According to the compatibility of the Pisces woman and the Sagittarius man, this family union can have a wide variety of scenarios. Their relationship is not easy, but they can discover the missing qualities in each other, and will complement each other, thereby strengthening the relationship. Or maybe vice versa, such a strong dissimilarity of characters will prevent them from being together. In any case, these relationships, no matter how long-lasting or short-lived they may be, are memories.

The Sagittarius man is sincere and cheerful, while the Pisces woman is dreamy and secretive. The ideal for a Pisces woman is a strong and responsible man who can and will take care of her. The ideal woman in the eyes of a Sagittarius man should be as cheerful and easy-going as he is. Therefore, it is obvious that none of the partners can fully correspond to the ideal. But, nevertheless, the family union of a Pisces woman and a Sagittarius man can be happy and long-lasting, if the partners learn to be less critical of each other and become more tolerant.

Also, in the compatibility pair of Pisces and Sagittarius, there is a strong physical attraction, which helps their relationship develop and strive for each other.

Compatibility between Pisces woman and Sagittarius man – PROS

In an ideal pair of a Pisces woman and a Sagittarius man, there is always respect for each other. The Pisces woman has a very vulnerable soul, and the Sagittarius man, knowing this, takes care of her and behaves more reservedly with her than with everyone else. In most cases, the Sagittarius man is authoritarian and thereby pushes people away from him. But, next to the Pisces woman, he softens, and as a result, more interesting people appear in his circle. He also learns to save money. Next to Pisces, Sagittarius becomes richer and more spiritually developed and occupies a higher position in his circle. . She is sympathetic to the shortcomings of the Sagittarius man and creates for him a friendly and comfortable atmosphere in the house, and in return he gives her protection from any threats from the outside world.

The ideal union of a Pisces woman and a Sagittarius man is a union of spiritually developed people who seek the truth and give it to others. This couple can be found at philosophical seminars and esoteric clubs. They often take part in charity events or participate in various public associations. As a rule, these are people who have strong convictions. But, unfortunately, there are much more Pisces and Sagittarius who live with everyday everyday worries than spiritual seekers.

Compatibility between Pisces woman and Sagittarius man – CONS

One of the compatibility problems between the zodiac signs Pisces and Sagittarius is resentment. Partners have different temperaments and find it difficult to understand each other. So, for example, the Sagittarius man is a very sociable and comprehensively interested person. He is interested in almost everything that happens around him. And the Pisces woman, on the contrary, loves to immerse herself in her feelings and is not interested in anything other than her love. In the eyes of the Pisces woman, the Sagittarius man looks frivolous and too extroverted. She would like her beloved man to always be there.

But, even if the Sagittarius man is nearby, this couple still has a lot of disagreements. , but there are two traits that the Pisces woman cannot accept: boasting and tactlessness. The Sagittarius man demands utmost honesty from the people around him, even in small things. And he himself likes to embellish his stories, make them emotionally rich, dramatic and vivid. The Pisces woman is naturally endowed with good intuition and sees perfectly well when and in what ways the Sagittarius man is deceiving her. But if you reprimand him, he will immediately become offended and begin to defend himself. In this state, he becomes rude, boorish and tactless. And such behavior greatly hurts the sensitive Pisces woman.

Pisces-Sagittarius horoscope – compatibility and harmony

According to the compatibility horoscope of Pisces and Sagittarius, a Pisces woman married to a Sagittarius man will greatly benefit from female wisdom and patience. She should understand that the Sagittarius man will never become less sociable, and even for the sake of great love for the Pisces woman, he will not leave all his affairs, interests and acquaintances. The Pisces woman will have to come to terms with this circumstance and not be offended by her husband. Find an interesting hobby or activity for yourself when the Sagittarius man is not around. And also, you will be able to distract him from his business, offering him interesting types of recreation, leisure and new information. Thanks to this, you will get to know your man better. You will be able to understand what he thinks about, what he is interested in, and of course, you will always be together.

As for the lies of the Sagittarius man, they should also be forgiven. If you see that a Sagittarius man is telling a lie, remain silent. He never deceives for his own benefit or in vital matters. His deception is always an innocent lie, uttered in order to make some event in the story more significant and larger-scale. The Pisces woman has a great sense of humor. Laugh with the Sagittarius man, because thanks to his little deception or slight exaggeration, the story has only benefited.

You shouldn’t be offended by rudeness and tactlessness either. Most often, his tactlessness and rudeness are not a sign of cruelty or indifference. Simple remarks, you shouldn’t be offended by him for this.

How a Pisces woman can conquer a Sagittarius man

The Pisces girl is the type of woman who attracts the attention of a Sagittarius guy. He is not indifferent to female beauty and the behavior, facial features and figure of the Pisces woman (of course, if she has not given up on herself) will definitely please the Sagittarius man. And if we talk not about the carnal, but more spiritually, it is even more important for the Sagittarius man that the Pisces woman will interest him as an unsurpassed interlocutor, capable of revealing to him the depths of wisdom. The Sagittarius man loves everything new. He happily expands his horizons and rejoices when there is an opportunity to talk about philosophical, mystical and religious topics. And the Pisces woman is simply a storehouse of such information. Moreover, she passes it all through herself, her heart, and colors it with her own experience, in contrast to the air signs, which present it detachedly.

Compatibility of Pisces woman and Sagittarius man in friendship

A Pisces woman and a Sagittarius man can become true friends. The only thing is that they will not see each other often, since the Pisces woman does not approve of the active leisure of the Sagittarius man, but when they meet, they always have something to tell each other. They understand each other perfectly, they are interested together and are never bored. Both the Pisces woman and the Sagittarius man have a philosophical mindset and an esoteric view of things, both love deep and meaningful conversations.

A true strong friendship between a Pisces woman and a Sagittarius man can only be hindered by the Sagittarius man’s indifference to beautiful women. A Pisces woman, if she takes care of herself, can be considered one of the most attractive signs of the Zodiac. It is difficult for a Sagittarius man to resist her and he may start flirting with her, which will ruin the friendship.

Half of these signs should be on their guard. A romance may well begin between a Pisces woman and a Sagittarius man if “favorable conditions” arise. They are used to just going with the flow and giving in to chance.

Compatibility of Pisces woman and Sagittarius man in business

It is difficult for a Pisces woman and a Sagittarius man to work together, since they are too different in temperament and work style, in their attitude towards work tasks and towards colleagues. Exceptions may include work related to teaching, charity work, the film industry and philosophy.

When a Pisces woman and a Sagittarius man are colleagues or partners, the situation can develop differently. The Sagittarius man is bright, active and dynamic, so it will be difficult for the Pisces woman to keep up with him. If there is purely human sympathy between the Pisces woman and the Sagittarius man, then the Pisces woman will be inspired by the enthusiasm of the Sagittarius man. It would also be a good option when both are engaged in philosophy and esotericism, in areas close to them.

When the Pisces woman is the boss and the Sagittarius man is the subordinate, this union can bring good results if the Pisces boss is competent and clearly knows what she wants. The Sagittarius man is active and acts very quickly. The Pisces boss will be delighted with the speed with which he carries out her instructions. The difficulty in this union may be the familiar attitude of the Sagittarius man towards his boss. In general, the Sagittarius man respects authorities and understands well where such behavior can be tolerated and where not. He perfectly feels the weakness of the Pisces woman as a boss, so she is not an authority for him and allows herself some liberties.

When a Pisces woman is a subordinate, and a Sagittarius man is a boss, this is a complex business alliance. Moreover, the difficulties do not lie in work issues, in personal likes or dislikes. The Pisces woman is sensitive and touchy. She is unlikely to be able to work well with her rude Sagittarius boss. An exception may be well-rounded educated Sagittarius men who work in areas of interest to the Pisces woman. In this case, the Sagittarius man will be an idol and role model for her.

If a Sagittarius man and a Pisces woman choose the right role for themselves, their union promises to be successful. There are other nuances that partners should be aware of in order to find harmony in work, family and friendship.

Compatibility of Zodiac signs according to horoscope

Men born under the sign of Sagittarius are full of optimism and always have a goal in life. They are very active, fast and energetic. Such guys are open and friendly. Sometimes they lack diligence and patience. They don't like having the burden of obligations fall on their shoulders. A representative of the Fire Element falls in love instantly, but can just as quickly burn out and no longer remember the person.

The Pisces woman has a special charm. She easily makes men fall in love with her. Girls of the Water Element are often not ready for harsh reality, they are too sentimental and are helpless in the face of life's difficulties. Pisces never forgives insults and will take revenge at the first opportunity. She will interest Sagittarius with her appearance, rich inner world and sense of humor.

These zodiac signs have common features:

  • romance;
  • sense of justice;
  • extravagance;
  • striving for ideals;
  • deep views;
  • daydreaming;
  • good nature;
  • openness.

In this regard, their compatibility is very different from other signs. However, it is difficult to imagine the experiences and mental pain that a Sagittarius guy can cause to a Pisces girl. Although if he is careful and sensitive, they will suit each other.

Overall compatibility: 4 out of 5.

Compatibility in love and marriage

The union of these opposite signs is built on mutual attraction. They instantly recognize each other in a crowd. At the first stage of a relationship, partners talk a lot and find out what they have in common. They may perceive communication as an intriguing game that brings interest and excitement to life.

The Sagittarius man is often unpredictable; he puzzles the Pisces girl with his unconventional thinking and point of view on many things. She usually closes herself off in her experiences, and her partner only has to guess what is going on in her soul.

Compatibility in love relationships is 65%. If Sagittarius and Pisces decided to tie the knot, then most likely the following happened:

  • complete trust has been established between the partners;
  • both were convinced of the correctness of the choice;
  • the lovers' feelings grew stronger.

The first word in marriage will always remain with the man, so Pisces should not count on equality. Such a wife will not feel discriminated against; together they will be able to create comfort and harmony in the house.

Compatibility in love relationships: 4 out of 5.

Sexual compatibility

Sagittarius finds Pisces's appearance attractive and seductive; she attracts him sexually. However, he craves rough and passionate lovemaking, while she prefers long, gentle foreplay. After intimate pleasures, the Fire sign continues to go about its business or even go to bed. A woman prefers intimate conversations about relationships and life in general.

At an early stage, their intimacy will be full of passions. Both are willing to try something new. A man will sometimes find little passion and love from a Pisces girl, and trying to take the situation into his own hands can lead to confusion for a woman. To achieve sexual compatibility, they need to learn to adapt to each other.

Sexual compatibility: 3 out of 5.

Compatibility in friendship

In childhood, the Sagittarius guy and the Pisces girl are not very interesting to each other. Friendship is possible when they become teenagers. These zodiac signs are very fond of philosophical conversations and travel.

 Sagittarius thinks that Pisces are not capable of risky and desperate actions. However, in friendship, a woman of the water element is ready to come to the aid of a friend and help him out of any trouble. He will always support his friend and save her from depression. They will rarely see each other, because the Sagittarius man is constantly busy with his own affairs.

Pisces is prone to coquetry, and often friendly relationships develop into something more. Therefore, their halves need to be on their guard. Even if they don’t have a serious relationship, they will maintain friendly ties until old age. This friendship will only benefit both partners.

Friendly compatibility: 4 out of 5.

Compatibility in work and career

In one team, Pisces and Sagittarius will have problems due to the difference in characters. The exception will be professions related to education, art and charity. Melancholy Pisces will try to imitate the dynamic Sagittarius in everything. His enthusiasm inspires the woman.

If Pisces becomes the boss and Sagittarius becomes the subordinate, their tandem will be productive. Thanks to the man’s ability to quickly complete his tasks and the woman’s competence, they will achieve great success in their work. If the situation is the other way around and Pisces submits to the man, some difficulties may arise in business. Problems will arise against the background of personal relationships. Sagittarius can be a rude boss, and Pisces is very offended by rudeness.

Business compatibility: 4 out of 5.

What do they need to know about each other?

If these zodiac signs were destined to cross paths in life, they need to know how to please each other:

  1. Sagittarius clearly knows what he wants. Pisces often rush through life and change professions.
  2. To maintain respect in the family, the wife does not need to focus on her husband’s straightforwardness. Sagittarius must express himself more softly so as not to offend his vulnerable companion.
  3. In the business sphere, Sagittarius must show tolerance and tact so as not to offend Pisces, who obey him.
  4. A woman will not forgive if, in response to the care shown, Sagittarius becomes indifferent to the needs of Pisces. It is important to appreciate her efforts and tell her about it.
  5. Pisces does not like the straightforwardness of the Fire sign, and a man does not like the evasiveness of a woman. He will perceive her words as lies. He needs to understand that the girl is not lying, but is simply avoiding the truth because she is afraid of negative emotions on his part.
  6. A woman of the Water Element is prone to bad habits. Sagittarius must stop her in time if Pisces suddenly decides to escape from the realities of life with the help of alcohol or drugs.
  7. Rudeness and cruelty in bed can kill a woman's interest in intimate relationships.
  8. Even for the sake of great love, a man will not abandon his interests or deviate from his goals.

Female wisdom and a stable male character will make the family life of this couple strong and happy.

Relationship Benefits

The great connecting principle of these signs is the mutual love of philosophical knowledge. If Pisces and Sagittarius have spiritual goals in the first place, they will find mutual understanding, and their union will bring a lot of good to everyone’s life:

  • Sagittarius will be able to provide financially for Pisces so that she does not need anything.
  • A Water Element woman will be faithful to her partner.
  • Pisces will always give in to their partner in the matter of career growth.
  • They have many common topics of conversation; they will not be bored together.

The union of Pisces and Sagittarius often causes bewilderment among others, because they constantly quarrel and do not want to make concessions. Lovers don't care much about other people's opinions. The duration of their relationship directly depends on how important work, love and friendship are to them. According to the horoscope, this couple has every chance of a happy future.

Disadvantages of Relationships

To build a strong relationship, this couple is hampered by some Sagittarius character traits: inconstancy, haste, hot temper, laziness, impracticality and irresponsibility.

The harmony in the family can be spoiled by Pisces’ personality traits, including: indecisiveness, touchiness, vulnerability, melancholy and self-indulgence.

Domestic problems can ruin relationships between partners and cause men to cheat. Moreover, the wife will immediately notice if Sagittarius begins to deceive her; she has very good intuition. If she accuses him of infidelity, he will immediately become defensive and rude. This behavior greatly hurts the Pisces woman and she may simply walk away without saying a word.

There are other negative aspects of this couple:

  1. Pisces will not tolerate her husband's tactlessness and boasting.
  2. Sagittarius demands utmost honesty from his wife, even in small things.
  3. The Water Element woman is not interested in anything other than her love and family. He is concerned about everything that happens around him.
  4. She wants her husband to always be there, but his sociability and comprehensive development will not allow this.

Percentage compatibility of signs is a relative concept. Relationships depend more on the level of development and upbringing, and not just on the zodiac constellations.

According to the compatibility of a Sagittarius man and a Pisces woman, the relationship between them can be very different. The relationship between these signs is complex and dual. They can find in each other the qualities they lack so much and thereby complement their partner, or, on the contrary, their dissimilar characters and temperaments will not allow them to be together.

Positive aspects of the union

If this is an ideal couple, then there will always be respect from the partners. After all, by their nature, Pisces women are very vulnerable creatures, and seeing this, Sagittarius will treat her with care, and more restrainedly than with other people. Very often, Sagittarius men are dictators, this behavior repels others, but living together with Pisces, he becomes softer, and then new interesting personalities appear in his environment. The Pisces woman also teaches Sagittarius to save, and next to her he becomes enriched and develops spiritually, which leads to a higher position in his environment. Pisces women are endowed by nature with softness, sensitivity and kindness. She understands and accepts all the shortcomings of her Sagittarius husband, and tries to create a warm and cozy home for him, and maintains a friendly atmosphere in it. And the Sagittarius man gives her in return the protection from any adversity that she needs.

Negative aspects of the union

One of the problems that arises in the union of a Sagittarius man and a Pisces woman is misunderstanding and resentment towards each other. Sagittarius men are by nature sociable and well-rounded signs, they are interested in many things, and they like to know what is happening around them. But Pisces women, on the contrary, they live in their feelings, and they are not interested in anything except their own love. For her, Sagittarius is frivolous, but she would like consistency, and for her other half to always be nearby.

However, even when they are together, they have some disagreements. The Pisces woman is infuriated by Sagittarius's tactless behavior and boasting. He wants those around him to be completely honest with him in everything, and the Sagittarius man himself embellishes his stories and adds emotions to them, making them rich and dramatic stories. But Pisces women have amazing intuition, and they immediately see and feel when Sagittarius begins to lie to her. If she makes a remark to him about this, then Sagittarius will instantly be offended and take everything with hostility, and at that moment he behaves rudely, tactlessly, and begins to be rude, which greatly hurts the sensual Pisces.

If a Pisces woman got married or simply began to live together with a Sagittarius man, then she needs to be patient and prepare all her feminine wisdom. She must take it for granted that her man will never, even for the sake of their love, give up his business and interests, friends and new acquaintances, he will forever remain a sociable person. The Pisces woman needs to find an interesting activity or hobby that will distract her while her husband is not around. But she will also be able to interest him herself, for example, by offering him an interesting vacation or trip, he is interested in everything new, and she will be next to him and will be able to get to know him better from the other side.

As for the deceptions of Sagittarius, the Pisces woman should also close her eyes to this and forgive him. Seeing that he is again not telling the truth, it is best for Pisces to remain silent so as not to develop the conflict. After all, everyone knows that the lies of a Sagittarius man are aimed only at embellishing their events, making them more significant and large-scale. Possessing a wonderful sense of humor, the wise Pisces woman can simply laugh with him at this story.

The union of a Sagittarius man and a Pisces woman cannot be called favorable from an astrological point of view. On the other hand, what prevents you from leaving the stars to shine high in the sky and trying to become the master of your own destiny? It’s not for nothing that they say that everyone is the architect of their own happiness! So in the relationship between a Sagittarius man and a Pisces woman, everything will depend solely on themselves. If love is capable of crushing mountains and changing the course of history, then perhaps the power of love, and not the location of the planets, will win in this union...

Well, for now let’s talk about the stars - they are the ones who endowed the Sagittarius man and the Pisces woman with completely different temperaments. Moreover, this circumstance does not at all prevent such partners from complementing each other. First of all, this is expressed in the fact that the Pisces woman will be intellectually interesting to the Sagittarius man (just as he is to her). They will have a lot of topics to talk about, and common interests, as we know, can bring people together in the best possible way.

The discussions that flare up between a Pisces woman and a Sagittarius man sometimes cause real admiration! The thing is that, as a rule, holding radically divergent opinions on a particular issue, these people are able to defend their own point of view so skillfully that the dispute that arises between them does not develop into even a slight quarrel, not to mention a more significant conflict . Although in this case, too, the difference in their temperaments is reflected: the Sagittarius man is ready to rush into a verbal battle, without holding back his emotions and without trying to choose expressions, which is very annoying and even frightens the Pisces woman. Of course - after all, she draws wisdom from the books of recognized classics, considering them the ultimate truth, and he, being a nihilist by nature, is ready to reject all existing foundations!

And yet, in some cases, it is discussions of an intellectual nature that can become a prerequisite for serious disagreements between a Sagittarius man and a Pisces woman. Since, as mentioned above, she relies on the opinions of more famous and authoritative representatives of society, he may get the impression that his partner is not able to draw conclusions on her own, and therefore is a limited person. In turn, the Pisces woman will perceive the Sagittarius man as a daring and inconsistent interlocutor who disrespects generally accepted facts.

As a result, for the next discussion the Sagittarius man will most likely choose another counterpart, having lost interest in the Pisces woman. If this happens during the development of the relationship between them and the situation needs to be saved, the partner may well achieve this by showing that she is not so limited as to be unable to draw her own conclusions. The flexibility and complaisance that the Pisces woman is endowed with by her zodiac sign will help with this. She will not insist that the Sagittarius man accept her point of view, but, on the contrary, will ask him not to be nervous, relax and will begin to charm him again.

This behavior very often gives positive results: the Sagittarius man, as a rule, thaws out and even maintains the conviction that he needs just such a companion as the Pisces woman. It should be noted that the representatives of this zodiac sign remind the Sagittarius man of his mother, who is ready to sacrifice everything she has, if only he would feel good. At the same time, the Pisces woman will never demand anything in return, and it seems that such an alliance can only be ideal. However, their relationship is very far from ideal, since such a chosen one is becoming less and less interesting to her partner every day.

The problem is that the Sagittarius man does not like overly timid and anxious people, which are Pisces women. Such a companion will literally die of fear for her lover, especially since there are plenty of reasons for this, since the Sagittarius man is always ready to do crazy things. In such cases, the Pisces woman, instead of participating in his entertainment, will prefer to sit at home and languish with jealousy. And if he tries to stir her up, she will simply plunge into her own world - where she will feel the most secure.

Of course, for such an open and extremely sincere person as the Sagittarius man, the Pisces woman’s withdrawal into her introversion is tantamount to a refusal of spiritual intimacy, which is completely unacceptable in this union. Since the nature of the Sagittarius man can no longer be changed, as well as the innate character traits of the Pisces woman, with each of his next madness they will move further and further away from each other. In the overwhelming majority of cases, it is the partner who initiates the breakup of the relationship, although the partner, with all her ability to hide grievances, can sooner or later throw them out.

This can happen if the Pisces woman is not a very typical representative of her sign: given her belonging to the element of water, the Sagittarius man, who belongs to the fire signs, may simply be “flooded” by her strong “water” nature. That is why in such a union it is very important to be able to find a common language with your soul mate, unless, of course, there is a desire to separate. After all, if you meet a person who is not like you, this does not mean that he is stupid and incapable of understanding another. Having learned to hear (and not just listen) and understand each other, the Sagittarius man and Pisces woman will go through life together happily ever after.

If the relationship between a Pisces woman and a Sagittarius man still reaches a dead end and separation is inevitable, they have the opportunity to part as friends, which is much preferable than carrying a grudge against each other in their souls for the rest of their lives. Moreover, if sympathy between a Sagittarius man and a Pisces woman still remains, they always have a chance to start the relationship again. After all, a difference of views is not a contraindication to happiness, and the dissimilarity of partners can only add a spark to their union, but this is only if he and she are wise enough to understand this.

Sagittarius and Pisces

One of the most unpredictable but interesting combinations. Usually Pisces have a mutual interest in Sagittarius, but even the best astrologer cannot understand how their relationship will end. This is one of the most difficult combinations that can bring a couple both grief and true happiness.

Sagittarius may feel attracted to Pisces, especially at the beginning of a relationship. A woman with a pretty appearance and pleasant manners has always been for such a man the embodiment of fragility, subtlety and femininity, but the relationship between them can develop in a completely unpredictable way. First of all, this is due to the fact that a woman may not dream of a partner like Sagittarius. However, their relationship can turn out to be very tender and pleasant if the couple finds common ground and reveals feelings.

The Pisces woman often strives for a smart, kind and understanding partner who will give her a sense of kindness, tenderness and self-confidence, but Sagittarius may not live up to her ideal. After all, his sense of humor and boasting can greatly irritate his partner or cause a feeling of resentment, but these are not the only obstacles that can stand in the way of this couple. And yet, such people should try to establish relationships in order to be happy; perhaps their meeting is their chance for happiness.

Despite their different characters and aspirations, such people can build harmonious relationships. True, Pisces are able to endure for a long time and not express their dissatisfaction, which complicates everything, and Sagittarius does not notice that he is offending a woman with his behavior. Therefore, quarrels and discontent may constantly flare up between these people, especially at the beginning of a relationship or a few months after meeting each other.

Advantages of the union: Sagittarius Man and Pisces Woman

Such people can benefit each other and give real happiness. Pisces is the ideal woman for Sagittarius, however, she does not always share his interests and affections. A man is able to give her happiness, many pleasant moments, especially if such a woman is really dear to him, however, the lack of spiritual subtlety can ruin the relationship.

Often such people are driven by chance: they either rapidly draw closer despite incompatibility and even their own desires, or they separate despite obvious similarities and it is almost impossible to predict exactly how their relationship will end. But their meeting contributes to the spiritual development of Sagittarius and joy in the life of Pisces, the appearance of light and lightness, which such a woman has always dreamed of.

The advantages of this union include:

  • opposites attract;
  • personal growth of both partners;
  • each other’s emergence of new interests that contribute to their development;
  • general views on the upbringing and development of children;
  • gentleness and goodwill of both partners;
  • with mutual understanding, partners can achieve high goals;
  • a man will contribute to novelty and lightness, joy in a woman’s life;
  • absence of jealousy and scandals;
  • a woman adds tenderness and comfort to a man’s life;
  • Both partners get along well in everyday situations.

Disadvantages of the union: Sagittarius Man and Pisces Woman

The disadvantages of this union appear if one or both partners begin to doubt the correctness of their choice and vital decision. It happens that over time their interests diverge and they are both simply unable to support each other. The Pisces woman does not always share the creative and friendly interests of Sagittarius; she may not at all strive to go where he is drawn, and it is for this reason that the couple often collapses.

Another danger that these people will have to face is the lack of firmness and independence in life's failures. Both partners do not have sufficient internal strength to withstand truly serious challenges.

The main disadvantages of this union may be:

  • impracticality of both partners, they do not pay enough attention to important details;
  • extravagance and generosity of partners can negatively affect the financial side of the family;
  • different views on life, aspirations and desires;
  • a woman does not always support the interests and values ​​of a man;
  • the changeability of the mood of both partners can gradually pull them in different directions;
  • inability to withstand serious difficulties and problems;
  • the illusion of well-being can lead to marking time;
  • interference from outsiders can create serious difficulties in a couple;
  • excessive freedom in raising children can deprive them of a sense of security and necessary life guidelines;
  • both partners may succumb to outside influences or bad habits.

How to find a common language in a couple: Sagittarius Man and Pisces Woman

In order to feel happy, such people need to find common goals, and this takes time. If interests do not coincide and the couple is only interested in communicating together, then they can remain friends. Pisces should learn to give feedback to Sagittarius, since this man may sincerely not understand the woman’s dissatisfaction and be offended by her. His humor can offend, and he himself does not notice it, so this man needs to be told directly about what does not suit you.

To communicate with such a partner, it would not hurt for Sagittarius to show tenderness and sensuality. If you learn to guess her thoughts, desires, read hints, half the work is done. However, before deciding on a serious relationship, it is worth thinking: such a woman may dream of seeing another person next to her. It’s better to turn on your intuition and try to understand what she really wants and then everything will work out. Moreover, a woman born under this sign is not too demanding; tenderness and mutual understanding with her loved one is enough for her.

The key to reconciliation with Pisces lies in showing sensitivity, tenderness and, of course, pleasant surprises and wishes. It is not necessary to give her something expensive: even flowers given to her just like that will please her no less than expensive perfume or a diamond necklace.

Compatibility of a couple in bed: Sagittarius Man and Pisces Woman

A difficult combination, since both partners are endowed with completely different temperaments and sexual needs. A woman of the water element is very sensual, but you need to be able to awaken her. In some situations, she can be friendly and gentle, and open up on her own, but, alas, this does not always happen. The Sagittarius man is immediately overwhelmed by a wave of passion; he is not used to subtleties and often overestimates his ability to seduce. Therefore, he often cannot understand why the woman did not enjoy it or does not want to continue the relationship after several dates.

To enjoy passion, such a couple needs time and a long period of grinding in. A Pisces woman is unlikely to be satisfied with just intimacy; she needs to talk it out, feel an attentive and sensitive interlocutor nearby, with whom there is never a dull moment; for her, dating is romance, surprise and tenderness, an exciting romance. Unfortunately, not all Sagittarius understand this: they want passion, and they do not consider emotional relationships to be something important, especially if they do not plan to tie their fate with a woman. Therefore, between these people there will constantly be bickering and discontent, which can lead to scandals and a quick separation.

Compatibility of a couple in marriage: Sagittarius Man and Pisces Woman

Here, the compatibility of partners depends on the occasion and circumstances of the meeting. Pisces and Sagittarius can either feel attraction to each other, or, on the contrary, feel that they are no longer interested in each other and will soon separate. Sagittarius can see a real woman in a partner, and since all women are mysterious and completely incomprehensible creatures for him, this can lead to resentment and complete misunderstanding. Pisces do not always give feedback to their partner if they are dissatisfied with something. Most likely, such a woman will silently accumulate grievances until she decides that they have nothing to do together, and then her decision comes as a complete surprise to Sagittarius.

In living together, these people are often faced with a lack of understanding of each other and warmth, despite a sincere desire to be together. Both Sagittarius and Pisces may sincerely want to restore the relationship and then immediately spoil everything themselves with petty quibbles and insults. Therefore, they should think several times before planning a serious relationship. Moreover, over time, they either get closer and become true like-minded people, or the force of gravity or misunderstanding against their will separates them.

Compatibility of a couple in friendship: Sagittarius Man and Pisces Woman

Oddly enough, Pisces and Sagittarius turn out to be devoted friends if they have common interests, but are separated by cities. Quite often in childhood they do not notice each other, but then their interest flares up sharply, so such people begin to communicate at a distance or correspond online. For them, the main desire is to speak out and find support, so such people often become friends and very loyal people. Over time, this promotes not only friendships, but also more romantic relationships.

If such friends become lovers, practically nothing can stop them, not even the bonds of legal marriage. The force of attraction reaches incredible proportions and such people become husband and wife in a short time. But even if they do not violate the boundaries of what is permitted, the friendship between them becomes even stronger over the years. Often their communication leads to the fact that relatives eventually begin to make peace and also become friends, even if they previously treated each other coolly.

Compatibility of a couple in business: Sagittarius Man and Pisces Woman

A very good combination, provided that the reins of power belong to a man. If Sagittarius becomes a leader, then cooperation with Pisces contributes to his success and long-term work. The partner not only obediently does everything he asks of her, but is also able to support him in difficult times, even if she does it for free. But it is very difficult for Sagittarius to obey Pisces because such a woman does not take into account his creative thinking and tries to force him into the framework of the rules. Moreover, if everything shows that the man is more competent than him and is truly endowed with creative abilities or leadership qualities.

It is better for such people to work in one position and act together. They support each other, although both are not always able to understand. It is for this reason that quarrels and scandals can break out between them if Sagittarius cannot explain to Pisces why he acts this way and not otherwise. It is best to give such people specific tasks that require precise execution.

What a Pisces Woman needs to know about a Sagittarius Man

A Sagittarius man can be a bright and pleasant conversationalist, a leader and a bright creative personality. He always has a lot of friends, he simply loves to be the center of attention and brag about his achievements, so it is difficult for any woman to resist his charm. However, for Pisces such a person can be a real test, and only great love can make him a close person for a woman born under the sign of the water element.

Sagittarius is straightforward, does not always treat people with sympathy, and his jokes and irony can take on the nature of sarcasm and ridicule. He is capable of making fun of not only what is truly funny, but also of seriously offending another person with his jokes, and then sincerely not understanding what he was offended by. In addition, Sagittarius often does and says first, and then thinks, which is unlikely to please the reasonable and coldish Pisces. It is these features of his character that can hinder family happiness with such a person.

You shouldn't expect him to understand your hints or learn to read other people's thoughts. Sagittarius is not distinguished by spiritual subtlety and, if this is what you expect from him, then it is better to choose another option. But this man stands strongly for justice and will not let his beloved woman be offended, even if he himself is offended by her. He will adore her, completely not understanding the facets of her soul, so think about whether it is worth losing him or not.

If he doesn't like your friends, he won't hide it. Such a person may not accept your relatives if he does not like them, so try to avoid rough edges in relationships with relatives and friends.

What a Sagittarius Man needs to know about a Pisces Woman

A Pisces woman may seem like a real ideal to a man. Quiet, modest, but incredibly refined and feminine, she inspires sympathy and affection at first sight, so it’s worth fighting for her heart. True, there is one circumstance that is worth paying attention to: such a woman requires a special approach to herself. Therefore, it will not be amiss for Sagittarius to find out her aspirations and desires even before meeting her or having close contact.

A woman of this sign dreams of a sensitive and responsive man. Sincerity and kindness come first for her, but in some cases she looks for a strong and even brutal man if she feels fear of the world around her. It is for this reason that Pisces are not delighted with sparkling jokes or classic male charm if they do not feel that their interlocutor will understand them correctly.

So before you win the heart of this woman, try to study her psychology. It will not be amiss for Sagittarius to find out what she hides and what she conceals in her soul. But if you figure out her dreams and goals, the main step towards her heart has been taken. Such a woman will open her heart to you, and you will be happy with her, provided that she shares your interests, goals and dreams.