Seeing an explosion in a dream means that the wrong actions and actions of your loved ones will lead you to irritation, which will become an obstacle in business and relationships with colleagues.

If a lamp explodes in a dream, your friends will unite with your enemies, wanting to take revenge on you for the insult they caused. Exploding grenade - you will be able to avoid danger thanks to random luck. Seeing explosion victims in a very serious condition in a dream means you will be accused of being too talkative, and circumstances will turn against you.

To see a building, car, plane, etc. flying into the air as a result of an explosion - you will suffer losses, luck will turn away from you. If you are seriously injured as a result of an explosion, it means that you will expect a lot of nagging from your family members and envious rivals.

Exploding something in a dream means that in reality two-faced friends will encroach on your rights and abuse your trust. For a young girl, this dream should serve as a warning to be more careful and picky in relationships with men, especially many older than her. Prepare an explosion, plant explosives - wait important event.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream interpretation explosion

If you had to see an explosion in a dream, then you can expect a strong release of emotions in reality. To correctly interpret what an explosion means in a dream, you must first analyze the general emotional condition dreamer Because first of all, such visions come on the eve of serious mental upheavals.

The general symbolic interpretation given by the dream book is that an explosion is steam released. During all this time, he managed to create an incredible high pressure. The atmosphere was already tense for a long time, and only one drop is needed for all the emotions to come out.

Miller's more restrained interpretation suggests that the dreamer may be upset by the actions of the people around him. But this is not at all the level of intensity of emotions that comprehensively explains why an explosion is dreamed of.

Destructions from dreams

If you dreamed of an explosion

If the blast wave caused a lot of destruction, it is very important to pay attention to what was damaged first. Then it will be possible to predict which specific areas of the dreamer’s life may be under attack due to severe mental shock.

City ruins

If, when interpreting what an explosion means in a dream, you need to look additionally about the destruction of the city, things are bad. A dream city can symbolize the habitat and places that the dreamer loves most.

If the blast wave from dreams completely destroyed the city, and the dreamer observes smoking ruins, it is quite possible that after a major scandal, relations with almost all close people will be severed, Miller’s dream book predicts.

The dreamer will want to start life over again, with clean slate. He will change his job, his home, and his closest life partner.

To prevent the consequences of the conflict from being so extensive, it is important to be the first to start a conversation about what infuriates you the most.

In this way, the desire to leave “these vile and two-faced people” can be avoided.

Home destroyed

If you dreamed of an explosion that destroyed a house, this is a bad omen. Because the house symbolizes family relationships or the dreamer's inner self.

For family people

If housing is damaged

A destroyed family nest from a dream can symbolize a huge scandal. Since discontent accumulated day by day, nothing could be achieved using the usual methods of stabilizing relations.

The symbol from the dream warns that in a fit of anger, the dreamer may make a hasty decision, which will only aggravate the conflict.

For single people

If you don’t have your own family, then the house from your dreams can symbolize inner world dreamer To see it destroyed means to lose faith in the correctness of the chosen path and to feel empty.

You shouldn't rush from one extreme to another. If emotions run high, then you can let them out in a more peaceful way. Extreme sports are the best helpers in this matter.

Mutilation on the body

Almost every dream book explains an explosion from dreams as a sharp change in events due to the emotional shock of the dreamer. But if, in addition to this, the pictures of the mutilated body were reminiscent of recently watched horror films, what interpretation could the dream have?

  • Charred head - you will be credited with the unusual quality of spreading gossip, says Miller’s dream book. Since they will be very plausible, it is unlikely that you will be able to launder your good name.
  • There are many fragments throughout the body - during a conflict the dreamer will find himself alone. It will be very difficult to defend himself and his opinion, and he will perceive all accusations as a personal insult.
  • A huge fragment that has stuck into any part of the body is one of the warning dreams. You need to be attentive to your health and pay attention to this part of the body. It may reveal a serious illness. A medical examination is required.

General impression

In addition to the generally accepted interpretation of sleep, there are others that focus on the details of the incident itself. They are also very deep to understand and carry helpful advice for the near future.

  • Seeing a bright glow during an explosion from a dream is a great success. If the dreamer has been preparing some kind of project for a long time or trying to implement his own business, then now his finest hour. Many will talk about it, and the success will be stunning.
  • Hearing the sound of an explosion is one of the dreams that warns of the danger of gossip around your name, says Miller’s dream book.
  • Seeing black acrid smoke - almost any undertaking will lead to financial collapse, due to evil tongues ill-wishers. You need to hide for a while and not make any decisions, even if your loved ones persistently demand them.
  • The blast wave threw him up sharply - two-faced people are waiting for the right moment to stab him in the back. If your relationships with new acquaintances are maintained through trust, it is worth reconsidering them, otherwise their betrayal will take you by surprise and cause severe moral trauma.

See explosions- portends that the wrong actions of people around you will be the cause of your dissatisfaction. Your affairs will also upset you.

If you dream that you were thrown up by a blast wave or that you were engulfed in flames- false friends, taking advantage of your trust, will infringe on your rights. Having seen such a dream, girls should be especially careful about their acquaintances with men.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Explosion- unexpected changes in life.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Tell in open window: “Where there is night, there comes sleep. All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Sometimes you wake up in the morning and want to pinch yourself to understand that everything you saw in your dream has nothing to do with reality. For example, many experience exactly this feeling if, while wandering around the astral plane at night, they come across an explosion. The dream book, of course, will definitely tell you what the essence of the message from the subconscious is. However, it’s worth thinking with your own head and speculating why the disaster was able to penetrate night vision. Interesting?

Analyzing the message

Perhaps the first thought after such a plot is alarming. It seems to a person that something very bad is coming. This is how many people argue, because what else could an explosion promise? Tsvetkov's dream book, for example, confirms this intuitive assumption. But before you study the sources, you should remember what impressions you received the day before. Maybe you watched a disaster movie and were amazed by the vividness of the terrible events on the screen? Or were you deeply touched by an analytical program in which politicians vying with each other promised the imminent start of the Third World War? In this case, you should not leaf through the dream book. A nuclear explosion in a nightmare is just a reflection of the impressions received during the day. This general rule. You should be able to separate the images generated by the brain scrolling through real events, and iconic stories containing clues to the unmanifested side of your “I”. Although sometimes the subconscious tries to use visions that have a clear emotional connotation for the sleeper. This is done so that the dream is remembered and does not disappear with the first rays of the sun. So it contains a very important message. From this point of view, the explosion is very interesting. Miller's dream book classifies such a plot as a negative symbol. But let's look at some sources in detail, keeping in mind that you didn't have to admire the real explosions the day before.

Women's dream book

War and explosions do not often appear in the dreams of beauties. Why would they look at such terrible things? Better head to astral travel to the country where happiness is born. And if you dream of an explosion, then get ready for those around you to test your patience. You know, we can’t solve everything on our own. Quite often, events or circumstances created by other people burst into life. And it’s good when their “parents” are wise and kind. But this is clearly not your case. An explosion, the dream book is sure of this, appears before you have to face the stupidity and carelessness of others. This will be very annoying. You may even want to reprimand the culprit. However, you shouldn't do this. The person will still not understand the course of your reasoning. But he will turn out to be a dangerous enemy. Better be patient a little. This fool himself will suffer from his stubbornness, the dream book hints. A house explosion is a very alarming sign. If appears in women's dreams, then the beauty cannot deviate one iota from moral norms and principles. There is a very bad person nearby, just waiting for the moment when he can discredit the dreamer. They may turn out to be either a dishonest admirer or an evil girlfriend. Be carefull!

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

The author of this source of vision, where an explosion appears, does not like it. It says here that such a plot directly predicts loss of health. You need to see a doctor so as not to bite your elbows later, the situation can still be corrected, the dream book suggests. The explosion of a bomb that sounded in the distance is intended to push a person to develop character. The fact is that the dreamer is afraid of making a mistake, and therefore does not show initiative. This position is wrong and will not lead to success. Change is long overdue; you just need to take one step towards it. Don't be afraid, everything will work out in the most favorable way.

Ukrainian dream book

This source views the bomb explosion extremely positively. The good news will soon come to man. You just need to try not to miss it. Many chances will open up before the dreamer. If he uses them, he will be able to achieve a lot. Well, if he doesn’t catch the right moment, he will lose the opportunity to create happiness for himself with his own hands. Then in old age he will bitterly regret the lost prospects. Look into both eyes and be quick, the dream book recommends. An airplane explosion in this source has a negative meaning. Some very important information is being kept from you by ill-wishers. If you fail to expose these villains, you will suffer from their cunning. In addition, such a vision foreshadows material losses caused by a wrong decision.

Wanderer's Dream Book

Surely a person who sees a terrible explosion in night vision will like this particular source. It says here that such a catastrophic plot appears before a sharp turn in fate. He foretells glory. Some action of the dreamer will be perceived almost as a feat. He will receive recognition in certain circles. I wonder, do show business stars also dream about explosions? After all, they are surrounded by the love and worship of many people. This is exactly the fate that awaits the one who saw the explosion, according to this source.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

To see a war or a terrorist attack means to suffer from enemies, this interpreter is sure. If a person in night vision suffered from shrapnel or fire, then he will have to justify himself for a long time, convincing others of his innocence. He will be charged with some kind of accusation that is as terrible as it is unfair. Don't give up, be sure to expose the cunning enemy and cleanse your good name, the dream book advises. A nuclear explosion foreshadows some kind of global catastrophe that will affect the viewer of such an astral plot. You need to closely monitor events in your region. The situation is heating up. You need to protect yourself and your loved ones in a timely manner.

Esoteric dream book

This wise source also views our story negatively. A person who dreamed of an explosion will have to suffer and suffer due to the severance of some extremely valuable connection for him. This will happen through no fault of his own. However, it will make a deep negative impression on the dreamer. The suffering will be so severe that the person may become ill. We need to understand that we cannot always remain in the same circumstances. This limits personal development. Once the connection is interrupted, it means that it has already outlived its usefulness. We need to move on and not shed tears.

Miller's Dream Book

Betrayal and false accusations await those who saw the fire of an explosion while wandering the astral plane at night. The dreamer is literally surrounded by people who are ready to hold him responsible for their own thoughtlessness or shameful miscalculations. Unfortunately, the situation will be extremely unfavorable for you. The opportunity to achieve justice will not appear soon. This is not to say that efforts should not be made to expose liars. clean water. It will just take a lot of time. Be patient and stick to your line. In the end, their cunning will be understood by those around them, and the bastions of dirty slander will fall. If in a dream you saw victims of an explosion, you will find yourself accused of gossip. Any word after such a vision must be weighed five times before being spoken. Even the most innocuous remark can turn out to be fatal. If in a dream you are captured by a blast wave, then beware of arrogant friends. They are already ready to exceed the credit of trust. Your secrets may become known to the general public. This will greatly damage your reputation. There is no need to be frank with unverified people. The dream of an explosion is especially unfavorable for a young lady. She may become a victim of someone else's deceit.

Women's dream book Why do you dream of an Explosion according to the dream book:

Explosion – Seeing explosions in your dream foretells that the people around you will do something that will displease you. Smoke and flying fragments mean failure in business. If, as a result of an explosion, you are engulfed in flames or thrown up by a blast wave, your trust may be abused by your loved ones. A young woman who has such a dream should be careful with unfamiliar men. A blackened or blast-damaged face means you may be unfairly accused of being a talker and will have a hard time proving your case.

Dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkova Dream book: Explosion what does it mean

Explosion - Hearing or seeing means illness, this is how the dream book interprets this dream.

Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when you dream of an Explosion:

Explosion - If you dream of explosives, an explosion, then you will be highly appreciated; news. explosion - information, news.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Explosion - Glory, recognition; incredible news; displeasure (additional idiom: “explode with anger”).

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller Why do you dream about an Explosion:

Explosion - Seeing explosions foretells that the wrong actions of people around you will be the cause of your dissatisfaction. Your affairs will also upset you. If you dream that your face or the faces of others are blackened or mutilated, this means that you will be unfairly accused of talkativeness, and circumstances will be against you. Seeing smoke and fragments means failure in business. If in a dream you are engulfed in flames or thrown high up by a blast wave, the dream predicts that your unworthy friends will violate your rights and abuse your trust. Young women having such a dream should be careful when communicating with unfamiliar men.

Esoteric dream book If you dream about an Explosion:

Seeing an explosion in a dream means breaking the connection. Death loved one, a blow to relationships, in the next dream book you can find out a different interpretation.

French dream book Seeing an Explosion in a dream, why?

Interpretation of the dream book: Explosion, flash - Explosion in a dream - warns you of someone’s deceit and hypocrisy. A flash of light also portends deception. An explosion of laughter promises you disappointment.

An explosion in a dream symbolizes emotional tension. Some actions or words of people from your social circle will cause rejection and irritation. You will be extremely outraged by certain circumstances and will not be able to control your aggression.

Try to be more tolerant of others, perhaps they are not doing this on purpose. The slightest concessions will help to come to mutual understanding, avoid quarrels and breakups.

What explosion did you dream about? What was the reason for the explosion? What did you do in your dream?

What explosion did you dream about?

Nuclear explosion

What does an atomic explosion mean in a dream?

You dream of an atomic explosion when a situation is out of your control. Something went wrong and nothing useful can be done. You should look for ways to retreat, that is, think through specific ways to prevent disaster and minimize the consequences of failure.

Enlist the support of influential people or true friends who, in extreme cases, will help you start all over again.

What was the reason for the explosion?

Explosion and fire War and explosions

What did you do in your dream?

What does it mean if you saw an explosion in a dream?

A dream in which you see explosions reflects your inner state. Something causes dissatisfaction and irritation, so you are ready to “explode” at any moment. Anything can serve as a catalyst: a careless word, a sidelong glance, a thoughtless action of others.

Don’t find fault with people, don’t expect that they can read minds - it’s better to calmly explain what exactly causes disapproval and what you want to achieve from interaction in this case.

Why do you dream of hearing an explosion?

Dreaming of hearing explosions means the appearance of unexpected obstacles in business. The project, which is almost approaching completion, suddenly stalls for unknown reasons.

To find out the circumstances of the stop, you should mentally return to the recent past. Some event to which you did not attach due importance became a stumbling block in complex issue and led to a critical situation.

In a dream I had to run away from an explosion

Why do you dream of escaping from an explosion? This means you are avoiding something or someone in reality. One of the upcoming events makes you feel anxious and restless. Therefore, you try in every possible way to push back the delicate moment.

Know that you won’t be able to run away all your life. Deal with the situation now or it will be much more difficult later. Most fears and painful experiences are far-fetched and exist only in your head.

I dreamed of a car explosion - the dream warns of the need to be patient. Everyone around you will provoke you into conflict, try to restrain yourself, otherwise you can create considerable problems for yourself. If you watch a car explode, a tense period of loss and disappointment is expected.

Explosion fire

Dream interpretation Explosion fire dreamed of why in a dream there is an Explosion and a fire? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see an Explosion and fire in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Explosion

Dream Interpretation - Explosion

Dream Interpretation - Explosion

Dream Interpretation - Explosion

Dream Interpretation - Fire

Seeing a large fire engulfing a high-rise building in a dream means the patronage of influential people and the successful course of business. If a large amount of money that belonged to you was burned in a fire that destroyed your office, deception and envy on the part of those you trust are possible in reality.

A fire in which your house burned down foreshadows a hectic and extremely risky undertaking that could result in financial ruin for you.

Putting out a fire by pouring water from buckets on it - in reality you will try to reconcile quarreling friends, which will not lead to success.

If you dream of a fire engine roaring and rushing to the scene of a disaster, this foreshadows anxiety and unrest associated with an emergency at work, where you will be hastily called at an inopportune time. Seeing a huge flame being knocked down by firefighters using a fire hose is a great joy in the family circle.

Smoke from a fire rising high into the sky and visible from afar promises you good news in reality, followed by awards and honors. A fire with tragic consequences and loss of life means that in reality you will suffer significant damage and be punished.

A dream in which you witnessed a devastating forest fire means the successful implementation of plans, which will bring the expected results and allow you to unfold even more. If in a dream you take part in putting out a fire or helping people affected by it, it means that in reality you will change your point of view in accordance with suddenly changed circumstances.

Seeing yourself in the role of a heroic fireman, risking his life, carrying a child out of the flames - such a dream is designed to dispel your doubts about the fidelity of your husband or lover. If you dream that you are suffocating in the smoke of a fire and lose consciousness or are seriously injured by a collapsed burning beam, this means that in reality you may get into an accident or become the victim of a collision while carelessly crossing the street.

Dream Interpretation - Fire

If you dreamed of a big fire in which all your property burns, but no one dies, the dream foreshadows happy changes in your home. If someone dies in a fire, you will have to pay dearly for your happiness.

Imagine that the person did not die, but only received burns. You smear them with a healing elixir, and they heal before your eyes (see Elixir).

Seeing a fire spread from one building to another means a change of place of work or residence. But these changes will bring you happiness. If you are the culprit of a small fire in your own home, as a result of which the house remains intact, but some things are damaged, the dream suggests that you will do something that will pleasantly surprise your family and friends. Participating in putting out a fire means you will have an unusual job that will not bring you money, but will captivate you with its excitement. If there was a lot of smoke during the fire, you will become famous. If the fire was without smoke, your happiness will be quiet, without unnecessary pomp, but also without envious people. If something on you catches fire from the flame of a fire, the dream foreshadows passionate love, which can cause a lot of suffering to your loved ones.

In this case, imagine that a bucket is being poured on you cold water and the fire goes out before it can cause you any harm.

Dream Interpretation - Fire

Fire is a symbol of passion, carnal desires, sudden capture by an idea, desire for change.

Putting out a fire means that unrest will develop into an organized movement that will not be easy to stop and simply impossible to prevent.

Taking part in arson is a symbol of decisive changes that will be provoked by unfair treatment; the dream promises problems and instability.

Saving a person from a fire is a symbol of the tragic outcome of an event that haunted for a long time, kept one in suspense and required a lot of strength.

Seeing a fire in a room is a symbol of betrayal, which will happen with the consent of both parties, but will subsequently bring problems that will turn into the most unexpected adventures and disasters.

Seeing horses rushing about in a fire means that in 2038 the most a large number of marriages for the entire century and this year will be the beginning of solving the demographic problem for many countries.

Seeing the ashes left after a fire is a symbol of the invention of a new housing project that will provide everyone with a decent place to live.

Seeing a fire ignited by lightning means meeting the main person in your life under unusual circumstances.

Dream Interpretation - Fire

A big fire without casualties means happy changes in the future. Everything will work out for you both in business and in your personal life.

Nostradamus considered fire a symbol of passion, carnal desires, sudden capture by an idea, the desire for change. This is how he interpreted dreams about fire.

If they put out a fire, the unrest will develop into an organized movement that will be difficult to stop and simply impossible to prevent.

A dream in which you took part in an arson signifies decisive changes that will be provoked by unfair treatment. The dream promises problems and instability.

If a person was rescued from a fire, an event that has been haunting for a long time, kept one in suspense and required a lot of strength, is approaching a tragic outcome.

If you saw a fire in the room, it means treason, which will happen with the consent of both parties, but will subsequently bring problems that will turn into the most unexpected adventures and disasters.

If you dreamed of a fire caused by lightning, you will meet the main person in your life under unusual circumstances.

Dream Interpretation - Explosion, flash

Dream Interpretation - Explosion

Domestic gas explosion

Dream Interpretation Domestic Gas Explosion dreamed of why in a dream there is a Domestic Gas Explosion? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Domestic Gas Explosion in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Gas

If in a dream you smell gas, then you will be unfair to someone.

If you dream that you are afraid of gas poisoning, do not be careless and wasteful, otherwise you will be in trouble.

Lighting gas in a dream - in real life find a way out of a difficult situation.

Turning off the gas in a dream means the destruction of happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Gas

The smell of gas that bothers you may be a harbinger of your imminent repentance for unfairly accusing someone or loss from your negligence.

Deciding on filling a cylinder or some other container with gas means you have to take part in some kind of adventure.

Lighting a gas stove means successful completion of business; extinguishing a well-burning fire in it is a bad sign.

A gas water heater is an unpleasant meeting with a person, the consequences of which will remind you of it for a long time.

Gas poisoning - strangers or your ill-wishers are interested in your affairs.

Save someone from gas poisoning - pump you will receive news of his illness or a request for help.

Dream Interpretation - Gas

Brightly burning gas means success and joy.

Dull - failures in business and love.

Lighting the gas means finding a way out of a difficult situation.

To extinguish is to destroy your own happiness.

To smell gas in a dream means to repent of your unfair treatment of loved ones.

To be afraid of gas poisoning means to suffer from troubles, the cause of which is your negligence or lack of frugality.

Dream Interpretation - Explosion

Seeing an explosion in a dream means that the wrong actions and actions of your loved ones will lead you to irritation, which will become an obstacle in business and relationships with colleagues.

If a lamp explodes in a dream, your friends will unite with your enemies, wanting to take revenge on you for the insult they caused. Exploding grenade - you will be able to avoid danger thanks to random luck. Seeing explosion victims in a very serious condition in a dream means you will be accused of being too talkative, and circumstances will turn against you.

To see a building, car, plane, etc. flying into the air as a result of an explosion - you will suffer losses, luck will turn away from you. If you are seriously injured as a result of an explosion, it means that you will expect a lot of nagging from your family members and envious rivals.

Exploding something in a dream means that in reality two-faced friends will encroach on your rights and abuse your trust. For a young girl, this dream should serve as a warning to be more careful and picky in relationships with men, especially many older than her. Prepare an explosion, plant explosives - expect an important event.

Dream Interpretation - Explosion

Big news that could change your life dramatically. You were blown up - someone from your inner circle will cause troubles and disappointments. Someone's face is stained with smoke after an explosion - he will be accused of inappropriate behavior. Smoking ruins after an explosion - you will learn about the financial collapse of your business or enterprise. A house explodes before your eyes - disappointment in love. The explosion shattered the glass into small pieces - your friends and enemies will unite against you to take revenge for the insult. An explosion destroys people - notification of the death of someone close to you.

If you are not interested in fulfilling the dream (you don’t want any changes), imagine that the explosion was fake: they were just filming a movie.

Dream Interpretation - Gas

Smelling gas means a disease of the nose, maxillary sinuses, and bronchi.

Connect gas to household appliance– to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Being a gas seller means deception that you will commit against a person of the opposite sex.

If your home is gasified, it means dissatisfaction with your sex life.

Dream Interpretation - Gas

If in a dream you smell gas, then you will soon get engaged and have a small quarrel with your chosen one through your fault. Seeing burning gas lamps in a dream is a sign Great love or affection. Dimly burning gas predicts unsuccessful transactions, the death of a loved one if he is sick, or separation from a lover. See interpretation: light, candle, lamp.

Dream Interpretation - Gas

Light it up or turn it off - you will find a way out of a difficult situation. Smell - pay attention to health.

If in a dream you smelled gas, imagine that urgent work was carried out renovation work, the gas leak has been eliminated. You breathe clean, fresh air.

Dream Interpretation - Gas

Smelling gas means sudden danger.

Someone is spreading nasty rumors about you.

A little sleep better- if gas is burning, for example, on a gas stove, this means little family joys and good mutual understanding with your marriage partner.

True, some everyday troubles are possible.

Dream Interpretation - Explosion

Explosion - if you dream of explosives, an explosion, then you will be highly appreciated; news. "explosion - information, news.

Car explosion

Dream Interpretation Car Explosion dreamed of why you dream about a car explosion? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a car exploding in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Explosion

Seeing an explosion in a dream means that the wrong actions and actions of your loved ones will lead you to irritation, which will become an obstacle in business and relationships with colleagues.

If a lamp explodes in a dream, your friends will unite with your enemies, wanting to take revenge on you for the insult they caused. Exploding grenade - you will be able to avoid danger thanks to random luck. Seeing explosion victims in a very serious condition in a dream means you will be accused of being too talkative, and circumstances will turn against you.

To see a building, car, plane, etc. flying into the air as a result of an explosion - you will suffer losses, luck will turn away from you. If you are seriously injured as a result of an explosion, it means that you will expect a lot of nagging from your family members and envious rivals.

Exploding something in a dream means that in reality two-faced friends will encroach on your rights and abuse your trust. For a young girl, this dream should serve as a warning to be more careful and picky in relationships with men, especially many older than her. Prepare an explosion, plant explosives - expect an important event.

Dream Interpretation - Explosion

Big news that could change your life dramatically. You were blown up - someone from your inner circle will cause troubles and disappointments. Someone's face is stained with smoke after an explosion - he will be accused of inappropriate behavior. Smoking ruins after an explosion - you will learn about the financial collapse of your business or enterprise. A house explodes before your eyes - disappointment in love. The explosion shattered the glass into small pieces - your friends and enemies will unite against you to take revenge for the insult. An explosion destroys people - notification of the death of someone close to you.

If you are not interested in fulfilling the dream (you don’t want any changes), imagine that the explosion was fake: they were just filming a movie.

Dream Interpretation - Explosion

Explosion - if you dream of explosives, an explosion, then you will be highly appreciated; news. "explosion - information, news.

Dream Interpretation - Explosion

Hearing an explosion in a dream is a sign of approaching danger and a big scandal that threatens your close friend or relative. If in a dream you were not afraid of him, then trouble will not affect you and you will be able to avoid unpleasant consequences. The dream warns you that your frivolous behavior and rash actions can lead to serious consequences and your good name may suffer. To suffer from an explosion in a dream is a sign of great worries due to failure, wounded pride and gossip. If in a dream you also see the destructive consequences of an explosion, then close people will betray you. See interpretation: bomb, sounds.

Dream Interpretation - Car

A dream in which you see some kind of machines means a measured life, into which something will suddenly burst in that will require you to exert all your physical and spiritual strength.

Seeing a car standing idle means that your peers will succeed in life more than you.

Putting the machine into operation portends incredible difficulties for you when organizing a new business, when your faithful friends will rush to your aid.

A machine operating with a roar, clanging or rattling is a sign of great anxiety that will shake your home foundations to the core and force you to change something in them.

Repairing a broken car in a dream predicts losses from transactions with unscrupulous partners and other monetary losses. Seeing the flywheel of any car, be it the largest or the smallest, is a sign of confident movement forward towards the intended goal, despite any opposition from ill-wishers. See in a dream steam engine means views of quite real opportunity obtaining wealth. The washing machine portends minor changes under significant circumstances.

A sewing machine is a sign of the rapid development of a new business, which will immediately recoup the funds invested in it.

Seeing a typewriter in a dream means that in reality you will settle a dispute or quarrel between quarreling friends; working on a typewriter means receiving a small amount for a large amount of work.

A watering and harvesting machine seen in a dream indicates that you will rush to the rescue of a friend in trouble; driving such a car means impending danger.

A fire truck rushing to the scene of a disaster with the lights on and a blaring siren - in reality, congratulate your friend on great luck, to which you yourself contributed a lot. Seeing a fire truck engulfed in flames means an incidental event will happen to you, which everyone you tell about it will refuse to believe.

Driving in a dream in a convertible type car, that is, expensive passenger car with a convertible top, is a harbinger of good luck and the acquisition of wealth. Seeing a car parked in a garage in a dream is a sign of good news.

Dream Interpretation - Car

A car or truck in a dream: symbolizes personal capabilities in carrying out private affairs.

Its condition shows what your chances of success are.

Steam engine: portends your participation in a process that will be accompanied by emotional intensity and require a lot of stress.

A broken car: a sign of an unexpected stop in business and discord with partners.

Seeing that the gears of a working machine threaten to pull you inside the mechanism is a warning that you should not get involved in any business, otherwise the consequences may be irreparable.

Driving a car (being behind the wheel) is the general course of personal life, independent of external circumstances;

Cars with sirens, signal cars ( ambulance, fire truck) - severe anxiety, restlessness of the sleeper, often unfounded and associated with one’s own outbursts of emotions and passions for various reasons.

Much less often such dreams report a real misfortune, an accident.

Dream Interpretation - Machine (mechanism)

Seeing cars in a dream foretells that you will undertake a project that will cause you great anxiety, but as a result it will be useful to you.

See old car- a sign that your enemies will surpass you in your efforts to ensure their well-being.

Being pulled into a working machine is a harbinger of business losses and the beginning of a series of near misfortunes. This dream generally foreshadows losses from unsuccessful transactions.

In general, seeing a working mechanism in a dream promises you serious difficulties in many endeavors, and at the same time promises the support of friends.

A broken car portends the loss of friends.

If you dream of a fire truck, this promises you anxiety and worry associated with an emergency. If a young lady is racing in a fire truck in a dream, she should be careful in order to avoid participating in an unpleasant business.

Dream Interpretation - Explosion, flash

An explosion, a flash warns you of someone’s deceit and hypocrisy. A flash of light also portends deception. An explosion of laughter promises you disappointment.

Dream Interpretation - Explosion

Seeing explosions means that the actions of others will displease you.

If you dream that your face or the faces of others are blackened or mutilated, then you will be unfairly accused of talkativeness and circumstances will be against you.

Seeing smoke and fragments from an explosion means failure in business.

Dream Interpretation - Explosion

The explosion killed people

Dream Interpretation Explosion killed people dreamed of why in a dream an explosion killed people? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see people killed in an explosion in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Explosion

Seeing an explosion in a dream means that the wrong actions and actions of your loved ones will lead you to irritation, which will become an obstacle in business and relationships with colleagues.

If a lamp explodes in a dream, your friends will unite with your enemies, wanting to take revenge on you for the insult they caused. Exploding grenade - you will be able to avoid danger thanks to random luck. Seeing explosion victims in a very serious condition in a dream means you will be accused of being too talkative, and circumstances will turn against you.

To see a building, car, plane, etc. flying into the air as a result of an explosion - you will suffer losses, luck will turn away from you. If you are seriously injured as a result of an explosion, it means that you will expect a lot of nagging from your family members and envious rivals.

Exploding something in a dream means that in reality two-faced friends will encroach on your rights and abuse your trust. For a young girl, this dream should serve as a warning to be more careful and picky in relationships with men, especially many older than her. Prepare an explosion, plant explosives - expect an important event.

Dream Interpretation - Explosion

Big news that could change your life dramatically. You were blown up - someone from your inner circle will cause troubles and disappointments. Someone's face is stained with smoke after an explosion - he will be accused of inappropriate behavior. Smoking ruins after an explosion - you will learn about the financial collapse of your business or enterprise. A house explodes before your eyes - disappointment in love. The explosion shattered the glass into small pieces - your friends and enemies will unite against you to take revenge for the insult. An explosion destroys people - notification of the death of someone close to you.

If you are not interested in fulfilling the dream (you don’t want any changes), imagine that the explosion was fake: they were just filming a movie.

Dream Interpretation - Explosion

Explosion - if you dream of explosives, an explosion, then you will be highly appreciated; news. "explosion - information, news.

Dream Interpretation - Explosion

Hearing an explosion in a dream is a sign of approaching danger and a big scandal that threatens your close friend or relative. If in a dream you were not afraid of him, then trouble will not affect you and you will be able to avoid unpleasant consequences. The dream warns you that your frivolous behavior and rash actions can lead to serious consequences and your good name may suffer. To suffer from an explosion in a dream is a sign of great worries due to failure, wounded pride and gossip. If in a dream you also see the destructive consequences of an explosion, then close people will betray you. See interpretation: bomb, sounds.

Dream Interpretation - Explosion, flash

An explosion, a flash warns you of someone’s deceit and hypocrisy. A flash of light also portends deception. An explosion of laughter promises you disappointment.

Dream Interpretation - Explosion

Seeing explosions means that the actions of others will displease you.

If you dream that your face or the faces of others are blackened or mutilated, then you will be unfairly accused of talkativeness and circumstances will be against you.

Seeing smoke and fragments from an explosion means failure in business.

Dream Interpretation - Explosion

Your presence during an explosion can mean a dead end for you, sometimes - illness.

Rarely - recognition of your merits.

Blackened faces are unfair accusations of something.

Explosions, during which you are thrown back by a blast wave, warn of the wrong actions of your friends, of abuse of your trust.

Dream Interpretation - Explosion

Unexpected changes in life.

Dream Interpretation - Explosion

Dream Interpretation - Explosion

Destructive explosion

Dream Interpretation Explosion destructive dreamed of why in a dream there is a destructive explosion? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a destructive explosion in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Explosion

Seeing an explosion in a dream means that the wrong actions and actions of your loved ones will lead you to irritation, which will become an obstacle in business and relationships with colleagues.

If a lamp explodes in a dream, your friends will unite with your enemies, wanting to take revenge on you for the insult they caused. Exploding grenade - you will be able to avoid danger thanks to random luck. Seeing explosion victims in a very serious condition in a dream means you will be accused of being too talkative, and circumstances will turn against you.

To see a building, car, plane, etc. flying into the air as a result of an explosion - you will suffer losses, luck will turn away from you. If you are seriously injured as a result of an explosion, it means that you will expect a lot of nagging from your family members and envious rivals.

Exploding something in a dream means that in reality two-faced friends will encroach on your rights and abuse your trust. For a young girl, this dream should serve as a warning to be more careful and picky in relationships with men, especially many older than her. Prepare an explosion, plant explosives - expect an important event.

Dream Interpretation - Explosion

Big news that could change your life dramatically. You were blown up - someone from your inner circle will cause troubles and disappointments. Someone's face is stained with smoke after an explosion - he will be accused of inappropriate behavior. Smoking ruins after an explosion - you will learn about the financial collapse of your business or enterprise. A house explodes before your eyes - disappointment in love. The explosion shattered the glass into small pieces - your friends and enemies will unite against you to take revenge for the insult. An explosion destroys people - notification of the death of someone close to you.

If you are not interested in fulfilling the dream (you don’t want any changes), imagine that the explosion was fake: they were just filming a movie.

Dream Interpretation - Explosion

Explosion - if you dream of explosives, an explosion, then you will be highly appreciated; news. "explosion - information, news.

Dream Interpretation - Explosion

Hearing an explosion in a dream is a sign of approaching danger and a big scandal that threatens your close friend or relative. If in a dream you were not afraid of him, then trouble will not affect you and you will be able to avoid unpleasant consequences. The dream warns you that your frivolous behavior and rash actions can lead to serious consequences and your good name may suffer. To suffer from an explosion in a dream is a sign of great worries due to failure, wounded pride and gossip. If in a dream you also see the destructive consequences of an explosion, then close people will betray you. See interpretation: bomb, sounds.

Dream Interpretation - Explosion, flash

An explosion, a flash warns you of someone’s deceit and hypocrisy. A flash of light also portends deception. An explosion of laughter promises you disappointment.

Dream Interpretation - Explosion

Seeing explosions means that the actions of others will displease you.

If you dream that your face or the faces of others are blackened or mutilated, then you will be unfairly accused of talkativeness and circumstances will be against you.

Seeing smoke and fragments from an explosion means failure in business.

Dream Interpretation - Explosion

Your presence during an explosion can mean a dead end for you, sometimes - illness.

Rarely - recognition of your merits.

Blackened faces are unfair accusations of something.

Explosions, during which you are thrown back by a blast wave, warn of the wrong actions of your friends, of abuse of your trust.

Dream Interpretation - Explosion

Unexpected changes in life.

A nuclear explosion is a tragic break in a relationship.

A thermonuclear explosion means separation from a loved one, the cause of which will be his physical betrayal.

Dream Interpretation - Explosion

If you blast the ground to find a passage, then you are a lazy person.

If buildings and cities are blown up, you are wary of various obligations, especially those related to your personal life.

Dream Interpretation - Explosion

If you dream of explosions associated with mining or tunneling, this means that laziness is a trait of your character and you would prefer to avoid work.

If you dream of explosions that destroy buildings and people, you are afraid of tough commitments, especially those affecting love relationships.