October is the time when not only gardening work ends, but also the time to prepare a summer cottage for planting winter crops. The future harvest will depend on the quality of the work performed. How to properly plant garlic before winter, what variety to choose, how to sow, what hole depth is preferable? Planting garlic for the winter has been practiced for a very long time. This is facilitated by climate and soil properties. Proper planting of garlic (“stone onions”) will ensure a good harvest at the beginning of next summer and will make it possible to have a fragrant and vigorous vegetable on the tables.

When to plant garlic before winter

The timing chosen for planting winter vegetables is very important. The crop yield completely depends on it. Planting garlic in the fall before winter begins in mid-September - in the first ten days of October, in more southern latitudes - in November. The crop must be planted before the first frost, before frost sets in. However, you should not start work very early, because this can lead to freezing of the plant, which will begin to grow before the cold weather.

Favorable days according to the lunar calendar in 2017

Much of the dacha work is based on weather conditions. However, any gardener knows perfectly well how moon calendar affects plant growth and productivity. The moon is also important when growing plants: no work can be carried out during the new or full moon; everything is done during the waning moon. Before planting winter garlic, you need to consult the calendar. This season, favorable times for work are as follows:

  • in October: 5, 6, 10, 11, 20, 22, 25, 26;
  • in November: 1. 2, 7, 8, 16, 19 – 22, 29.

After which it is better to plant

When deciding on a site for planting a crop, it is important to pay attention, after which it will grow better. The maximum yield will be after annual vegetables: zucchini, pumpkin, peppers, cucumbers, eggplants, berries and grains. This is explained by the fact that all of the listed crops are selected early and the land under them has time to recover. Plant garlic next to bushes, fruit trees not worth it. On the plot after this vegetable, just like after onions, nothing can be grown for the next three years.

How to choose a landing site

How to plant garlic correctly before winter, what place to choose for the beds? The vegetable is a very capricious crop. Therefore landing winter garlic must be carried out at the correct location. He loves light, fertile, moisture- and water-permeable soil, sandy loam soil. Soils that are acidic will not be suitable. The area of ​​the house or country house where garlic will be grown must meet the following requirements:

  • the soil is well fertilized;
  • an elevated place, without stagnant water;
  • good lighting.

Some gardeners make raised beds if the soil is very wet, but this is not very beneficial for garlic. Preference is given to areas:

  • where there is a lot of snow;
  • no access for animals;
  • where the ice crust forms.

The best option is a plot near the fence, but on the north side. During winters with little snow, the fence will retain the snow and prevent the plant from freezing. The shadow from the fence will preserve the ice crust.

Illumination of the area

Before planting the “stone onion”, you need to choose a well-lit place. The vegetable is a light-loving crop, so it is necessary to plant the bed in sunny places. It would be wrong to plant a plant near trees or buildings. The bed is located in a bright place, protected from the north wind. A well-lit area will help the garlic take root and produce a high yield.

No moisture accumulation

Moisture is the enemy of garlic. The need to choose a non-humid or elevated place is dictated by the fact that this crop is a very demanding plant with a delicate root system. If the ground is very wet, the roots of the plant will begin to rot, become sick, and pests will appear. Moreover, it is very wet ground may provoke the growth of the ground mass rather than the crop bulb.

Formation of ice crust on the ground

An ice crust appears on the soil at certain times of the year. If you find the right place in your garden, you can safely plant a crop there. A crust of ice will keep the earth at a constant temperature during the winter cold. If there is no such area, you can save the “stone bow” from freezing with covering material. Such materials protect the crop from frost and prevent possible waterlogging of the soil.

snowy place

Snow is very important for many winter crops. It is especially needed for garlic. Without enough snow, the plant will simply freeze - all autumn work will be destroyed. Therefore, when choosing a location, you should give preference to areas near fences. They will retain the snow mass. If there is no suitable area, it is recommended to install a special fence.

Soil for winter garlic

You need to start preparing the soil for planting garlic about two to three weeks before planting. The soil should be non-acidic, fertilized with manure before planting crops in the place where garlic will grow. This is explained by the fact that freshly manured soil negatively affects the quality of the vegetable: when it is damaged by pests, it begins to get sick. If the soil requires additional fertilizer, this should be done no later than 2 - 3 weeks before the start of work.

To begin with, loosen the soil. Digging depth: shovel height, bed height approximately 20 cm. The following amount of fertilizer will be required per m²:

  • 5-6 kg of humus, can be replaced with peat (10 kg);
  • 30 g superphosphate;
  • 20 g potassium salt;
  • 2 cups wood ash;
  • the area should be watered with copper sulfate (1 teaspoon per 10 liters of water, 1% solution). This will compact the soil a bit. In light soil the clove will sink deeply, in heavy soil it will eventually rise to the top and freeze in winter.

Preparation of seed material

Spring garlic differs from winter garlic in that the latter reproduce in two ways: bulbs and cloves. The difference is quite noticeable. Bulbs are capable of growing a bulb in two years, but the cloves cope with this task in a season. Therefore, they are more often used when growing garlic at home. An onion with one clove grows from the bulbs. It is often sold as seed material, which produces real garlic from full cloves. If the planting material is of non-shooting varieties, only the cloves of the outer tier should be used.

A good harvest is possible only with proper preparation of the seed. Damaged, very large or small teeth with damaged shells are thrown away. Next, you should disassemble the heads and process those that are suitable for planting. saline solution(3 tablespoons of salt per 5 liters of water) or ash lye (400 g of ash per 2 liters of water, boil for 30 minutes and cool). Disinfect all teeth in the solution for 2 hours.

Planting garlic before winter

Once the seeds and area are ready for sowing, it’s time to begin the main stage. To comply with the technology, it is important to adhere to the sequence of work. It is as follows:

  1. Planting technology begins with the formation of furrows. Depth: 15-20 cm, pitch: 20-25 cm.
  2. Drainage (can be regular sand) about 3 cm high is poured at the bottom of the furrow. This is necessary to drain excess moisture and preserve the roots.
  3. The depth of the holes should not be very large. The teeth are planted at a distance of 15 cm, if the material is small - 7 cm.
  1. The cloves are planted to a depth of 3 cm, the step is 2 cm in a row, 10 cm between rows. There is no need to push the cloves too hard, otherwise the roots will not form well. They take root well if the soil under them is moderately soft.
  2. After planting, the soil does not need to be watered, just mulch the soil with peat chips. Height – up to 3 cm. This is necessary for protection from the cold if the soil freezes.

Care after landing

If you plant garlic in the fall, then in the spring it will not cause much trouble. The vegetable itself tolerates cold well. The rooted plant will survive the winter period very resistant to the onset of cold weather. In the spring, in order for the seedlings to germinate faster, the cover and part of the mulch are removed. At the end of June the plant shoots arrows. They break out at a height of 10 cm. If this is not done, the bulb will be small. When the first greenery appears, the soil is fertilized: urea, a solution of bird droppings or mullein are added.

A month later, the following feeding is done: a bucket of water and 200g of ash. Watering is moderate: a liter of solution per several rows. When there is active growth, the plant is watered a lot, but in rainy weather this should not be done - the roots may become sick and rot. After watering, the bed is loosened, and soil is sprinkled if necessary. As soon as the seedlings begin to grow, they are watered less frequently.

The best varieties of winter garlic for the Moscow region

Garlic enjoys well-deserved fame; it is often used to prevent diseases. With careful care, it will become an excellent seed material that is resistant to long-term storage. In the Moscow region, the most popular varieties are: “Komsomolets”, “Petrovsky”, “Lyubasha”, “Gribovsky Jubilee”, Violet Kharkovsky”.


The variety "Komsomolets" is spring and winter. It tolerates cold and heat well. The bulb is medium in size, weighs up to 50 g. The leaf has a light waxy coating, their height is up to 40 cm, there are 5-7 pieces in one bunch. The heads are purple in color and have a pungent taste. Planted in a bright and spacious place. The soil is sandy and loamy. Reproduces by teeth or bulbs.


The variety "Petrovsky" is considered winter. The culture is universal; it is often used as a seasoning for dishes. This is an excellent remedy for treating colds. During growth, it loves good watering and is easy to care for. The weight of the bulb is within 60-70 g. The soil begins to be prepared at the end of August. When harvested, 5-7 cloves grow in the head.


The Lyubasha variety is considered the most popular. It grows very large: a head of garlic reaches 200 g, the number of cloves is from 4 to 7. It reproduces by cloves and bulbs. The shelf life is up to one year. The arrows grow up to 1.5 m. The leaves have a dark green color and a light waxy coating. Garlic tolerates winter well. During the growth period it loves feeding.


The Gribovsky variety is gaining popularity in household as a very productive species (up to 2 kg of garlic per 1 sq.m.). The leaves reach a height of 70 cm. The spicy taste of the vegetable is obtained due to the abundance essential oils in its composition. This property of the plant helps to cope with headaches, joint problems, increases appetite, and strengthens the immune system. The weight is not very large, up to 50 g. A head of garlic grows up to 6 cloves.

Violet Kharkov

The variety "Purple Kharkov" has not very heavy weight, up to 60 g. It is popular due to its high yield: from 1 hectare you can harvest approximately 11 tons, from 1 hectare to 100 kg. The peculiarity of the variety is its high resistance to diseases. The head has a purple tint, is slightly flattened, the number of cloves is up to 6. Garlic tolerates wintering well and loves feeding during the growth period.


The cold weather is approaching and the question of when it is already possible to plant garlic before winter in 2017 in the Moscow region becomes relevant. Moreover, at times the weather is not pleasant due to its sudden change in heat, which is clearly not to be expected.


When planting garlic, you should take into account its variety, because the result in the harvest will depend on this. For example, winter garlic is planted only in the fall, but the spring variety is preferable in the spring. Moreover, in order to have a large harvest, you need to know how to plant garlic before winter and after which it is better to carry out such work.

How to carry out planting work correctly

First of all, you need to prepare the seed material, which is divided into large and hard cloves. Such a garlic base is required, because if the seeds are small or soft, then the result will not be pleasing. When you go through the teeth, you need to check them for various types of damage, which should not be there.

It is better to plant pre-treated seeds in a weak manganese solution. To do this, pour water into a deep bowl, add a little potassium permanganate, mix and add the selected seed material. You don’t need to wait for a long time, five minutes is enough and after that you can plant garlic before winter.


Proper planting of the material makes it easy to process the crop and effectively affects the yield. Therefore, before growing one, you should pay attention to some care requirements for this plant and know how to properly plant garlic before winter.

Seed beds are laid out at a distance of 25 centimeters from each other. The distance between the cloves should be at least 15 centimeters, even if there is not enough space. The fact is that when garlic is planted at a closer distance, it will not be large in size, since it will not have enough nutrition.

In winter cold, the plant's cloves should feel good and comfortable in the ground, so the planting depth should be 10-15 centimeters. When they plant garlic before winter in the Moscow region, they adhere to exactly these rules, because, in fact, in this region there are no severe frosts, when compared with some other regions.

Moon calendar

Garlic can be planted in 2017 according to the lunar calendar, which usually suggests the most appropriate time for planting which crop. Of course, first of all you should pay attention to the weather, because sometimes in September it’s hot weather, but judging by today’s forecast, then probably no heat is expected and the soil and seeds can be prepared. Although some gardeners are sure that best time for planting this crop it is mid-October.

Controversy over planting garlic in open ground are still ongoing today. The fact is that some experts are sure that if you plant such a crop at the end of September, then it will take root well and frosts will not be a problem. If garlic cloves are planted earlier, then they may germinate and frost will destroy the plant. Although there is no clear answer on this matter.

In the Moscow region (depending on weather conditions) planting most often begins in early October. And if you rely on the lunar calendar, then earthworks it is better to start from October 7 or even from November 1. Not favorable days will be on September 25, 27, 30. That is, the new moon is considered unfavorable days plantings for this crop.

Favorable place for planting garlic

It's no secret that you need to follow many rules when planting plants. Garlic is no exception, so it is also necessary to adhere to some nuances and know after which crops it is better to plant cloves.

Garlic should not be planted after potatoes, because there is a risk of maximum infection with various diseases. It is known that when a plant grows it takes a lot nutrients from the ground, so in any case it is necessary to fertilize and add fertilizers, which can be applied to the ground both in spring and autumn.

It is better to change the planting location every year, but you should also take into account that you can return to the previous place where this plant grew after 3-4 years. This is done because each plant from the earth takes the nutrition it needs and until the earth gains strength again, it needs such a period of time.

The planting site for garlic is usually prepared a month in advance. To do this, the soil is dug up and, for example, manure is added (only stale manure, otherwise the plant can be destroyed).

Selection of site

Garlic prefers a place where there is no shade or drafts. It is better to place the beds from east to west, which will provide good lighting and create favorable conditions for growth. It is also important to know that garlic loves light, fertile soils. Experienced gardeners note the fact that in the spring, after the snow has thawed, moisture accumulates in some places on the site, so it is precisely in this place that garlic cloves should not be planted.

This nuance is important when trying in every possible way to grow large heads crops, gardeners do not receive the proper harvest and only because they make such seemingly elementary omissions. Successful places for planting garlic are considered to be those places where there is a greater accumulation of snow in winter. It goes without saying that this leads to the prevention of soil freezing.

The best places will be:
- where there is a lot of snow accumulation;
- where the first ice crusts form;
- where there is no large accumulation of water in the spring.

Some experts advise planting garlic cloves at the moment when the ground has time to acquire a thin ice crust at night, and during the day it thaws from the sun's rays. Thus, the crop can be grown in any region of the country. You just need to carefully monitor the weather conditions.

Care after disembarkation

After planting the garlic cloves, mulch the soil. You can spread a small layer of dry peat on top of the beds. Often the earth is mixed with sawdust, in this way it is possible to retain heat to the maximum and protect it from freezing during the cold period.

Experienced gardeners prefer to cover their beds with strips of roofing felt. And this is the final stage of planting garlic. Further, care is carried out in the spring.

Popular varieties of garlic (winter)

Before planting the crop, it is important to understand which varieties of garlic are most suitable for planting before winter. After all, you want to get a decent harvest.


It is a mid-season variety. Planted in autumn. In the Moscow region, mid-October is preferable. The heads of the plant have a flattened shape. The color of the formed head is white with dirty patches and purple stripes. Usually 8 cloves are formed, which have a pungent taste and a creamy color when cut.


It is a mid-season variety. The bulbs are round-flat and large in size. In the Moscow region, this variety is popular and is planted in clay soil. Loves bright lighting and does not require careful care. It is preferable to plant in the place where legumes previously grew.


Counts the best variety for soils of the Moscow region. It is distinguished by the absence of an arrow and early ripening. Has 10-16 semi-sharp cloves to taste. Widely used in cooking. It has a special, favorable aroma, which has attracted more attention. It is well preserved in winter and lasts for a long time without special care. Typically the harvest is a little more than a kilogram per square meter.

It is difficult to overestimate or underestimate the popularity of such a well-known crop as garlic. But each region has its own list of winter varieties of this plant. In the Moscow region, the soil has a different structure, so the varieties of garlic are selected individually for each site. But it is not enough to choose a variety that is successful for the region; it is necessary to take into account the structure of the soil in which it is planned to plant garlic, which, naturally, will affect a decent harvest.

It’s delicious to eat with garlic

Garlic- This is a small but very popular plant among gardeners. Thanks to its specific taste, antiviral and antibacterial properties, it is the leader of any garden.

To harvest a good harvest, every self-respecting owner should know the favorable days for planting garlic.

It is well known that it is necessary to plant garlic in the fall in such a way that the cloves have time to take root sufficiently and form a good root system, but do not have the opportunity to sprout before they enter winter.

Lunar calendar for October 2017 for planting garlic for the winter. Watch the video

Therefore, planting should be done about a month before the onset of frost. This period begins at the end of September - beginning of October. This is a favorable time for winter garlic. If we look at the lunar calendar, we will see that according to this source, garlic should be planted for the winter in October, namely on the 25th-26th.

In order for garlic to produce the expected harvest, you need to take a responsible approach to the selection and preparation of the site. The future bed should be carefully dug up and mineral fertilizers or humus applied.

The choice of high-quality seed material deserves no less attention. Only large and healthy slices can be planted for the winter, without visible damage. When you are planning to plant garlic, you should not disassemble the head in advance, selecting the best cloves. This must be done immediately before the garlic goes into the garden.

Which variety to choose for winter. Latest news on 10.10.2017

It goes without saying that only winter varieties are suitable for planting in the winter; spring varieties cannot be planted in the fall. Let's consider several varieties of varieties that are the most popular among Russian summer residents.

Gribovsky– a winter variety, prone to bolting, resistant to bacterial infections that affect the bulbs. One head forms up to 12 cloves, with a total weight of up to 60 grams. Gribovsky garlic tastes spicy.

Anniversary– a universal early-ripening and high-yielding variety, resistant to all kinds of diseases and pests. Garlic of this variety has medium shelf life.

Polessky– a frost-resistant variety, perfect for planting in the fall: even in severe frosts, when the temperature drops below normal, more than 95% of the cloves planted for the winter germinate.

Otradnensky- another universal variety that survives even a long winter well, so it can be safely planted in the fall. The variety is prone to bolting, but is highly resistant to pests and diseases.

Scythian– mid-season, high-yielding winter variety with medium-sized bulbs, small size which are more than compensated by their taste and commercial qualities.

Petrovsky– a mid-season, spicy variety of garlic, characterized by mid-ripening and large heads.

The cold weather is approaching and the question of when it is already possible to plant garlic before winter in 2017 in the Moscow region becomes relevant. Moreover, at times the weather is not pleasant due to its sudden change in heat, which is clearly not to be expected.


When planting garlic, you should take into account its variety, because the result in the harvest will depend on this. For example, winter garlic is planted only in the fall, but the spring variety is preferable in the spring. Moreover, in order to have a large harvest, you need to know how to plant garlic before winter and after which it is better to carry out such work.

How to carry out planting work correctly

First of all, you need to prepare the seed material, which is divided into large and hard cloves. Such a garlic base is required, because if the seeds are small or soft, then the result will not be pleasing. When you go through the teeth, you need to check them for various types of damage, which should not be there.

It is better to plant pre-treated seeds in a weak manganese solution. To do this, pour water into a deep bowl, add a little potassium permanganate, mix and add the selected seed material. You don’t need to wait for a long time, five minutes is enough and after that you can plant garlic before winter.


Proper planting of the material makes it easy to process the crop and effectively affects the yield. Therefore, before growing one, you should pay attention to some care requirements for this plant and know how to properly plant garlic before winter.

Seed beds are laid out at a distance of 25 centimeters from each other. The distance between the cloves should be at least 15 centimeters, even if there is not enough space. The fact is that when garlic is planted at a closer distance, it will not be large in size, since it will not have enough nutrition.

In winter cold, the plant's cloves should feel good and comfortable in the ground, so the planting depth should be 10-15 centimeters. When they plant garlic before winter in the Moscow region, they adhere to exactly these rules, because, in fact, in this region there are no severe frosts, when compared with some other regions.

Moon calendar

Garlic can be planted in 2017 according to the lunar calendar, which usually suggests the most appropriate time for planting which crop. Of course, first of all you should pay attention to the weather, because sometimes in September the weather is hot, but judging by today’s forecast, then probably no heat is expected and you can prepare the soil and seeds. Although some gardeners are confident that the best time to plant this crop is mid-October.

Disputes regarding planting garlic in open ground continue to this day. The fact is that some experts are sure that if you plant such a crop at the end of September, then it will take root well and frosts will not be a problem. If garlic cloves are planted earlier, then they may germinate and frost will destroy the plant. Although there is no clear answer on this matter.

In the Moscow region (depending on weather conditions), planting most often begins in early October. And if you rely on the lunar calendar, then it is better to start land work on October 7 or even November 1. Unfavorable days will be on September 25, 27, 30. That is, the new moon is considered unfavorable planting days for this crop.

Favorable place for planting garlic

It's no secret that you need to follow many rules when planting plants. Garlic is no exception, so it is also necessary to adhere to some nuances and know after which crops it is better to plant cloves.

Garlic should not be planted after potatoes, because there is a risk of maximum infection with various diseases. It is known that when a plant grows, it takes a lot of nutrients from the ground, so in any case it is necessary to fertilize and add fertilizers, which can be applied to the ground both in spring and autumn.

It is better to change the planting location every year, but you should also take into account that you can return to the previous place where this plant grew after 3-4 years. This is done because each plant from the earth takes the nutrition it needs and until the earth gains strength again, it needs such a period of time.

The planting site for garlic is usually prepared a month in advance. To do this, the soil is dug up and, for example, manure is added (only stale manure, otherwise the plant can be destroyed).

Selection of site

Garlic prefers a place where there is no shade or drafts. It is better to place the beds from east to west, which will provide good lighting and create favorable conditions for growth. It is also important to know that garlic loves light, fertile soils. Experienced gardeners note the fact that in the spring, after the snow has thawed, moisture accumulates in some places on the site, so it is precisely in this place that garlic cloves should not be planted.

This nuance is important; while trying in every possible way to grow large heads of crops, gardeners do not get the proper harvest and only because they make such seemingly elementary omissions. Successful places for planting garlic are considered to be those places where there is a greater accumulation of snow in winter. It goes without saying that this leads to the prevention of soil freezing.

The best places will be:
- where there is a lot of snow accumulation;
- where the first ice crusts form;
- where there is no large accumulation of water in the spring.

Some experts advise planting garlic cloves at the moment when the ground has time to acquire a thin ice crust at night, and during the day it thaws from the sun's rays. Thus, the crop can be grown in any region of the country. You just need to carefully monitor the weather conditions.

Care after disembarkation

After planting the garlic cloves, mulch the soil. You can spread a small layer of dry peat on top of the beds. Often the earth is mixed with sawdust, in this way it is possible to retain heat to the maximum and protect it from freezing during the cold period.

Experienced gardeners prefer to cover their beds with strips of roofing felt. And this is the final stage of planting garlic. Further, care is carried out in the spring.

Popular varieties of garlic (winter)

Before planting the crop, it is important to understand which varieties of garlic are most suitable for planting before winter. After all, you want to get a decent harvest.


It is a mid-season variety. Planted in autumn. In the Moscow region, mid-October is preferable. The heads of the plant have a flattened shape. The color of the formed head is white with dirty patches and purple stripes. Usually 8 cloves are formed, which have a pungent taste and a creamy color when cut.


It is a mid-season variety. The bulbs are round-flat and large in size. In the Moscow region, this variety is popular and is planted in clay soil. Loves bright lighting and does not require careful care. It is preferable to plant in the place where legumes previously grew.


It is considered the best variety for soils in the Moscow region. It is distinguished by the absence of an arrow and early ripening. Has 10-16 semi-sharp cloves to taste. Widely used in cooking. It has a special, favorable aroma, which has attracted more attention. It is well preserved in winter and lasts for a long time without special care. Typically the yield is a little more than a kilogram per square meter.

It is difficult to overestimate or underestimate the popularity of such a well-known crop as garlic. But each region has its own list of winter varieties of this plant. In the Moscow region, the soil has a different structure, so the varieties of garlic are selected individually for each site. But it is not enough to choose a variety that is successful for the region; it is necessary to take into account the structure of the soil in which it is planned to plant garlic, which, naturally, will affect a decent harvest.

It’s delicious to eat with garlic