The culture of beautiful writing is one of ancient cultures in the world. Many still pay handwriting Special attention, and some argue that the method of teaching calligraphy in schools is outdated. We all have to write by hand from time to time, and good legible handwriting is pleasant to read, and besides, it is said to be an indication of a person's character. Whether you're looking to improve your handwriting or relearn how to write, this article will give you some simple tips.


Calligraphy Basics

    First, find the right pen. Some people prefer pencil. Take what you like best.

    • Take a pen or pencil with a soft tip, especially if you really like to press down on the pen when you write.
    • Take a notebook in a ruler - it is easier to write in it than on a regular sheet of paper.
  1. Sit up straight. Remember what your mother told you? Posture matters a lot! If you hunch over, after a while your back and neck will begin to numb, it will be uncomfortable for you to write, you will begin to hold the pen in your hands incorrectly. (see Method 2, Step 3 below).

    • If you are comfortable and sitting up straight, writing will be much more comfortable. Don't force yourself, it should be your own desire.
  2. Relax. Take the pen so that it fits comfortably in your hand. If you have a red dimple on your finger after you have finished writing, then you are holding the pen too tightly. It is important to grip the pen correctly, because it affects the range of motion and how you write the letters.

    Work not only on handwriting, but also on what exactly you write. Of course, many use abbreviations and abbreviations, symbols and so on. But when you're not writing for yourself, but for someone else, take the time to write everything right. A new clean car without a pair of wheels, however beautiful it may look, will still be useless.

    • Check if you have punctuated correctly.
    • Do not use colloquial speech or abbreviations from the Internet in your letter. If you're writing for someone other than yourself, don't use the words "ok", "lol", "thx" and so on.
  3. Find someone to inspire you! Do you know a person with beautiful handwriting? Watch him or ask him for some advice! Search in "Word" (or other text editor) any beautiful fonts that will inspire you.

    • Feel free to buy and read books and manuals on calligraphy for schoolchildren. If you have kids, practice calligraphy with them! Do calligraphy with your kids, with your husband/wife, and just spend that time together.

    Capital letters

    1. First, understand how capital letters are written. Most likely, your handwriting has changed a lot since school, and now you rarely use capital letters. Find manuals that show a sample of a capital letter and ask you to repeat that letter on paper in a ruler.

      The whole hand must be involved in the letter. Most people only use their fingers to type letters. Pay attention to people who have beautiful handwriting: when writing, they use not only their fingers, but the whole hand. So the handwriting is smoother.

      Write a few lines in capital letters. It is important to practice writing "hooks" and curves - they should be smooth. First, learn how to draw these "hooks", and then the whole letter.

      • If you want to immediately learn to write smoothly, write in a notebook in a ruler. If you are writing on a regular white sheet, first take a ruler and draw even lines with a pencil. Write with these lines in mind, and then erase them with an eraser.
      • To learn how to draw uppercase letters, start at the bottom and draw a line up, then draw the necessary hooks or curves (for example, in the letter M, one "hook" will be at the bottom and two "hooks" at the top). Then, keeping the slope, move the handle down. Don't forget to connect the two letters. The lines should be straight and smooth.
      • Learn to print the basic shape of most letters. This basic form in Russian is considered to be a small capital letter "i". Because from the letter “and” it is easy to make the letter “a” by adding a “hook” on top, the letter “y”, adding a “loop” below, a small capital letter “d”, and so on.
      • It is important to learn not only to display letters, but also to connect them correctly. Capital letters are created not only for beauty, but also to speed up the writing process. Therefore, there are connections between letters. If you learn how to draw letters beautifully along with the connection, you will not only improve your handwriting, but also increase your writing speed.
    2. Start drawing letters, do not rush anywhere, focus on every movement of the pen. Cursive writing is the quick writing of text due to the correct movements of the pen, that is, due to the ability to quickly display letters and combine them into one word. Once you get used to printing letters, you can speed up a bit.

    Calligraphy Basics

      Take a pen or pencil. In order for the letters to turn out to be quite round and beautiful, and the strokes to be thin and graceful, you need the right pen and paper.

      • Thick pens, gel pens, fountain pens are best suited.
      • The paper should be thick enough so that the ink does not show through. Write a few lines in a regular notepad or notebook. The ink should absorb quickly and not show through on the other side of the paper. Calligraphy paper is sold in many stationery stores.
      • Indian ink is not suitable for calligraphy, because it will greatly damage the pen over time. Water soluble inks work best.
    1. Place the sheet comfortably in front of you. It is important to lay the sheet so that the drawn lines are slightly tilted so that the letters are even and with the same slope.

      Sit comfortably and grab a pen. The legs should be straight, the back should be straight. Hold the handle so that you do not squeeze or strain your hand.

    2. Practice moving smoothly from letter to letter. Learn to draw beautiful "hooks", vertical lines.

      • The vertical line should go down to the base line, then try to draw it the same way, but tilted a little. Do not forget to paint on the "transition" to another letter - a "hook" or a stroke. Practice drawing lines with transitions at the bottom and at the top.
      • Then practice writing capital letters, in height they should reach top line. First try to draw vertical lines, then add hooks and connections to them, do not forget about the slope of the letters.
      • To draw a hook, practice making beautiful "wave" lines, curved lines, tilt those curved lines slightly to connect the two letters. Wave lines and hooks are needed not only to connect letters, but also to write capital letters. Try starting a line with a thin stroke and ending with a thick one (and vice versa).
      • Once you're good at it, try new curved line shapes - triangular, oval. Create your own font. Pay attention to the slope of the letters: letters that are tilted 45 degrees to the right look beautiful.
    3. Try to develop your own handwriting that you like. It is not so easy and will take you some time, but the result will surely please you.
    4. If you're already doing well enough, try speeding up a bit.
    5. Don't be afraid to leave large spaces between words and spacing between letters. Do not "sculpt" all the letters in one line, try to make your handwriting more "airy", leaving enough space between letters and words.
    6. Try not to get distracted. Started learning to write beautifully - bring it to the end. If you fuss and rush, nothing good will come of it.
    7. Focus. Hold the pencil in your hand firmly, but do not squeeze. Try to study in a quiet, calm environment.
    8. If you write in normal clean slate paper, put a matrix with lines under it to navigate them and draw letters along these lines.
    9. Buy a notepad.
    10. If something is not working for you, ask someone to help you or appreciate your efforts.
    11. Even if you don't succeed the first time, don't give up! Remember that practice is the key.
    12. Some people prefer to write with a mechanical pencil rather than a wooden one.

It may seem that writing skills are completely unsuitable in modern society. Less and less often, the pen ends up in our hands, because the necessary information can be found on the Internet or photographed with a camera. mobile phone. However, beautiful handwriting is still admired.

If you think that the formed style of writing can no longer be changed, then you will be surprised how plastic a person can be. A few weeks and even days of training - and you will notice the result. By learning how to write beautifully, you can make adjustments to your handwriting. What are the advantages? The signature will be the same on all documents, you will be able to fill out postcards for relatives and friends, and you can easily sort out your own notes.

Are you ready to learn the secret of the right letter?

How to learn to write beautifully in calligraphic handwriting?

Calligraphy is ancient art beautiful letter. You have definitely heard about the Chinese school, where people learn to write hieroglyphs correctly for years. Of course, such a science requires not only time, but also strength. The Cyrillic school has also existed for many centuries, but you do not need to spend your entire life studying the smallest aspects of writing. If you want to know how to learn to write beautifully, then be prepared for constant training. Practice in this case is much more important than theory.

You have already come across the principles of calligraphy, although you may not have realized it. Recipe, which are used in elementary grades, is the most real example simplified Cyrillic calligraphy. Of course, ornate letters, which take several minutes to draw correctly, will not be useful to either children or adults in ordinary life. But such a “simple” option will help achieve even handwriting.

You can purchase prescriptions at an office supply store and then start exercising.

You always need to start with another friend with school years things - hand gymnastics. Remember the nursery rhyme “We wrote, we wrote, our fingers were tired…”? This is the kind of “exercises” that you need to arrange before each workout.

First, circular movements with the brush, then flexion-extension of the fingers. After that, stretching the brush and clenching into fists. Such gymnastics will significantly simplify your task and prepare your hands for the upcoming load.

Pay attention also to workplace preparation. In an uncomfortable position, you will not be able to concentrate on writing.

The desk should be free of other items (stacks of books, laptop, tea and coffee mugs), it should have sheets of paper, copybooks and a few pens. Sit in a chair with a back or in an office chair with your back straight. Remember that the elbows must be on the table, if they "hang in the air", then you have taken the wrong position. The distance between your eyes and a sheet of paper should be at least 30 centimeters. If you can't see well, use glasses, but don't slouch and keep your back straight.

How to learn to write beautifully with a pen?

Do not try to immediately sit down at the copybook and "mint" letters. It's best to break them down into individual elements: curls, curves, complex transitions. See what patterns you're having trouble writing with. It is this approach that will bring quick positive results. Learned to take it all complex elements, do not skip to the letters, but try to increase the speed. A fast pace makes the task more difficult, but allows you to bring the movements to automatism.

Only after that you can start working with prescriptions. Start with the first letter and slowly remove all the elements, trying to get closer to the original. Make sure not only that the letters look like the pattern, but also that they are located inside the line.

Pay attention to:

  • letter size;
  • maintaining the same slope;
  • word endings (they often “slide” or “bully” when writing quickly);
  • even spaces between words;
  • punctuation marks and numbers (you should also learn how to write them correctly).

There is no secret in how to learn to write beautifully with a pen. All you need is patience, perseverance and the desire to change your handwriting. And yet we advise you to use handles in the process of training. different shapes. You will notice that they are insignificant, but they all affect the final result. Remember the shape that allows you to write beautifully and quickly, try to use only such pens.

How to learn to write beautifully in 5 minutes?

Perfect handwriting is a painstaking work that requires time and effort. If you want to know how to learn to write beautifully in 5 minutes, then the answer will disappoint you. Daily workouts should last at least 15-20 minutes, otherwise all your efforts will be in vain.

How to learn to write beautifully with your left hand?

Why would a person who can write right hand, learn to write left? There are many answers to this question. First of all, such exercises are useful for the brain, because they develop the second hemisphere. Another “plus” is the second working hand, such a skill will come in handy in the future. In addition, many find this process interesting, developing willpower, as well as creative skills. It is possible that you can draw much better with your left hand than with your right.

How to learn to write beautifully with your left hand? Take a standard position at the table: a straight back, the distance to a sheet of paper is 30 centimeters. Place the sheet with the left corner up. This will make it much easier for you to type the letters.

Start writing in capital letters trying to make them as simple and understandable as possible. Take your time and don't get carried away with calligraphy. Your task at this stage is accustom left hand to the handle and regular physical activity. Be prepared for the fact that your fingers will quickly get tired, and the pen will slip out of your hands. These sensations will pass through a few workouts. Take small breaks every ten minutes.

Once your hands get used to the load, start working with prescriptions. Remember that your goal is not speed, but the maximum resemblance to the original. If the constant repetition of letters seems too boring for you, then try working with simple text. It is best to keep it in front of your eyes, and not invent it.

Increase the rate of writing is possible only after you learn how to print all the letters of the alphabet, numbers and punctuation marks with your left hand. This work will take a lot of time, but the result will certainly surprise you.

Hello dear readers! I received similar requests from different mothers: they asked me to tell you how to teach a child to write in beautiful handwriting.

Their children, of course, study in primary school, and not all of them can write well and beautifully. It is also typical of those who write little or who naturally have chicken paw handwriting. Either way, we'll fix it!

In this article, I will tell everyone who is interested in how to write in beautiful handwriting.

It is more useful for children to train in special prescriptions, and for adults, an ordinary notebook in a ruler is enough. Read about how to improve your handwriting and practice! I will be glad to receive feedback!

Who will make sure that the child writes beautifully, quickly and competently?

Learning to write is more difficult than learning to read.

I’ll make a reservation right away: by the ability to write, I don’t mean the folding of individual words from Zaitsev’s cubes. It's about, firstly, about the development of a fast, beautiful, legible and competent handwriting, and secondly, about computer typing with a blind ten-finger method.

I deliberately used here an unusual phrase - "literate handwriting" - in order to emphasize that literacy is not theoretical knowledge, but a motor skill that should be instilled not in the head, but in the hand. But we will still have the opportunity to talk about literacy in more detail, and now another question is on the agenda: “Who, in general, should teach our children to write?”

Let's see for a start: what can the methods of early development that are now fashionable offer us?

It turns out, absolutely nothing. Lena Danilova, one of the leading experts in the field early development writes the following on this subject.

It has been noticed that children who learned to write early, once in school, write disgustingly. teachers primary school parents are told year after year not to write with their children at preschool age. And in this they are, unfortunately, right.

Children trained in early age writing, quickly spoil the handwriting due to the fact that the hand has not yet settled. Even if the letters turn out beautiful from the very beginning, it is impossible to consolidate good handwriting as a skill because of the unreality of daily intensive activities with the baby.

Teaching a child to write is very easy. You can teach to write at three, and at four, and at five. But to force a three-four-year-old baby to write for an hour a day, carefully following the correct image of each element of the letters, is not only pointless, but also cruel. And in another way to achieve the installation of good handwriting is impossible.

The child, having learned the written alphabet, begins to use it at his own discretion. It is no longer possible to stop or control this process. He writes whatever and, of course, how horrible. Handwriting, even if it was quite tolerable at the time of learning, quickly deteriorates and it is in this form that it is fixed as a skill.

To be honest, I did not expect such a frankly self-revealing confession from Lena Danilova. After all, it is almost directly stated here: “The sphere of early development includes only that which a child can learn playfully, without effort. And everything that requires persistent, systematic work from him is in the exclusive competence of the school.

Okay, let's go to school. How is writing taught there?

It should be noted that school methods for teaching writing the last half century changed drastically. In the old days, they wrote with a pen or fountain pen, and junior schoolchildren used, as a rule, the cheapest writing instruments of very poor quality.

If you hold a bad fountain pen incorrectly, then it simply does not write and, moreover, quickly breaks. Therefore, school teachers, willy-nilly, had to monitor the correct setting of the hand of each of the students. The process of learning to write was a long one. It occupied the entire period of elementary school (three years), and until the children learned to write more or less tolerably, they were not too bothered with the rules of spelling.

Capital letters from school copybooks were then written more beautifully, but much more difficult. Yes, and the recipes themselves were arranged wrong. It was assumed that one copybook should serve several years for different students, so only samples for rewriting were given there, and writing should not be practiced in it, but in a separate notebook. Notebooks for the first class were also different - in a frequent oblique ruler, which greatly facilitated the writing of letters, serving as an additional "support" for them.

Since then, the quality of writing instruments and the quality of school teaching have changed significantly. The first one is in better side, the second - for the worse. Now unpretentious ballpoint pens are in use, and teachers do not need to correctly put the hand of the students. After the transition to a simplified writing of letters, it became possible to significantly reduce the time for mastering calligraphy. Today, first-graders are already beginning to write dictations and cram spelling rules.

As for the modern prescriptions, they deserve a more lengthy commentary. All the absurdity school system received in them its finished incarnation. That's what I mean.

As you know, the school curriculum rules everything. For example, in the curriculum for mathematics on the topic “multiplication by a single digit”, a certain number of academic hours are allotted. A student who has mastered in the allotted time this topic, gets a five. A student who does not meet the allotted time receives a deuce. But both of them go on to new topic- "multiplication by a multi-digit number."

The same pedagogical principle now underlies the prescriptions for first graders. Here, for example, is a sample of writing the letter "a", and then there are three empty lined lines so that the child trains to write his own letter "a". Regardless of whether the child has learned to write the letter “a” or not, as soon as three lines end, he then moves on to the letter “b”.

It is likely that today's school methodologists believe that children are some kind of especially conscious kind of people. When the child notices that only three lines are allotted to him, he, of course, will write out the letter “a” with increased diligence - in order to have time to develop the appropriate motor skill, while there is still free space.

Poorly, in this case, school methodologists know child psychology. A normal, mentally healthy child will do exactly the opposite. If he has already received the task of writing three lines with the letter “a”, then he will do this not with maximum diligence, but with maximum speed.

No matter how creepy his scribbles look, he will no longer be forced to redo the carelessly done work - there is simply no physically room for this in his copybooks. Well, just think, tomorrow the teacher will say “ah-ah-ah” and shake her head. But now you can watch TV longer.

It is curious to note that grades are no longer given in the first grade of the school. Pupils begin to receive bad grades for poor handwriting only in the second grade, when all the copywriting classes are already far behind.

So, quickly filling in the empty lines in the copybooks, the children proceed to the study of spelling.

Hm... hm... Dear reader! Do you know what spelling is? I first encountered this word when I took my eldest son to first grade and looked into his textbooks to ask what he was doing there. It turns out that this is the central concept around which the study of the Russian language in the modern school has revolved for many years.

I then began to ask all my friends if they knew what spelling was. No, nobody knew. Then I turned to dictionaries. Sometimes the meaning of some unfamiliar Russian word is easiest to understand if you look at its translation into some foreign language.

So, if we turn, for example, to the Yandex dictionary, then in its English, French, Italian and Spanish parts, the combination of the letters "spelling" is perceived as a typo. And in the Russian part, this word is found only in a single source - in the Bolshoi Soviet Encyclopedia. The following is written here.

Orthogram (from Greek orthós - correct and grámma - letter)

  1. a consistently reproduced way of conveying a phonomorphological phenomenon in writing in a particular language (...);
  2. Spelling according to the rules of spelling.

We must do justice to the school methodologists: they still instill in first-graders not the first of these definitions, but the second. So, in the textbook by A.V. Polyakova for the 1st grade of elementary school we read:

Spelling is the spelling of words according to certain rules. <Например,> capital letter in the names, patronymics and surnames of people - this is a spelling.

Who understands what spelling is, raise your hand! I certainly won't raise my hand. It probably has something to do with my math education. I automatically do a substitution and get: A capital letter in the names, patronymics and surnames of people is the spelling of a word according to certain rules.

There is no more logic in this phrase than, for example, in this one: A staircase between two floors is the construction of a house according to certain rules.

Of course, some sense is intuitively guessed here, but what slovenliness of thought! what disrespect for the Russian language! AT colloquial speech such blunders are perhaps still acceptable, but the textbook for the first grade could have been written more correctly.

So, as soon as the empty lines in the copybooks end, calligraphy is considered a passed stage, and first-graders begin to master spelling. They are taught to look for spelling in words. For example, a child writes from dictation: "Masha has a notebook."

According to the plan of the school methodologists, he should say to himself: “Masha is the name of a person. This means that it is capitalized, because the capital letter in people's names is the spelling. At the end, Masha should have a letter and, because the letter and in the letter combinations zhi, shi is a spelling. The letter e in the word notebook is an unstressed vowel. So it's also a spelling.

You can't find the right word here. Such cases should be checked in a dictionary and memorized. At the end of the word, a notebook is heard t, but you need to write d, because you can pick up a test word - notebooks - and this is again a spelling.

Where can you keep track of the beauty of handwriting!

In short, the gloomy scenario with which Lena Danilova scares the parents of preschoolers is being fully implemented just at school. There are, however, two minor differences.

  1. Firstly, Lena Danilova suggests that, at least at first, the letters of preschoolers still turn out beautiful, but we cannot say this about schoolchildren.
  2. Secondly, according to Lena Danilova, preschoolers are accepted to write whatever and how horrible, realizing their own unbridled fantasies, while schoolchildren have to write under the strict supervision of teachers, embodying the miserable fantasies of the Methodists.

No, I do not want to indiscriminately find fault with all the schools and all the teachers in a row. Surely, in our vast expanses there is such a teacher who really teaches to write beautifully and competently. However, alas, it is not necessary to seriously count on the fact that my child will get to him.


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Bad handwriting: how to teach a child to write beautifully?

How to teach a child to write neatly and beautifully without tears, sheets torn from notebooks and repeated rewriting?


And so... letter after letter, number after number... until responsibility, attention, respect and reverence for what he wrote in his notebook appears.


AT modern world more and more text is reproduced by electronic devices, so without proper training, handwriting becomes less and less accurate. And yet it also determines the impression of a person. How to learn to write beautifully so that those who read the message can not only admire the accuracy of the letters, but also be able to read the calligraphic lines?

It is not easy for an adult to change his formed handwriting. However, if you put in the effort, it's quite possible.


Best Exercises

Fixing beautiful handwriting

There comes a moment when it becomes clear - the handwriting has become much better. And if you do not rush and try, then the lines are just a feast for the eyes. But here it is required to fill out some official paper and in a hurry, indistinct squiggles return again.

To prevent this from happening, the writing technique should be brought to automatism. And that means you have to practice, practice and practice again. Because learning to write beautifully always by doing only a series of exercises will not work.

When writing, be sure to follow the slope and direction of the letters. Merging signs is not allowed. It is important to be careful and not make mistakes so that the text is clean without strikethroughs.

When the letters start to turn out perfect, thoroughly similar to the patterns in the copybook, you can begin to move on to your own style. This should bring a lot of pleasure and also contribute to the consolidation of skills. Perhaps some letters will get playful ponytails, while others will now be underlined. The main thing is that they remain legible and aesthetic.

The drawing of the letters is quite . This activity is very calming and relaxing. And the slender and playful rows of neat letters are worth not being lazy and learning how to learn how to write beautifully.


What else is worth knowing?

The ability to write beautifully and legibly is called calligraphy (Greek calligraphy - “beautiful handwriting”). Calligraphy is one of the fine arts.

Bad and illegible handwriting is a disaster for both children and adults, but experts say that this is quite fixable. And even more than that, handwriting reflects the character and inner state of a person, which means that having achieved calligraphic handwriting, one should expect changes in oneself.

Writing not only competently, but also beautifully is a requirement of many employers. According to experts, people of creative professions, who have a sense of line, tend to calligraphic handwriting. Historians report that the Bible contributed to the development of calligraphy. It was necessary to create copies and lists of religious texts in large quantities, so the ability to write quickly, beautifully and competently developed rapidly.

To learn how to write beautifully, you need to stock up on a lot of patience, as this will not happen overnight. Even if you enroll in special calligraphy courses, you will need to constantly improve your skills.

Experts agree that The best way learn to write beautifully - regular, mechanical training in the most common school copybooks. It is necessary to work out the spelling of all the letters of the alphabet in turn until you finally like their appearance.

Tatyana Leontyeva's technique

Talented Omsk teacher Tatyana Leontyeva has developed a unique and effective methodology teaching calligraphy. Experts say that by practicing this technique for 10-20 hours, even a left-handed person will begin to write beautifully and legibly.

The essence of the technique is in special prescriptions. “My pupils correct their handwriting in a special copybook, with a special line that existed in elementary school before the 1968 reform. In the first week, we relearn how to write all the letters of the alphabet in this particular line. She quite strictly regulates the slope and width of the letters,” says Tatyana Leontyeva.

Thus, in order to learn how to write beautifully, you need to purchase a regular school copybook and work out writing letters daily.

[Darina Kataeva

Each person's handwriting, like their fingerprints, is unique. Tilt, range, width of letters, lines - all these are distinctive characteristics and individual characteristics each person. However, not everyone is happy with their handwriting, some even try to change it and make it more beautiful. What kind effective ways help develop and improve handwriting?

Types of handwriting

To date, there are different kinds letters. For example, the most common: leaning to the right or left, monotony, strong or weak pressure, straight handwriting, etc. If you do not know how to write a postcard in unusual handwriting, use your school handwriting or the dancing method. In this case, you can alternate the rhythm, for example, write one letter increased, the second - reduced.

Each person's handwriting, like their fingerprints, is unique.

It is difficult to change a person's handwriting, especially if you make efforts in adulthood

How do muscles work?

To change your handwriting to beautiful and even, first of all, pay close attention to how the writing process is carried out, and which muscles you use while doing it. If you are very tense in the process of writing, then this will be clearly expressed in letters. Learn to write in a relaxed state, this will allow you not to get tired, but rather, to have fun.

Beautiful handwriting uses the muscles of the entire arm and even the shoulder, so don't hold yourself back, relax, and you will notice how the handwriting changes!

Find the right accessories

Personal preferences are already important here, some like to write with a pencil, others with a pen. When choosing, rely not on design, but on the comfort and convenience that you will experience while writing. The ink of the pen should be bright, but not smeared when writing, otherwise, no matter how hard you try, there will not be beautiful handwriting!

The paper where you will write should be of high quality, it is best that it be a separate notebook. Choose accessories that make you want to improve in the first place. The notebook should be picked up in a cage or a ruler so that you see straight lines and strive to fit into the space allotted to one letter.

If you manage to create comfortable conditions, you will enjoy both the learning process itself and work on handwriting. Therefore, do not rush to start writing right away, evaluate yourself, purchase quality supplies and proceed to the next step!

Find handy writing supplies

How can an adult make his handwriting beautiful, fast and permanent?

  1. Sit up straight, relax and start the first classes. Try not to rush anywhere during the training, write as if on water: measured and relaxed. If, after writing for a long time, a red spot remains on your hand, then you were too tense and held the pen tightly. Keep solid lines, clear strokes, pay attention to each letter, and remember that it is not the quantity of writing that matters, but the quality! In the first lessons, do not strive to write, you first need to learn how to hold the pen correctly. Air letter - best option! This will allow you to train the muscles of the arm, shoulder and hand, and in the future it will be much easier to change handwriting.
  2. How do you hold a pen? When writing, three fingers play a key role: thumb, index and middle. The end of the handle should rest against the side of the palm or the base of the working finger. Choose a comfortable position for yourself, the main thing is that you are relaxed and feel comfortable! After placing the pen in your hand, practice again not on paper, but in the air.
  3. Try to practice the basic parts of the letters. While reading and writing, we may not even think that each letter consists of similar symbols: lines, ovals, a circle or a semicircle. To get started with quality writing, practice writing these elements first. You can spend several sheets on drawing geometric shapes or writing vertical lines. When the lines and ovals are the same, proceed to the next step to improve handwriting.

Train! it main secret, allowing you to quickly change the handwriting to a good one!

  1. We return to childhood and learn the alphabet. At this stage, your task is not just to spell out the letters of the alphabet. Pay attention to what elements each letter consists of, compare your patterns, how you write and as indicated in the copybooks, see a sample of the letters of the alphabet of the most beautiful handwriting in the world. Buy a notebook to teach children to write. Draw each letter one by one on the dashes. If something does not work out, remember your problems and strive to eliminate them. Even if one letter turned out beautiful, this does not mean that you have learned calligraphy. Repeat this letter again so that you can write it automatically. This stage is considered difficult and lengthy in terms of duration and effort.
  2. How to make the most beautiful cursive handwriting? Connecting lines are something that takes a lot of time. The spaces between letters should be beautifully filled. Write first short words, divide them into syllables and watch the connections. Running writing plays a key role in writing long sentences and texts. Pay attention to the movements of the hand, if it becomes tense, return to the previous step. Be sure to refer to the analysis that you did initially, once again study examples of how beautiful handwriting looks in order to pay close attention to the main shortcomings.

How to make the most beautiful cursive handwriting? Practice calligraphy!

  1. Be creative. If you have already achieved some result, try something new for yourself to choose a handwriting! To do this, learn new writing styles, practice, because in this case you can even learn beautiful handwriting with curls. If you later need to make a beautiful note, you will impress other people with your ability to master calligraphy to perfection. Study the ancient letter. If you started working on improving handwriting, now start learning the science of calligraphy. In addition, study the alphabet of beautiful English handwriting in detail: this may be for you! Much depends on the mood, and even if something doesn’t work out, don’t be upset, find the positive in learning. After all, working on your letter, you develop such qualities: patience, endurance,.

Improve constantly! Even if you managed to achieve some result, do not stop! It is important to bring the acquired skills to automatism

If something does not work out the first time! Self-improvement is a complex process that requires practice and willpower. To learn how to write beautifully, you should understand why you are doing it! When you see the future clearly, you will reach your goal faster!

March 30, 2014, 18:54

Beautiful handwriting is an optional but very useful skill. The clear spelling of words by schoolchildren helps teachers and parents to understand words well, and the student himself can better navigate his notes and memorize grammar rules. Today we will learn what factors influence the formation of handwriting, and consider several exercises and tips for developing beautiful writing.

Handwriting formation

The formation of handwriting is a rather lengthy process. It starts at preschool age (when a child picks up a pen/pencil for the first time and tries to draw something) and ends at the age of 20-25 years. The process of formation and consolidation of handwriting is influenced by:

  • Anatomical and physiological features of the child. What hand does he write with (right, left, both), how does he hold a pen when writing, what size are his palms and fingers, what is his usual posture when writing texts, etc.
  • temperament type. It affects the character, perseverance, the ability to work long and hard, which in turn form one or another handwriting. For example, choleric children are in constant motion, unable to long time do the same job, fast. Therefore, the handwriting of such children is very often illegible, the letters are uneven, "jumping", have a different size. In phlegmatic people, on the contrary, the written words and lines are even, clear, often small, but the same and very neat. This is explained by their calm nature, the ability to slowly and thoroughly perform any work, to engage in one type of activity for a long time.
  • The quality and quantity of writing practice. The more often the child writes and at the same time tries, the more clear and beautiful his handwriting will be. The quality of writing practice is understood as the correct posture when writing, the convenient location of a sheet of paper on a plane and the perseverance of the student.

The influence of these factors is decisive, but quite amenable to correction. Special exercises and simple tricks will help to form an ideal handwriting in a child or correct writing shortcomings in older students and adults.

Tips and exercises for beautiful handwriting

The sooner serious handwriting training begins, the clearer and more beautiful it will be. With age, it is more difficult to straighten a letter, but it is quite possible if you have a great desire and spare no effort.

The main desire

The desire to have calligraphic handwriting is a great motivation to start exercising and training. But children very often do not strive to write clearly and beautifully, and some do not even understand why this is necessary, because we live in the age of computer technology. In these cases, you can motivate the child in one of the following ways:

  • Discuss the importance of clear handwriting. A neat and beautiful letter allows you to better understand what is written both by the student himself and by strangers, develops creativity, and can bring additional benefits to the student (for example, the child will be asked to sign posters, wall newspapers, etc.).
  • Introduce a reward system. You can attract a child to cooperate in working on handwriting by promising him the purchase of the desired thing for the successful completion of tasks, freeing him from part of the household duties, etc.
  • Play on the pride of a child. If a student likes to be the first in everything and strives for success in different areas, then you can show him that beautiful handwriting is admired by other people, is a role model, etc.

We develop fine motor skills

Good fine motor skills of the hands allow you to more confidently handle writing instruments, which contributes to the straightening of handwriting. To help develop this skill:

  • Practice with plastic materials. These are plasticine, clay, salt dough, etc. It is enough to sculpt some figures several times a week, gradually complicating the task and adding small details.

  • Beadwork, sorting of beads. children preschool age you can give special educational toys in which you need to move small balls from one place to another. Older children can be occupied with needlework: creating beads and bracelets, weaving various figurines and jewelry from beads, and embroidering with beads.
  • Folding buttons of various diameters. It is important that the exercise is performed with both hands at the same time.
  • Connecting dots. This seemingly simple exercise allows you to develop coordination of movements, establish eye-hand contact, and teach you how to perform precise actions on paper. You can use ready-made dotted/dotted drawings from children's books or create a path to connect yourself.
  • Finger massage. You can do it yourself: carefully knead each finger with your other hand.


This is an ideal option for practicing beautiful handwriting for children of all ages and even adults. Regular and diligent writing of letters according to the model helps to consolidate the skill of writing in a certain way.

IMPORTANT! Entries in the prescriptions must be checked. If the child strongly deviates from the given sample, it is necessary to correct inaccuracies, show how to write correctly, direct the hand. The explanation can be verbal, accompanied by a demonstration of the correct spelling of the symbol, leading the child's hand with the hand of an adult.

Drawing (copying)

Another great way straighten handwriting - drawing (copying) various symbols and images. To begin with, the child is given simple samples, (for example, redraw geometric figure on cell paper), then the task becomes more complicated (an unlined sheet is given, details are added to the image, etc.).

Outputting each letter

Diligence and perseverance are important for handwriting training. The child needs to carefully display each sign, trying to bring its writing as close as possible to the exemplary one. Video tutorials will help a lot in this, where it is shown in detail how to write a particular letter (you can use the alphabet of absolutely any language). At first, the student simply looks at how to write. Then performs actions in conjunction with the video. And, finally, prints characters from memory.

You can set the time for writing each type of letter in seconds (for example, 5-6 seconds). The child should not spend less than the set time on the performance of the action. This will ensure the necessary accuracy and thoroughness.

Choosing the right writing utensils

Surely you have noticed that the beauty and clarity of handwriting depends on the type of pen or pencil with which we write. That is why it is important to choose comfortable writing accessories: try pens with different type pastes, with different thicknesses of the rod and body. Pen/pencil size and paper type are also important factors. The latter should not be too thin or too transparent (the symbols written on the previous page are visible).

Choosing a comfortable posture

It is very important that the student practice their handwriting in the correct posture. The back is straight, the writing hand lies completely on the table (it is unacceptable for the elbow to hang down). Exercises must be performed strictly on a hard surface. The remaining nuances of the posture (tilt of the head, rotation of the torso, position of the legs, etc.) are selected by the student himself, depending on how it is most convenient for him.

A few secrets of beautiful handwriting

Sometimes it is enough to correct minor points so that the handwriting becomes clear, beautiful, understandable. There are some tricks for this:

  • Try to write letters evenly, without tilt. Capital letters are not always prettier than printed ones, and wrong connections often spoil the whole picture. Writing characters without slanting will visually make handwriting business-like, clear and compact.
  • All letters must be the same size. Only the capital letter has differences, the rest must have the same height and similar width. For training, you can draw a sheet into thin stripes and write letters within one line, limited at the top and bottom.
  • There should be sufficient space between words. Do not make the space too short - this can cause the words to merge into one continuous text. To begin with, you can make a distance equal to the tip of a pen / pencil, simply substituting it to last letter the words. Further, the required space will be placed automatically.
  • Try to use as few abbreviations as possible. This is especially true for texts that will be read by other people. Abbreviations visually make words and sentences chopped off and may simply be incomprehensible.

More practice!

And last but not least, give your child as much practice as possible. In every possible way support his desire to improve his handwriting, praise him for his successes and do not criticize if something does not work out. May there always be prescriptions in the house, a large number of paper and writing instruments of various types.

You can turn handwriting exercises into exciting game or competition. More often ask the student to write letters, shopping lists, sign postcards, etc. If it is possible to write something by hand and not type it on a computer, then be sure to insist on the first option.

Smooth, clear and beautiful handwriting is a matter of pride for a student. It greatly facilitates the understanding of the written text, contributes to the development creativity and better grammar. In many ways, the type of handwriting is determined natural characteristics a person, but with great desire and perseverance, you can develop the perfect spelling at any age.