Why do you need a million?

This is the main question to ask before taking action. For what?

70% of account and project owners I come across want a “quick fix”: quick success, quick money, quick recognition. Snatch it quickly, and there might be a flood! Moreover, only 1% of them are immediately ready to answer the question “why.”

Imagine that you have a million subscribers:

Do you want popularity?

Then what exactly does popularity mean to you, specifically, and what do you intend to do with it? Not a single famous person has ever become one with the sole goal of “being popular.”


Do you want money?

Then how much? And through what projects? For example, more than 30% of our students earn half a million rubles or more, while having from 20 to 100 thousand subscribers. It is a fact!

What I am saying is that you need a strategy and understanding - where and why you are going, what goals you are pursuing. “And then in the morning she woke up famous” - this is a fairy tale. But the truth is that before this morning there were many mornings while “Cinderella” worked for her success.

Are you in the mood for the long game? Not in the sense of being long, tedious and ineffective, but in the sense of having to personally answer for what you do for a long time?

Do what brings you happiness.

The secret of popularity famous people the fact that they did what they really liked for a long time and persistently. Not for the myth of popularity, not to increase the number of subscribers, but because they were good at it and wanted to get better and better. In improving themselves, they have become real stars, and this attracts and attracts a huge number of people.

Think and answer the questions: What are you good at? What do you really like? What would you like to improve in?

Decide who your target audience is.

This point is often neglected. It seems like something we offer could be of interest to everyone. And the longer you think like this, the less chance you have of winning over your audience.

Who is all this for? Who are these people who read you? Do they need what you offer and what you are?

Describe in detail the portrait of your target audience - age, interests, income, geography. In my courses, I give an in-depth scheme for working with the target audience, because we literally have to know them by sight. Thanks to this, you will be able to build competent communication with your audience and attract more subscribers.

For example, the topic of a personal brand is not so broad that millions are interested in it, for the simple reason that the audience is special, craves scale, development, greater income and is ready to really work for it - and there are not so many such people.

And, let’s say, the Weiner audience, especially if you are talented, can reach several million. The main instinct of following such a page is to get a quick “dose” of entertainment and mood. If you feel you have acting talent, go for it, you have a chance to quickly grow a large audience.

Create a personal brand.

If you track truly engaged popular accounts, you will notice that they are built on the principle of personal branding. What is this, let's figure it out.

Many people still mistakenly believe that a personal brand is their face in an account, as well as stories about personal things, which naturally does not take you into the territory of your own brand.

I suggest looking at it from this angle:

What should I see in your account to say: YES, you are on the way to a personal brand:

A personal brand is not personal and secret. This is not about turning your soul inside out or inviting everyone into your bed, unless, of course, you are from the show “House 2” - then this is your concept.

A personal brand is an image displayed in public, on stage, in front of television cameras. What's on your stage? What will you show?

A personal brand is your message to the world. Who you are? How are you different? Why should I remember you? On Instagram, this message is placed in the “About Me” field - in just 150 characters you need to have time to present yourself clearly, clearly and clearly. In 90% of the accounts that I analyze, the message is unclear - either it was copied from someone else, or they added slogans, cliches and other nonsense.

Conclusion: Find out WHO YOU ARE and WHAT YOU ARE ABOUT and tell the world.

It’s not enough to create a message, you need to confirm it. What are you an expert in? How can you prove it? I can’t get enough of your words that you are the best. Build such communication and such a content scheme that I will believe in you. And this is already a strategy. Unique style. External image, visual appearance of the account, communication style, texts. Are you one hundred and twenty-fifth, sending “rays of goodness” or can you use a strong word? Neither one nor the other? And what? You know? If not, you are wallowing in the gray slurry of Instagram.

Create a story that will be followed like an interesting series. Build such communication and conduct a dialogue with the audience in such a way that subscribers feel involved in your story, and perhaps even participants in your series.

Don't forget about promotion.

In order for as many people as possible to know about your account, you need to take a whole range of steps promotional events. This could be mutual posts, advertising with bloggers, organizing activities like marathons and useful games, advertising in stories, and targeting. It is necessary to build an advertising campaign based on your goals and, of course, budget.

What amounts should you focus on when planning your budget? On average, a subscriber’s “drive” costs from 5 to 20 rubles, sometimes 3-4 rubles if the campaign is properly organized.

And I beg you, do not use “dead souls” - you need living, engaged subscribers who really support you, and not soap bubbles.

Go beyond Instagram.

Instagram for last years has turned into a separate planet, where new stars and projects are born and millions of rubles are earned. It seems that life exists only there :)

But don’t forget that your audience also happens to be in other places, so I recommend using offline events, participating in various activities and conferences, and also trying to become an interesting person for the media. It is advisable to combine online and offline activities in every possible way, this will only enhance the effect.

We have released a new book “Content Marketing in in social networks: How to get into your subscribers’ heads and make them fall in love with your brand.”

Today, a large number of entrepreneurs from all over the world use Instagram to promote their products and services. Some create online stores on social networks, while others simply work with the audience by providing relevant and up-to-date information. In any case, it is obvious: the more subscribers, the more benefits for your business. A logical question arises: how to attract followers on Instagram. We’ll talk about this in today’s material.

How to increase the number of followers on Instagram: the beginning

We start by checking our own profile, making it as attractive as possible. The following points will help in this endeavor:

  1. Keywords in login and name. The username and login are indexed by the social network. To ensure your potential clients can easily find you through search, your profile title should be relevant to your business. For example, you have a family cafe. Be sure to include “family cafe” in the profile name.
  2. Photo. We check whether the main photo is bright, attractive, memorable and at the same time simple, concise, and understandable. You should not use inscriptions and text, it will not be visible, and also do not use group photos. Emblems, logos, and caricatures look most impressive on a black or white background.
  3. Description. Have you fully reflected the essence and mission of the business in the description, and your specialization?
  4. Clickable link. Do you have an official website, a page with a menu, a one-page website with terms of cooperation, a portfolio of works and other materials that may be useful to users? Then be sure to post a link to them in your profile. You can also provide a link to a YouTube channel or a page on other social networks.

Studying the market to increase the number of subscribers on Instagram

To create a competitive offer that will interest users, it is necessary to first study the market, strengths and weak sides main competitors. Find competitors who have gathered your target audience (TA). Do an analysis: how many subscribers they have, what material is popular with subscribers, how often they publish posts (this will allow you to find out how often the target audience expects new posts and publications), how competitors communicate with the target audience, what promotion tools they use.

We are working on content

At the very beginning, you need to clearly determine what content will be best received by the target audience. If you use content correctly, your Instagram account can quickly become your primary marketing channel. However, this is also the most difficult task for a businessman - to choose the right presentation style, content and topic. If you don't know how to gain followers on Instagram through quality content, try posting a variety of materials. For example, you have a family cafe. Try publishing photo reports from events, little secrets of the kitchen (how dishes are prepared), introducing the team, posting informational posts about the best restaurants in the world or the most expensive dishes, quotes or funny statuses about food and cafes. Next, analyze which posts are more popular and focus on them. Create a community of people who love family holiday in the pleasant atmosphere of your cafe.

Thinking through a content strategy

Publications must be consistent. Don’t abandon your account even for one day, publish constantly interesting material. You need to create a publication schedule and stick to it. Determine what time you will post every day (it is best to first analyze the activity of subscribers, at what time they are most active, as shown in the figure) and stick to the chosen time.

For example, you can post interesting facts about family cafes and cooking in general 3-4 times a day. Constantly work on preparing the material, look for relevant and fresh ideas, never repeat yourself. Please note that this is a great way to gain followers on Instagram for free. But if you already have a large audience, you need to reduce the frequency of posts to 1-2 per day.

We automate posting

The modern market offers a wide range of applications to automate the posting process. If you are looking for an answer to the question of how to get a lot of followers on Instagram, be sure to use one of these services. The most popular service today is Wordswag, which is compatible with operating systems Android and IOS. Wordswag allows you to upload the pictures you like in a matter of minutes, and then process and post them. All pictures are saved in the Camera Roll folder.

In the search for an answer to the question of how to get many followers on Instagram, the Onlypult service has proven itself well. Here you can manage several accounts at once, plan the posting of material according to time, and receive statistics on the results of posting. The service provides a week-long trial period during which you can easily determine whether the service is suitable for you or not.

Communicating with the audience

Periodically you need to post posts, the main task of which will be to attract users and increase their activity. For example, publish posts with questions, conduct surveys, ask for opinions regarding your product/service. The important thing to keep in mind here is that you need to respond to comments left. Thank your subscriber for being with you. If a negative comment is left, try to find out what exactly you don’t like and how you can fix it.

We motivate subscribers to take useful actions

To get a larger audience reach and convey information to more consumers, ask subscribers to tag their friends under the photo. You can disguise your request: “Tag someone with whom you would like to try our new ice cream,” “Tag someone with whom you would like to spend this evening with us,” “Tag someone who loves spaghetti,” and so on. This is a great way to promote. For example, the post you see collected 1,626 comments tagged by friends.

You also need to motivate users to leave likes. To do this, you can make question posts and leave inscriptions in the style of “Click 2 times if you agree.” This is a fairly simple way to get a lot of likes in a relatively short period of time. There is an unspoken principle of the universe at work here: ask more, get more.

Another effective way increase the number useful actions subscribers - holding competitions. You shouldn’t hold competitions when the number of your subscribers does not exceed 500-700 people, there won’t be much result. But when an impressive audience of followers has already been formed, you can use them to increase the awareness of other users. You can use your own goods and services as a prize, or find a sponsor. In return, you receive new subscriptions, likes and comments.

Good results and feedback about the audience can be achieved if you use pictures that stimulate emotions. Send messages to your subscribers, or evoke nostalgia, sadness, joy, pride, hope, and so on in their hearts.

Hashtags, emojis and your own brand

Every post should have a description, sometimes there is much more in the description useful information than in the attached image. Experts recommend not to overdo it with hashtags in the description. It’s best to come up with a succinct, concise description that will attract users, and then add several tags in the comments.

As for emojis, you definitely need to use them. Do not give up emoticons so that subscribers do not consider the channel childish and frivolous. Emoticons are able to place emphasis in the text and highlight certain phrases and expressions. Also, with the help of emoticons, you can make a post more emotional; reading such a post is more convenient and enjoyable.

Images are an important component of an Instagram account, so their quality, selection and processing must be treated with special care. Placing a logo on all published photos and pictures will help create your brand and give the consumer a clear idea of ​​your company. Also make sure that all images are made in the same style, this will add a special chic and style to your profile.

Should I use bots?

A fairly common service today is the artificial boost of subscribers using bots. There are 2 options: using offers and special programs. In the first case, the system subscribes users to you for money. This is not the target audience, so you can’t expect an increase in sales, the number of likes and comments. Offers can only help at the very beginning, when you need to form a base, the backbone of your profile. There are different services for purchasing subscriptions, for example, Socelin.

Using special programs allows you to subscribe and like people who are part of your target audience (its parameters are set in advance). We indicate the target audience, launch the program and watch how more subscribers grow. The most popular resource for this is Instaplus.

The most important

And in conclusion, let’s look at why it’s so important to develop your Instagram account and why companies spend their budget on it. It's simple - it stimulates business income. Instagram is a complex platform for increasing profit growth: Here you can redirect subscribers to your website only through a link in the profile header; there is no way to insert a link into every published post. However, under each post you can write what is more detailed information presented via the link in the profile header.

We hope the material will help you achieve main goal: gain followers on Instagram and become the owner of a popular account that consistently generates income. If you follow all the recommendations and follow them for 6-7 months, you can gather an audience of 50-100,000 people.


Questions about how to increase your Instagram followers should be asked carefully. The modern Internet is full of scammers and those who want to profit from the ignorance of others. The most reliable way to make your Instagram account popular and in demand is to promote it yourself.

How to get a lot of followers on Instagram

Numerous followers on Instagram come for free, but not always. People are attracted to interesting content – ​​something that is unique in its own way. Photos and videos that copy analogues from other channels and accounts will only be of interest to short term. And this is not the best way to gain real live subscribers. Live subscribers appear and remain in your account contacts after some work has been done. You need to create content, but you also need to promote it to the masses.

Whether you're writing about kid gloves, small dogs, or delicious food, you need to have a rough idea of ​​your largest audience. What groups of people will be interested in the content? How many of them will stay with you for a long time (and for free)? Finding answers to these questions will lead you to getting free subscribers on Instagram. The first step to popularity is information about how other users achieved success before you.

IN own plan steps to achieve large quantity followers enter the following steps:

  1. Browse a selection of content similar to yours from popular authors.
  2. Learn how photo filters work.
  3. Explore the most popular hashtags ( keywords with #) for now.
  4. Find out which social networks can be linked to your Instagram account.

The filters applied to photographs partly determine their popularity. Users like to follow trends, and it will be useful for you to know which filters have become the most popular this month. The same goes for hashtags. Popular keywords are associated with strong competition, but there is a chance to get on the screens of many potential followers through well-chosen hashtags. And don’t forget about the opportunity to post photos and videos to Instagram from your favorite Facebook or VK. The simpler the posting process, the faster the subscriber base is built.

How to increase the number of followers on Instagram

A significant part of the work in recruiting visitors is cross-posting - mutual links between posts on different social networks. Once you post a photo on Instagram, you can immediately link to it on Twitter and Facebook. It's free and only takes a couple of minutes. Communication is beneficial for someone who is looking to build a fan base. Chat with other users, like their photos and collections, and join discussions. Random commentators and visitors will see your name more often, and from here it’s not far from interest in your page, even to mutual friendship.

Remember that live followers on Instagram come either to popular people or to owners of popular content. Casual visitors willingly subscribe to the accounts of stars, but also show interest in the steadily growing collections of quality content. Once you've started creating photos of unusual dogs, continue to update this content category on your page. Improve the quality of your photos, try to add new filters, find good plans and shots. This solves the question of how to gain followers on Instagram through your personal work.

Get live followers on Instagram for free

Cheating is a rapid increase in the number of followers through hidden tools and levers, bypassing the standard slow growth of interest. A popular way to cheat is active correspondence with competing content authors, as well as with random users in the comments to different photos. Attracting attention to your person will also attract new visitors to your account. Whether they will subscribe depends on the quality of the photos, the regularity of their publication and updating. Appreciate mutual followers.

The golden mean between promotion and waiting for a natural set of subscribers is regular analysis of the activity of thousands of users of a given social network. It is useful to know the time of day at which the number of views fresh photos and additions to friends will be the greatest. During this period, you need to plan to post new content. Regular adjustment to the community’s “schedule” will allow you to get a feel for how to gain followers on Instagram.

How to attract followers on Instagram - paid methods

There are examples of how to gain many followers on Instagram without investing personal effort, but this is a last resort method. You will have to use financial instruments, and the result will depend on the integrity of the specialist with whom you cooperate. Be sure to read the reviews of other users about how much his service costs, how this specialist gains an audience, and what is the effectiveness of investing in his work.

Video: how to get many followers on Instagram

With the help of the presented videos you can get several useful tips from people directly involved in actively posting content on Instagram, gaining a large base of subscribers and participating in various photo competitions. In an easy-to-read form, tips are offered for those who want to become advanced authors on the Instagram network.

How to quickly gain followers on Instagram automatically

How to find followers on Instagram without cheating

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Do you want to get 1000 followers on Instagram? It's not a problem. Getting a lot of subscribers is relatively easy if you follow some rules.

Basic Rules

How to get a lot of followers on Instagram? The first thing you need to do is create a really interesting account with specific topic or purpose.

Secondly, you need to start taking beautiful, interesting and funny photos and learn how to label them correctly. Thirdly, and most importantly, you need to learn some clever marketing techniques that will allow you to skyrocket your subscriber count.

Where is the best place to start?

Getting followers on Instagram starts with rating other people's photos. One of the best ways to gain followers is to start liking pictures related to your posts as much as you can. Scroll down your home feed and like tons of your friends' photos. It is likely that many of them will start following you.

Go to the Explore page and take a look at the most popular photos. Like them as these accounts tend to have a lot of followers and some of them may follow you.

Then find photos of people, things or places that interest you using hashtags. For example, if you want to see photos of the Eiffel Tower, type #paris, #loveparis, or simply #eiffeltower. Pick a hashtag that has a lot of messages and start liking the pictures you like. This may help you get followers.

How to quickly gain a lot of followers on Instagram?

This option is best suited for users who want to gain a lot of subscribers in a short time. It involves searching for some of the most popular tags, such as #followme #like4like or #instadaily. Simply scroll through all the photos in this channel, double-tapping each one to tag it.

Repeat this with multiple tags until you have liked a thousand photos. This may seem like a lot of work, but if you do it every day, it is guaranteed that your follower count will grow quickly.

Communication as a way

How to get a lot of followers on Instagram without artificial boosts? Start commenting on people's photos. Not only should you like other users' pictures, but you should also start commenting on them. This provides a more personal touch, and if people like your posts, they will be more inclined to follow your account.

You won't be able to comment on every photo you like, but try to comment on as many as possible. It doesn't have to be an essay, just a simple phrase like " a good place" Even “love it” can work just fine.

However, a more personal comment is more effective, something like “I really like the lighting in this picture - good job! Or “I love your hair—I wish I could make mine look like that!” Remember that compliments bring people closer together.

The importance of descriptions

Add comments, questions, or geotags to your photos. Even though Instagram is 90% photography, it's important to remember the power of words. Accompanying your photos with funny, clever or unique comments or questions can be in a great way interaction with your subscribers, as well as the opportunity to get new ones.

For example, give a little explanation of what your photo is or what inspired it. Or you can simply indicate where the photo was taken. Try to keep it to a couple of sentences because people are lazy and will probably skip the description if it's too long. The correct descriptions are good way how to increase followers on Instagram.

Ask questions as they will encourage other people to comment on your posts, which is good for potential followers. It could be something as simple as a photo of a new coffee shop in town with the question, “Has anyone been here?” Or you could post a picture of two different pairs of shoes and ask which one would be better to wear today. This is also a good method for gaining many followers on Instagram.

Include calls to action in your messages. For example, if you posted a picture of your cat in a funny pose, you could caption something like, “I want to see all your crazy cats, use #awkwardcats.” This will encourage your followers to take their own photos and use the hashtag.

What else needs to be done?

How to gain a lot of followers on Instagram, attracting attention? Post photos regularly, but not too often. It's no use expecting users to follow you if you never post any photos, so it's important to be really active on Instagram and stay updated with current trends. Upload 1 to 3 photos per day, this should keep your audience interested, and make sure there is always something unique on your channel. This will allow you to constantly increase the number of followers on Instagram.

However, you should not post pictures just for the sake of a new post, they should all be beautiful and unique. Don't upload too many photos per day and avoid posting more than one photo at a time. This can clutter your followers' news feeds, which many people don't like. If they get tired of your constant posting, they may decide to unfollow you. Remember that deleted Instagram followers will not bring you any benefit.

What is the best way to publish?

Post pictures at the right time of day. You can take the most interesting, funny or beautiful photo, but if you post it at a time when no one is online, you are limiting the number of people who will see it, and this significantly reduces your chances of gaining new followers. Most users check their Instagram in the morning and evening, on the way to work or school and home. So if you're posting during this time (in the appropriate time zone), you're more likely to have your photos noticed.

Getting followers on Instagram can also be done using some services. You can also use apps (like Statigram) to find out what time your followers are using Instagram the most, and from there determine when is the best time to post content. Remember that any post has a window of about four hours to accumulate likes, comments and followers before it moves down the news feed.

Mentions and challenges

Another technique for gaining followers is to get mentions, and the best way is to start making them yourself. However, this will also cause some users to ignore you. This mainly draws attention to account another person if you mention them in a post and ask your followers to follow them. This exposes the user to a whole new group of potential followers that they would never have found otherwise.

This way to increase followers on Instagram is that after you do it to someone, they will do it to you. The ideal situation would be for a celebrity, a major brand, or someone with thousands of followers to do this. Unfortunately, this is quite rare, but with websites like QuickShouts and Klout, you can pay to promote your page.

  • Is it possible to make money from followers on Instagram?
  • How to gain followers on Instagram.
  • How to gain followers on Instagram using special services.
  • How to quickly gain followers on Instagram and not get blocked.

Why do you need to gain followers on Instagram?

The birthplace of Instagram is the USA. It was originally created as free application, allowing users to quickly and easily share photos and videos from their phone. The larger the audience you manage to gain, the more popular your photos and videos will become, which means you will receive more views and comments.

There is an opinion that when creating Instagram, the developers relied on the experience of the manufacturers of the still popular Polaroid camera, thanks to which you can take instant photos in 6 x 6 format. The exact same format is used on Instagram, thanks to which the service first attracted the attention of progressive youth, and then won the love of most smartphone owners. At the first stages of development, the application could only be used by owners of Apple phones, but later the developers made it available for Android, iOS and Windows platforms.

This large and friendly community often hosts competitions in which participants comment on the work of other competitors. Before you think about how to gain real followers on Instagram, make sure that you have really attractive pictures on your profile.

Viewing various profiles is also available from a computer. This social network is rich in thematic communities in which everything is posted - photos from trips to countries and cities, pictures of popular personalities, various dishes, etc.

How can users tell if your page is interesting to them? It's quite simple: they only need to superficially estimate the number of posts and likes. Another important indicator is the number of subscribers; this is what they look at first in some cases.

You need to gain subscribers if:

  • You are unpopular. It’s not easy to admit this, but there’s no reason to be upset. As soon as you learn the rules that allow you to gain live followers on Instagram, you will quickly promote your account and make new friends and fans.
  • Your business is stagnant. Sometimes it happens that actions do not bring the desired result even with a competent strategy. It’s quite difficult to earn money without investing in advertising, so promote your page and take advantage of it valuable resource for the development of the enterprise.
  • You need to talk about your hobby and make it more popular. Let's imagine that you are playing golf. Then beautiful photographs, complemented interesting stories, will attract like-minded people to you.
  • Are you looking for another source of income? An “additional” but well-promoted profile on Instagram is quite capable of feeding its owner. Therefore, read how to gain followers on Instagram and don’t waste time.

How to develop Instagram to increase sales by 15% monthly: 3 principles

Instagram is no longer just a network for publishing beautiful photos, but a powerful sales channel. Using a well-thought-out SMM strategy famous company in two years, she attracted 8.5 thousand followers on Instagram and increased sales by 15 percent monthly.

The editors of the “Commercial Director” magazine told you about three principles by which you need to develop an account on this social network.

How much can you earn from Instagram followers?

Today, social networks have ceased to be just a way of communication for us; they are gradually turning into a special platform for developing and doing business. This is why people are concerned about the technology of making money on a certain social network, including Instagram.

For a number of social networks, monetization has been available for a long time, so the main income in them is determined by the popularity of the account, in other words, it depends on the number of subscribers. In addition, the relevant question is: “Is it possible to make money on Instagram using the number of followers”? Without going into details, the answer is probably yes. To do this you can:

  1. Sell ​​advertising from your page on this social network, but you will need a well-designed profile and a lot of subscribers. You will be able to earn income after registering on the platforms created for this. But it should immediately be noted that earnings will be related to both the number of subscribers and the level of activity on the page. Therefore, you should be concerned about how to gain real followers on Instagram, because several thousand bots will not bring the desired effect. Of course you can use them, but the majority of your readers should be real people.
  2. Develop and sell accounts on Instagram. This is a good and very relevant way to earn money. Ready-made pages are bought by various types of firms, companies and even exchanges that sell resources on social networks. In this case, you need to register new accounts, create their own history in the form of information and content. But at the same time, you need to know how to gain followers on Instagram, because the more real the account looks, the higher its price.
  3. Offer your services as an SMM specialist. After you promote your own account and a number of others, you will have a compact portfolio of screenshots of achievements ready. With its help, you can offer your services to users seeking to improve their page rankings. The principle here is simple: the more subscribers you have, the more trust you will receive from potential clients.
  4. Sell ​​any services. In other words, create own business on Instagram. Just like in the previous version, to get new clients you need subscribers on Instagram - they will allow you to spread the word and attract more and more new followers.

The more subscribers you get, the more benefit you can get from it by making money on the social network. And our tips on how to gain followers on Instagram will help you cope with this task.

You shouldn’t blindly trust special services: they all promise to bring real buyers of your services - this is exactly what you need to achieve on your own by increasing the number of followers.

Expert opinion

Instagram helps you instantly understand mistakes in sales tactics

Tatiana Butskaya,

General Director of the Center for Assistance to Future and Existing Parents “Parents’ Choice”, Moscow

We manage to successfully promote the Parents' Choice brand using social networks, especially Instagram. I sign advertising contracts with agencies and large companies to generate income from my channel. Typically, the price of a particular contract depends on its focus: the narrower it is, the higher the cost. In our case, the price is small, since we sell a product that everyone needs - childbirth.

Attracting one subscriber may have a different price, it all depends on whether he will belong to the target audience of a particular channel. For example, with the help of “gives,” that is, competitions on Instagram (from the English giveaway), you can attract even several hundred thousand subscribers to your account, the main thing is to retain them.

If you go the other way and give excellent advertising, you will have an additional 1000 subscribers, each of which costs (relatively) 3 rubles. But after just a day, no more than 10 percent of this thousand may well remain, which means the cost of one subscription will jump 10 times.

By using Instagram as a way to communicate with a potential client, you can see your mistakes in sales tactics, understand whether the strategy was chosen correctly, and make changes to the assortment. A case from our practice: in 2016, we often organized “gives” and raffled off fashionable strollers. So we collected tens of thousands of participants, but then we decided to play a budget model as an experiment. As a result, only 200 people took part in the “giva,” and we found out which strollers were in greatest demand. Large stores, having learned that a certain model received the most likes, began selling it.

  • What points to consider when drawing up a media promotion plan?

How to get your first followers on Instagram: from 0 to 1000 in seven steps

A new account may not use all promotion methods. If only because it is not interesting as a way of mutual PR, because it has no subscribers. Including tools such as mass liking and mass following on a young account is very dangerous. But what should you do then, how to gain followers on Instagram? Start by exploring free and legal options for audience recruitment and take action.

Step 1: Prepare your account.

Before you take action and think about how to gain followers on Instagram, make sure that your account has:

  • 10-15 high-quality posts (good picture, interesting text);
  • completed profile description;
  • good avatar;
  • clear positioning and understanding of why people will subscribe to you.

Most lifestyle bloggers came to Instagram from LiveJournal. And after them the first thousand subscribers arrived. Therefore, if you have already managed to capture a certain audience on one of the social networks, let people know that you are moving to Instagram! Make relevant posts everywhere: on Facebook, Vkontakte, on personal pages, in groups, on Twitter, LiveJournal, etc. Let everyone know that you have Instagram, share the link. There is a high probability that some of your friends will subscribe.

If you want to run several platforms in parallel, for example on Instagram, Facebook and Vkontakte, they should have different content, because few people are interested in constantly looking at the same posts.

Do you have a mailing list? Use it! Since you are trying to gain live followers on Instagram on your own, let people know that you can now be found on this social network. It will probably be convenient for your readers to receive news not by email, but on their Instagram feed. And remember: posts should not be repeated. It's also important to keep them interesting and useful.

Step 4. Create a widget on the site.

This step will only be beneficial if you have a good website with high traffic. Let's imagine: a person found you through a search engine or a link on a forum, and your article or product helped him. There is a very high probability that he will want to remember you. Make it easier for him, let him know that you have Instagram. However, this method will not help you gain followers on Instagram if your page has low traffic.

Step 5: Use offline space.

Be sure to use an offline store, showroom, salon, bar or something similar if you have one. This way you can bring visitors to your Instagram account. A person leaves the bar and forgets about it, and if he becomes your subscriber on Instagram, he will constantly see posts in his feed, learn about news and promotions, and will definitely remember you. In this case, the likelihood of a repeat visit to this bar increases significantly. The same rule applies to fairs, markets, festivals and even simple courier delivery. Leave a link to you on Instagram on business cards, add it to packaging - help the client find you online.

Step 6: Ask a friend for help.

If you are friends with Nastasya Samburskaya or Olga Buzova, and such a friend is ready to talk about you on Instagram for free, you are just lucky! But let’s say right away that there is no reason to be upset if there are no such acquaintances. Ask your real friends to talk about your account. Even if each of them has 100 subscribers, and you ask for 10 people, the reach will already be quite good.

In this case, two rules must be followed:

  • the account should be such that you would not be ashamed to talk about it;
  • It is important to explain to a friend in detail what should be contained in his post (what qualities or advantages he needs to mention), what to emphasize and what must be included in the post (here we are talking about the @-link to your account).

Step 7: Use guest posting.

Let's explain: guest posting is a method of advertising in which you create a post for another account. Thus, your post with an @-link to your account appears on someone else’s page, and you receive advertising and new subscribers. But this is also beneficial for the partner, as he receives good content and saves time.

How to gain followers on Instagram for free:5 rules

  1. Look and act the part.

To get off to a good start, you'll need a million-dollar photo—a clear, high-quality shot that's pleasing to look at. It is important that it can be easily distinguished from photographs of other people.

You need to think carefully about your username. It needs to express the message to the audience, as this will help you gain followers on Instagram. To do this, think about the focus of your page - will it be professional or purely personal. In the second case, you can experiment with your nickname, but it is most convenient to use a variation of your own name.

Remember that the profile description is akin to a motivation letter; it should clearly display your opinion and the difference between your page and all others. Therefore, you should not indicate in your profile description things that you would not want to be associated with your person, regardless of your privacy settings. After all, the profile description tells the page guest why he should follow you.

Think about your strategy, why exactly do you need subscribers - for a reason?

  1. Do something interesting.

Since we need to gain followers on Instagram, the photos on the page must be of a quality no worse than the main profile image. After all, this platform focuses specifically on high-quality visual content - videos and photographs.

Decide what exactly your account should bring to the world, and why people need to know about what you publish. Supplement photos and videos with your own opinion, so you will stand out from the rest of the crowd of Instagrammers.

  1. Be consistent.

The number of subscribers directly depends on the frequency and regularity of page updates. The audience will remember you and strive to find out your opinion on a topic that interests you, provided that posts are published frequently, say every day or several times a week.

If you abandon this approach and decide to post content on a whim, constantly changing the topic, then some subscribers will become uninterested in you and will leave.

  1. Focus on one thing at a time.

If your accounts on different social networks are connected in such a way that posts are duplicated in all of them at once, refuse this option. Choosing this approach often leads to annoying mistakes and overlaps. It is better to tailor content to the standards of a specific platform, although duplication can save time.

The audience will understand about autoposting by noticeable differences in the style and focus of the platforms. Since gaining followers on Instagram is your main task, take care of your social networks separately, it will look more organic. Moreover, automatic posting from one social network to another speaks of you as a lazy, antisocial person who is not ready to comply with the rules and social norms of users of different portals.

  1. Be yourself.

Originality is a very important property. Be yourself - best strategy behavior on social networks. More or less experienced users immediately see those who are not distinctive. Therefore, post what is interesting to discuss, bring in your point of view. And have fun.

How to quickly gain followers on Instagram : 8 effective ways

  1. The natural way to increase followers on Instagram is through live communication.

This method is the most reliable, and also does not require financial costs. However, it is worth noting that growing an audience this way is the most difficult. How can you gain followers on Instagram in this case? Look for your potential audience on this social network yourself - go to the pages suitable people, subscribe, leave likes and comments.

Now we are talking about mass following. After all, when a person sees you among his subscribers, he goes to your page and subscribes in response - this can be either just a polite step or a confirmation of his keen interest in the content.

Searching by tags and your competitors will help you understand who is in the target audience. Study the list of their subscribers, find out who leaves comments on their accounts. Now you can safely approach these users, since there is a very high probability that they will be attracted to your product. Just avoid phrases like “buy from me!” Leave a mark in the form of a few likes and compliments - and you will be noticed.

When you follow a person, don’t forget about him, look through the feed sometimes, write comments. Use the same approach when communicating with your subscribers. Be sure to respond to all comments under your photos (we're not talking about bots or trolling).

It is worth noting that Instagram recently introduced a limit on the number of subscriptions. To date maximum amount amounts to 7500 accounts. After this, your ability to subscribe is limited or simply banned.

Since we are talking about how to gain followers on Instagram without cheating, it is important to imagine what cheating subscribers and “dead” accounts indicate. When checking your account, first look at the numbers: if the number in the right column (people YOU follow) is significantly higher than the number in the middle column (YOUR followers), you have a “dead” page.

Any user who comes to you and sees a similar picture will consider your account unattractive. Therefore, in order to attract an audience, you need to have approximately equal numbers of subscribers and subscriptions.

Or there is another option: if a page guest sees that you are subscribed to three people, and you have 5,000 subscribers, you immediately acquire special attractiveness in his eyes! WITH psychological point It is much easier for a person to click the “subscribe” button, because 5,000 people have already done this before him. This is a social proof characteristic of Instagram, or the effect of joining the majority.

So what should we do then? How to gain followers on Instagram without following anyone? Be sure to subscribe, but sometimes it’s worth unsubscribing and cleaning up your feed. To avoid seeming impolite, do this not after five minutes, but after at least a few days, while controlling the ratio of subscriptions to subscribers.

  1. Competitions and giveaways.

To organize a competition, offer a really attractive reward for the winner. Next, post a photo of the prize on your page and describe how to earn it. Most often, participants need to subscribe to the organizer’s account, repost the competition photo, provide a link to the organizer in the comments to their repost (for example, @magazin_romashka), and put the necessary tag (such as #daisy_giveaway).

A link to the organizer will allow your friends to take part, log into his account, and subscribe. Such “word of mouth” is a good way out if you are thinking about how to gain followers on Instagram.

The winner is chosen on the initially agreed day by lot, using a random number generator (when the participants have serial numbers) or through a special service (for example, giveaways.ru).

Or you can hold a competition in which participants will do something more complex than a simple repost and show their creativity. Such promotions always attract more attention, and so far no one has gotten tired of them. But remember that it is not so easy to get people to take action that requires more effort than reposting. Therefore, offer a truly worthwhile gift.

Social networks are flooded with accounts of cunning people created specifically for participation in such competitions. Believe me, such people among your subscribers will not be useful to you, because lovers of free prizes are not inclined to buy. There is a high probability that the owners of such accounts do not track events in the feed at all, which means they are not destined to see your photos.

You can cut them off when organizing a competition as soon as you decide to gain followers on Instagram. To do this, indicate in the rules that pages containing only competition reposts are not eligible to participate.

  1. Comments from celebrities.

It's simple: stars always have a lot of subscribers, they write comments under every photo. It may seem strange, but there is a fairly large group of people who read such posts and even engage in conversations. Therefore, your phrase under a celebrity’s post will be seen by a large audience. This is important for you because you want to gain followers on Instagram.

How to benefit from this? First of all, choose a celebrity who can attract the attention of a specific audience. Let’s say that a seller of children’s goods has no reason to comment on Sergei Shnurov’s statements. Instead, it is better to prefer the account of a famous young mother.

Avoid comments of a purely advertising nature, for example: “We have the best toys!” Nobody likes such phrases, and the stars themselves delete them, after which the user is blocked. But not only the owner of the photo can complain about you; other users can also mark you as spam. After a fair amount of complaints accumulate, Instagram will block you. The result of this is sad - you will lose both your account and the entire audience that you were able to gain as subscribers on Instagram.

  1. Recommendation from celebrities.

But since you really need to gain followers on Instagram, you should not leave reviews of this nature: “The best swimsuits are here! @lalala.” The fact is that this phrase is not much different from ordinary advertising comments, which means it irritates everyone.

It is best if the comment contains a sincere recommendation. For example, under a summer photo of a celebrity you can write: “What a cool swimsuit! I was looking for one like this! In the end I bought it from @lalalala. It’s a little different, but I really like it))” or “I love your photos! Among all the popular bloggers, I only read you and @lalala.”

Most often, other users do not notice hidden advertising in such phrases and follow the specified link. If you are thinking about how to gain followers on Instagram, this is very important. But you shouldn’t leave the same comment under the photos of all the stars: over time, people will understand that this is just advertising.

You have only two options to get high-quality comments under photos:

  • hire a person for this purpose;
  • create an additional page, upload any photos there, subscribe to several friends, follow someone to yourself - all this in order to give the account the appearance of a living one. After that, make the page private and start leaving comments in the first account.
  1. Advertising with celebrities.

All popular accounts, including celebrities, make money from advertising. Thanks to social networks, it is much easier to contact a star, which means you can negotiate promotions with them. In the question: “How to gain followers on Instagram this way?” - the main thing is that the price suits you.

If you want to Instagram famous person a post about you has appeared, you can choose one of the tactics:

  • give your product in the hope that they will like it and the star will want to tell his fans about it;
  • agree on paid placement of the post.

In the profile of any popular Instagrammer you can easily find contacts for communication, most often they indicate WhatsApp or email. All you have to do is contact a suitable celebrity and arrange paid advertising as you need to gain followers on Instagram.

  1. Advertising in other accounts.

Recently, public pages familiar to everyone from Vkontakte and Facebook appeared on Instagram. Their content remains the same - they post positive, funny, motivating pictures. Moreover, such groups have many subscribers, which means they also post paid posts. But be careful: most subscribers will most likely turn out to be bots, which means there will be no response to your advertising.

In addition to entertaining public pages, Instagram is also rich in specialized, thematic accounts dedicated to specific stores and services. It is in them that you will find the most suitable audience to promote your product. Since all subscribers initially want to learn about stores, it will be easier for you to gain followers on Instagram.

  1. Mutual PR.

The more links to you appear in other people’s accounts, the larger the audience will learn about you and go to your page. To get people to start talking about you, just agree on it.

The simplest version of such promotion involves the use of the principle “you tell me - I give you”, that is, mutual PR. Simply put, you talk about a person on your page, and he talks about you. As a result, you get a fairly simple and, importantly, free answer to the question: how to gain followers on Instagram?

We advise you to choose accounts with which you have approximately the same number of subscribers - this will make it easier to come to an agreement. It is important to try to select users whose information may be of interest to your audience, so that you do not lose them due to advertising. And lastly: you need accounts that your potential audience follows - otherwise, what’s the point of such a partnership?

A simple example: you are selling jewelry, then agree on mutual PR with clothing stores or fashion bloggers. If you sell bouquets, look for accounts of companies organizing holidays.

  1. Increase followers on Instagram using bots.

  • The first is the so-called “offers” or people who receive money for signing up. Of course, they will not be your target audience and it is naive to expect sales from them. This method is useful only in the first stages of page development - this way real potential buyers will understand that someone is following you and you can be trusted.
  • The second method and another answer to the question: how to gain subscribers on Instagram? - use special program to increase the number of subscribers. In fact, such programs make life quite easy, because they can like and subscribe to people according to given parameters. You just enter the desired city or tag into the settings, or you can simply select your competitor’s audience - and the program will subscribe specifically to these people.

True, this technique also has its subtleties. Of course, the robot can add comments. But do not forget that this is only a robot; it cannot think like a living person. As a result, messages appear that irritate everyone with calls to enlarge your breasts, pump up your abs, or buy a bag. Such comments are deleted, marked as spam, the user is blocked, and a negative opinion is formed about the subject of the advertisement.

But since you are trying to gain followers on Instagram, we recommend choosing neutral comment options for the bot, such as “Great photo!” or emoticons. Subscribers will understand that this is a robot, but at least he won’t be annoying. And what difference does it make who gives the compliment? He's always pleasant.

Try it out different ways promotion, only in this way will you understand which one works best in your case. You can combine several options that have worked well.

  • Sales Marketing Techniques: 6 Great Ideas from Practice

How to gain more followers on Instagram using paid and free services

There are a number of ways to answer the question: how to gain followers on Instagram? The main ones are natural and cheating, and the second option can be either paid or not requiring financial investment.

First of all, let’s say which portals allow you to buy followers on Instagram.

  • Markapon.

This service is famous for its most affordable prices. On average, one subscriber costs 8 kopecks. It is also important that the website of this SMM company often holds promotions and discounts on complex packages for a certain number of subscribers.

  • WinLike.

This portal has a self-explanatory name, that is, thanks to it you can both gain followers on Instagram and get likes. In this case, discounts also apply. Here you can easily watch video instructions and reviews, acquire bots and live followers.

There are services that offer the possibility of mutual PR, earning points, points, and real money to promote your own page. You can take advantage of this opportunity using the following sites:

  1. Vktarget.

The advantage of this site is that it quickly attracts an audience on all the most popular social networks, including you can gain subscribers on Instagram. Here, as we said, you get the opportunity to earn money if you join a group, subscribe and like. The proceeds will be useful to you for promoting your own account.

  1. Likemania.

This site is very popular, where you will find many offers ready to turn into your subscribers. How to get followers on Instagram here? You buy various paid packages and in return receive as many subscribers as you need.

How to get a lot of followers on Instagram: 42 secrets

  1. Use hashtags, they always increase your audience: #FF (FollowFriday), #instafollow, #l4l (LikeForLike), #tagforlikes, #followback.
  2. Like hundreds of random pictures from people in your target audience. Neil Patel used this tactic and found that in exchange for 100 random likes, he received 6.1 followers.
  3. Write comments, like other people's photos - this is the most natural answer to the question: how to gain followers on Instagram?
  4. Put the most popular hashtags - with their help, your photos will appear in search results. Here are the most common ones: #love, #instagood, #tbt and #photoofthday.
  5. Post photos at 2:00 or 17:00. Research has shown that this is the most effective time for posting.
  6. Find and like people using popular hashtags such as #followme and #likeforlike. There is a very high probability that many of them will turn into your audience.
  7. Use the Mayfair filter, it is considered the most effective among filters for marketing.
  8. Complete your bio. At the same time, use relevant words, hashtags, and a link to your website. And never act like a spammer, otherwise no one who reads your profile will subscribe to you.
  9. Ask questions in photo captions to get a response.
  10. Post photos on Sundays, as this is when users post the fewest images. This means you have a chance to make your publication more visible.
  11. Introduce a call to action into the headlines, invite subscribers to do something simple, for example: tell me in the comments what you think about it.
  12. Don't be afraid to post frequently. At first glance, it may seem that a business that frequently posts photos on Instagram has a reduced audience response. In fact, this is not the case, as research from Union Metrics has proven. It was found that there was no negative relationship between the number of published images and the level of audience engagement.
  13. Use Piqora to understand what types of images people respond to most. And use this valuable information as you need to gain followers on Instagram!
  14. Insert geotags, this is especially important if we're talking about about a local enterprise. A geotagged photo will be visible on the location page to everyone who posts photos from your region. This way you will be able to gain a local audience.
  15. Use Latergramme to schedule Instagram posts for a specific period. And remember that regular posts are a prerequisite if you are thinking about how to gain followers on Instagram.
  16. Really engaging. No strategy for recruiting subscribers can compare with the genuine interest of the audience. Do whatever it takes to get the likes and thoughtful comments you deserve. Don’t stop subscribing to new accounts, communicate with their owners, respond to comments under your photos.
  17. Turn multiple photos into a collage. Tools like “PicFrame” will help you with this, allowing you to combine up to 9 photos and videos.
  18. Post photos of blue things. As strange as it may sound, there are studies that have proven that such images receive 24 percent more likes than orange or red ones.
  19. Post on Wednesdays. Photos posted on this day receive slightly more likes and comments than those posted at the end or beginning of the week.
  20. The word “comment” should appear frequently in your headlines. According to statistics, people are more likely to react to such posts and leave comments.
  21. Use faces in photos. Dan Zarella estimates that followers leave 35 percent more likes for images with faces than without them.
  22. Tag people in photos whenever possible. As a result, the photo will appear in the tagged person’s feed, meaning there is a high probability that it will be shared. This is very important for you, as you want to gain followers on Instagram and increase your audience.
  23. Lighter is better: Dark images receive 24 percent fewer likes.
  24. Come up with a branded hashtag. Once it's created, encourage your followers to use it to form a bond between your audience and your brand. In addition, this will increase your visibility in the social network space.
  25. Post behind-the-scenes photos. With their help, you will show that your brand is not only a brand, but also living, interesting people.
  26. Create guest posts on your account. Ask your influential Instagrammer friends about this, if you have similar friends, of course. With the help of such a fail-safe method, you will be able to raise responses to a very high level, and also answer the question: how to gain subscribers on Instagram?
  27. Share photos of your subscribers by reposting such images. It’s especially good if the user mentioned your product in his post. You can motivate others to do the same.
  28. Try not using filters. According to statistics, people like images without filters more, and the audience responds to them better.
  29. Tell your email subscribers about your Instagram account. Periodically send out mailings with an image and a link to your account, as this will help you gain followers on Instagram.
  30. Advertise your Instagram handle on tangible marketing materials such as badges, car passes, product brochures, etc.
  31. Follow all your Facebook friends on Instagram, then many of them will follow you back. How to do it? Go to your profile, in the upper right corner you will see an icon of three dots, click on it. Select Find Friends, Find Facebook Friends.
  32. Post photos with edges and structures. Images with multiple facets receive 125 percent more likes.
  33. Tell a story. In the title of a photo, you can write not only one phrase, but also tell exciting stories. This will create an emotional connection for your audience with your brand. And if the story actually seems interesting, then the likelihood of it being reposted will increase.
  34. After the actual event where you took photos, tag popular Instagrammers in them. This will allow you to both gain followers on Instagram and increase the visibility of your photo and the number of shares.
  35. Use Iconosquare (formerly known as Statigram) to always be aware of the development of your own account. This service will tell you which images the audience responds to the most - post them more often.
  36. Use image editors, for example, Aviary. You can make photos more interesting: enlarge fragments, add frames, effects, and even simply improve their quality.
  37. Use the word “like” in the title. According to statistics, such publications earn 89 percent more likes.
  38. Post images with quotes, they work great on social media. Tools like Canva allow you to add motivational, inspirational, or funny quotes to your image.
  39. Link your Instagram account to your contact list. To do this, click on the button with three dots again and select “Find friends” - this way you will connect this social network with your list of email contacts.
  40. Use Crowdfire and similar tools to check the impact of posts on follower/unfollower statistics.
  41. Run promotions with other Instagrammers. First of all, find users with a similar topic; they should have approximately the same number of subscribers as you. Now agree on mutual mentions of each other, as this will allow you to gain followers on Instagram.
  42. Use a specific hashtag. Organize an event for your community to participate in and give it a unique hashtag.

How to gain followers on Instagram yourself without losing your account

Many of the methods mentioned above, if used incorrectly, can lead to a page being banned for violating network rules. As a result, you will not be able to gain followers on Instagram, and you will lose everything you have achieved on this network. In fact, this problem is not as bad as it seems if you know how to get more followers on Instagram without breaking the rules. Here are a number of recommendations that will help you in this matter:

  1. Refuse to increase counters in a completely new account. For several weeks after registration, the system filters will especially closely monitor you and your violations. It’s better to spend this time creating and filling out an account. But don’t get carried away, add data to your page gradually.
  2. At the first stages, you should not take subscribers from commercial sites, free exchanges with a zero counter. Start by adding several accounts, for example, friends, classmates, relatives, colleagues.
  3. Add subscribers to the page gradually and in portions. You shouldn’t go beyond established boundaries and look for ways to quickly gain followers on Instagram. If you added 1000 accounts in a day, take a break for at least 24 hours. Remember that the system recognizes adding no more than 300 subscribers per day as a natural action.
  4. Carefully choose the site on which you will acquire subscribers - up to 90 percent of success depends on this.
  5. When the site is selected, monitor the arrival of the first accounts in your profile. If you notice low-quality material, refuse the order and delete all subscribers purchased with it.
  6. Do not share your page data with services or websites. This information is considered confidential, so no one can demand it from you. Remember that attackers can use such data to their advantage.

With these simple tips you will protect your page from hacking and possible blocking. Be careful and check who you are dealing with.

Information about the experts

Tatiana Butskaya, General Director of the Center for Assistance to Future and Existing Parents “Parents' Choice”, Moscow. Graduated from Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogova. She worked at the Federal State Autonomous Institution NNPTSN named after. Academician N. N. Burdenko, Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery named after. A. N. Bakuleva, Group of Companies “Mother and Child”, magazine “Rody.ru”, ANO “Parents’ Choice”. Pediatric specialist. ANO “Center for Assistance to Future and Existing Parents “Parents' Choice”. Works in the public sphere. Number of staff: 10. Number of clients: more than 10,000.