Sometimes in our dreams we see objects that we are used to using every day. Not every dream book will be able to interpret a telephone, because this useful device appeared much later than most of them were written. Why do you dream about a mobile or landline phone? You should remember the dream in the smallest detail and find its interpretation in a suitable dream book. At the same time, in order for the picture to form, do not focus on one meaning, study various dream books.

A telephone in a dream can mean communication, news, an attempt to talk or express what has accumulated, and modern smartphones often indicate quick success at work.

Dreams have a certain meaning in our lives. Depending on whether the dream was pleasant or nightmare, the mood for the whole day is created. Some sensitive people perceive the meaning of each night vision too emotionally. Skeptics, on the contrary, refute the theory that dreams can have at least some interpretation. After all, interpretations of the same plot are often diverse and contradictory. But most often, the interpretation of any image has many meanings due to the many possible options plot.

Have you seen a modern mobile phone?

Today almost everyone has a mobile phone. We spend a lot of time communicating on it or using it for certain purposes. The smartphone has become an indispensable tool, and it’s hard to imagine modern life without him. As the dream book says, a mobile phone can be interpreted differently depending on its condition:

  • An old, broken or unusual mobile phone encourages you to reconsider your life, start doing what you have been planning for a long time: sports, study, dancing, drawing, etc. Otherwise, you will face stressful situation and feel dissatisfied in life.
  • A new, stylish, modern mobile phone portends a financial boost or an expensive gift. This will give you greater confidence and set you up to achieve even greater goals.

If you dreamed of an old push-button device

An old telephone in a dream often means that you want to tell someone something, but are putting off this moment.

Seeing an old rotary telephone in a dream means that the course of events is not developing. You are worried about some problem, the solution of which you constantly put off. The thought of this is distressing. Take control of the situation and make a list of things that need to be resolved at this time.

Touching numbers on a rotary phone in a dream suggests that soon you will have a profitable opportunity, taking advantage of which you can improve your financial affairs.

An old push-button telephone warns of an intention to deceive you. These could be work colleagues, neighbors, acquaintances who are weaving intrigues behind your back. Review your surroundings and beware of deception. Don't trust people if you doubt their reliability. Don't lend money to people you don't know.

If in a dream the phone is on the nightstand, you will finally establish contact with the person with whom you have been trying to come to an agreement for a long time. If there are other items on the nightstand nearby, you have to do important choice, which will further influence the course of events. You will have to make the choice yourself, without taking into account the advice of other people. This could be a change of job, the end of a love relationship, moving to new country, admission to educational institution and etc.

The dream in which the phone was standing on a broken bedside table symbolizes a new business. You will begin to do things that you were not previously interested in. And this activity will bring you pleasure, you will be able to realize your full potential in it and achieve high results.

If in a dream you were in a telephone booth, expect advice, news or a letter (mobile message). If you were not alone inside, this portends gatherings in a narrow family circle. If you saw a telephone booth from the outside - expect a pleasant meeting or a romantic date. A broken booth means disappointment in a person who will not live up to your expectations. An unusual or non-standard telephone booth foreshadows a new major purchase, it could be a car, an apartment, a summer house or something else.

If in a dream you called or received a call to someone

Why dream of talking on the phone in a dream? A conversation can have several meanings depending on the emotions experienced:

  • The call caused anxiety and worry - a difficult period lies ahead, you will be surrounded by gossip, quarrels and negative emotions;
  • The call brought joy - wait good news, pleasant events and solutions to protracted issues;
  • You were unable to answer the call - in reality you need to be more careful and control your affairs, otherwise you may make a mistake that will bring you trouble;
  • If you made an effort to hear your interlocutor, this portends a quarrel with a loved one due to false rumors. Don't trust gossip and give your loved ones the opportunity to explain themselves if there is a quarrel.
  • Read also: .

If in a dream you got a new phone

Why do you dream new phone- you lack communication or you experience a feeling of loneliness and melancholy. Make an appointment with friends, call your family or find a new person to talk to in social networks. This will help you get rid of unpleasant thoughts.

Just as the dream book says, a new phone portends a friendly meeting, communication with friends, an easy, casual conversation. This could be a party, birthday, corporate event or other event.

If you received a phone as a gift, expect a serious conversation that will bring unpleasant emotions and frustration. And if you yourself gave such a gift to someone, the emotions will be positive: you will learn good news or hear a lucrative offer.

Why dream of finding a phone in a dream - a joyful event is coming up: a promotion at work, receiving a bonus, a long-awaited trip, a meeting with loved ones. If the phone you find is in poor condition or with a broken screen, then the joyful event will be accompanied by minor setbacks: perhaps something will not go according to plan and not the way you wanted. However, everything will end well.

And vice versa, you lost your device

Why dream of losing your phone in a dream - you will be deceived and surrounded by gossip. Pay close attention to all the information that others share with you, and try to intuitively filter what you can believe and what you can’t. If you still managed to find the phone in a dream, wait for the betrayal to be exposed. You will be able to bypass the deception and find out who your ill-wisher is.

The dream portends a quarrel, resentment, misunderstanding in love relationships. Treason or separation between lovers is possible. You should be careful when communicating with the opposite sex: choose Right words, curb harsh criticism and prevent domestic clashes. If in a dream it was not you who broke the phone, but another person, this means that soon an unexpected meeting awaits you, which will bring excitement and trepidation.

If your phone breaks down in a dream, it means that you are expecting a showdown, with anyone: a guy or girlfriend, a brother or sister, a colleague, a teacher. You will participate in an argument or discussion, vigorously proving your point of view. Be careful with your words, don’t say too much, and in disputes don’t get too personal with your interlocutor. This will allow you to avoid stress and unnecessary troubles in the future.

We continue to study the dream book, if your phone is stolen - expect meanness from a loved one. Among the people around you, there is someone who is trying in every possible way to ruin your life, plotting behind your back. If you returned the stolen phone, it means that the conflict with this person will be resolved. You will sort things out and come to mutual understanding. If your phone was stolen in a dream and it was not found, then disappointment and betrayal await you.

If you dreamed about someone's number

Why dream of calling on the phone and dialing someone’s number - this portends a performance in front of the public, which will bring you success in career growth. If you receive a call from an unfamiliar number, you will find yourself in the role of a listener or spectator: a meeting at work, a trip to the theater or cinema, a seminar, lecture, training.

A phone number consists of a combination of numbers. The numbers seen in a dream have a certain meaning. They can indicate age, the date of an upcoming or past event, the quantity of something, or have their own separate meaning.

  • The number zero symbolizes integrity; a new period in life is possible. A change of environment awaits you, which will bring satisfaction and open up new opportunities for realizing your potential.
  • The unit says it’s time to start achieving your goals. All conditions have been created for this. All you have to do is start taking action.
  • The number two signifies connection and partnership. Soon you will have a lucrative contract at work or meet interesting people.
  • The number three is harmony in all areas of life, getting what you want. You will be able to enjoy life, travel and give joy to loved ones.
  • Four means stability and calm. You will mark time without experiencing discomfort. It’s just such a measured period when you have time to think about your life.
  • Seeing the number five in a dream means freedom, adventure, new emotions. A trip to distant countries, new acquaintances, passion, trembling experiences, independence awaits you.
  • Six is ​​family well-being, union, marriage, love. You will feel joy from family troubles and peace of mind in love relationships.
  • Seven signifies spiritual development, which you can get by reading a good book or communicating with a person enlightened in spiritual matters.
  • Eight portends success and financial independence. Your standard of living will rise sharply, and you will be able to afford what you were previously denied due to lack of funds.
  • And the number nine is a benefit for the public good. This could be participation in charity, voluntary work, social programs.

If you couldn't remember the numbers, don't be upset. Seeing numbers in a dream generally means the arrival of inspiration, which will set you up for creativity or work. Brilliant ideas will come to you that you can implement in your projects. If the phone number you saw in a dream evoked pleasant feelings, expect good news from loved ones. If the number caused an unpleasant feeling, then you will have to make a mistake that will bring Bad mood and an unpleasant conversation.

An unfamiliar phone number symbolizes a new acquaintance and interesting communication. Your life will be filled with new colors. You will feel that there is a loved one next to you who supports you. Be open to meeting new people.

Interpretation of the meaning of sleep in various dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud, Modern

So is it worth believing dreams? When looking for interpretation in dream books, you should remember that all our dreams are subjective, and can often mean the mental state of a particular person. However, dream books are not created from scratch, but the dreams of many people in different life circumstances are studied. Therefore, everyone can draw a conclusion for themselves whether to believe it or not. It all depends on how close your way of thinking is to that of the majority.

Miller's Dream Book - a pleasant surprise will happen

A dream in which you are given a new phone portends happy event or business success. For a woman to receive such a gift means the opportunity to marry wealthy person, congenial. If you received a phone for your birthday, the dream foretells good luck. If you yourself present such a gift to someone, expect criticism from loved ones, which will upset you.

If you received a phone as a gift from a person who had previously used it, it means that your wishes will soon come true. You will be praised or rewarded for a job well done.

If someone breaks your phone, breaks it, or steals it, this portends a conflict with an unpleasant person, as a result of which you will fail. If you yourself damage your phone, this means dangerous work that can have adverse consequences for your health.

Vanga's Dream Interpretation - work with your emotions

Someone broke your phone - you are afraid of a certain person. Think about who around you causes this feeling. Maybe you should talk to him or look for the cause of the fear. You break the phone on your own - in reality you are also filled with anger and need to be given vent. Remember who caused you to break your phone in a dream; perhaps he is the source of your aggression in life.

You saw your own photos on your mobile phone - you do not experience joy in life. Review your life, don't let it pass aimlessly. Set goals and achieve them. Then everything will change for the better. You see a photo of a loved one on your phone - you are very worried about him. Call or visit him and make sure everything is fine.

Freud's Dream Book - you will achieve success

Mobile phone in a dream, according to most dream books, means success in business.

Talking in a friendly manner with a friend on the phone in a dream foretells success in business. You will finally be heard and your wishes taken into account. If the conversation was raised, you will become an object of humiliation or will participate in an argument. When proving your point of view, be careful with your words so as not to offend your interlocutor or create a conflict.

If you feel awkward during a conversation, you will soon become a participant in a forbidden activity that will bring trouble. To avoid this, do not break the rules and do everything legally. Repairing a phone in a dream means your work will be completed, and you will be respected for it. Such a dream also speaks of the implementation of a conceived idea.

Modern dream book - don’t trust just anyone

  • If you dreamed of a telephone, expect to meet a person who will confuse you. Be aware of your surroundings. Stick to yours life principles and don’t follow anyone’s lead. Otherwise, you will have to experience a feeling of disappointment due to the wrong path chosen.
  • If a woman dreams that she cannot hear well while talking on the phone, there is a possibility of losing her lover. Understand your relationships, and if they are truly dear to you, hold on to them, don’t let things take their course.
  • If you talked to a person you know in reality, he has an influence on your life. This could be a person you are in love with, but cannot confess to him for some reason.
  • Asking for forgiveness over the phone means worrying about upcoming matters. But they will not bring you trouble, but on the contrary, everything will turn out favorably.
  • Feeling irritated when talking on the phone portends troubles that ill-wishers will create around you. But you will successfully cope with them, putting your enemies in their place.
  • If in a dream you broke off a relationship over the phone, this foreshadows a meaningless quarrel. Give yourself a rest, put your thoughts in order. Don't let your emotions rule your life, be careful in your conversations.
  • Arguing in a dream means that you will have problems with people around you. Be more attentive to your loved ones. And don't do anything you'll regret.
  • The message that came to your phone promises changes in some matters. If you send a message to someone, there is a possibility of getting into an unpleasant situation.


If you suddenly dream about a telephone, look at the interpretation of this dream. And decide whether to enjoy the upcoming event or take measures to prevent it. Or maybe you just recently bought a new device or lost your favorite one? Or have you been waiting all day for an important call? In this case, the dream should not be taken into account; it merely serves as a reflection of daily events. And if you work on the phone, and you start dreaming about work at night, this means that it’s time for you to go on vacation.

Video “Why do you dream about the Phone”

It's impossible to imagine life without a phone modern man. Every day we use this accessory to communicate with other people. Therefore, the question of why you dream about a phone is very relevant. And indeed this symbol in a dream can tell us about many things that may happen to us in the near future. But in order to correctly decipher the dream in which the phone appeared, you need to analyze all the details of the plot you saw.

Telephone - interpretation of sleep

When you dream of a telephone, the interpretations depend on how appearance, the dreamed device, and on what actions were performed with it. Moreover, both factors must be linked for correct decoding. And this can only be done if you listen to your own intuition. It is with this approach that it will be possible to say exactly what the phone was for in your dream and what life events it can influence.

Very often I dream of a landline phone that no one speaks on. If you saw such a dream, then be careful in reality. There is a high probability that someone wants to confuse you and force you to make the wrong decision. Such a dream indicates that there are ill-wishers next to you, whose existence you are not even aware of. But if you dreamed of a mobile phone in a similar plot, then this symbolizes that your life is quite successful, but you lack the thrill of new impressions. Such a dream seems to push you to the fact that the time has come to do a new and interesting thing.

In what condition did you dream about the phone?

    A broken phone does not bode well. It simply symbolizes the dreamer’s internal, completely groundless fears. It may very well be that internal anxiety is due to the fact that you are very afraid of something valuable to you in life. Try to get rid of this feeling, as fear makes you more vulnerable. A broken mobile phone screen symbolizes that you have a poor understanding of people. And your excessive gullibility is often very harmful to you. A new phone is a harbinger of a new connection in reality. There is a high probability that fate will give you a promising acquaintance, so take advantage of this chance. An old or antique telephone symbolizes your conservatism and emphasizes the fact that in reality you need to be a little bolder. A broken telephone symbolizes that you are in real life strive to run away from problems instead of solving them. Someone else's phone indicates that you are overly concerned about the fate of other people. Try to think more about yourself and your family.

Freud's Dream Book

In accordance with the interpretation of Freud’s dream book, seeing a telephone in a dream means being proud of your sexual capabilities in reality. And if many telephones appear in night dreams, then this indicates the disorder of the dreamer’s connections. Moreover, it is possible that they may be same-sex. If you dream of a broken phone, then the person has problems in the sexual sphere.

Why do you dream about talking on the phone?

Very often, talking on the phone with a specific person in night dreams indicates that the dreamer does not have the opportunity to contact him in real life. Sometimes this is due to objective reasons. But much more often, the dream emphasizes that there is no mutual understanding between people. But on the other hand, talking on the phone in a dream indicates that the dreamer is trying to establish a connection with this person. Some dream plots associated with a ringing phone may mean the following:
    If, according to the plot, you picked up the phone, but the phone still continues to ring, then try not to miss a very important call in real life, which can have an impact on your whole life. When in your night dreams you are about to call to a specific person, but there are problems with communication, then it is possible that in real life the relationship with this person will worsen. For a woman, talking on the phone in a dream with a stranger may indicate that in reality her partner will not behave as she would like. If the phone is in in a dream it’s calling, but for some reason you don’t pick up the phone. This indicates that in the real world you prefer not to notice difficulties and do not want to think about existing problems. If in your night dreams you hang up the phone, not wanting to continue the conversation, then family troubles may arise in reality. Remember that relationships with loved ones need to be protected, so do not commit rash acts. If you dream that you are talking on the phone, but at the same time you can hear your interlocutor very poorly, then in reality the time has come when you need to pay attention to your family. This may especially apply to elderly parents.

The dream plot related to the theft of a personal phone is quite unpleasant. But you shouldn’t be too upset, since such a dream does not foretell global negative changes in the dreamer’s life. After such a dream in real life, there is a possibility that you will be disappointed by one of the people close to you. Most likely, the person will commit some bad act that will not have any direct relation to you.

Lost mobile phone

If, according to the plot of your dream, you lose your mobile phone, then a rearrangement of personnel will occur in your environment. There is a high probability that some people will leave you forever and the reasons for this may be completely different.

Phone as a gift

When you dream that you are given a phone, this indicates that changes will occur in your life that will not depend on you. Therefore, it is absolutely not necessary to interfere with current events; it is better to simply try to accept them.

Why do you dream about buying a phone?

On the other hand, a dream in which you decide to purchase a new phone symbolizes your desire for leadership in a specific life situation. Moreover, you have good chances for this, since you have very good ideas, and you are open to fruitful collaboration with other people.

Dream interpretation new phone

Since ancient times, it has been believed that dreams seen in night scenes are a reflection of the emotions that a person experiences in real life. That is why modern people often appear in dreams innovative technologies. What does the plot in which he saw a new phone portend to the dreamer? In order to correctly decipher the dream you saw, you need to remember how many more details you saw.

In real life, a telephone is a gadget with the help of which people have the opportunity to keep in touch with the outside world. But what does it mean to see him in a dream?

When interpreting a dream, use a dream book. After all, only by using this publication will you get a unique opportunity to accurately decipher even the most confusing dream.

The phone seen in the night scene symbolizes that the dreamer has problems communicating with others.

The phone kept ringing during the night story? The dream book warns: a person needs to become more careful and avoid provocations in reality.

If you dreamed of a new phone

There is a dream: the dreamer wanted to answer the phone call, but did not have time to pick up the phone in time - the dream book indicates that in reality you will also have an important call. You must try not to miss it.

Have you asked passers-by for a phone number on the street? The dream indicates that you need the support of friends and loved ones.

New phone, iPhone

Why do you dream about a new phone in a night story? To big changes in real life.

Have you ever had a dream in which the dreamer just wanted to buy a phone? The interpretation indicates that a person is planning to do something good, but requires detailed consideration.

Coming to the store with the desire to buy a new phone, but based on the plot, they couldn’t decide which one they needed - the dream book indicates: moderate your ambitions if you don’t want to reap mistakes in the near future.

Buying an iPhone means financial independence.

If you dream about an expensive iPhone and play on it, you will start spreading rumors.


In the dream, the bell rang, but when they picked up the phone, the person on the other end of the line was silent? The dreamer is closely watched from the side.

Who did you talk to?

In the night story, did you immediately determine who you were going to communicate with before the person’s voice sounded? In reality, the dreamer has an attraction with this person, but at the same time they repel each other.

Why dream of communicating via it with a person you don’t know? In the near future you will learn news that can radically change your environment.

I dreamed that they tried to call a friend, but the conversation did not take place because there were problems with communication - the relationship with this person could worsen.

If you were talking on the phone in a dream

Did you dream of a conversation with your dead parents? The dream book advises you to listen to their words, since a loved one is a guide in a dream.

Who dreams of a telephone conversation

But it is important to note who exactly was on the phone.

To a woman

Does a woman dream that she is communicating on the phone? The dream indicates: although a woman’s thoughts do not always coincide with the words and actions of her loved one, this does not mean that his feelings are insincere.

Did the young girl in the night story happen to see an iPhone and talk on it? In real life, she will be a victim of the envy of others. According to the plot, she did not hear what they told her - to part with her lover.

To a man

A man seeing a telephone in a dream foreshadows changes in real life.

Talking to your ex-wife in a dream - the subconscious sends a signal that the sleeper wants to establish a relationship with her, but is afraid to take the first step.

Mobile phone

Did you dream about a mobile phone? The dream book interprets the plot as follows: the dreamer’s life has changed in better side, but the person was tired and lost interest. In the plot of your dream, you may receive a hint that will tell you how best to get out of this situation.

Did you have a dream in which you were looking for a ringing mobile phone? Be careful, you may miss important news due to communication problems.

I had a dream in which a mobile phone appeared as a signal that a person was tired of loneliness.

It is important to note what shades it was:

  • Light - to positive events and emotions. The dream foretells success in all endeavors.
  • Gloomy and in dark colors - to troubles at work and to financial difficulties.

See phone number

If you saw the phone number

I dreamed about it phone number? The dream book indicates that it is important to note which exact number was seen in the plot:

  • One - there will be some kind of struggle in the dreamer’s life. Perhaps the person who saw this dream will have to defend his truth.
  • Dreaming of a deuce in a dream means gossip in real life.
  • Three - you can count on success in all your endeavors.
  • Four - stop! You are living in an illusion.
  • Five - good luck accompanies you. This number is dreamed of for victory over enemies.
  • Six - beware of deception in real life.
  • Seven also dreams of success in the dreamer’s real life.
  • Eight – now there is stability in the dreamer’s life. The situation will not change for now.
  • Nine - a person who sees it in a dream can count on great luck.
  • Zero - dreams of failure.

A precious find

Why see in a night story that the dreamer found a phone? The interpretation indicates: luck will accompany a person in real life; one should also count on good luck. Fate will give you a chance to find a way out of the current situation. difficult situation, and with this you can count on the help of a friend. Finding two telephones in the house is a bad sign, indicating treason and betrayal of a loved one. Found someone else's phone? The dreamer will independently ruin relationships with others.

A loss

Lost your phone? Take a closer look at your friends, perhaps someone is planning an evil plan that will harm your reputation.

The dream book indicates that seeing the loss of a gadget in a dream means that in real life your secret will be revealed. Worry about this in advance - prepare the ground, and try to make the situation win-win for the dreamer.

If the phone was broken


What did you dream about: your phone was stolen? The dream foreshadows disappointment. A person you know will commit a crime, and this will force you to look at him from a different perspective.


Dreaming broken phone? The dream indicates upcoming losses in the dreamer's life. According to the interpretation of the dream book, a dream should be taken as a signal and measures taken in a timely manner; this is the only way to avoid unpleasant situations in life.

Broken - a person is trying to hide from life situations. The dream book advises you to have courage and resolve all unpleasant situations, because they are actually not as complicated as a person thinks.

Why did you dream about a broken phone screen? The interpretation indicates that you will regret that you cannot read other people's thoughts.

Why dream of trampling your phone underfoot or breaking it with another object on purpose? Be restrained, otherwise there will be a lot of quarrels and conflict situations, and you will have yourself to blame for this.


If you were given a phone

Absolutely everyone loves to receive a nice and expensive gift. But why do you dream that you were given a phone? A night dream foreshadows changes in a person’s life that he cannot influence. The dream book advises that if a person has a dream in which he was given a phone, it means that the dreamer needs to let go of the situation and not interfere in the course of events.

A man was given a small phone - this means that the dreamer is worried about the size of his manhood.

A girl has a dream in which she was given a new gadget - in real life she will be offered to date by an interesting guy.

Interpretation of modern dream books

Of course, you will not find a transcript of a dream with a telephone in leading role V ancient dream books. But how will the plot be deciphered? modern interpreters dreams?

Dream book of the 21st century

  • Why do you dream about a telephone? There is a meeting with an insincere person.
  • Hear a bell - in real life you will learn unexpected news.
  • Getting through to the subscriber means an unexpected, pleasant meeting with an old acquaintance.
  • For a woman, a dream indicates evil envious people in her life who seek to harm her.

Miller's Dream Book

What color was the phone

The phone seen is a symbol of the dreamer’s connection with his environment. Perhaps they are trying to mislead the person.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

By interpretation of this dream book It is important to note what color it was seen in the night scene:

  • White - to the envy of others.
  • Blue - the dreamer has a secret.
  • Red - for the beginning of a new romantic relationship.

Did you give it as a gift? The dream represents new acquaintances.

The end of the wire.
Telephone communication in a dream suggests that, despite the fact that the person on the other end of the line has an impact on your life, he is not connected to you as he could or as you would like.

Loff's Dream Book

Seeing a phone in a dream means:

The telephone often appears in dreams as a link between you and other characters who are not physically accessible, but have an impact on the outcome of the dream. In many cases, you know who is on the other end of the line before you pick up the phone. The way you connect with others over the phone is important. It also matters who you contact. The telephone is often called the "second the best option after presence", therefore, using a telephone in a dream suggests that, although the person on the other end of the line has an influence on your life, he is not connected to you as he could or as you would like.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

A dream with a telephone in the dream book is interpreted as:

A phone call can indicate that someone wants to get your attention, or that your subconscious is about to tell you something.
A phone that you don’t want to approach may indicate that your subconscious stores information that you are afraid to find out about. It could also be a sign that there are people you are afraid to communicate with. Face your fears. Don't turn away from them and try to resolve them. Don't let fears destroy your vitality.

Wanderer's Dream Book

Sleeping with a phone means:

Telephone - the need for communication; unexpected news; interference.
Talking on the phone - gossip; spiritual telepathic connection with the speaker; distance in relationships.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Meaning of sleep phone:

Telephone - you will receive an invitation to someone's house.

Dream book of the 21st century

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a telephone:

Seeing a telephone in a dream means meeting insincere people; hearing him call means unexpected news.
If in a dream you call on the phone and get through to the subscriber, it means that you will meet a friend whom you have not seen for a long time; if you don’t get through, it is a sign that you are exaggerating your failures and everything will be fine.
For a woman, dreaming of a telephone conversation means that she has many envious people, but they will not harm her.
If in a dream you receive a long-awaited message by fax, it means that you will have to make a lot of effort to bring the job you started to completion; sending a message means that you can quickly navigate the changed situation and find the only correct way out.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

What can a phone mean in a dream:

the course of your affairs is doubtful.

Dream book Meneghetti

Telephone in a dream means:

As an image of a stable connection between two or more people, it means personal loss.

Newest dream book

If a girl dreams of a telephone, it means:

A cell phone will be a currency.
Telephone - you will be heatedly discussing someone’s personal life.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Why does a woman dream about a phone:

Phone - for the arrival of a friend.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Phone in a dream from Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

If you dreamed that you received a phone call, you will hear news that, as it turns out later, will turn out to be untrue.
In a dream, you called someone on the phone - you will tell your friends news that in fact turns out to be untrue.
Call a pay phone - you will have to communicate with the right people, it is also possible to meet a friend whom you have not seen for a long time.
The inability to get through on a pay phone is a sign that you are exaggerating your failures, that everything will be fine.

Women's dream book

Phone in a dream from Women's dream book

A dream in which you happily chat on the phone means that soon fate will present you with envious rivals.
If, no matter how hard you try, you cannot hear your interlocutor, beware of the possible loss of a loved one, as well as the resumption of unpleasant gossip.

Dream book for a bitch

Phone in a dream from Dream Interpretation for a Bitch

Telephone - some events and news will cause you confusion.
Talking on the phone - you will cope with envious people and slanderers.
Losing your phone means getting rid of problems.
To buy - to gain hassle and unnecessary worries.

ABC of dream interpretation

Phone in a dream from ABCs of dream interpretation

Telephone - represents communication with others or penetration into your own inner world.
If you call on the phone yourself, your difficulties will be overcome.

Family dream book

Phone in a dream from Family dream book

If you dreamed about a telephone, don’t let anyone confuse you.
In a woman who dreams phone conversation- a lot of envious people. However, she will be able to resist evil and will not become the object of malicious gossip.
If, while talking on the phone, she has trouble hearing what they say to her, she needs to make every effort not to lose her lover.

American dream book

Phone in a dream from American dream book

Telephone - listen to others. Maybe your guide is trying to get your attention. Listen to what they tell you.

Ukrainian dream book

Phone in a dream from Ukrainian dream book

Someone will deceive you.

Dream book of the past

Phone in a dream from Dream Interpretation of the Past

Telephone - in your consciousness or subconscious there are unnecessary rules that limit your naturalness and ease. This only makes your personality worse.

Miller's Dream Book

Phone in a dream from Miller's dream book

If you dream of a telephone, it means that you will meet people who will confuse you.
If a woman dreams of talking on the phone, it means she has a lot of envious people; however, she will be able to resist the surrounding evil.
If, while talking on the phone in a dream, she has difficulty hearing what is being said to her, it means that she is in danger of losing her lover. It is possible that she will become the object of malicious gossip.

Miller's Dream Book

Phone in a dream from Miller's dream book

To see - someone is trying to stop you;
for a woman - talking on the phone - you will have many envious people, but you will be able to stand up for yourself;
for a woman - the audibility of an ongoing conversation on the phone is poor - the loss of a lover, perhaps you will become a victim of evil gossip.
Also see Token, Conversation.

Esoteric dream book

Phone in a dream from Esoteric dream book

Everyday information that you receive from conversations or the media and to which it makes sense to listen.

Hearing the phone ring is an additional manifestation of your attention to information: it is advisable to adjust your actions in accordance with the information received.

Small dream book

Phone in a dream from Small dream book

A telephone seen in a dream may mean that people will appear in your life. strangers, which will confuse your plans. If a young woman talks on the phone in her sleep, she should be wary of envious rivals. If she can hardly hear what is being said to her on the phone, then she is threatened by evil gossip and the loss of her lover.

Modern dream book

Phone in a dream from Modern dream book

If you dreamed of a telephone, in reality you will meet strangers who will add confusion to your affairs and bring you a lot of anxiety.
A dream in which a woman dreams that she is talking on the phone promises her envious rivals. However, she will soon come out of this situation with honor.
If she can hardly hear what is being said to her on the phone, she is threatened by evil gossip and the loss of her lover.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Phone in a dream from Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Phone - to rumors.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Phone in a dream from Psychoanalytic dream book

Telephone - contact, attempt at contact and, thus, communication and even sexual intercourse. Create contact with the unconscious.
A cut telephone cord means death, the individual's attitude towards death. Loss of reality.

Dream book alphabetically

Phone in a dream from Dream Interpretation Alphabetically

If you dream that you are chatting with someone on the phone for a long time, this portends that your husband will be infuriated by your lack of obligation and inattention to his person. Throwing the phone, using this as the last argument in a family scandal, means in reality expect domestic troubles. If in a dream you cannot call from the street due to broken tubes in all pay phones, in reality you will be confused by false information.

If you couldn't get through to a loved one or you have trouble hearing his voice: the dream suggests that in reality you need to somehow establish a relationship with him, otherwise this could lead to a serious quarrel between you.

In other cases, a telephone in a dream means that some extraneous events or strangers can confuse your plans and distract you from your current affairs.

Rommel's Dream Book

Phone in a dream from Rommel's Dream Book

A dream about a telephone or a phone ringing is a sign of the special importance of the meeting you are about to meet.

Calling on the phone is asking someone to fulfill a request, but most likely they will not help you.

When a woman dreams that she is talking on the phone, she finds out that she has many envious people and ill-wishers.

If in a dream you have difficulty hearing responses on the phone, you may lose true friends.

You won't lose anyone!

You just won’t be able to talk on the phone for a while: you’ll become hoarse with your “true friends.”

Phone, talking on the phone - important detail our dreams. First of all, you should pay attention to the fact that when talking on the phone we do not see the interlocutor, so it is often much easier for us to convey some information to him. Moreover, during a telephone call, our interlocutor does not see our face, so a dream in which we happen to speak on the telephone must be interpreted taking into account these features.

IN modern world In dreams, a person more often has to talk on a cell phone. On the one hand, this is just a sign of the times and nothing more, but on the other hand, it indicates freedom of communication and movement during the events that the dream is interpreting.

In this regard, if you dream of a telephone call to a home or work landline, the plot may indicate two features. First of all, it means that the sleeper will be limited in freedom of choice or something else, and secondly, that the events are associated with a certain place. For example, a telephone call to a home telephone should be interpreted in a dream regarding family affairs, and if in a dream you happened to call a telephone installed in an office or at work, the events of the dream will be related to this area of ​​the dreamer’s life.

It is important to take into account this point: someone called you in a dream or you yourself are calling someone. This will indicate the person from whom the initiative comes in terms of predicted events.

And, of course, the most important thing is who is on the other end of the line and what the conversation is about.

If a device appears in a dream mobile communications, then the actions that happen to him are also important. In dreams, we can find a mobile phone, lose it, have it stolen, we may dream of a phone being stolen from us, and also see a broken phone, a broken screen, etc. All these dream plots should be considered separately.

Finding a phone in a dream may indicate a lack of communication and friends.

If you dreamed that your phone was stolen - perhaps you are very afraid of losing a connection with someone, a relationship, but in this case not a very close one.

Losing a phone in a dream has a similar interpretation, with the difference that when a phone is stolen, the action of third parties is implied, and in the latter case, you yourself are or will be the culprit of what happened.

A call from a loved one is dreamed of as a reflection of concern about him; in a general sense, it does not carry important information.

But if, for example, you had to talk on the phone with your loved one in a dream in front of unwanted witnesses, you should pay attention to this face. Perhaps he has some role to play in your relationship.

If you dream of a phone that was stolen in real life, you may need to contact someone whose contact was lost along with it.

A very interesting dream is one in which there is an overheard telephone conversation. This is important information for the dreamer and should not be neglected.

Silence on the phone in a dream provides rich food for thought. Was this call unexpected or were you expecting it? Can you guess or guess from other signs who it could be? Has this dream been repeated? In most cases, the plot talks about something unsaid, about some information that they want to convey to you, but for some reason they cannot.

Dreams often feature a phone call from a deceased person. Such dreams frighten us, however, they do not always carry negativity. If you dreamed that your deceased father or deceased mother was calling, you should treat their words as a hint that was given to you from above. A loved one in this dream is only a guide whom you trust.

If the deceased father (mother) called and gave a certain date, it should not be taken literally. Digital values ​​in dreams are usually encrypted and are usually very difficult to unravel. They can indicate a period of time, lottery ticket numbers, airplane flights, car numbers and much more. However, these numbers certainly make sense.

I dreamed of a phone call from the deceased, but he was silent - such a dream should be considered a warning. We can talk about both an incorrect lifestyle and an impending danger and the need to be on guard.

If you broke your phone in a dream, analyze how it happened. The phone fell accidentally or did you dream that you broke the phone in a fit of anger or resentment? Second important point is the result - the device has completely failed or you broke the screen of the phone, but it remained in working order? Analyze these details, then you will understand both the cause of future conflicts and what their result will be. Obviously, a broken phone screen will represent a cracked, but preserved relationship for the time being, and a broken, non-working phone will indicate a final breakup in a dream. Was the broken phone repairable?

It should be understood that in real life, a device with a broken screen is used for only a short time; its owner soon tries to buy a new phone, if he has such an opportunity. The meaning of the dream in this case becomes clear.

If you dreamed of a telephone according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

A new phone in a dream symbolizes a new relationship.

Broken or broken - quarrel and rupture.

Find someone else's cellular telephone in a dream - an attempt to interfere in someone else’s life, to ruin other people’s relationships.

Finding a telephone in your own home in a dream is a sign that someone close to you has a relationship or connections that are kept secret from the sleeping person.

It’s especially bad if you find two phones in your own apartment - they are cheating on you.

Losing a cell phone - such a dream can speak of both the loss of some personal connections and the material damage that will have to be endured. To correctly interpret the meaning, think about what you were more sorry for in the dream - lost contacts or the loss of the phone, the device itself.

If your mobile phone was stolen in a dream, the meaning of the dream is similar with the difference that someone else will be the culprit of what happens.

Talking on a mobile phone, talking to someone - such a dream says that you are hiding something from this person, or he is hiding something from you.

If you dream that you can’t get through to someone, in reality this person will avoid meeting you.

If a man talked to a person in a dream ex-wife over the phone - deep down he would really like to return to this family, but he is afraid of refusal.

An ex-husband who calls a woman in a dream is also not forgotten by her and the option of renewing the relationship is not excluded.

At the same time, the more the former spouses had a chance to swear on the phone in a dream, the stronger the connection between them in reality.

Talking on the phone with a dead person is a dream warning about something. It's important to remember what he said.

If in your dream a dead person gives the telephone receiver to someone who is still alive, this person is in mortal danger.

A telephone call about death (in which they tell you its date) does not give reason for despondency. Perhaps this is the start date of a new milestone in your life.

A phone in water dreams of oblivion.

If the sleeping person himself happened to drown the phone, he will try to forget someone. If someone else dropped your phone into the water in your dream, they will try to forget about you. In the latter case, the more you felt sorry for someone else’s device, the more painful someone else’s indifference will be.

Why do you dream about a telephone - esoteric dream book

In a dream, a telephone represents connections with people, including loved ones, as well as the desire to have additional communication capabilities.

If your phone was stolen in a dream, this indicates that you are afraid of losing your sense of security and connection with loved ones.

Losing a cell phone, looking for it - this dream says that you yourself will be the culprit of cooling or even breaking some relationships.

In addition, if you dream that you are looking for a cell phone and cannot find it, then this may be a hint that you should talk to someone close to you not just frankly, but also looking into each other’s eyes.

Dreaming of a phone call from an unfamiliar person means an invasion of your privacy.

Breaking a phone or smashing it in a dream means difficulties in communication.

For a woman, talking to a man on the phone, whose voice she can’t remember, dreams of a new secret admirer.

For young man talking on the phone with a girl in a dream means that she likes him.

If a girl calls in her night dreams from a guy she really likes, her hopes for him are in vain.

If you called one of your relatives, you will receive an invitation from them.

If you can’t reach someone on the phone in a dream, they won’t want to listen to you in reality.

Talk on the phone with ex-husband- such a dream reveals your desire to continue the relationship. And if you had to talk on the phone with your ex-partner in a raised voice, you will take some steps towards the former in reality.

A call from an ex in a dream has a similar interpretation.

If you dream that you are calling your friend - in reality you have not fulfilled some obligation to him.

Buying a phone in a dream means a long-term contract.

If a man in a dream receives a phone as a gift, he is very small size- this is a hint that his partner considers his worries about the size of his manhood to be unfounded.

A call from a dead person dreams of a change in weather.

Why do we dream about phones, Longo’s dream book

Dreaming about a new mobile phone means making new acquaintances.

Seeing a white phone in a dream means envy.

Blue - to mystery.

The red phone is dreaming of new ones romantic relationships, in which you, however, will not be very close to each other spiritually.

If you really like the new phone in your dream, it is possible that the relationship that has arisen will last a long time.

Finding a mobile phone means getting into other people's relationships in reality.

If you dream of a found phone being broken, broken, then in reality you will take your partner away from your boyfriend or girlfriend.

Give the phone you found to its owner - show nobility in life.

Finding many telephones in a dream means promiscuous connections.

Losing your phone means a quarrel.

If a girl dreamed that she lost her phone, which contained a young man’s number, in reality it would be better for her to leave first so as not to have to worry about being offended.

Calling a guy in a dream is a warning that she is becoming obsessive. It’s even worse if you dream about calling a guy at night, and this conversation on the phone with the guy took place in a raised voice.

For a woman to call a man on work matters is a sign of an office romance.

If you dream of talking on your cell phone with your parents, your secrecy may cause danger.

If in a dream they cannot reach you by phone, urgently call or visit them in reality.

A missed call from a loved one is dreamed of as a hint of your alienation or unfair treatment of him, especially if they called you in a dream and you did not pick up the phone.

I dreamed of a call from relatives - you will hear from them in reality.

You dream of a mobile phone in water as a sign that they want to break off relations with you.

Hearing a phone call from a deceased person in a dream, talking to him on the phone - means sadness and melancholy.

Seeing a broken mobile phone means communication difficulties.

If you gave a phone in a dream, new opportunities for communication will appear and your circle of acquaintances will expand.

If you dreamed that you had a different phone, but you didn’t know where it came from - such a dream speaks of an unexpectedly new look at someone who for a long time remained unnoticed next to you.

Why do you dream about phones - a modern dream book

Buying a new phone in a dream symbolizes the desire to change something in your environment.

If you dreamed that you found a phone, this means a new interesting and very romantic acquaintance, however, the object of your attention will not be free.

If you found your phone in a dream married woman- she will experience a great temptation in love.

Steal a phone - you will disappoint someone.

If a sleeping person stole a phone from a friend in a dream, his reputation could be very damaged.

If you dreamed that you found a phone that was lost in reality, restore your old connections.

We spoke on the phone with relatives - expect them to visit.

If you dream of a telephone conversation with your parents, you are in danger, you are hiding something from them.

A call from a friend, talking on the phone with a friend - dreams of news about him.

If a girl calls the guy she loves, they will break up very soon, especially if you can’t get through to him in the dream.

A call from a former partner means a quarrel with your current partner.

Calling a person who is two steps away from you on the phone in a dream means a very difficult conversation with him.

Hearing the phone ring but not answering - such a dream suggests that in reality you will not dare to dot the i’s in a relationship. If the phone rings for a very long time and persistently, in real life this understatement will soon become unbearable.

A call to a phone whose subscriber you do not know symbolizes a dangerous acquaintance.

If you dream that your loved one calls and says that you should break up, this means that in reality you are tormenting him with unnecessary suspicions.

Dreaming of a deceased person holding a phone or calling dead person- you should pray for them and think about what they could tell you now if they were alive in reality.

A phone falls in a dream, it breaks - to alienation in a relationship.

The same meaning is conveyed by a dream in which the phone is broken. The more urgently you needed to call someone at that moment, the harder you will experience this period in reality.

Buying a new phone dreams of making new friends.

Buy a phone on Friday night - the dream promises a long and lasting relationship.

The girl was given a phone - she may receive a friendship proposal from a young man.

If the phone received as a gift was expensive and prestigious, we can also talk about marriage.

A dream in which a girl is asked to call by a guy indicates that she is too passive in real life.

If a guy dreams that he did not call his girlfriend, although she asked him to do so, then in reality they will quarrel strongly because of jealousy.

A phone case is a dream about the danger of unprotected sex.