfection in everything. Books, paintings, beautiful expensive things attract him and even fascinate him. He can hardly be called a consumer; he simply dreams of possessing all this in order to admire and enjoy the beautiful. Very often such dreams lead him to wrong decisions. And if he falls into bad company, he is easily manipulated. The influence of other people on a young man is very high, so parents need to constantly monitor the child’s life. Such boys know how to set goals and achieve them, in some situations without thinking about the consequences.

Character traits

It may seem to others that Misha is too kind and loyal, but he has an inner core. Restrained and reasonable, he is ready to work and achieve heights both in his career and in his favorite business. He is analytical, which allows him to easily take on important tasks and complete them successfully. Deep down, he is vulnerable and has difficulty withstanding criticism and reproach.

The name Mikhail, whose origin determines life path its owner, gives a person a reverent attitude towards both other people and nature. He loves animals and enjoys gardening. From communicating with nature, he receives deep satisfaction and rests his soul.

Misha endures loneliness quite painfully and prefers to devote every minute to friends or family. The character of the name Mikhail often makes this person the soul of the party; he is responsive and ready to help everyone who needs it. He will happily look after his elderly parents, fulfilling all their whims and demands.

Dark side

The history of the origin of the name Mikhail hides some secrets. Even though the Archangel was a valiant warrior of God, it was believed that Satan would tempt such heroes. IN real life this legend is reflected in Misha’s inner world. He is smart and decisive, but if he cannot realize himself in life, does not find support and due respect, then he will easily go to great lengths. Alcohol, gambling and a hectic life bog him down. He often cannot find the inner strength to change the situation; he believes that no one understands or loves him.


And assertiveness allows Mikhail to become a lawyer and engineer, teacher and military leader. Despite the fact that he is a conservative at heart, for the good of the common cause, Mikhail is ready to learn new things and bring them to his work. An unfamiliar environment does not frighten such people; they easily adapt to it and do not get lost in the largest enterprise. Even in the position of a security guard or loader, Misha organizes the entire process in such a way that his opinion is taken into account and respected.

The name Michael, whose origin is divine, gives a person a non-mercantile and sublime spiritual organization. That's why own business he perceives it not as work, but as a brainchild, to which he is ready to devote himself without reserve. But the qualities of this person (kindness and gentleness) often fail him in the tough world of competition. He makes concessions, firmly believing in the decency of people; money is not a priority for the person who owns Mikhail. The meaning of the name, the character of a person allows him to get out of difficult situations with dignity, without letting other people down or taking advantage of their weaknesses.

Incorrigible romantic

A jealous gentleman simply cannot stand competition and will never forgive betrayal, mistaking it for a personal insult and betrayal. It is unacceptable to humiliate Misha in public; such behavior can cause a sharp reaction on his part and even overt aggression.

Family is Michael's fortress

Misha chooses his life partner very carefully. Sometimes he is ready to wait a long time and test his chosen one, and if she does not live up to the ideal, he suffers in splendid isolation.

His wife must be gentle and always kind; he simply does not like and does not understand rude girls. Loyal, sympathetic, an excellent housewife and a caring mother is Misha's dream. Very often a man idealizes his chosen one and even worships her as a deity. Unfortunately, over time this attitude passes, but this does not mean that he loses interest in her and the desire to protect the lady of his heart.

Misha is ready to help around the house, fulfilling his duties with joy. Children are a real treasure that Michael will cherish and appreciate. The children understand their father and reach out to him, hoping for support and love. Even after separating from his wife, the man tries with all his might to help her financially and participate in the life of the family.


The history of the origin of the name Mikhail is closely connected with ancient Russia. According to some sources, the naming of babies took place by analogy with a beloved and revered animal - a bear. Despite the fact that this huge bumpkin is often clumsy, he has strength and ingenuity. Mishka can hardly be called a diplomat; his life credo is “either pan or perish.” Although he is mentally strong, pride can be called a weak point. It is this flaw that his enemies often play on. By temperament he is a real choleric, but at the same time he knows how to control himself perfectly. He chooses his friends carefully; their circle will include only worthy people who have influence, but Misha’s personality makes him suppress his friends and control their actions.

Active, brave, open and kind - this is Mikhail. If there are people around you with that name, then try to take a closer look at them. Perhaps you will see them beautiful inner world and you will gain a true loyal friend.