Guardian of the home - Brownie.

Purpose of the lesson : to give an idea about the keeper of the hearth among the Slavs, about amulets, to familiarize with the meanings of the symbols of amulets. Complete the basic details of the brownie. Familiarize students with the sequence of making a brownie.



Familiarize yourself with amulets, with the meanings of amulets symbols;

Familiarize yourself with the beliefs of the Slavs related to housing.


Develop the ability to apply acquired knowledge in creative activities;

Develop aesthetic taste and creative abilities.


Cultivate interest in Russian culture.

Creative attitude to work;

The desire to complete your work.

Who is this brownie?

According to ancient Slavic beliefs brownie - this is our distant ancestor, who is invited to his home for protection from evil entities. Brownies are the only representatives of evil spirits who are not afraid of the Holy Image. Therefore, they can safely live in the houses of believers.
Many do not believe in the existence of brownies, although there are many known cases when people met them, some even communicated with them. Most often, the brownie was seen in the form of a small old man with long gray hair and a beard. When a brownie wants to say something, he does it in a whisper.

What does Brownie do?

The brownie cleans up the house and family relationships.

He keeps the house clean.

When everything in the house is in order, clean and tidy, the brownie feels great. He loves such an owner and helps him in every possible way. In such a house, everything will work, dishes will not break, and equipment will not break.

The brownie helps find missing things. To do this, you just need to ask him about it: “Master-father, help, tell me where this and that lies...” He also monitors small children and prevents various troubles. A brownie will never allow a fire, accident, or theft, provided, of course, that he likes the owner

The brownie can wake up the owner in the morning if he has important things to do. May remind you of forgotten things...

Brownies help with housework, preserve property, often count it, and love livestock, especially horses.

A brownie can also warn you against some danger. Most often this manifests itself in the fact that when you are sleeping, you may feel like someone or something is slightly suffocating you, in this case, simply ask: “For good or for evil?” And the brownie will answer you. The brownie loves to throw gifts, sometimes in the form of small money.
If you notice that your cat is running around the apartment, as if it is running away from someone, it is just a brownie being naughty, riding on the back of your pet.

What doesn’t Domovoy like?

The brownie is irritated by tobacco smoke, the brownie does not like scandals in family relationships, endless chaos, noise. You cannot whistle in the house, since the brownie cannot tolerate whistling, he can leave the house, sometimes immediately.

The absence of the brownie is felt:

Sleep is disturbed, there is no peace in the soul, things break and deteriorate, animals do not take root, over time melancholy sets in and the desire to live disappears

Moving to new house or apartment, do not forget to take your brownie with you.

When leaving the old apartment, say on the threshold: “My master, come with me,” or at night the owner should invite him, giving him a treat - a loaf of bread with salt and a cup of milk. They say: “Father, my master, my good brownie. I will give you new mansions, bright chambers. Come with me, there will be no happiness without you.” Get into the bag.

The material embodiment of the brownie becomes a coal or an awl, which should be put in a bag. The brownie will not go with you without an invitation. And he will remain lonely and abandoned. And with your home, your well-being in your new place is guaranteed.

Sometimes he will dislike the people living in this house. In this case, in the kitchen, in a secluded corner at sunset, you need to leave a saucer with milk and bakery product and sincerely ask the brownie for forgiveness. .

If your family has begun to be haunted by troubles, life troubles, quarrels and scandals have become more frequent in the house, you need to establish contact with your brownie by performing the following ritual:

On the place you have chosen for the brownie, bread and salt are placed and a cup of milk is placed with the words: “Neighbour-homebody, the slave is coming to you, carrying his head low; do not torment him in vain, but make friends with him, make friends with him, and do an easy service. Here’s a warm place for you and a small treat.” After a day, remove the treat.

Sometimes spoons, knives disappear in the house, wrist watch etc. If you cannot find the missing item, then stand in the corner of the room and turn to the brownie: “Brownie, brownie, play and give it back.”

If Small child sleeps poorly at night and is capricious, before putting the child to bed, provide a treat for the brownie and ask him: “Brownie, brownie! Calm down my child! " On family holidays Don’t forget to give the brownie a glass of wine (do not offer vodka) and something tasty. At the same time, say: “Master-father, sir brownie, love me and perhaps accept my treat.” Everyone clinks glasses with a glass of brownie. Don’t forget to greet and say goodbye to the brownie, calling him respectfully “Master.”

How to invite Domovoy if he wasn’t there?

If you, having bought a house in a new building, moved there from your parents (or in other cases when it is not possible to take the brownie with you, you can attract the brownie in the following way:

On the new moon, when you start having dinner, put two saucers with a treat - pour a little milk into one and place it under the stove or near the oven with the words: “Take a bite, drink, grandfather, as much as you want, and live with me.” In the second saucer, put a little of what you have on the table. When you start placing it, you need to say: “Have a bite, grandpa, as much as you want, and live with me.” If you speak sincerely, then the brownie will certainly appear and drive out all kinds of evil spirits and remain.

Brownie and his name day.
The protection of the house was supposed to be constantly remembered, but special days were also established on which it was necessary to invoke it with special force. This is how holidays arose in honor of guardian spirits. Our ancestors had one of these holidays on February 10th -
Previously, the holiday date was called Kudesami, i.e. miracles.

The miracles were precisely connected with the brownie, who on February 10 was considered the birthday boy. As such, he could go wild - get wild, and in order not to go “over the edge,” he was supposed to be calmed down, reprimanded: “Such a grown-up grandfather is the one who plays pranks. Oh no no no! " The rite of unification consisted, first of all, of refreshments. Different places had their own characteristics of offering food to the household spirit.

Somewhere they put porridge in a pot on the stove or behind it, and not just like that, but covering it with coals so that it would not get cold until midnight, when the “neighbor” would come for dinner; somewhere they were pouring milk into a bowl. In some places at dinner they placed a device “for the owner” and put all the dishes that were served at the table into the vessel intended for him. And if the bathhouse was heated, then when leaving it, they left a bucket and a broom - so that the “father” could also take a steam bath for the sake of the holiday..

In the merchant class and among wealthy peasants, it was customary to put silver coin in fulfillment of the belief: if “grandfather” accepts the offering, there will be prosperity in the house for a whole year. Those who were poorer, in the hope of getting rich, left copper money there.

As a sign of honoring the brownie on February 10 he was supposed to speak quietly and kindly, to do without arguments and reproaches: they say, he will see that there is harmony in the family, he will be happy and will help the owners (and the “owner”, according to legend, cannot stand quarrels and squabbles at home).

They swept the hut with a wormwood broom so that “grandfather” could rest on his birthday day and not fight with the evil spirits that, God forbid, wander into the house. In a word, like ours, a holiday should be a day off.

And in the evening, showing honor and respect, it was customary to remember tales and tales about the life of the “neighbor.” If everything was done as it should be, you could turn to the brownie with requests and wishes:

- Master-father, take care of the cattle.
- Hostess-father, take bread and salt, lead the cattle.
- Little house-grandfather, sing to everyone, feed the sheep, go well, smooth the surface and make it soft for them.
- Grandfather-next-door! Eat the porridge and take care of our hut!
- Master-father, accept our porridge! And eat the pies and take care of our house!
- Uncle-brownie, master-father! You have bread and salt, and in our house we have happiness, health, harmony and love!

What is a brownie, or How to appease a brownie seriously and for a long time?

The brownie is unforgiving and loves gifts terribly. Its taste is unpretentious: milk in a saucer on the floor; a handful of bread left on the table after the host's meal; porridge or honey in a special container, left in the kitchen so that the brownie would go out and have dinner at exactly midnight. And a miracle happens: the dirty trickster becomes humble and helpful, takes care of your property, helps in everyday life, and peace and tranquility reigns in the house.

Everything would be fine, but the milk turns sour and poisons your life with its smell. Our distant ancestors racked their brains for a long time - how to appease the brownie? And they came up with a housewife. A brownie is an item for decorating everyday life and home, intended as a gift to a brownie.

It is better to hang the house-warm in the kitchen, closer to the stove, and if the house has a fireplace, then above it, since house-houses love the warmth of an open fire and most often live nearby. This mystical decoration will help you win the trust and love of the brownie, and acquire in him a caring friend and a brave protector. And if a brownie loves someone, he will serve faithfully and devotedly, protecting the coziness and comfort of your home, the peace and prosperity of your family.

In order to appease the Brownie, you will now make little housekeepers.

It’s better to make it yourself than to buy it in a souvenir shop or market: it’s your brownie, and best gift to him - made with his own hands. Suitable for any production natural materials: leather, bast, cereal, salted dough, dried berries, mushrooms, flowers, which need to be attached to a base object - a miniature broom, bast shoes, house slippers.

The first thing you need to determine is an object on which you can attach small decorations in all their variety. It could be:

A broom turned upside down as a talisman against evil spirits;
- a decorative bast shoe or slipper as a designation of the place where the brownie lives;
- a wreath or decorative braid as a symbol of infinity and continuity of your family;
- a bread shovel or a painted spoon as the personification of wealth in the house and the hospitability of the owners.

If you don’t find anything suitable, you can sew a bag from coarse fabric, for example, linen or burlap, fill it with cotton wool or cereal and tie it with a beautiful ribbon.

You can decorate the resulting base with anything, call on your imagination to help and use threads, gather your noisy family around the table and act. Any dried plants, especially dried ears of cereals, look very beautiful in such compositions. Anything is suitable for decoration. homemade baking made from salted dough, small bagels or dry bread - your brownie will always be full and kind to you.

Sunflower seeds and corn symbolize the energy of the sun and health, rowan fruits - female beauty, beans - physical strength, rice grains - peace in the house, pine cones - a symbol of achieving a goal, flax - a talisman against damage and the evil eye, garlic wards off evil spirits. Can be used aromatic plants: mint, juniper, lavender.

There is a competition for the best craft.

They say that the brownie still lives in every village hut, but not everyone knows about it. They call him grandfather, master, neighbor, housekeeper, demon-housekeeper, but this is all he - the keeper of the hearth, the invisible assistant of the owners. Of course, he can tickle in his sleep, rattle dishes at night, or tap behind the stove, but he does this more out of mischief. His main job is to inspect the farm. The brownie sees every little thing, tirelessly cares and worries so that everything is in order and ready; will help the hard worker, correct his mistake; he enjoys the offspring of domestic animals and birds; he does not tolerate unnecessary expenses and is angry with them - in a word, the brownie is inclined to work, thrifty and prudent. If he likes the housing, then he serves this family, as if he went into bondage to her. For this loyalty, in other places they call him that: he has killed him. But he willingly helps the lazy and careless to run their households, torments people to the point that he crushes them almost to death at night or throws them out of their beds.

However, it is not difficult to make peace with an angry brownie: you just have to put snuff under the stove, which she is a big fan of, or give any gift: a multi-colored rag, a loaf of bread... If the owners love their neighbor, if they live in harmony with him, then they will never want to part with it, even when moving to a new house: they will scratch under the threshold, collect the garbage in a dustpan - and sprinkle it in the new hut, without noticing how the “owner” is moving with this garbage to a new place of residence. Just don’t forget to bring him a pot of porridge for his housewarming and say with all possible respect: “Grandfather Brownie, come home. Come live with us!”

Whom the brownie really doesn't like are drunkards and simple-haired women: according to his ancient views, every married woman should definitely wear a headscarf. And whichever zealous housewife he likes, he worries about her day and night: in her dreams he will weave countless little braids on her head. It’s a hassle for her, go and comb it later, but he’s happy - he’s embellished his favorite. That's why he is also called licker.

Rarely can a person boast that he has seen a brownie. To do this, you need to put on a horse collar on Easter night, cover yourself with a harrow, the teeth on yourself, and sit between the horses the whole night. If you're lucky, you'll see an old man - small, like a stump, all covered with gray hair (even his palms are hairy), gray with age and dust. Sometimes, in order to divert prying eyes from himself, he will take on the appearance of the owner of the house - well, he’s the spitting image! In general, the brownie loves to wear the owner’s clothes, but always manages to put them back in place as soon as the person needs things.

Sometimes the brownie is so impatient with being spied on that, at his direction, the horses begin to hit the harrow with their backs and can beat the immodest and curious to death. It is much easier not to see a brownie, but to hear it: its crying and dull restrained moans, its soft and affectionate, and sometimes dull voice. Sometimes at night, in the form of a gray, smoky cat, he will fall on his chest and press: it’s him. To the one who, upon waking up, hastens to ask him: “For better or for worse?” - he will answer in a human voice, but quietly, as if the wind was rustling the leaves. He often strokes the sleepy ones with his soft paw, and then no questions are required - and it is so clear that this is for good. If you hear the cry of a brownie, even in the hut itself, you will be dead. When one of the household members dies, he howls at night, thereby expressing his unfeigned sadness. The house-elf predicts the death of the owner by covering his head with his hat when he sits down to work.

Before the plague, fire and war, the brownies leave the village and howl in the pastures. If there is a big unexpected misfortune, the grandfather notifies about its approach, ordering the dogs to dig holes in the middle of the yard and howl at the whole village... If the chimney on the roof begins to play the damper, there will be a trial because of some business and offense. If he wets someone with a brownie at night, that person will get sick. If he pulls a woman's hair - beware of the wife, don't get into an argument with her husband, or he'll beat you. If the brownie rattles the dishes in the supply - be careful with the fire, don’t drop a spark.

To the joy of the neighbor, she jumps, purrs songs, laughs; sometimes, playing on a comb, he warns of an imminent wedding.

For some reason, chickens enjoy a special favor with every brownie. Therefore, on November 1/14, a chicken name day is held in his honor - chicken pies are baked, and the crusts are thrown into the hearth, donating it to its keeper - the brownie.

There is a lot in our world that humanity can only guess about. There are various spirits and energies that actively influence people's lives in almost all areas. Not all people believe in the existence of brownies, but esotericists are confident in the existence of energies. Grandfather, the keeper of the home, is one of the representatives of “power”. So, what do people know about these spirits?

Brownies are sent to each house or apartment through their own, so to speak, “service channels.” For them, it’s like work, a kind of business trip to this or that house, from one world to another. By doing their work efficiently and conscientiously, they develop and improve themselves, become a higher rank and move into more advanced positions. high world. The brownie, the closest to a person, among all types of spirits (such as water spirits, goblins, nymphs, mermaids and others).
A brownie is energy, or rather a clot of formed energy capable of thinking. He is the spirit of housing, the soul of the house in which you live. Among the keepers of the hearth, in principle, as among people, there are smart ones and not so smart ones. The intellectual thinking of a brownie is akin to the thinking of the average teenager of the human race. They have their own civilization, communication, and in matters of a certain area they are much more knowledgeable than people. For example, with regard to corruption, evil spirits and dark entities, the knowledge of small creatures is much more extensive, as are many skills.

In appearance, the brownie is about a meter tall, looks like an old man overgrown with hair, who has beady eyes, arms and legs that are practically invisible due to his hair. But this spirit can also take on any forms and features. It is almost impossible to see it, but you can hear and feel it.
He often warns people about this or that event, appears in a dream or attracts attention to himself in every possible way and there is no need to be afraid of this, the spirit does not wish evil, but only warns.
The brownie will definitely sense people who come to the house with negative thoughts or magical evil and will let the owner know about it. For example, an ill-wisher loses everything, even dishes may break. Bad people the keeper tries to quickly kick you out of your home, they become uncomfortable, and there is a desire to leave the premises as soon as possible.
Grandfathers, as brownies are also popularly called, celebrate their holiday on February 9-10. This is a kind of name day, our birthday. The brownie is ready to “accept” congratulations on any night of the month, since all the nights of February are considered magical. Don’t forget to congratulate him and be sure to appease him with something tasty, such as sweets and milk. Brownies love to eat, of course, in figuratively this word, they absorb the energy and aura of food. They mainly prefer sweets, all kinds of pastries and water. There is no need to provide alcoholic drinks, such treats attract dark entities into the house. After all, alcoholic drinks tend to evaporate, which worsens the atmosphere in the house and attracts negativity.

The brownie is a kind creature and you need to be friends with him. Learn to love and respect him, remember that where the guardian is honored, prosperity and love reign. For good people who go through life with a smile, the home spirit always comes to the aid of its owners

The brownie is a good Spirit, the keeper of the hearth. Those. A brownie is a kind creature who keeps the hearth and hearth. Looks after the housekeeping and order. We have one more creature - the keeper of the hearth - this is the spouse, and the Brownie helps her. In the old days, the Brownie was perceived as one of the Ancestors, the founder of a given Clan or house, who in the next world did all his business and decided to help his descendants, i.e. he returns and starts helping around the house, looking after the housework.

Therefore, the Brownies were depicted as elders, wise by experience. These were mainly sculptural images. For example, a sculptural image of a brownie sitting on a chest of goods, guarding it, but such a kind grandfather. Or other images, even grandparents. The sculptures were made from clay and carved from wood. Very often the Brownie has in his hands the cup that was required. ...The size of Domovoy’s idol could be a span, it could be a foot, up to an arshin, i.e. This maximum size, which I saw - arshinnik, i.e. they were a yard high.

Therefore, the Brownies were also called differently: somewhere simply Grandfather, and since he is the keeper of the hearth, sometimes he was simply called the Host - the Hostess. Someone called him Sosedushko because he lived next door to the people in this dwelling.

A bowl was placed in front of the Domovoi, into which cream, sour cream, and milk were poured. It was believed that the brownie did not drink milk, but he licked it, like a cat, licking droplets of fat from the milk from the surface, so the brownie was sometimes called Lizun. But also because Domovoy loves children very much and when he plays with them, he does not kiss them, but licks them like a kitten. If a child is crying, Domovoi will come up and lick off his tears, and the child will stop crying.

The Brownie is also called Shishok. A lump means he is short in stature. My grandmother called Domovoy Yegor Kuzmich. Or just Kuzmich. The brownie loves to play. There is an expression: “As old as young.” Likewise, Domovoy likes to play around and play pranks, so they say about him: “He got on his nerves, he got on his nerves.” Also Domovoy, remember from the cartoon? They called it Nafanya.
This is from the Slavic word Naf i.e. A world that borders on Reality.

These forms and images served as prototypes for the cartoon script about the house-house Kuzya. Kuzya - this means that he is still small, not yet Kuzmich, but still Kuzenka. And his mentor is an older Domovoy - Nafanya.

He was also called Yegorych, Dobrokhot. The brownie really doesn’t like being called the devil, i.e. that which is beyond the line of perception. As a rule, for some reason it was believed that everything that was beyond the line was all bad and negative. That's why Brownie didn't like being called that.

When a person cannot find something in the house, he says: “Damn, damn, let’s play and give it back.” And then he runs around to psychics: “Calm down, there’s a poltergeist in my house.” And a poltergeist is like a violent, noisy Spirit.
Christian priests really don't like Brownies. They even have a mania - to go baptize apartments, cleanse them of Brownies. And they intimidate people, saying that the Brownies are demons. People get scared, they are asked to be baptized, to protect themselves from Domovoi, i.e. offer to refuse their help, support, etc.

The estates of peace are an invisible patron,
I beg you, my good brownie,
Protect my village, forest and wild garden,
And the humble family of my abode!
Let the dangerous cold of the rains not harm the fields
And the winds of late autumn raids;
Yes, snow is beneficial at the right time
They will cover the wet fat of the fields!
Stay, secret guard, in the hereditary canopy,
Apprehend the timidity of the midnight thief
And from an unfriendly gaze
Guard the happy house!
Walk around him with caring watch,
Love my little garden, and the shore of sleepy waters,
And this secluded garden
With a dilapidated gate, with a collapsed fence!
Love the green slope of the hills,
The meadows, crumpled by my wandering laziness,
The coolness of the linden and maple trees is a noisy roof -
They are familiar inspiration.

Since ancient times in Rus', the Brownie is a good Spirit, the keeper of the hearth, a kind creature whose main purpose is to keep the hearth. Look after the housekeeping and order. Sometimes he is called Boss, Dedushko, Sosedushko, Lizun, Shishok (Shishok means that he is short), sometimes Stepan Kuzmich or simply Kuzmich, Nafanya (from the Slavic word Naf - the World that borders on Reality), Egorych, Dobrokhoz.

The brownie really doesn't like being called the Devil. Previously they wrote “Devil” - living “beyond the line” of human perception, and what is beyond the line is all bad and negative. The Church does not recognize Domovoy, like everything pre-Christian, considering him a demon.

Brownies have always been depicted as elders, wise by experience. These were mainly sculptural images - a very common sculptural image of a brownie sitting on a chest with the master's goods and vigilantly guarding it. Therefore, when leaving home they always said:

Hey, Grandfather, don’t fall asleep, deal with the thief in your own way, go on patrol around the yard and take care of everything properly.

The sculptures were made of clay, and most often carved from wood, and sometimes were a real work of art.

In order to make friends with Domovoy, it was customary to cajole him - they took a saucer, put it on dinner table, put aside some of the food from their plate and said out loud:

Brownie, Brownie, have lunch with me.

It was believed that if a brownie wanted to help, then success would definitely follow, and if something didn’t go well they would say:

Domovoy-Domovoy, help us in our deeds, you will have cabbage soup and porridge

Brownie-Brownie, help me in my affairs.

They also coaxed Domovoi with cream, sour cream, but most often with milk. It was believed that the brownie did not drink milk, but he licked it, like a cat, licking droplets of fat from the milk from the surface, so the brownie was sometimes called Lizun. However, sometimes they called him Lizun for another reason: he loves children very much and when he plays with them, he does not kiss them, but licks them like a kitten. If a child is crying, he will come up and lick his tears and the child will calm down.