In task No. 7 of the Unified State Exam in Russian, students need to distribute sentences in accordance with the types of errors made in them. The difficulty is that there are more sentences than error options, and it is impossible to simply guess the correct answer, so you need to have a good understanding of the rules for constructing sentences. For correctly completing the seventh task, you can get as many as five primary points, so it is undesirable to make mistakes in it.

Theory for task No. 7 of the Unified State Exam in Russian

Let's look at the errors that are proposed to be found in the exam task.

  • violation in the construction of sentences with a participial phrase

You should never include the word being defined inside a participial phrase: “tourists who came to the city,” or “tourists who came to the city,” but not “tourists who came to the city.” Also, the participle must always be consistent with the word it defines in gender, case and number: not “rooms furnished with furniture” but “rooms (which?) furnished with furniture.”

You need to pay attention to the cases: “one of the letters written by me” - in this case the participle agrees with the word “one”, but “having read a number of letters written by her” - the question for the participle is asked from the word “letters”.

  • incorrect construction of sentences with participial phrases

Actions expressed by a predicate verb and a gerund must refer to one common subject: “when leaving home, I always turn off the light” - an incorrect option, since in this case the gerund refers to the word “light,” which is impossible. Correct: “When I leave home, I always turn off the lights.”

  • error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members

You cannot use the conjunction “and” to connect words that are different parts of speech, or place it between the participial phrase and the word “which.” “Not far from the house we saw and met new neighbors” - incorrect; the correct option is “not far from the house we saw new neighbors and got to know them.” Also incorrect is “The book is not only intended for children, but also for their parents,” and correct is “The book is intended not only for children, but also for their parents.”

Another example: “The boy who sat at the table and who drew beautifully” is incorrect, but “the boy who sat at the table and drew beautifully” is true.

  • errors in sentence construction with inconsistent application

In such sentences you need to look at the word being defined. For example: “The book Crime and Punishment raises many philosophical problems” is incorrect; the sentence will be written correctly if the word “book” is removed or the appendix is ​​coordinated with it: “many philosophical problems are raised in the book Crime and Punishment.”

If there is a qualifying word, the application must be in the nominative case: in the newspaper “Gorodskoy Vestnik” (not “Gorodskoy Vestnik”), in the encyclopedia “Underwater World” (not “Underwater World”), in the program “Own Game” (not “Own Game” ").

  • incorrect use of the case form of a noun
PretextNoun caseExample
Thanks toDativeHe acted according to the rules - wrong
According toHe acted according to the rules - correctly
Contrary to
In defiance
By (meaning “after”)PrepositionalUpon arrival home, she called her grandmother - wrong
Upon arriving home she called her grandmother - correct

Words such as “on arrival”, “on completion”, “on completion”, “on expiration”, “on arrival”, “on arrival” need to be remembered.

You also need to remember the phrases:

  1. point to something
  2. Pay for something
  3. Confess something
  4. Pay attention to something
  5. Marvel at something
  6. Blame for something
  7. remind something
  8. Feedback about something
  • disruption of the connection between the subject and predicate

You need to remember that with the subject “those” you need to use the predicate verb in the plural, and with the subject “who” - in the singular. “Those who came to the exhibition left rave reviews about it,” not “Those who came to the exhibition left rave reviews about it.” “Everyone who saw the professor greeted him,” not “Everyone who saw the professor greeted him.”

  • incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech

You cannot confuse direct speech with indirect speech, and also use the word “I” to translate direct speech into indirect speech. For example, “the author writes that I appeal to all caring people” is incorrect; “the author writes that he addresses all caring people” - correct.

  • violation of type-temporal correlation of verb forms

It is necessary to ensure that all verbs related to the same subject are consistent in tense and aspect. For example, “I.S. Turgenev subjects Bazarov to the most difficult test - the “test of love” - and thereby revealed the true essence of his hero.” is an erroneous option, and “I.S. Turgenev subjects Bazarov to the most difficult test - the “test of love” - and thereby reveals the true essence of his hero.” - loyal.

  • error in constructing a complex sentence

Such mistakes often involve the incorrect use of conjunctions. “Reading classical literature, you notice how differently the “city of Petrov” is depicted in the works of A.S. Pushkina, N.V. Gogol, F.M. Dostoevsky" - in this sentence the conjunction "what" is superfluous. “When the battle was already over, but separate shots were still heard here and there.” - extra conjunction “but”.

Algorithm for completing the task

  1. We exclude sentences that do not contain grammatical errors.
  2. We read the sentences with errors one by one and determine what kind of grammatical error was made.
  3. Write down the correct answer.

Analysis of typical options for task No. 7 of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language

The seventh task of the demo version 2018

Establish a correspondence between the grammatical sentences and the sentences in which they are present: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



A) incorrect construction of a sentence with an adverbial phrase

1) The new aesthetics that emerged in the work of Russian avant-garde artists radically changed the previous “Greco-Roman” ideas of the artistic value of art.

B) violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases

2) People who read Russian fairy tales and epics in childhood were breathtaking from heroic deeds.

C) violation of aspect-temporal correlation of verb forms

3) Having higher reliability, portable receivers consume much less energy.

D) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition

4) When, after graduating from school, my friend entered the factory, he acquired the qualifications of a turner in a short time.

D) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application

5) According to I.N. Kramskoy, despite the fact that many landscape painters depict trees, water and even air in their paintings, there is a soul only in the painting “The Rooks” by A.K. Savrasova.

6) Most of the young scientist’s works are devoted to problems of theoretical physics.

7) The inner strength and courage of a person are glorified in the poem by A.T. Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin".

8) Subsequently, he could not even explain to himself what made him rush across the horses.

9) Using the letter “ъ” at the end of words, in the 19th century it was only a tribute to tradition.

Execution algorithm:
  1. We carefully read the list of grammatical errors that you will have to work with.
  2. We carefully read the sentences in which we need to find sentences with a certain grammatical error.
  3. To begin with, you can identify those sentences that are composed without errors. These are sentences 1, 3, 6 and 7.
  4. sentence 2 we see a violation in the construction of a sentence with a participial phrase; Right - People who read Russian fairy tales and epics in childhood were breathtaking of heroic deeds. IN sentence 4– violation of the type-temporal correlation of verb forms; Right : After graduating from school, my friend entered the factory, where in a short time he acquired the qualifications of a turner. IN fifth sentence violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application; Right - According to I.N. Kramskoy, despite the fact that many landscape painters depict trees, water and even air in their paintings, the soul is only in the painting "Rooks" A.K. Savrasova.In sentence 8 - incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition; need to - Subsequently, he could not even explain to himself what made him rush across the horses. Proposition 9- incorrect construction of sentences with participles; Right - By using the letter “ъ” at the end of words in the 19th century, people only paid tribute to tradition.
  5. Write down the correct answer:

First version of the task

A) disruption of the connection between subject and predicate1) Marco Polo (1254-1324) - Venetian merchant and traveler, who, through his trade affairs, reached China and spent seventeen years there at the court of Kublai Khan.
B) incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech2) It was difficult for him when solving the problem.
C) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application3) Pergolas, arches and trellises visually divide the site into parts, isolating individual zones.
D) incorrect construction of sentences with participial phrases4) Sophia cream is used several times a year to prevent swelling of the legs.
5) Andrei said that it would be better if we left me alone.
6) Those who spare no effort usually achieve a lot.
7) The longest escalator in the world is installed at the Admiralteyskaya station of the St. Petersburg metro.
8) Before discussing a project, everyone looks around and looks for future supporters and opponents.
9) The summer flood of 2013, which covered vast areas of the Russian Far East and northeast China, became one of the most widespread natural disasters of the last decade.
Execution algorithm:
  1. We carefully read the list of grammatical errors that you will have to work with.
  2. We carefully read the sentences in which we need to find sentences with a certain grammatical error.
  3. To begin with, you can identify those sentences that are composed without errors. These are sentences 1, 3, 7 and 9.
  4. We read the sentences with errors one by one and determine what kind of grammatical error was made. IN sentence 2 we see the incorrectly used participial phrase “solving a problem”; V sentence 4– incorrectly approved application (should be “Sofia cream”). IN sixth sentence an error was made in the connection between the subject and the predicate; Right - those who spare no effort usually achieve a lot, or - those who spare no effort usually achieve a lot. The phrase " Andrey said"indicates indirect speech that is incorrectly constructed in sentence 5; need to - Andrei said that it would be better if we left him alone. Left sentence 8 and an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members.
  5. Write down the correct answer:
6 5 4 2 8

Second version of the task

Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) incorrect construction of a sentence with an adverbial phrase1) When learning a foreign language, reading books, watching films and communicating with native speakers helps.
B) disruption of the connection between subject and predicate2) Dickens said that from childhood he felt that the world was worthy not only of contempt, but that it was worth living in.
C) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition3) We continue to publish archival materials about Moscow architects who lived in the 18th century.
D) violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases4) Loved ones need to be loved and cared for.
D) an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members5) There is a village, a river and a forest drawn there.
6) At the end of the negotiations, the participants came out to the journalists.
7) After the New Year holidays, my mother and I went to visit my grandmother, who lived in the Moscow region.
8) Russia’s entry into the top ten countries most interesting for the corporation, due to high sales volumes, allows the local representative office to attract additional investments
9) Thanks to the launch of specialized X-ray observatories into orbit around the Earth, about a thousand X-ray systems are already known in our and nearby galaxies.
Execution algorithm:
  1. We carefully read the list of grammatical errors that you will have to work with.
  2. We carefully read the sentences in which we need to find sentences with a certain grammatical error.
  3. To begin with, you can identify those sentences that are composed without errors. These are options 2, 7, 8 and 9.
  4. IN first sentence we see the incorrect use of the participial phrase; It turns out that reading books learns foreign languages. Correct option: helps when learning foreign languages… IN third sentence it turns out that the publications, and not the architects, lived in the eighteenth century - an error was made in the participial phrase. Right: .. publication of archival materials about Moscow architects who lived… IN fifth sentence the connection between subject and predicate is broken. IN sixth sentence the case form of a noun with a preposition is used incorrectly; the correct option is “ at the end", and in fourth an error was made in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members.
  5. Write down the correct answer:
1 5 6 3 4

Third version of the task

Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application1) The match took place in the large sports arena of the Luzhniki stadium.
B) incorrect construction of a sentence with an adverbial phrase2) Thanks to vaccinations, none of the guys got sick.
C) incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech3) The sick kid, standing at the window, said sadly, and the cars are walking.
D) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition4) When learning a foreign language, reading books, watching films and communicating with native speakers helps.
D) an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members5) A habit is a deeply rooted form of behavior that operates independently of our consciousness
6) What seems like an idyllic clearing or a quiet oak grove is, in fact, a never-ending processing industry, and what we call pests and pathogens, beetles, fungi and pathogens, play a huge role in it.
7) The old linden trees in the alley in front of the main entrance to the manor’s house are tall and spreading.
8) We were driving around Spain by car, returning from Burgos to Madrid.
9) Most animals living in the wild are busy solving the eternal problem - their own survival and procreation.
Execution algorithm:
  1. We carefully read the list of grammatical errors that you will have to work with.
  2. We carefully read the sentences in which we need to find sentences with a certain grammatical error.
  3. To begin with, you can identify those sentences that are composed without errors. Correctly constructed sentences: 5, 6, 8 and 9.
  4. IN first sentence an inconsistent application is visible; Right - in the large sports arena of the Luzhniki stadium or simply "at the large sports arena "Luzhniki". Second sentence– an example of incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition; Right - thanks to vaccinations. Third– error in indirect speech, fourth– in constructing sentences with participial phrases. In the seventh there was an error in the construction of a sentence with homogeneous members; correct option - The old linden trees in the alley in front of the main entrance to the manor house are tall and spreading (or “tall and spreading”).
  5. Write down the correct answer:
1 4 3 2 7



1) Professor Larionova, who spoke at the conference, made an interesting report.

2) A very vivid description of the optical telegraph was left to us by A. Dumas in the novel “The Count of Monte Cristo”.

3) Blinking the lights that were fading at dawn, I wanted to admire the approaching steamer.

4) You can admire and talk about Italy endlessly.

5) Those who do not submit their essays on time will not be allowed to take the exam.

6) In the poem “The Golden Age,” Geoffrey Chaucer writes about how good it was in the old days and how bad it is now.

7) According to the decree of Peter I, all those who dumped garbage into the Neva were punished.

8) Shrews, contrary to their name, usually do not dig holes, but use those made by rodents or moles.

9) Thanks to various types of art, a person can convey the most complex feelings.



1) Everyone who came to Volgograd came to Mamayev Kurgan.

B) an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members

2) The director of a small enterprise was independently involved in the selection of personnel and their management.

C) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application

3) Borisov-Musatov’s painting “Spring” depicts branches of cherry blossoms and dandelions ready to fly around

4) Nothing, not even the rain that started, could interfere with our walk.

5) In the village they were interested in and believed everything unusual.

6) According to the Old Russian Tale of Bygone Years, Princess Olga was from Pskov.

7) It seems that the cloud has turned into a monster looking at you from above.

8) The lone passenger attracted attention not only with the decent modesty of his suit, but also with the lack of luggage.

9) I returned from Rostov late in the evening.

3/ Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



1) Everyone who was in the theater that day recalled the brilliant performance of the actors.

2) When collecting mushrooms, be sure to process them only on the day of collection.

3) In “Sorochinskaya Fair”, written by N.V. Gogol, the color of Little Russia was recreated.

D) violation of word order in a sentence

5) Erich Frome once said that love is closer to death than to life.

6) According to legend, it was edelweiss that grew from the blood of Prometheus chained to a rock.

8) In spring you want not only good weather, but also joyful events.

9) Studying was easy for me thanks to perseverance and self-discipline.

Write your answer in numbers without spaces or other symbols

4/ Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



1) Media outlets are now subject to a fine for using profanity.

B) an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members

2) In the “Bibliocross” competition, the participant who reads the largest number of books wins.

3) The train was not delayed; it arrived at the station according to the schedule.

D) an error in the construction of a complex sentence

4) In “The Wild Landowner” by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin clearly depicts a rich gentleman who finds himself without servants.

D) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition

5) We asked whether we had the right to count on state help.

6) The international passport must be replaced upon expiration of its validity period.

7) Anyone who does not know how to laugh at himself can be extremely touchy.

8) When I come to a symphony orchestra concert, I listen and enjoy classical music.

Write your answer in numbers without spaces or other symbols

5/ Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



A) violation of the construction of a sentence with a participial phrase

1) A woman walking with a dog stopped at a store window.

B) violation of the construction of sentences with participial phrases

2) Psychologists believe that the speaker should not appear in front of the public before the start of his speech.

B) control disorder

3) Bad weather prevents or delays harvesting.

D) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application

5) Mitrofanushka’s parents raised him in love, and later he becomes selfish.

6) Upon arrival in St. Petersburg, we went to Palace Square.

7) While climbing the stairs, the old man had to stop to rest.

8) Turgenev was a writer unusually sensitive to the beauty of words.

9) Grandmother did not miss a single “Cooking Together” column in the Telenedele magazine.

6/ Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



A) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition

1) The exhibition not only presents paintings, but also sculptures.

B) an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members

2) Modern publicists publish their works on the pages of the Sovremennik magazine.

C) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application

3) Masha was especially struck by those fish swimming sedately in a huge aquarium.

D) violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases

D) incorrect construction of a sentence with an adverbial phrase

5) No one responded to the letters that we sent to Odessa every week.

6) Everyone who has forgotten the horrors of war should see the paintings of the artist Mikhail Savitsky.

7) The train arrived according to the schedule.

8) In War and Peace, when describing military actions, Tolstoy often uses a comparison with the game of chess.

9) The image of Peter I appears in many of Pushkin’s works, admiring and appreciating him.

7/ Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



A) incorrect construction of a sentence with an adverbial phrase

1) There was no doubt: a whole train full of coal disappeared from the station.

2) During Pushkin’s lifetime, Dahl published a fairy tale written down from the poet’s words in the “Library for Reading”.

C) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition

3) The historian’s works on the activities of Peter I are based on rare archival documents.

D) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application

4) Thanks to various types of art, a person can convey the most complex feelings.

D) disruption of the connection between subject and predicate

5) Having picked vegetables from the garden, the vitamins in them are quickly destroyed under the influence of light and oxygen.

6) Complex problems inspire scientists to make new discoveries.

7) M. Gorky’s story “Makar Chudra” was published in the Tiflis newspaper “Caucasus”

8) Fruits and vegetables, which serve as a source of vitamins, should be in the diet of every person.

9) You are the first who looked at me seriously and believed in me.

8/Make a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



A) violation of the construction of a sentence with a participial phrase

1) When boiling potatoes, place the tubers in already boiling water.

B) disruption of the connection between subject and predicate

2) You can serve the fish with walnut kernels baked in the oven.

C) an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members

3) The last thing I would like to dwell on is the behavior of the competition participants.

D) incorrect construction of sentences with participial phrases

4) No one living can say for sure. How long will beautiful Venice last?

D) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition

5) By applying iodine to the skin, local irritation occurs, which is accompanied by a rush of blood.

6) Like sailors, millers catch the wind with the help of sails stretched over the wings of the mills.

7) A hundred years later, doubts about the strength of the bridge’s structure were finally removed.

8) Nikolai never neglected or doubted his brother’s support.

9) Thanks to their long necks, many dinosaurs were able to get food at high altitudes.

9/ Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



A) an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members

1) Only a doctor selects contact lenses correctly, taking into account the various parameters and characteristics of the eye.

B) violation of the construction of sentences with participial phrases

2) Noticing the guys playing ball nearby, I stopped.

C) incorrect construction of a sentence with an adverbial phrase

3) Not far from the old quarter we saw and met local residents.

D) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition

4) A coordinating conjunction is used with homogeneous members of a sentence and connects them.

D) disruption of the connection between subject and predicate

5) I went on foot to the ship amid the incessant screams of the crowd.

6) The most dangerous situations await tourists in big cities, where all the criminals flock in search of easy money.

7) Trying to appear calm and even indifferent, no one noticed my fear.

8) The trolleybus driver asked the passengers to pay for the trip.

9) A taxi was already called at the house; there were five minutes left before departure.



A) violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases

1) An important key to revealing the meaning of the novel is the author’s irony, which reveals not only the characters of the main characters, but also the ideological load of the novel.

2) Turning to the theme of the “little man,” it is impossible not to note that, how bright the story was by N.M. Karamzin “Poor Liza”, who discovered the world of “little people”.

C) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application

3) The plot of the novel includes facts that not only do not correspond to reality, but are also perceived as simply ridiculous.

D) disruption of the connection between subject and predicate

4) M. Gorky in the play “At the Bottom” showed people broken by life, and reveals their inner world mainly through conversations.

D) violation of aspect-temporal correlation of verb forms

5) The novel “The Master and Margarita” depicts a person who did not give up his talent to serve the System.

6) Those who are confident in the power of man cannot vouch for tomorrow.

8) Upon arrival in St. Petersburg, she realized that it would be difficult to arrange a meeting with her son.

9) Teachers will teach the children to understand and instill in them a love of poetry, painting, and music.



A) violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases

1) In the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov’s “Death of a Poet” talks about the tragic death in a duel of A.S. Pushkin.

B) an error in constructing a complex sentence

2) F.M. Dostoevsky considered happiness possible not only “in the pleasures of love, but also in the highest harmony of the spirit” and admires the act of Tatyana, who did not build her personal happiness on the misfortune of another.

C) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application

3) Those who study English can read the works of Dickens in the original.

D) disruption of the connection between subject and predicate

4) Upon expiration of the bank card, it must be replaced with a new one.

D) violation of aspect-temporal correlation of verb forms

5) Creating the image of Akaki Akakievich Bashmachkin in the story “The Overcoat”, N.V. Gogol shows how callous society is to the problems and needs of a little person.

6) According to K.I. Chukovsky, the main task of children's writers is to “at any cost, we educate humanity in a child.”

7) When creating a work, the writer expresses in it his attitude towards life and towards people.

8) The image of the poet-prophet created by Pushkin determined his own life.

9) It is necessary not only to pay attention to the knowledge of students, but also to their practical skills.

12/Make a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



A) violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases

1) The revolution in science began thanks to the emergence of new statistical methods.

B) an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members

2) V. Nabokov often talked about chess compositions in his literary works, primarily in the novel “The Gift” and the memoir book “Other Shores”.

C) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application

3) Preparing for the exams, we spent more than one day in the reading room of the city library.

D) disruption of the connection between subject and predicate

4) After reading the article about the sights of Taganrog, there was a desire to see everything with my own eyes.

D) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition

5) Litotes is a technique that is outwardly opposite to hyperbole, but in essence is its natural variety.

6) The children's theater festival, which took place at the end of last season, became a real holiday.

7) Everyone who stood in line remained silent.

8) Sergei often talked about his favorite novel - “Steppenwolf” by Hermann Hesse.

9) City museums should not only preserve the apartments of great people, but also ordinary people.

13/Make a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



A) violation of agreement

1) The Cossack horses, covered with foam, raced at full speed.

B) violation of control with homogeneous members of the sentence

2) Everyone who accomplishes a feat follows the call of his heart.

C) disruption of the connection between subject and predicate

3) I wanted to delve into and learn all the secrets of the history of the Ancient World.

D) mixing direct and indirect speech

4) It’s no coincidence that the hero says that I never hide behind other people’s backs.

D) error in constructing a complex sentence

5) According to the decisions of the City Duma, fares for public transport have been increased.

6) After reading the text by V. Soloukhin, I thought about the question of the meaning of human life.

7) The text is written by D.S. Likhachev, which raises the problem of preserving cultural heritage.

8) Those who have not passed the essays will not be allowed to take the exam.

9) I have repeatedly asked myself: “What is the reason for my doubts?”

Task 7

1. A) Your Vanya is a big slob. B) He had a beard and a daughter. C) I had to work in difficult conditions without having a single day off. D) A review of his thesis was written by a professor of philology. D) His handwriting was beautiful, that’s why they hired him as a clerk in the office.

1) Incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition;

3) violation of the type-temporal correlation of verb forms;

4) incorrect construction of sentences with participial phrases;

5) incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech;

6) erroneous word formation;

7) disruption of the connection between subject and predicate.

2 .A).In the evening we sat by the fire, and the counselor told us different stories. B) Several boys and girls stood at the gate. C) Mom bought fruits, vegetables, bread, oranges, apples. D) Approaching the house, I felt cool. D) For my birthday, my grandmother will bake a big pie with apples.

1) Error in constructing a sentence with an application;

2) an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members;

4) violation of the connection between subject and predicate;

5) violation of the type-temporal correlation of verb forms.

6. Violation of approval norms;

7) incorrect construction of sentences with participles;

3. A ) Her thoughtful look spoke eloquently of embarrassment. B) When the cubs grew up, they were put on a chain. B) Vera entered the room with her son in her arms. D) If I don't pass the exams, I'll end up in the army. E) The song contrasts the Petrel, striving for revolution and seeing it as the only way out, and the stupid Penguin, personifying the common man, hiding from the thunder, afraid of the approaching storm, although not threatening him .

1) Violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate;

2) erroneous formation of word forms;

3) violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases;

4) erroneous word formation;

5) an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members;

6) an error in the construction of a complex sentence;

7) violation of the type-temporal correlation of verb forms.

4. A) Seryozha and Misha waited a long time for their parents to return. B) I wanted to delve into and learn all the secrets of this science. C) The book lying on the table clearly did not interest the child. D) I look at the photograph and I really like it, so I went to write an essay. D) According to the director’s order, the head of the laboratory went on a business trip.

1) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition;

2) violation of the connection between subject and predicate;

3) an error in constructing a sentence with an application;

4) an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members;

5) incorrect construction of a sentence with a participial phrase;

6) violation of the type-temporal correlation of verb forms.

7) incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech.

5. A) Training of hunters for the extermination of wolves and those responsible for carrying out this event. B) Having gone up the Volga, the barge will be unloaded at the piers of Samara. C) Owners of large dogs know that they can be caught if they are not muzzled. D) They sent us the book by parcel post. D) The interlocutor turned out to be a cheerful and cheerful person .

1) Violation of the way of expressing the predicate;

2) an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members;

3) an error in the construction of a complex sentence;

4) erroneous formation of word forms;

5) violation of management standards;

6) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition;

7) violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases.

6. A) This was the most seriously ill patient in our ward. B) I have completely lost faith in people: everyone tries to steal. B) There were tables, chairs, a bookcase and various antique furniture in the room. D) Modern students are interested in many foreign languages. D) Approaching the house, I felt cool.

1) Incorrect construction of sentences with participles;

2) violation of the connection between subject and predicate;

3) erroneous formation of word forms;

4) erroneous word formation;

5) an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members;

6) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition;

7) violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases.

When preparing for the Unified State Exam, you should remember that the morphological norms of the Russian language include violations of the norms of word and form formation. This grammatical errors associated with incorrect use of parts of speech and their forms, i.e. erroneous formation of the form of nouns, adjectives, numerals, pronouns, verbs, participles, gerunds. For example:

    Erroneous formation of noun form: many miracle technology is not enough time.

    Erroneous formation of the adjective form: more more interesting, more beautiful.

    Errors in using the full form of an adjective instead of the short form: Sister sick already a week.

    Incorrect use of a numeral: s five hundred rubles, in two thousand sixth year.

    Errors in the use of collective numerals: Five girls are walking along the road. WITH both sides of the road.

    Erroneous formation of the pronoun form: theirs Houses, theirs children.

    Erroneous formation of the verb form: They ride, want.

    Incorrect formation of the form of the gerund: writing about the life of nature.

    Incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition:

    Thanks to promotion the level of service has increased in number of customers.

    Violation of aspectual-temporal correlation of verb forms: Freezes for a moment the heart and suddenly starts beating again.

    Mixing passive and active participles: Task, running us.

The second group of grammatical errors in the Unified State Examination in the Russian language consists of errors in the formation of syntactic structures: violation of the norms of coordination and control, incorrect use of homogeneous and isolated members of a sentence, as well as errors in composing complex sentences and sentences with foreign speech. For example:

When the hero came to his senses. It was too late. (Violation of sentence boundaries)

I know a group of guys, seriously addicted jazz. (negotiation violation)

Narrates readers. (Disturbance of control)

Everyone who has read Pushkin's "Boris Godunov" remembers tramp Varlaam. (Disruption of connection between subject and predicate)

D. S. Likhachev appears before us in his book as those who passionately love their native culture "Letters about the good and the beautiful". (Violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application)

The narrow path was covered with sinkholes snow under your feet. (Violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases)

Rain, poured in the morning and which interfered with our walk, ended after lunch. (Combination of constructions with a participial phrase and with the word which)

Reading the article notes are always taken. (Incorrect construction of sentences with participial phrases)

He's more talented rather than than his brother. (False doubling of the union)

My bag is not so beautiful how at a friend's place. (Improper construction of sentences with double conjunctions)

Thanks to efforts friend, I got an A. (Incorrect construction of sentences with a derived preposition)

Classes take place at the stadium, park and the hall. (Prepositions are used incorrectly with homogeneous parts of the sentence)

I beg silence and listen me. (Use of different parts of speech as homogeneous parts of a sentence)

This book taught me to value and respect friends, which I read

back in childhood. ( Error in constructing a complex sentence)

Bazarov tells Arkady that is yours father is a retired man. (Mixing direct and indirect speech)

check yourself

Determine the nature of the grammatical error and write the sentences in a modified form

    After making a series of calculations, the problem was solved.

    The owners of the cherry orchard are facing ruin.

    After reading “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign,” our state involuntarily seemed to me like a Russian principality.

    I'm very sorry for what happened.

    Our group was united and friendly.

    The new accountant will start work on Monday.

    We trained about two hundred specialists, but only a third of them passed the exams.

    Some people, especially from our generation, do not perceive modern music.

    Before the holiday, the store holds a sale on stockings and socks.

    I feel more humble as a television presenter than as a musician.

    Not everyone wants to pay for the services that the government provides to the population.

    She took him by the arm and said that you are the best person I have ever known in my life.

    His heart was pounding, his lips were dry, and he licked them with his tongue.

    While working with the text, our first acquaintance with S.T. Aksakov took place.

    While doing our homework, we got our first insight into the life of I.S. Turgenev.

    Remembering his childhood, L.N. Tolstoy writes that my mother did not allow the dying lamp of life in me to go out.

    The mother not only angrily rejected all the doctors’ advice, but also never stopped fighting for her son’s life.

    Upon arrival from St. Petersburg, he settled in a friend’s house.

    Turgenev's hunting notes, which were a resounding success, were only samples of a talented pen.

    The writer had some incomprehensible gift for depicting the world of nature, which he loved and remembered all its impressions to the smallest detail.

    Using a calculator, the calculation is quick and easy.

    Waking up from the cold, I saw that it was already seven o’clock.

    There was a fireplace in the room, which had not been lit for a long time and served as a shelf for the residents.

    Then Sergeev is appointed head of the motor depot, working in this position for a year and a half.

Training tasks

Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1. Anyone who wants to do a lot in a day gets up early.

2. Teachers who worked creatively throughout the school year received certificates.

3. According to the order of the school director, classes begin at nine o'clock in the morning.

4. All passengers using public transport must pay the fare.

1. Every spring, the kiwi lays one (rarely two) greenish-white egg in a flat-shaped nest located among the roots, or in dense bushes, or in a dug hole. 2. Everyone who visited this country was amazed by the hospitality of the local people.

3. Guests who stayed up late were reluctant to leave their hospitable hosts.

4. The head of the kindergarten called the parents for a conversation.

1. Contrary to the expectations of critics, the novel was a great success among readers.

2. Linguists write about foreign language borrowings and that you need to watch your speech.

3. A lot of literary studies have been devoted to the comedy of N.V. Gogol.

4. The teacher was awarded the Prize of the President of Russia.

1. You must pay for the subway fare.

2. Success in competition depends not only on skill, but on knowledge of technology.

3. When the mother asked her son why he was reading forbidden books, Pavel replied that he wanted to know everything. 4. He respects and cares about his front-line comrades.

1. We loved hiking and often went to the forest.

2. The delegation was heading to the house of a famous scientist, located not far from the main square. 3. The athletes trained according to the training schedule.

4. Blok’s poem “The Twelve” presents a complex system of images.

1. Those who have been close to me for the last few years came to me.

2. For the first time I listened to the opera “The Snow Maiden” with my parents.

3. The patient contacted and was treated by this doctor.

4. The students happily helped the archaeologists who came from St. Petersburg.

1. Tsiolkovsky wrote that the main goal of his life was to advance humanity at least a little forward. 2. A special commission has been created in the city, which is tasked with coordinating the work of all construction companies.

3. At the end of the practical training, each student must write a report on the work performed. 4. Happy are those who in their lives come closer to the ideal formed in their youth.

1. In the painting “Alyonushka” V.M. Vasnetsov depicted a peasant girl who came to a forest lake. 2. The brave caretaker, risking his life, rushed across the galloping horse.

3. Those who do not give up in the face of difficulties will always be an example for the younger generation. 4. Registration of conference participants was carried out immediately upon their arrival.

1. Everyone who knew the great writer noted his modesty and integrity.

2. Residents of this area paid special attention to the development of gardening.

3. The minibus driver told the newly entered passengers that you will pay for the fare.

4. Not only abilities, but also hard work will help you achieve success in your work.

1. No one who played on the school basketball team became a professional athlete. 2. Forest glades are covered with bright strawberry stars, blooming profusely this year. 3. The sisters were fond of and well versed in modern music.

4. “Rovesnik” publishes many interesting articles.

Answers to test tasks:











Now I want to offer a unique "cheat sheet". I’ll explain how easy it is to complete task No. 7.

How to easily complete task No. 7

As an example for commentary, I will take the task proposed in the demo version for 2016.

A comment

    Sentence 1. Pay attention to the verbs - predicates in it. They are standing in different tenses and are verbs of different types(exposes- present time, nesov view; revealed- past time, owl view).

Conclusion: the type-temporal correlation of verbs is broken (verbs in one sentence must be of the same type and tense). Answer- D

    Proposal 2. We have a complex sentence before us. Look at the stem in the main clause: took everything away. As we see , the predicate must be in the plural. number (taken away). The essence of the error here is that the word is taken as the subject Who, and this is the subject of the subordinate clause ( who visited). Therefore, find the correct grammatical basis, then you will immediately see the error. Answer- G(the connection between the subject and the predicate is broken)

    Proposal 3.The work is based on “Tales of a Real Man.” There is an error here. When a sentence contains common nouns (story, novel, book, opera, ballet, etc.), then the title of the work is written in the nominative case.

Right: At the heart of the work " Tale about a real person."

Looking for an answer about the application(the title of the work is an application, that is, a definition expressed by a noun). Answer: IN

    Proposal 5. In this sentence we see participial because it answers the question what(sketches brought th from a trip to the East). What's wrong here? What sketches? Brought s

Conclusion: The sentence with the participial phrase is constructed incorrectly. Answer: A

    Proposition 9. Here is a complex sentence. Look, the subordinate part in it is attached to the main part by two means of subordinating connection – what to what extent. All you need is a conjunction word how much. Therefore the answer is B, that is, an error in the construction of a complex sentence.

Let's write down the answers in numbers:


Keep in mind that in task No. 7 there are 5 answers and 9 sentences. Therefore Not suitable for answering sentences No. 4,6,7,8

What other sentences could there be with errors? (they are not in the demo version)

    Incorrectly constructed sentence with indirect speech. Remember, in such a sentence personal pronouns should only appear at 3 face.


A.N. Nekrasov wrote that “ I dedicated the lyre to his people.”

Right: " He lira..."

    Errors in the sentence with participial phrase. Remember the rules. They are on this site. Let me remind you that The action in the participial phrase must be performed by the subject.


Climbing the mountain, it became completely dark. (Here the sentence is impersonal, there is no subject, there is no one to climb the mountain)

Approaching the station, my hat fell off. (The hat can fly off, but driving up to the station can’t)

Correct example:

Preparing for the exam, I do a lot of test tasks. (I prepare and I perform)

    Errors in sentences with homogeneous members. There can be a lot of different errors here. Remember the rules, types of errors. Let me give you a few examples.


She bought fruits, apples, pears. (Fruit is a more general concept, so it is not a homogeneous member, but a generalizing word. She bought fruit: apples, pears).

I love many items: mathematics, Russian, history.

(Homogeneous members must be in the same form as the generalizing word: I love many objects: mathematics, Russian, history).

These are my comments and tips. Train, learn the rules, and then everything will work out.

Melnikova Vera Alexandrovna.

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Secondary general education

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Syntactic norms

Theory of task 7

Exercise: Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column. In the 1st column under the letters A) B) C) D) D) examples are given, in the 2nd column under the numbers justifications for grammatical errors are given.

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

What the response should look like:

The maximum number of points for completing this task is 5 points.

For each correct match - 1 point.

1. Incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition

In the letter task, we look for derived prepositions (usually the sentence begins with them) and check the case of the noun that comes after the preposition. All of the following prepositions can only be combined with the Dative case of a noun:

  • According to (who? what?)
  • Thanks to (who? what?)
  • Contrary to (who? what?)
  • Like (who? what?)
  • In defiance of (who? what?)

Also in a sentence there can be prepositions that are combined with a noun in the Genitive case:

  • in moderation (of what?)
  • during (what?)
  • in continuation of (what?)
  • due to (what?)
  • in conclusion (what?)
  • in the form of (what?)
  • for a reason (what?)
  • like (what?)

For example: Thanks to the increased level of service, there are more customers in company stores.

2. Disruption of connection between subject and predicate

In tasks with letters, we are looking for the construction “everyone who...”, “those who...”, “the one who...”, etc., it is necessary to check the agreement of the subject and predicate (singular/plural) in the main and in subordinate clauses.

For example: Everyone who has read Pushkin’s “Boris Godunov” remembers the tramp Varlaam.

Everyone who has read Pushkin’s “Boris Godunov” remembers the tramp Varlaam.

3. Violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application

Letter assignments must have quotation marks.

For example: To those who passionately love their native culture, D.S. appears before us. Likhachev in the book « Letters about the good and the beautiful » .

Explanation: Application is a definition expressed by a noun.


  • If the quotation marks are preceded by a generic title (book, newspaper, magazine, painting, etc.), the title in quotation marks must be in Im.p. For example, the novel “Eugene Onegin”; painting “Autumn”; song "Dubinushka".
  • If there is no generic name before the quotation marks, the name in quotation marks is declined. For example, in “Eugene Onegin”; in "Autumn" by Levitan; in "Dubinushka".

4. Error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members

If a sentence contains homogeneous clause members connected by the conjunction “and”, followed by a common dependent word(s), it is necessary to check whether the first homogeneous clause clause is consistent with this common dependent word. For example, in the sentence “we hoped and believed in victory,” the first homogeneous member of the sentence “hoped” does not agree with “in victory,” so there is a grammatical error in this sentence.

Words from different parts of speech cannot be used as homogeneous members of a sentence. For example, “I love drawing and painting”

If in a sentence homogeneous members are connected by double conjunctions “not only – but also”, “both – so and”, “if not – then”, it is necessary to check whether the homogeneous members of the sentence are located immediately after these conjunctions. For example, in the sentence “We waited Not only Waving, but also Vanya” the conjunctions are correct. If we change the place of one of them: “We Not only were waiting for Masha, but also Vanya,” a grammatical error will appear in the sentence.

5. Violation of homogeneity of concepts

Words from different parts of speech cannot be used as homogeneous members of a sentence. For example, “I love drawing and painting”

6. Violation of the homogeneity of syntactic elements

It is unacceptable to violate the homogeneity of the syntactic elements of a sentence. The participial phrase and the subordinate part of a complex sentence cannot act as homogeneous syntactic elements.

For example, in the sentence “Ivan, who studied in the 9th grade and took part in the competition, ...” an error was made.

7. Incorrect construction of sentences with participles

The letter task begins with an adverbial phrase

For example: Having received Primary home education in Moscow, Radishchev was enrolled in the St. Petersburg Page Corps.

Participles answer the questions: doing what? what did you do?

Explanation: the gerund expresses an additional action with the main action expressed by the verb. The person performing both actions must be the same. In the sentence, the action “enrolled” is performed by “they, some people” (indefinite personal sentence), and the action “received” is performed by Radishchev.

Explanation: participial phrases most often cannot be used together with impersonal sentences, except in cases where the action is expressed by the words “can, can’t”

8. Violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases

We look for participial phrases in tasks with letters

The sacrament answers the questions: what is he doing? what did he do? what done?

Examples of participles: working, doubting, arrived, written, etc.

For example: For one of the novel’s heroes, searching for the meaning of life, the path to inner freedom opens.

Explanation: If a sentence has a participle, its form (ending) must agree with the noun it modifies. To do this, we ask a question from the word being defined to the participle. For example, “there were a lot of guys (who?) came to the forest.” The end of the participle must coincide with the end of the question to it.

9. Incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech

You cannot mix direct and indirect speech. It is unacceptable to use the pronouns “I, WE, YOU, YOU” in the subordinate part of a sentence in indirect speech.

For example, “Dima admitted that I I’m not ready for class today.”

10. Errors associated with violation of word order in a simple sentence

Type of error

The subject occupies a place that does not correspond to the established generally accepted order.

The author discusses the problems of humanism and mercy in his article.

The complement is in isolation from the word that controls it.

We cannot agree on his attitude to the problem with the author.

The definition is in isolation from the word being defined.

He was struck by the majestic and beautiful building of the theater located on the right.

The circumstance occupies a place that does not correspond to the generally accepted order.

He returned to Leningrad later, after the war, from the hospital.

Wrong location of preposition.

After two hours the dispute ended (two hours later)

Wrong location of compound conjunction.

Since yesterday and today this problem remains important.

The particle's location would be wrong.

He would like to fly into space or become a traveler.

11. Errors in the use of prepositions

Type of error


Mixing prepositions
from and with (with)
from and with
through and because of

When he arrived With villages to the city, I was surprised at many things.
Returning with school, he immediately sat down to his homework.
Soldiers who took part on war, returned to peaceful life.
True heroism revealed at battles for Moscow.
From morning until evening he worked in his editorial office.
He almost died through betrayal of a friend.

No excuse.

You can't help but bow down his heroism.

Having an unnecessary pretext.


  1. incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition
  2. incorrect use of the case form of a noun
  3. disruption of the connection between subject and predicate
  4. violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application
  5. error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members
  6. violation of homogeneity of concepts
  7. violation of the homogeneity of syntactic elements
  8. incorrect construction of sentences with participial phrases
  9. violation in the construction of sentences with a participial phrase
  10. incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech
  11. violation of word order in a simple sentence
  12. errors in the use of prepositions

Unified State Exam 2017: task 7





Task No. 7 on the Unified State Exam in the Russian language is formulated as follows:

Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column. Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters

Types of Grammar Errors

1. Incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition

  • Remember that the prepositions THANKS, ACCORDING, DESPITE are used only with the dative case:

thanks to (whom) friend

contrary to (what) expectation

according to (what?) schedule

  • The preposition “PO” controls the prepositional case:

upon arrival in Kazan

upon expiration of the period

upon arrival and home

  1. Disruption of connection between subject and predicate
  • The majority objected to such changes in the work plan; the majority objected).

Remember the rules:

1. agreement of the predicate with the words: RANGE, MAJORITY, MINORITY, MANY, SEVERAL, PART.

A). The predicate is put in the singular if there are no dependent words with these words (the minority supported the speaker).

B).Singular and with inanimate subjects (a number of schools have introduced elective courses in law into their programs).

IN). Plural in other cases:

  • A number of teachers spoke out for additional hours in the Russian language (animate noun).
  • Part of the proceeds will go to the treatment of sick children (if the subject has a participle or a subordinate clause with the word WHICH).
  • Several writers and poets were present at the evening (if there are several subjects or predicates).
  • Many suggestions for changing the structure of the speech were offered by colleagues (if there are other members of the sentence between the subject and predicate).

The subject and predicate are always singular in the following cases:

  • If the subject has only a singular number, for example: youth, peasantry, people, students.
  • If the subject contains the words MUCH, LITTLE, LITTLE.

For example: Many years have passed since I graduated from school.

  • If there are particles before the subject ONLY, ONLY.

For example: Only a small part of readers prefer the classics.

  • If the subject is the pronoun WHO and words formed from it

(nobody, some, etc.)

For example: Whoever takes the path of good cannot help but be happy.

  • If the subject is compound numerals, the last word of which is ONE + noun.

For example: Twenty-one people came to the meeting.

3. Violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application

Application is a definition expressed by a noun. If an appendix is ​​the name of something in quotation marks, then the appendix is ​​inconsistent. How to use it correctly?

  • If there is a common noun before the application, then the application is used in the nominative case:

I am reading Leo Tolstoy’s book “War and Peace” (Im.p.)

My mother works at the Zarya factory.

  • If there is no such common noun, then the application is used in the case that is required by the context:

I admire War and Peace (TVp.)

She works at Zarya (P.P.)

What kind of mistake happens in task No. 7?


She works at the Zarya factory (that's right: at the Zarya factory).

I am reading Leo Tolstoy’s book “War and Peace” (that’s right: the book “War and Peace”).

4. Error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members

  • Full and short adjectives cannot be used as homogeneous members:

She was beautiful and happy (beautiful and happy OR beautiful and happy)

  • It is impossible to mix genus-specific concepts in a series of homogeneous members:

The basket contained fruits, apples, pears (that’s right: there were fruits in the basket: apples, pears).

  • It is unacceptable to use words as homogeneous members, logically


Those departing walked with bags and joyful faces.

  • It is necessary to use double conjunctions correctly: do not replace individual words in them with other words, use only immediately before homogeneous members:

The mood was NOT ONLY the main thing for the creator, BUT ALSO for the readers

(that’s right: the mood was the main thing NOT ONLY for the creator, BUT ALSO for the readers).

He behaved NOT ONLY defiantly, BUT simply horribly (that’s right: he behaved NOT ONLY defiantly, BUT simply horribly).

  • You cannot use one preposition for homogeneous members if one of them has a different preposition:

People were everywhere: IN the streets, squares, squares (that’s right: people were everywhere: IN the streets, squares, IN squares).

  • Homogeneous members must be in the same case as the generalizing word:

The conference discussed many writers: Turgenev, Tolstoy, Chekhov

(correct: at the conference many writers were discussed: Turgenev, Tolstoy, Chekhov)

  • Incorrect if the homogeneous members are a noun and an infinitive:

I love reading, music and playing sports (that's right: I love reading, music and playing sports).

5. Incorrect construction of sentences with participles

First, let us remember that the gerund denotes an additional action with the main action expressed by the predicate verb.

Correct use of adverbial verbs:

  • Remember that in a correctly constructed sentence, the subject of the action - the subject - can simultaneously perform both the main action (predicate) and the additional action (gerund). In such sentences, the gerund is easy to replace with a verb.

For example:

While preparing for the exam, I repeated all the rules (I prepare and repeat)

  • A one-part definite personal will also be correct, since in it the subject can easily be inserted into a sentence.

For example:

When preparing for an exam, I repeat the rules (I prepare and repeat).

  • Impersonal sentences will also be correct, but remember one very important condition: the sentence must contain an infinitive and the following words: CAN, SHOULD, NECESSARY, SHOULD, WANTED, RECOMMENDED, REQUIRED, IMPOSSIBLE.

For example:

When preparing for the exam, you need to remember the rules.

Examples of incorrect use of participial phrases:

  • Having climbed the mountain, it became very cold (in an impersonal sentence there is no subject who would perform an additional action expressed by a gerund).
  • Approaching the station, my hat fell off (the subject cannot perform an additional action).

6. Violations in the construction of sentences with participial phrases

  • Violation of agreement between the defined word and the participial phrase. It is necessary to ask a question from the word being defined to the participle, and at the end of it, determine what ending the participle will have.

For example:

Poachers who break the law face a serious fine (what kind of poachers? those who break).

  • The defined word cannot be used inside a participial phrase. It should be either BEFORE or AFTER it.

For example:

A boat moored to the shore aroused suspicion (that's right: a boat moored to the shore).

7. Incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech

  • Direct speech is someone's speech conveyed without changes. Indirect speech is the transmission of someone else's speech and its meaning in the form of a complex sentence. In sentences with indirect speech, you cannot use 1st and 2nd person pronouns, only the 3rd person is needed.



Nekrasov wrote that “I dedicated the lyre to my people” (incorrect use of 1st person).


Nekrasov wrote that HE “dedicated the lyre to his people,”

These are the main types of grammatical errors, examples of which are provided in the 2015 demo. Of course, there are much more errors of this kind. In the next article I will remind you of them. While you are learning these rules, do more test tasks.

Good luck to you!

Melnikova Vera Alexandrovna