We live without understanding what scientists are hiding from us and those People who don't want us to know the truth. In fact, some things have been known for a long time, but they have not yet been fully disclosed to society or have been disclosed but not in an understandable form. Many people are simply too lazy to understand the secrets of life, and they prefer to be content with what they have and enjoy life.

But if you want to reveal all the secrets and mysteries of life, this article is for you. Psychologists and scientists have sorted it out and found out what they are actually hiding from us and how to deal with the form of information that is presented to us today in an incomprehensible form. You can believe or not everything that is written in this article, but in order to protect your health, be free and happy, it is advisable for you to carefully read the research of psychologists in this article.

Where do we come from and who created us

What scientists are hiding from us V this issue or even a problem. After all, today practically no one knows where we came from, who created the world and us in this world. There are many erroneous theories about the creation of the world and man. You can find out about this yourself if you think logically about what we are told about the creation of the world and people. Many will say that we came from animals, but if this is so, then where did the animals themselves, water, earth, air and the world as a whole come from? This theory is not true, because, thinking logically, every sane person would not believe it. But those people who want us not to know the truth give us such information.

Also today, a popular answer to the question about the creation of the world is that God created us, in some countries, his own God, and he is called differently. In fact, people believe that God created us, similar to the image of man, but no one has yet seen him and proved that this is exactly so. In fact, this is not an entirely correct theory of the creation of man and the world, since the Bible was written wise people, and not by God, accordingly we read a smart book, but not everything is written in it truthfully. This is rather a fictional story, a fantasy that people came up with and decided to write this entire story in the Bible. The most correct theory, which has been proven by scientists, is energy.

Energy created the world, the universe and man

People who do not understand this call energy God or creator; in other countries this name changes, but the essence remains. If you don't believe that we are created by energy, then go to any doctor and do a study whether you have energy or not. To your surprise, you will see for yourself that every person consists of energy, every animal, plant, water and earth is energy, the planet Earth on which we live is also energy. This theory was hidden from us for many years, but there were scientists who revealed the main secret to us and proved it. Eat bad people who do not want us to know the truth and therefore, today there are many stories of the creation of the world. People are bullied into becoming slaves to their own thoughts and believing bullshit that comes from the wrong sources.

Our fears, insecurities and indecision

There is something else from us hide some scientists people, this is the cause of our fears, uncertainty and indecision. We are born happy children, but over time, we develop new fears, insecurities and worries. This is connected not only with the upbringing of parents, but also with society. Society, thanks to bad information, began to fear everything, create stereotypes, lose faith in itself and in the meaning of life.

Bad people want society to always be in fear and not want to change anything and interfere in the lives of rulers and businessmen. You need to decide whether you want to take the bad information coming out seriously and live in fear, or whether you want to build happiness by not paying attention to rumors and information. If you decide to become happy, protect yourself from such information, set a big goal and achieve it no matter what. Remember that we were not born to live in fear and be afraid of everything, we were born to live, happy life, rejoice and have fun every minute of your life. Don’t listen to anyone, think logically, independently, and soon you yourself will reveal some of the secrets of our world.

Atlantean Stone: What the recorded secrets of the universe hide from people. Part one

The Egyptian plateau of Giza, guarded by the Sphinx, has since ancient times been considered a place that keeps the secrets of the gods, and in 1996 archaeologists discovered a tunnel underneath it, protected by a light field. With the help of instruments, it was possible to detect the source of powerful radiation, and then the Atlantean stone with the recorded secrets of the universe shed light on the appearance of mysterious artifacts.

When the gods command a person to speak.

In the 30s, the clairvoyant Edgar Cayce received a revelation during a séance and heard a voice speaking about a cache of ancient treasures under this historical monument. Books were collected there along with artifacts left by the Atlantean civilization. The notes carved into the stones dealt with topics that needed to be passed on to future generations. Then he called this place the Hall of Chronicles and proposed to begin excavations, but his words were not taken seriously. The prince of the king of the country visited the plateau in 1945 and sat down on a stone at the foot of the giant, but suddenly the earth shook, and strings of hieroglyphs appeared before the man’s eyes along with ancient objects personifying the gods.

Researchers of lost civilizations consider the buildings to be the work of extraterrestrial craftsmen, whose technologies cannot be replicated modern people. Three famous pyramids have clear edges oriented to the cardinal points, and the blocks are processed in an ideal way. It is clear that no one could carry huge stones here by hand, so there were other ways to build such masterpieces. Before the Flood, representatives of a vanished race lived on the earth, and in the 80s, scientists discovered traces of rain erosion on the surface of the Sphinx. This means that it was built before the rise of Egypt, but who did people consider gods then?

One of the hypotheses says space aliens, able to move in space, and overseeing the entire development of humanity. Astronomers made a map of the galaxy with life zones and saw that in the Milky Way alone there are 1000 exoplanets where the development of life forms is possible, and they are much older than their terrestrial counterpart. The chronicles of China mention the sons of heaven, who brought culture to our planet. New Zealand legends speak of white gods who flew here from heaven. What role did aliens play for humanity? One version suggests that they managed to transfer their knowledge to earthlings, after which they left them forever. The sons of the gods arrived here from Sirius and Orion, who gave impetus to the development of Atlantis.

Legacy of the Atlanteans.

It was first mentioned by Plato, who wrote that the continent went under water in 9600 BC, when the pole shift began, leading to the flood. In the 80s, a Russian expedition together with Alexander Gorodnitsky discovered at the bottom Atlantic Ocean sunken cities ancient civilization. This became a sensation, since the research took place at the site of a giant fault connecting the Eurasian and African plates. Basalt samples taken from here showed that they froze on land, since Atlantis really existed.

Casey in his notes described in detail this country, which discovered the law of the action of universal forces, after which they could send a message through space to anywhere in the world. Residents also traveled through the sky on airships, but were still able to move in a different environment. After the disaster, they did not die, but began to live in different parts of the planet, as eloquently evidenced by the legends of the Egyptians who describe strange people together with the god Thoth, who came from the sea. They were the keepers of extraterrestrial knowledge, and a secret order of priests of Osiris was created in the new country.

This included only the initiated Atlanteans, led by Hermes Trismegistus. The most mysterious figure of antiquity still causes amazement among scientists, since this man did things that went beyond the capabilities of people. He became the builder of the first pyramid, where there were halls with columns, and also wrote a book helping doctors diagnose and treat ailments. For thousands of years, Thoth was the main Egyptian priest, along with members of the school who possessed secret knowledge. Newcomers underwent an initiation ritual, when they were closed in a sarcophagus with a lid weighing several hundred kilograms. They waited for a day for the council’s decision and did not know whether they would get out of here.

Often a dangerous ritual led people to death, as they found themselves in a four-dimensional space that materialized their thoughts. Not everyone could withstand such a test, because it was necessary to control their emotions and terrible fears. The paranormal capabilities of the Atlanteans gave them the opportunity to control this world and understand their essence - as part of the whole, expressing themselves in any form. In 1924, scientist John Kinneman found a mysterious chamber under the Cheops pyramid where time stopped and instruments malfunctioned. There was an unknown mechanism here, called an anti-gravity machine. Recently, Russian researchers have detected fields inside such structures that create special anomalies, and they are also powerful generators.

The pyramids are capable of capturing the seismic energy of the Earth and transforming it several hundred times. The tops of ancient buildings were made from an alloy of tin along with copper and gold, and then a magical crystal was placed here - Merkaba, which fell from the sky. The initiates gathered around the objects and created a sound, which became a signal sent to other worlds, and the blow of the rod completed such actions. The stone had light energy that could control gravity and create funnels that opened Parallel Worlds. On Egyptian bas-reliefs you can see images of a UFO hanging over the pyramids, so Giza was used by ancient people as a cosmodrome, but then the crystal disappeared from the top to be safely hidden by the priests, and the Sphinx shows the way to it.

Let's go back to 1450 BC and take a look at the Karnak Temple, where the ancient shrine of the Atlanteans is kept. It is securely hidden from view, and even the pharaoh does not have access to the Merkabah. But once a year a secret ceremony of Osiris is held here, when adepts initiate newcomers. Akhenaten became the first hunter for the sacred stone, and his actions were aimed at obtaining the artifact and gaining unlimited power. Religious reform became the reason for transporting the shrines to the new capital, where he plans to keep this relic. Suddenly, the priests of the temple became outlaws and then members of the order secretly took the Atlantean crystal out of the country to Tibet, where amazing events began to occur. But you will already learn about this from the continuation of the article...

To be continued...

Alexey Yurievich Zolotarev – physicist, former employee Institute of Atomic Energy named after. Kurchatova.

This report covers the following topics:

1. A dead end in the development of fundamental physics as a result of Einstein’s viral program called “The Theory of Relativity”.

2. The impossibility of reaching new levels of understanding the structure of matter as a result of falsification of the Periodic Table.

3. The limitations of modern industry as a result of the containment of the theory of ether.

4. Limited opportunities modern civilization as a result of ignoring the fact of the existence of Subtle Mirayu

5. The limitations of modern computer systems as a result of the silence of Fedoseev’s cheap technologies and the non-use of Vashkevich’s “Simiya” theory.

6. Unpredictable accidents in electrical networks as a result of the fallacy of the theory of electricity.

7. Unpredictable collapses of structures as a result of the fallacy of the theory of the structure of the Earth.

8. Inability to predict earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, etc. as a result of suppressing Vernadsky’s theory of the “gas breathing of the Earth.”

9. Inability to stop man-made and natural disasters as a result of the denial of Yanitsky’s “Living Earth” theory.

10. Inability to predict the weather as a result of the suppression of the theory of Pyotr Brounov and the fallacy of the generally accepted scheme of the water cycle in nature.

11. A dead end in medicine and healthcare as a result of ignoring Kaznacheev’s discovery about the “Bioinformational essence of natural electromagnetic fields.”

12. Ineffectiveness in the search for signs of life of extraterrestrial civilizations as a result of cutting off Tsiolkovsky’s theory and silencing Krikorov’s “Unified Cosmos” concept.

13. Regular doom of social justice projects as a result of studying false theories of management and ignorance of DOTU and COB.

14. Preservation of the size of human civilization without damage to the Planet as a result of the transition from false concepts to real scientific concepts.

These statements and conclusions of Zolotarev are based on the research and scientific work of serious scientists, whose works have been verified by a special commission and there are links to sources of information (more about this in the video).

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An important conclusion Tesla made during his research and experiments was the discovery of a new physical truth: there is no energy in matter except that obtained from environment. Moreover, the reserves of this energy, according to Tesla’s calculations, are practically unlimited. It is no coincidence that his main discoveries and developments in the field of using free and easily accessible cheap energy are still hidden from the general public - they can easily bankrupt the fuel, energy and transport TNCs that exist by “ripping off” ordinary people.

We are simply forced to pay (due to the lack of an alternative) for the use of imperfect and outdated technologies by those forces that literally “sit on oil and gas pipes”, while receiving fabulous profits. And, for example, V. Line points to the possibility of technologies that make it possible to obtain clean energy 1058 times more than input energy.

There are other typical examples of concealing advanced discoveries from the world community, for example, the developments of the Russian physicist I.S. Filimonenko, which can change the life of mankind, raising it to a qualitatively higher level. new level. For example, back in 1957 he created an absolutely environmentally friendly installation for the production of electricity. The “side” effect of its use made it possible to destroy radioactive contamination of the environment after a disaster similar to Chernobyl. In addition, it could produce helium-4, which NASA plans to deliver from the Moon as a “cheap” fuel.

Scientists have also developed an aircraft capable of “relying” on the Earth’s magnetic field (the principle of antigravity). This device looks like a “flying saucer”, and its propulsion is based on two large disks made of different alloys. Lifting force is created by rotating these discs. Especially for this aircraft, the scientist came up with a unique material - neurolite, which is a hundred times stronger than steel and harder than diamond.

Another interesting development of the scientist is greenhouses with vacuum insulation. He carried out appropriate calculations, which proved that even in winter, when the sun is covered by clouds, 132 watts of energy per 1 square meter, and if you build greenhouses from neuronite, which has the property of transparency, then in Russia you can get four harvests a year. And if, in addition, vacuum panels are equipped with turbine thermionic and plasma converters, then such a greenhouse turns into a power plant capable of ensuring independence from energy corporations. Prototypes of such greenhouses were manufactured by the Likhobor experimental production, and their effectiveness was proven in practice. However, they did not go into mass production, due to the fact that, by the will of certain forces, the essence of which is hostile to the vast majority of humanity, a number of artificially created “difficulties” appeared with the introduction of products into production.

Filimonenko also conducted interesting research identifying the effect of radiation levels on life expectancy. In particular, he discovered that the life expectancy of people many millennia ago was significantly higher than what currently exists. This was due to the fact that the level of radiation in those days was much lower. Consequently, if a person’s life expectancy is inversely proportional to the perceived dose of radiation, then to increase it, people need to be fed normal, environmentally friendly clean products, which can be grown in environmentally friendly greenhouses with an unlimited supply of heat.

Why are all these interesting inventions and developments are not implemented into production? Apparently, there are forces, quite vested with power, which do not benefit from increasing the duration and living conditions of ordinary people. Therefore, these forces deliberately inhibit the development of official science, and promising developments remain far from mass implementation.

These forces are trying to completely subjugate public opinion in order to impose ordinary people“values” that make it easy to manipulate their behavior. For this purpose, discord, doubts are sown and contradictory views are implanted. They carefully try to confuse people in order to deprive them of their own opinion. In this case, they are ready to obediently perceive any information given to them by such forces as an immutable truth. For example, such is the unshakable belief in the immutability and finality of the existing scientific paradigm, limited by the framework of gross matter.

In order to achieve power over people, their weaknesses and bad habits are put at the forefront. Through instilled envy, hatred, fear and strife, wars and revolutions, epidemics and famines come into our world, which should accustom people to an endless pursuit of pleasure and destroy faith in God and in the possibility of the existence of consciousness after death physical body. All this makes humanity an easy prey in the hands of certain forces who uncontrollably enjoy all the benefits carefully hidden from humanity itself.

Interesting in this aspect is the story of another Russian unique person - A. Meleshchenko - the author of the original theory of antigravity, which also continues to be hidden and kept silent from the broad masses of people. Here, for example, is how he himself talks about his attempts to introduce into production the gravitational engine he developed: “In 2001, I tried to get a patent for a gravity engine, but the work was withdrawn. In 2004, there was a second attempt. The invention formula was published in BIPM No. 10 (3h) 04/10/2005. p.790. Application No. 2004. 117587/06(13)A. 7F 03G 7/00. But as a result of subsequent technical examination, it turned out that the invention used big number unknown and unpublished scientific discoveries. Doubts arose about the advisability of issuing a patent. And the information I published in non-scientific publications does not count. Previously, January 15, August 15, 1990 at VNIIGPE, I submitted applications for discoveries, but were withdrawn.

I alone could not provide experimental evidence. I also could not publish in scientific publications how to check this, dissent does not work with us. This is why an inquisitorial department has been created at the Academy of Sciences (to combat pseudoscience). In 2001, I called the Academy of Sciences and they answered: “you publish it, and we read it.” But this theory was the only one that found its way to the United States and was shown on television in early November 2002. Not only scientists, but apparently all scientific developments end up in the USA. The discussion was about the existence of antimatter energy in nature, and if this is experimentally confirmed, then the theory of modern physics is of no use. They received a small piece of information. And I have long ago developed, on the basis of these discoveries, the creation of a gravitational engine that operates and receives energy on the principle of a tornado.

Engineers have long noticed that efficiency. vortex installations often exceed 100%, but they do not know where the energy comes from. The power of the gravitational engine is enormous; it receives energy only at the surface of the earth, just like a tornado. And the energy of a tornado is comparable to atomic bomb. The design of the engine is very simple, but it is impossible to create it at home. Heat-resistant alloys are used, as in a jet engine. In our country, specialists are trained as standard in scientific institutes, just as identical toys are churned out in a factory. By the end of their training, they lose the most important thing, the ability to independently solve scientific problems. They believe in false theories in nuclear physics textbooks without questioning them, but these theories do not have the most important thing - experimental evidence. For example, there is no experimental evidence that the speed of gravity is equal to the speed of light.”

“Exposing deceitful scientists and academicians!”, “Forbidden knowledge about the world around us!”, “Science is guarding the interests of power!”, “Scheme of a scientific conspiracy,” “Sinister methods of the scientific community,” “Secret knowledge cannot be hidden!”

I’m sure everyone has already encountered similar flashy headlines and the readers of what is written under them. If you try to visualize the ideas of some citizens about scientists and their activities, they will look something like this:

The time has come for me to do my bit, and I also decided to tear off the veil a little from the shining body of truth.

A certain part of citizens has a strong belief in the existence of a dark conspiracy of silence, concealment and falsification true knowledge. Adherents of the “conspiracy of scientists” version believe that instead of true knowledge, scientific knowledge is brazenly concocted, which in fact is simply scientific and splurge, and they are created for the convenience of defrauding the redneck masses. I will list the most basic and frequent accusations against science, which seem to confirm the existence of a conspiracy:

No. 1. There is an agreement between scientists to conceal certain knowledge that is extremely inconvenient for official science. Scientists are taking such steps because science is extremely conservative, inert, businessmen from science make money on this topic, and too much will have to be revised and canceled, which is uncomfortable and unpleasant.

No. 2. Somewhere in deeply secret storerooms, special storage facilities, secret libraries and gloomy basements, manuscripts, tablets or objects that overturn the entire building sadly languish modern science, but they are not shown for reason No. 1

No. 3. Science is extremely inaccurate, often wrong, and largely untrustworthy for reasons #1 and #2. Therefore, you can trust her only in certain cases, or it is better not to trust her at all. It automatically follows from this that any craziest hypothesis or version has equal rights with scientific theories. Moreover, the fact that people do not have education in the field in which they develop their ideas does not matter.

I answer point by point

No. 1. Scientists' conspiracy. And also: hushing up secrets, hiding artifacts, destroying inconvenient inventions, serving the authorities. (First, let’s define it. A scientist is a representative of science who carries out meaningful activities to form a scientific picture of the world, whose activities and qualifications have been recognized by the scientific community, a person who studies objective reality empirically and operates only with facts that can be reliably confirmed or refuted, a specialist in any scientific field and made a real contribution to it).

A little about my experience of communicating with scientists. My place of work is as a caretaker at the largest archaeological complex and every year I have to communicate with scientists from different areas, some come for work, others just to relax. I can say that it would be difficult to find more dissimilar people. I can’t resist telling you about one funny incident. This happened three years ago, a group of tourists arrived, as usual, and began wandering around the rocks, when suddenly a man separated from the group. Walking straight up to me with decisive steps, he immediately called out his first and last name and asked menacingly, “What did I read from him?” Somewhat confused by such pressure, I answered, “nothing,” and asked, “why should I suddenly read it?” To which he replied that he is a very prominent scientist and I must know him. Right there he literally handed me a thick book to look at, which he carried with him everywhere, on which it was written that he was its author and that he had a lot of all sorts of respectable scientific titles. The next year, I got into a conversation with his colleague, who came to us and worked with him at one time. She said that he is indeed a great specialist in his field, but he has an extremely inflated sense of his own importance. She even remembered a funny episode, how he, having thrown a scandal, demanded from the board publishing a textbook for students in his specialty that he, along with the great classical scientists, be mentioned on the first pages as the founder of this science.

There were other unusual individuals, for example in different years Several times I came across people with PhD and other titles, after communicating with whom it was clear that they peacefully coexisted belief in mystical phenomena and at the same time critical-rational thinking.

The absolute majority among scientists are, of course, ordinary, normal individuals and they have as many oddities and peculiarities as all other people. The only significant difference from the majority is the desire to learn, professionally realized in constant scientific activity. Based on my observations, I can say with absolute certainty that most scientists are interested in the process of cognition itself, and not in the benefits that their status provides. Every scientist, no less than an alternative scientist, painfully wants to know the secrets and mysteries of the universe, it is this desire that brings most people to science. That is, their activities are mainly in the name of an idea and there are simply no tools or incentives to force scientists to unite in the name of serving something. It is completely technically impossible to unite them all with a conspiracy or any other idea (except for the idea of ​​scientific knowledge of the world). The global conspiracy of scientists is as absurd as, for example, the conspiracy of nursing mothers, bald taxi drivers or the residents of all the houses on the 3rd floor.

No. 2. Conservatism of science. (And also its inertia, obscurantism, anti-innovation, closed-mindedness, reactionaryness, ignorance). There are countless cases of supposedly ignorant conservatism; I’ll briefly talk about the three most famous. Non-existent meteorites, harmful bacteria, motionless continents.

In 1768, on September 13 in the region. A meteorite fell in Lucay, France, with a large number of witnesses. The Royal Academy of Sciences in Paris had already received similar evidence before, and they finally decided to look into it. A commission was created, which included well-known scientists at that time: mineralogist Fougereau, pharmacist Cadet and physicist Lavoisier. The evidence of people, as well as the stones themselves, were examined in detail. Afterwards, a report was published in the Physical Journal for 1777. In a detailed report it was said that the stone could not have fallen from the sky - this is an invention of eyewitnesses, it is of terrestrial nature and that it does have some unusual properties, but most likely due to the fact that it was struck by lightning. In 1803, after a meteorite fell in Normandy, again on behalf of the (renamed because of the revolution) academy, the physicist Biot compiled an accurate description of its fall. After this, the reality of the existence of meteorites was recognized.

Early 20th century a large number of doctors believed that many human organs were unnecessary, and all bacteria were harmful. This is what the biologist wrote and Nobel laureate Ilya Mechnikov in his “Studies on Nature”: “Now there is nothing daring in the assertion that not only the cecum with its appendage, but even all human colons are superfluous in our body and that their removal would lead to very desirable results.” Considered useless or even harmful: tonsils, appendix, thymus, pineal gland, etc. There were widespread views that the removal of these organs prevents poisoning of the body by waste products of putrefactive bacteria. The practice of mass removal of some of these organs was widespread until the 1950s. Afterwards, it gradually became clear that bacteria are necessary for the functioning of the body and that each organ has its own useful function. All organs were rehabilitated, the last being the tonsils. At the end of the 20th century, it was convincingly proven that they are one of the barriers to pathogenic microbes, in which protective proteins are produced. And the practice of mass removal of them from people was recognized as erroneous. For example, in the USA in the 1930s, more than half of children had their tonsils removed, i.e. in tens of millions of people.

Until the 1960s, the “contraction hypothesis” prevailed - in it, all geological processes on Earth were explained by processes of decreasing its volume, i.e. compression. It was believed that it is compression that forms folds, mountains, cracks, faults and all other features of the landscape. In 1912 L.A. Wegener (German meteorologist and geologist) presented his hypothesis at a meeting of the German Geological Association in Frankfurt am Main. In it, based on the data and observations he collected, he suggested that all continents were moving slowly in horizontal directions. This hypothesis immediately had some supporters. But the scientific community completely rejected this theory. In the 1960s, a huge amount of new data was obtained on the structure of the earth (a detailed map of the world ocean floor was compiled, the convection speed of magma was measured - 1 cm per year, magnetic field reversals were discovered, the fact of the movement of continental plates was established - with help precise measurements etc.) As a result, Wegener's hypothesis, with some clarifications, was recognized as correct. Now it is generally accepted and is constantly updated with new data.

What does all this tell us? Firstly, in recognizing incorrect (from the point of view of modern knowledge) theories, science was right at that time, since then (with that level of tools, knowledge, methods and experience) these theories best explained the world without attracting unnecessary entities in the form of mysticism and incomprehensibility. Here we need to explain a little: the purpose of any scientific theory is to economically explain as many facts as possible. If a theory appears that explains an even larger number of facts and in even shorter and more understandable formulations, then it will inevitably replace the previous one. This is the essence of science and this is the course of the evolution of scientific views. Therefore, calls to recognize any (mystical, alternative, esoteric, etc.) theory without a sufficient number of facts to confirm it look quite strange. It is usually argued that science will only benefit from this and become more useful. But such actions will be as absurd as attempts to attach to the board spaceship horse and cart, in the hope that their combined traction will increase overall efficiency the entire object.

This is largely why science has made such progress over the years. recent years 200, which has gotten rid of appendages in the form of magic, mysticism, etc. and fundamentally does not engage in research, cannot be reliably measured and researched.

Secondly, there is another feature of science that many people do not like and is a frequent reason for its accusations. Sometimes it happens that there are a certain number of firmly established facts, but still they are not enough to create a theory on their basis. In this case, the problem is simply left for later and, as it were, pushed into a distant drawer - until more facts accumulate and technical capabilities grow. So, for example, it happened with the mass of the universe; they more or less learned to calculate it by the 1950s, but the result was a huge discrepancy with the observed picture. In the early 2000s, large teams undertook targeted large-scale research in this direction using all available capabilities (a network of telescopes, powerful computers, the launch of space probes, etc.) as a result, dark matter and dark energy were discovered, which explains gravitational anomalies (but ultimately raised even more other questions about the nature of it itself) which led to a revision of the model of the universe.

No. 3. Not the precision of science. It should be noted right away that none of the adequate scientists ever claims the complete infallibility of scientific theories. Each of them has its weak points and blind spots. But the fact of the matter is that in any theory of alternativeists (when compared with scientific theory) there are an order of magnitude more weak points and white spots. Well, then, scientists always recognize the unconditional right of alternative theories to compete with scientific ones, and even more so the right to their existence. But here important condition– they must be well-worked with the involvement of scientific methods. Unfortunately, most of what alternative figures offer cannot even be called a scientific theory; rather, it is some kind of information garbage that grew up on fried, rather than verifiable facts.

You can also often hear the accusation that science does not evaluate, study, consider, or at least expose the many alternative theories that continuously generate many figures and which then find a lively response from some part of the citizens. But this is also easy to explain. One of the generally accepted rules of dialogue looks like this: “the burden of evidence should always lie on the approving side.” Imagine the following situation: a group of people were seated opposite you, giving them the task of telling you all their theories for a couple of hours. And you were given the task of refuting or confirming them. And so you sit, and all these two hours, every ten seconds, they shout out a new ridiculous idea for the structure of the universe. Will you have time to sort them all out and answer them adequately? Science is in the same situation, the number and variety of non-scientific hypotheses is such that even 100 times as many scientists will not be enough to expose all this. And it is not the function of science to directly combat illiterate theories.