The search for the meaning of life or a higher purpose is what unites all people. If a person feels himself, it means that he has not yet realized what he lives for. A higher purpose always awaits us beyond traditional definitions of success.

If life seems dull and joyless to you, you are probably following someone else's goal, doing what society tells you to do. And this gradually destroys your inner self. After all, the present is not reward, fame or recognition. Happiness is a journey within yourself.

Michael Ray, Silicon Valley's most creative person, offers rules for every day. These are internal attitudes that will help you find. Follow each of these rules for a week and your life will become more meaningful and happier.

1. Do only what you love to do

Spend as much time as possible on things that fit these criteria:

  • light and pleasant, requiring no effort;
  • initially important to you;
  • that seem natural;
  • accelerating the passage of time;
  • eagerly awaited;
  • making you feel like life is wonderful;
  • which you consider the best in the world;
  • giving pleasure by the very process of execution, and not because they are approaching completion;
  • allowing you to believe that you are contributing to the fulfillment of your life purpose.

Determine what exactly you love to do and try to turn your life into a series of moments spent doing these things. These can be absolutely ordinary things. If you like to sit and look out the windows, people-watching, or humming to yourself, feel free to do it. You will notice how your mood gradually improves.

2. Love everything you do

It is not easy to carry out hated and tedious tasks with interest. But you can learn this art. First, try to evaluate uninteresting things in the broader context of your goals. For example, a student may consider a particular course as a necessary step towards graduating from university and doing something that he or she is passionate about.

Translation: Balezin Dmitry

How can you find your true meaning in life? I mean the reason why you are here at all - the reason for your existence.
It is possible that you consider yourself a nihilist and do not believe that your life has any meaning at all.

It doesn't matter. Just because you don't believe there is a goal won't stop you from discovering it, any more than not believing in gravity will stop you from falling if you stumble. Lack of faith that there is a purpose in life will only lead to this exercise will take you longer. If the above description applies to you, simply change the number 20 to 40 (or 60 if you're really stubborn).

If you don't believe that you have a purpose in life, then you probably won't believe what I'm saying. But even if this is the case, what are you risking if you spend one hour just in case?

I would like to give a short story about Bruce Lee that would create the right atmosphere for the exercise. The martial artist approached Bruce Lee with a request to teach him everything he knew about martial arts. In response, Bruce Lee picked up two mugs filled with water.

“The first mug,” said Bruce Lee, “represents all your knowledge of martial arts. The second is a symbol of my knowledge of martial arts. If you want to fill your mug with my knowledge, you must first empty yours of your knowledge.”

If you truly want to understand the meaning of your life, then you first need to empty your mind of all the false purposes and meanings that you have been taught (including the idea that life has no meaning at all).

How to discover the meaning of your life? There are many ways to do this, some of them quite confusing. I would like to introduce you to the most in a simple way, accessible to everyone. The more open you are to the process, the more you believe that it will work, the faster you will get results. But even if you are completely closed and have many doubts about what this method will work, or you think that the method was invented for idiots and is nothing more than a waste of time - all this will not prevent you from getting results.

All you need to do is continue to do the exercise no matter what. Let me remind you once again that your lack of faith in this method will only increase the time required to complete the exercise.

Here's what to do:

1. Take Blank sheet paper or run text editor on a computer (I prefer the latter as it's faster).
2. At the top of the sheet write: “What is the real meaning of my life?”
3. Write the answer (any answer) that comes to your mind. You don't have to use full sentences. You can get by with a short phrase.
4. Repeat step 3 until the answer you receive makes you cry. This answer is the meaning of your life.

(from Dmitry Balezin - by the way, my training “Successful Personality 2.0” will help you turn the found meaning of life into reality - this practical guide to realize your goals, it will help you become successful and wealthy)

That's basically it. It doesn’t matter who you are: consultant, engineer, weightlifter. Some people will see a lot of meaning in this exercise, others will find it completely stupid. Usually, it takes 15-20 minutes to clear your brain of garbage and life goals imposed on you by society (the people around you).

False answers will come from your consciousness and memory. But the moment the true answer comes into your head, you will feel, as it were, a completely different source of its origin.

People who live semi-conscious lives will take much longer to get rid of false answers, perhaps more than an hour. But if you are persistent, then after 100, 200 or maybe even 500 answers, you will suddenly stumble upon an answer that will cause a surge of emotion in you, this answer will amaze you. If you've never done anything like this before, you might think it's stupid. So be it, do this exercise anyway.

As you complete this exercise, some of your answers will be very similar to each other. You can even go through the previous answers and re-read them. Then, perhaps you'll push off in a new direction and write another 10-20 responses covering a different area. And that's completely normal. Just keep writing all the answers that come to your mind.

At some point (when you have already written 50 – 100 answers) you may want to stop the exercise, since you will not see results, as if the answers are leading nowhere. You may want to get up and do something else. This is fine. Overcome this resistance and keep writing. The feeling of resistance will gradually pass.

You'll probably come across a few answers that make you feel emotional, but don't make you cry with a sense of purpose—they're just pieces of your meaning. Underline these answers and continue, you can refer to them again later and change them a little. Each of these answers reflects part of the meaning, but individually they do not create something whole.
When you start coming across such answers, it means you are getting closer to your goal. Continue.

It is important to do this exercise alone, where there are no distractions. If you are a nihilist, you can start with the answer - “I have no goal” or “Life is meaningless”, and start with them. If you persist, you will eventually find your meaning.

I spent 25 minutes doing this exercise and reached the final answer at step 106. Parts of the correct answer (emotional mini-waves) occurred at steps 17, 39 and 53, and then most of the final answers fell at 100-106. I felt a sense of resistance (the desire to get up and do something else; the feeling that this exercise is pointless; the appearance of impatience and even irritation) in the region of answers 55-60. After the 80th answer, I paused for 2 minutes, closed my eyes, relaxed, let go of my thoughts, and focused on the thought that the answers would definitely come to me - this helped, because after that, the answers that I began to receive contributed more and more and greater clarity.

Here's my final one meaning of life: Live consciously and bravely (courageously), resonate with love and compassion, awaken the great spirit in other people, and leave this world in peace (rest).

Once you discover your unique answer to why you are here, you will feel that it resonates with you on a deep level. It will seem to you that the words of your answer seem to have special energy for you. You will feel an influx of energy every time you run your eyes along the lines of your meaning in life.

Finding your meaning in life is the easy part. The difficult part is to adhere to this meaning constantly, every day, to work on yourself in order to embody this meaning.

If you are inclined to question why this method works, then simply postpone this question until you have successfully achieved the goal of the exercise. Once you've finished this exercise, you may have your answer to why this method works. Most likely, if you ask 10 people who have successfully used this technique, you will get 10 different answers. Each answer will be filtered through their belief system, each containing its own reflection of the truth.

Obviously, this method will not work if you complete the exercise before you get the final answer in which all the little bits of meaning come together. My guess is that 80-90% of people will have their final answers within an hour. If you have a deep-rooted belief that life has no meaning, then you may need to do 5 sets of 3 hours, although I imagine such people will likely give up after 15 minutes, or even altogether. will not attempt to implement it.

Although if you are still reading this blog and are inclined to continue, then I doubt that you will fall into this group of people.

Try it! At the very least, you'll learn a couple of things: your purpose in life, or that you need to stop reading articles like this.

Material taken from the website (blog)
Copyright © 2006 by Pavlina LLC. All Rights Reserved

My comments: The technique really works, although I can't boast that I was able to find my target in just 20 minutes. I had to spend 3 evenings and about 6-7 hours on this exercise. By the end of the second day, I was almost sure that this technique was not working, and I was ready to give up, but I continued to do the exercise because I felt that I had to overcome the resistance. Also, I tend to trust Steve because he has a very good track record. I have been reading his articles for a long time and much of what he writes about has helped me change my life for the better.

During the execution, I expected an emotional response to appear, and indeed there was one. But I never expected from myself that I would really be moved enough to cry... These tears were like the tears of a person who discovers something true. It’s as if some kind of energy flow of goodness, courage and strength is pouring into you.

After a couple of days or hours, you may no longer feel such a surge of emotion from reading the words of your meaning in life. But just try to keep these feelings vivid in your memory, so that you can return to them as a source of strength and faith.

Copyright © 2008 Balezin Dmitry

Do you want to know how to find the meaning of life and achieve harmonious relationships with the world? Here you will find ways to make your life meaningful.

Oh, how many philosophers, thinkers, writers, psychologists, theologians and other intelligent people have puzzled over the fact that how to find the meaning of life.

And there is still no single recipe for how to make your life meaningful, how to achieve harmonious relationships with the world, how to accept death without fear and reproach, knowing that you have not lived your life in vain?

There is no single answer to this question, alas!

Everyone is looking for their own ways to find the meaning of life and become an absolutely happy person.

“Chivoi? Find the meaning of life? What for?”

There are people whose mission on earth is unclear even to their creator.

It seems to me that they are already born dead.

Remember how in Game of Thrones: “What is dead cannot die”?

So it is with them.

A person seems to have been born, matured, and seems to be about to find the very meaning of life and understand why he is here.

And the figurines!

I have a lot of classmates like that, and also childhood friends.

The holidays I spent with my grandmother encouraged me to make friends there.

One of the boy friends was Vasya.

Little Vasya was smart and played football well.

As children, none of us thought about how to find the meaning of life, but it turned out that some, even as adults, did not look for anything.

As we approach adolescence suddenly it turned out that Vasya was “the first guy in the village” and a serious fight broke out among the girls for him.

Obviously, it was this fact that impressed Vasya so much that even by the age of 25 he remained a useless infantile working at a car wash, without goals, without meaning, without aspirations.

Vasya has not received an education, does not intend to (“If there is not enough money, the old woman (in the sense - mother) will always help from her pension”), and he is not going to improve his personal life either (the remnants of his former attractiveness allow him from time to time to pick up unscrupulous, desperate young ladies).

His hobby is Comedy Club and drinking beer with friends on a bench at the entrance.

The last time I saw Vasya was 4 years ago.

I stopped to chat with a childhood friend and heard about his sad life, told me a little about her achievements and asked if he thought that 25 was the right age to find the meaning of life.

Almost my uncle was surprised, like a child, by my question and could only give out an inarticulate: “Chevy?” Why do you need to find the meaning of life? What?

Further conversation was pointless.

For young people to live like Vasya, aimlessly spoiling the air, is simply sinful.

Be smart, strong and brave!

Think about how to find the meaning of life!

Don't be like Vasya!

At what age should you try to find the meaning of life?

It’s a sin for children to think about how to find the meaning of life.

Their task is to enjoy life, study well, eat and please mom and dad with their successes and exemplary behavior.

But for people after 20 years of age, it wouldn’t hurt to think about how to find the meaning of life if it seems to you that you haven’t found it yet.

This does not mean that you should only try to find the meaning of life at a young age.

No matter how old you are (20 or 70), you can always find your path in life if you have turned off it.

And you don’t need to convince yourself and others that it’s too late to change something.

It's never too late to try to improve your life and find something.

On the contrary, it is with retirement that you often rethink your life and have a lot of free time to realize your ideas.

Here I have a real example: our neighbor always took pity on our brothers, feeding stray dogs and cats.

But only after retiring did she finally realize her dream: she began volunteering at a shelter for homeless animals.

You should have seen how she changed in six months elderly woman: She became active, lost weight, started smiling more and stopped complaining about her health.

She managed to find her meaning in life, even after 60 years.

By the way, you may well follow the example of Evgenia Petrovna and engage in charity work.

Those who help people, animals, solve environmental problems, and generally do something useful for free, very often find a new meaning in life.

You can find the meaning of life in books

I believe that books are not only a source of great wisdom, they are also a wonderful general reference where you can find answers to all questions.

Even in fiction you can find many clues.

What can we say about books about personal growth, about psychological reading, about biographies famous people, about the advice of famous coaches.

Yes, this is just a treasure trove of useful information.

You can find the meaning of life in books, often without even trying to do so.

So in a year you will accumulate a decent amount of book knowledge.

Well, okay, even if you don’t find the very meaning of life that you were so actively looking for, then reading books will definitely not be a hindrance.

Imagine how much smarter and more erudite you will become in a few years with such a reading schedule.

You can find the meaning of life in achieving success

Everyone means something different by the word “success”.

Whatever your definition, I do not advise you to dismiss such components of success as a career and money.

Build a career and earn money not for the sake of stupidly getting rich, having the opportunity to eat lobster, drink Veuve Clicquot and Hennessy and buy kilos of designer clothes, but in order to:

  1. Feel financially independent and not ask for handouts from the state.
  2. Have the opportunity to travel, educate yourself and constantly develop.
  3. Do something useful, for example, create jobs or implement some interesting project.

No one forces you to turn into a soulless grabber who robs poor grandmothers, a useless liar politician or a soulless careerist, but few people can find the meaning of life in something spiritual and are completely capable of giving up material wealth.

It is better to combine the material and spiritual - this way there is a greater chance of finding the meaning of life.

You can find the meaning of life in your family

Okay, you are not a materialist, you are a lyricist, so you don’t need a career or money.

Then perhaps the meaning of your life is family: your parents, grandparents.

There is no need to think about how to find them, they are already nearby.

Take good care of your parents and your grandparents, repay them for all the good they have done for you, for the life they have given you.

Fulfill their innermost desire, constantly give them your attention, listen with interest to their thoughts, make their life easier.

You should also think about creating your own family, if you don’t have one, about having children.

Many people find the meaning of life in children.

If you can’t give birth to your children (alas, today many young couples experience such problems), make some orphan happy.

Perhaps the higher powers will thank you for saving a little innocent life and send their baby for company?

Such cases are not uncommon.

To find your meaning in life, do a little exercise:

the essence of which is voiced in the following video:

Find the meaning of life so you never lose it

Sometimes we, having the meaning of life, for some reason begin to doubt that this is exactly what we always wanted, that this is exactly what we have been trying to find for so long.

It seems to us that a small bird in the sky is much more attractive than the noble crane that we hold tightly in our hands.

In pursuit of illusory happiness, we lose what is truly dear to us.

We don't know how to be grateful for what we have.

We always want more.

This is a correct and natural desire, which leads to success, but it is important that it does not make us its slave.

You need to spend energy on achieving something when you really need it, when you are sure that it is your meaning in life, and not because “what if it comes in handy”, “but your neighbor has it”, “ I don’t know what it is, but it might be needed.”

It's not even the knowledge that matters, how to find the meaning of life, and the ability, having acquired it, cannot be lost.

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We all have those moments when it seems that things can’t get any worse, that the emptiness inside is forever, and that the meaning of life is irretrievably lost. How to return it, this meaning? Everyone has their own answer, depending on their life experience and level of depression. One will seek the meaning of life through travel, trying to find himself in them or at least get out of a state of melancholy. Another will drown himself in entertainment, a third will go into religion, and a fourth will buy a cat. How can you regain the feeling of fullness of life again? What to look for a way out of the deadlock?

  • A radical change in external image. One of the most popular options among girls drowned in search of the meaning of life. All available and not so affordable means are used - strict diets, a complete wardrobe change, a new hairstyle/makeup, a series of procedures in a beauty salon with a course lasting “until it goes away” and even a surgical knife. Will it help? Of course, self-confidence will appear. And many changes in life begin with self-correction. Those very changes that become links in a happy chain leading to happiness and success. Just don't overdo it. Changing your appearance and searching for yourself in image experiments can become an obsession and a “drug” that, instead of calming down, will bring only problems.

  • In a healthy body healthy mind! And harmony of spirit and body is impossible in the absence of physical strength. AND back side is - the stronger the spirit (the spirit of the winner), the better health. The right image life - like a “pill” for despondency, depression and states of “whatever it is, whatever it is.” Charging, swimming pool, morning jogging– as a pleasant tradition, life is a sport (let’s go where we’re most drawn), healthy eating etc. There are no cons! Nothing but advantages. In the process of acquiring the habit of a healthy lifestyle, even the need to search for “meaning” is lost - everything falls into place on its own.

  • Shopping. A typically feminine remedy for “everything.” Any stress is relieved by shopping. Of course, a shopping trip brings a lot of positive emotions. But the danger of this option is not only in useless purchases and irrepressible spending of money, but in the emergence of a bad habit - to cure every melancholy with purchases. As in the case of eating cakes or in the case of changing your image this method has more minuses than pluses. Learn to treat the blues and look for yourself in what has only positive consequences and creative prospects. Don't let your stress pills turn into bad habits and took over you completely. This is not a “treatment”, but a “respite”.

  • Analysis of the situation. Look around. What do you see around you ? Do you have a roof over your head? Don't you go naked? Enough for bread and cheese? And even for a trip to warmer climes? And don’t you particularly complain about your health? So it's time to figure it out psychological problems. When you lock yourself in your shell, think about what is most hindering your life right now? What would you get rid of without thinking? Eliminate sources of irritation, get away from those things and people that make you want to “lie down and go to sleep forever,” radically shake up your life and don’t be afraid of anything. Most often, a state when life loses meaning “covers” in a situation of complete helplessness or loneliness. You have the power to change this. Just start small - understand yourself, stop watching the news that puts you in a state of suspended animation and prostration (sit on social networks, “die” within 4 walls, etc.), look for your inspiration.

  • Creation. Easiest to deal with a terrible beast“apathy” (as well as blues, depression and other derivatives) through creativity. Everything that scares you, confuses you, puts you in a state of trance, irritates you, etc., should be thrown out through creativity. Write. As best you can. Clumsily, with errors, in the form of diaries, blank verses or memoirs - this is a powerful antidepressant that allows you not only to lift your spirits and get rid of unnecessary thoughts, but also to understand the meaning. The meaning of everything. Just remember that the ending should ALWAYS be positive! And draw. Whatever you can eat - pencils, construction paints, vegetables from the refrigerator or coal from the stove. Draw your anxieties, fears, emoticons and the future, abstractions and simply your state. Paper and canvas will endure anything. And instead of emptiness in the soul, grace will come. Learn to “drain” the bad in creativity and concentrate the positive from it. Pros: maybe in 5-6 years you will wake up as a famous artist or writer. To all creative people inspiration comes from melancholy and melancholy.

  • Adding new colors to life. What haven't you tried yet? Surely, you secretly dream of learning how to belly dance, jump from a diving board into a swimming pool, shoot (very discharges and shakes up the “psyche”), sculpt jewelry or embroider on sofa cushions? Look for yours! An activity that will not only distract and calm nervous system, but will also become a valuable experience, perspective, and the beginning of meetings with interesting people. Get out of the swamp, it's time to act!

  • Help your neighbor. The call that “sets teeth on edge” is known to everyone. But in this case we are not talking about throwing a couple of coins to an aunt with someone else’s child on the subway. We're talking about real help. For many people real help to others becomes the true meaning of life. Always remember - someone is now much worse off than you. Look around. While you cherish the “meaninglessness” of your existence, someone is already helping lonely, abandoned, sick and people in difficult situations - in orphanages, hospitals, hospices, in the Ministry of Emergency Situations (and even animals in zoos and shelters). On a voluntary basis, at the behest of the heart. By doing good, a person cleanses himself of unnecessary “tails,” brightens his soul, and attracts joy. Start with a couple of kind words for your offenders, with an unexpected visit to your elderly mother whom you have not visited for a long time, with humanitarian aid to those who need it.

  • Isn't it too quiet in your house? Isn't it time to liven up your apartment with the patter of little feet and the sonorous laughter of children? Children are the main meaning of this life. Our continuation, our mark on earth. The appearance of a baby (whether your own or an adopted one) changes your life instantly and forever. True, if a child is only a way to get out of a psychological impasse, then it is better to wait with this “method”. A child will only be a salvation if you are already ready for motherhood.

  • If maternal instinct I haven’t woken up yet, and the desire to take care of someone is simply unbearable - get a dog. You definitely won't be bored. You are guaranteed morning jogs ( healthy image life), diet (you can’t eat much when those eyes are looking at you and your long tongue is constantly trying to slide across your plate), new acquaintances (girl, what kind of breed is this? Can Rex and I take you for a walk too?), sincere selfless love and devotion to the tip of the tail.

And most importantly, look for motivation. Without motivation, life controls you. With motivation, you control your life.

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This article is about how to find the meaning of life. After all, finding your goal is very important for every person. If there is no life goal, then a person has no reason to live. Remember like in the movie "Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines", John Conor asked the Terminator what would happen to him if they (John and his future wife Sarah) died? Terminator said: “Then I will become useless. I need to have a goal". The same applies to you, you also need to have a goal so as not to be useless. I already wrote about the meaning of life in an article. Here we’ll talk about how to find the meaning of life. This question is very difficult, and I will try to answer it as best I can. Also pay attention to links leading to other similar articles.

In general, this site has a lot of information about how to find the meaning of life or your purpose. In this article I want to give you something new. Therefore, read this article to the end. After all, the happiest person in the world is the one who minds his own business or whose hobby is his profession. Such people do not ask such questions, although I will not argue that they once asked and therefore found their meaning in life.

Before we start looking for your meaning in life, first let's determine whether you are a person who has not found himself. There are only a few signs:

  • Your days are mostly bleak,
  • You often change your place of work or area of ​​professional activity,
  • It seems to you that everything you do is not particularly important,
  • Do you feel like your life is being wasted?
  • You feel that you were created for something else, but for what exactly you don’t know,
  • You sometimes have thoughts of suicide.

It is these signs that indicate that you do not know what the meaning of your life is. So where to start searching for the meaning of life? As we already know, the answers to all questions are stored within ourselves. But not each of us can hear our inner voice. To find the meaning of life, you will have to rack your brain. And it's really worth it.

Many of us knew as children what we wanted to be. I agree that values ​​and priorities change with age and who we wanted to be in childhood is no longer interesting today. However, deep down in your soul, you know what the meaning of your life is. You are simply afraid to admit it to yourself. You are afraid that someone will not approve of your choice, that they will criticize you and that they will start making fun of you. Therefore, you gave up on your own, considering them illusions due to the fact that you succumbed to society and other people’s opinions. And now you feel like an unhappy and worthless creature who simply exists for no reason.

From the above we can conclude: to find the meaning of life - start listening to your heart, your inner voice, which is called intuition. Stop listening to other people's opinions, it will not feed your children and will not make you happy. Therefore, the first step towards finding the meaning of life will be detachment from other people's views and opinions. Start listening to yourself, start acting as you feel, and not as you are told.

To hear yourself, to understand your meaning in life, I, as always, suggest you take up. It is meditation that helps you hear your inner voice. Meditation is the most powerful way to find meaning in life, and not only the meaning of life. I’ll say right away, don’t expect quick results. Everything takes time and everyone has their own. Be patient. Read about meditation.

If you are a stubborn person and you are too lazy to immerse yourself in yourself, then let’s try to find your meaning in life using the second method - logic. Everything here is done extremely easily. You need to answer the following questions:

  1. What do you like to do most? What are you drawn to? What type of activity makes you feel happy?
  2. What can you really do or what can you do?
  3. Do you now have enough knowledge/skills to do what you want?

Try to give clear answers to these three questions. Don't rush to answer, think carefully. If you have answered all three questions, I congratulate you and invite you to answer more. And what? You want to find the meaning of life, so I help you.

You can ask: “How will I understand that I was not mistaken?”. I answer: you will immediately feel the correct answer or the correct definition of the meaning of life with your whole body. If you give false answers, you will feel some doubt that there is something wrong in the answer.

The third way to determine the meaning of life is very similar to the first. Only you need to answer one question - What is my meaning in life? Take a blank piece of paper, write this question at the top, and then write everything that comes to your mind, starting with idiotic ideas and ending with identifying your purpose. This method is called -. You can read about its effectiveness.

If the answer does not come immediately, do not worry, this is even very normal. The main thing here is not to give up. You must constantly ask yourself this question until the answer comes. And the answer will definitely come. Be.

As I already said, they give us the meaning of life. If you have not yet found your purpose, then at this time set yourself at least one goal. For example, lose weight, learn to draw, build muscles, become a champion in some sport, get a boyfriend/girlfriend. While you are busy achieving intermediate