
Your planet is the Sun. You can also be called the sun. For everyone around you you shine, shine, warm with your warmth, which, like the Sun, you have enough for everyone. Nobility and generosity are your second nature, dear Leo. And the first, by the way, is self-esteem. You are the king of beasts and the king of the entire Zodiac. Life for you is a throne room, and in it you are a fair and kind ruler. And there is no need for unnecessary modesty, you yourself know very well that your subjects adore you. You love luxury and feel uncomfortable without it. Perhaps you can only be reproached for being somewhat susceptible to flattery, but this small flaw, in any case, overshadows your many advantages.


Leo is the healthiest sign of the zodiac, so it is unlikely that you have serious problems with health. However, take care of your heart and spine. Astrostar recommends: sometimes you tend to royally overestimate own strength, so rest more, don’t overwork, although this is quite difficult for you. Never miss a vacation. And it’s better to devote it to doing nothing in some exotic country(just don’t rush to get acquainted with the local cuisine - who knows how your stomach might react to it). Yours healthy foods and additives: apples, cheese, seafood.


Your loved one should be an ideal in your eyes. And if you have fallen in love, you are ready for anything. You do not skimp on gifts and tokens of attention, literally blinding the object of passion with your radiance. This is wonderful, but still you, like a true king, sometimes tend to listen only to yourself. Astrostar astrologers recommend to you: just listen more often to the opinion of your loved one; human warmth can never be replaced by the most expensive jewelry.

Work and career

You definitely strive to realize yourself in professional activity, and, it should be noted, you will almost certainly succeed. You feel great, first of all, in leadership positions, but you also reveal your potential in any creative professions, because the real fire of creation burns within you! You are often willing to take risks, which usually pay off.


Our call to Leo - don’t hesitate! Everyone loves you, how can you not love the sun? But still, your rays can make someone wear sunglasses. You are sometimes too demanding of people close to you - remember to be merciful! With another Leo, with Scorpio and Aquarius, you constantly compete in everything possible; relationships can go off scale, but if you are ready for this, so much the better! Aries, Sagittarius and Gemini will be excellent companions for you: you are tuned in to the same wavelength and live by the same emotions. With Virgo and Libra, you are able to create long-term creative and business alliances. Capricorns and Taurus are not close to you; they think too down to earth for you. You yourself are wary of Pisces and Cancer - who can understand them, these water signs?


It is not appropriate for a Leo to dress modestly; you should shine both in the throne room and on the tram. You like bright colors, custom cut, designer shoes. Why not, after all? Our only wish: in your desire to stand out from the crowd, do not overdo it, choose an outfit according to the occasion.


Your home is your palace, in which you take great pleasure in creating your own small world. The latest achievements of Italian design, fashionable Japanese motifs, African decorations - all this can be perfectly combined in the interior of one room, in which, by the way, you really like to receive guests. And for your guests, visiting your home is a real holiday.

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March 14th, 2019 09:41 pm | | Comments to the post Leo in love: 5 pros and 5 cons of relationships with this zodiac sign disabled

Leos captivate at first sight. They know how to present themselves, are generous and magnanimous. Relationships with them are like behind a stone wall, because Leos fiercely protect everything that belongs to them. Why is a relationship with Leo good? Noble. Most Leos are noble and gallant. It's not so much because...

The day gives Leos a happy insight, a surge of inspiration and self-confidence. For example, in your mission as a parent, in a chance of love, good luck or spiritual growth. Actors can get a role. Leos, who are not so confident in their talents, will find an example of an ideal teacher, partner, patron, friend, or clarify his image in their minds. It is worth remembering that even an ideal has flaws, weaknesses and “skeletons in the closet”.

Leos this week need adrenaline in order to fully feel the flow of life. Your need for risk and thrills increases. If you have a regular partner, then your intimate relationships will become more vivid and memorable. Lonely Leos these days can meet a partner for the purpose of physical intimacy. It is possible that you will have to face some external obstacles that will not allow you to act independently. It is typical that they may try to deprive you of your initiative and decide your personal affairs for you. in the middle of the week, complications in partnerships may appear: both marriage and business. This is not the best time for contacts on pressing issues that require compromise solutions - you are unlikely to be able to agree on anything.

In March, Leos will show incredible persistence and perseverance in achieving their goals. yours strong point during this period is the ability to methodically and energetically move in the chosen direction. In this sense, you will demonstrate excellent business qualities. The main motive of behavior that will drive you may be the desire for order and discipline. This good time to organize your daily routine, get rid of bad habits and laziness. You can start living on a strict schedule by eating moderately in accordance with in a healthy way life. High level efficiency will allow you to achieve success in your career and professional activities in general. As for the problematic topics of the month, we can note a certain tension in your romantic relationships. Perhaps your expectations for your loved one were too high, and disappointment may come this month. This month may also be associated with increased gambling desires. Those who have a particular weakness for gambling are advised to avoid gaming clubs and online casinos. The most successful days in March: 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 21. Busy days: 5, 6, 13, 14, 28, 29.

This week, representatives of the sign give preference to solving work problems and financial issues - emotional sphere fades into the background. The Pisces man shows prudence and foresight, which has a positive effect on the budget.

Pisces postpone all meetings with relatives and friends, and this is the right decision - now you are not ready for an idle pastime. There is a lull in personal relationships - be careful, your lack of initiative in relation to your chosen one can lead to separation. Monday is suitable for drawing up a business plan - active actions will help in the implementation of your plans.

On Tuesday, representatives of the sign skillfully manage the budget - a favorable time for concluding profitable deals and resolving material issues. The financial situation of Pisces is more than stable - today's purchases and investments will not hit your wallet. It's worth spending the evening with your life partner - be sensitive if this relationship is really important to you.

Pisces should be careful - there may be scammers on your way. Listen to your intuition to avoid unpleasant situations. Now romance is not your thing, but your loved one especially needs the attention and care of the representatives of the sign - try to make time for the one you care about. On Wednesday you can afford an expensive purchase - fortune is on your side.

Work takes up most of the sign's time - on Thursday it is better to take up your own projects. In the afternoon, health problems are possible - allow yourself to rest and refrain from alcohol.

Today you will have to pay attention to older relatives - do not get into arguments so as not to ruin your relationship with your loved ones. Pisces may recognize some family secrets- be prepared for a frank conversation. In the evening you will want to work - do not overload yourself, and resolve all issues as they arise.

Saturday is suitable for any manipulation with money. In the personal life of the representatives of the sign, everything is not as successful as we would like - have a heart-to-heart talk with your chosen one to avoid major scandals. Free Pisces should not go on dates - it is better to postpone romantic meetings until next week.

On Sunday you need to sleep and relax. Hiking or going to the gym will help relieve stress and restore strength.

Leo should be a well-to-do person, this is the foundation of his life. He is characterized by a great love for luxury in comparison with all other representatives of the zodiac circle. Such people live in grand style, relax on a grand scale, and this forces them to look for sources of income that allow them to satisfy large financial demands.

How Leo spends

Leos spend a lot, which causes displeasure and even the anger of their households, who understand that such habits require a rubber budget. But Leo continues to spend, and the situation develops in an incomprehensible way - than more money it goes away, the more his earnings grow. Maintaining a reputation as a generous person gives him confidence and vitality. The financial horoscope states that stingy Leos usually have a much more modest level of income compared to their wasteful brothers in the zodiac sign. These people love to impress with sweeping gestures, indulge in luxury, and waste money left and right - on vacation, friends, entertainment and holidays. They are often casino regulars, don’t skimp on bets, and are known as Fortune’s favorites. But their money often goes towards something more worthy, for example, to support friends and even strangers, which somehow seemed attractive to them. Temporary financial difficulties do not demoralize Lviv, but push them to search for new sources of income.

How Leo makes money

Earnings are usually as easy as spending for Leos - in any case, they do not stand at the machine from bell to bell. They are great at making money with someone else’s hands, making speculative deals, organizing people within the framework of a profitable project, to whom, of course, they assign a role minor characters, but at the same time behave with them honestly.

Financial success is practically guaranteed for these people. When starting a new business, they will definitely study it comprehensively in order to understand the features, identify pitfalls, and also possible consequences one or another area of ​​activity. They become strong professionals, work in highly paid positions, but may well change their field of activity if they sense good money elsewhere.

These people achieve the most significant heights if they run their own business, head a company or some kind of structure. In addition, it has been noticed that Leos earn more the more often people from their work and social environment get sick. For example, under their leadership they operate successfully medical centers, pharmacies, etc. Other situations are also possible, for example, Leo can attract the attention of his superiors, finding himself in the place of a sick colleague.

Business horoscope tips for Leo

It is advisable for you to have your own business, and it is recommended to invest up to 75% of your income in its further improvement and development.

If you happen to receive a large sum on the new moon, then the next 28 days promise to be very profitable in terms of money - make the most of it.

To ensure your financial wealth grows steadily, always carry a one-dollar bill in your wallet.

No matter what talents you have, it is contraindicated for you to go to your intended goal over other people’s heads and assert yourself at the expense of others.