This is a game for small company from 5 to 10 people. The more participants, the more interesting and funnier the result will be. All players sit on a long bench or a row of chairs. You can use a log if the action takes place outdoors. You need to sit in such a way that it is comfortable to whisper a secret word in your neighbor’s ear.

This game perfectly develops hearing and attentiveness. And also a good sense of humor.

Rules of the game “Damaged Phone”

The leader is chosen, he is the one who thinks of the word and, so that the other players do not hear, whispers it to the participant sitting first. This player passes on to the next one what he heard, the second one whispers to the third one, and so on until the very last player in the row. The one who sits at the end of the chain stands up and loudly pronounces the word that he heard. As a rule, this word is very noticeably different from the original, which causes laughter among all the players.

  • For a funnier and less predictable result, players try to pronounce words fast And very quietly.
  • And to make the game more difficult and interesting, the word can be replaced with a whole phrase.

If there are too many people wanting to play, you can divide them into two teams. The leader will whisper the same words to them, and the team whose last player's word is most similar to the leader's word will win.


(warm-up psychotechnics)

Participants stand in a column one at a time. The leader stands at the end of the column. Thus, all participants have their backs turned to him. With a tap on the shoulder, he invites the participant in front to turn to face him. Then he gestures to show an object (matchbox, pistol, volleyball, etc.). The first participant turns to face the second and also with a tap on the shoulder asks him to turn around and shows the object, the second passes it to the third, the third to the fourth, and so on. The last participant names the object. Conditions: everything is done silently, only with gestures, you can only ask to repeat, participants should not turn around until the previous participant taps him on the shoulder.

A word or phrase is transmitted to a chain of persons in the ear (so that others do not hear). After it passes along the entire “wire”, it is interesting to listen to the result and evaluate the difference!

The players sit on a bench, the driver whispers a word to the first player, who deliberately quickly passes it on along the chain. The whole point is that it will reach the last player. Then the queue moves and the last player becomes the first - in Oda.

Everyone sits in a row, the first player thinks of a word or phrase and quickly whispers it to the next one, and so on. After a word has passed through the entire chain, the beginner announces the intended word or phrase, and the last one announces what came to him. As they say in Odessa, what was hidden and what was revealed are “two big differences.”

Purpose of the game: to fix in the minds of students the problems associated with the inability to listen. Aim at mastering active listening techniques. Equipment: tape recorder.

Instructions: “Now we will play the game “damaged phone.” The task of the participants is to remember the information as best as possible and accurately convey it to the next person. We will share information one-on-one. First, those interested (5-6 participants) will go out the door and enter one at a time. I will give the information to the first person to enter. Then he passes it on to the next participant, but without my help, one on one. The second participant - to the third, etc. You can remember information as you wish, allowing for any methods other than written recording.” Invite those who want to take part in the game to walk through the door. Draw the attention of those remaining that they should carefully monitor what is happening, recording:

A) attention of participants; b) distortion of information.

They must also maintain as much silence as possible and not give hints or disturb the players. Place two chairs in the center, invite the first participant, sit down and turn on the tape recorder. Information: I will give you information. Your task is to listen to it and pass it on in detail to the next participant.

Are you ready to pass on the information? If the answer is positive, invite the next one. If the first one has questions, clarify them. The text cannot be repeated again. After sharing information, remember to ask students if they are willing to pass it on to the next participant.

After completing the game, discuss the following questions:

  • What memory methods did the participants use?
  • What information was remembered best?
  • What misrepresentations were made? What are they related to?

First, the players take turns speaking, then the observers.

  1. Do not hesitate to ask questions, clarify anything unclear.
  2. If necessary, repeat the information in the presence of the interlocutor or in your own words.
  3. Try to highlight the essence of the message, ignoring secondary details if necessary.
  4. Keep in mind that the past experience of each interlocutor plays a big role in the perception of information.
  5. It is advisable to summarize the conversation that took place.

The event ends with a summing up: what new we learned, what conclusions we were able to draw for ourselves.

"Broken phone"

No more than 10-12 people play it. If there are more participants in the group, then you can involve all of them or leave some as observers. Everyone involved heads out the door.

Instructions. Instructions for those outside the door: “Now you will transmit information to each other. You will take turns entering the room, listening to the text and passing it on to the next person. I will tell the first, he will tell the second, the second to the third, etc. Your task is to give the information to the next one as close to the text as possible, to say word for word, without confusing, distorting or adding anything. You can do whatever you want, but you can’t write it down. It's clear?

Instructions for those who remained in the room: “Now the game participants will be here one at a time, I will tell the first one the text, which will be passed on to the second one, the second one to the third one, and so on. Your task is to record who will convey the text and how accurately (you can divide the participants between observers, who should watch whom).”

The game can be filmed. The first participant enters and the coach tells him the text. It is better not to remove the first one so that he does not lose all the text out of confusion. You can shoot on the floor and record only the sound. Then the first invites the second, then the second invites the third, and so on.

Game analysis.

The first question the trainer asks is “When you conveyed information, did you speak to say something or to be heard?” Of course, most will say that they only said what they said and did not try to help their partner understand and remember the text. From here we can draw the first conclusion: when you speak, you must always pay attention to your interlocutor: hears - does not hear, understands - does not understand. It is always clear from the facial expression and surprised eyes that a person does not understand, and then stop and clarify something, explain, ask questions.

The coach’s second question: “Who remembers the instructions that the participants in the game received outside the door?” With common efforts, the instructions can be reproduced. And then you can ask the following question: “What does it mean you can do whatever you want, you can’t write it down. It's clear?" Everyone heard this phrase, but most did not pay attention to it and mechanically answered: “I see,” and the rest somehow understood it in their own way. But in reality, you could ask again, ask questions, ask to repeat it again, etc. Conclusion: ask the question: “Is that clear?” should not, everyone has a standard answer to this: “I see,” but there may be no understanding at all.

Next, we analyze who lost what information and why. During the analysis, we can say that, for example, the text about Marfusha was specially written for this game and there are many inconsistencies in it that further confuse the participants. For example, “Marfusha was an exemplary girl, she worked at a factory.” These sentences contradict each other in perception, since an exemplary girl is usually presented as a schoolgirl junior classes etc., and here she works at a factory. Thus, you can consider the patterns in receiving and transmitting information and make detailed analysis one piece of paper, commenting on each item.

The trainer distributes sheets of text to the participants (Appendix 5), reads out the points one by one, asks the group what they think about this point, and then gives his comments and recommendations on how to speak so that people can hear and remember better.

Mini lecture....

“The listener passes information through a personal filter.” This means that any person, having heard information, compares it with his ideas, with his life experience, with the facts known to him. And passing it on, he can change something, tell it differently, because it is clearer to him, because it corresponds to his life experience. Releases minor moments from the point of view of the recipient.”

This means that people divide information into important and unimportant, and important and unimportant not for them, but in the given text. And they forget to say an unimportant formation, believing that another is more important. Because of this, the text begins to shorten from player to player. Usually by the fourth or fifth participant they notice that they start inviting the next one faster and faster.

“Unusual words are replaced by familiar ones.” In this text, for example, the word “approximate” is used. This word is rarely used now, and usually in the end Marfusha becomes good, respectable, and so on.

“The listener processes information in accordance with his own logic.” This text largely lacks logic, and some sentences contradict each other. This usually leads to the fact that people begin to somehow connect sentences. For example, “Marfusha”, in the village, then went to city”, “got married and started working in a factory”, or “and went into the forest to pick mushrooms” and so on.

“The listener remembers unusual, “fried” facts. But the “sick” word can creep to the end, or it can be replaced with a less dangerous and emotionally stable one.” In the text, two points that attract attention are sex and UFOs. These words, due to their emotional richness, crowd out other information and usually in the text to the last participant only sex and UFOs are preserved, but at the same time, the word “sex” is often replaced with something else, for example, “made love”, “lived well and everything was fine with them.” UFOs are sometimes replaced by aliens, and sometimes lost.

“What can be interpreted, the listener will interpret.”

Against the backdrop of the game that has just been played, this point usually doesn’t even need to be commented on, since it can be confirmed by the example of all the participants.

“Speak unambiguously”, “Use simple words" Absolutely clear recommendations - the simpler and more unambiguous the information, the better it is understood and remembered.

“It’s important to say it several times.” It’s a completely understandable recommendation, since it’s really better to say it several times and risk looking like a parrot than to later regret that it wasn’t done.

“Structure the message, break it down into points.” Very useful recommendation: any message must contain internal structure, it should be clear how the sentences are related to each other. The simplest example of structure is numbered sentences: first, second, third, and so on. The sentence that goes under the number is very difficult. For example, if there is a second, fourth, then it is immediately clear that there was something third.

“Monitor the state of the listener and track when he does not understand the information.” This means that during a conversation, reactions can be noticed when a person does not hear or does not understand. This is a signal that you need to stop and repeat again, ask a question or comment on what was said.

“Is everything clear to you?” do not ask, since everyone usually answers: You need to ask a question for clarification, for example: “After our conversation, what will you do next?”, “What will you do first. This is an understandable recommendation, since since school everyone has developed a reflex to the questions: “Are you clear?”, “Do you understand?” - automatically answering “I understand,” without always understanding what they were asked.

“If there is an interruption (you are interrupted), then you need to stop and go back and say the previous sentence again.” Usually, when a person is interrupted, the last thought, the last sentence is usually lost due to a shift in attention. Everyone can remember similar situations when, after an interruption, one of the interlocutors says: “What was I talking about?” Therefore, to maintain the connection in the message, it is better to repeat the last sentence and then continue your story.

“The tempo characteristics of the listener must be taken into account.” This is easy to explain: all people talk to at different speeds and, what is important for us, they are also able to listen at the same speed as they speak. If a person speaks quickly, then you need to speak to him at approximately the same speed, and with a slow speaker, accordingly, slowly. Why is that? If we speak too slowly for a person, then it irritates him, and if we speak too quickly, then the person simply may not hear some words.

“You can create positive or negative motivation: “if you do everything according to the instructions, then...”, “if you don’t do it, then something will happen...”.” Usually they start with positive motivation. For example, if you do such and such, you will get such and such a result. If positive motivation does not help, use negative motivation. For example: “If you violate clause three of the contract, you will lose warranty service, money, etc.”

You can use techniques like “fence” - special phrases: “I specifically draw your attention”, “I want you to remember this”

The main idea is that we can fence off important information with phrases, like a fence within which the information must be preserved

Description of flash game

Break my phone!

Whack My Phone

Life modern man it's hard to imagine without mobile phone. While some people adore them, others find them annoying. If you are from the latter category, then join the flash game “Break My Phone!” This is a simple, straightforward and not time consuming game that keeps things simple. You have three iPhones at your disposal: white, black and gold. Choose any of them and start damaging property. Imagine that you are testing the strength of a given product. How resistant is it to various influences? Let's check it in practice.

So, on the left side of the screen you see a number of different tools. Among them: bat, saw, pistol, axe, and more. Select any of the tools and start testing. In the free online game "Smash My Phone!" you can aim anywhere. The main task is to completely break the phone as quickly as possible. Players receive additional points for breaking time records. After this, you can proceed to other colors to repeat the operation.

Competitions at holidays can be both mobile and table-based. Games that can be played without leaving the table are ideal for relaxed groups. Not all guests like noisy competitions. In this case, the table game “Broken Phone” will help out. The most interesting thing is that this will not be the usual word competition from childhood, but a combination of a spoiled phone game with an association game. Let's see what comes of this.

We prepare additional props in advance. To do this, print out cards with images and signatures. various items, animals. It can be:

  • chicken;
  • elephant;
  • beach;
  • table;
  • stroller;
  • jump rope

No more props are required. The participants themselves and, preferably, good hearing from the players are enough. The competition is held directly at the table.

The first participant chooses a card without looking. And he whispers to the neighbor sitting next to him what is shown in the picture. A person must convey along the chain, but not the word he heard itself, but a synonym for it or an association.

For example, you will get a chain: chicken - bird laying eggs - mother of the chicken - relative of the omelet - etc.

In a circle, players pass association phrases to each other. When the turn comes to the beginning of the circle, that is, to the first player, he voices what he heard out loud and shows a picture of the object with which the chain of associations began. And the more players participate in the entertainment, the more unpredictable and funnier the final word will be.

And if, as a result, the “Chicken” turns into an “Egg” or the “Table” turns out to be a “Sofa”, consider that the entertainment was a success. There are no losers or winners in such a competition, but good mood provided for everything.

Include “Broken Phone” in an adult birthday script, for example. Suitable entertainment for

Target: demonstration of listening techniques to training participants.

Exercise: convey the information heard to your communication partner.

Instructions: Let's remember the children's game "Broken Phone". Let's play it... And now another option for adults: all group members go out the door and, at the invitation of the leader, enter the room one at a time. Each person entering is given the following instructions: “Imagine that you have received a letter, food for thought, or a telephone message, the contents of which must be passed on to the next group member. The text will now be read out to you, it doesn’t have to be conveyed verbatim, the main thing is to express the content as accurately as possible.” Then the leader reads the text to the first member of the group, who must pass it on to the next person to enter, who should pass it on to the next person, etc.

Letter option:

“Dear Joe! We have been living here for two weeks now, the weather is generally good. The sea air is good, but my liver is acting up, and I would be happy to return to London. I can’t say anything good about June, her health and state of mind are bad, and I don’t know how this will all end.”

Some food for thought:

“In the crowd at the door - a well-dressed crowd, consisting of villages of doctors and lawyers, stockbrokers and representatives of all the enumerated professions worthy of the big bourgeoisie - there were no more than 20 percent of Forsytes, but to Aunt Ann they all seemed to be Forsytes - and the difference between those and she was small in others - she saw her own flesh and blood everywhere.”

For a telephone message the text is composed as follows:

There should be three or four compound and complex sentences;

There must be numbers, proper names, indications of time, significant and insignificant details.

Note: If the text, when transmitted from one participant to another, has been reduced to such an extent that the exercise becomes meaningless, since transmitting it becomes too easy a task, then the presenter reads the entire text again to the next participant.

Analysis of exercises 1 and 2:

1. What is the difference between the ability to hear and the ability to listen?

2. What determines the activity of listening?

3. What conditions must be met in order to hear or be heard?

Exercise 3. “Levels” hearings*

Target: correlating the level of listening with the type of behavior of the interlocutor, determining the influence of the level of listening on the effectiveness of perception.

Exercise: Having played out the situation, determine at what level of listening the communication was carried out and how the behavior of the communication partners was expressed.

Instructions: the work will be structured as follows: two participants, “artists,” play out the situation, the rest, “spectators,” analyze at which level of listening the communication took place. “Artists” are chosen at will.

Situation to play:

Let us recall a typical conversation between two old women at the entrance:

You know, my grandson earned another badge in the army! Now he is my sergeant!

And I, you know, in Lately My liver hurts completely, I have no strength.

So I say, maybe now they’ll give him a vacation.

Yes, vacation is good! Apparently, I'll have to go to the hospital now.

Exercise Analysis:

1. By what criteria was the level of listening determined?

2. How was this reflected in the behavior of the interlocutors?

3. What is most characteristic of your listening style?

Exercise 4. “Practicing active listening”

Target: definition characteristic features types of reactions and techniques at the moment of actively listening to the interlocutor.

Exercise 1. Discuss the communication skills required by a professional.

Instructions: Work is organized in groups of three according to a special algorithm. The whole group is divided into subgroups of three people, and each group is asked to discuss the communication skills required by a professional (college teacher). You need to choose the three most important qualities and develop a common opinion among the three. It is proposed to strictly adhere to the discussion algorithm: two people talk, the third controls the use of private listening techniques. Then the participants switch functions. The discussion is led by representatives of the triads.

Job Analysis:

1. What qualities were identified as the main ones?

2. What active listening techniques did the discussion participants themselves use?

3. Highlight unproductive listening techniques when discussing the qualities of a professional.

Task 2. Having decided the situation, correlate the interlocutor’s reaction with the available types of reactions: empathy, flow of recommendations, criticism, request for additional information. Record the results in the proposed diagram.

Situation 1

- Was this woman from our department promoted just because she knows how to suck up to her boss?! After all, they should have promoted me! I have higher qualifications, and this woman does not need money as much as I do. What's happening?

Reaction type Reaction

A) It seems to me that you are not doing your job as well as you think, otherwise you would be promoted.

B) It’s always unpleasant when the position you’re aiming for is taken by someone else, especially if you feel that your qualifications are higher.

Q) Has anything similar happened to you before?

D) If I were you, I would tell the boss how angry you are.

Situation 2

I don't know what to do! The boss constantly asks me to stay at work longer to prepare letters for tomorrow, but I cannot object to him - after all, he is my boss. I would love to tell him something, but I just can't risk it.

Reaction type Reaction

A) I think you feel like you're being taken advantage of, and you want to find a way to tell your boss about his behavior.

B) If I were you, I would discuss this with him. You need to tell him how you feel.

C) If you didn’t allow him to wipe his feet on you, now you could talk to him on an equal footing.

D) So, did your boss always behave like this with you?

Compare your answers with those below:

Situation I Situation 2

A) Criticism A) Empathy

B) Question B) Criticism

D) Advice D) Request for additional information

Task 3

Instructions: Act out situations in pairs, showing different types of reactions (empathy, flow of recommendations, request for more information, criticism), and then compare your interpretation with the given sample.

Situation 1

- If I had money, I would not fail to take advantage of this opportunity; I am sure that I could develop in this business. All a person needs is a few general ideas, common sense and courage, and I have it all. There is only no money. That is life!

Situation 2

The whole point is that I'm doing the wrong thing. I kept procrastinating and didn’t quit because I spent four years in college preparing myself for this kind of work. Now I think it would be better for me to leave her and do something else - even if I have to start from the beginning.

Sample statements for the situations being played out:

Situation 1

1. Empathy: It's always frustrating to feel like you don't have the money to go into a business where you can succeed.

2. Referral flow: What you need is to discuss everything with the bank manager.

3. Request for additional information about what type of business we're talking about?


4. Criticism: Are you sure that you can turn around in this business?

Situation 2

1. Empathy - Change your field of activity after four years of study

Study: Going to college is not an easy decision. I understand that it is not easy for you to decide on this.

2. Flow of recommendations: It would be better for you to stay in your old place, because you have no idea what awaits you in new job.

3. Request for additional What attracts you to your new job?


4. Criticism: And you think that you can throw these four years down the drain?!

Task 4. “Listening.” Show the role of active listening techniques in the communication process.

Instructions: the work is organized in pairs: one is the narrator, the other is the listener. The partners choose a topic for conversation, then one of them begins the story, and the other simply listens, doing nothing and not reacting to the partner in any way. (Important note! The interlocutors should not start a conversation, otherwise the task loses its meaning.) Then the partners change roles and The content of the task changes: now, on the contrary, you should help your partner in his story, using various active listening techniques.

Sample Topics conversations:“My hobbies”, “Professional prospects”, “Plans for the future*”, “Things or people that I like”, “The world of poetry (music)”.

Job Analysis:

1. Does listening hinder or, on the contrary, help the storyteller?

2. What did you want to do to see or hear your partner’s reaction?

3. What techniques did the listener use to help the storyteller?

Exercise Analysis:

1. The system of responding to what is heard is an intuitive reaction or a system of techniques used by a person intentionally?

2. What does the speaker expect from a communication partner?

3. How to real life do you react to the words of your interlocutor? What does this depend on?

Lesson reflection. Exercise “Assessing your own listening style”

Target; awareness of your own listening style to improve communication and relationships with other people.

Exercise: determine the level of your own “listening habits”.

Instructions: Complete the Communication Effectiveness Questionnaire. Place a cross in the appropriate column.

Communication Effectiveness Questionnaire

(self-assessment form)

No. Characteristics of the communication process In most cases Often Sometimes Almost never
Do you tune out when you listen to people you don't agree with or don't want to listen to? Do you focus on what is being said even when you are not interested? Do you stop listening to a speaker if you know what he is going to say? Do you repeat what you hear in your own words? Do you listen to another person's point of view if it differs from yours? Do you take something from each interlocutor, even the most insignificant? Do you figure out what unfamiliar words you hear mean? Are you mentally preparing objections while the other person is speaking? Do you pretend to listen when you really don't? Do your thoughts wander somewhere far away when someone talks to you? Do you perceive the entire message, including its verbal and non-verbal expression? Do you admit that the same words for different people do they mean different things? Do you listen only to what you want to hear, without noticing the rest? Are you looking at the speaker? Do you focus more on the essence of what is being said or on the appearance of the speaker? Do you know which words and expressions you react most emotionally to? Do you think in advance what goal you are going to achieve in this act of communication? Do you plan the best time to express your thoughts? Do you think about how the other person will react to what you say? Do you consider how best to carry out the act of communication (in writing, orally, by telephone, using a bulletin board, note, etc.)? Do you consider what kind of person you are talking to (worried, hostile, uninterested, in a hurry, shy, stubborn, impatient, etc.)? Do you interrupt the speaker? Do you sometimes think: “I thought he should know that*?” Do you allow the speaker to express his negative attitude towards you without becoming defensive? Do you engage in regular exercises to improve your listening skills? Do you take notes on memory (memos)? Are you distracted by extraneous sounds and noise? Do you listen to the speaker without criticizing or judging him?

Calculation of the result: Check the table below and fill in the number corresponding to this line instead of your crosses. Example: if you put a cross in the first line in the “Often” column, then you need to replace it with the number 2. Then add the numbers V each of the columns and write down the resulting amount under each of them.

Numbers In the majority Often Sometimes Almost
questions cases never


Now calculate the sum of the numbers in all columns:

Sum of points: 110-120 - excellent; 99-109 - above average; 88-98 - normal; 77-87 - mediocre.

Assignment for independent work

“Create a program for developing your listening skills”

Action plan based on the results of the questionnaire:

1. What actions would you like to change?

2. Choose what you need to work on to become an active listener. V everyday communication with other people, in personal life, in professional activities.

Homework Make a list of words for feelings

Lesson analysis. "Interview"

Target: development of interviewing skills and structural analysis of activities.

Instructions for carrying out: Interviews are offered at the discretion of the participants.

Key interview questions:

1. How does a person's experience influence their active listening?

2. Did the exercises incorporate qualities that encourage active listening among participants?

3. Highlight the most effective moments of this lesson, determining the line of development of participants’ interest in completing tasks.

4. How to eliminate the shortcomings that have arisen in the next lesson?