Hello! Let's talk about network marketing. Many newbies MLM business but is tormented by the questions: “Where to look for new partners?” I also constantly ask myself this question in order to find ways that in the future will provide an incoming flow of new partners without much effort. I propose to look at four ways to attract partners to an MLM business. I have tested each method and there are results.

The first method is the Contact List.

Our friends, acquaintances, colleagues, bosses, subordinates, classmates, classmates, neighbors, clients, partners and relatives, all of them can be our partners in MLM. The main rule of a networker is not to decide for people, but to give them the opportunity to learn as much as possible about this type of business.

More than 90% of people want a different, better quality of life, but not everyone understands how to get it. Many people simply dream that someday there will be a holiday on their street, they will be rich, successful and recognized by society. But most of them do nothing, continuing to go to work and drink beer on Fridays.

A contact list for a network entrepreneur is the main tool for creating a large and powerful structure. It is important to understand here that not all people on your list will agree to be on your team. And those who give consent will not necessarily do anything. As Peter Chubarov TOP Leader NL said, people are divided into three categories:

“50% are “vegetables.” Where they are planted, they grow there. They should not be touched, this is their position in relation to the world. 30% are “wants”. “Do you want money? - Want! - Do you want a car? - Want! - Do you want an apartment? - Want Want! - On let's go to work? - Uh... since Monday, I have potatoes (diploma, repairs...). But still, they did a little more than “vegetables” - they wanted it. And the third category is doers.”

To find out which category your people fall into on your lists, you just need to offer them an online business. And if they deny themselves this opportunity because they already have a plan, that's okay, let them go their own way. But if they refuse, while they don’t have a plan, then they are “vegetables” and you don’t need to touch them until you have to.

The main thing in our business is not to decide, but to offer the opportunity to change your life for the better. It also happens that after six months or a year, people join network marketing. Therefore, do not forget about people, sometimes call them again and again. Keep a record of your touches in the form of a table in Excel or in a notepad, like I do.

The second way is to conduct seminars, master classes and trainings.

If you are a specialist in any field (sales, drawing, design, promotion, etc.), organize your own master classes, which will be attended by people similar to you in spirit.

Come up with a topic, write an announcement, post it on social media. networks and on special sites, find a place, accept applications from participants and conduct your first or second master class. There is no need to immediately tell about the fact that you are engaged in an online business. First, provide useful knowledge about the topic you have chosen. Then collect people’s contacts and call them after the master class.

Collect feedback and ask them questions: “Are you looking for extra income? Would you like to open small business? How do you feel about the network marketing industry? Would you like to know how to create another source of income in parallel with your work? And etc."

Seminars and master classes will help you attract new people whom you will then invite to your business. In addition, you will boost your confidence, leadership skills and expertise in the eyes of your students and future network business partners. Therefore, learn to speak in public, it's worth it!

The third way is Social Networks.

Create your own content - plan. Develop your social profiles on VKontakte, Facebook, Instagram, Odnoklassniki, etc. You yourself don’t know where people will come to you from. To get results from this method, learn to write interestingly and photograph beautifully. If you do everything correctly and practice this method every day, in six months or a year it will bring you more and more new partners on the liability side.

These people will be ready to do, and not ask stupid questions. At first they will simply read you, perhaps comment on you, but not many will immediately ask to join your team. Only after some time will people see that you are constantly engaged in this business, and they will have the desire to write to you.

  • Five posts within 5 days (the story of your life). At the end of the last post, make a call to action: “Be in the same boat, on the same NL team.” With your hashtag #personalhistorylastname.
  • Five posts within 5 days (what do I think about online business?). At the end of the last post there is a call to action: “Be in the same boat, on the same NL team.” With my hashtag #myopinionaboutnetworkbusiness.
  • Five posts within 5 days (my opinion about the NL product). At the end of each post there is a call to action: “Order from me or go to the online store using the referral link.” With your hashtag #myopinionaboutproductl.
  • Five posts within 5 days (5 advantages of building a business in NL). At the end of the last post there is a call to action: “Be in the same boat, on the same NL team.” With its hashtag #five advantagesnl.
  • Five posts over 5 days (my people on the team, who they are). Describe the people who joined the team during this period. At the end of each post there is a call to action: “Be in the same boat, on the same NL team.” With your hashtag #mypeopleteam.
  • Five posts within 5 days (how I do business in Nl and how much time I spend). Describe your work process and, if possible, the results. At the end of the fifth post there is a call to action: “Be in the same boat, on the same NL team.” With your hashtag #myresultsinbusinessenl.
  • Five posts in 5 days (5 reasons to be on my team). Describe why people should choose you to do business with you. At the end of each post there is a call to action: “Be in the same boat, on the same NL team.” With your hashtag #five reasons to be on my team
  • Five posts in 5 days (how my day went in network business). Describe what you did during the day to build your NL business. At the end of the last post there is a call to action: “Be in the same boat, on the same NL team.” With your hashtag #five reasons to be on my team

The trick of this method is that every week we create content that is related to each other by one topic and one hashtag. It turns out something like a small series. Every day a new episode new post on one topic, a new continuation. And if at the end of each post you create intrigue for the next post, then people will wait for the next post, like a new episode of Game of Thrones.

The fourth method is a personal website with a “blog”.

So that people come to you not only through social media, you need to create your website, and fill it every day or every week with content about your business and a related topic.

After some time, the search engines Yandex and Google will index it and will appear in search results for the queries “ network marketing", "network business" or " additional income" In order for your website to be in the TOP 10 search results for the queries you are interested in, you need to learn SEO promotion or find a specialist who will help you with promotion.

The main thing is to write interesting and useful articles for your target audience. The more interesting the article, the more time the user spends on your site. The longer he sits on the site, studying the article, the more trust he has and the higher the site’s position in the search engine. Yandex looks at whether people like your articles. If you like them, it means they are useful. And if they are useful, then your site needs to be raised in search results.

In addition, I recommend reading books on copywriting. They will help you write even more professionally. My favourite author - Denis Kaplunov. In one of his books, he outlined the content plan of what it should be like for a person to read it. I suggest you familiarize yourself with the triggers of a killer content plan.

20 important triggers to keep your readers' attention.

  1. The effect of novelty - people have always been attracted to everything new, which has never been discussed before. Remember, the essence does not have to be new, the presentation can also be new.
  2. Original format- content is information that can be presented in different formats. For example, choose a popular topic and instead of the usual text, record the information on video - success is guaranteed.
  3. Uniqueness is already in general aerobatics when you talk about something unique that before people It didn't even occur to me. New theory, methodology, term, technique, technique, etc.
  4. Depth of approach - remember: the deeper you dive into a topic, the more valuable your reasoning seems. It’s one thing to talk about network marketing, another thing to talk about network marketing for pensioners or mothers on maternity leave.
  5. Own experience- the presence of certain conclusions based on own experience(both positive and negative) has always been of value to the audience.
  6. Availability of examples- not only tell you WHAT to do, but also show HOW to do it. And even better - HOW EXACTLY. Specific example will help you form an opinion of yourself as an expert and earn respect, because you are not afraid to share your work.
  7. Use of evidence- people begin to believe your point of view when you not only voice it, but also provide concrete evidence. No evidence - no value.
  8. Providing ready-made solutions- many people are looking online for ready-made solutions that they can take and apply. This is why various templates and blanks are in great demand - think about how you can use this to your advantage.
  9. Words of value in headlines and titles- the first impression of the value of the content is formed by its title and title. Use words that hint at the direct benefit of studying the content (“benefit”, “valuable”, “easy”, “earning money”, “savings”, etc.).
  10. Relevance over time- your content should address issues that are relevant today for the target audience. Look for trends, hot news (not gossip) and join the general information feast.
  11. All in one place- people don’t like to waste their time searching: if you provide them with maximum information on a specific topic in one place, it will be valuable to them.
  12. Information wave effect- if you managed to captivate the reader interesting topic, which has collected a lot of comments, this may lead to the publication of content on similar topics on other resources. But you have the opportunity to invite readers to develop the topic further by sharing their own opinions and experiences on your blog. After all, even with a general opinion, everyone has their own experience and practice, and this is valued.
  13. Secrecy - if you can share with the audience data that other authors of your topic are silent about, this will be appreciated by users only on the positive side.
  14. Free - talk for free about what others are charging money for. And here it is not necessary to tell everything, only the most important things to make a decision in your favor.
  15. Comprehensibility - if the reader does not understand what you are talking about and writing, or your language seems boring (too academic) to him, he will not carefully read your content. Consequently, he will not feel its value.
  16. The effect of insight - or, as it has become fashionable to say now, “insight”. This state is difficult to explain in specific words, but you yourself remember that some content remains simply considered, while others evoke a burning desire to act: create, correct, supplement, change, etc.
  17. Opposition tactics- if you become an opposition to some supposedly “iron” rule and are able to adequately justify your own arguments, it will be interesting and useful. Even if they don’t agree with you, you will attract the necessary attention to yourself.
  18. Provocation - “white-collar information workers”, whom everyone constantly praises, become boring over time. This hints at a lack of sincerity - everything is not always good. Try to become a tough (but fair, without getting too personal) critic of someone's authoritative point of view. But here, be kind enough to justify your position with dignity and clearly, otherwise you may be mistaken for a troll.
  19. Combination of formats- a tactic that people resort to extremely rarely. Think about how you can combine several content presentation formats in one publication: text, images, videos, infographics, cases, etc. The main thing is that they complement each other.
  20. Evil and good policeman- everything can be presented both with positive and negative negative side, it is even considered objectivity to talk about the pros and cons. If you praise someone or something, try to also gently scold them, then you can attract the attention of representatives of both camps.

How do you like the idea of ​​once and for all solving the issue of attracting people to your business? network marketing ?

How in network marketing attracting people is perhaps one of the most frequently asked questions among MLM business entrepreneurs. This question has always been, is and will be relevant. Only a few networkers managed to build their business in such a way as not to think about this issue.

I will say more, they have built their business in such a way that the flow of people into their business is so large that they give people to the leaders of their teams in depth. Because There are a lot of people in the first line, and they simply cannot cope with a large number.

Do you want the same to happen to your business?

But let's take things in order. Why is it so necessary to be able to attract people to network marketing? There is a constant flow of people into your business - the team is growing. As your team grows, your income grows. Your income is growing - everything is cool

You can afford to reach a new financial level. Live where you want. Drive the car you like. Provide for your family. Travel with your family wherever you want, and not wherever you have enough money. Allow your children the education and clothing that you consider necessary.

To achieve this you need to work hard. If you are looking magic pill, which will solve your problem in an instant with attracting people to network marketing and you expect that in the morning you will wake up as a person who will have a million in your account - I will upset you, you will not receive such information here. Feel free to close the article. Don't waste your time.

If you're not one of these people, then buckle up, we're about to begin.

Now I will share with you 5 steps that will allow you to create a powerful flow of people in network marketing.

1. Determine Your Target Audience

The first thing a self-respecting entrepreneur should do, and what 90% of success in business, absolutely any business, depends on is to determine his target audience.

If you don’t know who your target audience is, then you start offering your business, product, service to everyone who comes your way. Because of this, you receive a lot of refusals. Your hands begin to give up. You stop acting. There is a lack of confidence in yourself and in business, and what if it doesn’t work.

Unfortunately, only a few network marketing entrepreneurs know how to correctly create avatars for the target audience.

No, I didn't make that up. The way it is. Comes to me for consultation a large number of people, and so far none of them could boast of knowledge of how to correctly identify the target audience.

Let's define your client's avatar right now. Now take a pen and notepad. Please write down the following points carefully:

1. Gender and age
2. Who does he work for? What income?
3. What are your hobbies?
4. What problems, pains.
5. Of all the problems, highlight the 3 strongest, fattest ones.

1. Ruslan, 32 years old. Married. 2 children.
2. Head of the sales department. Income 80,000 rub/month.
3. He is interested in sports - skating, skiing, basketball. Engaged in self-development. Loves to travel.
4. Tired of work, cannot self-realize. In terms of income, I've hit a ceiling. Spends little time with family; work takes up a lot of time. Etc.
5. Spends little time with family. Hit the ceiling in financially. Cannot self-realize.

Make 3-4 avatars like this. They can be completely different.

2. Identify Target Sites

Determine in which groups, publics, communities, social networks your target audience is located.

How in Network marketing Attract People

3. Packaging Yourself Like an Expert

Get yours right social network. High-quality, good photo on the avatar. Regularly update and supplement photo albums with new photos. Correct status put it. Fill in your information.

Because when a person visits your page for the first time, he gets to know you. Looks at the photographs. Reads status, information about you. If you mess up at this step, the person will leave.

If the post was useful, click like. For me this will be a signal that this topic You are interested and I will share even more experience and knowledge.

Take action.

Catch you later,
- Dmitriy

How to attract people to network marketing via the Internet

You have your own business of goods or services or you are engaged in network marketing, one way or another, you have a service or product that you need to sell. And you are faced with the task of finding clients.

I will talk about attracting clients online, but I want you to understand the important difference between offline and online.

If you work offline and you have an establishment, then people are probably walking along the street on which it is located, and therefore sooner or later someone will come to you and take advantage of your offer.
But on the Internet it's not like that. In order for people to know about you, you need to constantly remind yourself and promote yourself, for example through your website, I hope you have one, if not, get one.

One of the differences compared to offline is that here, instead of renting premises, you need to pay for renting hosting (for your website). And the costs are completely different at the initial stage. In this regard, the Internet wins.

Now you have a website and are registered on various social networks. Important ones are: Facebook, Vkontakte, Instagram.

At this stage, you must understand that you are not promoting the company you work for, but yourself as an expert and a brand. In this case, regardless of whether you are already a professional or are just going to become one, if you become uninterested with one company and you see prospects with another company, then you will change it and then all your promotion efforts will not be wasted.

1. VKontakte.

Social networks come first because here you will often receive many messages from potential clients. And in order to maintain social networks, you do not need to hire a designer and programmer to create a website. You just need to write notes and share your experiences with your readers.

To get started you need a few good photos. It is advisable that the photo be in business style. The main thing is that you look good on it.

Your VKontakte account

In addition to registering your account, you need to be regularly active: Write notes, interesting posts on business topics and share your experience, which will also be useful to others. Of course, at first you need to do everything yourself, then you can delegate some of these tasks to a freelancer.

At the initial stage, after registering an account, start adding as friends people who may be interested in your product, as well as people involved in online business, because they are also your potential clients.

All the people who are your friends will see your posts in their News when you publish them on your wall.

Add about 40 people per day. Just write that you have similar interests and would be pleased to share your experience. Don't write the same messages to everyone. Otherwise, you will waste a lot of time and VK may ban you for spam. Try to spend no more than 30 minutes a day on social media. Remember that social networks are an addition to your main business and offline work. You share your experience and success and over time you build an audience that reads you and later wants to work with you.

Set up cross-posting in the VK settings so that your posts are also published on Facebook and Twitter, and you don’t waste time copying content manually.

Anyone new to network marketing wonders how to attract people to MLM and where to start. This is important and is the basis successful business. Sometimes attraction issues affect not only newcomers; they are key to the growth of the structure and its future strategy. Therefore, from the very beginning it is necessary to attract as many people as possible.

Nowadays, more and more people are trying to work on the Internet and develop projects online. In addition, there is a more real chance to get acquainted with interesting people. I would like to warn newcomers to this business about what is a common mistake among network marketing.

The conversation will be about how best to invite people to the project. Many people know the fact that success in MLM depends entirely on the number of people working with you and the more of them involved in your structure, the better for you. Income is proportional to the number of people. This is familiar to many and everyone understands it perfectly. In turn, this may be one of the reasons why some people make mistakes and are incorrectly invited to business.

If your thoughts come down to only one thing - make as much money as possible as soon as possible more money in network marketing, then this approach will not bring success, although the strategy may be correct, but the tactical moves are built incorrectly. The principles of network marketing are violated. Beginners, inspired by the idea of ​​getting rich and attracting a lot of people, quickly become disappointed and forget that MLM may not be of interest to everyone.

An idea should not become a goal so much that you do not notice what is happening around you. When inviting people into a business, a person sometimes doesn’t even meet with potential employees, doesn’t talk, doesn’t tell them, but simply creates statistics for himself, without seeing behind them the people who need help.

Gradually, such methods develop into a constant phenomenon and are the principle of work, and the most interesting thing is that people who have been involved in network marketing for a long time also sin by inattention to others, to the created structure that needs support.
Many people, when talking with a person, immediately give beginners a lot of information and all of it needs to be understood, digested and grasped into the essence. They mostly hear only themselves, forgetting about other people. But people are the main component of MLM, therefore, in addition to statistics and searching for people, you need to find those who will be interested in your proposal for cooperation.

At meetings, among networkers quite often more than successful people, they talk a lot, share their experiences, but do not know how to work with an audience. Therefore, in order not to be sad at this evening, you can use special tactics, interrupt the speaker and ask questions of interest. If there is a result from this, that’s very good, but more often the speaker does not show much desire to answer numerous questions, which alienates people.

So how to properly invite people to network marketing? What do you need to give a person so that he becomes interested, understands and wants to do business with you? How to find suitable and reliable partners?

Answers to these questions must be found, otherwise there will be many errors that will then have to be corrected. People will come to your meetings, but your structure will not grow, and your income will still remain in the same place.

And as a consequence of all this, people leave MLM without delving into its essence and without understanding the basics. Why is it so important to invite many people to your structure, and how to conduct the first meeting correctly? In general, how to conduct recruitment correctly?

Creation of an MLM structure

For the emergence of a large MLM structure, the use of a special mechanism for constantly attracting clients. Must be lined up step-by-step system attracting newcomers by concluding a contract with them and further doing business. Any system has its own components; the lighter it is, the better and smoother the process of its growth into a “large branch” will go.

So, what are the components of the recruitment process? You should not immediately impose a proposal for cooperation; it is important to understand that excessive pressure on a person will not give positive results, so you need to introduce your future partner to the business step by step. In this case, a person will be able to make a decision consciously, without including his emotions and understanding what he will do.

Getting to know the audience

  • Find out as much information as possible about a person using various surveys. Find out basic human needs. During the search process, do not forget that you need people who are suitable for the MLM project.
  • First meeting with people.
  • Providing the entire package of information about the business.
  • Presentation of products, their advantages and main features.
  • City event.

What kind of people are ideal for network marketing? Of course, those who are looking for an opportunity to make money in a network business will gladly accept your partnership offer. Identifying such people is possible only through close communication. You just need to ask a few questions, and the potential partner must answer them. These questions are aimed at identifying the level of interest a person has in your job offer.

You shouldn't involve people you don't know or have a close relationship with into your business. Because to avoid negativity, it is better to work only with those who are truly interested in the MLM business.

There are a number of questions that you can ask absolutely everyone, but as you receive answers to them, not all people will suit you. And we shouldn’t forget about this. As a rule, the biggest screening of people occurs during questions.

What questions should you ask?

As an example, here are a number of questions, if they also suit you well, use them in your activities. Of course, it is better to prepare your questions in advance that will suit you. Without unnecessary chatter, just the gist, imagine that you are having a conversation with your friends; it is also necessary to build communication with future partners according to the structure. A conversation in this vein will be very productive.

Here is a small list of questions to ask your interlocutor

  • What are you doing now?
  • Are you satisfied with your occupation, do you like your work?
  • Do you have enough money to live on, are you worthy of your current salary?
  • What is your money enough for? Don’t you want to earn more?
  • Are you interested in additional income that will not interfere with your main activity?
  • What do you think about your business?
  • Do you want to open your own business and not depend on anyone?
  • Maybe you have thought about working for yourself?
  • How do you prefer to work: for yourself or for hire?
  • Do you want to have a constant source of income?

It is thanks to the list of such questions that you can understand exactly how suitable a person is for your business. Does he have the appropriate potential, ambition and desire to work in MLM. If you feel that this is your person, then you need to ask the last and most important question:

What about personal meeting over a cup of coffee? It will be interesting and will allow you to discuss everything in detail, only half an hour of time for an introduction to the business.

It is such a simple and non-straining offer that can interest a person and attract him to your structure, which means expanding your business.

Such questions can be asked to anyone, during any conversation; you just need to enter into a conversation and get answers to your questions. Everything will work out naturally and most importantly with good intentions. But don't forget! Before asking for a meeting, you need to understand whether the person is suitable for you or not, this is very important. So as not to waste time. If you meet people who are not at all attracted to this, don’t insist, because everyone’s interests are very different, as are their opportunities to make money.

What do people think about it

A good guide, laid out in detail. I’ll also add that it is very important which MLM company you invite to. After all, they appear, grow quickly at first, like mushrooms, and then they can disappear, and all your work on building a network will be lost. First of all, it must be a time-tested company, that is, such a factor as reliability comes to the fore.

I don’t agree, working in MLM is not working for yourself, but working for the company! Yes, all sponsors and successful (I don’t know how it really is) MLMers say that this is your business, but it is not so.

If you, say, open an online store selling Chinese electronics, will you also say that you are working not for yourself, but for the Chinese?

As my practice has shown, the MLM industry is full of deception and disappointment. All these networkers are like zombies inviting people - promising them mountains of gold for “doing nothing.” This is the reality.

The criticality of the situation also lies in the fact that the questions that an MLM businessman asks potential partners can just as easily be forwarded to him himself.

MLM is pretty cool thing, and if you are an organizer, you offer clients a unique product for which people will only come to you, and you correctly calculate all the risks, financial side percentage payments to the people working for you, then you can start to rise in terms of profits quite well

salamander, In theory, yes. But for some strange reason, the applied side of this business often (in about 99% of cases) brings surprises to people. Have you yourself had (do you have) experience working in an MLM business?

Those who initially create MLM, they have income, and the rest of the people who are attracted are doomed to failure. Only a few remain, because the work of attracting mainly depends on deception, their task is to get a person to invest, then he is disappointed, but he needs to return the money somehow, he is in search of “the same sucker,” and so on stage by stage. Therefore, there is a strong fluidity eventually, they disappear.

Don’t tell me about network marketing, it’s the same scam as MMM, I had the honor of meeting the company Vizin, they fool people with their miraculous herbs, but in fact it’s nonsense only for crazy money.

galina, This is the first time I’ve heard about such a company. What kind of acquaintance was it? Did you yourself take part in this project or were you a buyer?


lexfireprof, I completely agree with everything you wrote here. It is immediately obvious that you have seen and know the situation from the inside. Thank you for your opinion.

Yes, it doesn’t matter who I was there, I slightly distorted the name of the company Vizhin or Vision, I’m just saying it’s a 100% scam that promises a miraculous recovery from all diseases and for crazy money.

galina, there are different companies with good products. It’s a pity, of course, that you encountered such a company.


Any field of activity brings surprises, only the locksmith knows in advance what awaits him. Where there is money, there are scammers. However, there are scammers even where there is very little money, but those scammers have low qualifications.

I don’t see any point in doing network marketing at all, because I myself had my first and last experience of participating in a network company when, on the advice of a friend, I joined the network company Forever Living Products.

The general features that I learned from participating in this network project for the most part clearly and clearly outline the general model of modern network marketing, because in parallel I also considered Amway, NSP, Coral Club, Talk Fusion out of idle curiosity and now I can say about the above .

At the end of the day, in network marketing it all comes down to:

  • to the high cost network products, which is usually produced in Western countries having high level life, expensive resources and a high standard of living, which is included in the cost of these goods, which are then sold in the CIS countries;
  • low efficiency of network products, since to simplify their export it is necessary to simplify their certification; for this purpose they simplify the composition and try to provide it with harmless components;
  • a well-developed set of marketing procedures for promoting these products, giving value to goods that actually do not have it;

Special common feature is also the fact that, based on the above features, it is impossible to create constant consumption among existing clients-consumers of network products, so it is created through endless turnover of goods from purchases of more and more new clients, because old clients become disappointed and leave forever.

That is, ultimately, in network marketing, in order to provide a networker with earnings, it all comes down to the constant search for new consumers of network products, as well as those people who understand that he is constantly looking for temporary consumers of network products on a regular basis so that his earnings do not sag .

Alexey Melin

The very first step to making invitations is to make a list of names, that is, all those people you know and even if you don’t know, you have met and know the person’s name. Next, it is best that your sponsor conducts the meetings at the first stages so that you understand how to communicate and what to talk about. I think sponsors give all networkers important advice, so if you want to create your own business quickly and efficiently and earn a good income from the first month, do exactly what your sponsor tells you and nothing extra on your own. And then everything will work out for you.

How to attract to network business even if you are an absolute beginner and don’t know where to start?

I will try to help you as much as possible and share with you important key points that will directly affect your success in your network business

Motivated people in MLM

Trying to attract everyone to your network business is the first mistake that most newbies in network marketing make.

I often hear that because of this, relationships with family, friends and relatives deteriorate...

Remember once and for all You only need people who are interested in what you have to offer

Of course, there are fewer of them compared to the rest of the people, about 20%. But as you understand, attracting such people into an online business is tens and hundreds of times easier

And the task is not only to attract them, but to get them to work! And since these people are already motivated, they are more likely to work than the other 80%

What happens? If you are not selective about recruiting into network marketing, but communicate with everyone, then in any case 8 out of 10 people will immediately tell you “no”.

When you encounter this, so that you understand that this is normal

Of course, there is a way out of this situation. It is necessary to change the strategy and approach attracting MLM business selectively, how exactly?

The answer is obvious, this is to initially learn to find only motivated people

I am building my business purely online, so I will share with you how I attract partners to my network business via the Internet


Many people think that selling is only the final stage when we make a specific offer, but in fact this is not the case

This key moment, which is very important for you to understand

The sale starts from the very first touch and continues throughout life cycle Your candidate and then your partner

Roughly speaking, you take a person and sell him the next stage in your system

First you sell the importance of your presentation and meeting, and already at the meeting itself you sell the product or MLM business. This is a simple example to make it clear to you that sales is essentially any communication with another person when we need something from him

It is important to approach the matter from this angle so that each stage is as efficient as possible.

If you just give information and not sell, you will not be able to attract a large number of people to the network business

The target audience

Any sale is based on solving problems and meeting the needs of a specific target audience

And the more accurately you can identify this audience, the more effectively you can attract partners to network marketing

As you understand, this is a skill that you should develop and hone in yourself. Therefore, although the Internet allows you to attract partners to a network business on complete autopilot, I recommend that beginners work personally with everyone. So that through a simplified recruiting system, get maximum results with minimal effort

How easy is it to find your target audience on the Internet?

First you need to ask yourself a couple of questions. What problems can my business and product solve and what needs can it satisfy?

For example, our business will obviously help other people solve a financial plan problem

Since these people are motivated, it means they are probably already looking for something on the Internet. Ask yourself, what are they looking for? In our example, some people may be looking for income, and some people, for example, online business

Those who are looking for income will most likely not suit us, since they are looking for work for a salary. But those who are looking for new business-related opportunities are more interesting to us

What makes me think that people are looking for this? There are many different services on the Internet, one of which is wordstat.yandex.ru, which show what exactly people are looking for on the Internet. One example in the image below


Search engines Yandex, Google and social. FaceBook networks, Instagram, Vkontakte clearly track what is interesting to a specific person based on what he scored in the search or what his interests were. This is called contextual and targeted advertising

Therefore, you can display your ads only those, who are interested in new opportunities or only those who want to lose weight, for example

Do you understand what a unique opportunity this is? You can immediately reach motivated and highly motivated people!


Success in network marketing is not possible without a clear system that you can pass on to your partners

I talk about this in great detail in my new book “How to get 10 partners a month and even more in the first line.” You can download it at the top right or immediately below this article

Now I’ll just say a couple of important points

In your system you need to log in through the utility. People are looking for a solution to a problem usually because they do not know how it can be solved and with what help. Your task is to help them and answer the question how

In answering the question, you will present your option as the best. And of course, some people will be interested and want to know more about it

It will be very interesting for you to work with such people because they are already highly motivated and you will be able to attract them to your network business with a much higher probability

Be sure to remember about the sale! You need to give people what they want, not what you need.

Let's sum it up

If you try to work with everyone, 80% of 100 will immediately tell you “no”

Your task is to make sure that motivated people They found you! To do this, you need to go through solving their problems

Be very helpful to these people, and most of them will consider your proposal.

Remember about sales, learn it. This is art that grabs a person and doesn’t let go until the moment of purchase.

Go for it and you will definitely succeed!

Well, if you want to learn more and move on to practice, welcome! Download my new book at the top right or immediately below this article

Good luck and success to you in business

See you

How to attract to network business (network marketing, mlm)