Everyone wants to tell us a little about themselves, their mood and goals. After all, this will show other people: friends and strangers what we are like, what our views on life are and what we strive for. But Personal diary You can also use it for one more task - to relax and have fun. This is especially important for girls, and especially if she is 12 years old. And for this there are pictures for a personal diary. Simple, beautiful and light drawings in a diary are a special style that is pleasant to follow.

What does our site offer? Drawings for LD for sketching. This is a great help for anyone who is interested in not just filling space, but giving their notes a presentable appearance. What will help you decorate your diary by designing it in beautiful drawings and images? Our selection of wonderful pictures!

  • Always fresh ideas;
  • Only light drawings, pictures: in cells for a personal diary;
  • Options for girls and boys;
  • And something that will please many: laconic pictures for ice in black and white.
The choice is yours, our dear visitors! You can download and print, as well as draw different drawings.

Ideas for illustrating your posts

What kind of pictures are there for your personal diary? For example, it's worth thinking about size. What kind of illustrations do you want? Small or big? Full page or as an addition to the text? Pencil drawings or something bright? Exclusive, what reflects your own world or a template that is understandable to many? maybe they should be cute or, in keeping with the theme, your drawings for your personal diary should be cool for sketching?

And we have quite a few versions, and they are all quite interesting and varied. The main thing is that these are all beautiful pictures for the photo, with a plot presentation. Our team understands that all our guests are different, with a huge range of interests and with all sorts of desires, bright talents and opportunities. And for everyone we try to prepare their own ideas for LD that suit their personality.

Only for you! Option for drawing by cells

Only current versions of pictures for LD, what is interesting to everyone this year, what everyone dreams of putting in their personal diary. Here's what we offer. To do this, we have simplified your task to the minimum; we have drawings in cells for your personal diary. With this technique, sketching is very easy. Just take and print out easy and beautiful pictures for ld for sketching.

Drawings by cells for a personal diary are an excellent help for those who want to do the work themselves, but are not skilled enough in the art of painting. Then it seems that all sketches are easy if you move step by step to get pictures in cells for your personal diary. The repetition technique, which allows you to get high-quality drawings on cells for your personal diary, is quite popular. The style is so easy that the result will definitely please you.

Illustrations on various topics

Pictures for sketching, which are in the collection of our site, are suitable for both girls and boys, both for very young little girls and boys, and for older young people. Different themes provide many opportunities for those who want to design their entries, giving them interesting view. Drawings of a story about yourself and your interests are what is so important for making the plot of any story more intriguing and visual, and, if necessary, more frank and sincere.

A drawn story is better perceived and remembered. Whatever the story is about, it will be presented not sparingly and dryly, exclusively in the letter version, but also with the help of painting that conveys images.

Black and white images

We easily understood and learned how to draw by cells. And now you can move on to more interesting versions. For example, here’s a task for you: draw a picture without paints, only with a pencil. This is quite an interesting thing. But it’s better if you do it with us, using those models that are presented in finished form on our resource. This way you can see the end goal and it’s easy to understand how to work.

Almost all great people kept diaries where they recorded their thoughts, experiences and observations. If you want to follow their example and entrust your feelings to paper, then be sure to read this article. In it you can learn interesting ideas for a personal diary, as well as learn creative design and learn ways to keep notes.

Who needs a diary and why?

Every person needs a personal space where even the closest person cannot enter without an invitation. The diary is the very corner where everyone can describe their feelings and secret thoughts without censorship. Such records allow you to look at yourself from the outside, evaluate the current state of affairs and draw the necessary conclusions. It is not without reason that psychologists and psychotherapists recommend that their patients take notes and then read them out during sessions.

What can we say about teenagers, who are influenced by adults from all sides. Parents, school teachers, tutors and coaches demand high results, excellent grades and exemplary behavior from young people. To relieve strong psychological stress, teenagers need to express themselves. And for this purpose, regularly taking notes describing your feelings and experiences is ideal.

Electronic diary

What ideas for a personal diary are especially popular among modern teenagers? Of course, these are electronic records. Internet sites, social media and specialized computer programs entice their users with interesting offers for taking personal notes. Thanks to progress, everyone can design their page in an original way, add photos and videos, 3D wallpapers, three-dimensional background images and audio inserts.

The undeniable advantage of this form of keeping a diary is that no one can read it. To do this, you just need to put a password on the program. If you are not an advanced user and are afraid that you will not be able to install enough strong defense, then it is better to contact a specialized specialist. Now you will be absolutely calm about the safety of your records and can enjoy complete confidentiality.

However, there is one big disadvantage when keeping electronic diaries - you cannot hold them in your hands, leaf through the pages or smell the ink.

Read the interesting ideas for a personal diary that we will describe below and try to bring them to life. Imagine how pleasant it will be for you in a few years to read your childhood notes and smile, remembering the difficult school years.

As a rule, boys are embarrassed to keep notebooks or notebooks marked “Personal.” They prefer to express their emotions in more active activities or hide in the wilds of the World Wide Web. But every girl tried to keep personal notes at least once in her life. Traditionally, diary ideas can be divided into the following categories:

Ideas for designing a personal diary

  • Write down your thoughts using pens, pencils, markers and markers of different colors.
  • Supplementing handwritten text with pictures cut out from glossy magazines.
  • Description of the events that took place using small drawings or comics of your own production.
  • Creation of thematic pages. For example, you can choose the topic “Plans for the fall,” “What do I want to learn this year?” and supplement them at any time.
  • Zoning sheets with different paints: mix shades and complement them with designs. Against this background, the recordings will look especially interesting and expressive.
  • Making pockets for storing things dear to your heart - notes, movie tickets and photographs.

You can come up with ideas for a personal diary every day. For creative personalities, we are sure it will not be difficult. For those who are just beginning to navigate the sea of ​​new ideas, we advise you to look at the photographs of the original pages and draw inspiration from them.

  • Write down all the thoughts that come to you. Do not be shy about emotions of anger, resentment or envy. By pouring out these unpleasant feelings into the pages of your diary, you can relax and switch to something more pleasant.
  • Try not to take long breaks in recording: regular recording will help you better assess the current situation.
  • Collect new ideas for your personal diary: feel free to learn the best from your girlfriends or friends, and also look for inspiration on the Internet.
  • Don't be boring: describe the full range of your emotions, enhance them with your own drawings and use a variety of means of expression.


As you know, a personal diary is a secret and intimate part of the soul. It cannot be kept in sight or shown to everyone you know. Agree with your loved ones so that they do not take your notebook without permission and under no circumstances read the notes you have made.

If you don't trust them, arrange a hiding place and keep the diary in it. In addition, you can come up with a secret code and keep records using it. This method will take a little longer, but will gradually become especially attractive.

It is not always possible to reveal hidden secrets, emotional experiences and feelings that torment us from the inside to our loved ones. And then we begin to trust our secrets to our personal diary. Paper will endure anything. After many years, you will leaf through such a diary like a chronicle, so today we will discuss how to decorate the inside of the LD beautifully.

To be or not to be: why keep a diary?

A personal diary is a universal diary in which you can reflect all your thoughts, feelings, emotions experienced during the day, bright events or shock. Or maybe you just can't trust to a loved one or a friend about your experiences. In this case, it is better to write them down. The paper does not turn red, but you can get rid of accumulated negativity. Your soul will immediately feel lighter - this is what psychologists say.

A personal diary can play the role of an organizer. You will write down your goals, achievements, height and weight table, training schedule, diet. And if you take up creativity and write poetry, then your personal diary will become your manuscript. Depending on the content of the personal diary, its design is carried out.

Design ideas

To create a personal diary you need to buy any notebook. If you are worried about the safety of your information, you can purchase a notebook with a lock and always carry the key with you.

Special attention you need to pay attention to the cover. She can be anyone. It all depends on the height of your imagination. The following materials are often used to design LD:

  • textile;
  • skin;
  • suede;
  • cardboard;
  • corrugated paper;
  • clippings from glossy magazines;
  • photo paper;
  • various accessories.

But inside you will already design a personal diary at your discretion. Every event in life can be accompanied by illustrations that match the mood. If you had a great evening in the company of girlfriends and drank a cup of coffee, the design of the mug will be symbolic.

You can simply color the pages in different colors. Psychologists say that color therapy also helps to express your emotions and relieve tension. Flowers may bloom on the pages of your diary. Write down any information and even poetry. You can paste a portrait of the author or symbolic drawings above the lines of your favorite work.

It is impossible to describe all the ideas for designing a personal diary. Each person has a purely individual approach. But it’s simply necessary to give a couple of ideas about the design of the cover and individual pages.

Cover - the face of the diary

In a few years, you will look at your personal diary and remember the highlights of your life. This will already be a story that is treasured on paper pages. When designing a LD, special attention should be paid to the cover. It should be durable and beautiful. And then every time you pick up a diary, you will be overwhelmed by warm, pleasant and tender emotions.

Necessary materials:

  • notebook;
  • textile;
  • sewing machine;
  • needles;
  • threads;
  • chalk or a piece of soap;
  • measuring tape;
  • scissors;
  • buttons;
  • lace.

Clouds - white-winged horses

Many girls trust their diary with their most intimate secrets and secrets. How to design an LD page in an original way? We offer you a small master class. The result will surprise you.

Necessary materials:

  • notebook;
  • blue watercolor or gouache paints;
  • brushes;
  • colored paper;
  • glue;
  • patterns of flowers and bows;
  • cotton wool;
  • markers or colored pencils.

Step-by-step description of the creative process:

Ideas for LD photos - designing a personal diary. Below you can see different variants registration of a personal diary. In the meantime, read some tips on how to fill out and register your ld.

Ideas for ld photos

So, here are some top tips for keeping a personal diary.

  • For a personal diary, it is best to buy a notebook, and so that you like the main drawing on it!
  • You can buy a notepad with a lock. Just don't lose the key!
  • Choose a good pen for writing in ld. Also, choose your favorite paste color to match the color of your diary!
  • Make a beautiful bookmark. You can glue a silk ribbon or come up with something more beautiful and original for the bookmark. Let your bookmark be the best!
  • You can decorate the pages using drawings or pictures that can be drawn with colored gel pens or colored pencils.
  • Don't forget about the interesting ones
  • Make plans for the day or month on the pages. Write down your successes there.
  • Write down recipes for various delicacies, and decorate the cooking stages with drawings

See other interesting ideas for ld photo

Who among us at a certain age was not inspired by the idea of ​​having a baby? Almost every second teenager experiences cravings. But a personal diary is not only a keeper of personal secrets and experiences, but also great way to show off your artistic talents. What interesting things can you do in your personal diary? There are many options for its design, because there are no restrictions. Our conversation today will be about ideas for decorating a personal diary inside with your own hands.

How can you decorate your personal diary with your own hands?

First of all, let's look at what pages you can make in your personal diary. No, of course, you can go on your own the simple way and adapt for these purposes any suitable notebook in a box or line. But you must admit that this is banal and completely uninteresting. Therefore, we suggest making a personal diary with your own hands:

What interesting things can you do in your personal diary?

Of course, simply describing your life day after day is a laudable activity, but somewhat boring. And then, over time, it will be difficult to find an entry of interest in such a diary. Therefore, one of the ideas for decorating a personal diary with your own hands is to allocate several pages in it for a calendar. For example, you can make a calendar in which different colors days will be marked depending on your mood. Can you allocate one page for the most happy days, and the other - for the saddest ones and simply write down the dates there with the appropriate comments. In the same way, separate pages in the diary can be allocated for recording funny incidents, brilliant ideas or something else, personal and incredibly interesting. Those who play sports can devote a page in their diary to their sporting achievements. And for those who most in life dream of an ideal figure, their diary cannot do without a page with the best diets.

DIY drawings for your personal diary

Is it possible to draw in a personal diary? Not only is it possible, but it is necessary! What, if not drawings, can convey our mood and make life brighter? What exactly to draw depends, of course, on the preferences of the writer and the level of his artistic abilities. For example, you can record the most striking events in your diary in the form of a comic book. You can select one of the pages of the diary to visualize desires and sketch on it everything that you really want to receive. And on the birthdays of friends and relatives, you can supplement the entry in your personal diary with their humorous portraits.