Do you want to learn quickly and easily? English language without getting out of bed and without paying for expensive tuition?

It's possible. This article contains a selection of modern ways to easily and quickly learn English on your own for the lazy or for those who have little free time that can be spent on affordable methods of learning English.

How to easily learn English on your own

A common mistake of many who want to master the English language at the first stage is an unbridled zeal to install all the available applications on their phone or tablet to learn English. Zeal, of course, is commendable, but there will be no effect from it. Numerous bookmarks and a bunch of different applications will not help you learn English easily and quickly, but will only create a mess in your head.

The thing is that each resource contains different methods and ways of presenting information. As a result, instead of progressing in your learning, you risk completely losing the essence and not understanding which stages of learning should be paramount. Here it is important to spend time specifically identifying 1-2 sources that are optimal for you, on which you will spend a small part of your time every day in the future.

For beginners, you can easily learn English with the application Lingualeo. With the free version, you can independently learn new words, hear their pronunciation, learn to write the words you have learned, the program will check the correctness of their spelling, which is important. Free version Perfect for those who are learning a language from scratch.

A similar resource may include Duolingo. This free program, in which, in addition to training writing, there is also oral training (say new learned phrases).

How to easily learn English on your phone

Easy ten is an application with which you can easily learn 10 new English words a day. Every day during the day it displays cards with words and translations on the phone screen. In addition to translation, there is a function to view the application of these words. Examples are taken from recently published posts on Twitter, which makes it easier to immerse yourself in spoken language. A nice bonus is the opportunity to receive real prizes for successful training ( discounts on language classes and lessons with a tutor).

  • Only a minimum of common and convenient resources are provided. In fact, there are enough of them so that you can choose the one that is convenient for you.

To consolidate knowledge of the correct spelling of words, you can resort to international sites Interpals And Mylanguageexchange. To communicate, you only need basic knowledge of the language. This is a great practice for communicating with a native speaker at home, without having to travel to another country.

How to easily learn English words?

We are not talking about expensive trips abroad and training in special groups. To consolidate the words you have learned, live communication in English is simply necessary. Here you can resort to communicating via Skype. You can communicate with friends who are also learning the language or are already fluent in it. Any communication will not pass without a trace and will help consolidate the acquired knowledge.

An additional way to learn English is to listen to films without translation.

Choose movies that you like and have watched several times. Don't rush to turn on subtitles and don't be discouraged if you don't understand some words at first. At this stage, it is important to create a perception of spoken language. After watching the film after a few weeks of studying, you will be surprised at how much of the actors' speech you will begin to understand without difficulty. This easy way learn English on your own.

A good help are audiobooks in English. They can be downloaded to a tablet, smartphone or flash drive. It’s convenient because any free minute can be used for business. Waiting inin a car in traffic jams, in queues, traveling on public transport - these tiring moments will fly by unnoticed when listening to audiobooks and will become a useful pastime.

Don't ignore listening to your favorite songs in English.

There are groups on social networks for learning English, where songs with translation are constantly posted completely free of charge. In addition, it is worth trying to listen to the radio in English. This method is free and effective in sharpening spoken language(the free speech of the announcer is an excellent example).

You can try using the app English Daily, with which you will listen to the text in English, and the translation of unknown words will be visible on the screen. There's a little secret here. Once you begin to understand the text you are listening to without prompting, you must pronounce it out loud ( great practice for pronouncing words). This resource is effective due to the fact that, in addition to auditory memory, the visual will also be involved.

Another way to easily learn English

To quickly master the English language, you still can’t do without reading literature. This stage follows only after studying the minimum basics on the same mobile applications. Basic knowledge of words is required.

You will come across a lot of new unknown words. You will need to translate them yourself. Yandex and Google translators are suitable for this, where, in addition to the meaning of the word, you can hear its pronunciation (do not neglect this, it is important to initially remember the correct pronunciation).

  • At first, reading will take a lot of time and the volume of pages read will be minimal. This is completely normal. Don't be alarmed. Here, as with watching films, practice will come with time. It is important not to give up when difficulties arise. Fortunately, downloading an e-book or buying it in the usual paper version is not difficult these days.

It is also necessary to study English grammar. This is the basis without which understanding foreign speech will remain at the level " something seems clear, I caught half the words». This is the most difficult stage. You still have to learn the rules. But fortunately, in our time, progress has not left this point unattended. There is no need to buy a bunch of textbooks (unless you personally prefer reading books). Several tutorial applications have also been developed here. By installing them on your tablet or phone, you can learn new rules every day and return to repeating the ones you have learned. You can pin the information in the application Johnny Grammar, Grammar 2 And English Grammar in Use Activities. These apps help you master or further reinforce the use of verbs, articles, and nouns.

On self-study Mastering English can take a lot of time and perseverance. But here everything will depend on you.

Set a goal, don’t give up at the first difficulties and influxes of laziness, and use every free minute. Only you can decide for yourself what is more important to use per day 20-30 minutes free time to learn the language or spend this time watching social networks and kill time playing games.

Count how many minutes a day you spend wasting time and multiply by 365 days. A lot of? But this is quite enough to learn English on your own without large financial and time expenditures.

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Hello, friends! Do you speak any other language besides Russian? Knowing a second language can be very useful.

Today I will tell you how to learn English on your own at home, since at one time I had an urgent need for such knowledge.

In this case, you will have to devote at least half an hour a day to classes, but this should be done regularly. So, let's find out whether it is possible to learn a second language at home and do without expensive courses.

It is believed that there are no incapable people, but only bad teachers or insufficient incentives. In fact, it all depends on the person and the strength of his desire. To quickly learn a language from scratch.

An important point before studying may be the formulation of the problem. At the same time, the strength of your desire will help you achieve your plans.

There may be such goals for learning English:

  1. Obtaining a position in an international company and working abroad.
  2. Tourist trips.
  3. International trade and own business.
  4. Starting a family abroad.
  5. Correspondence with friends from English-speaking countries.
  6. Study abroad.

Is it possible to learn a language on your own?

You can learn a language completely free of charge, but it’s unlikely that you can do it in a month. Therefore, you should not believe when they promise to do this in courses or using a special video.

To have a good knowledge of the language you will have to spend 2-3 years. At the same time, you need to practice regularly. To learn a language yourself, you need to take certain tips into account.

As scientists confirm, English words and phrases are best remembered in the first half of the day.

Language is especially easy for children.

If you master new language, then this promises you new opportunities. You will be able to watch films and TV series in the original.

Will be easier to perceive computer programs. And the conversational version will allow you to actively participate in cultural events on a global scale.

This means a lot of new friends, travel and festivals.

Benefits of working out at home

If you take language learning seriously, you can master it on your own, even from scratch, without specialized courses.

Such activities have the following advantages:

  1. You can choose your own time for studying. In your spare time, you can study the language.
  2. The training takes place in a comfortable environment and there is no need to travel anywhere.
  3. You can choose a suitable company for language learning.
  4. English requires constant study over a long period, so self-study will save money.

Learning English from scratch on your own: main stages

This is the way to learn a language.

It includes the following steps:

  • learning the alphabet and pronunciation of letters. It is important to go over the sound and transcription;
  • study words. Set yourself a monthly target, say 1200 words. At the same time, every day you need to memorize at least 20 words. In this case, words can be taken from the dictionary, from articles on the Internet, from books, and from videos or audio clips.

It’s better to choose your own words.

You can learn a language according to this plan:

  1. Take a manual or even a children's textbook. Learn the basic rules. This is necessary for a base to appear.
  2. Listen to the course for beginners in audio format. Learn to pronounce sounds correctly.
  3. Understand the nuances of transcription.
  4. Compile and replenish regularly lexicon.
  5. First, read simplified texts in children's books and comics.
  6. Set up free mobile offers.
  7. Watch cartoons, news and films in the original version.

Good results can be obtained with daily practice. Such exercises are useful not only for adults, but also for children.
Listen actively to audiobooks and podcasts. There are podcasts you can watch and listen to.

Podcasts from the BBC, which are educational programs, are popular.
Chat more on Skype.

It is important to communicate with English-speaking people. With the help of special social networks You can find someone to chat with on Skype.

You can find an Englishman who wants to learn Russian. In this case, mutual exchange of knowledge is possible.

It’s better to speak correctly from the beginning so as not to have to relearn it later.

How to remember words better

Remember that we remember best what is especially interesting. It is better to learn words together with epithets. In this case, you can not only remember the word, but also common phrases.

In this case, you need to combine nouns with verbs and nouns with adjectives.
It is better to remember the material not in blocks, but in quatrains and phrases. Sometimes catch phrases are easier to remember.
Get a dictionary - a notebook where you write down sentences and phrases that you especially liked.

At the same time, writing down words develops motor memory quite well.
Here's how to use a homemade dictionary:

  1. Please read all the information on the page first.
  2. Then you cover up the Russian words and translate.
  3. Then you do the opposite.

Remember that it is important to study transcription. It will help you deal with particularly difficult words. Pay great attention to grammar, as it is important to be able to correctly combine and form sentences.
If you have difficulty reading books, then this game will come in handy. Set yourself a goal of reading 3 pages and only after that do what you love.

Memorize phrases that you often use in everyday life.
As the reviews confirm, beginners will be helped in translation by the online translator Yandex or Google. To learn the language better, you can make a friend in an English-speaking country.

You can communicate via Skype or chat.
You can watch a movie on the computer and write down words that are unfamiliar. Then pause the movie and look up the word in the dictionary.

You can use a program to reproduce text from your voice. You can also learn English using subtitles.
An MP3 player will allow you to listen to any audiobook or foreign songs. You can choose books translated into Russian.

Online services for learning English

Let's consider the possibilities of the Internet for learning English.

Here are some resources to help you:

  1. This is a resource for watching films and TV series in English. Each film comes with English subtitles. Unfamiliar words can be translated by pressing the cursor.
  2. Website with board games, grammar tasks and quizzes. You can take tests or download assignments in pdf format.
  3. A resource for learning English through stories. This is a free site.
  4. is a distance learning tutorial based on Oleg Limanskog's method. Texts and exercises of varying difficulty levels are offered.

There are special applications for iOS and Android that are made for learning English. Particularly popular LinguaLeo And Duolingo.

There is also a paid program Roseta stone.

What should lessons consist of?

Start learning from the very basics: the alphabet, sounds and simple structures. Classes should include the following activities:

  1. Reading.
  2. Listening to audio texts.
  3. Grammar exercises.
  4. Letter.

To speak English fluently, it is important to have a large vocabulary, that is, to know many different words by heart.

If you have a database of words, you need to study it periodically.
To expand your vocabulary, you need to read books in the original. In this case, you need to translate all unfamiliar words.

A film with subtitles is also suitable for studying.
Where to find free ones teaching aids and materials
I also suggest you get acquainted with the most popular books, videos and audio materials that can be used in home lessons.
Here are materials you may find useful:

  1. “Elementary English course for Russians with parallel translation” Karavanova N.
  2. 90 lessons for beginners using Dr. Pimsleur's method.
  3. English according to Dragunkin in 115 minutes.
  4. Barry Tomalin "Conversational English in 3 months."
  5. “Polyglot in 16 hours” with Dmitry Petrov.

Audio courses are especially convenient, as you can listen to lessons and at the same time do your own thing.

So, to summarize, we can highlight the following important points in learning English:

  1. You need to choose a specific course of study and gain motivation.
  2. First, set clear goals for what you need the language for. These could be new work opportunities, travel or communication with foreigners.
  3. Pay special attention to the alphabet, grammar and reading rules. The tutorial will help you with this. When initial knowledge is obtained, you can move on to subsequent stages.
  4. It may be worth choosing a distance learning course or some classes via Skype.
  5. Choose a specific time to read fiction in English. First you should choose adapted books. Novels and detective stories work well.
  6. Be sure to write down and study unfamiliar vocabulary. After some time, you will notice that the dictionary array is often repeated.

Remember that even if you have recently started learning a language, you need to speak more often. And don't be afraid to make mistakes.

First, you will learn to express your thoughts, and you will become familiar with the technique of constructing sentences with experience.
I hope you find my review article useful. After all, you can start learning a new language at any age.

Among other things, this great way memory training and broadening your horizons. Show a little perseverance and perseverance, devote a little time every day to your lessons and the world will sparkle with new colors.

If you have anything to add, write in the comments. See you again, dear guests and visitors of my site!

How to learn English on your own at home for free? In this article you will receive instructions for self-learning the language in a year, based on research in the field of psychology. PLUS you will find out a lot of interesting things about yourself, about how your brain works, how it “protects” you with the help of laziness. You will find out how to trick the brain to defeat laziness; how to find effective motivation. Admit it, laziness is the main culprit for the fact that you still haven’t learned English!

So let's get started. I assure you What awaits you is not banal advice, but interesting reading!

Most likely, you asked yourself the question why someone was able to learn English, but I started so many times and never learned it. You won't believe how easy it is to master English and other languages, if you know a few secrets in psychology. I share with you, my dear readers, these secrets.

And you don’t need any expensive courses! There is a simple and effective way learn English online on your own for free. The article contains all the necessary links to learn the language for free!

From the research of the famous psychologist Ebbinghaus, the conclusion was drawn: “Studying English for 45-60 minutes is ineffective.” The most effective exercise is 20 minutes.

Here's your first secret! It is most effective to exercise for 20 minutes, preferably in the morning. Exercising for more than 20 minutes is an absolutely useless activity!

You pay teachers for an individual lesson or a group lesson for 1 hour, but in fact, out of these 60 minutes, your attention is focused on the subject of language learning only at the beginning of the lesson for only 20 minutes!

The rule of small steps!

Another trick from psychology. We are all, as a rule, inclined to take on any new business “seriously”. Therefore, in Once again Having decided to start learning English, we sit with him for several days in a row for 2-3 hours.

But this leads to rejection, because our brain is programmed to “save” our energy. How can we trick our brain? It’s very simple: you need to use the rule of small steps.

Psychologists conducted an experiment; elderly people over 70 years old took part in the experiment. They did push-ups DAILY for 5-10 minutes, first from the wall, then from a high cabinet, etc. By the end of the year, 90% of the experiment participants could easily do several push-ups.

It's the same with English!

Here's your 2nd secret. Use the RULE OF SMALL STEPS. Study English only for 20 minutes, BUT EVERY DAY, preferably in the morning. Scientists have found that new things are absorbed best in the morning.

Immersion is important - where to get free podcasts?

It's hard to overstate how important this is. Just don’t say that diving is only possible if you move to another country.

Here is a refutation of this thought, as well as the answer to the question “Is it really possible to learn English on your own?” Giuseppe Mezzofanti never left Italy and knew 38 languages ​​perfectly! He learned them on his own!

So, the 3rd secret: not cramming the rules of the English language, but a simple and pleasant immersion in spoken language! But it is important to do this every day!
Nowadays it’s very easy to “organize” an immersion in English speech with help:
  • LISTENING TO PODCASTS: I recommend podcasts from the British Candle website It's free! The podcasts are very informative, in which “native speakers” talk about the life of the British, their habits, etc. Podcasts are short, 10-20 minutes. Listen to them every morning during your 20-minute session, as well as on your way to work, while walking or jogging. Podcast audio files can be downloaded to your phone or listened to online. There is also text (see Transcript). And several tasks for memorizing words, set expressions and sentence structures.
  • READING SIMPLE TEXTS. You can start by reading short reviews from tourists on or short useful articles on
  • WATCHING MOVIES, TEDex VIDEOS on YouTube: This is another useful dive hack. We all watch films and TV series. So train yourself to watch films ONLY in English (with Russian subtitles). It's free! Here is a link to one of the films with subtitles on YouTube and such films - the sea! Just type “English film with Russian subtitles” in the YouTube search bar.

How to learn English on your own? It’s very simple - immerse yourself in English speech.

Embedding Habits! Turn on Pavlov's dog

But how can you force yourself to get up 20 minutes earlier in the morning every day?

Here another brilliant invention of psychologists will come to our aid. This is another way that will help us trick our brains and defeat our laziness. You all remember from school the experiments with Pavlov’s dog: they turn on a light bulb and give the dog food. This is repeated many times. The dog develops a conditioned reflex - the light comes on and saliva begins to secrete (even if food is not given).

We “function” in exactly the same way as Pavlov’s dog. Scientists have found that a person can simply and fairly quickly integrate new useful habits into conditioned reflexes already “fixed” in the brain.

For example, we all have a clearly established habit of brushing our teeth in the morning. So, before brushing your teeth, you can build in the habit of studying English for 20 minutes. Moreover, the habit will be built faster if you reinforce it with positive emotions: “Hurray, my favorite morning podcasts!” Or something like that.

4th secret: use this psychological tool and build a habit of studying English in the morning for 20 minutes BEFORE BRUSHING YOUR TEETH! And these classes, as mentioned above, are not boring cramming rules, but listening to podcasts from the site British Council, read the text of the podcast and do a couple of exercises. A Build a habit of watching movies in the evening. or TV series in English, and on the way to work, while training or jogging, also listen to podcasts in English.

Watch in this video useful recommendations how to embed any good habit before a habit developed over the years and reinforced by a conditioned reflex:

Lexicon! How many words do you need to learn?

Here good news for you! 82% of the most common spoken phrases in English consist of 1000 English words.

Memorize 1 new word a day. In a year you will learn 300-400 English words. And in 3 years you will know and use 1000 English words!

5th secret – learn 1 new word a day. And again psychology will come to our aid. To memorize words, use the NEUROCONNECT METHOD (picture + association). What is it and how does it work?

We learn a new word, for example “probably”. Association: “Are you talking about women?”, draw “woman”, write the word in English. I recommend using homemade cards when learning new words. On one side write a word in English, on the other side of the card write a word in Russian and an association picture.

It is important to repeat the words - go through the cards every day, for example, at work, instead of taking a smoke break.

Need motivation, internal or external

External motivation: take yourself “weakly” - enter into an agreement with a friend and pay a fine for missing class.

Internal motivation: the desire to travel or the desire to work in a foreign company or the desire to move to live in another country or the desire to get married, etc.

And again we turn to psychology: both types of motivation have a weak point. MOTIVATION ONLY WORKS FOR 100 HOURS if you don’t back it up with daily victories.

Those. motivation does not work for more than 100 hours if it is not reinforced with daily victories. What to do? Get yourself one Personal diary and write down your victories in it every day: how many words you learned, what expression or joke you liked, what TV series you started watching in English, etc.

You probably knew about the importance of motivation and its constant weakening, it’s no secret 😉


I think now you have A CLEAR PLAN with links to podcasts and lessons on how to learn English BY YOURSELF, where to begin. I hope this article “How to learn English on your own at home for free?” will help you really decide and learn English. I will be very happy about this!

It seems to me that in order to start, we just need to honestly admit to ourselves that it is more correct to ask not “How to quickly learn English on your own?”, but “How to overcome your laziness?”, “How to find effective motivation?”. You are now armed with 5 SECRETS FROM PSYCHOLOGY that will help you trick your brain and defeat your laziness!

And one more important conclusion. Many people think that in order to speak English you definitely need expensive courses and tutors, but now you know how to learn English for FREE!

In conclusion, a useful video from a linguist on TEDx:

I wish you all inspiration in learning English and in your other projects!

Maybe write to me in a year in the comments how wonderfully and easily you have progressed in this matter? I'll be happy!

Probably everyone dreams of knowing English perfectly. But, alas, not everyone can learn it. It seems like there is a desire, desire, sign up for language learning courses and start learning. A month passes, 2 months and you are already starting to get tired of the constant cramming of words, complex grammar and you decide to give up everything, saying to yourself: “Well, apparently, not my thing.”
It is at this stage that you make the main mistake!

Remember: Don't give up!

For example, when we learned to read as children, did you succeed in everything the first time? No, first we learned the alphabet, then syllables, then we tried to read words and sentences. And it was difficult for many, but it was only thanks to the fact that our parents did not allow us to give up this business that we learned to read. It is also very important to set a goal for yourself. If you study English just like that, you won't succeed. There must be a goal: why exactly do you want to know English? Such a goal as: to understand foreign songs - do not approach it right away. There are goals: to go abroad and communicate with foreigners there, to get Good work to enroll in a foreign university and so on. These goals will really motivate you.
Next, let's look at the most effective ways studying of English language:

1). Watch movies and TV series with subtitles.
Choose a series that you really like, that lifts your spirits, and watch it with subtitles. Firstly: you don’t get bored and have fun; secondly: you remember English words and expressions. You combine business with pleasure. But try to memorize phrases and expressions rather than individual words. This will solve the problem with your word combination skills. It often happens that you know a word, but you don’t know how to combine them with each other.

2). Use the learned phrase immediately in speech
Do you remember the expression: How is your life going? - How is your life? So, constantly ask this question when communicating. This way, you will remember new phrases for a long time. Otherwise, many people write 200-500 words in their dictionary and do not use any of them in speech. Of course, you won't learn anything this way. There must be constant practice, constant practicing of words.

3). Understand the grammar
No matter how boring it may be for you, you need to know it. It’s clear that you won’t learn everything at once; you’ll have to work hard, sit down, and figure it out. But then it will be like “cracking nuts.” Try to take a grammar test at least once a week and then analyze your mistakes. Still, we Russians only learn from our mistakes.

4). Listen a lot
One of the most difficult tasks in the English language is the ability to understand what you hear. It is rare to have good hearing. So try to devote at least 10 minutes a day to this. Yes, yes, exactly every day. Listen to audio books, podcasts and so on.

5). Read more
In order to speak English, you need to know a lot of words. You should learn at least 3-5 expressions every day, so choose the easy one interesting book and read with pleasure.
These are the most effective methods studying of English language. If you have set a goal to learn English, then sign up for a free trial lesson on Skype. An experienced teacher will become your indispensable assistant, who will stimulate you and help make your dream come true. Good luck!

Nowadays, ignorance of the English language is turning into a disadvantage that can poison life. Fortunately, fixing it is not that difficult.

Why is it necessary to know English?

Nobel laureate Joseph Brodsky wrote that until 1917, bilingualism was the norm for an educated Russian person. Alas, the social cataclysms of the twentieth century led to the fact that by the beginning of the third millennium only a few could boast of knowing foreign languages. Fortunately, awareness of the deep depravity of this practice has nevertheless come, and at the moment the percentage of people who speak at least English is steadily growing. This is largely due to positive changes in the education system - if previously English was ranked at the level of labor and physical education, now it is one of the main subjects in the school curriculum.

All this means that in the near future a huge number of specialists will enter the market who will not only be young and ambitious, but will also have an excellent command of the language of Shakespeare. Naturally, this will make their resume especially attractive to employers. Experts say that in the near future it will be impossible in principle to get an adequate place without knowing English. This is probably why the sacramental questions “How to learn English in a month?” are increasingly being typed into Internet search engines. And

If you are still not comfortable with “English”, it’s time to close this gap. Fortunately, there are plenty of opportunities these days.

How to do it?

If you are a schoolboy or student, then everything is simple - you just need to gather your willpower and prepare harder for classes. If you have missed too much and cannot understand what the teacher is talking about with such interest, contact him for
individual consultation. Schools and universities are still full of enthusiasts who will happily answer your questions at odd hours, and for free.

If the days of your youth have already passed, it is worth considering the option of courses. There are a huge number of options - for every pocket and any level of training. Somewhere they teach English from scratch, somewhere they purposefully prepare for exams to obtain
certificate or work visa, somewhere they pay priority attention to specialized vocabulary - for example, English courses for IT specialists are now gaining popularity.

How to combine this with work?

As a rule, companies offer a variety of training formats - you can work individually (this will cost more), or in large groups. The second option will be cheaper, and in addition, it will be easier to practice speaking skills in a group. On the other hand, if there are more than 5-6 people in the group, you will rarely speak, and there is also a high probability that there will be an obvious outsider in the group, because of which the teacher will have to spend more time explaining trivial things.

Most companies are ready to adapt to your schedule - there are weekend groups, there are "early" groups, there are "evening" groups.

Is it possible to learn English at home?

Despite a large number of offers, not everyone goes to the courses. Some people lack the motivation to do this, others are put off by the price, and others are too embarrassed to expose their lack of knowledge of English to the public.

If you fall into any of these categories, don't despair. Of course, you can learn English on your own. Of course, this option has disadvantages, but there are also many advantages. Firstly, you will solve the problem with "English" completely
free of charge, secondly, you will be able to study according to the most flexible schedule.

There are many examples of how people went from zero to B1 in just a few months - the only question is perseverance, desire and willingness to regularly devote the necessary time to learning the language.

Where to start learning English on your own?

The first important step is to understand that “on your own” does not mean “alone.” The main thing in learning a new language is systematicity. There is always a risk of spending
time for unnecessary things, so at least at the very beginning it is advisable to get advice from a person you trust - a professional teacher or just a friend who knows the language very well. It’s even better if there are several such people. They will suggest literature, websites and what words to learn in English.

Once you've collected your recommendations, you can begin to develop a clear plan. There is nothing more useless in the world than taking on a global project without a clear idea of ​​​​how to implement it. Learning English is just such a global project. Practice shows that people who set such vague goals as “Learn English in a month... or more” rarely achieve success. Much more often, goals are achieved by those who initially divide a large task into several smaller tasks and methodically solve them, smoothly moving from easy to more complex ones.

For example, for the first month you can set yourself the task “Learn 800 words and understand the structure of the verb.”

It is very important to immediately choose for yourself some basic way of learning the language. The options here are, by and large, limited to a textbook or the Internet.

In both cases, it is critical to find the source of information that best suits your needs. There are hundreds of textbooks in bookstores, millions of websites on the Internet, but for some reason not everyone still speaks English. This means that not all of these textbooks and sites are suitable for solving such a complex problem. Meanwhile, there are really high-quality manuals, but finding them is not always easy - that’s why we recommended starting language learning with a consultation. There are many ways to learn English, and a person who teaches the language professionally will probably be able to tell you exactly which one will be most suitable for you.

Having decided on the leading method and drawn up a schedule, start working. At the same time, always remember that a foreign language is akin to a beloved girl who does not forgive betrayal. If you relax and give up working on the language for one or two days, your chances of overall success will drop. The work must be systematic and targeted. You can achieve your goal only if you regularly devote 1-2 hours to the language.

Where can I find time?

Let us immediately anticipate the traditional cry “Where can we get the time?!” Believe me, you have it - just think about how much you spend every day aimlessly surfing the Internet, browsing social networks or talking with colleagues. All this can be replaced with additional English exercises.

On the way to work and back, it’s also not necessarily sad to look out the window - after all, you can have fun looking at your textbook! Or on your phone screen - if this option is closer to you, then it’s worth taking a closer look at the impressive market of applications for language learners. There are many options there - from simple programs in the spirit of “We give you the word, you translate for us,” to full-fledged educational platforms “How to learn English in a month.”

By the way, most of these programs are absolutely free.

Once again about the benefits of reading

Few people can boast of loving monotonous work. As a rule, we are all much more productive by regularly changing our activities. This fully applies to learning a foreign language. Yes, you should have some basic way of working in your stash, but it just needs to be combined with others - perhaps more pleasant ones. “Constantly changing activities” is the best answer to the question “How to easily learn English on your own and for free.”

An excellent way to test your achievements in practice and at the same time seriously expand your vocabulary is to read foreign language. This is where the bookstore and the Internet can come to the rescue again. At a bookstore you can buy books in English, and very often you can find specially adapted books for people who are just starting to learn the language, or who speak it at an intermediate level.

Many stores also sell English-language newspapers and magazines. Of course, when choosing publications you need to start from your own interests - for example, football fan It will be truly interesting to try to read an English-language article on a favorite topic, and the likelihood that he will get bored and put the newspaper down will noticeably decrease.

The Internet is an even more bottomless well of materials. There are a large number of sites offering you adapted texts for reading - of various sizes and based on the most different levels preparation. Plus, there are billions of English-language portals on the Internet, including about your favorite band, favorite actor, and favorite sports team. We believe the hint is clear!

It is important that such reading will enrich you not only lexically, but also intellectually.

You can become an expert in English grammar, but what good will it do if no native speaker can understand you? The English language has quite complex phonetics, for working with which there are its own methods and techniques.

Firstly, you should love foreign music. Listening to songs in English is a great way to master pronunciation. Many people who are fluent in English admit that they learned it from the songs of their favorite bands, and not from school classes.

A more difficult, but at the same time more reliable way is to watch films in English. At the same time, forget about Russian subtitles - our brain is tuned to search for the most simple ways, so at some point you'll just start reading the subtitles without paying attention to what the actors are saying. But you can use English subtitles, especially at first - not all actors have Moscow Art Theater articulation, and it will be difficult to understand the intricacies of pronunciation. Text insurance won't hurt. In addition, do not forget that many films are shot in the USA, and American English is a topic for another discussion.

How to learn English in a month? This is impossible. In order to proudly call yourself an English-speaking person, you need to spend years, and then do not forget about practice - without training, language skills disappear very quickly.

Successfully working on a new language begins with motivation.