Tattoos have become an integral part of the everyday life of most men, and in most cases they imply a deep meaning. When one drawing is not enough to correctly perceive the meaning of a tattoo, men resort to such additions as inscriptions. Tattoo inscriptions on the hand for men can be in different languages, starting with Latin and ending in Russian.

To add more meaning to a body design, it is important to pay attention not so much to the language, but to the words and phrases, their locations, stylistic processing, as well as the composition that results as a whole. The article will offer top phrases of 2018-2019 with translation.

Popular phrases and phrases can be designed using different fonts, scales, patterns, and additional symbols. But the first thing a man should start with is to choose a phrase that will give the tattoo a certain meaning, and also decide on the language of execution. It may be Latin, Russian, English, Spanish, Italian, German, Arabic or Hebrew.

Inscriptions in English with translation

Inscription tattoos for guys today are most often performed in English, since this is the most common international version, and therefore the most accessible and understandable to the majority. In 2018-2019, the top inscriptions for tattoos in English are as follows:

A life is a moment- life is one moment.

Don't let your mind kill your heart and soul- don't let your mind kill your heart and soul.

You don’t become what you want, you become what you believ e – you don’t become what you want to become, you become what you believe you will become.

Everyone is the creator of one’s own fate- everyone is the creator of their own destiny.

Just do it- just do it.

Inscriptions in French with translation

The French language is distinguished by its sophistication and sophistication; it looks beautiful and sounds melodious. This means that in this language, artists often create tattoos in the form of inscriptions about love, friendship, family and philosophical quotes. For example:

Mieux vaut tard que jamais- better late than never.

L'amour fait passer le temps, et le temps fait passer- love kills time, and time kills love.

Sauve et garde- bless and save.

Croire à son etoile- I believe in my star.

Ayant risqué une fois-on peut rester heureux toute la vie- Once you take a risk, you can remain happy for the rest of your life.

Inscriptions in Spanish with translation

The Spanish language is famous for its sensual and dynamic intonation, temperament and sensuality. The owner of a tattoo with an inscription in Spanish is also a passionate, ardent person. Popular phrases in Spanish in 2018-2019 are as follows:

Mi vida - Mi elección, Mi error - Mis lecciones- my life is my choice, my mistakes are my lessons.

Cuando una puerta se cierra, otra se abre— when one door closes, another opens.

Agradezco a mi destino- I thank my fate.

Camino se hace al andar- the one who walks will master the road.

Flota como una mariposa, pica como una abeja- flutter like a butterfly, sting like a bee.

Inscriptions in Italian with translation

Motivational inscriptions that strengthen the will and fortitude look beautiful and original in Italian. But when choosing an inscription in Italian, accuracy with the translation is important, since there are many tenses and variations in the endings of words. Examples of popular tattoo inscriptions in Italian:

A buon intenditore poche parole- the wise man understands at a glance.

C'è sempre una via d'uscita- there is always a way out.

Ciò che accade oggi è il risultato dei tuoi pensieri di ieri- what happens today is the result of your thoughts yesterday.

Dio vede tutti i nostri peccati, però vede anche il nostro pentimento“The Lord sees all our sins, but he also sees our repentance.

Vivere, lottare, amore- live, fight, love.

Inscriptions in German with translation

Tattoo inscriptions on German most often preferred by brutal, courageous and daring men, this is approximately how the words sound in this language. Examples of popular lettering tattoos in 2018-2019:

Alles, was passiert, ist zu Gutem- everything that happens is for the better.

Glück ist immer mit mir- luck is always with me.

Wer den Wind sät, erntet den Wirbelwind- He who sows the wind will reap the storm.

Hoffe dich auf das Beste- hope for the best.

Ohne Musik wäre das Leben ein Irrtum- without music, life would be stupid.

Hebrew inscriptions with translation

Despite the fact that Hebrew existed for a relatively short time, phrases and quotes in it sound especially wise and valuable. Therefore, today most tattoos are performed in this language, and the most popular inscriptions are as follows:

כאשר הנשמה מואר, ערפל ממושך אפילו השמיים מקרינה אור נעים - when the soul glows, even the foggy sky emits a pleasant light.

להישען על הלב שלך - trust your heart.

תהילה טוב הוא טוב יותר עושר - good fame is better than wealth.

דמיון חזק מוליד את האירוע - a strong imagination gives rise to an event.

את דרכו פזורים ורדים – his path is strewn with roses.

Inscriptions in Latin with translation

Latin is the most ancient and mysterious language, which is accessible only to a few. Therefore, men can design the most sacred and mysterious inscriptions for tattoos in this format, for example:

Аurum nostrum non est aurum vulgi- our gold is not the gold of the crowd.

Aliis inserviendo consumor- By shining on others, I burn myself.

Out vincere, out mori- either win or die.

Faber est quisque fortunae suae- every person is the creator of his own destiny.

Imperare sibi maximum imperium est— power over oneself is the highest power.

Inscriptions in Arabic with translation

The Arabic language is beautiful primarily from an aesthetic point of view; in addition, it is the language of the eastern sages. The highlight of this language is that it is written from right to left, and the words are similar to script. For example:

في بعض الأحيان، آسف جداً عن ذلك، قال الناس كلمات غالية رخيصة - sometimes you regret so much that you spoke expensive words to cheap people.

القارئ اليوم، وغدا زعيما - reader, tomorrow's leader.

الرب فوق كل شيء - The Lord is above all.

سفيركاج، مثل الماس - sparkle like a diamond.

حيث هناك جيدة ومسقط رأس - Where it is good, there is the Motherland.

Expert opinion

Viola Madison

Tattoo artist, 8 years experience

Choosing a language to write a tattoo is not just a matter of aesthetics or knowledge. Each language presupposes its own character and characteristics, which must correspond to the character, image and lifestyle of the man, as well as the semantic message of the tattoo itself.

Popular quotes

Quotes are not a couple of words, but a phrase with a deep meaning, which means that such inscriptions can be an independent tattoo without additional elements and pictures. Quotes can relate to different topics - love, family, friendship, life, freedom, religion.

About love

The most popular theme for tattoos is love; most often today men get the following tattoos with the inscriptions:

in love and war all methods are fair- in love and war, all methods are good;

everyone is attracted by their passion- each carries his passion;

I will never forget you— you never won’t forget;

as long as I breathe, I love and believe- as long as I breathe, love and trust;

one love, one destiny- one love, one destiny.

About friendship

Friendship - no less actual topic, especially among young guys, since in a friend you can find support and support in difficult times. This means that tattoos with inscriptions about friendship have been and will be relevant, for example:

a friend is a person who gives you the strength to be yourself- a friend is a person who gives you the power to be yourself;

man is friend to man- man man friend;

friendship is the salt of life— friendship the salt of life;

It is also permissible to learn from the enemy- study and allowed the enemy;

the longer you live, the fewer friends you have, but the higher their value- the longer you live, the less friends, but above their value.

About life

You can also philosophize about life with beautiful and mysterious quotes in the format of a tattoo on the body. Today, men most often prefer the following inscriptions about life and being:

who once taught people to fly moved all the boundary stones— who once taught people to fly, he shifted all border stones;

everyone has their own path- everyone has one’s own path;

remember who you are- remember who you are;

my life my rules- my life - my rules.

About freedom

What gives a man a special charm is his love of freedom, independence and independence. This means that tattoos about freedom in the form of quotes will always be relevant. Today there are several interesting ideas in the top:

man is destined to be free- the man is fated to be free;

freedom is not where there are no walls, but where you don’t feel them- freedom is not where there are no walls, and where they do not feel;

the most important freedom is to be yourself- most home freedom - be yourself;

believe in your dream, believe in freedom— believe in your dream, believe in freedom;

life without freedom is nothing— life without liberty is nothing.

About family

Family is the most important thing that every adult strives for. You can show your devotion to the family and love for its members with the help of a beautiful inscription on the body, for example:

family starts with children— family begins with children;

family is always in my heart- family are always in my heart;

my family is my state- my family-my State;

The best marriage is a marriage between a blind wife and a deaf husband— the best marriage-marriage between blind wife and a deaf husband;

getting married means decreasing freedom and increasing responsibility— to marry means to reduce freedom and increase liability.

About religion and faith

Religious views and faith in God are what help us survive difficulties and believe in a bright future. Most often, men write the following quotes about God:

with God in the heart- with God in heart;

only God can Judge Me- only God is my judge;

man proposes, but God disposes— Man proposes, but God disposes;

in sight of God- in the mind of God.

Original phrases

The text of a man’s tattoo inscription can be either a quote or an original phrase, a motivator or a manifestation of his character. Short inscriptions and phrases that are easy to perceive and understand will look interesting and mysterious. For example:

randomness is not accidental- Accidents are not accidental;

legio nomen mihi est (lat.)- my name is Legion;

free your mind- free your mind;

veni, vidi, vici (lat.)- came, saw, conquered;

after the clouds-the Sun- after the clouds - the sun.

Important! When choosing the language for the inscription and the text itself, decide on the purpose. Either you are trying to tell someone around you something about yourself, or the inscription suggests a purely personal and non-trivial message.

Where on the arm do men most often get tattoos with inscriptions?

The location of a tattoo is an important choice, which can affect its sacred meaning and influence. It is no secret that any body design involves an impact on fate and karma. This means that carefully select the place on the body and the inscription, taking into account their meaning and significance.


The most spacious area on the body where a man can write an inscription or a whole quote is the forearm. If a man is by nature a confident and focused person, the so-called “salt of the earth”, a workaholic and a researcher by nature, then a tattoo with an inscription on the forearm will be in harmony with his inner world.

Wrist tattoo

The wrist on the hand is known to be a vulnerable part of the body, since it is possible to listen to the heartbeat here. This means that the wrist is an area where a tattoo with an inscription and other elements can “echo” the soul, suggesting a strong sacred and sensual meaning.

Tattoos on the palm, hand and fingers

Much more often, tattoos in the form of inscriptions are applied to secluded places on men’s hands - fingers, palms and hands. It is known that it is with his hands that a man can influence the world and his environment. This means that motivating quotes and phrases that give strength and self-confidence, creative inclinations are put here.

Are there any recommendations for applying tattoos with inscriptions on your arm?

Before you head to a tattoo parlor to get a lettering tattoo, it's important to think through all the details. Namely:

  • decide on the theme of the inscription, taking into account life priorities and what is most important to you;
  • choose a language that will be in harmony with the meaning and message of the inscription;
  • select the font and method of displaying the text;
  • take a photo with the finished sketch, it should be unique and not someone else’s idea;
  • learn about the rules of preparation for a tattoo and care after the procedure;
  • select an area on the body where the artist will transfer the sketch;
  • find a reliable salon and an experienced specialist;
  • find out about the cost of the work in advance.

Think about the purposes for which you need a tattoo. Assess your pain threshold and level of tolerance, using this criterion when choosing the length and scale of the inscription.

Are there any tattoos on your body that you would like to remove?


How to choose a tattoo design for a place on your arm?

To make the tattoo look aesthetically pleasing and clear, rely on the principle of proportionality when choosing a place for the inscription. For example:

  • long quotes - so that the text fits in and is not compressed, choose mainly the forearm area;
  • short inscriptions of a few words - for such sketches, hands, palms and wrists are selected;
  • one word - it can be a name, date, etc.; fingers are suitable for a small inscription.

The fact how important it will be for you to hide the tattoo in a work or official setting can help you choose a place on your body for a tattoo.

Where is the best place to get a tattoo?

To obtain quality work, you will need to go to a tattoo parlor that is licensed and permitted to provide such services. Lettering is the simplest sketch for a tattoo, which means that even a young specialist can handle the job. But this does not mean that you can turn to self-taught people and craftsmen at home, since they do not provide any guarantees other than the risks of injury and infection.


An inscription is the fastest and easiest tattoo, which rarely appears as an independent sketch, but is more often added to an existing body design. The text can be made in different styles and in different languages ​​of the world. The most mysterious and mysterious are Arabic and Latin. Spanish, Italian, and French sound beautiful and melodious. German is the choice of real men, and English is considered the traditional and most understandable language.

Having a tattoo on your body is now considered fashionable. It’s especially great if the body image carries a certain meaning. A tattoo in the form of an inscription can be a great motivator for you and those around you. Text tattoos can be done in a variety of styles, from elegant cursive to minimalist printed. Drawings with words or quotes reveal the essence of a person better than others, reminding them of the trials they had to go through or the happy moments of life. In addition, tattoos in the form of inscriptions are also good because you are unlikely to meet a person with a similar image. You can show your personality through text. By the way, here you have a choice: you can write words both in your native language and in a foreign language. One of the most popular places to apply such a tattoo is the hand.

Tattoo inscriptions with translation

Tattoos in Latin with translation

The leading place among foreign language sources is occupied by English and Latin. However, they are also in great demand. It is worth noting that tattoos with Latin text often express philosophical meaning, since they, as a rule, were sayings of noble and great people of antiquity. Latin quotes can be seen on both men and women.

Love is a movement - love is a movement

just love

Love is my religion - Love is my religion

love Rihanna

Family tattoo lettering

A woman's strength is in her family. Some representatives of the fair sex strive to show their love for loved ones. Tattoos of the word "Family" and its derivatives can be seen on the wrist, ankle, foot and neck.

Family together always - Family is always together

Forever family - family forever

Philosophical tattoo inscriptions

Representatives of the fair sex are deeper creatures than they might seem at first glance. Sometimes a simple girl can harbor such emotions, experiences and thoughts that are difficult to imagine at first. Creative people approach this, as a rule, from a philosophical point of view. Here it is no longer possible to get by with just one word. Although, as we know, one word can contain a powerful inspiring force.

Listen to your heart - listen to your heart

The choices we make dictate the life we ​​lead - The choices we make determine the life we ​​have to live

Even if saving you sends me to heaven - Saving even you, I will go to heaven

You"ll never die and you never grow old - you will never die and grow old

Don"t dream your life Live your dream - Don’t dream your whole life, but live your dream

Beautiful phrases in English for tattoos with translation

If you are thinking about writing in English, this list of phrases will be of interest to you:

  1. Battle of life - Fight for life.
  2. Be careful with your thoughts - they are the beginning of deeds - Be careful with your thoughts - they are the beginning of actions.
  3. Destroy what destroys you - Destroy what destroys you.
  4. Don"t break up with your past until you"re sure in your future - Don't break up with your past until you are sure of your future.
  5. Endless love - Endless love.
  6. Everyone has one's own path - Everyone has their own path.
  7. Everyone is the creator of one's own fate - Everyone is the creator of their own fate.
  8. Everyone sees the world in one's own way - Each person sees the world in his own way.
  9. Fear transfers the clever into the silly, and makes the strong be the weak - Fear makes the smart foolish and the strong weak.
  10. Follow your heart - Follow your heart.
  11. Free your mind - Free your mind.
  12. I remember too much, that"s why I"m damn sad sometimes - I remember a lot, that's why I am sometimes damn sad.
  13. Live without regrets - Live without regrets.
  14. Music creates the feelings which you can't find in life - Music creates feelings that do not exist in life.
  15. Never give up - Never give up.
  16. Never look back - Never look back.
  17. Never stop dreaming - Never stop dreaming.
  18. Now or never - Now or never.
  19. People rejoice at the Sun, and I"m dreaming of the Moon - People rejoice at the sun, and I dream of the moon.
  20. The inevitable price we pay for our happiness is eternal fear to lose it - The inevitable price we pay for happiness is the eternal fear of losing it.
  21. The love of my life - The love of my life.
  22. The most dangerous demons live in our hearts - The most dangerous demons live in our hearts.
  23. Wait and see - Let's wait and see.
  24. We hate the ones we love because they can cause the deepest suffering - We hate those we love because they are capable of causing us the most suffering.
  25. While I am breathing, I love and believe. - As long as I breathe, I love and believe.

An inscription tattoo is a great way for girls to decorate their body with meaning. In addition, getting an inscription for a tattoo is much faster and more economical than an artistic image. big size. It is these factors that attract many ladies who decide to get their first tattoo. Below we will look at sketches of tattoos on different parts of the body, as well as inscriptions with translations from Latin and other languages.

Wrist tattoo for girls

Inscriptions on the wrist are the most popular tattoos among girls of all ages, as they look laconic and stylish. You can have a short but meaningful phrase or word tattooed on your wrist. These can be life mottos, words of motivation, philosophical sayings, etc.

It’s quite convenient that such a tattoo can be easily hidden from strangers by covering it with a watch, bracelet or long sleeve. Thus, she will not be able to interfere with professional activities, where tattoos may be viewed with skepticism.

Lettering tattoos for girls on the arm

Tattoos of inscriptions on the hand for girls are a great way to demonstrate to others your views on life, character, preferences or your own style.

If a girl values ​​her family, creates home comfort and the warmth of the family hearth, then phrases for tattoos about parents, names of children or spouse, etc. will look good on her hand.

If this direction is not suitable, you can get a tattoo on your arm with a meaning that has a philosophical meaning. Such tattoos are considered more universal and do not lose their relevance over time.

Lettering tattoos on the neck for girls

A tattoo on the neck for girls looks elegant, as it can be used to brighten up even an everyday look. But it is worth remembering that due to the presence of protruding vertebrae on the neck, getting a tattoo can be very painful.

Women's tattoo inscriptions on ribs

Tattoo phrases for girls are perfectly placed on the body in the ribs area. The large area allows you to write fairly long texts: excerpts from a book, phrases from a movie or words from a song. But small tattoos made in a minimalist style also look no less interesting.

Since this part of the body, like the chest area, is hidden and intimate (since it is not visible to everyone), the inscriptions for a tattoo can have absolutely any meaning that is closest to you, for example, a declaration of love.

Women's tattoo lettering on the back

The back is an elegant part of the body, so a tattoo in the form of an inscription looks very feminine, attractive and elegant on it.

However, this area is quite painful due to the close proximity to the skin of the vertebrae and shoulder blades. This fact must be taken into account if you intend to get a tattoo along the spine.

Women's inscriptions for tattoos on the collarbone

A tattoo on the collarbone is an excellent choice for fashionable girls: it always looks very impressive.

Words about love or the meaning of life are best suited to be applied to this place. In addition, a tattoo inscription on the collarbone can always be supplemented with a heart, feather or pattern, thereby giving it even more meaning.

Lettering tattoo on leg

Leg tattoos can be placed in several places: the thigh, ankle, or the outer part of the foot. Women's tattoos on the hip are attractive, original, and, moreover, easily hidden from prying eyes.

The most beautiful tattoos on the ankle are short inscriptions or a single word with a deep meaning. Below you can see good ideas for tattoos.

A great place for a tattoo with an inscription is the foot. Phrases printed in this area look stylish, especially in open sandals.

Inscription for tattoo with translation for girls

Choosing an inscription for a tattoo is sometimes a long and difficult process. After all, there are a lot of popular expressions in different languages ​​that you really want to tattoo on your body. We invite you to familiarize yourself with original and meaningful phrases in English, French, Italian, Spanish and Latin, which can be successfully placed on the body in the form of a future tattoo.

Tattoo inscription in English with translation

  • Even angels fall. Even angels fall.
  • My life is my art, my art is my life. My life is my art, my art is my life.
  • Live by faith, not by sight. Live by faith, not by sight.
  • Love me for who I am. Love me as I am.
  • Too wild to live, too rare to die. Too wild to live, too rare to die.
  • Death leaves a heartache no one can heal. Love bears a memory no one can steal. Death leaves a heartache that no one can heal. Love carries a memory that no one can steal.
  • Life's roughest storms prove the strength of our anchors. Life's fiercest storms prove the power of our anchors.
  • Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. Fluttering like a butterfly, sting like a bee.
  • Have faith. Have faith.
  • How sweet the sound. How sweet the sound.

Phrases for tattoos in French with translation

  • Penser positivement. Think positive.
  • Croire en soi. Believe in yourself.
  • Comme le vent, je suis libre. I'm free like the wind.
  • Aime ce que tu fais. Love what you do.
  • Les héros sont retenus – les légendes ne meurent jamais. Heroes are remembered - legends never die.
  • Agis sans attente. Act without expectation.
  • L'enfer est vide et tous les démons sont ici. Hell is empty - all the demons are here.
  • Parfois tu as besoin de laisser les choses partir. Sometimes you need to let go.
  • Suis ton propre chemin. Follow your own path.
  • Jamais une blessure, toujours une leçon. Never an injury, always a lesson.

Tattoo inscriptions in Spanish with translation into Russian

  • La vida no es un problema para resolver, sino un enigma para ser vivido. Life is not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be experienced.
  • No recordamos días, recordamos momentos. We don't remember days, we remember moments.
  • La mejor forma de predecir el futuro es crearlo. The best way to predict the future is to create it.
  • Los mejores sueños ocurren cuando estas despierto. The best dreams happen when you're awake.
  • Solo se vive una vez. You only live once.
  • Mejor estar solo que con nadie. It's better to be alone than with just anyone.
  • Con dolor viene la fuerza. With pain comes strength.
  • Siempre hay esperanza. There is always hope.
  • Inhala el futuro... exhala el pasado. Breathe in the future...breathe out the past.
  • No te dejes caer jamás. Never let yourself fall.

Inscription for tattoo in Italian with translation

  • Insieme per sempre. Together forever.
  • Sei nel mio cuore. You are in my heart.
  • L'amore domina senza regole. Love rules without rules.
  • La calme è la virtù dei forti. Calmness is the virtue of the strong.
  • La Vita and Bella. Life is Beautiful.
  • Che sarà sarà. What will be will be.
  • I frutti proibiti sono i più dolci. The forbidden fruit is the sweetest.
  • Non c'è niente di meglio nella vita di una famiglia amichevole. There is nothing better in life than a close-knit family.
  • Se vivo nella tua memoria, non sarò solo. If I live in your memory, I won't be alone.
  • Tempo di fiducia. Trust time.

Inscription for tattoo in Latin with translation

  • Carpe Diem. Live the moment.
  • Fatum meum es tu. You are my Destiny.
  • Frigus calculation. Cold calculation.
  • Nosce te ipsum. Know yourself.
  • Amor vincit omnia. Love overcomes everything.
  • Libertas inaestimabilis Res. Freedom is beyond any price.
  • Agnosco te. Value yourself.
  • Amor mutat populo. Love changes people.
  • Tempus fugit. Time flies.
  • Nil manet aeternum. Nothing is eternal.

Lettering tattoos on the arm are one of the most popular men's tattoos. An unlimited choice of phrases, fonts and designs allow you to create an original masterpiece that you will not find in any other person in the world. In the article we will look at tattoo inscriptions with translation for men, as well as sketches and photos of finished works.

The meaning of men's hand tattoos

If you think that lettering tattoos are just for decoration, then you are absolutely wrong. Personal phrases have a deep meaning, which is why boys and girls around the world choose them year after year.

Handwriting can give inner confidence and determination, which will undoubtedly help a person achieve his goals. In other cases, the text may carry a romantic message addressed to a loved one, or reflect life values, such as family, freedom, independence, etc.

A quote in the form of a tattoo can do much more than just decorate your body: it can add new meaning and inspiration to your life.

Before tattooing an inscription on your hand, you need to carefully consider not only the design of the phrase, but also its relevance, since tattoo removal is an expensive and time-consuming process. After all, what's the point of typing out a quote if it has nothing to do with you, right?

What to look for when choosing a tattoo idea?

After you decide on the meaning of the quote, you should think about how the completed tattoo will ultimately look: will it be too simple, can it be diluted with something in the future, etc. Below we will consider the main points that you should pay special attention to when creating a men's inscription tattoo on the hand.

Font. The beauty of the hand lettering will largely depend on the font used to write the chosen quote. You can choose either a minimalist or an elegant ornate style, depending on your personal preferences. However, when choosing a design, make sure that the inscription will not “flow” over time and will not turn into an unreadable stain.

Color. Another important factor is the color of the ink that will be used when applying the tattoo lettering on the hand. Color plays a very important role when creating a quote, because the right shade can make a tattoo on your hand the most original and attractive. Don’t just focus on the black color – add your own personality to your tattoo designs.

Language. The most common inscriptions for men are in Latin, English or Arabic. If you want the meaning to be understandable only to a limited circle of people, you can choose Chinese or Japanese characters.

Design. In fact, the meaning of a certain tattoo can be completely changed through the design. Lettering tattoos for men look most impressive when complemented various elements, such as animals, flowers or symbols: with their help you can make your tattoo even more attractive and meaningful. Hence, the design is one of the most important things that you should take into consideration before getting a tattoo.

Popular design options

In fact, the inscription can represent two types of tattoos. The former have only text, while the latter have additional design elements that can include tribal symbols, birds, dragonflies, crosses, dragons, lions and much more.

The variety in quotes is also huge: they can cover a range of topics such as religion, philosophy, travel, motivation, etc.

The spelling and grammar of the quote should be reviewed before tattooing, and the text should be compared to the original source before it is finally inked on your body.

Placement of men's tattoo inscriptions on the arm

The placement of a tattoo largely depends on its size. Large tattoos look good on large areas such as the upper arm or forearm, while smaller messages are placed on the wrists or hands.

A quote tattoo should be done after a lot of thought as it speaks volumes about your attitude towards life rather than just making you more attractive in the eyes of others.

Lettering tattoo on shoulder

Men's inscriptions on the shoulder can represent a life motto, a prayer, lyrics from a song or movie, etc. Popular designs for shoulder tattoos are: Celtic style, Chicano and ornate fonts.

Lettering tattoo on forearm

On the forearm there are inscriptions in the style of trash polka or minimalism, as well as cool phrases in the form of graffiti, which are rough and dark images with a bold outline, associated with hip-hop culture.

Lettering tattoo on wrist

To apply text on wrists, the classic font is mainly used. This is the most common font and is recognized by two main characteristics. The first distinctive feature is the alternating thick and thin lines, and the second is the resemblance to block letters. This design is believed to have originated from the American tattoo style.

Lettering tattoo on hand

Phrases painted using the 3D technique look most beautiful on brushes. This is one of the new trends in the world of tattoos, which is gradually becoming one of the most popular in this art.

When applied to the hand, such a tattoo looks voluminous and unusual, which attracts many glances from people around.

The second, no less popular font is Chicano - the style of Mexican prisoners, which is distinguished by the use of dark ink.

Inscriptions for men with translation and their meaning

When choosing hand inscriptions, the choice of language is based not only on the person’s personal preferences, but also depending on what culture a particular phrase or aphorism is borrowed from. Below we will look at the inscriptions for tattoos with translation into Russian from English, French, Spanish and Latin.

In English

  1. Everything comes to those who wait. All things come to those who wait.
  2. Doubt is the beginning, not the end of wisdom. Doubt is the beginning, not the end, of wisdom.
  3. The whole world is a stage. All the world's a stage.
  4. Absence strengthens feelings. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
  5. Actions speak louder than words. Actions speak louder than words.

In French

  1. I have too much energy to work. J'ai trop d'énergie pour travailler.
  2. An egoist is someone who doesn't think about me. Un égoïste, c’est quelqu’un qui ne pense pas à moi.
  3. Criticism is an eternal prison. La critique, c'est le bagne à perpétuité.
  4. The measure of love is to love without measure. La mesure de l'amour, c'est d'aimer sans mesure.
  5. In all tears there remains hope. Dans toutes les larmes s’attarde un espoir.

In Spanish

  1. Anyone who has loved has a scar. Cualquiera que haya amado tiene una cicatriz.
  2. Beauty is a state of mind. La belleza es un estado de ánimo.
  3. Hatred is the ghost of desire. El odio es el fantasma del deseo.
  4. At the end of the trip we are at the starting point. Al final del viaje nos encontramos en el punto de partida.
  5. If you can't be the sun, be a humble planet. Si no puedes tú ser sol, sé el planeta humilde.

In Latin

  1. Carpe diem. Live the moment.
  2. Actum ne agas. What you're done with, don't come back to.
  3. Dum spiro amo atque credo. As long as I breathe, I love and believe.
  4. Familia omnibus praestat. Families First.
  5. Ira initium insaniae est. Anger is the beginning of madness.

One of the most popular tattoos among men are inscriptions on their hands. Their popularity is explained by the fact that not all guys want to become the owner of a simple symbol or design: many of them are interested in inscriptions with meaning. After all, with their help, you can show others both your character and individuality, and confess your love to your other half. In this article we will look at the best inscriptions for tattoos with translations for men, and also present photos of the works of artists from all over the world.

Pros and cons of text tattoos on the arm

Inscriptions for men have a number of advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, before visiting the salon, you should familiarize yourself with them in more detail.

  • text tattoos are much cheaper than illustrated ones;
  • a phrase applied “wisely” will never lose its relevance;
  • The easiest way to cover letters is with a pattern if a person does not want to remove the tattoo;
  • tattoos with inscriptions make any look more stylish: this is why they attract many guys. The brutal Chicano style, created in Mexican prisons, has gained particular popularity precisely for this reason.

  • wrong translation. Handwriting in a foreign language has its pitfalls. Many people make the mistake of choosing a word they like without bothering to find out what it actually means. Therefore, before tattooing an inscription on your hand, find out its exact meaning, preferably from a native speaker, and not through a well-known translation service.
  • deformation. All tattoos gradually lose their color over time as the ink seeps under the skin. While most designs can be corrected well and are restored to their original appearance, inscription tattoos on the arm can become unreadable. Especially in cases where the design consists of small letters or thin lines. Therefore, when applying a phrase to the body, make sure that the artist maintains the required space between the letters.

Letters may be difficult to restore because the font becomes unrecognizable.

  • price. The price of a hand tattoo in the form of an inscription can vary significantly. If you have chosen a large font and plan to place the text on the entire forearm area, then the cost of the phrase will be significantly higher than that of a small inscription for the wrist.

Tattoo inscriptions for men with translation and their meaning

Tattoo inscriptions for men can be applied in any language: from ancient Latin to native Russian, Ukrainian, etc. The most common languages ​​are Arabic, Italian, Old Slavic, French and English. Below are original men's inscriptions that will not leave you indifferent.

In Latin

  • Auribus teneo lupum: holding a wolf by the ears. The phrase can be interpreted as: “I am in danger, but I will not give up.”
  • Vincit qui se vincit: the most difficult victory is victory over yourself. This statement is suitable for persistent people working on their mistakes in any area of ​​life.
  • Veritas lux mea: truth is my light. The meaning of the statement is that for some people the truth can give “wings” and hope for something.
  • Omnia vincit amor: love conquers all. An excellent phrase suitable as an inscription tattoo on the hand for two lovers.
  • Qui vincitur, vincit: the smart one is inferior. This aphorism says that you should not “bend your line.” In some situations, by yielding to or compromising with another person, you act wiser.

In English

  • Never despair: never despair. A wonderful motivational phrase with meaning that would fit perfectly on your shoulder or forearm.
  • All you need is love: all you need is love. This text is suitable as a tattoo idea for lovers or romantic people.
  • Better late than never: better late than never. To never regret missed opportunities, guys can get this saying tattooed on their arm: in a prominent place, the tattoo will constantly remind them of themselves.
  • Life is a series of choices: life is a series of choices. This quote is perfect for guys because men are the ones who have to make a lot of decisions in their lives.
  • Never look back: I never look back. This tattoo is suitable for men who “burn bridges” when leaving and do not return to the past, crossing it out of life.

In French

  • La vie est belle: life is beautiful. A beautiful inscription for men on the hand, suitable for optimistic and cheerful individuals.
  • Chaque chose en son temps: everything has its time. A phrase that states that everything in life goes on as usual.
  • Je vais au reve: I’m going towards my dream. Motivational text that helps a person achieve their desired goals.
  • Ecoute ton coeur: listen to your heart. A phrase that is best suited for guys who put feelings above reason. Great idea for couple lettering tattoos.
  • Chacun est entraine par sa passion: Everyone has their own passion. A phrase that says that everyone has certain preferences in life: cars, games, women, etc.

In the Arabic language

  • يرى القلب أمام العينين: the heart sees before the eyes.
  • الحب ليس له مستشارين: love has no advisers.
  • الشمس مشرقة للجميع: the sun shines for everyone.
  • I mean: always forward, never backward.
  • الله وحده يستطيع أن يحكم علي: only God can judge me.

Men's tattoo inscriptions: options for the location of phrases

Hand tattoo designs, depending on the size, can be applied to the shoulder, forearm, wrist or hand. It is worth knowing that all these areas are distinguished by their soreness. That is, in those places where there are more muscles, getting tattoos is not as painful as in areas where bones or tendons are close to the skin. Below we will look at cool tattoo lettering for men on their hands, made in various styles.

Lettering tattoo on shoulder

Most often, when applied to the shoulder, guys choose a minimalist style, which implies a predominance of simple black lines. Below in the photo you can see interesting works of various artists.

Lettering tattoo on forearm

Inscriptions in the Chicano, trash polka, gothic or minimalist style look impressive on the forearm. The text can be applied to both the inside and outside of the hand.

Lettering tattoo on wrist

Suitable for use on the wrist for men short phrase, word or significant date. It is worth remembering that a tattoo in this area may require frequent correction, since it is constantly in contact with clothing, water, etc.

Lettering tattoo on hand

Not all men risk putting an inscription on a brush. The thing is that such a tattoo can interfere with professional activities or simply look ugly, that is, it can be located on the arm independently, without “flowing” into the sleeve. It is better to apply a tattoo to the area of ​​the hands if the sleeve is completed, starting from the shoulder or forearm: this way the tattoo will look more harmonious.