If an employee quits, is it mandatory to work 2 weeks upon dismissal in 2018? Are there any exceptions to the rules?

The employee must notify the employer of his intention to quit 2 weeks before the expected date. This period begins on the next day after the employer receives the employee’s application. For example, if an employee wishes to resign on March 25, then he must submit an application to the employer no later than March 11.
If the employee is on probationary period, then he is obliged to notify the employer 3 calendar days before the expected date of dismissal.

Not established by labor legislation mandatory procedure working out a 2-week period. Therefore, upon dismissal, it is not necessary to work for 2 weeks.
If the parties agree among themselves, the employee has the right to resign without working off.

To resign without work, the parties employment contract may enter into a written agreement among themselves, although labor legislation does not oblige them to do so. But, as practice shows, it is better to conclude such an agreement in writing. This will protect both parties to the labor relationship from problems. In case of litigation.

The employer and employee can agree on setting a different working period. The main condition is that it should not exceed 2 weeks established by law.

There are circumstances when an employee has the right to quit without working the required 2 weeks and without asking the employer’s consent. This:

  • retirement;
  • enrollment in higher or secondary vocational education educational institution;
  • conscription for compulsory military service.

If these grounds exist, the employee has the right not to go to work the very next working day after writing the application. He must attach documents to his application for dismissal that provide evidence of the reason for dismissal without mandatory service. For example, if an employee is enrolled as a full-time student at a university, then he must attach a certificate from the university confirming his enrollment to the application.

As shown arbitrage practice, an employee may resign without working in the following cases:

  • detection of an occupational disease that does not allow the employee to continue to perform his or her job functions;
  • a health condition that prevents you from living in this area;
  • moving to a new place of residence;
  • business relocation of a spouse.

Upon dismissal, the employer must pay the employee:

  • wages for actual time worked;
  • compensation for unused vacation;
  • pay compensation upon dismissal, if this is provided for in the employment or collective agreement.

Also, upon a written request from the employee, the employer must provide him with copies of all documents that relate to his work with this employer, including a certificate of income.

Video on the topic

How to quit without working without violating legal requirements, and is this even possible? This is exactly what we will talk about in our article, so how to quit without work sometimes it is simply necessary. There can be many reasons for such dismissal - from the need to urgently change jobs to a banal reluctance to work at a given enterprise.

Do you always have to work two weeks when you quit?

Let's figure it out Is it possible to quit without working? So Is it mandatory to work 2 weeks upon dismissal?. Everything here will depend on the specific situation, so it is impossible to answer these questions unambiguously.

As a rule, a 2-week work period is provided if an employee leaves due to at will and the employer needs to find a replacement for him. However, it should be said that such work is not at all a strict requirement: if both the employee and the employer are ready to terminate the employment relationship earlier than this period (for example, on the day of filing the application), then it is not necessary to wait for its expiration.

If the contract is terminated at the initiative of the employer (it should be taken into account that cases when the employer has the right to dismiss an employee are specifically stipulated by law), then there is no need to write a resignation letter and work it out.

Quite often situations arise when an employee goes on sick leave or vacation with subsequent dismissal. In this case, will the employee need to work an additional 2 weeks after the end of rest or illness? No, you won't have to. The current legislation establishes only the maximum period after which an employee must be dismissed when filing an application, but does not say that he needs to work out these notorious 2 weeks. If an employee goes on vacation or sick leave for these 2 weeks, this period will be counted as working time.

It must also be said that if an employee has to work out this period before dismissal, then no one deprives him of the right to change his mind and withdraw his application. That is, at any day the employee can demand it back and, therefore, continue to work for this employer. This rule has only one exception: if another candidate has already been found to replace the employee and he is invited to work in writing, the advantage will be given to the applicant who cannot be denied an employment contract.

Is it possible to quit without working for 2 weeks and is it possible to quit at your own request without working?

So, we found out that 2 weeks of work upon dismissal is not always required. Now let's talk about when you can do without it, how to quit without working 2 weeks and is this possible if you resign at your own request?

Art. 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation not only establishes the employer’s right to require an employee to work 2 weeks after filing an application, but also provides for cases when an employee may not do this. For example, if an employee terminates an employment contract due to the impossibility of further continuing his work activity, then how to quit without work he is forced by the circumstances. Examples of such situations include retirement, conscription into the army for service, admission to a higher education institution for full-time study, etc.

The next reason for dismissal without work may be the employer’s violation of the requirements labor legislation or local legal acts in force in the organization. In such cases, the employer will be obliged to terminate the employment contract with the employee within the period specified by the employee in the application - up to the day of its submission (the main thing is that the period does not exceed 2 weeks).

So, how to quit without work? There are several options:

  1. You can agree with the employer to terminate the contract before the expiration of the 2-week period or even on the day of submission of the application. This is the most correct and simple version of the development of events.
  2. You can take another vacation for 2 weeks, having previously submitted a letter of resignation (or issued a sick leave certificate). True, problems may arise with the implementation of this method, since you may not be allowed to go on vacation, but for registration sick leave there may simply be no reason. However, this option can be considered as one of the possibilities.
  3. If it is impossible to perform further labor functions for any reason or violation by the employer of the employee’s rights provided for by law or local regulations.

Informing your immediate supervisor before dismissal is an employee’s obligation as provided for by labor legislation.

The message must come from the employee two weeks (3 days if the citizen is on probation) before the date of dismissal.

The deadline itself is counted from the next day, from the time the boss receives the application.

Many people call this period working out, but this is not entirely true. is more comparable to forced labor, which is prohibited by law.

Here we're talking about specifically about the paid period, designed to enable the employer to promptly find an alternative to the resigning employee. The law thus protects the interests of the manager, guaranteeing the continuity of the labor and production process.

Dismissal can be immediate - it depends on the decision of the employer or on the desire of the employee himself. In the second case, the employee must be included in a group that has the right to demand dismissal due to certain objective circumstances or the guilty behavior of the boss.

Is it necessary to work 2 weeks upon dismissal?

For pensioners

So, do pensioners need to work 2 weeks upon dismissal? Pensioners, being a vulnerable social stratum of society, are...

From the moment they reach the appropriate age at which the law connects the beginning of receiving pension payments, they may be subject to dismissal.

The day of dismissal is then the day of reaching the prescribed age. For women, this age is 55 years, for men - 60. Potential pensioners indicate in the application the time of termination of work related to the period, and the employer issues an order. No two-week advance notice is required.

It’s another matter if the employee works after his pension has been accrued. After all, the law does not prohibit. If a reason such as “retirement” is mentioned primarily, then it is possible to resign at a time specified by the pensioner himself. And the employer must meet halfway. It is unacceptable to use the wording a second time, otherwise it will be an abuse. Dismissal here is implemented according to the general rule.

For disabled people

Let's consider whether a disabled person is required to work 2 weeks upon dismissal.

For persons with disabilities as well as for pensioners, preferential opportunities are provided.

Disability involves payment of payments called a disability pension.

The disabled person indicates in the application a request to dismiss himself within the period associated with the start of receiving the corresponding payments, and the employer has the obligation to terminate the employment relationship in given time. Like old-age pensioners,... And then they can only ask to be fired once for a specific event.

Disability provides serious problems with health. Persons with disabilities may periodically be sent to medical institutions to bring their condition back to normal.

If necessary, a disabled person indicates in the dismissal document the need for hospital treatment from a certain date, and the employer undertakes to complete his labor process within the designated period by issuing an order.


There are no exceptions for pregnant women regarding “working off”. However, the employer can take this circumstance into account as a human factor and dismiss the pregnant woman on a contractual basis.

Pregnant women, if necessary, can lie down in specialized institution, for example, in case of complications, certain health problems.

When providing medical documents with specified deadlines, the boss is obliged to dismiss the woman on the day noted in the application. The reason for dismissal will not be pregnancy, but health problems that have arisen.

If there is a child

The presence of a child, including a minor, does not affect the occurrence of preferential conditions upon dismissal of his parent.

Most families sooner or later start families with at least one child. And the employer most likely has his own family and child.

Therefore, this is not a reason for some kind of state social privileges.

Do I have the right not to work?

The law allows any citizen to resign without “working off.” This is implemented on a contractual basis, that is, by drawing up an agreement.

To prevent an employee from having confrontations with his boss in the future, it is better to give preference to a written format for reflecting the will of the parties.

The document may also shorten the two-week period provided for by law.

The “working out” period is also shortened in cases where a new employee fills the vacant position before the 2 weeks have expired. And the employee cannot if the new employee has already been registered in accordance with all labor law standards.

If dismissal occurs at the will of the employee, then in certain situations the manager must terminate the employment contract within the period specified in the application. Such situations include:

  • objective urgent circumstances;
  • guilty actions of the manager related to violation of labor standards.

The first reason means the occurrence of events associated with the onset of an emergency other than labor activity, or events with a deadline, such as: hiring an employee educational institution, acquisition of pensioner status.

The list of situations is not limited. But it is summarized that they must be respectful.

The second circumstance requires a violation of norms confirmed by the relevant labor legal authorities: the court, the labor inspectorate or the Labor Inspectorate.

Is it possible to go on vacation before quitting?

What to do if you change your mind about quitting?

Before the expiration of the two-week period, the employee can withdraw the document requesting dismissal, and then he will be considered an active employee.

The only exception: if his place is taken by a new employee registered in accordance with the law, then he already loses the opportunity granted by law to revoke the document.

After the expiration of the two-week period, the employee may also remain on the payroll as an active employee, unless he insists on dismissal and his supervisor issues an order.

Documents and calculation

On the day of dismissal of an employee, the employer must issue the necessary labor and legal documents and calculate it. If such a day coincides with a non-working day (weekend), then the documents along with the earnings are given the day before.

It is also possible to send them electronically on a non-working day, but with the consent of the worker. If the citizen so desires, then he is given copies of documents related to work, as well as the necessary extracts and certificates ().

Dismissal without service: 15 good reasons + 5 alternative options.

It seems that the axiom that you must work the required 2 weeks before being fired has become more ingrained in your brain than your grandmother’s signature borscht recipe or your wedding date?

And perhaps because of this, you even refused to try your hand at the competition for your dream job, because the vacancy was urgent?

Look at the world wider!

Do not take dubious statements for granted!

We will share information with you about when dismissal without work permitted by law.

15 good reasons for dismissal without work: studying the Labor Code

    Transfer of husband/wife to another place of service/work.

    Most often, this clause applies to military and law enforcement officials.

    We all remember the incomparable Lyudmila from the film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears,” who argued that the future general’s wife should marry a lieutenant and wander around the garrisons with him for 20 years.

    Perhaps this is exactly the option?

    Admission to a university or other educational institution.

    Have you finally become the university student you've been dreaming about since 8th grade?


    New knowledge and dizzying career prospects await you ahead.

    You shouldn't hold on to a place that doesn't value you and doesn't adhere to the letter of the law.

    In this case, it is important to have evidence of the violation, for example, a printout from a bank card, which makes it clear that the boss owes you wages for several months.


    After a man turns 60 and a woman turns 55, they can quit without working.

    The management must terminate the employment contract on the day specified in the employee’s paper.

    Changing of the living place.

    At the same time, it is not so important what became the motivating factor for moving and leaving of one’s own free will without work – the thirst for change or reuniting with a gang of noisy, but beloved relatives.

    A serious illness that will prevent you from performing your functions.

    There are such unpleasant moments in life.

    And the boss will have to come to terms with this and sign without working out.


    If, having learned about your pregnancy, you decide not to work the notorious 2 weeks, but to use this time for walks in the park, listening to Mozart and buying children's things, the boss cannot help but accommodate you.

    There is an official conclusion from doctors that this activity can negatively affect health.

    We may be talking about an unsuitable climate or a difficult environmental situation.

    Feel free to write a letter of resignation without service according to the sample.

    A disabled employee wants to leave.

    If the disabled person is incapacitated, as confirmed by the conclusion medical workers, the bosses are forced to sign his application without work, where the reason for dismissal is their own desire.

    One of the parents will have to look after their disabled daughter or son.

    A leader is also a person.

    Both legally and humanly, he is obliged to agree to dismissal without work.

    You have been selected for another position through a competition and must begin work.

    As they say, the fish looks for a deeper place, but the man looks for a better place.

    We welcome your desire for professional self-realization.

    You are fired due to staff reduction.

    You have the right to spend 2 weeks not on work, but on your own business.

    Joining the army.

    Unfortunately, the military registration and enlistment office is of little interest in your plans for work, so you will have to urgently get ready to repay your debt to the Motherland.

    If you are in jail.

    From places not so distant, he claims folk wisdom, there is no need to promise.

    You need constant care for one of your family members.

    This could be an elderly parent, a spouse, or a single sibling.

    An application for dismissal without service must be accepted.

Each of the reasons that give a chance to leave without working out will have to be documented:

Reason for dismissalDocument
1 Spouse's transition to a new jobCertificate from your spouse’s place of work
2 Admission to the UniversityCertificate or official letter from the university
3 Violation of an employment contract by an employerWritten evidence of violation
4 RetirementCertificate from the Pension Fund
5 New place of residenceNo documentary evidence is required. But the employer will be impressed by the contract for the purchase, sale or rental of housing in a new city/country.
6 Inability to work due to health reasonsMedical report
7 Pregnancya doctor's note
8 Harm to healthMedical report
9 DisabilityMedical report
10 Staff reductionWritten notice to employer of dismissal
11 Need to care for a family memberMedical report
12 Conscription into the armyCertificate from the military registration and enlistment office
13 Going to jailCopy of the court decision
14 Occupation of a position by competitionCertificate or official letter from a new place of work about passing a competition for the position

If you have a conflict with your employer and he does not sign a letter of resignation of his own free will without working out, written according to the sample, and the situation is really stalemate (for example, besides you, there is really no one to care for his paralyzed father), the court will be on your side.

Application for dismissal without service: a sample in your hands!

It will not be difficult to write a correct application according to the sample, even if the management does not intend to let go of such a valuable employee like you.

3 steps to freedom from office “slavery” without work upon dismissal

You can run to the nearest store for champagne and cake to “sign off” to your colleagues for leaving after signing your resignation letter.

3 ways to “get out” of a situation if the boss refuses to sign a letter of resignation without working

    File a lawsuit against the “brutal” bosses.

    In the event that the reason for the dismissal does not impress the management and they completely refuse to “swipe” the paper, and you are confident to the core that you are right, go to court for justice.

    A sample application and a list of documents that you need to attach to it will be provided by court staff.

    Submit an application to the labor inspectorate.

    Unfortunately, few people are yet aware of the powers of this institution, which controls the implementation of legislative norms in working relations.

    You need to submit an application to the inspectorate of the region where the company you so want to say goodbye to is registered.

    You can “slander” an employer by appearing in person, by registered mail, or even through the website.

    It is unlikely that the management will be happy with the visit of serious men in ties from the prosecutor's office.

    So if you are more determined than soviet soldiers during the storming of the Reichstag, and you want to provide your beloved boss with a thrill - go ahead and sing!

    The application for dismissal without service, written by you, will become a desktop document at the company.

It is these three authorities that can make decisions in case of various disputes.

If you have the opportunity and means to get advice from an experienced lawyer, don’t miss it!

After all, sometimes the outcome of a case depends on some piece of paper lying around or the wording of a proposal.

5 alternative options for dismissal at your own request without working off

    Go on vacation instead of working off when you quit.

    If you, not sparing your belly, strained yourself at work and did not have time to take a day off due leave, you can rest for the notorious two weeks.

    Go on sick leave instead of working off upon dismissal.

    If your childhood friend is a local doctor, who’s stopping you from going to her for coffee and asking her to write out a certificate about a common cold?

    By agreement of the parties, part with your beloved management.

    An important point is that the firm’s lawyer must draw up such an agreement in writing in two copies.

    It is signed, of course, by both parties.

    Then you will be sure that the previous employer does not have a snake in his bosom in the form of dismissal for some unflattering article (for example, for absenteeism).

    It should be remembered that you cannot withdraw such a letter of resignation at your own request.

    This option is suitable for those who are firmly confident in their charm and ability to persuade.

    So much so that Dale Carnegie is no match for him.

    Transfer to another company.

    In order for your dismissal to go smoothly without work, you will need a letter of invitation from your newly hired boss.

    In this case, the manager can only sign a letter of resignation without work and throw out the sacramental phrase: “I don’t dare detain you!”

  1. It will take only 3 working days, instead of the notorious 14, to be dismissed without work if you:

    • were on probation;
    • worked in temporary jobs (seasonal);
    • the employment contract was signed for no longer than 2 months.

When choosing a method of dismissal, you must take into account all the nuances:

The video highlights the legal side of the issue, how to avoid working off after filing a letter of resignation:

An application for dismissal without service has been submitted: what to expect?

Even without work, dismissal provides for:

  • issuance of the required salary, all kinds of compensation, if they are provided for by law (for example, if the final payment is delayed, you have the right to compensation for each day in the amount of average earnings), vacation pay;
  • issuance of your book (work record), a copy of the dismissal order, documents on secondary wages and length of service (certificates), form 2NDFL.
  • the opportunity to contact the prosecutor's office, the labor inspectorate or the court, if the boss does not pay, does not issue the documents you need, and forces you to work.

Regulatory acts provide for many cases when Dismissal without service is possible.

And if you need to use this right, you should not be afraid to disturb the peace in the usual office “swamp”.

You just need to write a letter of resignation without working according to the sample and feel free to open new page In my life.

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