Tatyana Denisova is a famous Ukrainian choreographer, the author of numerous dance performances that excite the imagination of fans of the star’s work. Many ordinary people are interested in how a woman achieved such an amazing appearance and whether she resorted to the services of plastic surgeons. Is the artist’s life really divided into a moment before and after plastic surgery?

Brief biography of the star

Tatyana Denisova is a professional and sought-after choreographer not only in Ukraine, but also outside the country. The star has been involved in rhythmic gymnastics since childhood, to which she dedicated 5 years of her life. WITH adolescence Tatyana became interested in dancing and devoted most of her time to it. The girl entered the choreographic school, although it was quite difficult to do so. A strict selection was envisaged: 30 people for 1 place. Later, the artist assembled her own dance group.

Tatyana Denisova is a permanent member of the jury in the popular show “Dancing”

The star specializes in Broadway and disco dance styles. She is actively involved in ballet and is the host of many popular shows.

Tatyana’s own opinion about plastic surgery

The star denies all rumors about possible surgical intervention to correct her external characteristics. She claims that she has never resorted to plastic surgery, but a slim body- this is the result of regular training.

Choreographer Tatyana Denisova is an excellent teacher

In all competitions, the star always defends the positions of his players and tries to achieve success at all costs. She is a talented teacher and inspires many students by personal example.

Opinion of ordinary people and experts

Many people agree that the star suffered several plastic surgery, as the shape of the TV presenter’s nose and lips has changed. At 38 years old, the woman looks much younger than many of her peers. There are no signs of age-related changes on her face, which confuses many fans of her work. Experts also agree that the star underwent surgery to correct her nose. He became more miniature and neat. Plastic surgeons say that the TV presenter slightly enlarged her lips with fillers, and the absence of facial wrinkles is a consequence of Botox and mesotherapy.

Tatyana Denisova without makeup looks 10 years younger than her age

The star’s stunning appearance is not so much the merit of plastic surgeons, but correct makeup. Lightening certain areas on the face allows you to visually make your nose smaller, and tattooing makes it possible to make your lips more expressive. In my opinion, Tatyana did not resort to surgery.

Some experts claim that the woman still had rhinoplasty because her nose became less snub-nosed and the tip became smaller. There is no clear opinion about lips. But most cosmetologists claim that the choreographer resorted to injection methods of augmentation using Botox or hyaluronic acid.

Tatyana Denisova: before and after photos - gallery

Photo of Tatyana Denisova before and after the proposed nose surgery Star nose changes: before and after photos Lips after tattoo: photo of a star Changes in lip shape: before and after photos Differences in the appearance of a star with and without makeup: before and after photos

All about choreographer Denisova - video

The debate about Tatyana Denisova's plastic surgery continues, but there is no reliable data on interventions by surgeons on the star's appearance. We can only assume that the famous choreographer skillfully masks flaws with cosmetics and also masterfully emphasizes the advantages. One should not discount the fact that a woman has been taking care of her face since her youth.

Rumors constantly circulate about the appearance of the famous choreographer. Some write separate posts in defense of the girl’s naturalness, others, with a hint of irony in their voices, argue that plastic surgery for women of her status is not such a rare occurrence. Who is right? Did Tatyana Denisova really have plastic surgery? Let's study the before and after photos and try to figure it out for ourselves.

If you look at the photo of Tatyana Denisova in childhood and adolescence, then changes in the girl’s appearance are noticeable to the naked eye.

Comparing old and recent photographs, you can see that surgery most likely affected her.

It is noticeable that in the first photo the dancer’s nose and cheekbones look more voluminous. This is a photo before the alleged operation. On the second, the girl’s face seemed to thin out, graceful contours appeared. Many claim that Tatyana has even become visually younger, and now looks 20 years old (although she is over 30!).

Some suggest that Tatyana had her nose and lips corrected, as the bridge of her nose became narrower and her lips became coquettishly plump.

Those who claim that there was no operation argue their point of view with the peculiarities of the angle - after all, light plays an important role in the perception of a person’s appearance.

Also, do not forget about the wonders of makeup - with the help of contouring you can make an exquisite sculpture out of a round face.


Rhinoplasty is the first thing the star’s subscribers noticed. Comparing old and new photographs, you can see that the bridge of the nose has become much thinner.

This effect cannot be achieved with makeup. Moreover, on latest photos the star has repeatedly appeared before the public without makeup, and her nose is still thin.


Lip augmentation is a common thing for a TV star.

Also in the photo without makeup, you can see that an additional line has formed around the star’s lips - and it doesn’t look like a pencil, since it smoothly connected with the skin.

Tatyana herself does not comment on the rumors surrounding her appearance. Perhaps the girl does not consider it necessary to answer ridiculous questions from journalists, but perhaps she is stirring up the public’s interest. What is known is that the changes in appearance did not go unnoticed, and what the root cause (surgery or makeup) is – we can only guess.

When it comes to her shape, the choreographer says that every woman can look stunning if she puts in the effort.

According to the girl, the secret of beauty is to love and be loved, not to use junk food, lead an active personal life and play sports at least 2 times a week.

The mentor of the TV project “Dancing” underwent more than one operation to get the desired effect.

Tatyana Denisova is one of the most attractive women in modern show business. One glance is enough for her to amaze a man and make him worry. But it was not always so. The show dance mentor has gone a long way to get the desired result and change beyond recognition.

It all started with a nose job. Previously, Denisova had a nose of extraordinary size, she tried to correct it with the help of cosmetics, but it was impossible to achieve the desired result. Tatyana decided to undergo rhinoplasty, apparently to get rid of the “Pinocchio” complex.
Now her profile looks more elegant and sophisticated. Tatyana corrected her lips with beauty injections; previously narrow lips created a stern expression on her face. Now they are plumper and more attractive, and in general, their facial features seem to be copied from their favorite childhood doll - Barbie.

Apparently, the mentor was worried about the fact of the incompatibility of body and face. She had been dancing since the age of seven and had an ideal figure, but her face did not match her well-honed body. Also, many believe that Tatyana had breast surgery and therefore allows herself to wear such revealing outfits.

It is noticeable that after the operation the girl felt a surge of confidence. She flirts with participants without embarrassment and crosses boundaries: participant and mentor, causing excitement among men. Although Tatyana reshaped her face, and perhaps also her chest, many believe that she did it tastefully.

Tatyana Denisova is a well-known choreographer in Ukraine and Russia. This young woman is also known for her dance group JB Ballet. Today Tatyana is known thanks to the show “Dancing” on TNT. Previously, the girl was a mentor in the show “Everybody Dance,” produced by Ukrainian producers. How the biography and personal life of Tatyana Denisova turned out, read in our article.

Tatyana Denisova: biography, personal life

Tatyana's parents are a sailor and a teacher kindergarten. The parents of the future choreographer did not have the opportunity to “promote” their daughter to the big stage. Tanya had to achieve everything herself, which she successfully accomplished.

The young woman celebrates her birthday on February 11th. Tatyana was born in 1981. When Tanya was born, her parents lived in the Kaliningrad region. When the girl turned 2 years old, her father was transferred to work in Sevastopol.

As a child, Tatyana practiced rhythmic gymnastics for 5 years. After the girl performed her first choreographic number, her parents decided to send her to the dance section.

At the age of 10, Tatyana Denisova began dancing. In the studio she studied classical biography. In such at a young age Tane was also interested in modern dance styles. She became acquainted with them through videos of foreign music performers.

When the girl grew up, she decided to try her hand at the Leningrad Choreographic School. At that time, the competition for admission reached 30 people per place. From her first classes, Tatyana Denisova attracted the attention of her teachers. The choreography stars saw her as a diligent student. Unfortunately, Tatyana never finished school. Her family was forced to return to Ukraine. The choreographer is silent about why the parents made this decision.

Further studies and career

The biography of Tatyana Denisova, as well as her personal life, changed rapidly after moving to Ukraine. Here the girl entered the Kyiv Institute of Culture. Tatyana studied at the choreography department.

She organized her first dance group at the age of 21. A team of like-minded people has found popularity not only in Kyiv, but also in Ukraine as a whole.

In the show "Dancing with the Stars"

Tatyana Denisova also taught choreography at the circus school. Here she was noticed by foreign representatives and offered work abroad.

The aspiring choreographer received an offer to create a dance theater in Germany. This is how Tatyana got her brainchild – the JB Ballet group. The girl left for Germany in 2004. Here she still performs with her team. Tatyana Denisova’s biography also includes work in other European countries, where she choreographs dances. It is not known how her personal life developed abroad.

In the Ukrainian version of the program “Everybody Dance”

Why did she return to Ukraine? She received an interesting offer to become a member of the jury of the choreographic show “Everybody Dance”. Tatyana worked there for 7 years.

In 2016, she was invited to work in a similar show on Russian television - the “Dancing” project. Initially, Tatyana was only a temporary mentor. Since 2017, she has become a permanent member of the jury.

In the show "Dancing" on TNT

Most often, the dancer performs Broadway and disco style numbers for her charges.

Tatyana Denisova is also interested in 3D choreography. This is a completely new direction in dance. It is possible that Tatyana will soon begin to actively stage performances in this direction.

Tatyana Denisova and her husband

Fans of Tatyana Denisova are interested in how things are now with the choreographer’s personal life? The girl’s biography already included several unsuccessful unions. Since then, Tatyana has never been seen in the company of men. What is this beauty hiding?

Tatyana's first husband is gymnast Ilya Strakhov. The couple had a son, Lev, in 2009. It is worth noting that Denisova’s first husband became a finalist in the third season of the popular Ukrainian show “Ukraine’s Got Talent.” There, in fact, the young people met. Despite the fact that the marriage did not last long, the couple maintains friendly relations.

Ilya and Tatyana decided not to be led by emotions and parted as warmly as possible. Moreover, the couple is connected by a son. One way or another, they would still have to communicate. So why not make this communication more enjoyable for both parents.

The choreographer’s second husband is Alexander Krivoshapko. And again the young people met at “work”. The man is a singer. He became a finalist in the music show "The X Factor".

Tatiana's relatives say that their union was very controversial. The young people got married in May 2011 and separated in the fall of 2012.

It is possible that one of the reasons for the divorce was the significant age difference between the lovers. The fact is that Tatyana was 12 years older than her second husband. If at the beginning of the relationship the couple was not bothered by this, then later the difference in the age of the spouses played a cruel joke on them.

It is known that the romance between Alexander and Tatiana was very stormy. The young people publicly broke up several times, and then got back together again. The couple kept fans in constant suspense. They didn't know what to expect from the lovers this time.

What is known about the dancer’s personal life today?

A colleague of Tatyana Denisova let slip about changes in the girl’s personal life. It turned out that the girl’s biography was supplemented by another marriage. It became known that Tatyana has a husband.

They started talking about this after the speech of 26-year-old Massimo Arduini from Italy. The guy danced quite well. However, the judges did not appreciate the efforts young man. They unanimously decided that the guy lacked emotions. Tatyana Denisova liked the young man. She said that the man needed to be “fucked” a little because he didn’t get enough sleep.

Tatiana's colleague Radu Poklitaru approached her with a joking question about when her husband was leaving so that the girl could take up training as a young dancer.

The girl's answer came out crumpled. Most likely, she did not expect to hear such a question, especially on the set of the program.

Fans of Tatyana Denisova decided that she really has a husband, whom the girl skillfully hides from the public. Perhaps this is true. The young woman is tired of public relationships. She had the experience of marriage, which ended unsuccessfully both times. Both spouses were media figures at that time. The couples Tatiana and Alexander or Tatiana and Ilya could not get rid of the attention of the press.

If Tatyana Denisova really got married, then most likely her new husband has nothing to do with show business. It is likely that the girl specifically chose a guy who would not “shine” on TV.

So far, Tatyana has managed to keep her relationship a secret. The press is closely monitoring changes in the dancer’s personal life. As soon as something becomes known about the girl’s new husband, her biography will have to be supplemented with another official marriage.

Is Tatyana free or not free, in any case? main man in her life is her son Leo, whom she is raising independently.

What else should you know about Tatyana Denisova as a choreographer?

The dancer says that on stage she does not allow self-doubt. The girl has been dancing since she was 10 years old. The time spent on stage makes itself felt.

Tatyana is impressed by freedom in dancing. She does not want to force her players into the framework of one specific style. They like to improvise. This is how the most popular bright numbers are obtained.

The choreographer herself has not danced for a long time. She enjoys being a director - watching her work on stage. According to Tatyana Denisova, to become a dance star, it is rare that talent alone is needed. You also need basic body control skills. Those who do not have them are unlikely to achieve high results in this area.

Tatyana Denisova is often compared to Yegor Druzhinin, whose place she took in “Dancing.” There's really no point in comparisons here. Tatyana and Yegor have different biographies. There is also nothing connecting them in their personal lives. Egor left due to forced circumstances. It’s not Tatyana’s fault that she “took” his place. It’s unpleasant for a girl to read negative comments about herself online. Fortunately, she has already developed immunity to aggression.

Do you think that media personalities are immediately born with an ideal appearance? In fact, their neatly upturned noses are the result of the work of plastic surgeons. We won’t blame them for this - we ourselves want to look stunning. And if this requires rhinoplasty, we will gladly go under the scalpel - for beauty we have to make any sacrifices.

Cinema and show business stars often change the shape and size of their nose not just for an aesthetic appearance, but also for a successful career. Don't believe me? Just remember what those listed in our article were. So, now we will talk about those celebrities who decided to correct the shape of their nose and in the end did not make a mistake.

Elizaveta Boyarskaya

Yes, yes, this actress, beloved by millions of men and women, had rhinoplasty several years ago. At the beginning of her acting career, the daughter of the “honorary musketeer of Russia” had a completely ordinary nose, which is found on thousands of women around the world. People usually say “potato nose” - this is exactly the kind of nose you can see in a short time before nose job.

She got this nose from her “star” mother. But if actress Larisa Luppian does not consider it a drawback, then her daughter decided that she dreams of a brighter appearance and resorted to the help of rhinoplasty specialists. Many argue about whether there was an operation, or whether Lisa simply changed the shape of her cheekbones. Be that as it may, just enter into any search engine “ Liza Boyarskaya photo before and immediately after nose job", and you will find dozens of photographs confirming the intervention of plastic surgeons.

Nevertheless, Liza Boyarskaya rhinoplasty made her more attractive, and her facial features became very sophisticated and aristocratic. Suffice it to remember what it was like Boyarskaya shortly before interventions by plastic surgeons and after rhinoplasty— the changes only benefited her. It was rhinoplasty that helped her get many star roles.

They claim that nose plastic surgery Boyarskaya- the work of the famous St. Petersburg surgeon Arthur Rybakin. The actress does not comment on these rumors. And why? The main thing is that Boyarskaya changed and got better - before nose job photo were the same, but now the actress is completely different. However, we love it in any form.

Olga Buzova

The host of the never-ending show “Dom-2” and an aspiring singer also changed the shape of her nose. She did this as soon as fame came to her - a star should be an example to follow and look simply perfect.

Olga is a regular patient of plastic surgery clinics. Suffice it to remember what it was like Buzova shortly before operations and after rhinoplasty: simple potato nose, expressionless cheekbones, medium-sized lips.

Olga Buzova looked before nose job like an ordinary girl from the “neighbor yard” - gray, unremarkable appearance. Rhinoplasty helped her turn into a real queen - her appearance became much brighter and more expressive. A neat nose has become the main decoration of her face - it makes her more elegant and pretty.

Katie Topuria

The lead singer of the group “A-Studio” has a typical Georgian appearance: a large, ugly-shaped nose has always been the subject of this wonderful singer’s complexes. Having decided to change and correct this deficiency, the actress received a simply ideal appearance - all her facial features look incredibly harmonious.

Let's look at the photographs that show Katie Topuria shortly before nose job. A pretty girl with regular facial features, but her nose spoiled the overall impression and gave her face some puffiness. Now let’s open any recent photo that the search engine gives us for the request “”. Do you agree that she is charming?

Tatiana Denisova

The charming choreographer and host of the “Dancing” show used to look completely different: a wide bridge of the nose, a large tip of the nose. This made her appearance, to put it mildly, rustic. Realizing that she needed to change something in herself, she decided to start with her nose and was right - her new nose makes her look like a real aristocrat.

If you want to see what it was like Tatiana Denisova shortly before rhinoplasty And after nose job- just open the pictures in any search engine. Do you see what miracles plastic surgeons can create?

Choreographer Tatyana Denisova nose surgery made her simply a stunning beauty, worthy of representing the collections of fashion designers at all fashion shows.

Ekaterina Varnava

This lively and sexy participant in “Comedy Woman” has changed in almost a couple of weeks. The big potato nose has disappeared somewhere, giving way to a cute little nose small sizes. The actress herself denies the operation, but many people agree that Barnabas nose job was done. Be that as it may, such a nose makes her more beautiful and bright - rhinoplasty did her good.

If you also want to look beautiful and aristocratic, rhinoplasty will help you achieve your ideal appearance.