Usually says that your plans for the future lack clarity and certainty. Perhaps you are not being firm enough or have not thought through your affairs well.

Jewish dream book

Solomon's Dream Book

Porridge for healthy people- disease; sick- fast recovery.

Women's dream book

If the porridge is burnt- this dream foreshadows major troubles in the family or among relatives, which can only be solved with the help of a large sum of money.

If you dreamed that you were eating porridge- You will be pleasantly surprised by your wife’s actions. For a woman, such a dream foreshadows the fulfillment of desires.

Season the porridge with butter or milk- means that you will have to flatter your boss or influential person in order to get out of a difficult situation.

Eastern women's dream book

A young woman has a dream where she cooks porridge, which burns or runs away- warns: her relationship with her mother-in-law will be very tense.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Cook porridge- trying to please someone, flattering them; to eat porridge- at a crucial moment you will not be able to correctly express your thoughts, which will cause you to suffer.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Porridge- it is necessary to pay attention to the inner child.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

To dream about how you cook porridge for a child- to a child’s illness.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Cook buckwheat porridge in a dream- to minor troubles.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Porridge- at the most crucial moment you will mumble as if you have porridge in your mouth, and you will ruin everything for yourself.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

If in a dream you are cooking porridge- in reality, prosperity awaits you. To eat porridge- the hassle associated with getting things right if they are going well for you, but with the frustration of things if they are going brilliantly for you.

Hot, piping hot porridge- portends the strengthening of your position, provided that you do not deviate from the line that you have outlined for yourself, no matter how much you are forced to do so. Cooled or burnt porridge- the desire to improve relationships with partners, which will not bring a positive result.

Oatmeal in a dream- foreshadows wealth sent down by fate, which has had mercy after such a long time.

Buckwheat- petty grievances that will quickly be forgotten. Rice porrige- foreshadows an unexpected phone call that will jerk you out of your seat, forcing you to quit everything.

Barley porridge- to tears and worries due to unhappy love. Millet porridge- portends warm, cordial relationships in the family and between lovers.

Semolina- friends will rush to help in trouble.

A dream in which you watched someone eat porridge- warns: one of your friends will have big troubles at home, and you will have to take an active part in them.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Porridge- warm and soothing food. It evokes memories of childhood and children's fairy tales. It's time to tune in to the wave of the child living inside you and give him complete freedom of action.

Dream book of the 21st century

Cook porridge in a dream- to well-being, eat her - good sign: the plans you have outlined will be fulfilled, but only if you are consistent in your decisions and do not give up, eat semolina porridge- to gossip.

Lunar dream book

Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams

The poor man has porridge- portends an improvement in the condition, and the rich- estate disorder.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Tell in open window: “Where there is night, there comes sleep. All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

The dream in which you happened to cook porridge does not report any specific events. This dream has a rather generalized meaning, associated with calm and stability.

Why do you dream about oatmeal porridge?

When you dream of oatmeal porridge, such a plot is an omen good health. Your energy will help you achieve a lot. For the patient, such a plot promises improved well-being.

Direct your energy in the right direction, set priorities. Also try not to get overtired.

Someone else ate the Hercules porridge

A dream where someone else ate oatmeal porridge is a warning about a person who can take advantage of your sympathy for selfish purposes. He can come up with a touching story to gain your trust.

Do not rush to help a friend, first make sure that his words are true.

I dreamed about pea porridge

According to the dream book, pea porridge represents your concern for loved ones. You may be concerned about both the fate of your children or parents, and your relationship with your partner.

Don’t worry in vain, drive away bad thoughts: they have no real basis.


Seeing buckwheat porridge in a dream is an alarming sign warning about possible error. In order not to commit rash acts, you will have to make an effort.

To eat porridge

The vision of where you ate porridge is often associated with the business sphere and business. Such a plot communicates future successes, which may not be easy to achieve.

Yellow porridge according to the dream book

According to the dream book, yellow porridge is a harbinger of successful events related to the love sphere. If you recently had a fight with your significant other, there is a high probability of reconciliation.

Try to analyze the current situation, understand why it arose, and no longer allow quarrels with your loved one.


Dreams about semolina porridge are often associated with professional activities, in particular, authority at work. The information obtained in the dream book will help you achieve heights.

Dreaming of porridge with butter

The dream book warns: porridge with butter in a vision is a harbinger of difficulties in business sphere. You are not confident in your decisions and prefer to rely on the opinions of others, which can lead to mistakes.

Try to handle the work on your own. Try to calculate everything possible options and choose the most profitable one.

Why do you dream about stirring porridge?

A dream where you stir porridge signals an impending victory over your rivals. There will be many opponents and they will be serious, but you will be able to defeat them in an unequal fight.

Find out more about your competitors, information will become your main weapon.

A lot of porridge in a dream

When you dream of a lot of porridge, a large profit awaits you, which will be the result of hard work, as well as high business activity, initiative, enthusiasm.

Perhaps because you are so busy, your loved ones will miss your attention. Have a heart-to-heart talk with them, explain that the well-being of the family depends on your work.

Milk porridge

A dream about milk porridge is a reflection of your gloomy feelings, deep sadness. The dream book will tell you how to cope with sadness and loneliness.


Oatmeal in a dream indicates the need for bold, decisive action. Otherwise, you may never achieve the desired results.

Dreaming of pearl barley porridge

Seeing pearl barley porridge with meat in a dream is a warning about health problems. You may feel slightly unwell, but don't pay much attention to it.

It is worth consulting a doctor, even if the symptoms of the disease do not seem serious to you. If the disease is not detected in time, complications may arise.

Pearl barley porridge with milk

If you dreamed of sweet pearl barley with milk, you will have a pleasant time with friends or relatives. For the first time in for a long time you can have fun.

Allow yourself to relax, but don't drink too much, otherwise you may quarrel with your loved ones.

Millet porridge

The dream where millet porridge appears does not report any specific events. It is a symbol positive qualities that will help you in life.

Each of our dreams contains secret messages, symbols and codes, a lot of hidden information.

It is impossible to understand and decipher it on your own, and although intuition sometimes tells us why this or that sign is in our dreams, dream books make this work much more reliable. If you remember your dream, it’s worth interpreting it, because sometimes even the most seemingly insignificant things promise us a lot. important events and change in reality.

Porridge - what could be simpler? WITH early years We are very familiar with this product, which often appears on the table. Buckwheat or rice, millet, oatmeal or any other porridge is a symbol of satiety and prosperity, so you should immediately understand that this dream does not bode well for you. But there can be many meanings, depending on a number of details. They are worth remembering and taking into account when deciphering a dream.

In the dream book you will find the following options:

  • Seeing porridge in a dream.
  • I dreamed about it buckwheat.
  • Oatmeal in dreams.
  • I dream about semolina.
  • Pearl barley in a dream.
  • I dream about rice.
  • A woman or girl had a dream.
  • To a sick person.
  • Eat her.
  • Cook, stir.
  • There is semolina.
  • Eat rice.
  • Cook buckwheat.
  • Feed, treat someone with a cereal dish.

Depending on these scenarios and subtleties, the meaning of the dream will vary greatly, so try not to miss anything. If there were any other phenomena in your dream, be sure to look at their meanings separately.

What does the dream promise?

Dreams vary - in some we simply see something, in others we do something. If you did nothing but just saw the porridge, remember what it was like and find out the meaning of the dream.

As the dream book indicates, porridge is a symbol that you are safe. And this means that in the near future you will live stably, feeling carefree, happy and reliable, not afraid of the future and living with confidence that everything will be fine. So it will be!

Why does a young lady or woman dream of porridge? The interpreter says that this is for love. For an unmarried young lady, such a dream promises a wedding and a long one, happy life in marriage, and for the married lady – harmony in family life.

For a sick person, this beautiful symbol portends complete healing in the near future. Higher powers favor and will help, recovery will come, all you have to do is put in just a little effort and believe in the hidden reserves of your body!

Type of cereal

1. Buckwheat porridge in dreams is a wonderful sign. You will get rid of any troubles! Difficulties and problems that prevent you from living a happy and peaceful life, enemies and ill-wishers - all this will go away very soon. You can easily and easily make your own life is easy and pleasant, just believe in yourself!

2. If you dreamed of oatmeal, this, oddly enough, is an interesting and deep symbol. It means a deep understanding of yourself, your personality and even your purpose.

You have to understand yourself more than before, understand what kind of person you really are, become sincere, accept yourself. Go in this direction, then your life will become more conscious, and therefore happy and harmonious!

3. Do you want to know why you dream about the pearl barley porridge that you saw in your dreams? Pearl barley is a symbol of stability, and it will soon be in your real life. Don't be afraid, difficulties will go away and stop bothering you.

4. It’s curious why you dream of semolina porridge, a symbol that is strongly associated with childhood. She dreams of communicating with friends, close and pleasant people, of sincere conversations and pleasant company.

It's time for you to pay attention to your friends, spend time with them, call those you haven't thought about for a long time. Do this and you will feel happier!

Eat or cook a specific porridge

  • Eating semolina means gossip. Avoid them, don't engage in conversations behind your back, and everything will be fine.
  • There is rice and dishes made from it - fortunately! Prosperity, luck and wealth, a cloudless life - this is what awaits you soon.
  • Cooking rice is also a wonderful omen. You will soon reap the rewards of your own efforts, so continue in the direction you have chosen.
  • Did you cook buckwheat in a dream? Your problems will soon be solved, and very little effort will be required from you.

This is one of the most favorable symbols, and you are lucky if you see it in your dreams. Believe the dream book, and all the best will immediately come true! Author: Vasilina Serova

Why do you dream of Porridge (dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkov)

Of course, the traditional Russian food - porridge - could not help but be reflected in the interpretation of dreams. If you dreamed at night that you were cooking porridge, this is a good sign that predicts well-being in all areas of your life. The dream promises that you will not have any special financial problems in the near future; if you are sick, then things will go towards recovery, your well-being will improve significantly. But eating porridge is a little worse, because if you eat porridge, it warns that some worries and troubles await you. However, it is possible that they will also be pleasant.

Porridge according to Maly Velesov’s dream book

When you dream of porridge, this is a good sign. For a young dreamer, seeing porridge is a promise of an early wedding with the woman he loves. If you are already married and dream of porridge, this predicts the birth of a child, a happy addition to your family. If a sick person sees porridge in a dream, the dream promises him a speedy recovery. When in this moment If you are experiencing problems with money, then a dream in which you see porridge symbolizes making a profit. But for a rich sleeper, porridge may dream of losses, and for an old person - of sadness. This is such an ambiguous symbol. Cooking porridge in a dream means prosperity in business and family life; dreaming of eating porridge means expect troubles and worries.

Why do you dream about Porridge ( Ukrainian dream book Dmitrenko)

In most cases, porridge symbolizes small children. When you dream of porridge, it predicts a joyful addition to your family, the birth of a child. Seeing that you are cooking porridge is good; the dream promises you prosperity and well-being in life. Eating porridge in a dream means trouble. When an old dreamer dreams of porridge, it means sadness and dejection; for a young dreamer, it predicts a quick happy marriage with his beloved person - a wedding.

Porridge - what does it mean in a dream (Dream Book of the 21st century)

Dreaming about how you cook porridge from cereals is a good sign that predicts well-being in business and family life. Eating porridge in a dream - you can be satisfied, you will be able to achieve the fulfillment of your plans, everything will be successfully achieved, however, under one condition: you should not be afraid of difficulties, you must be consistent in your decisions and not deviate from your intended goal. If you ate semolina porridge in a dream, it means that soon some rumors and gossip will reach you. They should not be given much importance and they certainly should not be passed on.

Why do you dream about Porridge (interpretation from the Big Dream Book)

If you dream of porridge in a dream, in most cases it does not carry any special meaning. Porridge in a dream is a symbol of everyday life Everyday life which you have to lead. If you dream in a dream about how you cook porridge - put a pan on the fire, boil water, pour the cereal into it and, slowly stirring with a spoon, watch how it thickens, the dream predicts you a calm, measured and prosperous family life, achieving success in affairs. When you dream that you are eating porridge, in reality you will face worries and troubles.

Why did you dream about Porridge according to spiritual sources (Biblical dream book of Azar)

According to spiritual sources, if you see porridge in a dream, it means that some kind of mild illness awaits you. It will not cause you much worry, but still, you will have to spend several days at home. Therefore, when you dream of porridge, it always makes sense to make sure that someone can replace you at work if necessary. It is better to treat even the simplest disease on time rather than neglect it.

Porridge in a dream (interpretation of the Esoteric Dream Book)

When in a dream you dream about boiling porridge - put a saucepan on the fire, boil water, pour the cereal into it and, slowly stirring with a spoon, watch how it thickens, the dream suggests that, obviously, when solving problems you often use some unconventional methods. You haven’t thought about it, but stirring porridge in a dream is a symbol of magical action. It was seen that you were eating porridge - probably in reality you will find yourself in some funny situation, which is better to treat with humor. But to see how you smear the porridge around you or on your clothes, getting dirty with it - be careful, otherwise you may get into trouble and feel very awkward.

Why do you dream and how to interpret Porridge according to the “Book of Dreams” (dream book of Simon the Canaanite)

The meaning of the dream in which you see porridge depends on who exactly is having the dream. If a sick dreamer sees him, then the porridge is a symbol of his speedy recovery. On the contrary, if a dream visited healthy person, it predicts a mild illness for him. Nothing serious, but be prepared to spend a few days at home in bed. If you are worried about things at work, make sure in advance that someone can replace you for a short time.

Why do you dream about Porridge (dream book of Catherine the Great)

If in a dream you dream of porridge made from corn grits - hominy - the dream predicts that in reality you will soon cross some boundaries. Perhaps - exceed your official authority, abuse your power. Or you will behave in a less than dignified manner with your loved ones and offend them for no reason. However, when you dream of corn porridge, it promises that you will get away with your action and will not entail any serious consequences for you.

I dreamed about Porridge (interpretation according to the Old Russian Dream Book)

When a poor dreamer sees porridge in a dream, this is a good sign for him. The dream predicts that soon his affairs will improve, his financial situation will improve significantly. And vice versa, if a rich man dreams of porridge, this is an alarming warning for him that his estate will be upset. Seeing you cook porridge means a prosperous and calm family life; eating porridge means worries and troubles.

The meaning of a dream about Krupa (Lunar dream book)

When a rich man dreams of porridge, it predicts frustration and losses for him. For the poor dreamer, when he dreams of porridge, this is a good sign, promising a quick profit and the acquisition of money. If a sick person sees porridge in a dream, he can hope for a quick recovery; for a healthy person, on the contrary, this is a prediction of some kind of disease, which, however, will turn out to be mild and harmless. For a young unmarried person, seeing porridge means an imminent wedding; for an old person, it means sadness and worries. Seeing in a dream that you are cooking porridge is a good prediction of a prosperous family life and success in business; eating porridge in a dream means worries and troubles in reality.

What does it mean to dream about Kasha? (interpretation by Stuart Robinson)

Porridge in a dream has many interpretations. If you cook semolina porridge in a dream and the semolina comes in lumps, you will encounter resistance from someone in the household. But milk semolina pudding is a symbol of a strong family connection. Anyone who dreams of preparing rice milk porridge will soon receive important news. And seeing rice pilaf is a symbol of a turning point in life. Barley porridge is a symbol of wealth and prosperity at the expense of others. Rice porridge predicts a sudden phone call that will rip you off your feet, forcing you to leave important matters. Oatmeal in a dream predicts unexpected property. Buckwheat porridge - petty grievances that will quickly be forgotten. Semolina porridge - your comrades will rush to help you, because... You will be in trouble. Barley porridge - to tears and worries due to unhappy love. Millet porridge predicts warm weather family relationships between lovers.

Seeing Porridge, how to unravel the symbolism of a dream (according to the Family Dream Book)

Cooking porridge in a dream portends troubles for a woman, and troubles in the family for a man. For business people, this dream means that they made a mistake in choosing a partner or made a bad investment. A girl's dream predicts unwanted pregnancy. Smear, get dirty - you will get into trouble. If in a dream you eat milk porridge for breakfast, then in reality you feel the need for care. Perhaps you are tired of carrying the burden of problems. For a young woman, a dream in which she cooks porridge, which burns or runs away, means that her relationship with her mother-in-law will be very tense. Porridge is a warm and comforting food. It evokes memories of childhood and children's fairy tales. It's time to tune in to the wave of the child living inside you and give him complete freedom of action.

Interpretation by psychologist A. Mindell

I dreamed about Porridge - it’s as if you were cooking porridge - if a woman had a dream, then a troublesome time awaits her; For a man, this dream foreshadows family troubles; remember that the worst of vices is greed; When leaving, never slam the door. The porridge you cooked is burnt - troubles in your family can only be overcome with the help of big money; Remember: since ancient times, people have solved their own and state problems with the help of gifts. It’s like you’re adding butter to the porridge - in order to get things moving, you’ll have to resort to flattery; the key person in your destiny will accept you favorably. In a dream you feed your child porridge - your relatives will help you at a crucial moment; Don’t forget them when you are busy with something personal.

Why do you dream about Porridge according to the Housewives dream book?

Porridge - responsibilities. Cooking porridge is doing your job.

The meaning of the dream about Breakfast ( Jewish dream book)

I dreamed about Porridge - Cooking porridge. For a woman, resort to cunning tricks. For a man, it means getting confused in family matters. Eating porridge for the poor means money. Eating porridge for the rich means losing money.

If you see Kasha, what is it for? (interpretation by psychologist E. Erikson)

Porridge - cooking - ordinary chores, eating - excitement. Burnt porridge is a mild illness.

What does it mean to dream with Porridge (according to the Seasonal Dream Book)

In the spring, why dream of porridge - at the most crucial moment you will mumble as if you have porridge in your mouth, and ruin everything for yourself.

If in the summer you dreamed about how you cook porridge for a child, it means that the child is ill.

In the fall, why dream of cooking buckwheat porridge in a dream means minor troubles.

In winter, why do you dream of porridge - confusion, chaos in business; there is trouble.

Fresh aromatic porridge is a positive symbol of dreams, which promises success in professional growth, improvement financial situation, solving old problems and complete mutual understanding in relationships with loved ones. If the dreamer dreamed that the cooked dish was burnt or sour, this is an unfavorable symbol that indicates the presence of hidden conflicts within the family, anxiety and sadness.

Key values

Most dream books interpret porridge as a favorable symbol. It foretells the dreamer the beginning of a bright streak in his life:

  • Success awaits men as in professional activity, and in my personal life.
  • For unmarried girl such dreams promise successful marriage. Her chosen one will turn out to be a decent and loving person.
  • For married ladies, the dream promises harmony in relationships and addition to the family.
  • If a sick person has such dreams, then he will expect a complete recovery without any complications.

Why does a girl dream - interpretations of dream books

Type of cereal

The key point, which is necessary for the correct interpretation of a dream about porridge, is the type of cereal in the dream. This can dramatically affect the meaning of the dream.

Groats Meaning of sleep
Buckwheat A favorable sign foreshadowing an independent solution to old problems that did not allow a person to live in peace. A plate of buckwheat is a pleasant surprise
Oatmeal This is a deep symbol. It promises awareness and acceptance of oneself as a spiritually developed person. This will help fill the dreamer’s life with happiness and harmony. If you dreamed of oatmeal with sour berries, then such a dream characterizes the dreamer as a petty and touchy person. Eating oatmeal with butter and jam is a sign of a pleasant time with friends
Pearl barley The dream promises a calm and stable life. Porridge with meat gravy - to the illness of someone close to you; with butter and honey - to recovery and good health
Rice This sure sign unexpected monetary gain. The dreamer needs to believe in the work he has started and the result will not be long in coming. The event will turn out to be surprisingly profitable and promising. Dreaming of pilaf promises success in professional growth
Millet The dream promises family happiness and harmony in relationships with relatives. Millet kulesh with the aroma of a fire foreshadows an unforgettable holiday with good friends Outdoors
Manna The dream foreshadows interesting meetings with family and friends, new acquaintances with business partners. A pan of semolina promises flattery and deception. You must beware of betrayal by friends
Wheat The dream characterizes the dreamer as a kind and sympathetic person who is ready to sacrifice many for the sake of the happiness of a loved one. Wheat kutia promises rich life and good news
Pumpkin To gossip and intrigue about the dreamer
Pea The dream promises troubles and worries about distant relatives

Dream plot

If the dreamer dreamed that he was eating porridge, this is a favorable sign that foreshadows the fulfillment cherished desire.

If a person dreamed that he was cooking porridge in a saucepan, then this promises a quick solution to long-standing problems. Another interpretation of such a dream is peace and tranquility in family relationships.

If the porridge is burnt, then this indicates a hidden conflict within the family.

Cooking rice porridge is a favorable sign, which indicates that the right moment has come to start your own business. If you dream of porridge in a large cauldron with the addition of meat, it means unexpected wealth. This could be receiving an inheritance or winning the lottery. If you can’t cook risotto because it’s raw, the dream warns that the right moment has not yet come to bring your plans to life. creative ideas.

If you happen to cook buckwheat porridge and see in a dream how it falls on the stove but does not burn, the dream promises a rich harvest for farmers or unexpected profits for other people.

Feeding someone or treating them to porridge means good luck and prosperity in all matters; teaching them to cook means that soon one of your loved ones will need the dreamer’s help.

If you dream that cooked buckwheat porridge with milk has turned sour, then this promises great disappointment, anxiety and sadness. The dreamer is worried about some problem, but he himself cannot determine what caused his concern.