In life, we often take many things, including little things, criticism, and someone's bad mood, to heart. Thus, we worry about trifles, complicate our lives and earn stress. A lot of planned things to do, meetings with people, falling behind the schedule of completed work, at the same time problems with your family, illness, endless troubles - all this unsettles you, takes away your sleep and prevents you from living a happy life.

What to do in this case? How to approach life easier?
There is such a thing as brevity is the sister of talent, and simplicity- recipe for success!
Therefore the principle you just– should be made rule No. 1 for your attitude towards life! Simplicity- this is another one little secret happiness, because than life is more complicated, the harder it is to be happy.

1. Simplicity thinking

Simplicity life begins in your thoughts. For simple attitude to life It is not at all necessary to give up the pleasures, comfort, hobbies and little joys of life. But the worries, anxieties, and problems that are constantly present in our thoughts do not allow us to become calm, harmonious, and balanced. When the brain is filled with different thoughts, it is very difficult to live consciously, to notice what is actually happening around, and not in the imagination and fictional reality.

The ability to stop your thoughts and free your mind from worries is the path to simplicity of life. Give up the race, the worries that you don’t have time, that you are behind someone in something, that you are not perfect, self-criticism, fears about events that may never happen to you, and you will be able to achieve much more.

You will definitely soon notice that a positive attitude, focusing on certain actions, allows us to achieve our goals faster and more efficiently. You can focus on something through meditation. Therefore, when we concentrate on something, especially if it is important to us, the chaos in our thoughts goes away, and we simply begin to live happily, consciously and meaningfully.

2. Simplicity in your work

Here we offer an alternative to everything that is taught in trainings on self-management, personal effectiveness, etc. There we are taught to think about the productivity of ourselves and our company, our department, about goals, meetings, important matters, time management, creating an ideal workplace, our superiority over others, but we are not taught at all how to approach life more simply. As a result, your brain is too full of various kinds of worries about the imperfection of you as a leader, a person, an employee, a mother/father, a daughter/son, etc. Too much stress, too many neuroses.

Concentrate on really important things for you, and not on tinsel that covers the entire work process. Be in the present moment.

When you simplify all your actions, it will come to you peace of mind and peace of mind, no matter what happens. And the simpler life is, not poorer in events or your development, but simpler, the more harmonious it is and the more open it is to everything new - new ideas, positive beginnings and results.

Continued “How to approach life more simply? Part 2"

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The world is a huge ocean with many currents and the characters of its “inhabitants”. When we dive too deeply, sometimes we simply lose ourselves, our guidelines. Vanity and routine, stress and fears become our companions. In order for the ocean not to turn into a swamp, you need to know how to approach life more simply. And this does not mean splashing around in shallow water. This means rational immersion with a minimum of consequences and maximum pleasure.

What is the reason?

A selfless attitude towards the world around us is a very useless and meaningless activity. It reminds treadmill, once you step on it, it’s difficult to stop. In order to find the shutdown button for this program, you need to find its cause. Only by soberly realizing it can you design your future behavior and understand how to approach life more simply.


Very often we become hostage to fears. And fears, as we know, paralyze and prevent us from moving forward easily and confidently. They vary in size and appearance. This could be fears for loved ones, fear of making a mistake, failing, being judged, etc. Regardless of the motive, fear always brings destruction, stagnation, and apathy. That is, depression.

Let’s deal with everything in order in order to objectively assess our capabilities and the obstacles to their implementation.


Life is a huge laboratory for all kinds of experiments. Absolutely all people make mistakes in it. Some more, some less. For some they are significant, for others they are minor mistakes. Nevertheless, they exist and we need to learn from them. To be afraid means to float with the flow like a fragile straw, waiting for a new whirlpool. As you can see, this is pointless. Therefore, mistakes can and should be made, but they should be made wisely, drawing conclusions and not returning to bad experiences.


The problem with many people is that they are more responsible than necessary. For family, for friends, for colleagues, for children, for neighbors... This list can be continued endlessly. This may be partly justified, for example, in relation to young children. But in the aggregate, such an overload not only burdens, but also destroys a person. But it’s enough to be responsible for your life, choices, actions.

There is another side to the problem of responsibility. When a person blames others for his failures, mistakes, and unfulfilled desires. If you don’t like the job and the low salary, it means your boss is bad and greedy. If family relationships for many years have not brought happiness, then, of course, the spouse is to blame, who took away beauty and time... This is simple, absurd, but does not change the situation in positive side. But we ourselves once made our choice and now we must be responsible for it. But for some reason we forget about it when it’s convenient for us.

Bad habits

We will not talk here about smoking, alcohol and other addictions, but about such phenomena as envy, irritability, gossip. They also became bad habits most people. Becoming their hostage means wasting your time. And we only have one life. And is it worth wasting it on such nasty little things? All three phenomena are interconnected and give rise to one another. As a rule, they arise because a person is dissatisfied with his life, but, trying to compensate for his own failures, he goes to great lengths in order to denigrate his neighbor. But this doesn’t make his life any brighter. Constant surveillance and gossip about other people's lives destroy our own. If your neighbor is so bad, is it worth it?


Another point that prevents us from answering the question of how to approach life more simply is the judgment of others. We are afraid to take a step forward for fear of how others will react. At the level of psychological processes, this can be described as follows. Many attitudes have been instilled in us since childhood by our parents or loved ones. These thought forms at the subconscious level decide for us what is right and what is wrong, what is shameful and what is honorable. And when a person, contrary to these guidelines, decides to act differently, fear of condemnation, shame, self-flagellation, etc. appears. Only life is ours. And only we can decide how and from what to build it. Therefore, you should not worry about the opinions of others. Yes, sometimes it is useful, you need to take it in order to look at the situation from all sides.

How to approach life more simply? Psychology has long formulated rules and recommendations and continues to create them, taking into account the diversity of the preconditions of the problem.

  • To quickly learn how to take a simpler approach to life, you need to accept the golden rule. Live here and now. Enjoy every moment. In the bustle of work, we often forget how wonderful it is to breathe, walk, feel, eat, drink. Greet every morning with a smile and gratitude. Please yourself and your loved ones with little things. After all, this is what our life consists of. The more you fill every moment with optimism and joy, the easier it is for you to realize how to approach life more simply.
  • To achieve your goal you need to believe in yourself and your strengths. But faith without action is nothing! You can sit and wait by the sea for the weather endlessly. Therefore, you also need to be a decisive person. Don't be afraid to take risks (reasonably) and do stupid things. Of course, the opinions of others are valuable, but not paramount. If you make mistakes, treat them as learning experiences. And from it you need to draw a valuable conclusion so that your next attempt becomes a victory.

Based on the example of great people

Many outstanding scientists and artists had difficult destinies and life circumstances. But this did not stop them from overcoming difficulties and becoming famous. Today, their quotes on how to approach life more simply serve as useful guidelines for us. It's the same rules and psychological techniques, which were created by someone else's bitter experience. But, as a rule, it is possible to fully realize them only after one’s own disappointments. It's worth listening to the advice of successful people. It doesn’t hurt to adopt optimism, diligence and determination from your predecessors. But you will still have your own path and mistakes.


To understand how to approach life more simply, you just need to not perceive everything as more than it is. It is necessary to cultivate a positive worldview, soberly assess the situation and your capabilities. Doing crazy things is not shameful, and sometimes even useful. It's okay to make mistakes. Change your thinking, be open to everything new, listen to others, but live with your heart. And you won’t notice how the space around you will change, and your life will become freer and easier.

All problems are in our head. And if you look at the situation from the outside through the eyes of another person, the circumstances will not seem terrifying. But in order to learn to cope with them, you need to work with yourself. And after you get out of the captivity of the “little things in life”, the world will no longer be difficult and cruel for you.

How to treat everything more simply: being your own friend

To avoid becoming a victim of “well-wishers,” look at what is happening from the outside. Imagine that you are the same friend who is being asked for advice. Take a break from what is happening and think about what you would say. There will be many options, but among them there will be one that will be the right decision.

How to treat everything more simply: “sleep with the problem”

When the same thought gnaws at you, oh inner harmony one can only dream. If at this moment the right decision does not come to mind, take a break from everything. Do something that brings you pleasure. If you think that a swarm of thoughts on the same topic will help you understand what is happening, you are mistaken.

It’s not for nothing that psychologists say that you need to “sleep” with a thought that requires the correct answer. After all, the morning is wiser than the evening. Sometimes, in order to find insight, it is enough to simply let go of painful thoughts. And the answer will come to mind on its own.

How to treat everything more simply: not a flood

The habit of looking at everything with particular seriousness in many cases does not do a good deed. On the contrary, people who are accustomed to treating the world with manic thoroughness exhaust both themselves and those around them. (Read also).

As the heroine of Daria Dontsova’s novel, Dasha Vasilyeva, said, we grow old not because of physiology, but because of our own problems, which first “swarm” in our heads and then appear on our faces in the form of wrinkles.

Before putting yourself into a “mortuary” state, abstract yourself from the situation and think - is everything really that scary? Making mountains out of molehills is a favorite behavior pattern of alarmists. This applies not only to personal life, but also to work. There are professions that require enormous attention - doctor, rescuer, firefighter. The people who chose them are simply obliged to react quickly. If you are not responsible for human lives, then there is no need to be hysterical when the printer stops printing or runs out of paper. The technician will adjust the technique and you can continue.

It is important to learn not to get hung up on little things. Then life will become easier.

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If you complicate everything and believe that it is impossible to live happily in our world, then everything will be so. It is no secret that the materialization of thoughts has long been proven by scientists. Just imagine, even scientists agreed with a completely unscientific point of view! So it’s worth listening to advice and making your life easier.

Steps to a simple and happy life

If you believe that thoughts are material, then it becomes clear that improving your own life potential lies in a simpler and easier attitude towards life itself. But man is a lazy creature, for whom it is very difficult to move from a dead point. We are all waiting for the “magic kick” that will make us lift our butts and move towards happiness.

And to make this easier, we need step-by-step instruction, which we would follow day after day and be amazed at our own achievements. Well, let this article be that “magic kick” and help change the lives of many people for the better!

Simple secrets of happiness

Paradoxically, everything ingenious is simple, and there is nothing complicated in happiness either:

  • Simplicity of thinking;
  • Simple attitude to work;
  • Simplicity in home use;
  • Simplicity and ease in relationships;
  • Life is easier.

The above five steps can be performed sequentially in order to experience the effect of each of them as deeply as possible. At the same time, you should not be lazy and arrange “fasting days” for yourself, during which you allow your consciousness to work at its usual pace. In this case, all the work will be in vain.

Remember that constant tension and seeing the world in black and white– it’s just a bad habit that prevents you from living happily. If you get rid of it and force your consciousness to think philosophically and change your worldview to a bright and positive one, then life will instantly change.

Step 1. Keep it simple

The very concept of " simplicity of thinking“does not include giving up usual activities and hobbies. You don't need to radically change your daily routine, urgently sign up for yoga classes and learn relaxing meditative techniques. In fact, everything is much simpler. You need to learn to have a philosophical attitude towards life.

There are about a million thoughts constantly spinning in our heads, giving us no rest. We grasp one of them, see it in a negative aspect, and thereby worsen our mood. Then we see another one just like it bad thought and we immediately begin processing it. We attract these thoughts to ourselves and force ourselves to see only the bad in them. So it's not surprising that our lives seem gray and dull.

Try to free your mind from the incessant stream of thoughts that prevent you from concentrating. When you find yourself ruminating over past problems or reliving past failures, immediately do something with full concentration on the activity. A person cannot simultaneously do something very important and think about extraneous things, much less reflect on them.

Step 2. Simple attitude to work

Few people consider their work to be their favorite pastime. And this thought makes me wake up in the morning with bad mood, getting to your unloved job through terrible traffic jams and being afraid of making the wrong step at work itself. We are afraid of the opinions of others, criticism from our superiors, and therefore we constantly think about our own productivity.

Just stop thinking about impossible plans, unpleasant meetings and never-ending to-do lists. Treat the situation philosophically and do one thing, but very important, and completely concentrate your attention on this matter. This attitude to work will allow you to remove interfering thoughts from your head and complete the task as efficiently as possible.

If the task is really difficult and you don’t know where to start, then divide it into small parts, make it as simple and easy as possible. When we break down a task into very clear steps, it doesn't seem so difficult.

Moreover, with this comes peace of mind and confidence that we can cope with this task. It is this kind of thinking at work that leads to successful endeavors and grandiose victories. And this, in turn, will bring additional self-confidence into life.

Step 3. Simplicity at home

When the house is a mess, the kitchen sink is full of dirty dishes, and the bathroom is a mountain of unwashed clothes, your hands are covered in literally go down. And when it’s also a hard day at work, you just want to close your eyes and run as far away from the hustle and bustle of home as possible. This is the mistake of each of us! We see everything in a negative light and for some reason we think that all household issues need to be resolved urgently and all at once.

What happens in the end? Yes, we just close our eyes to everyone, sit down in front of the TV and drown out our endless thoughts about a difficult life with funny programs. When our home is in order, we feel surprisingly calm and at ease. Thoughts, as if in a wave magic wand, they get in order, their mood improves and life becomes somehow easier.

Therefore, when you don’t want to do anything, no matter how strange it may sound, you need to immediately start cleaning the house. In this case, it is advisable to open the windows, let fresh air and sunlight into the house, and throw trash can all unnecessary and disturbing things.

The ideal option would be to review your own wardrobe, which contains a lot of old clothes that it’s time to throw away or distribute to those in need.

Step 4. Simplicity and ease in relationships

In order to fully experience how to approach life calmly and joyfully, we must not forget about the important part of relationships with others. We are used to putting a mental block if someone’s opinion does not suit us, some of us like to argue and try to impose our own point of view, some of us simply close ourselves off and destroy ourselves with thoughts of our own inferiority.

But why make it so difficult? It’s enough just to tune yourself to positive emotions and try to give them to others. No, this doesn’t mean that you need to put on a clown outfit and hand out balloons to passers-by (but I wouldn’t mind meeting such an eccentric).

It is necessary to do good to people as much as possible and treat them openly. In a conversation, you also need to express yourself in simple and understandable words, without expecting philosophically composed sentences from your interlocutor. And most importantly, don’t act like everyone around you owes you a million dollars!

Step 5. Live easier

Finally, you have come to the last step, which will completely reveal the secret of how to feel better about your own life. Think about own desires: travel, a bag of money, endless power or world fame. Come down from heaven to earth! By feeding your creation with unrealistic dreams, you yourself lower your self-esteem!

You can often hear that the real secret of success is not titanic hard work and perseverance, but such a quality as not giving a damn. For example, we may hear a story about how a colleague called the boss a bunch of piquant obscene words and, nevertheless, received a promotion.

Most likely, you have come across people in your life who had absolutely principles and rules, and they still achieved wonderful results in their lives. How to become a person who doesn’t give a damn, so that it doesn’t turn out that our efforts turn against us? Let's consider several methods.

Embrace uncertainty

Being a don't care does not mean being completely indifferent. Those who are indifferent are likely too afraid within themselves to perceive things as they are. In order to stop worrying about everything, you need to accept the uncertainty of life. Instead of worrying about tomorrow, it is better to enjoy the unknown: after all, we can never know what happiness may await us around the corner. This attitude towards life will help to reveal those opportunities that, due to excessive concern, previously seemed unnoticed. Becoming a non-giver also means freeing up enough energy to achieve your desired goals and take care of what is truly important to you.

To communicate with people

Call a friend and talk about your worries. This conversation will help you determine whether the things that are consuming your emotional energy are actually worth thinking about. The view of another person will help you assess the situation more soberly. And close person will help you objectively assess your strengths and capabilities.

Create your own rules, do not live according to the orders of others

Those who are forever forced to obey the instructions of society will ultimately themselves become hostages of endless “shoulds” and “shoulds.” And if you make the same demands on others, you may even be considered a complete bore - but not a carer.

Get rid of perfectionism

In general, if you are thinking about how to become a person who doesn’t give a damn, then you should completely disown this quality possible ways. After all, these people – a perfectionist and a don’t care – represent two different poles. The passion for impeccability and perfection is most often a consequence of the fact that in childhood a person was disliked by his parents and was not accepted by them for who he is. The most successful people rarely grow up from those who were excellent students in childhood. Those who studied with C grades, were lenient about their weaknesses and at the same time knew how to enjoy life at a tender age - these are the ones who achieve success in adult life. Therefore, monitor manifestations of perfectionism in your actions and sometimes give yourself the will to do at least a “B” job.

Be able to be distracted by other things

If you find yourself in a state of anxiety, when you urgently need a dose of adequate indifference, urgently switch to another activity. It should be completely unrelated to the issue that is currently relevant to you. This method will be most effective if you choose the most exciting activity for you. This could be an extremely interesting film or book, a hiking trip, or a visit to the dolphinarium.

Trust your emotions less

All our experiences, which sometimes rage like a storm, are precisely the indicator that distinguishes sensitive people from calm people who don’t care, enjoying the moment. Emotions are only a short-term reaction to the same short-term events. Since nothing lasts forever, try, even in a situation that makes your knees tremble, to abstract yourself from your experiences. This is easy to do: you don’t need to plunge into them like a whirlpool with your head. Instead, while your knees continue to shake, try to find ten green objects around you. Then list the names of ten cities starting with the letter “K” (or any other name you like). Think of such mental “entertainments” for yourself in advance so that you can use them at the right time.

Don't take things personally

Those who overreact to the people around them and their opinions are doomed only to fruitless dreams of not giving a damn. Those who constantly take everything too close to their hearts have a high chance of becoming patients in the neurosis clinic, but not happy people who don’t give a damn. You don’t need to think too long about what opinion your work colleague expressed about your dress this morning. Negative reactions from others are most often due to dissatisfaction own life. Instead of dwelling too long on someone’s psychological projection, take care of the affairs of notorious people who don’t give a damn. Namely, enjoy the current moment and find something that will bring you pleasure and joy right now.

Do fitness

The best way to not give a damn in life is to make yourself one on a physiological level. This is what contributes to the implementation physical exercise. During stress on the body, the level of certain hormones increases, which are responsible for the subjective feeling of happiness. In addition, sport helps you look better, which means your self-esteem rises. If you find it difficult to collect your thoughts during exercise, turn on your favorite music louder and do the exercises with even greater diligence. When you challenge the capabilities of your body, your mind no longer has a chance to mull over unimportant events or situations in your head.

Giving up on everything and becoming a real indifference is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. All these life attitudes, which are inherent in truly self-loving people who don’t give a damn, should only be firmly rooted in behavior through daily practice. And it doesn’t matter if others seem too narcissistic or selfish. After all, now you have begun to live your own, and therefore real, life.