Propolis, also called “bee glue,” is a fairly useful substance for human body. It is used in both folk and traditional medicine as a component for the creation of popular medicines. This is due to the fact that propolis not only helps strengthen the immune system, but also has a positive effect on work internal organs. Moreover, an effective aqueous solution of propolis can be prepared independently at home. Read the article for preparation details.

Propolis has the appearance of a plastic mass, which is due to the high content of resinous substances. To prepare an aqueous solution of propolis, it is recommended to first grind it into powder. Coping with this task is very simple. It is enough to place the material prepared for use in the freezer for a couple of hours. After this, it remains to be grated or crushed in a mortar.

As for water, you should give preference to purified or even distilled liquid. If you use tap water, the water tincture of propolis can deteriorate very quickly, which is extremely undesirable.

It is recommended to mix the components using a clean spatula or wooden spoon. This approach will avoid any unacceptable reactions during the cooking process. There are various recipes that allow you to prepare a quality product at home. The main thing is to carefully monitor the concentration level of the active substance, and also use the appropriate amount of water and propolis.

Classic recipe

Proper preparation of the tincture occurs in stages. This popular recipe, perform in the following sequence:

  1. Add one part of crushed propolis to ten parts of filtered water preheated to a temperature of 50ºC.
  2. Mix the ingredients well.
  3. Pour the resulting solution into a thermos and leave it to infuse for 24 hours.
  4. After the required amount of time has passed, you need to evaluate the color of the resulting product. It must be different high level transparency and a slight greenish tint. Sediment forms at the bottom.
  5. The liquid must be filtered. This can be done using a filter or gauze folded several times. It is important to carefully separate the sediment as it can be used to make another great recipe.

Recipe for using sediment

The sediment obtained after preparing the first tincture can be collected and dried, and, if necessary, reused. At the same time, the ratio of water and propolis remains unchanged. The following instructions will help you prepare an effective solution using such waste raw materials:

  1. Pour water into a large saucepan and place a smaller container in it (the aqueous propolis solution will be prepared in a water bath).
  2. Dilute the remaining amount of propolis in the appropriate volume of water and place the containers on the fire.
  3. Heat the product to 90ºC and maintain this temperature for an hour.
  4. Remove the resulting solution from the heat and let it cool completely.

It is very important to carefully monitor the cooking process. The liquid should not boil, as this will negatively affect its beneficial properties and further use of such a medicine will not bring the desired results. The prepared aqueous solution of propolis, if after such heat treatment the dry mass does not completely dissolve in water, will also need to be strained.

Concentrated infusion

There is another recipe that you can use to make effective remedy based on fresh propolis. To get a decent concentrated product, you will need to mix the dry substance with purified water, but in a ratio of 3:10 or even 5:10.

  1. The resulting mixture must be continued to be cooked in a water bath. It is recommended to keep the heat low, since the temperature of the liquid should not exceed 50ºC.
  2. The aqueous solution of propolis should be boiled for a couple of hours. In this case, it should be stirred periodically using a wooden spatula.
  3. If particles of propolis float to the surface, they should be removed.
  4. The cooled product will simply be strained.

Using a ready-made solution

Regardless of which recipe was chosen for preparation healing water, it is recommended to store it in a cool place. For this purpose, it is best to use dark glass containers. It is best to avoid placement in areas where direct Sun rays. This is due to the fact that when exposed to light, the solution can lose its unique properties.

However, even if all these conditions are met, it is recommended to store the solution for no more than three months. After this period, the bactericidal properties of the drug begin to decline very quickly. This means that its use will be ineffective.

There are various schemes for using propolis-based drugs. But this choice depends mainly on what disease needs to be dealt with.

Use for diseases of the ENT organs

Tonsillitis, otitis media, sinusitis and other common ailments can be effectively cured at home with the help of a simple propolis infusion. If you need to cope with inflammatory and infectious processes in the throat, simply mix the prepared product with water in a ratio of 2:10 and rinse several times a day. A less concentrated preparation is suitable for rinsing the nose.

In order to lubricate inflamed tonsils, it is recommended to combine the solution with water in a 1:2 ratio. And in the process of treating otitis, you should soak a cotton swab in the infusion and place it temporarily in the auricle. This solution is also suitable for inhalation.

Using a solution to enhance immunity

Strong immunity is the key good health. Therefore, the use of a product created using propolis should not be ignored, since it helps to strengthen the body’s protective function.
A combination of half a glass of milk and 20 drops of infusion will help you get decent results. You will need to take this drink twice a day.

Treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Diseases gastrointestinal tract are also amenable to treatment, in which the use of tincture plays a very important role. The optimal dosage is 20 drops. They need to be added to 100 ml of water.
It should be borne in mind that the duration of treatment in situations where the solution is taken orally can only be determined by a qualified specialist. That is why, before starting treatment, it is best to seek help from a doctor.

Skin diseases and propolis

Aqueous propolis solution has disinfectant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps cope with all kinds of skin diseases. You can get a good effect by using compresses soaked in a concentrated product. However, people suffering from an allergy to propolis or those with eczema in the acute phase should avoid such procedures.

Gum diseases

It is relevant to use the tincture, for the preparation of which any recipe listed earlier is suitable, and in the process of treating gum diseases. If the inflammatory process affects only one gum, then it is enough to periodically apply a tampon soaked in the infusion to the affected area. You can also combine purified water with the solution in a ratio of 10:1. Regular use of this mouth rinse will help you quickly forget about many problems.

Video “Treatment of colds with propolis”

From the video you can learn how propolis is useful and how to overcome a cold with its help.

Dear friends, I am very glad to see you on my page. As you already know, I have been beekeeping for more than 13 years. And that’s why friends and acquaintances often turn to me with a request to tell me about an aqueous solution of propolis. As it turns out, many people confuse it with propolis water.

But this is not the same thing, and, accordingly, the preparation recipes and areas of application differ. Today I will tell you what an aqueous solution of propolis is, how it differs from propolis water, what beneficial properties it has, how to use it in life and a lot of other useful information.

Medicine can't, propolis will help

First, let's figure out why propolis is useful.

  • Propolis has a huge number of beneficial properties. The ways it enters the body are varied: you can use it orally, rectally, vaginally. It is worth noting that when propolis is taken internally, the intestinal microflora does not suffer, which means you are not at risk of dysbacteriosis. So, what can propolis do:
  • Reduces pain. Its effect is not as strong as that of antibiotics, but together with its disinfecting effect it is a good addition to the treatment of inflammation and wounds;
  • Has an anti-inflammatory effect. Propolis is a natural natural antibiotic that allows the body to cope with large amounts of known to science harmful microorganisms;
  • Helps enhance the effect of antibiotics. With the parallel use of antibiotics and propolis, a positive result from the use of the former is achieved faster. In addition, it protects the human body from the toxic effects of medications;
  • Promotes tissue regeneration, wound healing;
  • Slows down the growth of cancer cells, helping cancer patients fight the disease. Propolis is involved in cleansing cell membranes and stabilizes the process of cell reproduction;
  • Helps the body get rid of toxins.

For the most part, propolis is well absorbed by the human body. But, as with any rule, there are exceptions.

Propolis has a number of beneficial properties and a number, albeit small, of contraindications. In small quantities and in low concentrations, its use is recommended for people with individual intolerance to bee products and for infectious-allergic bronchial asthma.

But this does not mean that others can use it in any quantity, because cases of overdose are not uncommon. Most often it is expressed in:

  • raising body temperature;
  • nausea;
  • severe itching;
  • headache.

If you feel these symptoms, you must immediately stop consuming products containing propolis.

When using an alcohol tincture, it should not be used in its pure form internally; it must be diluted with either water or milk.

What is the difference between an aqueous solution of propolis and propolis water?

Many people ask the question “Isn’t an aqueous solution and propolis water the same thing?” No, not the same thing. And the difference between them is this:

The aqueous solution is made from whole propolis, and propolis water from meal. When making an aqueous tincture, the last step is settling the product. After it sits, we can see sediment. This very sediment is meal. In other words, meal in this case is a by-product of preparing a propolis solution.

Unlike aqueous extract, propolis water has a bitter taste, cloudy color and has a more irritating effect on the mucous membranes.

Aqueous extract of propolis – an assistant in the treatment of dozens of diseases

Aqueous extract of propolis has found application and has gained a reputation as a remedy that helps people fight many diseases. If you think that it can only be used in one direction, then I hasten to please you - no, it can be used in the treatment of a fairly wide range of diseases, for example, in the treatment of:

  • runny nose, sinusitis;
  • otitis;
  • myopia;
  • cataracts;
  • purulent inflammation;
  • gastritis;
  • stomach ulcers;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • anal fissures;
  • thrush;
  • sore throat;
  • abrasions, bruises and hematomas;
  • furunculosis.

This is an incomplete list of diseases in which the aqueous extract is ready to help. I would like to note right away that when using it as a medicine, you need to consult a doctor, because... The dosage and duration of treatment depend on the diagnosis, especially if children are being treated.

How to prepare aqueous propolis extract?

Traditional medicine has long been using propolis as a remedy. Its forms are varied: Of course, you can go to the nearest pharmacy and buy products that contain propolis, but why? It is not difficult to make the same preparations at home, the main thing is to follow all the rules.

Today I will share with you my recipes for making an aqueous solution of propolis.

Option #1.

It’s quite simple to prepare: for this we need water and propolis.

  1. Place 10 g of propolis in the freezer and leave until frozen.
  2. Place the resulting mixture in a thermos and pour in 100 g of boiled water, the temperature of which is 50°C.
  3. Leave the thermos on the radiator and leave for 12-24 hours.
  4. After infusion, carefully drain the solution without “disturbing” the sediment.

Nothing more is required from us, the aqueous extract is ready and you can start using it.

Option #2.

There is another recipe that I use most often.

However, before you start preparing the solution, you should decide what concentration of the solution you would like to obtain:

  • for a 10% solution: 10 g of propolis + 100 ml of water;
  • for a 20% solution: 20 g of propolis + 100 ml of water;
  • for a 30% solution: 30 g of propolis + 100 ml of water.

So, the recipe itself:

  1. Place a piece of propolis in the freezer and leave it until it is frozen.
  2. When it freezes, take it out and grate it until it turns into a powder.
  3. Place the resulting mixture in a cup and heat it in a water bath for 40-60 minutes. If you see any impurities or wax on the surface, scoop them up with a spoon and throw them away.
  4. Cool and strain the resulting aqueous solution of propolis, and then pour it into the container in which it will be stored.
  5. Place the container in a cool, dark place and shake it periodically (once every 2-3 days).

I advise you to start using it in small portions with a minimum concentration in order to avoid the appearance of allergic reactions, for example, 1-2 tablespoons of a 10% solution. If no allergies arise after consumption, you can increase both the quantity and concentration of the solution to the optimal level: 3 tablespoons of a 10%-20% solution at a time, maximum 3 times a day.

I have one more recipe, which is rightfully considered a favorite among the rest: aqueous solution with shungite water.

Shungite helps strengthen everything beneficial features solution, suppresses the development of tuberculosis, fights cholesterol and hepatitis viruses. And here he is - mine easy way“transforming” plain water into healing water:

  1. Let's take it three liter jar and put in shungite, weighing 300 g. It can be 1 stone, or maybe several, it all depends on the size.
  2. Fill the jar with filtered water to the brim and leave for 72 hours.
  3. After 3 days, pour the contents of the jar into another container, leaving shungite and 500-600 ml in it. water. This should be done extremely carefully so as not to stir up the sediment.
  4. Remove the shungite from the jar and dry it. After settling, it did not lose its properties and therefore can be used in the future.
  5. We don't need the rest of the water in the jar, so we can pour it out.

Shungite water is ready for further use. To prepare propolis extract using shungite water, do the following:

  1. Pour in previously crushed propolis in proportions of 1/10.
  2. Keep the resulting composition in a water bath for 35-40 minutes.
  3. Take it out and let it cool.
  4. Strain and pour the solution into a dark glass bottle.

The bottle must be stored in a dark place for 2 weeks. Afterwards the solution is ready for use.

Where to store an aqueous solution of propolis

Its shelf life should not exceed 45 days. Store the finished product in the refrigerator in a glass container.

Instructions for use

Many people ask the question “How to take it?” and how long?". The answer is simple: depending on the diagnosis, the dosage and duration of treatment differ, but for “simple” diseases it can be used according to the following scheme.

  • When treating inflammatory processes in the nose: 2-3 drops are dripped into each nostril three times a day. The duration of treatment is no more than 10 days, then you need to take a break for 21 days. After a break, the course can be repeated.
  • For ear diseases: 2-3 drops are dripped into each ear three times a day. As with the treatment of inflammation in the nose, after 10 days you need to take a break.
  • When treating a throat and inflammation of the mouth: after each meal, rinse your mouth with the solution. It is necessary to stop rinsing when symptoms disappear or soften.

An aqueous solution of propolis will also help in the treatment of inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eye, but here a doctor’s consultation is necessary.

I would like to warn you against self-medication and self-prescription of dosage: using a high concentration of aqueous propolis extract for the eyes can easily cause a burn to the cornea. Therefore, do not neglect going to the doctor, be sure to use the services of a professional.

Instructions for using an aqueous solution of shungite water

An aqueous solution of shungite water will help with ARVI, influenza and others infectious diseases. How much you need to drink and how often depends on the diagnosis and stage of the disease.

The method of using it is generally simple: it can be used as a rinse or in the form of inhalation.

  • In case of damage to the lungs and bronchi, you should drink it 10-15 g three times a day for a month. For tuberculosis, the duration of treatment increases to 3 months.
  • For disorders of the thyroid gland, gastrointestinal diseases and for the treatment diabetes mellitus it is necessary to consume 10-15 g 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month, then a mandatory break for six months.

If you are thinking about treating a child with an aqueous solution of propolis in shungite water, then it’s worth telling me about the “children’s” dosage:

  • 1-3 years: a quarter of a teaspoon three times a day;
  • 3-8 years: a third of a teaspoon three times a day;
  • 8-14 years: half a teaspoon three times a day.

Before giving your child the solution in the amount I described above, make sure that he is not allergic to bee products.


My life has come to an end short story about an aqueous solution of propolis. I told you about the benefits and contraindications, shared the recipes, now it’s up to you. Reviews about the aqueous solution are as varied as the diseases it treats.

Many people note that the achievement of positive results can be accelerated by parallel use of it with other beekeeping products, and here I completely agree with them. For the sake of truth, it is worth saying that the solution that was praised was the one prepared with one’s own hands, and not the one bought at the pharmacy.

Perhaps some of you have already prepared an aqueous solution, and others, after reading my article, are seriously thinking about preparing it in the near future. I will be glad to see your comments and questions, which I will happily answer.

At the end of the material, I would like you to watch a short video tutorial that tells you how to prepare an aqueous solution of propolis. From experience I can say that I liked this recipe the most due to its simplicity and economy of using propolis:

Aqueous extract of propolis is a powerful universal natural anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial medicine that destroys pathogenic colonies of bacteria, fungi, viruses, and repeatedly helps the development of microflora beneficial to the body.

The extract from Tentorium (A-P-V), created on the basis of shungite silver water and propolis, effectively cures almost all diseases of the eyes, nose, throat, lungs, gastrointestinal tract, gynecological and urological. Activates the body's immune defense. Restores damaged blood vessels, restoring their elasticity. Has only positive reviews.

You can make your own propolis mixture and use it to clean your eyes, restore your vision, and get rid of dry itching. Use the remedy for influenza, sore throat, bronchitis as an antiseptic medicine. Irrigate the surface of the skin with it in case of skin damage: burns, weeping, non-healing wounds. Administer orally with tampons for female erosions.

  • Attention! Use aqueous propolis extract for treatment only after consulting a doctor and checking for individual tolerance! Follow the prescribed instructions! If allergy symptoms occur, the drug should be stopped immediately.

Healing effect

The versatility of propolis extract is due to its healing effect on all human organs and tissues simultaneously, as evidenced by numerous good reviews.

Do you still think that curing prostatitis is difficult?

Judging by the fact that you are now reading these lines, victory in the fight against prostatitis is not yet on your side...

And have you already thought about surgical intervention? This is understandable, because prostatitis - dangerous disease, which leads to serious consequences: infertility, cancer, impotence. Pain in the groin, problems with urination, sexual dysfunction... All these symptoms are familiar to you firsthand.

But perhaps it would be better not to get rid of the symptoms, but to treat the disease comprehensively? We recommend reading how to get rid of prostatitis...

If the body is weakened, you need to prepare an aqueous propolis extract or purchase a ready-made preparation, drink it for a month or drop it into the eyes, under the tongue, into the nose, make irrigation, according to the instructions. Many problems associated with the disease of any organ will disappear in short time for many years.

  • Attention! Treatment methods depend on the severity of the disease; be sure to follow all doctor’s prescriptions; independent uncontrolled use is not recommended.


The finished drug is produced in special forms with eye pipettes (15 ml) and 100 ml jars. Beware of fakes! If you can buy a bee product from an apiary, you can make water propolis yourself. It is necessary to prepare a solution of the required concentration in a non-metallic container.

How to prepare 10% extract

According to the instructions, it is better to make the water infusion 10%, since effective drug does not mean very concentrated; for treatment it is better to use small doses of propolis.

  1. Keep 20 grams of bee glue in the freezer until it becomes brittle and grind finely.
  2. Pour 200 ml of water into a saucepan, add propolis, place it in a water bath (inside the saucepan, fill half of it with water, on a wire rack).
  3. Turn on low heat, heat while stirring for 50 minutes (do not let it boil).
  4. Cool, remove the wax, pour into a dark glass container with a tight lid.
  5. on the side shelf of the refrigerator for no more than 8 days.

The particular usefulness of aqueous propolis extract is that, unlike alcohol tincture, it can be used for treatment and prevention by drivers, machinists, pilots, captains, and anyone who should not drink alcohol-containing liquids. And also for babies, mothers, expecting children and nursing, old people.

Only natural medicine based on natural ingredients can treat a thousand diseases without harming the liver, and replacing a whole first aid kit of expensive synthetic drugs. Hey Pee Wee extract is unique not only in its composition, but also in its preparation technology.

Hey Pee Wee propolis aqueous extract is literally the whole pharmacy in one small bottle. The unique composition of the drug can strengthen the immune system, cure difficult-to-heal wounds, and relieve inflammation.

The extract contains Artepin-S, silver-ionized water. Distilled water with silver ions has been purified with shungite, a natural mineral that can change the structure of water and make it literally “alive.”

Effect of the drug

Thanks to its “magic” components, aqueous propolis extract hey-wee-wee is capable of:

  1. Increase the body's resistance to viruses, bacteria and fungi.
  2. Improve quality and life expectancy.
  3. Treat tuberculosis by inhibiting the growth of mycobacteria.
  4. Treat thrush (candidiasis).
  5. Block the activity of hepatitis, herpes, chickenpox, encephalitis, and influenza viruses.
  6. Relieve body intoxication in case of poisoning and acute infections.
  7. Reduce the level and density of cholesterol in the blood, blood viscosity. This property can be used to treat many cardiac and vascular pathologies.
  8. Recognize atypical cells, destroy them or stop their growth (antitumor effect).
  9. Relieve inflammation and pain.
  10. Heal wounds, burns, trophic ulcers. Promotes epithelization of damage. It can be used in surgical practice to prevent infection from entering the wound and the formation of a normal scar.
  11. Saturate the body with vitamins, minerals and amino acids.
  12. Improve a person's aesthetic indications. Hey Pee Wee aqueous solution of propolis improves hair growth and structure, reduces hair loss. Prevents peeling and brittleness of nails. Gives the skin an even and healthy color. Relieves acne. Relieves flaking and redness in dry and sensitive skin.
  13. Regulate liver function, remove toxins and restore normal functions of hepatocytes (liver cells). Effective after hepatitis, for hepatosis and other pathologies of the liver and gall bladder.
  14. Improve vision.

How to use the drug

Aqueous propolis extract hpwee can be used in children from 1 year of age, instructions for use:

  • Propolis extract for adults is used 1 tsp. 3 times. The drug is better absorbed on an empty stomach; it is drunk 15-20 minutes before meals. The preventive course is 1 month.
  • Children from 1 to 3 years old are given the drug ¼ teaspoon.
  • For a child from 3 to 8 years old, take a third of a teaspoon.
  • Children from 8 years old to 14 years old, half a teaspoon.
  • In preventive and medicinal purposes A three-time appointment is provided.

Course of treatment for various diseases

  1. For diseases of the ENT organs, viral diseases, pathologies of the upper respiratory tract, the course of treatment with the drug lasts 5 weeks. The use of the drug must be continued even after improvement - to stimulate the immune system and prevent re-infection. For tuberculosis, the drug is used for six months.
  2. For the treatment of diabetes mellitus, hyper and hypofunction of the thyroid gland, pathologies of the adrenal glands, take 2 times a year for 30 days (preferably in spring and autumn).
  3. For the heart and blood vessels, the drug is taken 2 times a year for up to 1.5 months. Therapy of heart attacks, strokes, atherosclerosis, arrhythmia, tachycardia, hypertension and hypotension, nutrition and improvement of myocardial function requires taking the drug in winter and autumn, when many people have increased meteosensitivity.
  4. To relieve intoxication in case of poisoning or acute viral and bacterial infections, dissolve 1 tbsp. the drug in a liter of water and drink throughout the day. The composition of the product will restore water and electrolyte balance, stop vomiting and diarrhea, and prevent dehydration.
  5. For the treatment of candidiasis, cervical erosion, and inflammatory diseases in gynecology, it is used in the form of tampons, baths and douches for three weeks.
  6. For ophthalmological diseases, the solution should be diluted with saline solution (1:2) and dripped into the eyes 2 times in the morning and at night, over a long course. The drug solution reduces age-related changes in the retina and cornea, nourishes the eye with vitamins and minerals. Acts on the lacrimal glands, prevents lacrimation and relieves dry eyes during prolonged work at the computer.
  7. For acute and chronic rhinitis, frontal sinusitis and sinusitis, the drug solution should be diluted clean water 2 times and drop 5 drops into the nose every 6 hours.
  8. To treat otitis media, turundas soaked in an undiluted solution are used in the morning and at night.
  9. Gastrointestinal diseases are treated, like cardiovascular diseases, 2 times a year. Especially during the period of possible exacerbation (spring, autumn).
  10. At skin diseases the drug is used in the form of applications, compresses, lotions and irrigations.
  11. Tentorium aqueous propolis extract HPV is good remedy in the treatment of allergic conditions, in the absence of allergies to bee products. Start drinking the drug, 1 drop in a third of a glass of water. Gradually add 2 drops every day, bringing the volume to 10 drops. Then drink the drug 10 drops in the morning, at night, dissolving in water for 1 month.
  12. For acne, apply the drug to problem areas of the skin in the morning and at night.
  13. To treat dandruff and improve hair condition, drink the product as a preventative course and add a few drops to shampoos and hair masks before each use.

Aqueous extract of propolis Hey Pee Wee is good because it has a long shelf life compared to homemade extract.

The properties of shungite and ionized water are enhanced medicinal properties bee glue. The drug has no contraindications. It can be used in children up to one year old, at the rate of 1 drop of the drug per 1 month of life. The product can be used by drivers and pilots - it does not interfere with attention. It is indicated for seriously ill and weakened people. Athletes can use it during competitions and heavy loads.

In general, aqueous propolis extract is a universal remedy for everyone and everything!

Let's take a closer look on water propolis, After all, it has been medically proven that propolis in the aqueous fraction releases more useful substances than in an alcohol solution. So, propolis is bee glue. According to its properties, it has poor solubility in water and alcohol. Therefore, when we say “aqueous solution of propolis,” we must understand that we are not just talking about a solution, but about an aqueous extract of propolis. Extraction is the extraction of useful active substances, the transfer of biologically active fractions from propolis into water.

Propolis water application It is widely used in the treatment of various diseases; it is used both internally and externally. It shows good results in treatment along with other dosage forms from ointments). Sometimes water-based propolis is the only possible treatment, such as eye drops.

Nowadays you can buy an aqueous solution of propolis, but it is safer to prepare it yourself. You will see what raw materials you use and know how the extraction process occurs. Below we will look at how to prepare water propolis. These are very simple recipes.

In order to more fully extract beneficial substances from propolis, it is necessary to maximize the area of ​​contact of propolis with water. To do this, the propolis must be finely crushed. To facilitate this process, propolis should be placed in the freezer of the refrigerator and then, when the propolis becomes brittle, grate it.

So, how to prepare an aqueous solution of propolis recipe 1:

To obtain propolis water water you need to boil it or use distilled water. The water should have a temperature of 50 degrees. Pour 100 ml into a thermos hot water, add 10g of crushed propolis there. And we insist the composition in it for 12 to 24 hours, shaking the thermos from time to time. If you are not limited in time, then insist for a day. A propolis infusion that has stood for a day will contain more active ingredients. But if treatment needs to be started urgently, then 12 hours is enough. Carefully drain the resulting liquid from the sediment, which should remain at the bottom. It can be used for further extraction at more high temperature water. The resulting aqueous suspension of propolis should be transparent, have a yellow-green color and a pleasant propolis smell. The aqueous solution of propolis should be stored in a dark, cool place in a glass container, preferably dark glass. Shelf life 7 days.

Second recipe for water propolis: The propolis remaining in the thermos can be used for further extraction of useful substances. But you can also take fresh propolis and prepare an aqueous solution of propolis at a temperature of 93 degrees, that is, without bringing it to a boil. The proportions remain the same. Take 10g of propolis per 100ml of water. If a larger amount of aqueous solution of propolis is needed, then the doses are increased proportionally. For 20g of propolis 200ml of water, for 30g - 300ml, etc. But we should not forget about shelf life. It is advisable to prepare as much aqueous propolis as you can use within the shelf life. This recipe requires a water bath. You can use a special saucepan for brewing herbs in a water bath. You can use two pans. One should be larger than the other, so that the small saucepan fits into the larger saucepan. Pour water into a large saucepan, put a rag or a hot stand on the bottom of it and put it on the fire. The water in it should boil. Pour 100 ml of water into a small saucepan and add 10 g of crushed propolis. Or propolis remaining in the thermos from recipe 1. Cover the small saucepan with a lid and place in a large saucepan with boiling water. Stir the aqueous propolis suspension periodically with a wooden stick. Keep the saucepan in a water bath for about an hour, then remove the saucepan and let the solution cool at room temperature. Pour the resulting aqueous extract of propolis into a dark glass container. Store in a dark, cool place, possibly in the refrigerator. Without sediment, aqueous propolis is stored for 7-10 days, with sediment 5-7. The resulting liquid is more saturated, yellow-brown in color with a pleasant smell of propolis.

An aqueous solution of propolis is widely used:

For eye diseases(cataracts, conjunctivitis) you need to drip 2-3 drops 3-4 times a day, if you feel a burning sensation, you can dilute it with additional boiled or distilled water.

For sore throat It is good to gargle with water tincture of propolis 3-5 times during the day.

For diseases of the upper respiratory tract you can do inhalations.

Water propolis a good disinfectant used to lubricate wounds, burns, and calluses.

For female diseases caused by fungi or bacteria, douching is done in the form of a solution of 2-3 tables. spoons of aqueous propolis extract are diluted in 500 ml of boiled or distilled water. Can be used in the form of tampons soaked in a 1:2 solution of 1 part aqueous propolis and 2 parts boiled water and inserted into the vagina at night, the duration of the procedures is 10 days.

An aqueous solution of propolis is used orally for diseases of the heart and stomach. and intestines. 1 tbsp. spoon diluted in half a glass of water and drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, 10-15 minutes before meals. Improvement already occurs within 10-15 days.