In this article you will learn:

The teachings of Feng Shui can bring a lot of positive energy to any area of ​​a person’s life. For example, according to the ideas of the ancient Chinese, the southeast direction of a home or office is responsible for wealth. This area should be properly organized according to Feng Shui to attract money, then material wealth will become a person’s constant companion.

Pictures to attract wealth

By hanging a picture with a symbolic image in the southeast zone, you can improve your well-being and attract financial flow into a person’s life. In this case, the canvas should be framed with a simple wooden frame.

A mill or a small fountain-picture is considered effective means to attract money. In this case, the size of the canvas and the shape of the depicted objects do not matter. When choosing a painting, you should be guided only by internal sensations. If a person associates an object on canvas with a flow, a strong positive source, then this is the kind of painting that you should choose. However, it is important to observe moderation. You should not decorate the walls with photographs and paintings depicting several fountains. A large number of water in the wealth sector may have the opposite effect.

Examples of paintings that will suit you

If a person prefers landscapes, then the house should be decorated with images of mountains. It is strongly not recommended to use paintings with deserts and steppes. You can hang a canvas with forest landscapes, on which strong tall trees. The river or any surface of water in the picture should be calm. A ship flying on small waves symbolizes wealth in China.

If you want to find good luck in the monetary sphere, you can use an attractive pattern depicting grapes. The wildflowers in the picture also contribute to financial well-being.

If it is not possible to place an aquarium in the southeast direction, then you can use the image of fish. Another symbol that can attract the energy of wealth is the dragon.

Another way to improve financial situation The wall will be decorated with a canvas with coins, banknotes or precious metals. Photos of luxury villas, mansions, and neighborhoods also activate cash flow.

Arrangement of the workplace

Attracting money according to Feng Shui must be accompanied by proper arrangement of the workplace.

When organizing your workspace, you should follow these tips:

  1. You should leave as much space as possible between the back of the table and the wall. This distance will symbolize the prospects for the owner of the workplace.
  2. The table cannot be placed under ceiling supports. A place will be considered unfavorable if it is located on the same level as a door or window, since ideas and profits will flow into the openings.
  3. Do not place the table in such a way that a person sits with his back to the door or corner. A good option– location behind a cabinet or a smooth wall.
  4. For lighting it is better to use a table lamp.
  5. The table must not be positioned so that there is a mirror in sight.

It is better to purchase a work chair with armrests.


When designing a space at work Special attention should be given to plants. The boss’s office should be decorated with a pot of Crassula arborescens. Ever-flowering begonia is suitable for these purposes. A tub with a young tree with rounded leaves will bring financial well-being to employees. Cacti should be avoided.

Crescent asparagus, Montezuma pine, dracaena, pachira or bamboo - these plants bring well-being both at home and in the office.


Money talismans according to Feng Shui not only activate cash flows, but also decorate the room. The strongest symbol of wealth is the image of Hotei. This is a figurine of a fat little Chinese man who carries a bag of money over his shoulders and holds coins and peaches in his hands.

Another image that can be used to decorate, for example, a table is Daikoku - the god who protects monetary wealth. You can enhance the energy of the god with the help of the Tai fish.

3 Chinese coins with the image of hieroglyphs will bring material wealth to the one who puts them under the rug, hangs them on the southwest wall, or simply puts them in their wallet. If you tie the talisman with a red thread or a yellow ribbon, its effectiveness will increase. However, adding coins is not recommended, since each number in the teachings of Feng Shui is symbolic. So, for example, 4 brings death. And if you add at least 1 coin, you can lose your existing savings.

You can place an owl near the money tree, which symbolizes stability. According to Chinese beliefs, this bird will help avoid losses.

In the depths of the house you can place a three-legged toad with coins in its mouth. The frog can be any size, but should always be placed away from door or window openings.

Rat or fish figurines placed in the wealth sector also bring good luck in financial matters.

You can attract quick, easy money into your life using images of citrus fruits or their dummies.

To store money, you can use a cash envelope decorated Chinese character, meaning prosperity.

An important talisman in attracting money is feng shui wealth vase. A small wooden or porcelain pot with a lid should be filled with soil and money and hidden away from prying eyes. The power of energy that a person gave by choosing this item and filling it will attract cash flow.

Activate the energy of wealth money napkins and rugs.

Money mat

A special rug placed on the desktop or attached to the wall in the form of a panel, attracts cash flow. It will be better if the color of the talisman is red, brown or yellow. It should depict a hieroglyph with the meaning of wealth. You can put 3 coins worth 5 rubles under the mat, and they should be placed with the heads facing up.

This item should only be used as a symbol. You cannot treat the money mat with disdain, place dishes on it, or throw it in different places. It is better to place it in the same southeastern sector, and only talismans that activate financial well-being are allowed to be placed on top.

If you get into the habit of counting your savings on a money mat, this will add positive energy to the money mat.

Proper cleaning to attract funds

Feng Shui attracting money to the home involves regular cleaning of the premises, and it should be done correctly (detailed guide to cleaning an apartment according to Feng Shui). No symbols or talismans will help you gain wealth if the energy flow has nowhere to circulate. Old things, unnecessary items, dust in the corners of the room - all this can nullify the effect of special items designed to activate cash flow. He will simply have nowhere to go, since the garbage will block positive energy.

At the same time, it is not enough to remove excess only from the southeastern sector. The entire apartment, from the hallway to the closets, must be cleared of things with stagnant energy.

The corridor should be spacious, there should be a lot of air in it. Unneeded electrical appliances should be removed from the kitchen. The stove - the hearth of the house - should always be kept clean. In the bedroom and living room it is necessary to create an atmosphere of coziness and comfort, because... relaxing in these rooms gives you energy for the whole day.

The balcony, which acts as a closet, will not allow new energy to penetrate into the house if there are objects accumulated on it that have lost their functionality, but are not thrown away out of pity.

If it is difficult for a person to part with the usual, but unnecessary things, this should be done gradually.

The apartment must be kept in order daily. Even a small accumulation of dust should not be allowed. Every thing should have its place.

Activation of the wealth zone in the home

To activate the south-eastern part of the apartment, lighting should be added to it. New sconces decorating this area will facilitate the work of mascots feng shui for attracting money. When decorating this sector, you should use red or green shades. An aquarium installed in this zone helps attract material wealth. You can replace the fish with a small indoor fountain.

Recommendations feng shui for wealth should be used in combination. You can maintain cleanliness in the house, place talismans correctly, but the material flow is not activated, because, for example, the taps at home regularly flow. The water element plays a big role in gaining wealth, so it is necessary to monitor the serviceability of all pipes and valves.

Any room needs regular ventilation. Fresh air will clean your home or office and allow good energy to circulate freely in the space.

The right attitude towards money

Attracting material wealth to your home largely depends on a person’s mood. Money Feng Shui will only work if the person feels deserving of wealth. It should be remembered that any monetary values ​​require respect. Banknotes and coins must be counted. You should know the sources of income and expenses, so it is better to keep a special notebook in which to reflect these transactions.

Using symbols in the home

Numbers are given great importance in the Feng Shui system. For example, the number 6 can bring prosperity to your home. Lucky numbers can form combinations, for example, the number 78 – symbol of wealth. These symbols can be applied to various objects.

Thoughts on ways to make money

Attracting a flow of monetary energy must be accompanied by a change in a person’s internal attitudes. You should set yourself up for new ways of earning money, look for ways through which you can improve your financial situation.

Successful environment

If you want to find financial well-being the environment needs to change. You should spend more time in circles successful people worthy of respect. The energy exchange will lead to the activation of cash flow. If it is not possible to communicate with rich people in person, you can hang their photographs in prominent places.

Rules for purchasing a wallet according to Feng Shui

Don't underestimate where your money is stored. Banknotes and coins should be kept separate from each other. In this case, paper money should be stored unfolded.

The wallet is also an amulet for attracting money, so what it looks like is important. A monetary accessory should be associated with luxury and beauty. You should quickly get rid of old worn out wallets.

It matters what the wallet is made of. It is better to use leather items.

Hard work is the key to wealth

Even taking into account the implementation of all the Feng Shui recommendations that have come down to us from ancient times, we should remember that they will not work if a person does not take any action. Financial stability is guaranteed to people who are not afraid of work and know the value of money.

How to save money according to Feng Shui

If a person has managed to activate the energy of wealth, he will soon be faced with the question of how best to store his savings. For these purposes you can use feng shui money box. It can be a beautiful box in which positive thoughts will be stored. In this case, their increase should be visualized.

The energy of money should not be localized in one place, so it is important to learn to part with it easily. You should be grateful for money, giving it away with a light heart.

To ensure that financial sources do not dry up, it is necessary to share money. The Chinese recommend giving 1/10 of the funds received to heaven, i.e. for charity.

Sticking to these simple tips you will definitely attract wealth and good luck to your home! We will be glad if you share the article on social networks and leave a comment below.

Are you familiar with the situation when you seem to be exhausted, but you feel that there is no return in your work? Persistent efforts at work and even optimism do not help you achieve your cherished goal in full?

Do you have the same thought that something is missing in your personal formula for success? Perhaps some tips on how to attract luck and money into your life will help you.

No matter how skeptical you are against various sacred actions, the meaning of which you may not understand, simple and effective rituals to attract good luck in money help thousands of people step onto a streak of success and prosperity.

Home improvement: energy of wealth according to Feng Shui

Traditional chinese art interior design attributes the ability to influence such areas of a person’s life as work, health, patronage and financial success to the special arrangement of rooms and furniture. Feng Shui ritual objects at a symbolic level attract wealth and money to their owner.

What attracts money and luck according to Feng Shui?

To activate the sector responsible for wealth, you should place one or more water symbols in the southern rooms:

  • a figurine of a water frog in black or dark blue;
  • an aquarium with live fish;
  • a picture depicting a waterfall, stream, river, etc.;
  • indoor fountain;
  • figurine of Hotteya - the deity of money and luck;
  • “Wind music” - 4, 7 or 9 bells with hieroglyphs indicating water, wealth and success.

It is better to store savings and jewelry in the northern rooms - the energy of money and wealth multiplies in this sector.

Place a piggy bank here, a box with family jewelry and important papers related to the family income - all this will naturally increase thanks to the growth energy circulating in this sector.

The so-called money tree - ficus crassula - will also help increase income. The leaves of this plant are round in shape and symbolize coins “growing” in the house. To pallet flower pot You can sprinkle some coins of different denominations so that the plant attracts their monetary power to you.

How to handle money to increase it

Not only Eastern, but also Western traditions tell how to increase the flow of money to you. It is believed that a special attitude towards banknotes - bills and coins - can increase prosperity.

How to attract luck with money:

  • Carry money in a red, black or gold wallet, without scratches, protruding threads or faulty fasteners. To receive a salary or interest on a transaction, prepare a special “income” wallet and always put your earned money in it, but you cannot spend money from it, it is better to transfer the money for purchases to another place. For a particularly large amount of money, you can even buy new wallet- it will become your talisman, charging money with the energy of growth;
  • carry a scented napkin in your wallet essential oil mint - this aroma attracts money;
  • buy a Chinese coin with a square slot and a red silk thread with a special knot, carry a talisman in the coin compartment - it can attract small but pleasant amounts of money for you;
  • put the largest bill in the closed compartment of your wallet, maybe a dollar or euro, that you can afford, and do not exchange it for as long as possible - such a bill will eventually become an amulet for good luck and wealth;
  • « hypnotize» the largest bill and imagine how you receive more and more income. It is believed that money loves when its owner admires it, and is naturally drawn to such a person. “Hypnosis” of money can be carried out on payday, but it is better if this ritual is combined with the phase of the moon - you need, of course, a growing one.

Luck in money matters favors those who are good at financial calculations. Remember that the best magic for money is accuracy. Money loves counting, so you should always know exactly your cash amount, the amount of savings, and all expense items down to the penny. The exception is the piggy bank, the contents of which cannot be counted until it is full.

Home Witchcraft for Prosperity

Hundreds of years ago, a set of household instructions and rituals was called home witchcraft, and every Slavic woman used it to preserve the well-being of her home and family. Valuable knowledge about the subtle essence of luck and money now exists in the form of signs and is considered more superstitions than reasonable rules, but is this so?

Perhaps you are negatively opposed to various superstitions and do not like to notice bad omens. However, note that most of the so-called signs do not exist to unexpectedly upset you.

In fact, these are recommendations based on the principle of contradiction. Behind every “not” is hidden “how to do it right”, and if you comprehend the information of the ancient signs in this way, you will get practical guide for a prosperous life.

The following tips help promote prosperity and good luck in money matters:

  • get rid of unnecessary things and garbage in the morning. Garbage washed out at night makes you financially vulnerable;
  • postpone the conversation about money, payments and debts until the morning or afternoon; in the evening such a discussion can bring unwise decisions;
  • Use one broom or broom in the house. If you have a separate broom for the yard or staircase, keep it in a utility room - toilet, pantry, balcony;
  • be a thrifty housewife, do not throw away food and leftover food that animals can eat, collect bread crumbs in a jar from which you feed the birds (preferably on Saturdays - this day of the week is dedicated to charity);
  • when giving clothes for a while or as a gift, wash them first, and your luck will remain with you;
  • make sure that the tables in your home are clean, have beautiful tablecloths, utensils or items for work; teach children and pets to sit in the right places - a person or animal sitting on the table in your house drives away good luck.

“He who gets up early, God gives him”

To attract good luck, it is very important to adjust your daily routine to the biorhythms of the planet. The sun protects luck and prosperity in all matters, so its energy must be accumulated daily. Morning time is the best time for this, as it instills confidence and helps a person to successfully coordinate home, personal matters and work.

The well-known proverb is associated not only with hard work, but also teaches how to use the cosmic power of the Sun to achieve any goals, be it material well-being or success in a new business.

The secret to efficiency, determination and a sound mind is to get a charge of luck with the energy of the sun in the morning hours. The later after dawn you wake up and start your business, the less luck you have left.

B the favorable wave occurs between 6 and 9 am. By skipping this waking time, you are depriving your life and your finances of powerful energy supply. How do modern millionaires attract luck with money?

They make no secret of the fact that they get up very early and use the morning hours to visualize their wealth. Think about it, for many people this is luck.

Please note that you are not required to make any extra efforts or capital investments. All of the above methods are easily feasible in everyday conditions and are accessible to people with any views and any status in society.

The wealth zone is located in the southeast of your home. The main element is Wood. Colors - green, purple.

This sector is responsible for wealth and everything connected with it, including power. This is due to the fact that money gives power, freedom and independence. Place a fountain here, an aquarium with goldfish, a flower with rounded foliage, and think about good lighting for this area. Trees need light to grow! And if the tree grows, then your money grows too.

After you have determined the location of the wealth zone in your apartment, you need to clear it of rubble, unnecessary things and unnecessary items.

The wealth zone should be the center of the symbolism of abundance in the home. Make sure your wealth sector “knows” your aspirations. You can activate this sector with the help of talismans, which traditionally symbolize money, wealth and prosperity in Feng Shui.


Hotei, sometimes called the laughing Buddha, is one of the most auspicious and popular gods of happiness used as a feng shui talisman. Hotei is the god of prosperity, fun, carelessness and communication.

It is believed that Hotei predetermines human destinies and helps in the implementation cherished desires. A belief is connected with this: if you rub the figurine of Hotei on your stomach three hundred times, thinking about something good, then your wish will definitely come true.

Legend says that where Hotei appeared, good luck, health and prosperity came to people. If anyone asked what was in the bag, he would answer: “I have the whole world there.”

It is advisable to place a figurine of Hotei in the living room so that the Buddha’s gaze is directed at the front door; and the figurine should be as large as possible. The presence of Hotei will have a beneficial effect on any living space, since it is believed that the image of this deity emits positive Qi.

Moreover, Hotei is able to absorb all the negative and deadly Qi inside the house, it is a good antidote to the annual invasion of flying stars, bringing with them diseases and losses.


A common symbol of business success, wealth and prosperity is a ship under sail, loaded with gold bars, coins, and precious stones.

A sailing ship is a symbolic arrival of good luck. The symbol dates back to ancient times, when a sailboat was associated with the arrival of goods and money.

Position the sailboat as close as possible to front door, with the nose INSIDE the room to make it clear that the vessel is bringing wealth to your home or office (this is extremely suitable symbol for the office) rather than taking them out.

Load the purchased sailboat with “gold” bars or simply coins and banknotes. This will increase the effectiveness of the symbol.

Envelopes of good luck

Since time immemorial, in the practice of Feng Shui, envelopes have been used to store money, which promise the owner both material well-being and prosperity. These amazing envelopes are made from special red paper and come in a universal size to accommodate any currency in the world.

Based on the fact that people’s goals related to money can be very different, the design of envelopes for money is also made in several versions.

An envelope with the image of the hieroglyph “Prosperity” is ideal for storing money. It will always seem to you that the amount of money stored in this envelope is increasing, and success will accompany you in business.

If you want to quickly accumulate a certain amount of money, use an envelope with the image of the hieroglyph “Wealth”. As if by magic, the amount you need will be collected in this envelope.

Money Tree

This talisman is one of the main symbols of wealth. In Feng Shui, plants with thick and fleshy leaves are considered to be money plants, preferably round shape. These are the so-called succulents, inhabitants of dry areas.

Often, lovers of succulents breed them together with related cacti, which leads to difficult situation: wealth seems to be possible, but it is hampered by all sorts of problems in the form of sharp thorns. The plant is placed in the southeastern sector or in the northwestern part of the living room, as this is the habitat of wealth sent from heaven.

In order to enhance the effect of the talisman, it is customary to attach coins and bills to the leaves (you can simply put them in a pot). Like, as they say, attracts like, and money comes to money.

To activate the wealth zone, place plants in this zone with leaves pointing upward. Such money plants are Crassula, purple violet or orange tree.

The only condition is that the plants must be healthy and grow well, otherwise the wealth will decline. Do not use artificial flowers, especially arrangements made from dried plants. They do not have any positive effect on the necessary life-giving energies, but carry within them the energies of dying and attenuation.

Chinese coins

Chinese coins with hieroglyphs and square holes in the center, in the right way associated with red flight - bring good luck in business, prosperity and well-being in the home. In Feng Shui, this talisman is often used to attract success in business and work.

You can put coins in your wallet or under your phone, computer, under the rug in front of the front door; they don’t have to be in plain sight. A bunch of coins will work for you, attracting success and abundance. Use this Feng Shui talisman if you need to attract money luck.

Moneko cat on coins

The cat Moneko, called moneko-neki in Eastern mythology, with a raised paw is a symbol of wealth and prosperity.

It is believed that it invites wealth into the home.

An ancient legend says that one of the temples had very few visitors, and one day the cat of one of his monks began to invite visitors to the temple, standing in exactly this position.

Interested people came to the temple, after which generous donations from parishioners also went there.

The Moneko cat mascot can be placed either near the front door or in the southeastern sector of your home.

Gold coins and gold bars

Gold coins and gold bars are very popular talismans among the Chinese to attract money luck. Indeed, what could be a better symbol of prosperity than the very embodiment of wealth - gold?

Classic Chinese coins have a square hole in the center. Traditional Chinese gold bars are not the rectangular bars we are used to; rather, they look like toy boats.

These items are included in many Feng Shui talismans. Heaps of coins and bars often depict auspicious animals (dragon turtle, wish-granting cow, qilin, etc.). The ingot is held in the hands (or sitting on it) by the gods of wealth.


Oranges - symbolize abundance (gold) and a successful marriage.
To activate the wealth zone in the Southeast, four real oranges or dummies are desirable.

Three-legged toad

In Chinese feng shui, it is usually made of metal or semi-precious stone - a three-legged toad sits on a stand of stacks of coins, and a coin sticks out of its half-open mouth. When purchasing this talisman, make sure that the coin in the toad’s mouth lies freely and is not glued.

Place the figurine near the front door in such a way as to create the impression that it has just jumped into the house. Often the Chinese place a toad at the bottom of the fountain bowl. It is believed that a toad sitting under running water further attracts monetary luck to the owner. If a toad spits out a coin, expect money to arrive soon.

She usually holds one or three coins in her mouth, symbolizing wealth. Accordingly, it should be located “facing” the inside of the house, and not vice versa.

The most suitable place for a frog is the living room. It cannot be placed in the bathroom, kitchen or bedroom. In the bedroom she will simply fall asleep, in the kitchen it is too hot for her, and in the bathroom, or even more so in the toilet, she will gain a “bad” Yin spirit and, instead of luck, will bring only problems.

In the living room, place the frog in the corner located diagonally to the left of the door - in the so-called. "Angle of Force".

The more this frog resembles the real one, the better. But the best three-legged frog is made of a yellow shiny metal that resembles gold, or is actually gold.

If you want to achieve a quick action of the toad (for example, in case of an urgent financial need), try activating the talisman.

How to do it?

The toad belongs to the element “Water”, so place the figurine in a container with water (for example, in an aquarium) for 24 hours. Then, without wiping, place it in the place you assigned it. In order for the toad to be constantly active, it must be washed under running water at least twice a week.

Chinese characters

For the wealth sector (southeast), the following hieroglyphs are suitable:

The hieroglyph “Wealth and money” is a symbol that promotes financial success.

The hieroglyph “Wealth” is a symbol that creates good Feng Shui in a room and brings wealth and success.

The hieroglyph “Money” is a symbol that creates a favorable atmosphere for increasing cash flow.

Master of money

The Master of Money or Chen Loban is one of the most revered symbols in China, the keeper of money. The owner of the money needs to be placed where you usually keep your savings, then your money will not slip through your fingers, but, on the contrary, will be preserved and multiplied.

It is believed that the figurine of the Master of Money should be inherited, and with it financial success will come to your descendants.

gold fish

The goldfish is also one of the most active talismans of success in financial matters. If possible, have real goldfish in the aquarium, and if this is not possible, place a goldfish talisman in this area, which attracts finances into the house.

If you decide to get goldfish, then buy 8 gold and 1 black fish - this is the most optimal “set” to protect your well-being.

The teaching of harmonizing space to improve life includes many different nuances, and it simply cannot be covered entirely in one article.

Today we will talk about Feng Shui for happiness and wealth and learn how to properly arrange your home to realize your dream of abundance in everything.

We will look at the sector of the home that is responsible for wealth, as well as the symbols that can and should be placed in this part of your home.

Wealth sector

As you know, the main emphasis in the teachings of Feng Shui is on identifying zones in the room that correspond to to different parties Sveta. Each zone has its own meaning, and with the help various items and symbols, you can activate it so that it works for your benefit.

In Feng Shui, for happiness and wealth, the southeastern part of the home should be activated. It is this side of the world that is responsible for financial well-being and abundance. The elemental affiliation of the south-eastern sector is Water, which means it needs to be filled with “water” accessories.

If speak about color scheme, in the southeast of an apartment or house, blue, light blue or blue-green colors should prevail. All these shades are associated with water element, which means they will be able to attract financial success to you.

Any images of water would be appropriate here, for example, paintings, photo wallpapers or embroidery with lakes, streams, the ocean, or a water mill. But pay attention to the plot of the picture: water should evoke peace and pleasant emotions in you, so the image of a swamp or a storm at sea is not suitable for activating wealth.

In addition to water motifs in the wealth and prosperity sector, you can also place living plants in pots or tubs, for example, a lemon or money tree, any variety of ficus and any spreading flowers. Some people advise placing a palm tree here, but according to Feng Shui it is considered not the most successful tree, so it is better to avoid its appearance in the apartment altogether.

The wealth zone will “work” better if you place some oriental symbols prosperity, which we will talk about below.

Symbols of wealth in feng shui

In Eastern teachings, there are a huge number of different symbols that attract material wealth to the home, help achieve career success and turn the house into a full cup of abundance. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Money toad

A money toad or three-legged frog sitting on a stand of coins is perhaps the most common amulet of wealth. There are such toads with a special slot in their mouth - you need to place a real coin in it so that the frog knows what kind of benefits it should attract into the house.

Most suitable color for the money toad – gold, because it is associated with finance and gold.

It is best to plant such a frog in the living room, and it is considered doubly successful if this room is located in the southeast of the apartment. Cash flow will definitely flow into such a house.

You can plant a “gold-bearing” toad in a decorative fountain, because the element of wealth is water, and thereby we enhance the effect of abundance. The main thing is that the figurine should sit facing into the house, and not outward - then it will “jump” into the home with finances, and not “take out” the wealth from the family.

It is not recommended to “house” a money toad in the kitchen, bathroom or bedroom. These places are not very suitable for the energy of wealth, because while in these rooms we do not think about work, but simply relax, eat and make ourselves beautiful.

In Feng Shui, one frog is enough for happiness and wealth, but if you have a special liking for them or have received several similar talismans as a gift, you can arrange them in the southeastern sector of each room, but the main thing is that the toads vary in size.


Fish are directly associated with the water element, which means they can also become wonderful talismans that bring good luck. Wherein we're talking about not only about fish figures, but also about living creatures. For example, an aquarium with goldfish, especially in the southeast of the apartment, will bring to the house not only material wealth, but also harmony in family life.

However, fish figures can be placed not only in the wealth sector, but also in the career zone (in the north) and in the part of the apartment responsible for harmony in relationships (southwest). Paired fish are especially good in the marriage zone.

Decorative fountains

Since in Feng Shui wealth is associated with water, why not put a small decorative fountain in your apartment? This will not only decorate your home, but will also attract good luck to your home. It is important that the water in the fountain rushes upward - then your financial affairs will always go uphill.

Today there are a huge number of decorative fountains of different designs, and you can choose absolutely any of them. But remember that the best place for such a talisman is the south-eastern sector in the living room or study. Do not place fountains in the bedroom - this way you will constantly think about work and money in your sleep, and this is contraindicated for a harmonious state of mind.

Cup of Wealth

A special vase of abundance is considered a special Feng Shui talisman for the happiness and wealth of a family. We have already talked about its creation in a separate article.

Let us remind you that it needs to be stored as far as possible from prying eyes, so the most suitable place for a vase of wealth would be a secluded corner of the bedroom.

Ship of wealth

Material wealth can be “brought” to your home by a ship of wealth - this is a strong and powerful talisman, promising its owner increased income and business success. It looks like a sailboat loaded with various treasures: gold coins, precious and semiprecious stones, jewelry.

This talisman can be placed both at home and in the office. The main thing is that its nose should be facing the inside of the room, since only a ship sailing into the house brings wealth with it to your “harbour.” The best place for him - a table or shelf at the front door.

Chinese coins

Very popular money talisman are three Chinese coins held together with a red thread. The thread can be braided into a special mystical knot - then the energy of the amulet becomes even stronger.

These coins can be carried in a wallet or pocket. But remember that you should only accept them as a gift if they are in a closed package. It is believed that a talisman that has already been in someone’s hands will “work” only in the hands of its first owner.

You can buy coins separately and tie them together with red thread, three at a time - such an amulet, made with your own hands, will have great power. Coins can be hung in the wealth area, placed under the rug by the front door, or placed on the desktop.

Money envelopes

Special red money envelopes can also be used to attract financial success to your home. Several of these envelopes filled with large bills can be placed in all sectors of the house so that money comes to you from all directions of the world.


If the figurine of an elephant with its trunk down is used in Feng Shui for conception and birth of a child, then an elephant with its trunk up is a sign financial stability and success. Such a talisman should be placed on the windowsill facing the street - then it will attract prosperity and abundance to your home.

Money Tree

A beautiful figurine depicting a tree, instead of whose leaves there are coins or gems– an excellent talisman of wealth and prosperity.

This is a traditional symbol for the southeastern part of the house, bringing not only financial success, but also health to the household.

Double happiness feng shui

According to Feng Shui, female happiness can be attracted with the help of a special mystical sign- the so-called “double happiness”. This sign can be painted on a wall, furniture, or embroidered on bedding or clothing.

It is believed that this symbol promises prosperity in any area. So, for example, if you place it in the wealth zone, it will work to attract finance, if in the love zone, it will attract personal happiness to you and give harmony in relationships, if in the creativity zone, it will send creative ideas and interesting plans, and in the health zone will protect the well-being of household members.

Despite the fact that there are a lot of different symbols of success in Feng Shui, you should not rush to extremes and completely fill your house with them. One or three elements in the southeastern sector of the apartment and one or two in other places are enough if, for example, your living room is not located in this area.

Be sure to keep live plants in your house, as their energy helps activate all sectors of the home, including the wealth zone. If you don't like figurines, plant one money tree. It will simultaneously work in two directions: it will clean the energy of the house and open a channel for financial flow.

Pay attention to the mirror in the hallway - it should not be located opposite the front door, otherwise the material wealth entering the house will be reflected on its surface and go back out.

Feng Shui for happiness and wealth also advises putting some money under the rug in the hallway - this will attract financial success to you. And never keep cracked dishes in the house - this is a very negative symbol that nullifies the positive energy of the entire home.