Numerous saints, even during their lifetime, devoted all their time to helping people, and each had his own area in which he was stronger. Even after death, a huge number of believers, through prayer, ask the saints for help in solving various problems.

How does Saint Spyridon of Trimifunt help?

Prayer requests and sincere faith help people all over the world solve various life problems:

  1. The saint is considered the most powerful in the financial sphere, as people who have problems with money turn to him.
  2. Sick people can count on the help of the saint, as he helps in healing various diseases.
  3. People who work with animals ask in their prayers that the saint protect livestock from various diseases, increase milk yield and help with other problems.
  4. Parents pray to keep their child out of trouble and put him on the right path.
  5. Saint Spyridon helps to find Good work, which will not only generate income, but will also be to your liking. Sincere prayer requests help solve different problems in business.
  6. It is not forbidden to turn to the saint even to solve everyday problems.

Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky - life

The clergy are convinced that in order to understand the saint, it is necessary to penetrate the spirit of his time. History has preserved a huge number of facts concerning the personal life of the miracle worker. The life of Saint Spyridon began in 270, and he was born on the island of Cyprus into a wealthy family. For his faith and love, the Lord awarded him the power to heal people and help people solve other problems. IN mature age he got married, but a misfortune happened and his beloved wife died. Spiridon humbly accepted what happened and continued to help people.

He became a clergyman and decided to distribute all his property to the poorest families in Cyprus. After that, he began to wander around the island, performing various miracles. Around 348, he prayed and the Lord turned to him, predicting his imminent death. The relics of the saint remained in his homeland and, most importantly, amazing body practically unchanged. Every year, the temple servants change Saint Spyridon’s clothes, and his slippers always turn out to be worn out, as if he were traveling around the world, helping people. The shoes are cut into pieces and sent to different parts of the world where they are used as shrines.

Miracles of Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

The Church confirms that the saint performed miracles during his lifetime and many of them have documentary evidence.

  1. When Spiridon of Trimifuntsky's daughter Irina died, a woman came to him and began to cry that she had given her her gold jewelry and did not know where she hid it. The saint saw that she was telling the truth, then he approached the coffin and asked his daughter to show where she had placed the woman’s jewelry. At that same moment, in front of people’s eyes, Irina stood up and pointed with her hand where she had left her things. After this, Spiridon said that his daughter could rest in peace.
  2. The help of Saint Spyridon was also global, so one year in the places where he lived there was a famine and then, in order to save the poor, he turned snakes into gold, with the help of which they were able to buy grain from the rich.
  3. One day, a friend of the saint was put in prison because of slander, and Saint Spyridon went to save him, but his path was blocked by the seething Jordan. With his prayer, he was able to force the stream to stop and a dry path appeared in front of him, along which he crossed to the other bank.
  4. After death, a huge number of people testify that they see Spiridon, who comes to them in difficult times and provides assistance. This explains the worn-out shoes on the saint’s relics.
  5. A mother came to the temple where the relics of the saint were kept with her son, mute from birth. They prayed in the temple and when the relics of Spyridon were carried over the child, he immediately spoke.
  6. The girl, suffering from, could not be saved by any medicine, and only by venerating the icon and the relics, she felt endued and became healthy.

How to pray to Saint Spyridon correctly?

In order for prayer requests to be heard, several rules must be taken into account.

  1. It is important to say the text before the image, so if you pray outside of church, then buy an icon for yourself in a church shop.
  2. The prayer text must be memorized, but if your memory is poor, then write the text on a piece of paper and read it. You can say it out loud or to yourself. You are allowed to pray in your own words, since the main thing is sincerity and openness.
  3. When turning to the Higher Powers, it is important not to be distracted by anything, so you should first turn off your phone, turn off the TV, and so on.
  4. Before turning to a saint, it is recommended to ask the Higher Powers for forgiveness for sins, bad deeds and thoughts. Having received the blessing, you can move on to prayer requests.
  5. The story of Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky says that the day of his memory is usually celebrated on December 12; it is believed that on this day prayers are especially effective.
  6. The Akathist must be read for 40 days in a row at any time, with the exception of days of fasting. It is important to say prayers until the problem is solved and improvement occurs.
  7. During prayer you need to light it near the image.
  8. To speed up the result, it is recommended to additionally use visualization. Imagine that the saint is nearby and hears every word spoken.

Prayer to Saint Spyridon

There are several prayer texts that can be used to contact Saint Spyridon. It is important to understand that they are not a magic wand and what you want will not “fall on your head.” Prayer to Saint Spyridon of Trimythous will help if a person acts and makes attempts to solve problems. Higher powers only create favorable conditions, and everything else is in the hands of man.

Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky prayer for money

It has already been said that the main area in which Spiridon is the main assistant is finance. During his earthly life and after his death, he helps people who have material problems. It is important to understand that the prayer to Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky about financial well-being should be pronounced not for banal enrichment, but to receive help in difficult situations, for example, when money is needed for an operation.

Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky prayer for housing

Selling a home is a responsible business and many people are worried about the successful outcome of the case, given the presence of numerous scammers. Prayer to Saint Spyridon for help can be used not only for successful sales, but also purchases square meters. There is much evidence of how sincere petitions have helped people solve their housing problems.

Saint Spyridon of Trimifuntsky - prayer for work

Problems at work can arise in a variety of ways, starting with small wages and ending with troubles with management. A sincere prayer to Saint Spyridon for help at work will help in any situation. For example, you can read it before entering the boss’s office or before giving a report. You can pronounce words not only out loud, but also to yourself. It is important not to forget that after receiving what you want, you must thank the saint.

Prayer to Saint Spyridon before trial

Court decisions are not always fair and deserved, and this can ruin a person’s life forever. To protect yourself, you can ask Saint Spyridon for help.

  1. Sincere petitions will save an innocent person from a wrong verdict. Even guilty people who sincerely repent for their mistakes and want a chance to correct themselves can pray. They ask the Wonderworker for intercession, representation, the Lord’s help and remission of sins.
  2. The prayer text must be repeated before each court hearing. It is best to pray by kneeling in front of the image.
  3. The words must be repeated several times.

How to thank Saint Spyridon for his help?

Many people forget that they need to turn to the Higher Powers not only in difficult times, but in moments of joy, in order to express gratitude for the help provided. The clergy believe that the image of Saint Spyridon of Trimythous should be in every home, so that the believer can turn to him at any time at the call of his heart. To thank the saint, you do not need to memorize prayers, since you can say everything in your own words, most importantly, from the heart.

During his lifetime, the Trimifuntsky Wonderworker Saint Spyridon was a model of righteousness, kindness, meekness and philanthropy. He worked miracles for the benefit of everyone who asked, donated to those in need, and lived in modesty, not striving for wealth or fame. The saint is credited with miraculous healings, both physical and mental. People turn to him for stability, and what it consists of, we will tell you in more detail in this article.

What can you ask Spyridon of Trimifuntsky for?

During his lifetime, Spyridon of Trimifuntsky was elected bishop of Trimitusa, but did not become arrogant, but continued his righteous life, like everyone else, earning his living and food. For his kind disposition, helping loved ones and the miracles he created, he was nicknamed the Wonderworker. After the death of Spyridon, they elevated him to the rank of saint and now they are asking for help in various matters:

  • for material well-being;
  • for support in business and trade;
  • for healing;
  • for help with work;
  • to solve housing problems.

Prayers to Saint Spyridon are offered at the icon with his face in church or at home with faith in God's power and grace.

3 strong prayers to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

To this day, the 3 most known strong prayers, addressed to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky:

  • asking for help in all matters and endeavors, for assistance in work;
  • prayer for monetary well-being and successful trading;
  • a request for spiritual and physical healing.

Each of the listed prayers should be said from the heart, without the goal of harming someone with your benefit or out of need. As in life, Saint Spyridon will help everyone who turns, granting peace and rewarding with mercy.

Prayer one: for help

The saint is considered the defender of Orthodoxy, because he protects and helps all believers in every corner of the earth. In order to turn to him for help in business and endeavors, it is used universal prayer of St. Spiridon:

“Oh, blessed Saint Spyridon, great servant of Christ and glorious miracle worker! Standing in heaven before the Throne of God with the faces of angels, look with your merciful eye at the people (name) who are standing here and asking for your mighty help. Beg the mercy of God, the Lover of Mankind, not to judge us for our iniquities, but to deal with us according to His mercy! Ask us from Christ and our God for a peaceful and serene life, mental and physical health, earthly prosperity and all abundance and prosperity in everything, and may we not turn the good things given to us from the generous God into evil, but into His glory and the glorification of your intercession ! Deliver everyone who comes to God with undoubted faith from all mental and physical troubles, from all yearnings and the devil’s slander! Be a comforter to the sad, a physician to the sick, a helper in times of adversity, a patron to the naked, a protector to widows, a protector to the orphans, a nourisher to the infant, a strengthener to the old, a guide to the wandering, a helmsman to the sailors, and intercede to all who require your strong help, whatever is useful for salvation! For if we are instructed and observed by your prayers, we will achieve eternal peace and together with you we will glorify God, glorified in the Trinity of Saints, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen".

This prayer service is also called the prayer to Spyridon of Trimythous for trade, as it helps to improve working conditions associated with trading activities. At the same time, he calls for protection of his own home, land, work or labors from envious people, enemies and ill-wishers.

Prayer two: for well-being

Prayer for financial well-being to the Saint will allow you to achieve financial success, regain your fortune, and provide the means to live. The prayer for work to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky, which facilitates the search for a new job, according to the text, coincides with the prayer to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky for help in matters at work that already exists. The sacred text reads as follows:

“O Great and wonderful saint of Christ and wonderworker Spyridon, Kerkyra praise, bright luminary of the whole universe, warm prayer book to God and quick intercessor to all who come running to you and pray with faith! You gloriously expounded the Orthodox faith at the Nicene Council among the Fathers, you showed the unity of the Holy Trinity with miraculous power, and you completely put the heretics to shame. Hear us sinners, the saint of Christ, praying to you, and through your strong intercession with the Lord, deliver us from every evil situation: from famine, flood, fire and deadly plagues. For in your temporal life you delivered your people from all these disasters: you saved your country from the invasion of the Hagarians and from famine, you delivered the king from an incurable illness and brought many sinners to repentance, you gloriously raised the dead, and for the holiness of your life the angels invisibly in the church you had those singing and serving with you. Sitsa, then, glorify you, His faithful servant, Lord Christ, for you are given the gift of understanding all the secret human deeds and convicting those who live unrighteously. You zealously helped many living in poverty and lack, you nourished the poor people abundantly during famine, and you created many other signs by the power of the living Spirit of God in you. Do not forsake us either, Saint of Christ, remember us, your children, at the Throne of the Almighty and beg the Lord to grant forgiveness of many of our sins, grant us a comfortable and peaceful life, and grant us a shameless and peaceful death and eternal bliss in the future. us, may we always send glory and thanksgiving to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

This prayer for money and good luck to Spiridon promotes rapid enrichment, improvement of financial situation and success in any work. Petition will relieve poverty, financial instability and protect against failure. Reading a prayer service will help in the following cases:

  • purchase and sale of real estate, cars or other goods;
  • in search of a new job or holding an old one;
  • in career advancement;
  • when resolving legal issues and in courts;
  • to increase income and prosperity of your own business.

Prayer three: for healing

The miracles performed by Saint Spyridon are still known today. There are many stories about how the Wonderworker, with the power of words, convinced even the most unbelievers of the existence of the Lord and his mercy. At the same time, a lot is told about the healing of those who suffer spiritually and physically. You should turn to the Saint for health with a prayer for well-being:

“O blessed Saint Spyridon! Beg the mercy of God, the Lover of Mankind, not to judge us for our iniquities, but to deal with us according to His mercy. Ask us, God's servants (names), from Christ and our God for a peaceful and serene life, mental and physical health. Deliver us from all spiritual and physical troubles, from all yearnings and the devil’s slander. Remember us at the throne of the Almighty and beg the Lord to grant us forgiveness of many of our sins, a comfortable and peaceful life, and grant us a shameless and peaceful death and eternal bliss in the future, so that we may continually send glory and thanksgiving to the Father and the Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.”

This prayer allows not only to be healed, but also helps to remove demons from a person.

How to pray correctly?

Before you start praying to Spyridon the Wonderworker, you should consider a number of rules that must be followed:

  1. The time for prayer is chosen according to availability: early in the morning or late in the evening. The main condition is that the prayer should be read alone, so that no one can distract or interfere with the action. It is recommended to choose evening time before bedtime.
  2. Thoughts during prayer must be pure and sincere, and intentions must exclude the thirst for easy money or the desire to deceive other people.
  3. It is necessary to focus on what you want without clogging your mind with extraneous thoughts, fears or concerns. It is important to pronounce the text while being calm.
  4. In order for the request to be heard, the sacred texts should be pronounced in front of the icon of the Saint and in the light of church candles.
  5. The room should be quiet, and all electrical appliances should be turned off.

Prayers are read to Saint Spyridon every day until what you want is granted. Once a week, preferably on Sunday, it is recommended to visit church in order to offer a prayer service within the walls of the temple.

How does Saint Spyridon help? Why do many people do this?

Many residents of the city of Kerkyra, where the relics of the saint rest, begin each day by going to venerate the shrine and pray to the ancient bishop. They ask him for patronage and help in their affairs and are happy to tell guests of the island about the miracles that happened to them with his participation.

During the life of the saint, through his prayers the drought ended, the sick were healed, and the resurrection of the dead took place. Oh wonderful cases of recovery after turning to Spyridon of Trimythous, many of our contemporaries testify.

And many people talk about how St. Spyridon helps in solving housing issue . This is inexplicable, but confirmed many times personal experience. People pray to the saint to find a roof over their heads, rent, receive, buy or sell housing. And what’s interesting is that many people say that their problems are resolved in such a way that the “thieves” have to move on. But to the perplexed question: “Who is your high patron?”, they can only answer: “St. Spyridon.”

It is generally accepted that Saint Spyridon helps in solving financial problems. After all, during his life he did a lot of charity, giving away what he had, to whom - free of charge, to whom - as a loan. At the same time, he did not keep any calculations and did not check who took how much and how much he returned: he simply showed those in need the entrance to his pantry. And now Saint Spyridon helps not only the disadvantaged, but also everyone who unexpectedly finds themselves in difficult situation- sometimes he is even called the “patron of businessmen.” They pray to the saint to solve problems with work and to improve things in business. And he provides help if the person is honest, not materialistic and not greedy.

Saint Spyridon was also merciful to those who sinned if he saw repentance in them. So, once he discovered thieves in his barn, he released them, blessing them to take the path of correction and giving each a sheep. So now you can ask a saint about guiding a stumbled person to the right path.

Many say that after turning to Saint Spyridon in prayer, help comes from him very quickly. Even during his lifetime, he immediately rushed to the rescue when he learned about someone’s trouble. This is how such a case is described in the life of the saint. His friend was unjustly accused, thrown into prison and awaiting death sentence. The saint hurried to court to testify to his friend’s innocence, but an obstacle awaited him along the way - the river overflowed and the raging water destroyed the crossing. Spyridon turned to the Lord with prayer, and the water parted, allowing the saint and his companions to calmly pass to the other side. Having learned about what happened, the judge realized that the defendant was not guilty and released him. Modern Christians, remembering this event, also pray to Spyridon of Trimythus about restoring justice.

You need to understand that Saint Spyridon of Trimifunt helps a person in accordance with God’s plan, and not only in accordance with the personal desires of the person asking. A saint will not help if a person asks for something that is unnecessary or even more harmful for himself and others.

Saint Spyridon is revered as defender of Christianity. Even during his lifetime, the bishop had the grace of God to instill true faith in the hearts of people. He participated in I Ecumenical Council and during a dispute with the Arians, he squeezed a brick in his hand so that fire rose up from it, water flowed down, and the clay remained in the palm. Thus, the saint clearly demonstrated the doctrine of the Unity of the Holy Trinity. And therefore, it is Spyridon of Trimyphuntus that believers often remember when they have to enter into disputes with Gentiles and atheists or pray for those who have moved away from the Church.

Whether having a specific need, or simply wanting to receive support in their good endeavors, any person can with faith and hope turn to Spyridon for help: “Holy Saint, Father Spyridon, pray to God for us!”

They pray for solutions to material problems in life. Spiridon Trimifuntsky still helps to find a job, decide legal issues regarding money matters and business affairs, people turn to Spiridon Trimifuntsky for help in buying and selling real estate.

The exact date of birth of Spyridon, Bishop of Trimifunt (Salamin) is unknown. It is assumed that this happened in 270, in a village called Askia, located near the city of Trimifunta (Cyprus).

The existence of the bishopric in this area began in the 4th century and lasted until 1222. The first bishop was Spyridon of Trimifuntsky, whose ministry was appointed by Constantine the Great.

Little information has been preserved about the life of Spyridon of Trimifuntsky. He grew up in a simple family, with early years knew what work was - the boy’s parents often sent him to graze sheep. Since childhood, the future bishop liked this activity. And after he was accepted into the episcopal camp, he did not stop doing this, which is the reason for the image of Spyridon on all icon lists in a shepherd’s cap.

The saint had a wife and children. When his beloved wife passed away, he did not doubt the Lord God, and his faith became even stronger. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky decided to prove his love to the Almighty by good deeds. He forgave the debts of everyone who borrowed from him, then began to sell and distribute his property.

The saint’s actions could not go unnoticed; God rewarded him for this with the gift of a miracle worker. And miracles began to happen: healings of the sick from the most serious illnesses, expulsion of demons, long-awaited rain, amazing harvests and much more.

The saint's soul was calmer away from noise; he preferred to be alone. But people continued to come to him for advice and requests for help. Saint Spyridon was always ready to help a person, trying to make his life easier. All efforts were aimed at strengthening faith in the hearts of people in the One God.

It is extremely important for Bishop Spyridon of Trimifuntsky to preserve his integrity Holy Scripture Therefore, the miracle worker made sure that the priests in their sermons accurately used stories from the Gospel and other inspired scriptures.

The wisdom of Spyridon of Trimifuntsky can be judged from the historical event of the First Council of Nicaea, which was convened in 325. Constantine the Great and his supporters did everything to put the heretic Arius to shame. The husband and his followers said that Jesus Christ is a created being, and not the Creator. The most famous bishops took Aria's side. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky was not considered fit to conduct a theological debate, since he was considered a simple man.

When a request was received from the miracle worker to take part in the council and enter into a dispute with the wisest Greek philosophers, he was initially refused. However, Spiridon’s faith that the wisdom of God is above earthly logic and philosophical reasoning was so strong that he not only defeated a supporter of heretics in a dispute. The opponent of Christianity decided to be baptized and encouraged his friends and acquaintances to follow the same path. After the speech, the miracle worker took a brick - a plinth - into his hands, then squeezed it. Fire appeared on one side, water appeared on the other, and clay remained in the hands of the saint. Then the following came from Spiridon’s lips: “You see, there is one plinth, and three elements. So it is in the Most Holy Trinity: Three persons, but One Divinity.” This was the final shame of the heretics.
One of the miracles performed by Spyridon of Trimifuntsky is the healing of the eldest son of Constantine the Great, Constantius. The saint remained for some time with the king, who once tried to repay his salvation with gold. But the miracle worker refused the payment, saying that gold is the cause of all evil, and true love and kindness cannot be bought. Constantius respected his mentor so much that he freed servants in his empire christian church from taxes.

In the “Life” of the miracle worker it is written that he once went out into the field during the hot harvest season. His head, as usual, was covered with cool dew. Spiridon’s hair instantly turned three colors: yellow, white and black. The saint touched his head, thought and said that his stay on earth would soon end. And he left approximately in 348.

Since 1453, the saint’s relics have been kept on the island of Cofrou in a temple consecrated in his honor. On the day of remembrance of the saint, a religious procession will take place, during which the relics are carried around the island. Twice a year, gold-embroidered slippers are changed and worn out - this means that the saint is rushing to the aid of those whose faith in God and his power is pure and strong.

Miracles of Bishop Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

Until this time, the body of the saint remains incorrupt, soft fabrics it is still kept at the temperature inherent in a living person.

Once, during the pilgrimage of N.V. Gogol, per day religious procession In honor of Spyridon of Trimifuntsky, a person was found who did not believe in miracles. He was an Englishman, raised in a Protestant family. The man declared publicly that the saint looked like this because his body was well embalmed through incisions in his back. What a surprise it was when the body was lifted from the shrine, demonstrating that there were no incisions.

And in our time there are many people who have experienced the results of prayers to the miracle worker. It is impossible to list all the miracles, but you can read about amazing and impressive stories on Orthodox portals, as well as on the Internet at the request “Miracles of Spyridon of Trimifuntsky”.

Name: Spyridon Trimythous

Date of Birth: 270 g

Age: 78 years old

Date of death: 348

Activity: bishop, Christian saint

Family status: widower

Spiridon of Trimifuntsky: biography

Saint Spyridon of Trimythous is a saint of the Christian Church, revered as the Wonderworker. The memorial day in Orthodoxy falls on December 12 (25), in Catholicism - on December 14. Spyridon was born at the end of the third century AD on the island of Cyprus into a family of hereditary farmers and cattle breeders who settled in the village of Assia. From an early age, the future saint tended flocks of sheep and goats, so later he began to be depicted on icons wearing a special shepherd’s cap.

The young man was meek and kind. Spiridon treated those around him kindly and never refused travelers accommodation and food. In adulthood, the shepherd married a decent girl. A daughter, Irina, was born into the family. Spiridon himself baptized the baby. Soon after giving birth, the saint's wife died. This event happened during the reign (324-337).

In those years, rumors of prayer support and miracles performed at the request of Spyridon reached the palace of Emperor Constantine. Many residents of the island of Cyprus and other cities Byzantine Empire revered Spiridon as wise a perspicacious old man. The bishop decided to ordain a simple shepherd as bishop of the city of Trimifunt.


Little is known about the biography of the saint, but the church preserves the memory of numerous miracles that were performed through the prayers of the saint. The life of Spyridon is evidenced by the IV-V church historians Socrates Scholasticus, Sozomen and Rufinus, whose works were processed in the 10th century by the Byzantine hagiographer Blessed Simeon Metaphrastus. There is a life of Spyridon, written by his contemporary and disciple Saint Triphyllius, Bishop of Leukussia of Cyprus.

In 325, Spyridon of Trimifuntsky performed the main miracle of his life, crushing the arguments of the Greek philosopher who defended the heresy of Arianism. At the first Council of Nicaea, which was convened by Emperor Constantine to condemn the heretical views of Bishop Arius, leading to confusion among the flock and a schism within the hierarchy, about 300 bishops of the Christian Church were present, including Nicholas of Myra and Spyridon of Trimythous.

Serious debates broke out at the cathedral, during which Nicholas of Myra, defending the truth, even “shocked” Arius. When at the speech it was the turn of Spyridon of Trimifuntsky, defending the postulate of a single Trinity, the saint took a brick and squeezed it in his palm. At that moment, the brick miraculously split into flames that flew up, clay remaining in the hand, and water pouring down. According to the legend recorded by the participants of the first council, Eusebius of Caesarea and Athanasius the Great, Spyridon uttered the words:

“These are three elements, but the plinth (brick) is one. So in the Most Holy Trinity there are Three Persons, but the Divinity is One.”

Everyone was amazed by what they saw, including the Greek philosopher, who had previously been eloquently defended by Arius. The demagogue could not find words in response, and later received baptism. Saint Spyridon also became famous for other miracles. Through his prayers, the long drought in Cyprus, which led to massive crop failures, loss of livestock and disease, ended. The rains soon saved the island's population from hunger and disaster. Spyridon was given by God the power to heal from deadly diseases or resurrect already dead people. The saint managed to help Emperor Constantius, who was already on the verge of death.

Through the prayers of the elder, one day the dead newborn child of a woman who asked for help from a Christian priest was resurrected. After the miracle happened, the mother herself fell dead. The bishop's prayer brought her back to life. One day a righteous man was slandered by envious people. The unfortunate man was thrown into prison, where he remained awaiting his own death penalty. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky, who knew about the innocence of the slandered man, hastened to help. The path of the priest and his companions was blocked by a stormy river flow. After the elder’s prayer, the water parted, and Spiridon managed to get to the prison on time. The judge, having learned about the providential miracle, released the convict.

Spyridon of Trimifuntsky regularly helped the poor and needy by providing the necessary food. For this purpose, the saint had a special barn, from where people could take everything they needed. When things went well, they gave back what they could. The saint's barn was never empty.

One day a poor man turned to the bishop who needed to repay a large debt to a rich man. Spiridon went into his chambers and prayed for a long time, after which he came out with a large bar of gold. At the same time, he set the only condition for the poor man - to return the gold back after things went smoothly. Soon the poor man became rich and came to return the jewel to Spyridon of Trimifunt. Taking the ingot, the saint laid it on the ground, and immediately the precious metal turned into a snake, which quickly slithered away into the forest.

Spyridon of Trimifuntsky also showed mercy towards people with unclean intentions. One day, two thieves entered the old man’s sheepfold and intended to steal several sheep. An unknown force bound the robbers, and they remained at the scene of the crime until the arrival of the saint. In the morning, seeing the tired robbers, Spiridon took pity on them and untied them. After exhortations to take an honest path to earning money, the bishop released the thieves, giving them two sheep.

One day a merchant approached the saint to purchase one hundred goats. Spiridon never checked the amount given to him, so the merchant planned to hide part of the payment, equal to the cost of one goat. When a herd of animals went outside the fence, one goat did not want to leave the pen and constantly returned to its original place. The convicted merchant confessed to the saint his dishonesty and paid extra for the animal. Through the prayers of Spyridon of Trimifuntsky, evil, unrighteous people received punishment. One day, the granaries of a rich man, who sold bread to the poor at high prices during a drought, were completely washed away during a long rainstorm. And one deacon, proud of his voice, temporarily lost the ability to speak until he realized his sin.


From the life of the saint it is known that the Lord revealed to Spyridon the hour of death. At the moment when the cool dew descended on the old man’s head, it was a hot day. The saint saw a sign in this event and plunged into prayer. The last parting word of the saint was a call to love God and neighbors. The date of death of the saint falls on the year 348. Spyridon was buried in the Church of the Holy Apostles in the city of Trimifunt.

In the 7th century, the incorruptible relics were transferred to the capital of Byzantium, and in 1453, the priest of the temple, George Kalocheteres, transported the sarcophagus to the island of Corfu (Kerkyra), which is under the jurisdiction of Greece. The temple of the city of Kerkyra, in which the relics of the saint are still kept, was built in 1589.

Every day, the clergy open the ark with two special keys. If the lock does not work, it is believed that at that moment Spyridon of Trimifuntsky is absent from the place, helping someone in trouble. The temperature of the saint’s relics is still around 36.6 degrees. On Memorial Day, after a solemn service, the saint’s shoes are changed, which wear out within a year. Old rag shoes are cut into small pieces and given to believers.


In Russia, Spiridon of Trimifuntsky was revered on a par with. Archpastors of the Russian Orthodox Church The saint is still called “the commandant of all Rus'.” In honor of Spiridon, temples, chapels were built, and monasteries were created. The emperor, whose birthday fell on the day of remembrance of the saint, had a special love for the saint. It is known that he carried out the operation to capture Ishmael on the eve of the day of Spyridon of Trimifuntsky and on the holiday he served the saint a thanksgiving prayer service with a troparion and magnification.

The veneration of Spyridon of Trimifuntsky was also great among the peasants, who often resorted to the help of the saint in various everyday troubles. To this day, people pray to the saint for work, housing, well-being in the family and, in case of emergency, for money. Many Orthodox Christians experiencing financial or housing difficulties take a blessing to read the akathist for 40 days. Practice shows that in most cases, those who pray diligently receive what they ask for.

In Moscow, two revered icons of Spyridon of Trimifuntsky with particles of relics are located in the Church of the Resurrection of the Word. In 2007, the solemn bringing of the saint’s relics to Russia took place. The Ark of Spyridon of Trimifuntsky was located in the Danilov Monastery, which was visited by about one and a half million people, which was recorded in many photographs. People stood for days to thank Spyridon for the miracle or to pray for daily needs.