Despite the fact that the benefits of breastfeeding are well known, sometimes a child has to be switched to formula. Of course, the mother needs to try to preserve breast milk for as long as possible and stimulate its production in every possible way, but if this does not work, there is no need to despair. Many children grew up quite healthy on artificial formula.

Unfortunately, no one can give an exact answer. The opinions of doctors and experienced mothers can be diametrically opposed. Some claim that milk and fermented milk products are harmful, and you need to feed your child formula for at least 3 years. Others are sure that there is nothing better than a natural product, and from the age of one year you can give your baby kefir and milk, abandoning powder mixtures.

There is an opinion that cow's milk is a product that should not be given to a child until a certain age. The fact is that this product contains a lot of phosphorus. The content of this microelement is many times higher than the amount contained in breast milk.

An excessive concentration of phosphorus creates an excessive load on the kidneys, and can create additional difficulties in the child’s body’s absorption of calcium and vitamin D. Difficulties also arise due to the fact that farm animals are fed artificial feed with added hormones, which, naturally, cannot but affect quality of milk.

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Therefore, supporters of giving up milk believe that it is necessary to feed a child with adapted formulas until at least three years of age. Only the mixture must be chosen correctly, focusing on the age indicated by the manufacturer on the product. That is, for babies who have already celebrated their first birthday, you need to select mixtures that indicate that they are intended for children one year and older.

Of course one year old baby Do not feed exclusively with formula milk. By this age, children should receive vegetables, a variety of cereals, meat, and sea fish. The mixture is usually given at night, as the last feeding.

It is not necessary to give formula, or any other product, at night to a child older than one year. Moreover, it is even recommended to wean the baby off night feedings so that by 1-1.5 he is already asleep without an additional portion of food.

Arguments against the use of mixtures

There is hardly a person who would not understand that adapted formulas for a baby are a necessity, since although they are not entirely complete, they are an alternative to breast milk. But is it worth giving formula when the child is almost transferred to the general table?

Why dilute powder from a jar if your child can be fed natural products? Proponents of this theory rely on centuries-old experience ancestors, because milk has always been considered a “children’s” food. They drank it just like that, cooked porridge with it, fermented kefir, etc.

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After all, the generation of current mothers was mainly raised on milk, so not everyone believes in its harm to the child’s body. And there were much fewer allergy sufferers in previous generations of children than there are now.

Looking for a middle ground

As always happens when there are two opposing opinions, the truth is somewhere in the middle.

For example, Dr. Komarovsky believes that the harm of milk for children over one and a half years old is greatly exaggerated. This famous children's doctor does not at all deny the option of feeding children with formula until 2 or even 3 years old. But he doesn’t see any particular tragedy in giving toddlers kefir or milk.

If the mother still has doubts, then you can give children goat milk after a year. Despite the fact that it also contains a lot of phosphorus, it is much better absorbed by the child’s body than cow’s milk.

Children who cannot tolerate milk protein deserve a separate discussion. Some babies cannot drink milk, but they digest kefir and cottage cheese perfectly. Others simply do not accept milk protein. Their bodies lack enzymes that break down this substance. In this case, not only should milk not be given, but special formulas should be selected.

After all, most mixtures are made precisely on the basis of cow's milk, its composition is simply slightly modified. And if you have milk intolerance, you need to select mixtures on a different basis.

Lyudmila Sergeevna Sokolova

Reading time: 4 minutes


Last update articles: 06/23/2019

After the first year of life, the child should switch to a diet that is closest to the diet of family members. But in any store you can now see formula for children 2-3 years old. And modern pediatricians, in turn, insist on breastfeeding for at least 2 years. A logical question arises: until what age should a child be fed formula?

How to start weaning your child off formula

Absolutely every child should be fed, if possible, exclusively breast milk during the first 6 months of life. According to statistics, the majority of women breastfeed their children, and only 0.3% of women in our country are not able to breastfeed due to physiological characteristics or serious illnesses.

On this moment Unfortunately, many mothers are forced to stop breastfeeding due to undergoing treatment. However, this is the wrong decision. The attending physician should prescribe a course of treatment and medications for nursing mothers, taking into account the fact that women are breastfeeding. Only in those rare cases when breastfeeding cannot be combined with a course of treatment, breastfeeding can be suspended, but then it must be resumed.

It is always possible for a mother to get out of a situation if she has a desire to feed her baby milk. For example, you can consult a nutritionist. Well-known children's nutritionist Troitsyna Nona Anatolyevna, when asked: how long should you feed with breast milk, answers that 12–18 months. This is the most favorable period of breastfeeding for a baby.

Also, the pediatric nutritionist says that any mother should under no circumstances forget the cases in which the child should not be weaned. These cases include illness, recent vaccination, change climatic conditions and so on. IN

Information: Children over one year of age should receive at least 400 ml of milk per day. Can be fed with both cow's and mother's milk.

But in some cases, mothers have no choice but to switch their baby to formula, no matter how beneficial breastfeeding is. Of course, mothers should show maximum care and vigilance to their health in order to be able to breastfeed their baby for as long as possible. Mothers need to stimulate milk flow by any means available when they are breastfeeding. Don’t be discouraged, if you still couldn’t preserve breast milk, you can grow healthy child on the mixture. How many children have already grown up with the help of artificial feeding, eating formula, and now they are healthy.

In general, the points of view of pediatricians and mothers regarding the issue discussed today differ significantly from each other. One group insists that milk and derivative products are contraindicated for a child's health. They advocate the need for formula feeding for a long time, at least up to 3 years. The second group is convinced that natural products are the most useful, they do not contain preservatives or food additives. They proclaim adding dairy products to the diet and completely eliminating powdered formulas.

Opinions in favor of using mixtures

There is an opinion that a product whose use is not advisable before a certain age is natural milk. This is due to the fact that natural cow's milk contains a large amount of phosphorus. The amount of this natural trace element in cow's milk is several times greater than in breast milk. A large intake of phosphorus into the child’s body puts too much stress on the kidneys. In addition, excess phosphorus can lead to decreased absorption of calcium and vitamin D.

Another difficulty that a mother will face when including natural milk in her diet is its quality. It leaves much to be desired. Today, farm animals are fed artificial feed. Hormones are commonly added to these, and this has a great impact on the quality of milk. Taking into account all the facts listed above, supporters of refusing to introduce natural milk into a child’s diet insist on long-term feeding with adapted formulas.

When switching to an adapted mixture, it is necessary to approach this issue very carefully and with the utmost care. You need to choose the right mixture so that it is age appropriate. After all, each period of life has its own characteristics that must be taken into account when choosing a mixture.

The age is usually written on the packaging: for children who have celebrated their first birthday, you need to purchase a formula that says on the packaging that it is suitable for children aged one year and above.

We should not forget the fact that a baby who is already one year old cannot be fed only with formula. In this case, he will not receive all the nutrients, vitamins, and microelements necessary for his growth and development. By the end of the first year of life, children should already eat vegetables and fruits and various cereals. Meat and sea ​​fish should also be included in the baby’s diet when he is already one year old. We list the products that can be used as complementary foods:

  • vegetable puree;
  • fruit puree;
  • semolina;
  • boiled meat;
  • boiled peeled fish.

Opinions against the use of mixtures

We have listed the arguments for the use of mixtures, but, of course, there are negative sides this issue. Each of those reading this text undoubtedly knows that the use of adapted formulas for a baby is an urgent need, dictated by certain conditions. In essence, the formula is a replacement for breast milk, although not an absolutely complete one.

Now the next question arises: is formula necessary for a child if he is already at the age where he can practically eat the same as the whole family? Is it necessary to dilute an artificial dry product for nutrition when the child can already eat natural products such as cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, and so on?

Adherents of this point of view - opponents of mixtures - base their evidence on already two thousand years of experience, because since ancient times milk has been recognized as a “children’s” food product. Even in their distant childhood, our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers drank fresh milk, ate milk-based porridge, happily enjoyed fermented kefir, and so on. And, in fact, the generation of today’s young mothers grew up on milk. For this reason, most modern mothers deny possible harm milk and do not feed children formula.

Children's nutritionist, Nona Anatolyevna Toritsyna, has a different opinion on this matter. She believes that experiments in introducing fermented milk products into the diet can have a bad effect on the child’s health. The nutritionist advises not to be lazy and gradually accustom the child to the selected adapted mixture.

In some cases, it will be more effective to accustom the child to new mixture, giving it in small portions before bed, before breastfeeding, or before formula you are already using. Nona Anatolyevna believes that if mom shows patience and perseverance, does everything according to the instructions and regularly consults with a therapist, this will bring fruit and good results. The mother will not need to accustom the baby to cow's milk or kefir, whose composition is not suitable for gastrointestinal tract child.

It is most favorable and desirable for a child under three years of age to receive adapted food products. But natural cow’s milk is not balanced in its composition, this will negatively affect the functioning of the child’s gastrointestinal tract in the future.

In addition, fermented milk products contain a huge amount of living bacteria, for this reason it is permissible to introduce them into the diet according to the complementary feeding scheme. This group of products is not fully adapted. In this regard, feeding them to children under eight months is extremely undesirable.

Another argument in favor of abandoning formula is allergies in children. Unfortunately, today this problem is very relevant. But in previous generations, who grew up on natural products, there are much fewer allergy sufferers.

The optimal solution to this issue

As in any situation, there are positive and negative sides when discussing every issue. But there is a golden mean - the optimal solution. Well-known children's doctor E.O. Komarovsky in our country. takes the position that for children over the age of one and a half years, the harm of milk is greatly exaggerated in Lately. But at the same time, Evgeniy Olegovich is not against feeding children with formula until 2 or even 3 years old. Komarovsky also does not consider it wrong to give natural dairy products to children in toddlerhood.

In the case when the mother has not yet chosen a definite position regarding feeding with formulas, goat's milk can be included in the child's diet. It contains as much phosphorus as cow milk. But at the same time phosphorus goat milk is absorbed more easily and quickly by the child’s body.

Information: Some children cannot tolerate milk protein – casein. There is a group of children who cannot consume milk in its pure form, but they digest fermented milk products such as cottage cheese or fermented baked milk well.

Another special group of children are children who are casein intolerant. The reason for this is the absence in the body of special enzymes responsible for the breakdown of milk protein. Children of these groups should not be given milk, and when purchasing formula you need to pay attention to the composition. If you have intolerance, you should experiment with mixtures.

To summarize, we can say that there is no definite answer to the question: until what age should a child be fed formula, there is only a lot of advice, opinions, and recommendations. The mother will have to determine this age and make a decision on her own. Of course, with the help of a pediatrician. In some cases, the child himself refuses the formula at the age of one and a half years, when he already prefers drinks such as juice, compote, etc. If your child refuses formula, there is no need to insist.

Read further:

Adapted formulas or milk substitutes are the basis for artificial feeding of a child. Most substitutes are formulas made from regular cow's milk. The fact is that this mixture is almost identical in composition to human milk and corresponds to the substances of babies.

Casein mixtures are less adapted; they are made from casein without whey. In other respects, they are exactly the same as human milk. Such mixtures are usually given to children from 3 months and fed for a short time. Recently, women have been actively using formulas for older children, whose age starts from six months, since they contain a high content of proteins and calories.

In the very first weeks of your baby’s life, it is best to feed unleavened formulas. The fact is that fermented milk can cause increased regurgitation. Next, it makes sense to add fresh mixtures to fermented milk mixtures, mixing everything in equal proportions. For proper feeding, you need to know that nutritional mixtures are digested in the baby’s stomach somewhat longer than human milk. So there is no need to overfeed in large portions. Otherwise, the risk of loss of appetite may increase, which will be very difficult to restore.

How to feed your baby an adapted formula

In the very first months, it is necessary to feed the baby often, approximately six times during the day and every three and a half hours. Children on artificial feeding switch earlier to less frequent feeding.

By four months, when your baby’s stomach is already stronger and the digestive system is working more confidently, you need to reduce the intake of formula to five times a day.

It is also important to consider that the need for nutrients increases as the child grows. You should add fruit juices and egg yolk to your diet. It is extremely important to strictly follow the schedule and feed the baby by the hour. Under no circumstances should you feed your child every time he is naughty.

Otherwise, you risk causing your baby to become upset. digestive system and strike the gastrointestinal tract.

Remember that artificial feeding does not replace mother's milk, but if you follow all the rules, the child will grow up healthy. The period of such feeding itself lasts up to one and a half years, however, the moment of stopping and switching to another diet should be done only after consultation with a pediatrician. As a rule, by the age of two, a child is already able to eat food and refuse formula, smoothly switching to baby food.

Proper feeding of a newborn plays an important role in the further development of the baby and in the proper functioning of his body. Until six months of age, a baby needs more breast milk. But since some women have problems with lactation, infant formula comes to the rescue. But you need to know until what age to feed your baby formula. It is necessary to transfer the baby to regular foods in time.

There are many opinions about feeding newborns. Some believe that only mother's milk can give the baby what it needs for full development. It is clear that up to 6 months milk is needed to strengthen the child’s immunity and protect against pathogenic microorganisms.

But even “artificial” ones grow healthy when correct selection mixtures. The advantages of infant formula include:

  • exact dosage;
  • balanced composition with elements necessary for the baby;
  • selection of product components in accordance with the age and taste preferences of children.

You need to know that manufacturers of dry mixtures do not always use natural products. And mothers should know which products are high quality and which are not.

It is better for the child when he receives milk in the 1st year of life. It is preferable to use cow's milk in addition to mother's milk. But children eat artificial formula with pleasure. You just need to wean the kids off of them in time and switch them to regular food.

Reviews from doctors

Pediatricians' opinion about feeding a child is that it is necessary to breastfeed until 1.5-2 years. Over the centuries, it has been proven that mother's milk contains everything that will help make a child healthy and strong. But women who lack lactation are prescribed adapted formulas for feeding. They must contain milk. Only for six-month-old babies are complementary foods introduced, constituting 10% of the child’s total diet.

The amount of formula is reduced as the baby grows. By the age of one year, only half of the total food remains in the diet. Doctors advise switching to a regular diet with children no older than 2 years. You can leave the dry formula in small quantities, but by the age of 3 you should completely abandon it.

Nutritionist opinions

The advantages of adapted milk formulas include the balance of elements beneficial to the child’s body. If you give cow's milk in the absence of breastfeeding, this will negatively affect the baby's kidney function. A large number of phosphorus in a natural product will cause calcium absorption to occur more slowly. Hence the problems with the development of the infant’s skeletal system.

The mixtures are useful for “artificial” people living in the northern regions. The adapted food product contains as many vitamins and microelements as the child needs.

For each age you need to select your own set of nutrition. Packages of baby food are marked:

  • 1 or PRE - for low birth weight infants;
  • 1 - children under 6 months;
  • 2 - babies from six months to 1 year;
  • 3 - from 1.5 to 2 years;
  • 4 - children aged 3 years.

They produce products that can be included in the diet for up to 6 years.

But we must not forget that not only formula should be in the baby’s diet. Don't neglect complementary foods. Products new to the baby include pureed vegetables and fruits, porridge with water. By the 7th month, meat food and boiled fish are introduced into the menu.

Specialists World Organization healthcare providers have a positive attitude towards the inclusion of mixtures in the infant’s diet:

  1. For a child left without mother's milk, the introduction of adapted formulas into the menu is considered a vital necessity.
  2. Weakened children should include an adapted product in their diet from birth to 6 months of age. But it is better to purchase a special one rather than a standard one. The mixture should be enriched with vitamins and microelements.
  3. To maintain your child’s health, you should not neglect milk formulas, choosing those that are based on natural products.
  4. It is mandatory to consume meals prepared with infant formula for children up to 2 years of age.

Every parent thinks about when to start and stop milk feeding, after consulting with a pediatrician and nutritionist. Each child has his own taste preferences, so the product is selected taking it into account. Don't forget about allergic reactions for food.

When can I finish?

No one can unequivocally answer the question of when to stop feeding a baby formula. The choice is individual for each parent. In some families, formula milk takes precedence over other products. And they need to be replaced gradually, including natural kefir, fermented baked milk, and milk. The transition is carried out so that the child does not become capricious and does not “go on a hunger strike.”

When a child’s immunity is weakened, he often gets sick, then you can leave the product in the diet for up to 2 years or more to give the body time to get stronger.

Mixtures are often used in night feedings. The baby falls asleep better with a bottle. As the baby grows up, he will gradually give up this diet. If four meals a day are enough for him, then at night he will not ask to be fed. Children over 3 years old usually drink boiled water at night.

Cooking rules

You need to prepare your child’s food correctly so that the beneficial elements are absorbed by the child’s body.

Before purchasing, the food pack is carefully inspected to make sure that it contains what the baby needs. Do not forget about the deadlines for selling goods.

How to dilute the powder is suggested by the manufacturer on the packaging. Proportions are strictly observed, because ignoring them will cause digestive problems in the child. He will suffer from colic and increased gas production.

Boiled water, cooled to 37 degrees, is used for preparation.

After filling the powder with water, shake the bottle so that there are no air bubbles left inside. The mass should be homogeneous, without lumps.

Do not forget about the sterility of preparation. A glass bottle requires disinfection with boiling water. Plastic - change often, as the smell of the previous product remains in it, and powder residues on the walls.

Storing baby food in the refrigerator and reheating it in microwave oven unacceptable. It is prepared before use, and the excess is destroyed.

It is advised not to mix products from different manufacturers and choose only high-quality ones purchased in specialized stores.

Feeding hours are set taking into account the baby's daily routine. Don't force food on him against his will. When a child does not want to eat or is capricious, it is better to move the lunch time to a later time.

During feeding, do not forget about a calm and friendly environment. The baby himself will tell you by his behavior what he needs. The task of parents is to take into account the needs and desires of the baby, attentive and caring attitude to him.

Certainly a reliable protector immune system a newborn is considered to be .

It contains a whole complex of vitamins that serve as a shield against diseases for the baby at the initial stage of his life.

However, it often happens that for a number of reasons (the most common problem is the woman’s poor health and the need for her to take medications), milk disappears and/or decreases in quantity.

In this case, in order to avoid starvation of the baby, the young mother is forced to switch to artificial feeding. Read about the advantages and disadvantages of this type of feeding and the age up to which formulas are useful.

Today, the trend towards an increase in the number of newborns raised on artificial feeding is becoming increasingly noticeable.

The absence of lactation in a young mother, the production of breast milk in small quantities, or its “insatiability” - all these are a number of different factors that ultimately lead to partial or complete loss of it after a few months.

The list can be supplemented with diseases that manifest themselves in women, difficult birth and other reasons due to which the milk in the mother’s breast disappears, and the baby is forced to switch to formula.

What is artificial feeding? Many women are worried when it comes to transitioning their child to formula feeding. And this is no coincidence. Breast milk is rightfully recognized as the best protector of the baby’s body. Each mother has it individually according to the components it contains, which her baby needs specifically. What about formula milk? How will their composition affect a small organism?

There is undoubtedly a risk that a baby will not accept this or that milk, but today’s formula manufacturers are very careful in creating their products.

On the shelves of pharmacies you can find a very wide range of “foods”: based on cow or goat milk, soy (for those babies who suffer from lactose intolerance), hypoallergenic, medicinal, with the addition of cereals, fruits, Omega-3 acids, prebiotics and probiotics , nucleotides, with or without sugar, gluten...

The list continues depending on the age of the child.

Before transferring your baby to artificial feeding, you should consult your pediatrician. Only a doctor, taking into account the characteristics of the child’s body, can prescribe exactly the product that is suitable for the baby and select desired mode nutrition.

So, if artificial feeding cannot be avoided, you should approach it fully prepared. To do this, it is important to know the pros and cons in order to build on them to make the feeding process safe and beneficial for the baby.

  • A mother can always leave her child with one of her relatives or friends without fear that her baby will be hungry.

This advantage is definitely the most “convenient” plus of artificial feeding.

While the baby is on breastfeeding, the mother is firmly attached to him: she cannot go anywhere alone, she cannot leave the child with her family.

When the newborn is fed formula, the woman can easily leave home, leaving her husband or her mother with a ready-made bottle of food for the baby.

This advantage allows the young mother to go out into public and take a break from everyday life, which only has a positive effect on the woman’s mood.

  • Confidence that the baby is full.

Today's formulas are formulated in such a way that they fully contain all the components a child needs. Having prepared the required volume, mom will be sure that her baby is full. In addition, children on formula nutrition gain weight faster than their peers on breast milk.

During the first months of life, a baby should eat approximately 800 ml of the mixture per day (in 8-10 approaches). From 3 months the amount of food increases to 900 ml.

  • The time between meals increases.

Another advantage of formulas is that they are more filling and take longer to digest, which means the baby needs more time to digest the food. The interval between feedings increases. In numbers: children are fed formula once every 3–3.5 hours.

Compare: babies sometimes have to be breastfed almost every hour!

  • If a child has an allergy, there is no point in the mother revising her diet, as would be the case with breastfeeding. The “artificial” one has one reason for the rashes - a mixture that did not fit. The problem is solved by changing the product that caused the allergy.
  • With artificial feeding, a woman feels more free.

As mentioned above, those mothers who breastfeed have a very limited diet. Most products are prohibited so as not to cause or. In addition, they should not take medications; you need to abandon laser hair removal and a number of cosmetic procedures. When a child is on formula, all these prohibitions from women are lifted.

  • You can walk any distance and not be constrained by a certain wardrobe.

A very controversial advantage, but it has its place. In hot weather, you can't go far with formula milk for fear of it going sour (but you can always buy a thermal bag and solve this problem!), but in any other case, feeding in a bottle clearly makes life easier for mothers. There is no need to look for a place to sit and feed the baby without causing displeasure in some particularly sensitive person.

As for the wardrobe, today there are many tops with special pocket slits. Thanks to them, no one will even notice what mommy is doing.

  • The breasts do not lose their shape.

The most frightening prospect for a woman is to lose the former shape and size of her breasts due to breastfeeding. For this reason, many young mothers refuse to breastfeed, depriving their child of the necessary elements. But the breasts will indeed remain the same if the baby feeds from a bottle.

In addition, a woman forgets what cracked nipples and drying out are. None painful sensations and worries!

Many women who, for one reason or another, were forced to give up breastfeeding often feel guilty about their baby.

Reason: the baby does not receive proper attention from his mother. The problem is solved! During bottle feeding, the baby can be picked up, thereby taking the position in which babies are breastfed.

How can there be no downsides?

In medicine, artificial feeding is called “metabolic stress.” And this is not surprising.

Switching to formula causes a number of unpleasant reactions in almost all babies: allergies, colic, tummy pain, problems with bowel movements, restless behavior...

After a few days, some children get used to the new diet, and for some they have to look for new formulas that are more suitable for them.

Therefore, the disadvantages:

  • Inappropriate mixtures that cause allergies in children.

Sometimes you have to change more than one brand before the food suits your baby. During this time, the baby will have time to lose his voice more than once and fray the mother’s nerves. But the problem is that after a while, namely from 6 months, the selected mixture will need to be changed, since they are intended for different age groups. This means that you will need to go through all the “circles of hell” again.

  • The mixture is not for age.

Failure to comply with age restrictions on the use of milk can cause serious problems with the stomach and intestines.

  • Colic, as well.

Another “sore” inherent in “artificial” babies.

Most often, the cause is a poor-quality nipple that allows excess air to pass through, or an excess of dry base when diluting the required volume.

  • Sterility.

Bottles require constant monitoring of their sterility. Otherwise, failure to keep them (as well as the pacifiers) clean can lead to dyspeptic disorders in the baby.

  • Extra movements.

This implies the need to take a larger number of bags with you on a hike, therefore, prepare in advance all these bottles with formula, sterilizers, and additional nipples. In addition, when feeding at night, it is not enough to just get up and take the baby out of the crib; you need to go to the kitchen and prepare food for him.

The mixture can be prepared in advance, but it is important that it is stored in the refrigerator and does not sit for more than a day.

  • Parents of bottle-fed children need to remember that in the future their children are more susceptible to colds and allergies than their peers raised on natural breast milk. The reason is simple: despite the full complex of all vitamins present in the mixtures, some enzymes are difficult to recreate; they are only found in mother's milk.
  • Financial expenses.

Good mixtures are not cheap. The price of some can reach 800 rubles per package! But it only lasts about 3-4 days. It turns out that you need about 10 cans for a month... But still average price per jar - 250-300 rubles.

Feed until...

The question that every mother asked: “until what age should I feed my baby formula?”

Most often, the packaging initially contains markings, thanks to which you can navigate what age a particular product is intended for.

The first assumes ages from 0 to 6 months, the next - from 6 to 12 months.

The following question arises: “Is it possible that after a year the need for infant formula disappears?”

Pediatricians have different views on this problem, nevertheless, in the end, agreeing that introducing “milk” into a child’s diet before 3 years of age is desirable, since even breastfeeding is better to keep a baby until 2 years of age. But this does not negate the fact that complementary feeding must be provided and the child’s nutrition after the first year of life should be as close as possible to the diet of family members!

There is no consensus regarding the final age for use of infant formula. The decision should be made only by the mother in close cooperation with the pediatrician. Will it be one and a half years or three? It is important to look at the child’s condition and build on his preferences.