What a person thinks is how he lives. In ancient times it sounded like this: “What is inside is outside. As is below, so is above.” Each person receives exactly as much as he allows himself to have. Everyone lives exactly as he sees it in his head. Negative thoughts can only harm those who scroll them through their heads. Even experienced magicians refuse to cast curses on someone because they understand the effect. Only to the common man remains to be studied this topic to learn to think positively and attract success.

The idea that positive thinking helps in achieving happiness and successful life, was once popular. Everyone who has delved into the essence of this mechanism has already achieved their goals. The rest were only disappointed that they were not able to magically realize their desires.

Site specialists psychological assistance site want to highlight the most main mistake those who wanted to achieve their goals through positive thinking, but never did:

  • You need to not only think positively, but also take action to achieve something.

And many people began to think that they could do nothing, but just lie down and scroll through positive thoughts in their heads. This also includes the idea of ​​“reality transurfing” by Zeeland, who also paid more attention to human thinking. So many thought that they could influence the power of thought the world, which will change and adapt to their desires.

The mechanism is actually very simple: to achieve success, a person needs to think positively, that is, set himself up for success, encourage, motivate and be sure to act. Goals are not realized without the actions of the person himself. And actions are performed depending on how and what a person thinks. It's that simple.

How to learn to think positively?

Life is not always as bright and wonderful as we would like it to be. Absolutely everyone faces various difficulties and troubles, which naturally cause negative ones. The mood drops and they begin to appear negative thoughts in my head. Here we're talking about about a person who has become a victim of circumstance. However, there are individuals who do not want to follow the lead of the world around them. They have learned to think positively, which allows them to find the best way out for themselves in any situation.

To learn to think positively, a person must understand that it is he who chooses what thoughts to think. Undoubtedly, scientists say that a person thinks about more than a thousand different thoughts during the day, most of which fly through a person’s head completely unnoticed by consciousness. However, the fact that a person does not pay attention to his thoughts and does not want to control them is his choice.

Positive thinking is the choice of a person who decides to scroll through thoughts of a certain nature in his head. It requires effort, concentration and attention. A person must constantly be in a conscious state in order to promptly identify a flashing thought, be aware of it, understand the meaning and meaning, the reasons for its occurrence, and then change it to other ideas, if necessary.

It is difficult for a person to constantly be in a conscious state. Psychologists say that most of the time a person lives automatically. Thoughts and actions occur automatically, out of habit. And only later, when consequences arise, a person understands what he has done, but many actions can no longer be corrected and forgotten.

For positive thinking a person must learn not to sleep, but to live consciously. He controls what thoughts he thinks. Why is this so important? Thoughts influence the emotions that arise in a person, and emotions, in turn, influence the choice of actions that the individual ultimately performs. The results obtained are evaluated (these are also thoughts), and evaluation again evokes emotions, and emotions - actions, etc.

A person lives in accordance with the thoughts that flash through his head. Usually he does not control them and does not even notice them. Under the influence of thoughts, negative or positive emotions arise, and they already cause corresponding energy, which forces a person to perform certain actions. These actions shape the events in which a person lives. These events can be either desired or unwanted. But all are not shaped by man himself. And anyone who wants to achieve success must learn to control their own thoughts, think only about what will evoke the right emotions and encourage them to take the right actions.

Before moving on to the principles of positive thinking, I would still like to make some digression in defense of negative thoughts. Please note that “positive” and “negative” usually refer to what is acceptable or unacceptable in society. In this article, we will understand by “positive” that which brings you the desired benefit, success. And if any bad thoughts, negative emotions or destructive actions give you the desired result, then this will also be called “positive”.

So, to think positively, you need:

  • Surround yourself with people who think positively like you and believe in your success. All other people will only oppress you, deprive you of energy and even pull you down to the bottom. You should get rid of the harmful environment.
  • Eliminate everything that causes negative emotions. It could be people, films, situations. It will not be possible to completely avoid unpleasant situations, so it is recommended to identify that negative emotions arise, and then move on to controlling your own thoughts and emotions.

How to deal with troubles? Why fight something? Why not love what comes with troubles (wisdom, experience)? And if you still don’t like something, then you don’t have to fight, but create, create something beautiful, so that the unsightly becomes pleasant, and the bad ceases to have any meaning.

Man is used to fighting. If he doesn’t like something, he immediately becomes defensive. But is it possible to create something good on the battlefield? Have you ever seen flowers growing and birds singing in a place where a war is being waged? Good needs to be created, and not fought with bad in the hope that good will be created on its own. To have new house, it is necessary not only to destroy the old building, but also to build a new one. In other words, it is necessary not only to fight against something, but also to prepare for the development of good, to create it, to create it with one’s own hands. You yourself destroy all the bad, but you yourself must create the good. Only by eliminating something unsightly, good things will not appear on their own.

Should we fight or find positive aspects in the new state? Sometimes you don't have to fight anything. For some reason, many people are afraid of trouble. But what's so bad about them? Troubles have their advantages, for example, gaining experience, new knowledge, learning something previously unknown. You can’t ask a child how to move up the career ladder, but the experience of an old man will be interesting.

Often people are afraid of something because they have been told to be afraid of it. So they start to fight. But for what? Some things you just need to accept and love them for who they are. But if you are still really not satisfied with something (for example, your poverty), then start creating, moving forward, creating what you want to have yourself. Flowers will never grow in war until you stop fighting and plant them yourself.

Man himself is responsible for the life he lives. And first of all, he is responsible for the thoughts that flash through his head. The ways of their formation are as follows:

  1. During childhood, parents and society impose their opinions on all children. We are told how we should relate to this or that phenomenon, how we should react and act. These thoughts are called attitudes, beliefs. What happens if you doubt your own beliefs? Then a person will have to constantly think and decide for himself what is good and what is bad for him.
  2. The assessment that a person puts on this or that phenomenon evokes corresponding emotions and actions. For some, the destruction of a house will be a tragedy, but for others it will be an opportunity to build a new, more durable building. The event is one and the same, but the attitude towards it is different people miscellaneous. Depending on their attitude to the situation, people will behave differently.

Thoughts provoke emotions, and they in turn encourage specific actions. The result of actions are the consequences with which a person lives, evaluates them and again performs some actions. All this shapes the future in which a person lives. Accordingly, happiness is in the thoughts of the person himself, who creates or destroys, creates or breaks.

How to attract success?

Every person wants to feel their own importance. Achieving success is a kind of development of a person, when he brings something good for the whole society, for the circle of his friends and relatives. All people want to achieve success, but not everyone achieves it. And there are several important factors here.

How to achieve success? Engage your subconscious. After all, this part of a person manifests itself in absolutely everything: in his movements, reactions, the emergence or rapid decline of energy, the desire or reluctance to argue, etc. It is necessary that the subconscious is as interested in achieving the goal as your conscious part is interested in it. And in order to use the subconscious, you must remember that it is strongly influenced by hidden fears, disappointments, and desires.

Many people know of cases where subconscious fears interfered with the realization of what they wanted. For example, a person wants to be rich, but subconsciously he is afraid of this, because he is convinced that money is evil. The subconscious is against it, so a person will most likely do nothing to realize his conscious desire. In this case, the subconscious is not just against fulfilling the goal, but does everything so that the person makes mistakes and does nothing. This is why you may want something, but constantly face difficulties, make bad decisions and make mistakes. Your subconscious mind protects what it is interested in, not your conscious mind.

When your subconscious desires what your consciousness desires, then you will begin to act unambiguously towards realizing your goals and achieving success.

Achieving success is also influenced by the thoughts that a person scrolls through his head. Since unpleasant situations cannot be avoided, you should learn to find positive aspects in every problem:

  1. Or the situation is given to you to gain experience.
  2. Or it helps you learn something new.
  3. Or it indicates your erroneous judgments.

Positive thinking is an art that needs to be learned. Observe the following rules:

  • Look for the positive in everything.
  • Don't be exposed bad mood those around you.
  • Don't run away from problems, but solve them.
  • Choose the people you surround yourself with.
  • Be decisive and courageous.
  • Plan before you commit.
  • Understand the reasons for your negative thoughts.
  • Don't let fears control you.
  • Raise your spirits if they are low.
  • See every situation or result as an experience.
  • Don't blame yourself for mistakes.
  • Don't accumulate negative emotions.
  • Engage yourself in things that bring positive emotions.
  • Rest.

You should not treat events in a biased, habitual, automatic way. If you are used to having a negative attitude towards alcoholism, then stop doing so. Look at the situation without judgment. Then you may find new ways out of the situation when the person is abusing. Bias blinds you to a variety of options for solving a problem. Positive thinking sets you up to look for an option that will allow a person to get rid of bad habit under specific existing conditions.

Not everything bad is negative. Usually, even in bad things you can find something good.

The Results of Positive Thinking

Thinking sets a person up for the way of life that he constantly thinks about. If you think about bad things, then bad things will happen. If you think about good things, then there will be ways to achieve joy. Positive thinking helps a person to live happily. The most important thing is to understand the essence of the mechanism of its influence.

Our thoughts determine our life. To change it for the better and become happier and more successful, you need to develop positive thinking.

Thoughts determine everything: a person’s physical and mental state, his success and even his financial situation. Like attracts like: negative thoughts - negative, and positive thoughts - positive. It turns out that with the power of thought you can change your life.

In this article you will find information on how to achieve success using only the power of positive thinking. Website experts have identified several actions that will help you get rid of negative thoughts, develop positive thinking and become happier.

1. Don't wait for happiness, create it yourself. Waiting for random luck is a failed strategy. If you dream of living a better life, you always need to start with yourself. Negativity in this case is seen as a reason to look for a way out of the current situation, to work on oneself, to change one’s life, and not to rely on others.

2. Free yourself from the past. Free your mind from bad memories, stop getting angry, plotting and harboring grudges against those who once offended you. Yes, sometimes loved ones can hurt us - this is normal. It is not normal to constantly return to this incident in your thoughts - what has already happened has forever lost its relevance. The past should under no circumstances influence your future. Negativity takes up a colossal amount vitality and energy. And you need them to achieve success.

3. Believe in yourself and your strength. Remember: you are who you think you are, not who others see you as. When someone points out to you that your dreams are impossible and it’s time to become a realist, don’t believe them! All this seems impossible for them, you have nothing to do with it. While those around you prefer to sit on the sidelines, move forward.

4. Read positive messages. Our brain is like a computer on which you can install any program. Therefore, every morning (and throughout the day) you need to remind yourself that you are a successful, attractive, full of energy person. By reading positive attitudes, you program your consciousness for success. Systematic “programming” will help you overcome any circumstances.

5. Be grateful. To the world, to yourself, to your loved ones, to life, to the Universe for what already rightfully belongs to you. Affirmations in the morning and words of gratitude before bed - important rule. Until you learn to appreciate what you already have, you cannot learn to think positively. IN modern world there is a lot of advertising that forces you to be more successful and richer, but only those who know how to enjoy the little things gain everything. The rest endlessly chase success, but never achieve it.

6. Focus on your strengths. Instead of focusing on their strengths, many people prefer to focus on their weaknesses rather than commit fatal mistake. Don't list what you don't have - appreciate what you do have. This will fundamentally change the way you think about yourself and help change your life for the better.

7. Surround yourself with positivity. Positivity is the source of success. If you constantly feel negative, chances are you're just focusing on the wrong thing. There is an equal amount of good and bad in the world, but which side to live on is everyone’s choice. Don't believe me? Then try to reduce communication with those who make you nervous and worry. This is only one step out of a thousand, but you will be able to notice how your life has changed and how much calmer and more positive you have become.

8. Get rid of fears and complexes. Do you dream of starting new life, but are afraid that it won’t work out? As long as you think in this way and predetermine the outcome before taking action, life will not change. If you are confident in yourself and know that you will succeed, the Universe will help make your wish come true. Fears and complexes should not determine your future, only you can decide how everything will actually turn out.

9. Hang out with successful people. Stay in in a great mood- means being one step closer to success. And communicating with successful people is in itself an excellent opportunity to gain experience, inspiration, energy and strength to achieve your goals.

10. Don't pass the buck. The key to success is to take responsibility for yourself, your decisions and your life. People, circumstances, global warming- all this has nothing to do with where you are now, what you do and how much you earn. Only you have the power to change your life; you should not blame someone else for your mistakes.

All these are fundamental laws by which successful people live. Success is not necessarily prestige, reputation, money, a sharp rise in career or life. Success has its own meaning for everyone. But the ultimate goal is always happiness. You need to arrange your life until it starts to suit you. Good luck, and don't forget to press the buttons and

15.11.2018 02:41

People often try to become luckier at the expense of others. They spend a lot of effort on rituals, acquire...

People with negative thinking are more likely to fail than those who think positively. A bright mind attracts success; a cheerful person more often receives lucrative offers of cooperation and good news. To cultivate an optimist in yourself, you need to make a great effort, which manifests itself in daily hard work.

Step #1. Start keeping a diary

Buy a nice notebook and write down everything that happens in it every day. This move will help you track the trend of negative thoughts and find their source. Fix own feelings that cause positivity or negativity.

It is not necessary to keep a diary in paper form; modern gadgets are equipped with notepads that have a formatting function. Once you've made your case, take 20 minutes to analyze the data. Write down positive thoughts in the first column, negative thoughts in the second. Try to translate negative energy to the positive.

For example, you feel insecure new position, because they were fired from their previous job. This leads to constant self-criticism: “I’m a failure,” “I can’t cope,” etc. Try to think more broadly. Change is always good, perhaps this is the job where you will get a promotion. Strive for it, develop confidence and set big goals.

Step #2. Fight negative thoughts

People have been living in their own world with negative energy for years, and this is not normal. A person needs to experience joy and believe in good things. If you fall into this category, turn your life around.

When negative thoughts Once again visit your mind, think about whether they are true? In any situation, remain objective, do not defend negative thoughts. How would you react if a stranger said your thoughts out loud? Fight negativity, look for a refutation.

Step #3. Choose the right environment

No matter how good your friends are, they can drag you into the abyss. Assess your own environment: are there people in it who are constantly depressed and depressing? If so, keep communication to a minimum. When your friends don’t believe in their own success and push you towards similar thoughts, claiming that nothing will work out, refuse them.

In cases where it is not possible to stop communicating with such individuals, learn to move away from the topic. During the next conversation, the interlocutor again begins to complain about life: “no money”, “useless wife”? Switch to another topic or try to end the conversation as soon as possible.

Choose the right environment, include successful people who have achieved a lot and know how thorny the path to success can be. They overcame the negative, fell, but found the strength to rise. Take an example from such individuals, they are capable of radically changing your understanding of the world. Try to spend most of your free time with “helpful” acquaintances, follow their way of thinking and logical conclusions.

Step #4. Eliminate irritants

In the modern world, negativity is provoked by various factors, be it annoying glowing banners, hard music, stupid films and, of course, people. Eliminate everything that makes you angry. Prefer club music to rock, replace stupid comedies with action films or melodramas. Minimize your interactions with hypocritical people. Spend more time reading books, listen to soothing music, master meditation techniques. There is a lot of motivational literature and film stories that make you want to act and achieve heights. Focus on them.

Step #5. Believe in success

Stop seeing everything as a full-scale disaster, don’t be afraid to think differently. Just because you overslept for work does not mean you will be fired. Assess the situation realistically, do not aggravate the situation. Such thinking causes a person to constantly be in a panic, a feeling of anxiety appears and faith in their own success is lost.

Whenever you have a panicky thought, take a breath and think through the possible outcomes of the situation. Yes, you are late, the boss may issue a fine or deprive you of a bonus if the situation is repeated systematically. Don't add fuel to the fire, you kept your job so everything is fine.

Step #6. Don't be categorical

Categorical behavior is characteristic of insecure people. They mistakenly believe that everything must be perfect or not exist at all. This results in an involuntary division into black and white, without an intermediate phase of gray. This kind of thinking is called “polarization”, as a result of which a person becomes depressed due to the fact that he cannot bring things to perfection. Instead of trying to achieve white, go with a light gray.

For example, you want to build a house or renovate an apartment. In your opinion, housing should have large windows, expensive Italian furniture and high-quality cutlery. Having started to implement it, you realize that there is not enough money for furniture from Italy, and a saucepan for $300 also does not inspire confidence. All this leads to despondency, since ideal plans instantly dissolved.

Instead of getting upset, buy cutlery from a lesser-known brand that is just as good in quality. Buy not an Italian sofa, but a Russian one. This will be the intermediate (gray) phase. After time, you will understand that it is not always possible to achieve 10 points out of 10, sometimes a score of 8-9 is enough.

Step #7. Get creative

Creative people immerse themselves in something with their heads, at a certain moment they are focused only on what they are doing. Consequently, difficulties at work, quarrels in the family, lack of money - all this fades into the background. Even a person who is a mathematician to the core has creative inclinations. Unleash your potential, perhaps you are good at drawing or have a knack for repairing and restoring cars. There are a lot of opportunities, the main thing is to find yourself.

Sign up for courses in cutting and sewing, carving, pottery, or start learning a rare foreign language(Chinese, Japanese). Become different from everyone else, show individuality. If you don’t want to attend specialized clubs, try to reveal yourself yourself with the help of audio and videos.

Step #8. Don't blame yourself

Stop blaming yourself for all mortal sins. This behavior is typical of people who are highly dependent on the opinions of others. Did a friend pass by and not smile? Perhaps today is not her day. Try not to worry about what people will think. For the most part, they are all gossips and envious people who talk a lot behind their backs.

It is worth taking a closer look at communication with relatives and friends. If they try to accuse you inappropriately, learn to fight back. A friend asked for help with moving, but you refused for personal reasons? Did he accuse you of selfishness and disregard for others?

Don't rush into panic. Remember how many times you helped him without unnecessary words. Most likely, the person began to take help for granted, so he did not expect refusal. Learn to say no if the call goes against your wishes.

Step #9. Lead an interesting life

If you constantly sit at home, communicate little with cheerful people, do not play sports or travel, negative thoughts will begin to come involuntarily. To get rid of them, you will have to broaden your horizons.

Get a gym membership or buy a jump rope to be able to release negative emotions through sports. Sign up for a swimming pool or choose a suitable dance direction.

Try to travel more, you don’t have to buy expensive tours, a trip out of town for the weekend is enough.

Find a hobby so that it occupies all your thoughts, develop financially and enrich yourself spiritually. Attend all kinds of entertainment events, be it exhibitions, a concert of your favorite performers, or a historical museum.

To start thinking positively, you need to work on yourself every day. Keep a diary and write down your thoughts and actions. Play sports, reconsider your surroundings. Reveal your creative self, stop criticizing yourself, and don’t take accusations to heart.

Video: How to think positively

People fuss, suffer, make mistakes and, as a result, fall into deep depression, believing that life has failed... Of course, it is difficult to overcome obstacles when climbing to the top of the mountain. Especially in moments of despair. Although – all these disappointments are just the fruits of one’s own wild imagination. Remember the movie "A Nightmare on Elm Street", where imaginary fears become reality. The question is when will this happen?

Everything that has been secretly accumulating in your head and soul will one day come to light. This condition will exhaust the remaining nerves and strength. And it will weaken the desire to move forward. Precisely at a time when it is truly necessary.

Question: how to get out of a hopeless situation?

The answer is quite simple.

1. Get off your knees, straighten your shoulders. There is no problem in the entire Universe that cannot be solved. A man just needs to look at own mistakes in life from the outside as a valuable experience.

2. Having thoroughly analyzed your fall, understand that nothing terrible happened - any things can be bought.
Of course, material goods can provide temporary pleasure. But they will not give complete happiness. The only thing that is priceless is life!

3. Drive away bad thoughts, apathy and sadness. They won't help, but they will harm. Revived internal fears and concerns will envelop your arms and legs in iron shackles. And if you don’t get rid of them in time, they can stay with a person for his entire life.

4. Remember your history lessons: destroying an army of enemies is difficult, but if you divide them, it will be much easier to deal with them individually. This is the only winning strategy. Proceed according to this principle.

5. Success is on everyone's mind... Thoughts come to life, materialize - proven by science. This means that anyone can be healthy, rich and successful.

6. Discarding your own prejudices and stereotypes, learn to look at the world with a new perspective. Stop getting angry and upset - especially at others, this is their human nature.

7. Take advantage of every chance life gives you. This will provide an opportunity to develop. Get rid of shyness - you need help - contact people (this is not extortion or theft). It's a shame not to help when someone needs it.

8. Remember - people who dig for gold with a shovel will dig up much less than those who use an excavator. Set yourself high goals, break them down into small steps and set a time frame for achievement. Whatever you can implement now, do it.

9. Success awaits only those who are ready to meet it. This also applies to material wealth - if a person is not ready to properly manage millions, then he will never have them.

When you imagine yourself as a millionaire in your own thoughts, act accordingly. It’s as if your pocket is full of these millions - and in the near future, this will happen. Move on decisively and, no matter what happens, maintain a positive attitude.

Pay less attention to the opinions of others and gossip. It’s better to set goals and achieve them, which will certainly help you find your own path to happiness.

How to learn to think positively?

How many times have you said to yourself: “Well! Again nothing worked out. I guess I’m a loser!”, even if the disaster didn’t actually happen. Some similar situations and you are already sure that this is the way it is, nothing can be changed. What happens to those who consider themselves successful? Such a person, even after a mind-boggling failure, will never say to himself: “This happened because I was a fool!” Rather, he will think that failure is a consequence of such and such omissions. And that next time he will definitely provide for this. But overall, in this situation, he looked completely okay. The more correct positive ideas a person has about himself, the more problem-free his life is. The absence of such ideas leads to the growth of the internal conflict of the individual. Some of your own actions are seen in a false light and lead to dramatic consequences.

American plastic surgeon Maxwell Moltz drew attention to the fact that those who fail in life often blame their face, even if it has very minor deviations from the accepted canons. In most cases, a person with obvious defects or overly strange facial features after surgery almost immediately (usually within 21 days) experienced a noticeable increase in self-esteem and self-confidence. However, in some cases, the patient retained the same inferiority complex and inferiority. That is, he continued to feel, act and behave as if he still had the same appearance. In addition to the face given to us by nature, there is a psychological, spiritual face. By changing the shape of the ears or nose, but leaving the image of ourselves unchanged, we can come across a new personal crisis - a mismatch between the physical and psychological selves. Sometimes it is enough to work only with the inner self, and Plastic surgery is no longer required - the person begins to “accept” his own appearance.


1. By whommyselfwe feel, SoAndlet's do.
We will always “act like” the person we believe we identify with. We are simply unable to do otherwise, despite conscious efforts. A person who imagines himself as a “typical loser” and sincerely believes in his unfortunate fate will always find a way (and a reason) to fail, despite good intentions and strong-willed efforts, even if there is an opportunity to succeed. Hence, it seems as if all our daily experience confirms this image of our own Self. Thus, depending on the circumstances, a vicious (or favorable) circle arises.

2. RefusalfromchangesrepresentationOhimselfto myself.
Very often all efforts are directed at external circumstances, at the shell, and not at the core of the problem. They often try to apply the method of positive thinking to some specific external circumstances, individual negative habits or character traits (“I will definitely get this job”; “In the future I will quit smoking”). But a person’s lack of feeling that he is worthy of such work or constant self-flagellation due to a return to a bad habit will negate any attempts. It is absolutely impossible to perceive any particular situation positively if you still have a negative self-image.

3. Focusonnegativeexperience.
We are willing to spend hours reminiscing about past failures, but often do not do the same to remember our successes or at least replay situations of success in our imagination. Experimental and clinical psychologists have irrefutably proven that the human nervous system is unable to distinguish between an actual situation and a situation created vividly and in detail by our imagination. It has long been recognized that success contributes to success. We learn to act successfully from our own successes. The memory of past successes plays the role of an information bank that gives us confidence in own strength and abilities in solving the next task or problem.

4. Absencecleargoals.
Most often it turns out like in that fairy tale: “Go there - I don’t know where. Bring something - I don’t know what.” When you start a business, you keep in mind some goal, some final result that needs to be achieved, some specific solution, which may still appear rather vaguely, but will certainly be “recognized” when it comes into view. If you are really serious about what you have planned, sincerely want to implement it and think hard about it various aspects problems, then your subconscious will sort through the accumulated information, groping for the right solution; take away interesting ideas and facts, bring up the results of previous experience and tie everything together into a meaningful whole. When a solution enters your consciousness, often out of the blue, while you are thinking about something else, something clicks and you immediately “know” that it is what you were looking for.

FromfailuresTogood luck

1. Accurategoals
The goal must be presented as already existing, actually or potentially. The success mechanism functions in one of two ways: it either leads you to a goal whose location is known, or it identifies a goal that exists somewhere. Do not be confused by the seeming lack of funds necessary for this. Think constantly about the end result, and the means, as often happens, will appear.

2. Errors -Thisyoursassistants
A person does not always know how to do it right, but knowledge of how not to do it is simply priceless. An unsuccessful interview will plunge someone into despondency, while others will force them to analyze it inside and out, highlight problematic issues, and develop various ways to prevent them or rehearse an interview with an imaginary employer. Most of humanity's achievements are the result of voluntary or involuntary mistakes and their analysis.

3. Take action!
Sometimes our long thoughts about how this or that thing will come true lead us either to excessive anxiety or lead us into a world of fruitless dreams. In both cases, your plans remain unrealized, and you once again label yourself a loser. Action sparks your creativity. You should not delay your action until you receive some confirmation that everything is going well; act as if the confirmation is already there, and it will come.

4. You canturn onimagination
In an experiment conducted under strict control, a psychologist R. A. Vandel proved that if a subject spends a certain period of time every day in front of a target, imagining himself throwing darts at it, his results will improve to the same extent as if he actually threw darts at the target every day. Imagination can serve you well and help you work through your actions.

5. Aneed towhetherstrain?
Instead of gritting your teeth, trying to achieve what you want, relying on your willpower, constantly worrying and imagining mistakes and failures, you need to simply relax, clearly imagine the goal and let your creativity take over all worries. This absolutely does not mean that you are freed from the need to make efforts and work, but these efforts are spent on leading you forward towards your goal, and not on the useless internal conflicts that arise when you want and do one thing, but draw in yours. the imagination is completely different.

6. Searchmyself
Your creativity can help you find the best possible image of your own Self. To do this, you need to mentally draw yourself as you would like to become, and see yourself in this new role. Such a vision is an indispensable condition for any personality transformation, regardless of the method used. For some reason, it always turns out that before a person can change, he must see himself in a new role. Set aside 30 minutes every day for this and find a suitable place where you can be alone, where no one will disturb you. Sit back and relax. Then close your eyes and let your imagination run wild. It is necessary to pay attention to small details: sounds, colors, individual objects, because... if the picture created by your imagination is bright enough and detailed, then nervous system Such artificial experience completely replaces real experience.

7. Considertheirstrongsides
In a certain sense, every person on earth is in some way weaker than another or an entire group of people. You may not be able to lift a barbell like athletes do. It's important to simply not compare yourself to others unfavorably so that you don't feel bad just because you can't do something as well as someone else. The feeling of inferiority grows not so much from facts and everyday experience, but from our conclusions and assessments regarding these facts. You may be an unimportant weightlifter or a bad dancer, but this does not mean that you are an inferior person. It all depends on what and by whose standards we measure ourselves.

8. Rest
Effort is a big obstacle to getting rid of bad habits and acquiring new ones. By using effort to resist an unwanted behavior, you actually reinforce it. Physical relaxation, if practiced daily, will certainly be accompanied by mental relaxation, which will improve conscious control over the automatic mechanism. Find time for solitude - this will help you put your thoughts in order and accept correct solution.

9. BeHereAndNow
Living creatively means responding spontaneously and reacting to environment. In any situation, ask yourself questions: “What are the advantages of this?”, “What can I learn?”, “What will this ultimately give me?” Try to avoid phrases with the particle “not”: say “this is how the circumstances developed” instead of “I couldn’t.” Also, plan for the future. Prepare for it, but don't worry about what will happen tomorrow or even in five minutes.

10. YouNotJuliusCaesar
If you feel a nervous tremor and are seized with anxiety at the thought of a huge pile of things waiting, then these feelings are caused not by the upcoming work, but by the position: “I have to do it all at once.” And naturally, trying to accomplish the impossible, you begin to get nervous, rush around and despair. A person feels under constant time pressure only because he has an incorrect understanding of his duties and responsibilities. No matter how many things, problems, questions we are faced with, they always come, lined up one at a time, because this is the only way they can replace each other.

The “typical loser” is not able to create a new self-image by sheer force of will or sudden decision. There must be some basis, a good reason to believe that the previous perception of oneself is erroneous, and the new image corresponds to reality. You cannot invent another yourself out of nowhere if deep down you don’t feel that this image corresponds to reality.