Arrow garlic should be harvested when the inflorescence wrapper begins to crack and the lower leaves turn yellow. You will notice this by the dry, thinning scales that cover the bulb; it will acquire the color characteristic of this variety. Non-shooting garlic is ripe when the leaves begin to turn yellow en masse, and when the false stem begins to adhere, the neck begins to soften. If you are late in harvesting, you will cause the outer scales of the onion to crack and break into cloves; as a result, the garlic will be stored much worse. In order to find out whether the garlic is ripe or not, rake the soil from two or three bulbs and look at the condition of the scales.

Before he got there, the boys had disappeared, and with them a large quantity of sugar and other goods. Kirill Krzyvak returned home with an almost empty car. And in Kvachitsa, such things happened more often. When the beets were brought to the sugar factory, the horse was fed in the pub. Since no one stood for a moment, horseshoe blankets were lost, picked up from the wagon, and sometimes the tails were cut off by horses. Most of the guys did it, but they were the same everywhere. The fairs were held on foot and the only way was by train after the Olympic track.

If the scales are strong, then the garlic is ready for harvesting. If the garlic cloves remain in the soil, then the garlic is not yet ripe; you will not be able to tie such garlic into braids and wreaths.

Deadlines for harvesting garlic

After the shoots have appeared, you should count one hundred to ten days and remove the winter garlic; after another two to three weeks, you should remove the spring garlic. It turns out that at the end of July you dig up winter garlic, and at the beginning of August you dig up spring garlic.

The train was usually on foot, because a horse traveled with a horse only if he had at least 2 gold - this could be 6 or 7 people. Each would cost 3 sixths, which is why spoiled people didn't use this option. What happened was that if the cold was cold, someone along the way would freeze or lose money again. When someone went to Ostrog, he could go with a dairy farmer who ate milk every morning in winter and summer from the yard in Ostrog. With milk for our memory, Martin Kopriva and then Stefanik went.

The milk was sent from the yards to Vienna and then to Prague. However, many stubborn people, such as Aunt Mitacena, found themselves walking to Zlín almost to the point of death. In the cities, even after the creation of railways, there were so-called carpenters at the stations, who had a carriage and several horses, and fed themselves by handing over passengers. Actually, it was the same as today's taxi drivers. In Hluka, such a car was rarely seen, and when one encountered a car or a motorcycle, it seemed that he had met the devil.

How and when to dig up garlic

Harvesting should be done in dry weather in the morning or evening. If you are very big harvest garlic, then you will have to collect it in a short time in about a week. You can start harvesting a little earlier to avoid loss.

To harvest, you should dig up each garlic bulb with a spatula, lay it out in rows to the south, to avoid sunburn, cover it with the lower leaves, for five days, if the weather permits, let it lie there to dry. Do not cut off all the leaves at once: the quality and weight of the garlic will improve, as there will be an outflow of assimilates from the leaves. After the garlic has dried, cut off the dry leaves and arrows. If you want to speed up the ripening of garlic, then rake the soil away from the bulbs, or dig them up and dry them in the sun. Try to damage the roots as little as possible when digging up the bulbs. Carefully remove the soil from the roots, do not shake it off, this can also damage the bulbs; after impacts they quickly rot and are therefore poorly stored.

The horses were frightened, and accidents often happened when they got rid of him. He was the first to start cycling in Hluka on a bicycle called "Lövi" named Mauric Lévêque a year. He bought some kind of car, but instead of a car it was an old shack that never left. The engine was repaired from him, and as the repair was not completed on that memorable Sunday, he hired four gypsies who were behind the canvas to cover the car. The beatings were at first surprised that the car was driving without horses, but then the boys saw the dirty heels under their shoulders and began to hit the rod.

In those areas where shoots of seed garlic grow, it is necessary to cut off the shoots a week before harvesting, tie them into sheaves, dry them and leave them to ripen. The bulbs are dug out either with a machine or with a shovel.

After harvesting, you should dry the bulbs in the sun, thereby destroying most of the molds, nematodes, bacteria and mites, and also increasing the resistance of bulb diseases. Garlic can also be collected in rainy weather, then it must be dried in dryers with very good ventilation, the temperature can be increased from 25 degrees Celsius to 40 degrees.

A blessing that happened, fortunately over time. Soon Hanus began to ride in a car that did not need gypsy help. The noisy citizens of Kupetsa and Mitachka, called Karat, began driving the bus to Gradiste. With the massive expansion of modern means of transportation, the spell and romance of travel has died. The advantage was that a person made his way faster and more comfortably, without fatigue. However, the downside was and is that there is a much greater risk of injury and sometimes death.

Falling off a wheel often hurts someone. Motorcycles and cars are also fatal accidents - in short, more people are wounded and killed than when they were walking. However, no one walks anymore, preferring to risk this danger only when it is endured.

Tested methods of storing in an apartment Of course, the main condition is that the garlic must be healthy, promptly harvested from the beds and have an intact outer jacket. Experienced gardeners know that garlic should be dried for ten days with the tops in the sun, then cut it off, leaving a neck of 5-6 cm, and clean the roots. It is better to immediately use spoiled heads for pickles and food.

The inexhaustible source of building stone was the head of Hlukhana Mare. There were also rocks in the Goose Mountains and Drachmas, but the stone was not nearly as good. People built the foundations of houses from stone up to a third of the way above the ground. There was a need for a supply of wooden long-distance hounds. Khonta stood up and stood firmly where the wall stood. They had to be well supported on both sides so as not to move in the building. This made the mud, preferably alluvial soil, fairly compact mud, well trampled and mixed with chaff and manure.

The balls were made from this mixture, deposited in the space between the grinders, and they were broken or kissed. Door and window openings were left blank or prefabricated window frames or slanted door frames. When there were a lot of people, work went quickly. After the hunt was straightened and the wall was tall, it had to wait a while to dry. If the weather had been pleasant, the hunt could have stopped in a week and could have continued in three weeks or a month and completed the construction.

After the garlic bulbs are completely dry, they should be cleaned of soil, false stems and roots. Sort the bulbs by hand according to integrity and size.

Then braid your hair. The braid is gathered from below, the bulbs are attached sequentially one to the other, twist the previous bulb with a loop from a dry stem. Then tie the end of the bundle with twine, leave a loop, and use it to hang the braid on the wall. About fifteen bulbs are woven into one braid. Garlic braided in this way does not wither and is stored very well.

Heavy rain did not damage such walls, so people covered it with straw. It was worse cold weather with days of rain. In this case, the wall had to dry for a long time. Residential buildings have not built more than two scales, usually more than half a second. Once the other part of the wall was dry, it was glued together and the roof covered the cushions. At that time there was no nail, trusses and latticework were nailed down with wooden wedges. Sometimes when they made a connection on an unbroken wall, they were worried.

Punching walls had a number of advantages. The fire did not cause them any harm, they did not drown in the winter, but they kept warm inside the house. The disadvantage, however, was that a small wall like this was flat, and when someone wanted to make doors or windows later in another place, they had to do a lot of work to straighten the wall. All shelters were built of stone. They could not rustle because the walls dissipated in the heat and fell. For the pigs, a feeder of wooden hounds was built on four supports or posts.

Carefully place the remaining onions in shallow boxes for further drying. It is best if you place these boxes on stands so that they do not touch the floor, cover them with polyethylene at night, and store them under a canopy or on the balcony until the first cold weather. After this, the garlic is placed in baskets for further storage.

In an apartment, garlic in paper bags and boxes can be placed in the kitchen on the floor under the window.

They were bullied, but a little higher, full 2 ​​or more. The chimneys were also made of wood, but they had to be wiped down from the inside and came out with a thick layer of dirt. However, when heated, such abrasion cracked and fell, leading to frequent fires. Since the cottages were only low, the granaries were no higher than the living quarters, but the grain was poured into the chamber in cavities. During the war, people hid grain, flour and jam clothes that were prepared for this purpose. It was excavated with a hole in the upper part of the narrow about 60 cm and down, all the way to the sahu.

The jama was rubbed off with specially prepared mud, preferably mixed road chaff. Then the fire ignited. After complete burning, all the cracks, sharpened with thick lime, and grain, flour, clothes and lard lasted a very long time in this pit. Such resins were made in mound or hummingbird. But they had to wear masks, since the soldiers usually had a lot of experience in finding such shelters. They were all used to collecting water with a penny and pulling it out of the well with a hook. Thus, it often happened that the dandelion in the water from the hook developed, and then gave a lot of work to catch it by the hook again.

For those city dwellers who, for example, have a cellar in their garage, the most successful method seems to be this: well-dried garlic should be placed in glass jars, covered with plastic lids and stored at a temperature of 8-10 degrees.

Another variant: you need to trim the garlic stalk, leaving 1.5-2 cm. Lightly burn the roots and bottom of the garlic head over a candle. In this form, garlic can be stored for a long time in an ordinary net; it will not germinate or dry out.

If this happened at night, you had to throw a lantern on a rope into the well and catch it in its light. Often other items were brought into the well, usually by children. Pots, bowls, cakes, spoons and other tools. Therefore, it was necessary to clean the well from time to time - quickly drain the water and dirt and unfounded things. One who would like more comfort adjusted the roller by means of a crank over the well, and the water was drawn into a strap on chains on the wound roller. Where more than one household used a well, there used to be a chain attached to the chain where the water was poured into a wart next to the well.

Salt helps preserve garlic. Just pay attention - it should not be raw. Take a bowl suitable for the amount of garlic, pour a 2-centimeter layer of coarse salt on the bottom and place one row of heads. Fill with salt so that there is again a 2-centimeter layer above them. And so on - up to the top of the dish, which is better not to cover with a lid. Store in a regular kitchen cabinet. By the way, the used salt can be dried and used next year.

Named well built wooden pumps. Anyone who liked it. The well was beautifully covered, and the owner was afraid to abandon a child, chicken, dog or cat, which sometimes happened in open wells. In addition, the water from the pump was always clean. They were cheap - they stood at a depth of 5-10 gold. You've already bought a lot of people. However, in winter, if this pump was not well wrapped, it liked to freeze and burst. The most important stage for more complex methods of building houses was a year.

He builds more houses from bricks, called pigs. These were bricks made from prepared mud in wooden molds of the same size and well dried in the sun. The construction of such bricks, however, also on a stone foundation, was already very fast and could be completed in one go. But experienced masons were required, because if such a wall were not straight and the bricks were connected, it would easily break and fall. In Hluka there were many people who fed the prey of brick swallows or breaking stones.

Some summer residents even keep garlic in a box with coarse salt. It should cover the garlic completely. This box is stored at room temperature, but it’s still better for the garlic and salt to be a little cooler, say, near the balcony.

You can also try this option: melt the paraffin in a water bath, and then dip each head of garlic, holding it by the stem, into still warm, but not hot paraffin, which immediately hardens. The head is covered with a thin layer of paraffin. In this form, garlic is placed in boxes or jars.

It was a cover that was free. Each of them grew from the straw and covered the roof. Mercenaries tended to line up outside the village, and nowhere could more than two be close to each other. On a larger scale, these methods were adopted within a year. Insurers earn what they deserve. At that time, bricks were already available in bricks, which were considered an expensive luxury. Therefore, they were only used for the construction of chimneys, which had to be one meter above the roof level. Stone foundations have retreated to a base of concrete.

There are housewives who store garlic right in the kitchen in glass jars with flour. The heads must, of course, be ripe and dried. Garlic is rolled in flour, placed in three liter jars and sprinkle flour on top. Upper layer flour should be about 2 cm. But you will need to open the lid from time to time for a day, otherwise the flour will become damp.

During this period, Gluck grew and matured the most. Many barns disappeared from the surrounding villages and their houses grew larger. New streets and new areas appeared. Antoninskaya, Gradishskaya and Borshitskaya streets were widened. Everything was built on an estate near the city. On Maya, in Libra, where the beetle was first composed, streets appeared. There were such fairs in Hluka that they weren’t even in Gradiste. Since then, artisans have always returned to where they came from, and people from nearby villages love to go shopping. Everything you remembered was available, but most of all was canvas from common hemp to rare Turkish fabrics.

Interestingly, the winter sowing of garlic suggested to summer residents a way to store it in the ground. To do this, dried garlic is placed in a plastic bag, tied and buried in dry soil poured into a pan, bucket, flowerpot or other container. Garlic in such packaging is well preserved in a glassed-in loggia. Of course, in cold weather the container will have to be insulated with paper and rags.

The square pieces stood in several rows. The first row of shops began in the courtyard. There have always been habitats for songwriters. They were usually the husbands and they had a tall stand and pictures on it. They sang songs about what happened and pointed to pictures that depicted all these stories. No murder, suicide or other tragic event. They all wrote songs, put them in print and sold them to three, four or five tailors. It was something like today's newspapers.

Not to be their songs, people didn't even know what happened. They sang about happy and unhappy love, soldiers, wars and much more. In addition, he had a shopkeeper and Railway. He had nails, rasps, pliers, hammers, scythes, kites, stones, hoes, rakes and everything else of iron needed in the house. Behind it were shops with toys, spine and baby products for Florian. Florianka has always been a place for Slavists and palazars. He shaved with razor blades, knives, scissors and repaired broken palaces.

In a word, let’s hope that we will all be able to preserve our garden garlic harvest for a long time. However, some will be unlucky, but in this case there is also a way out.

If many heads have sprouted, then you need to free them from scales, put them in a sterilized jar and pour boiling water over them. Prepare the marinade. For a half-liter jar, you will need per glass of water 20 g of salt, 30 g of sugar, half a glass of apple cider vinegar, which must be added as soon as the water with salt and sugar boils and you remove it from the heat. Drain the water that was used to scald the garlic from the jar, pour in the marinade and roll up.

You can also peel the sprouted garlic and grind it through a meat grinder along with salt, put it in a glass jar and close it with a plastic lid.

Well, the easiest way is to dry garlic that has not withstood storage. Finely chop the cloves along with the resulting arrow and dry on the radiator, scattering them on cardboard. After keeping the garlic like this for a day or two, you can put it in the refrigerator and take it out as needed, adding it to soups, stewed vegetables, and meat.

You will need

  • - Scissors for cutting stems;
  • - shovel;
  • - candle or gas burner;
  • - lattice shelves (options: wooden boxes with a lid, bags of dried nettles);
  • - thermometer;
  • - glass jars, sunflower oil and honey (optional).


It is important to properly harvest garlic in the fall to prevent it from rotting during storage. Start harvesting in dry weather, and dry the bulbs thoroughly after digging them up. Be sure to pick the garlic thoroughly. For long-term storage, only the most selected heads should be left; vegetables with minor damage and moldy ones should be set aside separately and eaten first.

Cut the garlic stems with scissors after the harvest has dried. Now you need to set the roots on fire with a paraffin candle or gas burner - this is very important point, which allows many experienced gardeners to preserve garlic bulbs long time full, to prevent their premature drying out and spoilage.

For long-term storage, storing garlic on wire racks is the most commonly recommended option and produces excellent results. The layer of vegetables on them should not be made too thick; about 15 centimeters is quite enough. In addition, it is permissible to place the heads in a small wooden box (also not in a thick layer), but be sure to place them above them and tightly closed lid there was free space left. Many housewives store garlic in bunches, as well as in the form of small braided braids in a suspended state. If you have harvested a very large harvest, then fill canvas (not plastic!) bags with pre-dried nettles and store the bulbs in them.

Be sure to maintain the optimal temperature for storing garlic so as not to overfreeze and, on the contrary, not to dry out the heads. It is believed that this vegetable is best preserved at temperatures from –5 to +8 degrees. There shouldn’t be any strong changes in the room! Normal conditions for storing garlic, they are located in dry basements and on glass loggias on the north side.

Helpful advice

Some folk craftsmen do not preserve fresh heads of garlic, but separate the vegetable into cloves, which are then peeled. After this, the garlic can be marinated with other vegetables. This will keep them better preserved, but the garlic itself will lose its taste qualities. The best way preserve all the properties of the peeled cloves - pour them with honey (a more expensive option) or sunflower oil. In this form, the vegetable can be stored for a long time in the refrigerator in a hermetically sealed glass jar. Honey from it can be used to treat and prevent colds, and garlic-flavored oil can be used to season various salads.