Confession of a domestic tyrant: The son brought a girl into the house.


I am a single, twice divorced father. I live with my son. He is 21 years old. Studying in the first year of university. He always had a difficult relationship with his studies. At 19, he studied at a university for one year and didn’t like it. I decided that he was already smart and went to conquer Nerezinovaya. A year later he returned, wiser. Like, father, you were right, without “education” you can’t get anywhere. I went back to study. This September I went back to school.

My child turned out to be beautiful. The girls have been “friends” with him since the 10th grade. And he is a scoundrel, he doesn’t get attached to anyone. First one, then the other.

And I came up with an iron rule: while I’m at home, no late-night gatherings with random young beauties. And I think I'm right. Why do I need additional worries and half-familiar and half-teenage women in the house? Just look, then you won’t have enough forks and spoons.

Well, everything was fine until this fall. In the fall, my little one began not to come home at night. “I’ll be at Marina’s until late today, we’ll be studying for the test.” And already at one o'clock in the morning I hear the banging Entrance door, the steps are somewhat unsteady, and then the refrigerator slams, and after 15 minutes, snoring can be heard from the children’s room.

And Marina is correct: 19 years old. She also lives alone with her mother. So beautiful that you can fly away. I’ve seen them a couple of times in the city: they walk by the hands, pink with happiness, even chewing snot.

Then he actually started hanging out with Marina on weekends. But you know what? Opezdol began to study well.

I suggest that he take him to the GTA, and he tells me: “Dad, I’m sorry, I have to prepare for a report.” And it’s nice, on the one hand, that he came to his senses, and on the other, there was some kind of alienation and a feeling of impending loneliness because he practically began to live in that family. He only comes home to change clothes and eat, even when the money runs out. And damn, to be honest, some kind of jealousy appeared. Incomprehensible jealousy. It wasn't like this before. Baba was jealous of the pillars, I won’t hide it. But for a son to be with his young women and their families, this has never happened before.

The story itself.

Well, exactly a week ago last Friday, my son said to me (with an ultimatum in his voice): “Dad, can Marina stay with us for the weekend? We need to prepare for our coursework!”

I gave up without a fight. And the very word from the Russian fairy tale in my head: “I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice hut. She asked to spend the night and kicked me out.”

I also have a 14-year-old daughter. Although she and my son have different mothers, she and her brother have been together since childhood. A brother for my daughter, a hero, authority and senior comrade. And she almost always stays with us on weekends, and during the holidays she lives like that.

And so, last Friday I returned home from work late. And the house is as clean as a hospital. Marina and her daughter are standing at the stove, cooking something together, and the son, like a gentleman, is sitting at the table and playing something on the computer.

The son is all like: “Dad, dad! What do you need to run to the store for? Maybe you need something?”
And the daughter: “Dad, dad, what should I cook?”
And Marina: “My mother gave you gifts!”

Yes, indeed, Marina’s mother gave me several jars of all sorts of homemade goodies: treat in the Bulgarian style, jam and some pickles.

“How old is your mother?” I ask, am I at Marina’s?

“She’s only 51!” And he smiles so playfully. (If anything, I recently turned 48).

And Marina is a beauty, I’ll tell you. A face like an angel, a body like a violin.

I drive away bad thoughts from myself, because I want Marina, even if I’m castrated.

Okay, let's sit down to dinner. Sister touches brother. He remembers all the common stories from childhood. In other words, he cuts Marina out of the conversation. Trying to isolate her.

“Oh, I think it won’t come to a fight!”

But Marina didn’t miss a beat, she started talking about the university, about studying.

My daughter, being 14 years old and unable to support such a conversation, came up to her brother and began to hug her with the words: “You are my most beloved brother!”

And Marina, right there, also came up to her son and also climbed in to hug him. And he, bitch, is basking in the glory. All satisfied.

What bothered me in this whole situation was that there was zero attention to me. I’m sitting looking at the old woman’s canned food and realizing that this is now my destiny: Treat and jam with pickles.

In general: “Youth is a bird, old age is a turtle.”

I think: “It’s time for me to retire.”

But before I went to bed, my daughter challenged me to a serious conversation:

“Dad, will Marina live with you all the time now?”

"I hope no."

“Well, good, otherwise I’m very jealous.”

What can I say? I'm jealous myself. Only in a different way Malekha.

I went to bed. My daughter lay down in the living room. “Newlyweds” in the nursery. Some kind of fuss was heard from the nursery until late at night. Then the toilet doors slammed several times.

I will be extremely frank with you. I thought about my son’s friend, which didn’t seem to be intelligent at all. All this fuss stressed me out and in a very indecent way.

And the jealousy is incomprehensible and the anger is mild, and the feeling is so disgusting that I am a pitiful old goat: an old goat-eater, in a word.

And in the morning, I went to the kitchen, and there Marina was preparing breakfast. I remembered the proverb: “At evening there is a wench, at midnight there is a pullet, at dawn there is a mistress.”

At noon my friend arrived: Lisa. It let me go a little. Although Lisa is 34, not 19.

Lizka, my daughter and I went shopping to buy clothes for the winter. I’ll also fucking say: dubious entertainment.

My son and Marina fucked off somewhere, and I didn’t see my son until Wednesday. He only came during the day to change clothes and eat while I was not at home. I understood this from the marks in the refrigerator and in the washing machine. He returned late on Wednesday. Wild, but happy.

And just today he told me again: “Can Marina stay with us for the weekend?” And my daughter calls with a slight attack: “Dad, will Marina be visiting us again this weekend?

As they say: “A small child sucks the breast, but a big child sucks the heart.”

Fuck, fucked up, what should I do? I can’t deal with my new worldviews….


And what will happen when my daughter has boyfriends, but I don’t want to and can’t think about it...

Friends! Please note: in order to correctly correct the lyrics of the song, you need to highlight at least two words


[Verse 1, NASTY MOLLY]:
Hey, ks-ks, kick the ** eyes -
I will follow you on Instagram.
I've got some weed
I'm in funny pajamas.

Those FBI again
They want to ban giving a concert,
But I'll still fly to you
On your name star!

Bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, ah!
Jumped into the crowd - no one caught -
And your boyfriend didn't even try.

Bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, ah!
Fuck... Bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, ah!
Everyone wants to kiss me, kiss me.

[Verse 2, NASTY MOLLY]:
Fifteen year old washcloths
Chants were shouting under the stage.
And I still love that sad girl
With eyes like a dog.

Those FBI again
Fuck me for the track about glue,
But I will still fly to you -
Even on the dead Kurt Cobain!

Bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, ah!
Jumped into the crowd - no one caught him;
But your boyfriend still screwed up.
Bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, ah!
Everyone wants to kiss me, kiss me.

Bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, ah!
Jumped into the crowd - no one caught, no one caught;
Fuck! Bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, ah!
Everyone wants to kiss me. I fucked everything up.

[The final]:
HEY! MOLLY! (Jumped into the crowd, no one caught);
MOLLY! (I fucked everything up);
HEY! MOLLY! (How much money do I have);

About the song

  • This time, a rather modest “match” in terms of the number of tracks from Kirill Bledny on the eve of the grandiose second part of “Very Scary Molly 3”. The EP included three new Works and a remix of the track "Everybody Wants to Kiss Me". It seems that this is not enough, but the point is not in quantity, but in content. All the new songs received titles in one way or another related to the computer or the Internet, and at the same time they now finally revealed the essence of POSSESS MOLLY. ©site

Additional Information

Lyrics of the song GOOD MOLLY – Everyone wants to kiss me (Ver 2).
Album "Very Scary Molly 3. Part 1."
Text author: Kirill Bledny.
Kirill Bledny prod.
Mixing: Konstantin Pyzhov.
Mastering: Oleg "Bely" Shevchenko
Cover: Nikita Kvasnikov.
Model: Tatyana Chudnovskaya.
November 23, 2018.

Early Sunday morning. On weekends, the officers’ zeal weakened, because they also wanted to relax. And even the roar of the orderly “Rota, rise up!!” wasn't that unpleasant. Our tent was still asleep, but Seryoga and I woke up and couldn’t sleep. We slept side by side on bunks at the entrance to the tent. Seryoga turned to face me.
- Do you like Alyonka? – he asked quietly.
“That’s not the right word,” I answered, “you’re lucky, little bastard.”
- It's true! I'm stuck with her too. And you know, when I watch how you do it... Well, in general... It gives me such a buzz!
He moved closer to me so that no one could hear what we were talking about.
- Why?
- Well, you know, it turns out to be a hellish cocktail of feelings: jealousy, joy for her, joy for you, gratitude to you, gratitude to her... It’s impossible to list them all.
- Yes... You are an esthete. Always ready to help you guys. If you're thinking about doing something else...
- We're going to stir things up. Alyonka is coming today. She wants to try a threesome... Do you want Alyonka?
Unexpectedly for myself, I suddenly felt excited. The reason was our conversations with Seryoga. And besides, I realized that we were lying close to each other, and our thighs were touching. And if only the hips! What a blowout! Well, I have never noticed anything homosexual about myself. But now I felt some kind of perverted pleasure in the fact that the mutual shocks of our organs provoked each other. For me this was not some kind of perversion; I again felt some kind of family involvement in this couple. Well, it’s as if our threesome of intimacy continues, without Alyonka.
- Want. Of course I want!
- Well, no, you rolled out your lips too much. But you will get something. “It depends on Alyonka,” Seryoga said.
- Yes, I have no complaints, honestly!
We turned over on our backs at once. The camp began to awaken. I also remembered HER last visit. How stupid it all turned out! I couldn't even see her off. He had such a hard-on that he couldn’t move his legs. The escort, damn it... Well, it's begun! When I remembered her charming breasts, an uncontrollable rebellion began in my panties.

Already at the station, while waiting for the train, I discovered that the phone was recording. Apparently, from the moment when I poked him without looking. The film, of course, is stupid, but it recorded my manipulations with the gaskets perfectly. God knows what.
I'm lying in the bath again after long journey and I remember, I remember... What a crazy, depraved adventure. And how unusually it excited me! Talking to my husband on the phone while Sasha sucks my breast. “What did you feed him? “Breasts!” Kick...
I remembered. I’m talking to Alexei, and at this time Sasha is whispering something in my other ear. Only now did I realize what he said.
“Do you want me to lick you?” - Yes, that's exactly what he said. I then thought, he means my ear... Did he seriously propose to me?.. Damn, another shock for today. Thoughts, one more sensual and depraved than the other, were spinning in my head and brought me to the point where I urgently needed to help myself. With your hands.

I picked up the weightless Alyonka and dragged her across the river.
- Hello! Seryoga is dressed up today, in the kitchen. Let's go, I'll accompany you.
Chatting with Alyonka, we walked along the forest path towards the dining room. I was carrying her bag. The kitchen was already visible when Alyonka slowed down and looked at me.
- Sash, forgive me that then... You know, I didn’t control myself at all. You're so cool!
“Come on, what are you talking about,” I was embarrassed.
All the way I tried not to remember anything from our adventures. I'm just accompanying a friend's wife, that's all. But Alyonka did not let up.
- And then, in the tent, too. You know, I've never cum like I did from you. I envy your girl!
- I don’t have a girl.
- And it wasn’t?
- No.
- Can't be! What, it never happened? Are you a virgin? – she giggled.
- What the hell is funny here!
- I'm not laughing. I'm just jealous of your future girlfriend. Saaash!
- Well?
- We need to talk. Let's go!
She dragged me into the forest. We stopped at the edge of the forest, behind which there was an open space with a kitchen and dining room. She stopped and suddenly hugged me around the neck.
- Tell me, do you like me?
- Certainly! – I squeezed out of myself, not without embarrassment.
She pressed herself close to me and asked, looking into my eyes:
- You want me? Well, admit it, do you want to?
It was a tough choice.
- Who doesn’t want to? Wait, listen. Seryoga is my friend...
- Friend. Who can argue? And friends... Friends need to be helped, Sasha,” she insinuatingly instructed.
Before I could blink an eye, she freed herself from her sundress and now stood in front of me in only small panties. I couldn't take my eyes off her beautiful slender body with small girlish breasts.
- Alyonka, it’s so unfair!
“Very dishonest,” she confirmed, approaching me, “simply outrageous, how dishonest.” Take off your pants!
However, she did everything else herself. My belt flew onto the grass. She pulled off my boots and trousers, in the process I found myself lying on my back.
- You're in shape. Well done! – she praised me.
She walked up to her bag and, rummaging through it, effectively bent over it, showing off her ass. She sat on my hips, tearing the shiny packaging with her teeth. She took out a condom and deftly attached it to my fighter. She bent down and the rubberized head was in her mouth for a few seconds. She squatted down and, without letting me out of her arms, began to lower herself. Suddenly she stopped.
- Damn, you're a virgin! You can not do it this way...
The condom was mercilessly torn off and flew into the grass. She leaned over me and gently wrapped her lips around mine.
- You’ll tell me when you finish, okay? So that I have time to jump off.
She bit her lip and began to land with concentration, without taking off her panties. A moan escaped my throat as I began to thrust into her.
- Oh, sorry, I forgot! – she sighed.
She rose up, and for a few seconds the stupid head of my fighter was again in the hot and wet power of her mouth.
“Everything will be fine,” she assured, slowly lowering herself onto me.
This time I couldn’t help but groan. She sat motionless for some time, looking at me. Then her narrow, graceful hips moved towards me. I stretched out my hands, and her thin and flexible body danced in my hands.
We both breathed deeply and passionately, enjoying our illegal ride.
“Sashka, you’re great,” she whispered, breathless, “Seryozha is in the kitchen peeling potatoes and doesn’t know anything, right?” Yes... He... He will start by licking me. He is far from you, but you lick great. He will... lick my pussy where you were just now. Great, right? Mmm... How good...
I felt anger growing inside me. He turned on his side, knocking Alyonka onto the ground. He jumped up and, lifting her by the belt, dragged her to the edge of the clearing towards a thick spruce tree. He turned her back to him and pushed her, roughly, and entered. He crushed her thin, graceful body under him and began to quickly and sharply work with his hips, hitting her ass.
- Do you see Seryoga? There he is. Do you see?
- I see... I...
- This is your husband! And what are you doing? Well?!
I slapped her loudly on the buttock.
- I... am fucking... with his... friend.
- Who are you after this?
- I'm... a whore...
I spanked her several times.
- You are a whore. And I'm punishing you for it.
- Sashenka! More! Hit me again, tell me I'm a whore... I'll cum now!
- You f...b! You are a depraved whore and b...b! Well, here you go! Here!
- Oh yeah! Yes! More! I - b...b! I'm your whore! Ahhhh!
She thrashed in my arms, and then simply sank under me, getting on all fours and coming to her senses. I went away to get dressed. He sat with his back turned and chewing a blade of grass. Alyonka came up behind me and put her hand on my shoulder.
“Sash, let’s go,” she muttered guiltily and hiding her eyes - Seryozhka was tired of waiting.
I pulled Seryoga out of the kitchen and brought him to Alyonka. It was worth watching how tenderly she kissed him. Hugging Seryoga, she smiled insidiously at me, looking straight into my eyes. The smile of a woman who had just taken my virginity and cuckolded my husband.

Honestly, I didn’t want to go to Sasha. I was just afraid of this trip. On the other hand, I wanted to experience the same excitement again, that unique and forbidden drive. The fear of falling even lower in one’s own eyes, and at the same time the desire for this. The desire for forbidden, sweet sin. Just to see Sasha so that he would carry me through the stream, and then it doesn’t matter... However, my husband asked in surprise:
- Aren't you going to our cadet?
- I think no.
- How?! You leave him there, hungry, cold? Then I'll go myself.
- No no. I will go. You don't have time.

My heart was beating like a bird in my chest when I approached the ford across the river. I was afraid not to see Sasha. I was afraid to see reproach or disgust in his eyes. But instead - the same loving admiring gaze. And I even laughed in his arms when he carried me and spun me around like a child.
- Saasha! Stop it, I'm scared! – I squeaked.
Our feet themselves brought us to our secret bunker.
We stood near that very table, smiling and casually stroking each other. I took out my phone.
“I’ll turn it off,” I explained embarrassedly.
“No need,” Sasha answered quietly, “maybe he’ll call again.”
It sounded challenging, but so exciting. I remembered how I had sex with Sasha while talking with my husband.
“Okay,” I agreed obediently.
Amazed at my own cunning, I turned on the recording on my phone and put it in the pocket of my bag on the table. From that second, the attentive eye of the camera recorded our every move and every word we said. I wanted to keep what happens to us unforgettable, and not only in memory. After all, memory always fails.
Sasha smiled at me with his warm smile. He took a step towards me, but I, unexpectedly for him, took a step to the side. I didn't want the camera to film my back. Let him take pictures of both of us...
Then he hugged me, his lips touched mine, and I already forgot about everything. Sasha’s kisses overtook my face, hair, neck, eyes. Closing my eyes, I enjoyed them. I never thought that ordinary kisses could turn me on so much. Maybe because no one had ever kissed me like that before...
Taking my lips off his, I carefully stroked his cheek.
- Sasha, take off your clothes. At all...
He turned away and quickly stripped naked. He hesitantly turned to face me. I looked into his eyes, and then my gaze began to drop lower and lower. I had a hard time swallowing the lump in my throat, and my legs began to tremble treacherously. In front of me was a young, slender, youthful body with an extreme degree of excitement in young flesh, and I stood dressed in front of him. He was beautiful, like a young ancient Greek god. I wanted to immediately touch him, and I put my palms on his chest. She pressed her lips to her, just like last time. Just like last time, my lips began to move lower and lower, leaving fuzzy spots of lipstick. And his hands felt his muscular back without hesitation.
I felt the smell of stale and excited male flesh rising towards my face. I straightened up. I was wearing the same dress as last time.
- Unbutton, please.
The dress folded up, revealing me to the waist, and was held in place by a second zipper on the skirt. I took off my bra myself. The next moment I knelt in front of Sasha, and it was incredibly pleasant: kneeling in front of a young excited man. How the muscles of his buttocks tensed when I placed my palms on them! And when I bent down to kiss the tanned muscular thigh, Sasha’s flesh plunged into my hair and passed over my scalp. Sasha gasped. The same thing happened with the second hip.
I did something unimaginable for myself and was excited by it. And then I remembered that I was making a film... I looked up into his eyes.
- You didn’t think I was so depraved, did you?
He quickly knelt down next to me and whispered in my ear:
- Do not think about anything. we can do whatever we want. And I will do whatever you want. You are all for me. I love you!
He kissed my hair before straightening up.
Sasha, I'm intoxicated by your body. I'm intoxicated by your cock. Here, at the very base, I touched it with my lips. I wanted this until my legs trembled, until northern lights in a stomach. And Sasha’s weak “Mmm...” put me into a trance. I felt his hot stubbornness with my cheek. I grabbed his hand. He resists me... With my fingertips I touch the heavy accessories filled with an explosive mixture. I move under Sasha and touch them with my lips. Well, this is complete depravity! I pull away.
Sasha lifts me by the shoulders and sits me on a chair. He sits down in front of me and starts kissing my knees. Sasha! It’s not time yet... I draw him to my chest. He carefully takes them with his hands and kisses them. He takes the nipple into his mouth. A moan escapes me when he begins to caress it with his mouth. I never realized how sensitive my breasts were to this. I feed him with my breast, he feeds me with his tenderness. Sasha, let it be your dick! I want him...
He feels what I want! He rises and hangs over me. He carefully brings it closer to me, and now its tip touches my nipple. And begins to caress him with circular movements. Instead of a groan, a hiss comes out of my throat.
- Sa... sha..., Sa... sha...
Lord, I feel so good! Incredibly embarrassing, but good. Throwing my head back and closing my eyes, I stroke his body from his buttocks to his hips, and then stroke his penis, which caresses me. A real groan escapes me when his penis begins to move and, pressing the nipple along with the breast, slides higher, leaving a slippery wet mark on my skin. It was as if a bow had gone through my nerves, causing my entire being to shudder. He had to spread his legs and wrap his hips around mine to move closer. Once again, again... I moaned. And then it was the turn of the second breast. To make Sasha more comfortable, I slid down a little from the chair and literally crawled under him, and he supported me under his arms. And he drove, drove his unyielding bow along my nerves. His member was already pressing against my neck, against my throat, in direct motion. Hot, elastic, desirable.
Sasha rose on tiptoes, and an agony of pleasure washed over me as the rough, hairy skin of the scrotum ran over the nipple of my breast. I threw my head back, hugging him by his buttocks, almost losing consciousness.
His hard, hot cock was pressed against my throat. I swallowed my saliva and felt him twitch excitedly from the movement of his Adam's apple under him. She stroked Sasha's thigh, carefully moving him away. His penis, twitching, stuck out in front of my face. The skin on the head glistened with tension. The foreskin stretched, and the dark, teary gaze of his erect manhood looked at me.
In a fit of gratitude, I leaned forward and wrapped my lips around the very tip. The tip of my tongue felt a sticky salty droplet. She picked it up in a circular motion, hitting the most sensitive spot. At the same instant, he escaped from my lips, and a hot fountain of thick white substance flowed into my nose, into my eyes, into my cheeks, flowing down onto my lips, chin, neck... I had to close my eyes under Sasha’s muffled moans. I tried to dodge, and my cheeks and temple flooded. When everything stopped, I asked Sasha to bring me a package of napkins. And then I had to wash my face with mineral water from a bottle...