The most popular and in a simple way Introducing liquid drugs into the body is an intramuscular injection. This type of injection is given into large muscles that are located at a distance from large blood vessels and clusters of nerve endings.

The gluteal muscle is best suited because it has minimum quantity nerve endings and the most powerful muscle layer. To give an injection in the buttock, as a rule, syringes with a capacity of 3 or 5 cubic meters are used.

Immediately after the injection, a depot is formed in the intramuscular tissue. From there, the drug enters the blood through the branches of the vascular system.

Injections are given by medical staff while the patient is in the hospital or on a home visit. The procedure is very simple, so anyone can give an injection in the buttock, to someone else, or even to themselves. Tips from the video below or written step by step recommendation will help you learn this.

Preparing for the injection

Basic hygiene is a mandatory preliminary procedure. An injection into the buttock is a needle piercing the skin and direct contact of a foreign body with blood. Lack of preparation for the injection in the form of disinfection measures can cause infection. And it doesn’t matter that the needle is sterile.

Preparatory process:

  • Before the procedure, you need to wash your hands thoroughly with soap;
  • prepare an ampoule with medicine for the injection;
  • check the availability of a sterile syringe;
  • You will definitely need a special round cutter for opening ampoules, which comes with each package of intramuscular injections;
  • cotton wool, alcohol or alcohol wipes are elements for hygienic treatment of the skin area before and after the injection.

The thinner and longer the needle, the less painful the injection into the buttock.

The procedure of injection and administration of the drug

To inject yourself into your buttock, it is better to take a horizontal position. This makes it easier to relax the muscle, because if it is tense, it will be much more painful and it will be difficult to pass the needle. People experienced in this matter can inject themselves into the buttock even while standing.

Step by step guide:

  1. Visually (it’s more convenient to practice with a visual example), you need to divide the buttock into 4 equal parts.
  2. The injection should be given exclusively in the upper right quarter. Only in this case is it possible to avoid hitting a nerve or blood vessel. If in the first case it will be unusually painful, then in the second a bruise will form.
  3. After carrying out hygiene procedures, you need to remove the syringe from the package and attach the needle to it.
  4. Be sure to inspect the ampoule and check the expiration date of the drug. If it is powdery and needs to be diluted with a special solution, this procedure is carried out.
  5. The ampoule is wiped with an alcohol cotton swab.
  6. Using a cutter, open the container, carefully so as not to crush it.
  7. The syringe draws liquid from the ampoule. To do this, you need to dip a needle inside an open container or pierce a rubber stopper with a powdery substance. Inject the solvent there and, shaking until smooth, draw it back into the syringe.
  8. The area of ​​skin at the injection site is wiped with an alcohol wipe.
  9. The syringe rises with the needle up, and all the air is released from it, down to small splashes of liquid.
  10. You need to make the injection yourself with a sharp, strong movement into the muscle at a right angle. In this way, the penetration area is minimized than if, for example, it were inserted at an angle.
  11. The drug is administered slowly. And if these are vitamins, then very slowly.
  12. You don’t need to take out the syringe very quickly, but at an even pace. The injection site is wiped with a cotton swab and alcohol and, if the bleeding does not stop immediately, it is held for a while.

A course of injections is often carried out daily or several times a day. Therefore, when undergoing treatment at home, it is very useful to be able to give yourself an injection yourself.

Intramuscular injections, simply put, injections in the gluteal region, are the easiest and most effective method treating a sick patient. Due to the fact that the medicine enters directly into the muscle fibers, it quickly spreads throughout the body and makes it possible to feel relief as quickly as possible. Intramuscular injections, unlike intravenous ones, can be performed outside the hospital - if you need to undergo a course of treatment, you can give yourself injections or ask your relatives. But how to properly give injections in the buttock so that no negative consequences arise? Our article will tell you about this.

Where on the buttock can a syringe be injected?

Even though injections into the gluteal region are not difficult, it is very important to know the place where you can inject a syringe with a medicinal solution.

Basically, there are three places on the human body where greatest number“safe” muscles – buttocks, thighs, arms. They all have exactly the right amount muscle mass, which is necessary for rapid absorption of the medicine and its distribution throughout the body, but the best and most proven place for intramuscular injections is the gluteal region. This is where a large number of necessary fibers are located, and there are fewer “dangerous” zones than in other areas.

The most convenient and safe place on the buttock is the outer upper quarter. In order to better understand where this place is located, when you first perform injections, you can mark the approximate area using iodine and a cotton swab. Have the patient lie down on a couch or bed, pull the clothing down below the buttock, and split the right buttock right down the middle, first horizontally, then vertically. In the resulting cells, the upper right square is the place where you can inject the injection without worry. When inserting again, markings will no longer be required, since a small dot from the previously performed injection will remain and it will be easier to navigate.

Which syringe to choose for intramuscular injections

Since the injection procedure itself is based on inserting a needle into muscle tissue, the needle must pierce the skin, subcutaneous layer and get into the very middle of the muscles for the best and fastest distribution. Self-taught doctors should remember that syringes with a short needle are in no way suitable for these purposes, since the injection will not be intramuscular, but subcutaneous, which can negatively affect general health, possible occurrence side effects. 2 ml syringes are not suitable for injections into the buttock area. It is necessary to select syringes with a longer needle, for example, 5 ml or more. Naturally, the choice of syringe is also influenced by the amount of injected solution, so if you decide to carry out intramuscular injections yourself, first read the instructions, the amount of the medicine you receive, and only then buy syringes of the right size.

Intramuscular injections into your buttock or to a loved one can only be done after carefully fulfilling the following conditions:

Hand sanitizing and washing
Before you begin to perform health procedures on your patient, you must wash your hands with soap and treat them with an antiseptic. This measure is very important and should not be neglected, since there is direct contact with blood, germs and bacteria from your hands can transfer to the patient’s skin and contribute to the occurrence of inflammation. Regular hand cleaning will help you avoid such negative situations, so before showing off your “doctor” skills, clean your hands of all germs.

Preparation of the medicine in accordance with the instructions
After your hands are clean and you are full of confidence in the well-being of your work, read the instructions for the drug several times and do everything as written in the annotation. If the medicine is in powder form, it may need to be diluted with novocaine, lidocaine or sodium chloride solution (be sure to read the instructions! Only approximate options are listed here!). If the drug is in liquid form, then it is already completely prepared (check the instructions again!).

Before you start preparing the solution or filling the syringe with liquid, perform antiseptic procedures again: treat the surface of the bottle with an alcohol swab, wipe the ampoule before opening. In order not to be distracted during injections, prepare a cotton ball and moisten it generously with alcohol (you can use an alcohol wipe, which makes the work easier and helps you not to worry about taking the right amount of alcohol).

Preparing the patient for the injection
Once everything is prepared for the injections, it is time to contact your patient. Have him lie down on a couch or hard bed so he doesn't make any sudden movements while inserting the needle. There is no need to spend any time with an adult preparatory conversations, but the child must be mentally prepared, otherwise the next time the syringe is inserted you will suffer from his strong crying and screams.

Explain to your child that the injection needs to be given for a quick recovery, that it will not cause severe pain, but just feel a mosquito bite. Try in every possible way to cheer up the child, praise his courage.

Disinfection of the syringe insertion area
If the patient is lying on his back and the upper part of the buttock is open, disinfection can begin. Lubricate the surface of the skin with the prepared cotton swab and treat exactly the area where you are going to inject the syringe. Do not worry or strain yourself, otherwise your patient may feel nervous and the procedure may not go well.

The intramuscular injection procedure itself

Open the syringe, sharply insert it into the disinfected area and carefully, without pressing too hard, on the injection plunger, thereby injecting the medicine into the muscle tissue. The syringe needle should be inserted three-quarters into the skin - it is at this average size that the optimal tissue layer for injection is achieved. You need to pull out the syringe with a sharp movement so as not to cause additional pain.

Re-treatment of the patient's skin
After the syringe is removed, apply alcohol-soaked cotton wool to the wound. To reduce pain, you can massage the injection site and rub it with your hands. This will also allow the medicine to spread throughout the body as quickly as possible.

If you decide to carry out intramuscular injections yourself, be sure to read the instructions for the drug, observe disinfection and carry out all activities with self-confidence. Careless, agitated movements can only increase the pain, so first of all, prepare yourself mentally, and only then give the injection. Be healthy and take care of yourself!

Video: how to give injections correctly

Before you give an intramuscular injection into the buttock yourself, make sure that a nurse from the clinic or someone living nearby is called to your home. medical worker impossible. In case of urgent need, it is possible to give an injection yourself, but subject to certain rules.

Preparatory stage

Before the first injection, you should purchase all the necessary attributes:

  • syringes - specially designed for intramuscular injection, with a long needle and a volume of 2 to 5 cubes (cm3);
  • medicine prescribed by the doctor– in solution or powder (requiring additional dilution);
  • cotton pads, balls or sterile medical cotton wool;
  • antiseptic solution– “Miramistin”, “Chlorhexidine”, special wipes or solutions for injections, in the worst case - vodka, alcohol cologne will do.

Rubbing alcohol is more difficult to obtain - it is sold in small bottles and requires a doctor's prescription.

Training stage

Any children's soft toy is suitable as a training object. The main thing is that she has a clearly defined cherished area - the gluteal region. With her face down, mentally divide one of the buttocks into four parts - quadrants. The center of the upper right (on the right buttock) or upper left (on the left) will be the area into which the needle must be inserted.

You should take the syringe with the needle in your right hand and try to insert the needle with one light push (pop). The syringe is in a vertical position above the buttock. The problem is precisely the moment of puncture - then the needle enters unhindered.

Exactly the same sensation occurs when injections are made into a person’s muscles – an obstacle in the form of skin and easier passage of muscle tissue.

Introduction rules

Choosing an injection site within the outer upper quadrant of the buttock implies:

  • avoiding repeated injections into areas that have already been compacted and previously stabbed,
  • in moles, hemangiomas,
  • clearly translucent capillaries.

In order to correctly give an intramuscular injection into the buttock, you need:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap. If your nails are manicured (long, with gel overlays), then the area under them should be washed with a special brush. The space under the nails is a place of massive accumulation of all pathogenic bacteria.
  2. Take three balls (cotton pads).
  3. Soak the first ball in an antiseptic solution and thoroughly wipe your hands (not forgetting your nails).
  4. Open the package with the syringe. Without touching the needle cannula, carefully assemble it. Place on the table (in the package).
  5. If medicinal product contained in an ampoule, then take a second ball and moisten it in an antiseptic. Carefully apply it to the top of the ampoule (provided there is a factory cut, indicated by a dot), and break it. If necessary, you can file the head of the ampoule with a special file (comes with the medication).
  6. The syringe is removed and the cap is removed. The needle is inserted into the ampoule (without touching its walls and bottom), and the medicine is drawn out. They get rid of excess air by gently squeezing it out using a piston.
  7. The third ball is used to wipe the area of ​​the future injection. The hand is pulled back a little - three to five centimeters and the injection is given with a slight clap. The injection site is chosen in advance - you can draw a dot on it with iodine to make the task easier.
  8. After administering the medicine, press the area where the needle entered with a cotton ball, then remove it. Keep the cotton pad for about another minute.
  9. The injection site must be constantly changed to prevent the formation of hard areas. Doctors recommend drawing an iodine grid on the skin from the first injection - as a warming up and additional disinfection.
  10. If the drug is in powder form, the procedure is increased by one step. The ampoule with the solution is opened in the same order, the protective foil is removed from the bottle cap, and the rubberized cap is disinfected with an antiseptic. The liquid collected in the ampoule is introduced into the bottle, the contents are thoroughly mixed (separating the syringe from the needle at this moment is strictly prohibited). After obtaining a homogeneous liquid, the contents of the bottle are drawn into a syringe, and further administration proceeds according to the usual pattern.

After the injection, all used pellets and syringes must be disposed of.

Basic mistakes

  1. Incorrect insertion angle– intramuscular injections are always carried out at an angle of 90 degrees. If the parameters change, the medicine will enter the subcutaneous fat and will not have the necessary effect.
  2. Slow, deliberate insertion of the needle- causes painful painful sensations and subsequent hysterical fear of injections.
  3. Pulling the needle out at a different angle– a change in direction risks a broken needle tip and a subsequent visit to the trauma center to remove it.
  4. Violation of the rules of asepsis and antisepsis. Poorly washed hands and insufficiently cleaned injection site will cause a local inflammatory reaction with the formation of pus, necrosis and the need long-term treatment antibiotics (also in the form of injections). The worst option is surgical excision of dead tissue of the buttocks, scars and scars in their place (see).
  5. Incorrect procedure– a “successful” hit to the sciatic nerve will tell the victim how wheelchair users feel. The sensitivity of the affected limb can be restored from 4 to 48 hours. All this time the leg will not obey - it is impossible to stand on it, bend it.
  6. Permanent injections at one point– will cause spontaneous scarring, which will require long-term physiotherapeutic procedures for recovery. The worst outcome is surgical removal of the problem area.

The above mistakes are among the most common; in fact, the list is endless. Anyone who has given an intramuscular injection incorrectly quickly realizes that the injection instructions were not written by chance.

Where can the injection be given besides the buttock?

In medical practice, it is possible to carry out manipulations in the area of ​​the thigh and arm. In both cases, a large fold is created with your free hand, into which the injection is made.

In reality, this type of intramuscular procedures is more painful and requires increased caution - if the technique is incorrect, blood vessels and nerve endings can be damaged. Before using these options, you need to learn the basic method.

How to do it without hurting

People's main fear of injections is due to pain or anticipation of it.

  • To reduce it, the patient should be advised to relax the gluteal muscles as much as possible (therefore, it is advisable to administer intramuscular solutions to a person lying on his stomach on a flat surface).
  • Drugs that cause pain when injected (for example, vitamin B12) should be administered slowly.
  • Some of the dry substances (for example, the antibiotic Ceftriaxone) are diluted with local anesthetics (Novocaine, Lidocaine) to reduce pain.
  • Before use, oil solutions (Progesterone, Testosterone) should be heated to 30-40 degrees Celsius using a water bath or an apparatus for heating solutions.

If a lump forms at the injection site or it is desirable for the bruise resulting from damage to the capillary to resolve faster, then:

  • use iodine mesh,
  • heparin or troxevasin ointment (the latter are applied to the area in a thin layer twice a day for no longer than a week),
  • Alcohol compresses resolve infiltrates and hematomas quite well.

Errors and subtleties of injections

  • If not all the air was removed from the syringe in preparation for the manipulation, then its entry into the muscle usually does not end in anything interesting. Risks of air embolism exist only for intravenous and intra-arterial procedures.
  • In the case where the vessels are too close to the surface of the buttock or the needle has entered the capillary, droplets of blood can be seen after it is removed. This is more of an unfortunate misunderstanding than an injection error. Before removing the needle, you should hold the antiseptic napkin at the injection site with your finger a little longer: with a normal coagulation system, such bleeding stops in a couple of minutes.
  • If the buttock is too strong, and the needle suddenly somehow miraculously bent during insertion, there is no need to re-prick. Upon completion of the injection, the slightly crooked needle is removed in the standard manner.
  • If the needle was successfully injected, but the syringe came off it, this also does not threaten the person being injected. Some nurses out of professional bravado, they first inject themselves with only a needle, then attach a syringe with a solution to it.
  • It is not recommended to give injections into the hip and shoulder at home, for patients with diabetes mellitus, exhausted patients and patients with bedsores on the buttocks.
  • The height of virtuosity is to give intramuscular injections to yourself. There are clear advantages here for people with good physical fitness and a thin waist. They can turn without much difficulty top part body so as to prick yourself in the upper-outer part of the buttock. You can use a large mirror for the same purpose, using the reflection in which it is convenient to mark the injection site. But for people with substantial dimensions, injections into the anterior thigh are less safe.

The video perfectly demonstrates the technique of giving an injection in the buttock.

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Detailed instructions on how to correctly give an injection in the buttock at home. "Country of Soviets" warns: we will talk about intramuscular injections. Leave intravenous injections to the professionals. Moreover, if you have the opportunity, it is better to provide them with intramuscular injections.

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But if you are prescribed a course of intramuscular injections, but there is no time to go to the nurse at the hospital, you will have to give injections at home with the involvement of your family and friends in the process.

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So, intramuscular injections can be given:
- in the buttock (the simplest and most common option - we’ll consider it),
- in the thigh,
- in your hand. What you will need - cotton balls soaked in 96 alcohol,
- three-component syringe 2.5 - 11 ml (depending on the volume of the medicine prescribed for administration),
- a drug prescribed for administration. For intramuscular injections, buy special syringes with long needles.



Do not make intramuscular injections with a short needle for subcutaneous or intravenous injections or insert the needle not to its full length.- it may not reach the muscle, the medicine will be injected not into the muscle, but under the skin, which can lead to inflammation.

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The injection should be given while lying down, as in this case the muscles are relaxed and the injection will be less painful. In addition, in a standing position there is a risk of breaking the needle if the patient sharply contracts the muscle.

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1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
2. Take the ampoule with the medicine, wipe thoroughly with alcohol.
3. Shake it well.
4. File and break off the tip, draw the medicine into the syringe.
5. Then tap the syringe with your finger to collect all the air bubbles at the top of the syringe into one, and little by little press the plunger to “push” the air bubble through the needle.
6. To make sure that there is no more air in the syringe, wait until the first drop of medicine appears from the needle.



Performing an injection


In order to correctly give an intramuscular injection (into the buttock), you need to draw an imaginary cross across the buttock, dividing it into 4 parts. The injection is given in the upper outer quadrant (you will not damage the sciatic nerve in this area).

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1. Take two cotton swabs and, one by one, lubricate the injection site with alcohol.
2. Then take the syringe in your right hand. If you are injecting an adult, stretch the skin at the injection site with your left hand (in children, on the contrary, the skin should be folded).
3. Take your hand with the syringe and, at an angle of 90 degrees to the surface, with a decisive movement, insert the needle into the muscle almost 3/4 of the needle (not to the very end!).
4. Slowly pressing the plunger with your right thumb, inject the medicine (attention! if you are using an outdated syringe design - two-part - with one hand, you may not be able to inject. In this case, it is better right hand hold the syringe barrel and press the plunger with your left hand).
5. Using a cotton swab soaked in alcohol, press the injection site and quickly remove the needle at an angle of 90 degrees. This will stop bleeding and reduce the risk of infection entering the body.
6. Then massage the affected muscle. This way the medicine will be absorbed faster, and the alcohol will disinfect the wound.Safety rules1. Alternate buttocks - do not inject in the same buttock.
2. Use only imported syringes, because their needles are thin and sharp. Also, 2 cc syringes have a thinner needle than 5 cc syringes.
3. Never reuse a syringe or needle; the syringe must be thrown away after use!



Be healthy!

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A situation where you urgently need to inject yourself or someone else, unfortunately, can happen to everyone at least once in their life.

We are in website We have prepared instructions for this case and warn you that you should do such things yourself only if absolutely necessary. We will consider only the simplest type of injections - intramuscular injections.


  • Make sure what you are doing is really necessary.
  • Make sure you have the correct medication prescribed by your doctor and the correct size syringe.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly and dry them with a disposable towel.
  • Find a suitable object (plate or tray) on which to place everything you will be working with and disinfect its surface.
  • Sit in an area with good lighting. Ask your “patient” to lie down: this way his muscles will be relaxed.
  • Wear sterile gloves and disinfect them with alcohol.
  • Prepare cotton swabs soaked in alcohol or alcohol wipes.

How to give an injection

  • If the medicine is cold, warm it in your hands.
  • Open the package with the syringe.
  • Treat your hands and the ampoule with an antiseptic, open it and take the medicine. If the ampoule has a rubber cap that needs to be pierced, replace the needle after taking the medicine - it may become dull.
  • If you accidentally touch the needle, it also needs to be replaced.
  • Turn the syringe upside down with the needle and release a drop of medicine to release the air.
  • On the buttock of the person to whom you will inject, mentally draw a large cross dividing it into 4 parts. Inject into the upper outer part, so you will definitely not hit the nerve.
  • Wipe the area where you will inject the medicine with an antiseptic, moving from the center to the periphery.
  • Place the needle at a 90° angle to the skin (note: this only applies to intramuscular injections).
  • In one firm, quick motion, insert the needle into the buttock. About 1/3 of the needle should remain outside.
  • Introduce the medicine slowly, this will make the “patient” more comfortable.
  • Make sure that the syringe does not twitch. You can hold it with one hand and press the piston with the other.
  • Apply an alcohol pad to the skin near the injection site. In one motion, pull out the needle and press the wound with a napkin.
  • Cap the needle and throw away used instruments.
  • Wash your hands. Well done, you did it!

If you need to inject yourself

  • In this case, it will be more difficult to hit the buttock, so use the outer thigh.
  • Sit on a chair and relax your leg. You want the middle third of the thigh on the outside.
  • The preparatory measures and the process itself are similar to those for an injection in the buttock. The skin is also pierced perpendicularly.
  • If you have trouble hitting the right spot or are very thin, use your hand to form a crease on your thigh and poke into it. Make sure that only fat is in the fold, not muscle.

  • Never reuse a syringe or needle.
  • Don't be afraid to spray something with alcohol. once again- it’s better to be safe than sorry.

We remind you once again that if you need an injection, it is best to seek help from a doctor.