A child's first pet can be a Djungarian hamster: care and maintenance will not require much money or time. Everything about Djungarian hamsters at home can now be read on the Internet, so that the Djungarian hamster can live a relatively long and happy life, and brought only joy to the owners.

Many people are interested in where Djungarian hamsters live in the wild in order to provide their pet with conditions that are as close to natural as possible. Dwarf hamsters are very widespread. They live in the steppes and semi-deserts of Kazakhstan, Asia, Russia (Western Siberia, Altai region). The name was given by the name of the province in northwestern China - Dzungaria. The Sungur hamster (Phodopus sungorus) is an alternative name for the Djungarian hamster.

Thrifty rodents are loners. Each animal builds a hole with 4-6 entrances, up to a meter deep, where a pantry, bedroom, and latrine are located in various branches. They emerge from their burrows at dusk and at night. They feed on grass, seeds, berries, and insects.

Every day the sungurik runs several kilometers in search of food.

On the grassy plains, tiny hamsters have many enemies - predator birds, ferrets, stoats. To prevent the babies from dying out, nature endowed them with camouflage colors and amazing fertility.


Dwarf hamsters are no more than 10 cm long and weigh 40-50 g. The animal is covered with thick short fur. The natural color is the most common: the back is gray-brown, with a pronounced black stripe along the spine. The belly is light, the inside of the paws is also white. The eyes are black, convex, shiny.

Colors of Djungarian hamsters

The natural color is most common, but in nurseries, by selecting spectacular mutations based on the coat, it was possible to obtain unusual colors. Tangerine follows the natural pattern, but the fur is not dark, but light brown, red. The color “sapphire” is gray-blue.

The rarest is the “pearl”, the white Djungarian hamster. Pearl color is characterized by the loss of a dark stripe along the ridge. The Djungarian hamster is not black or albino. This color variation indicates that this is not a Sungurik.

A pet of an unusual color requires a responsible attitude: a “colored” rodent is less resistant to unfavorable conditions and stress. Thus, red hamsters are carriers of the lethal gene, so individuals of the same color should not interbreed.

IN wildlife dark Djungarian hamsters are subject to seasonal molting. They lighten: they turn white or gray, although the dark stripe on the back remains. In an apartment, this phenomenon is rare, because the temperature does not drop below 16 C, and the daylight hours are constant.

Maintenance and nutrition: equipment

Caring for a dwarf is not difficult; even children can cope with this task. But for this you need to properly organize your hamster’s life. The main rule is that the hamster must have its own home. If you want to start one, you will need 2 cells.


Despite the tiny size of the pet, the cage should be as large as possible, at least 50x30 cm. To avoid injury, single-tier cages are recommended. Instead of the usual lattice design with a plastic tray, you should take a closer look at closed “dunes” and cages with plastic inserts. Pipes and tunnels will help the animal feel at home. Good options:

Ferplast "Duna Fun"

Fop "Charlie Prestige"

IMAC Fantasy, 58x38x38.5 cm

A thick layer of corn or cellulose is poured onto the bottom, and white is placed in the house. paper towels or napkins for nest building.


A hamster must run several kilometers every day to stay healthy. In captivity, such activity can only be achieved with the help of. For a dwarf, the diameter should be 16-18 cm. It should not have crossbars, the surface should be solid or with a fine mesh so that the foot does not get stuck.

In addition to the wheel, they use . In it, the animal will be able to safely move around the apartment. It’s good if the owner organizes a playground: a labyrinth, tunnels.

Dining room equipment

The feeder is most often a small ceramic bowl: heavy enough not to tip over and easy to clean. Mandatory, but a bowl of water is undesirable. It is better to hang a closed container: a nipple or ball drinker.


The basis of the diet is a grain mixture - ready-made food for dwarf hamsters. Due to its fast metabolism, the hamster eats a lot. To keep your pet healthy, use food from trusted manufacturers: Versele-Laga “Mini Hamster Nature”, JR Farm, Vitakraft. Chika BIO “Food for Djungarian hamsters” can be an inexpensive domestic option.

In addition to grains, the pet is given succulent food (vegetables, fruits, berries, greens), and occasionally protein foods (boiled chicken, low-fat cottage cheese). Contrary to popular myth, a hamster cannot eat everything and eat “from the table.” You will have to study it carefully and stick to it.

In addition to food, the pet store buys treats - edible sticks and spikelets, mineral stone for grinding teeth.

Other accessories (optional)

A small carrier cage is useful for taking your pet to the veterinary clinic when moving. Homa is planted in it when spring cleaning cells.

If the owner cares about the cleanliness of the fur and the absence of unpleasant fur, they buy a bathing container and special sand for chinchillas.

Care and feeding

If you explain to a child how to care for a hamster, the little owner will feel responsible for the pet. Hamsters are fed every day evening time when the animal wakes up. Change the water in the drinking bowl; it should always be fresh.

They do a spot test in the cage every day. It is necessary to promptly remove the remains of succulent feed to prevent spoilage and rotting (revision of stocks). Remove accumulations of feces and wet litter, adding fresh litter if necessary. Hamsters are clean and have a special toilet corner in their cage.

It is very important to keep the animal clean so that it does not get sick, but general cleaning with a complete change of bedding is stressful for hamsters. Wash the cage no more than once a week, using a sponge and fragrance-free laundry soap. All accessories are processed: bowl, wheel, toys. Disassemble and wash the drinking bowl (the iron spout is cleaned of plaque and doused with boiling water).

It is better to clean the cage on a schedule (once every 7-10 days), without waiting for a strong smell to appear. Even with heavy contamination, toxic products should be avoided. chemicals like bleach. To remove white stains from urine and eliminate odor, use vinegar (apply for 15 minutes).

Hamsters have a very sensitive psyche. Rearrangement in the cage makes them nervous, especially when it comes to the “pantry” – food reserves that the animal instinctively creates. With regular destruction of the pantry, he becomes desperate, unsuccessfully trying to find a more secluded place in the cage. Therefore, you need to clean your pet’s house selectively, removing only foods that are susceptible to spoilage. To reduce stress during general cleaning, leave some old litter and napkins from the nest in the cage.


Djungarians have an independent character and are not too eager to communicate. To wean the animal from biting and fearlessly picking it up, it will have to be patiently tamed day after day. It will not be possible to raise a hamster once and for the rest of its life: if you do not have contact with it for 1-2 weeks, the pet will run wild again, and hand training begins all over again.


Taking care of dzhungarikas is not difficult; the chores even become pleasant for the owner, who is sincerely attached to his pet. Its cute habits and appearance make this variety of dwarf hamster the most common pet. With proper care, the animal will live 2 years or more. Although this period seems sadly short for humans, in captivity hamsters live much longer than their wild counterparts.

If you are considering a Djungarian hamster as your pet, then before making a choice, we recommend that you also get acquainted with. The Syrian hamster is almost as popular as the dwarf hamster, but differs significantly from its brother.

Djungarian hamster (jungarik): care and maintenance at home

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One of the smallest pets is the Djungarian hamster. These small and funny creatures are distinguished by the fact that they can live both in an apartment and easily adapt to natural conditions. They perfectly adapt to survival in both summer and winter. Djungarians are peaceful and harmless, but sometimes they can show a hot temperament and even be aggressive. Cute hamsters need care and are very popular among pet lovers.

Djungarian hamsters: description, photo

Unusual animals in natural conditions distributed in Khakassia, Western Siberia and the Eastern Caucasus. They live in semi-deserts and dry steppes. Weighing from 35 to 65 g The hamster's height can reach 10 cm. Dzungariks are different:

  • not very long hair with significant white patches;
  • almost white belly;
  • a fairly clearly defined boundary between the color of the abdomen and back;
  • grayish color in summer and almost white color in winter;
  • a very short tail, which may not be visible when the animal is sitting;
  • dark stripe on the back;
  • hairy feet.

Djungarian hamsters have several types, which differ in the color of their skin. They can be brown, white or light gray. Some types of rodents do not have stripes on their backs, while others, on the contrary, are striped.

The front paws of cute animals are very similar to hands. When they eat, they hold food with them. Dzungariki have virtually no odor, which makes them ideal for keeping in apartments.

Behavior of Djungarian hamsters at home

What makes rodents especially popular is their thrifty nature, which works in any conditions. In nature, they stock up on food for the winter by collecting seeds in their cheek pouches. A hamster released in the house will begin to run around the room and collect all kinds of small things, even if they are not edible. Behind his cheeks you can find small objects or even pieces of soap and thread.

Djungarians are very friendly, and love to play with children and sleep in their arms. They just love to be petted. Hamsters like to sleep at night and during the day, and at dusk they become very active. In order for the animal to maintain its shape, you need to place a wheel in the cage on which the rodent will happily run.

Djungarian hamsters are very clean and constantly clean their fur. But it is not recommended to wash them with water. If your hamster's fur requires cleaning, you can use sand, but never water.

From the Syrian hamster Dzungaria have unusual behavior. They can be aggressive, so it is not recommended to keep two individuals in the same cage. Since each rodent likes to own its own territory, they may simply injure each other. If you buy a Djungarian hamster for a child, then you should not forget that it can show aggression and injure the baby. You need to be very careful with this small animal.

Selection of dzhungarik

Since this type of hamster is solitary by nature, only one rodent can be kept in the house. The opinion that two hamsters in one cage will not be so sad is wrong. Each animal will require a separate home. Therefore, if you are not going to breed hamsters, then it is best to purchase one individual.

Many people are interested how to determine the sex of a rodent. If the seller cannot help in this matter, then you can do the following:

  1. Place the hamster's back on your palm, while top part The torso should be held with your thumbs.
  2. In this position, you can easily see the back of the animal. And if there is at least one centimeter between the genitals and the anus and there is a formed gland in the center of the abdomen, then this is a male.
  3. In females, the distance between the genitals and the anus is very small, and no gland is visible. Females are also distinguished by two rows of papillae.

To accurately determine that the hamster offered to you is a Djungarian, you just need to look at its back, where there must be a gray stripe.

Features of keeping Djungarian hamsters

First of all, you need to prepare a cage for your pet. For the normal functioning of the animal and increasing its lifespan, it must have approximate dimensions 50x30 cm. The purchased cell must be filled. For this you will need:

Pet stores offer the following for equipping rodent cages: various sections, ladders, tunnels, which are purchased at the request of the owner.

The cage with the hamster should not be in a draft or sun, near a battery or a noisy object such as a TV.

Caring for dzhungarik

Caring for a rodent is quite easy, since it carries out all hygiene procedures itself. With the help of its paws and tongue, the pet thoroughly cleans its body. Even in the burrows in which Djungarian hamsters live in nature, they manage to remain clean. This property was passed on to domesticated animals at the genetic level. They will not shit wherever they have to, but will choose one corner for a latrine. This behavior of the rodent makes it very easy to care for.

When caring for hamsters, keep in mind that in winter dzhungarikas molt. The gray patches disappear on their skin, and it becomes white, with only one stripe on the back. The duration of molting depends on longitude daylight hours. If its duration is short, then the hamster changes color within six weeks.

Rodent nutrition

The simplest option for feeding a Djungarian hamster is special food mixtures purchased at a pet store. They include corn, seeds, oats, peas, and nuts.

From natural products, you can feed rodents with fruits and dried fruits, corn, zucchini, carrots, plantain, and lettuce. The only fruits that pets should not be given are citrus fruits. They will be happy to feast on bananas, apricots, peaches, and apples.

Since the diet of Djungarians protein must be included, twice a week they need to be given boiled eggs, boiled chicken meat, low-fat cottage cheese. You can add earthworms, dried gammarus, and boiled shrimp to your diet.

When feeding your hamster, be sure to keep an eye on what he hides in his closet. There should be no perishable foods there, otherwise the rodent may have digestive problems.

Reproduction of Djungarian hamsters

If you have several hamsters and they are kept separately, then the female must be placed with the male during estrus. It is characterized by the female arching her back and raising her tail. Such actions mean that she is ready to mate. This period is repeated every five days.

Those who are planning to breed dzhungarikas need to know that the female can be fertilized at home all year round, And produce offspring two to three times a year. Three to nine small hamsters are usually born at one time.

Pregnancy usually lasts from 17 to 21 days. At this time, the female should not be picked up or disturbed. She should be fed protein food and provided with napkins with which she will build a nest. Two to three days before giving birth, the wheel and house should be removed from the cage.

In the first days, babies born blind are completely defenseless. Only in the second week will their eyes open. A couple of months after birth, Djungarian hamsters become fully mature.

The Djungarian hamster, a photo of which can be seen in the article, will become good friend, both for kids and adults. And since its maintenance and care are very simple, even a child can cope with them.

Dzungariki at home

When a dzhungarik appears in the house, you should remember that this is not a toy, but Living being, which needs to be properly looked after and fed, because it lives according to its own rules and instincts.

And even at home, you should provide the hamster and his future home with everything necessary.

Djungarian hamsters are gray in color.

A distinctive feature of these small rodents is the dark stripe running along the entire back of the pet. Typically the size adult reaches 5 cm.

So if you want to get a pet, but the living space in your house does not allow you to buy a dog or cat, then the Djungarian hamster will fit perfectly even in the most modest-sized apartment.

Cage or terrarium

When choosing a home, it is better to choose a wire cage with vertical bars. It will be more convenient for your home to climb and sharpen its teeth, so you should not choose a painted one, over time the paint will be chewed off, and this will not add health to the dzhungarika.

The size of the cage should be at least 35x70x50 cm. Pay attention to how the door closes, because hamsters can independently open most mechanisms or lift the grille to crawl out.

If you have chosen a terrarium, be sure to put branches there that the hamster can climb. Unlike a cage, a terrarium is subject to greater humidity and is more difficult to care for. You cannot cover it with dense materials or plastic - the dzungaria needs oxygen.

You should avoid using paper bedding; it will absorb moisture and spread bad smell not only throughout the hamster's house, but also throughout your apartment. Increased humidity in the cage provokes the appearance of mold, which can make the hamster sick.

So, your terrarium must have:

  • branches for movement;
  • sawdust;
  • wooden blocks;
  • wire mesh covering the terrarium.

What kind of housing to choose for your furry friend is a personal matter for its owner. But from the point of view of convenience and comfort for you and the hamster, it is better to go with a metal cage.

In addition to all of the above, its size can be selected individually, it does not break and is much easier to carry.

Plus, almost all the equipment, be it a wheel, a drinking bowl, a plastic house or a partition between floors, are designed specifically to be attached to the bars of the cage. This will be difficult to install in a glass terrarium.

Setting up your home

Once a cage has been selected, the question of its “furniture” arises. At home, a hamster needs not only to be properly cared for, but also to be provided with a comfortable sleeping place and activity area; these rodents are prone to gaining extra grams, and this seriously affects their health and life expectancy.

A good homa cage should include:

  • house;
  • wheel;
  • tunnels or stairs;
  • drinking bowl;
  • bowl for dry food;
  • bowl for fresh food;
  • mineral stone;
  • sand bath.


There are many plastic ones sold in pet stores, but when your dwarf starts gnawing on it and sharpening its teeth, the house will most likely look like Swiss cheese.

Wooden dwellings should also be avoided; they will absorb and retain unpleasant odors, and ultimately can cause illness. The most optimal is a ceramic house, it does not absorb odor, is easy to clean, and is quite heavy, it will not be easy for your home to move it.


With its help, dungarians will keep themselves in shape and satisfy the need for movement. You need to choose a solid wheel, or one with a minimum distance between the rods.

If a hamster's paw gets caught in the hole, it could cause injury. It is better to abandon the plastic wheel in favor of a metal one, but do not forget to lubricate it with oil.


It is best to cover the floor in the cage with soft sawdust, then it will be easier to keep it clean, and they also absorb moisture and odors well. But carefully monitor whether the homa has an allergic reaction.

The sawdust layer should be at least two centimeters. The Djungarians will drag some of them into the house to make bedding. Once a week you need to change the sawdust in order to keep your home clean and prevent an unpleasant odor from spreading.

Pieces of paper are also possible as bedding, but it absorbs odor less well and remains wet for a long time. Do not cover the floor of the cage with newspaper; printing ink is very harmful to health, and the paper itself will be hard on the hamster’s paws. It is better to opt for napkins or toilet paper.

Never use cotton wool as bedding. The hamster can get its paws tangled in it and ultimately injure its limb, or cause the toes to die, disrupting blood circulation. Also, cotton wool almost does not absorb odor, but it retains unnecessary moisture in the cage well.

Drinker and food bowls

Sometimes it comes complete with a cage. If you don’t have one, you should buy a special drinking bowl that will be mounted on the wall. Fill it only with boiled water; do not rely entirely on water filters. Straight lines should not fall on the drinking bowl. Sun rays, this will cause the growth of microorganisms. Try to change the water several times a week. Make sure the drinker is not leaking. Do not place a bowl of water in the cage; it will eventually be spilled and will only cause discomfort and the appearance of mold, which can make the hamster seriously ill.

It is better to take ceramic bowls; they cannot be chewed and are much more difficult to turn over. Ideally, there should be two of them, one for dry food, the other for fresh food. This will prevent the grains from sticking to the fruit and causing the food to spoil quickly. It is better to wash the bowls themselves without cleaning agents; they can cause poisoning in the dwarf.

A few nuances

Having decided to get a pair of dzhungarikas at once, you need to be prepared for the fact that they may soon have babies, which you will have to either distribute to all your friends or take to a pet store (unless, of course, you find an establishment that will easily accept your offspring hamsters).

Usually, after reaching 40 days, the female and male are already ready to become father and mother, so be vigilant.

As for housing a pair of same-sex hamsters, experienced experts do not recommend experimenting with this.

Two females or two males will try to take a dominant position and these “wars” will last until one of them is overthrown, that is, injured or even killed. You need it? Therefore, if you do not want to watch hamster fights every day, then it is still better to get one rodent.

Hand training

Immediately after purchase, you need to give the dzhungarik time to get used to it. You shouldn’t pick him up for a couple of days, but to get him accustomed to your smell, periodically let him sniff him and get to know you. After a while, try to pick up the hamster, it is better if it is on the floor.

To take it, put your hand under it; if the dwarf has run into the house or the other end of the cage, do not insist on contact and be patient. Also, do not forget that in the wild, birds hunt hamsters, and a hand raised from above can instinctively scare a hamster. When the hamster gets used to you and allows you to pick him up, do it carefully; dwarf hamsters have fragile bones.

You need to have close contact and pick up your Djungarian hamster every day. If you neglect this, the rodent may become weaned from you and show a less friendly mood, and sometimes even bite. In addition, you should let your home run around the room; a special ball is good for this. It will allow the dzhungarik not only to discharge energy, but also to protect it from other animals or escape. Such an active walk should last no more than an hour a day. The main thing to remember is that a hamster is not always able to stop on its own.

Features of feeding

The diet of dzhungariks should not differ sharply from the natural diet in nature. The easiest feeding option is to purchase ready-made feed mixtures.

The composition of the purchased food includes oats, corn, seeds, nuts, and peas. Hamsters love these foods and eat them with pleasure. What else can you give your pets?

Fresh vegetables and fruits

Djungarians tolerate cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, zucchini, corn, and lettuce well. But cabbage, onions and garlic are absolutely not suitable for them.

Among fruits, pets prefer apples, bananas, peaches, and apricots. Citrus fruits are not suitable for rodents due to their high acidity.

The diet of dzungarians needs to be diluted with protein foods. Hamsters need to be fed meat once a week, the portions should be small, maybe three or four pieces.

It is advisable to give chicken meat; it should be well cooked. Eggs and low-fat cottage cheese are also considered a source of protein, so they can be included in the menu; animals tolerate them well.


In the summer, it is not forbidden to pamper hamsters with outdoor plants. These are dandelions, nettles, plantain, parsley, clover. You should not give mint and sorrel to rodents. There's a lot in mint essential oils, and sorrel is highly acidic.

Important: domestic dzhungariks should not receive salt, spices, White bread, sweets, sausage and pasta. Hamsters' diet should be balanced; fried and sweet foods are not suitable for them.

Feeding dzhungarikas is carried out twice a day, preferably in the morning and evening hours. The remains of dry food do not need to be removed, but food that may spoil, such as boiled meat, must be removed from the cage after 3-4 days. Hamsters can be poisoned by missing and unwashed food.

How to care

Caring for Djungarian hamsters includes regular cleaning. If you don't clean the cage, the smell of urine will be quite strong.

How to properly clean up after hamsters?

  1. Constant cleaning of the filler is carried out once a week.
  2. To prevent the dwarf from running away, it is placed in a carrier or jar.
  3. The dirty litter is not completely removed, but a small amount is left for the animal.
  4. Once a month, the cage can be washed, but the animal’s nest must not be destroyed. It is enough to wash the bottom of the cage with natural laundry soap.

Important: domestic hamsters do not need water treatments. The animal cleans its fur on its own; for hygienic purposes, it only needs a bath with sand.

Caring for dzhungarikas will be incomplete if you do not put a teething stick in the cage. A mineral stone is suitable for grinding. You can offer the animal a stick made from a branch of a fruit tree. The exceptions are apricot and cherry.

Another important aspect in caring for hamsters, this is the location of the cage. Djungarian hamsters do not tolerate sunlight; even a short exposure to strong sun can kill the small animal.

The cage with the hamster should not be placed near the following objects:

  • hot battery;
  • TV;
  • computer.

You should not expose the cage to a draft, as hamsters will often get sick.

Djungarian hamsters are timid animals; forcibly stroking them or being carried in their arms is very stressful for them. For this reason, you should not make a toy out of an animal, give it to children, or try to train it in the first days of acquaintance. In addition, the dzhungarik can strongly bite the offender.

It’s not difficult to care for hamsters; it’s enough to equip your pet’s home, arrange its diet and observe simple rules cleaning Then the little pet will feel comfortable at home and will give the owner many pleasant moments. It is very interesting to observe the behavior of Djungarian hamsters.

A couple of “don’ts” in caring for dzhungarikas

Don't bathe in water

Hamsters are very sensitive to temperature and should not be bathed in water. If a dzhungarik was bought as a gift for a child, be sure to warn him. It happens that the skin of the homa is dirty, but he himself is not able to clean it; remove the dirt with a damp cloth.

Instead of water, you can put a bath with special sand in the cage where he will bathe. Check it periodically, sometimes hamsters bury supplies there or go to the toilet.

Do not introduce other hamsters

Djungarians are territorial rodents. In addition to the fact that they zone the entire cage, choosing a place to sleep or den, Homas do not like neighbors, clearly marking their territory.

The version that Djungarian hamsters need a friend or company in this case is a fiction that contradicts the instincts of rodents. When several individuals are in a cage at once, they experience constant stress, which will result in illness or a bloody conflict between neighbors.

Do not overfeed

You should not feed your hamster more than three times a day, even with an empty bowl; remember the natural thrifty nature of the rodent. Homs are too prone to obesity, which can significantly shorten their lives.

Also try to remove food in a timely manner so that it does not have time to spoil and does not spread pathogenic bacteria.

Pet stores offer a huge selection of special foods that will allow you to properly feed your hamster, providing all the useful minerals and vitamins.

The main thing to remember when caring for Djungarian hamsters is that they are very sensitive to loud sounds and temperature. A frightened rodent can bite you or a child, and not be handled for a very long time, as a result of which it goes wild. And he, like any pet, needs proper care, care and attention.

Not everyone likes large pets like dogs and cats. Some people have different preferences for hamsters and rodents. So, if you want a miniature, but at the same time cute animal, then the Djungarian hamster is an ideal option. In addition, they are very playful animals, so dzhungariki are great for families with children. Their only drawback is that at night the hamster may not sleep and constantly stirs in its cage.

This type of hamster in the wild can only be found in steppes and semi-deserts. In addition, djungarian hamsters differ from their other counterparts in that they have a dark stripe on their back. After reading this article, you, of course, will not learn everything about Djungarian hamsters, but you will get enough information on how to properly keep them and what to feed them.

What you need to know before taking home a dwarf

Firstly, the Djungarian hamster not only quickly gets used to being handled, but also quickly loses the habit. Therefore, you need to play with the animal periodically. This is necessary primarily to prevent the hamster from going wild. Otherwise, the animal may become aggressive.

Secondly, this animal is one of the “family” ones. Therefore, a hamster definitely needs a mate. Of course, there can be only one dzhungarik, but in a pair there is a greater chance that the animal will not go wild.

General description of the species

The Djungarian hamster belongs to a group of small rodents from the hamster family. This species does not have a specific odor and, in general, is a fairly clean animal.

If we talk about appearance This animal, then its height is about 5 cm, and its weight is only 45 grams. Body length - 10 cm. The feet of the dwarf are covered with hairs, and there are dark stripes on the back. They are often gray in color. White spots may be visible on their fur. Dzhungarik has a pointed muzzle and small ears. This rodent has a light belly and the inside of its ears is white. In summer, the hamster's fur becomes gray in color, and in winter it becomes almost white. Answering the question how long does the Djungarian hamster live, it must be said that average duration his life is 3 years.

Like any other animal, the dwarf hamster must receive the necessary care and good nutrition. Hence, a rodent should always have clean cell, large territory for life, periodic physical activity, as well as a balanced diet. This is the only way you can ensure a good and long life for your pet.

When choosing a cage for your pet, you should take into account the fact that it should be comfortable for the hamster himself. Optimal dimensions: length – 50 cm, width – 30 cm.

The importance of sports in the life of a hamster

The animal must move and lead an active lifestyle. The best way to start is to install running wheel. Ideally, a dzhugarik should move freely through labyrinths, slides and various climbs. In addition, you should pay attention to the fact that there should always be a teeth sharpener in the cage. Various twigs or sticks are great for this.

What to feed Djungarian hamsters

Balanced diet very important for the full growth and development of the body. A hamster must get all the vitamins and microelements it needs from food.

Dzungarik can be given the following fruits and vegetables:

  • carrot;
  • apple;
  • dried corn;
  • legumes - beans and peas.

In addition, the rodent can be periodically pampered with various seeds and even boiled chicken fillet or boiled eggs. Don't forget about feeding with special food. It should be noted that in pet stores you can find special fruit mixes for hamsters. But this animal does not really like to drink water. This can be explained primarily by the fact that in its natural habitat there is no direct access to water sources. Despite the fact that the Djungarian hamster drinks very little, there should always be water in the cage.

Peculiarities of reproduction of Djungarian hamsters

First of all, you should pay attention to the fact that Djungarians reproduce very well, and their broods are quite large. So, at one time, a female can bring from 1 to 11 small hamsters, which she will feed with milk. This period lasts about 19 days.

In captivity, these rodents can breed all year round, but in natural conditions they breed from March to September. A month after the birth of the hamsters, they should be placed in different cages, dividing them by gender. It is generally accepted that hamsters reach sexual maturity starting at 4 weeks, however early pregnancy females can be fraught with her death.

Average gestational age can last from 18 to 22 days. At this time, the pregnant female should be in peace and quiet. This is necessary so that in a situation of stress the female does not kill and eat her offspring. In addition, we should not forget that during this period the female can be very aggressive towards the male.

It is very important to thoroughly disinfect the cage before giving birth. It is strictly forbidden to touch newborn hamsters or touch them at all. This is explained by the fact that the female can smell someone else’s scent and eat her offspring.

If we talk about the nutrition of young animals, then small portions of protein foods should be gradually introduced into the female’s diet. It can be boiled chicken, low-fat cottage cheese or boiled egg yolks.

Djungarian hamsters begin to be sold in pet stores at the age of 3-4 weeks. It is during this period that it is already possible to determine the sex of the animal.

Djungarian hamster: possible diseases

Often, a Djungarian hamster can be injured during an unfortunate fall. Main symptom of injury- twisted limbs. In addition, fallen from high altitude the rodent may get a slight shock. If this happens, the hamster should be taken to a veterinarian, who will examine the injury and, depending on its severity, prescribe treatment. To prevent this from happening, the animal should be kept in the safest conditions possible.

Such rodents may be susceptible to viral infections. The symptoms are no different from the symptoms of the disease in humans. Dzungarik begins to sniffle and sneeze. In order for your pet to recover quickly, you need to feed him fresh vegetables and fruits, he must receive everything necessary vitamins. Thus, you increase your pet's immunity.

In hamsters, like in humans, conjunctivitis may occur. If this happens, the hamster's eyes should be washed with salted water. Cataracts can also overtake the dwarf. This is an age-related disease that has no cure.

Your pet may suddenly refuse to eat. One of the reasons is dental problems. First of all, you should check whether the hamster has broken off its incisors. Sometimes there are cases when the animal is hampered by its long teeth. Then it is better to contact an experienced veterinarian who can carefully file them down.

Sometimes hamsters may experience skin or coat problems. Often these are diseases such as dermatophytosis or eczema. They can occur due to frequent stress or allergies. The right content plays a key role in this case.

A hamster should live in a cage made of good material that does not cause allergies.

It should also be noted that the Djungarians there may be lice or mites. If your pet is constantly combing itself, then this may be a sure sign presence of insects. Before using any spray or aerosol, consult your veterinarian in advance.

As a result, it should be noted that how long his pet will live depends only on the owner. Balanced diet, proper maintenance and daily physical exercise will ensure a long and happy life for your hamster.

The Djungarian hamster is a rodent from the hamster family small size with a characteristic color and a cheerful, good-natured disposition. Complete absence smell, since the animal is clean, as well as the ease of keeping furry animals at home makes them popular among pets.

For some reason you cannot have a pet large sizes? Then a domestic Djungarian hamster is perfect for you. This species is one of the most popular among its brethren, as it has no bad habits and does not spread its fur around the apartment. There are no big problems with these animals. He is a great owner and loves to play. Hamsters have only one drawback - they are nocturnal animals. At night, extraneous sounds may be heard from the cage: rustling, crackling or squeaking in the absence of communication. If this annoys you, then arrange your pet’s home in such a way that he can always do something on his own.

Volume and color of rodents

The weight of the dzhungarik is approximately 45 grams, and the height does not exceed 5-6 cm, which means that it will be very difficult to scare the enemy. The beautiful fur of the rodent changes its color depending on the time of year.

Peculiarity appearance This is a dark stripe on the back of the animal, which distinguishes the dzhungarika from other relatives. Domestic rodents have such common colors as:

  • mandarin,
  • sapphire,
  • pearl.

In winter, the Djungarian hamster sheds its coat and turns white.


In the wild, hamsters rarely live past the age of one and a half years, since in the wild they encounter the following dangers:

  • predators;
  • lack of food;
  • illness;
  • harsh climate.

At home, surrounded by love, care and attention, your pet's life will become longer. On average, domestic Djungarian hamsters live twice as long as their wild relatives, that is, the animals live up to 3-4 years.

We wrote about the life expectancy of other species.


The answer to the question “why does the Djungarian hamster bite” is quite simple. All rodents, even small hamsters, show aggression and also bite. Djungarian hamsters are no exception here. This character trait should be taken into account if a hamster is purchased for children. Despite the fact that a hamster bite does not pose a danger to people, say what you will - the bite is sensitive.

About why hamsters bite and how to wean these little furries from bad habit we wrote.

Care and maintenance

Despite the minimum effort spent on keeping a Djungarian hamster at home, you should learn the rule: without care and proper nutrition, your pet will not be able to survive.

Sometimes it is quite difficult to keep track of a mischievous animal so that it does not fall from a height, so if an animal falls, it is better to seek qualified help rather than play doctor. If you don’t have the opportunity to contact a veterinarian, pay attention to, in it we told you what to do with a rodent that has fallen from a height.

Djungarians also suffer from colds. The main symptoms that your ward is sick: decreased activity, sneezing or sniffling. If the hamster does not eat well or refuses to eat at all, then he has problems with his teeth (a dental injury or too long incisors are hampering him).

Easy care

The Djungarian hamster requires fairly simple care, which includes regular cleaning of the home:

  • cleaning the cage or aquarium at least 2 times a week;
  • partial cleaning of dirty litter;
  • once a month wash the bottom of the cage with laundry soap

Do not place the cage close to a heater, window, TV or computer. Excess heat, drafts, loud noises and bright lights will lead to illness and stress of the animal, which will kill it.

In order to determine whether you are caring for your pet correctly, you should pay attention to the following symptoms indicating impending danger:

  • decreased activity of your pet;
  • lethargy and drowsiness;
  • hard breath;
  • dullness and brittleness of the coat.

The Djungarian hamster carries out all hygiene procedures independently, using its paws and tongue, it cleans its body of dirt and foreign objects.

At home, it is difficult for a restless person to fully express his energy, so a running wheel or wheel should be placed in his home.

In addition to entertainment, a hamster needs:

  • house for sleeping;
  • feeding equipment (feeder and drinking bowl);
  • bedding made of sawdust or a special one for absorbing odors from the hamster’s needs.

We described in detail how to choose a cage for a hamster and equip it in.

In pet stores and on the market you will be offered a huge selection of fillers, but it is best to use corn, as it absorbs liquid and odor better and therefore will have to be changed less often than others.

Since it is not recommended to bathe hamsters, they should occasionally have sand baths. It is necessary to arrange baths when your pet’s fur has become matted or lost its shine. For such baths, you should pour sand into a container and then put your pet in it. Hamsters wallow in such a bath with great pleasure.

Dzungarian food

The easiest option for feeding hamsters is to purchase ready-made food. But if you don’t want to buy dry food for your pet, but at the same time, you want to know what to feed your Djungarian hamster , You should seek advice or advice from a specialist veterinary clinic.

Purchased food includes grains (oats, corn), peas, seeds, and nuts. Animals love these foods very much, so you can prepare a mixture yourself, including these components.

The Djungarian hamster loves:

  • fresh cucumbers and tomatoes,
  • zucchini and corn,
  • lettuce and plantain leaves,
  • dried fruits (dried apricots, dates, prunes)
  • fresh apples and pears.

Hamsters should have protein in their diet, which means they can eat it twice a week. low-fat cottage cheese, chicken meat or boiled eggs.

Be careful that your pet does not eat bones - they act as poison on the hamster.

We discussed in detail what to feed a hamster at home.

Salt, sugar and spices, onions and garlic, milk and sour cream, citrus fruits and melons, sorrel and mint, any baked goods and confectionery, mushrooms and sausages, cabbage and almonds should be strictly excluded from the animals’ diet.

You will find a complete list of foods prohibited for consumption by hamsters in.

And if you don’t know if your pet is a boy or a girl, here is a reminder on how to determine the sex of Djungarian hamsters, as well as rodents of other species.

By following all the rules for the care and maintenance of Djungarian hamsters, a joyful and long life for your animal is guaranteed. Remember, how long your pet will live and how long it will please its owners depends primarily on you.