Snails are not only garden pests, as many people mistakenly believe. For some, these creatures are beloved pets, for others they are the object of close study. There are a huge number of snail species in the world, and these creatures have developed amazing life mechanisms through evolutionary processes.

  1. Snails appeared on Earth about 600 million years ago. This allows us to consider them one of the most ancient inhabitants of our planet, along with jellyfish (see).
  2. Snails are one of the most convincing evidence of Darwin's theory of evolution; they can adapt to almost any living conditions.
  3. These mollusks can retract themselves entirely into the shell thanks to a special muscle that covers the entire body of the snail.
  4. Snails are far from stupid creatures. They are able to think and make decisions based on their life experiences.
  5. Snails are able to crawl along the blade of a knife and not get hurt - while moving, the sole of their foot rests on a kind of “cushion” of mucus that protects the mollusk’s body and helps it move.
  6. If environmental conditions become unfavorable, snails can hibernate for up to six months. Thanks to this ability, garden snails can tolerate temperatures down to -120 degrees.
  7. The average lifespan of snails is 15 years. This is comparable to the lifespan of e.g. Amur tiger(cm. ).
  8. Most snails are hermaphrodites, that is, females and males at the same time. They do not need a partner to procreate.
  9. At one time, the snails lay about 85 eggs, from which the cubs hatch within a month.
  10. The shells of almost all snails curl clockwise. The strength of this “dwelling” depends on the amount of calcium in the mollusk’s diet.
  11. Snails do not chew, but grind food with 25 thousand teeth. Yes, yes, they have more teeth than any shark (see).
  12. These creatures are capable not only of drinking in the usual sense of the word, but also of absorbing moisture from the surface of their body.
  13. Snails' vision is so poor that they can only distinguish day from night.
  14. Almost complete absence vision is compensated by a very developed sense of smell - an individual without a shell can smell food at a distance of up to two meters.
  15. Snails are completely deprived of hearing and the ability to produce any sounds. But they have organs of balance and chemical sense.
  16. The horns of snails are a nose turned inside out (all the receptors that are located inside in humans are located outside in snails).
  17. Snails communicate with each other using touch.
  18. Snails are capable of carrying objects 10 times heavier than themselves.
  19. The largest snail in the world is the Australian sea snail. The weight of these mollusks reaches 15-18 kilograms, and the length of the shell is 60 centimeters.
  20. The color of the shell of all snails is different, since it depends on the composition of the mollusk’s food and the color of the soil in the place where it lives.
  21. Snails fully deserve their reputation as the slowest creatures on Earth - on average they cover 7 centimeters per minute. For comparison, a sloth moves at a speed of about two meters per minute (see).
  22. Doctors are conducting experiments on using snails as donors of nervous tissue for diseased brains - in particular, we're talking about about epilepsy. Experiments on rats are successful.
  23. In Great Britain, “snail races” are very popular - mollusks slowly crawl from start to finish along a trail of lettuce leaves (see).
  24. Salt and sugar are tantamount to poison for snails.
  25. The nervous system of snails consists of 20 thousand neurons (the human brain, by comparison, contains several hundred billion neurons).
  26. The snail became the first “cyborg” that scientists were able to create - its neurons were successfully attached to a silicon chip.
  27. It is not for nothing that snail meat is considered a delicacy in many countries - it has a pleasant taste, and in terms of protein content it is superior to a chicken egg.

Snails exist in almost all aquariums along with fish, crustaceans and shrimp. Some of them are extremely useful, but there are also harmful and even dangerous types. Sometimes snails reproduce so quickly that fill the entire aquarium and all living things in it die. However, for the most part, these are harmless creatures that can do more good than harm. The article presents harmless species of snails with the conditions for their maintenance.

What role do snails play in an aquarium?

Snails are necessary for the aquarium and its inhabitants for several reasons. Firstly, they clean the pond. Snails, like no other, do an excellent job of cleaning the walls, stones and everything else in the aquarium. They eat organic debris, fish excrement, and uneaten food. And also shellfish are some indicator of reservoir pollution: If there are a lot of these inhabitants, it means the aquarium is not clean enough. Perhaps the fish are overfed, the food settles to the bottom and serves as food for many shellfish.

The second function of snails is aesthetic side of the issue. There are incredible attractive views shellfish that are interesting to watch. Their slowness fascinates many and helps them relax after working day. The presence of snails in the aquarium will give it a unique flavor.

Another function of mollusks is to serve as food for predatory fish and other aquarium inhabitants. Small snails and their eggs are an excellent treat for predators.

Some types of snails (for example, melania) drain and loosen the soil, thereby enriching it with oxygen. This prevents hydrogen sulfide formation.

How do snails reproduce in an aquarium?

Snails begin to reproduce when they reach sexual maturity. These creatures are unisexual (for the most part), so there is no point in having several individuals. Mollusks lay eggs on pebbles or tree leaves, some on the walls of aquariums just above the water level. At first, the eggs are slightly transparent, then they turn brown and their offspring hatch.

At favorable snail conditions They reproduce quite quickly and often, so their reproduction must be controlled. If you want to start breeding snails, you need to take care of some conditions:

  • a container with a volume of about 30 liters will be useful;
  • settled water is required;
  • for reproduction you will not need more than 3-4 snails;
  • Algae will not interfere with the aquarium;
  • Boiled vegetables, some bread or fish food are suitable as food.

Types of aquarium snails

Let's list a few harmless and even useful species snails, suitable for aquarium keeping.


Description. Apple snails are the most common harmless mollusks, the shell of which can reach 7 cm in diameter. The shell is usually yellow. Dark striped apple snails are less common.

Reproduction. Unlike their counterparts, apple snails are bisexual, so for their reproduction you will need at least three individuals.

  • the water temperature should be from 18 to 27 degrees;
  • a filter for the pond is necessary;
  • apple snails feed on soft foods such as boiled vegetables, bread;
  • You can’t house apple snails with predatory fish;
  • there must be enough calcium in the water to keep the shell strong;
  • Apple snails are often placed in aquariums overgrown with algae, since mollusks love to feed on them.

Description. Fisas are brown or yellow-brown snails with a pointed shell that breathe with lungs and are able to clean the walls of the aquarium from plaque. These snails can reach the most inaccessible places and clean them.

Reproduction. Physae lay eggs on plant leaves. One clutch can contain more than 20 eggs, so reproduction occurs at a fairly rapid pace. However, fish and other inhabitants of the aquarium love to feast on eggs, and there is no need to worry about the rapid reproduction of eggs.

  • the water temperature must be at least 20 degrees;
  • required water hardness 8–18 dH;
  • Soft water is not suitable for physical exercise; its shell begins to collapse.

Description. Neritines - tropical small snails measuring about 2.5 cm in diameter. The colors are varied: from olive to almost black. There are also stripes of golden, black and other colors.

Reproduction. Neritines can only reproduce in salt water. In freshwater they also lay eggs, but mollusks do not hatch from them.

  • the capacity of the aquarium must be at least 40 liters;
  • water temperature - at least 24 degrees;
  • hardness should be medium or high;
  • the water must be changed frequently so that ammonia does not accumulate in it;
  • required acidity 7.5.

Description. Melanias have a color similar to the color of the soil, so they are difficult to notice. Their shell is gray-green with small inclusions. Melania hard shell protects her from predators. Melania are extremely useful mollusks. By cleaning the soil and mixing it, these snails greatly benefit the aquarium ecosystem.

Reproduction. Melanias multiply quite quickly, populating the entire space around them. Therefore, it is better to keep this process under control.

  • optimal water temperature is from 18 to 28 degrees;
  • Any food is suitable for melania; they can feed on leftover food from other fish or algae.

Description. The coil can often be found in modern aquariums. These snails natural conditions can reach up to 3 cm in diameter, but they will not grow in an aquarium larger than 2 cm. These molluscs have a protrusion of the mantle that serves as gills. This is how coils are designed., which quickly depletes oxygen reserves. This is quite dangerous for their lives.

Reproduction. Coils are hermaphrodites and are therefore capable of self-fertilization. They reproduce quite quickly, and to reduce their birth rate, it is necessary to reduce the amount of algae from the aquarium and the fish food.


Description. Tilomelania are real giants among their fellows. The size of their shell can reach 12 cm. The colors are very diverse: black, yellow, white, speckled. These large mollusks can have spines or a completely smooth shell.

Reproduction. Tylomelanias vary in gender and are also viviparous mollusks.

  • Telomelania cannot be housed together with other types of snails;
  • hard water is not suitable for keeping;
  • the acidity of the water should be high;
  • large individuals settle in containers at least 80 cm in height;
  • tilomelania need feeding 2-3 times a day, they are very voracious, but omnivorous;
  • these mollusks need shelter and do not tolerate bright light;
  • They require a lot of free space, so you should not plant the aquarium with a lot of algae.


Description. Helena is a snail that eats its own kind. If there are too many shellfish in the aquarium, Can we put Helena there?. If there is no live food, it feeds on organic debris or fish food. Helenas are quite small, reaching only 2 cm in shell diameter. Their conical shell has yellow and a spiral brown stripe.

Conditions of detention. IN special conditions Helena does not need it, but it is worth considering that she prefers to eat live shellfish. The soil for Helena should be soft so that it is easy for her to burrow into it.


Description. Another giant among snails is the marise. Its shell can reach almost 6 cm in diameter. The shell is gray or light brown, with a black spiral stripe. Maryses prefer to eat plants, often eating them at the root. If you need to thin out the vegetation, feel free to start a mariz.

Reproduction. To breed marise, you will need two individuals: male and female. They lay eggs on the walls of the aquarium or on plants. The eggs are a jelly-like mass with small snails inside.

Conditions of detention. Maryses are quite demanding and need the following conditions:

  • water should be of moderate hardness pH 7.5–7.8;
  • water temperature from 21 to 25 degrees;
  • the aquarium must be covered so that the mollusks do not get out of it;
  • however, you need to leave a small gap, since marises breathe atmospheric air;
  • Maryse can live in salt water, but cannot reproduce.

Which snails should you not keep?

The main types of snails are not capable of causing harm, however, natural mollusks are often sold on the market under the guise of aquarium ones. They not only eat plants at the roots, but are also carriers of various diseases. How to distinguish such a snail from an aquarium? Learn the basic types of shellfish and don't buy species you don't know.

So, snails are an integral part of any aquarium. They not only cleanse it of various types of contaminants, but are also a wonderful bright addition to the interior. However, when choosing snails, you should focus on only one type of snail, since different varieties often conflict with each other. Large individuals can eat small ones, only the strongest survive.

Let us briefly analyze the structure of all snails - both gastropods and the human hearing organ.

Snail: body structure

Based on the image above, consider the internal structure of a typical gastropod:

  1. Mouth opening.
  2. Animal's throat.
  3. At some distance from the mouth, the salivary glands.
  4. This top layer is the intestines.
  5. In the very “core” is the liver.
  6. Output of the anus.
  7. The heart of the animal is located at the back of the body.
  8. In close proximity to the heart is the kidney.
  9. Removal of waste products produced by the kidney.
  10. This entire cavity is occupied by the lung.
  11. Breathing hole.
  12. Periopharyngeal nerve nodes - ganglia.
  13. Hermaphrodite gland.
  14. This tape is the egg-vas deferens.
  15. Oviduct.
  16. Actually, the vas deferens.
  17. Flagellum is a flagellum.
  18. A bag with “love arrows” that provoke reproduction.
  19. Location of the protein gland.
  20. Duct and cavity of the spermatic receptacle.
  21. Sexual opening.
  22. Pericardial region ("heart bag").
  23. The opening is renopericardial.

By the way, snails are one of the most ancient inhabitants of our planet. Scientists suggest that they appeared on Earth about 500 million years ago. Amazing creatures are able to adapt to any environment and do not need large quantities food.

The structure of the vital systems of the snail

  1. Respiratory system. The snail's lungs are a relatively large area of ​​the mantle region, enveloped in a dense network of thin blood vessels. Air enters through the breathing hole and gas exchange occurs through thin vascular walls.
  2. Digestive system. Represented by a rather extensive oral area. But the jaws, the radula (a “grater” with numerous teeth) are hidden in the pharynx. The products of the salivary glands are also excreted here. The short esophagus of the snail passes into the voluminous cavity of the crop, which, in turn, flows into a relatively small stomach. The latter “embraces” the liver along its entire circumference, which occupies the upper spirals of the animal’s shell. From here comes a loop-shaped intestine, which passes into the hind intestine. Its natural opening is on the right, next to the breathing hole. It should be noted that snail liver is not only digestive gland, but also an organ where processed food is absorbed.
  3. Sense organ system. The structure of snails includes organs of balance, touch, smell and vision. The eyes are located on upper parts"horns". In snails, this is the so-called eye vesicle - an invagination of the integument of the body. The eye is filled with a crystalline lens - a spherical lens, and the optic nerve approaches its bottom. It must be said that only the front wall of the optic vesicle is transparent, the back and sides are pigmented.
  4. Nervous system. The “brain” of the cochlea is the ganglia: cephalic, foot, pleural (cavitary) - paired; trunk, pallial, pariental - single. There are also a number of peripheral (local) nerves located throughout the body. The cerebral (head), pedal (foot sole) and pleural (body) ganglia are connected by the most noticeable connectives.

Let's look at the differences and similarities in structure different types- using the example of the grape snail and the Achatina snail.

Grape snail: shell and body

The grape snail (Helix pomatia) is a representative of the order of pulmonary snails of the helicid family. She is considered the most highly organized of her brothers. By gender characteristics - hermaphrodite.

The structure of a grape snail is a shell and a body, consisting of an internal sac, a leg and a head. Internal organs the animal, in turn, is shrouded in a mantle that is visible from the outside.

The structure of snails is also the structure of their shell. Since the animal leads a terrestrial lifestyle, this shell is strong - it protects the body from damage and drying out, and saves it from predators. Depending on the place of residence, the color of the shell varies from white-brown to yellow-brown. The height of the “house” is up to 50 mm, width – up to 45 mm. Its shape is cube-shaped, with a ribbed surface and curls expanding towards the mouth.

The body of this species is elastic, muscular, rich in wrinkles and folds that allow it to retain moisture. Color - beige, brownish with a special pattern. The length of the muscular leg is 35-50 mm (extended - up to 90 mm). To facilitate movement (its speed is 1.5 mm/s), mucus is secreted on the sole of the foot.

Surprisingly average duration The life of a snail is 15 years. Moreover, with unfavorable conditions she can hibernate for six months. As soon as a cold period of time sets in, the snail hides in the ground, pulls its head and leg into the shell and closes the entrance with mucus, which hardens over time.

Sense organs of a grape snail

There are two pairs of movable tentacles on the head of the animal. The front, longer one is the “nose” of the cochlea. The posterior, extending ones are eyes that can distinguish objects at a distance of up to 10 mm, and also respond to lighting.

Speaking about the structure of snails, we note that many of them are very sensitive to odors - they can “smell” cabbage at a distance of up to 40 cm, and ripe melon - up to 50 cm. The radula, a grater tongue, helps them grind food.

Achatina snails

Representatives of the Achatina family are terrestrial pulmonary gastropods. Their shell is impressive in size and strength. Moreover, in individuals living in southern climate, she white- for reflection sun rays and thicker. For those living in humid areas, it is thin and even transparent.

The skin of the Achatina body is wrinkled and folded. In addition to pulmonary respiration, they also have skin respiration. The contractile sole is developed. It is equipped with glands that secrete mucus for ease of movement.

The tentacles on the head perform the same function as in grape snails - eyes and sense of smell.

Sense organs Achatina

Achatina snails have the following sensory organ structure:

  1. Organs of vision. Snails not only distinguish objects at a distance of up to 1 cm using a pair of eyes at the tips of their tentacles, but also have light-sensitive cells in their bodies.
  2. Achatina's sense of smell is a "chemical sense". It includes the tentacles-"spouts", and the front part of the head, body and legs. At a distance of up to 4 cm, they react to alcohol, gasoline, and acetone.
  3. Tentacles and sole - touch.
  4. The Achatina snail, whose body structure is discussed in this article, has no hearing.

During reproduction, each individual is both male and female. Pressing their soles closely together, they exchange spermatophores and then lay eggs.

The structure of the cochlea of ​​the inner ear

Finally, let's talk about the person. We call the cochlea the organ of the inner ear, whose system is represented by a labyrinth. It, in turn, consists of a bone capsule and a membranous formation inside it.

Sections of the bony labyrinth:

  • vestibule;
  • actually, a snail;
  • semicircular formations.

The cochlea is wrapped in a bone spiral of 2.5 turns in the ear around the bone rod. According to some scientists, its material is the strongest in the human body. The height of the organ is 5 mm, the width of its base is 9 mm.

Inside, the cochlea is divided into three regions by longitudinal lines of membranes. Perilymph is contained in the tympanic and scala vestibular organs, which communicate through the helicotherm at the apex of the cochlea. The middle scala contains endolymph. It is separated from the scala tympani by a basilar membrane with sensitive hairs, which is in contact with the tectorial membrane located above.

This entire device together is called the organ of Corti. This is where sound waves are converted into electrical nerve impulses.

The structure of snails - both an animal and a human organ - is striking in its volumetric content and the harmony of its relatively small size. Get to know him better - once again convince yourself of the genius of nature.

Land snails are cute, unpretentious and economical creatures to keep, breeding them at home is a very popular activity nowadays. This is explained by the fact that keeping a land snail does not require large financial costs or special care.

Types of land snails

The largest and most diverse domestic snails, the Achatina, are best suited as pets.

Achatina reticulata- a very curious and active species of domestic snails. She is very interested in her surroundings and in order to be aware of everything that is happening, she often raises her head. The color of the head and neck is brown or black, the edge of the leg is light. The shell is “painted” with dots or stripes. Unlike its relatives, reticulata grows very quickly. The diameter of the shell reaches 20 cm. They are unpretentious in care and eat everything. Their easy to train to eat by the hour. In captivity they can lay up to 300 eggs.

Achatina fulica- the laziest representative of the Achatina family, spends most of the time in a state of rest. This very large snail, the color of the shell can be black, red, brown, its size reaches 20 cm. At home it lives up to 6 years, actively reproducing.

Achatina immaculata. The coloring is very diverse. It is distinguished from other representatives of the Achatina genus by a pinkish or light purple rim along the shell and a characteristic pink stripe on the head and neck. There are 15-200 eggs in a clutch.

Achatina albopicta. It has some similarities with the reticulata, but is smaller in size (up to 16 cm). The tip of the shell is pink, the rim of the shell is white or yellowish. Unpretentious, but a little gluttonous. It can produce offspring of up to 300 small individuals.

Achatina iradeli. Due to its characteristic yellowish color, it is also called “lemon”. This is a very small snail, only 5-7 cm in size. It is unpretentious in keeping, like its relatives, but has a very interesting difference: this is the only Achatina that brings not eggs, but live young (20-25 individuals).

Achatina brown. It is similar to fulica, differs only in the shape of the shell: fulica has a cone-shaped shell, without curves, and the shell of brown Achatina is semicircular. She is sociable by nature and unpretentious in her content. Like other snails of the Achatina genus, it is very prolific.

Achatina vulgaris. Huge size snail, tiger-colored. In nature, its shell reaches a length of 30 cm. The domestic Achatina vulgaris has a more modest size (up to 22 cm). The color is orange or light yellow, the stripes on the shell are black or brown. Legs dark in color. They live at home for up to 7 years. The character is calm; in his free time from eating, he prefers to relax in his hole.

Another type of domestic snail that is popular among breeders is grape snails . They are from Achatina are much smaller in size(5 cm long, 4.5 cm wide), their colors are very diverse.

It is necessary to purchase a special terrarium, the roof of which must have holes for ventilation small size so that the snail cannot get out of its home on its own. A layer of specially treated earth or coconut substrate is placed at the bottom, used as soil. The thickness of the layer depends on the size of the gastropod, so that during daytime sleep the snail can completely bury itself in the ground. Necessary constantly maintain soil moisture, spraying it with water once a day. Under no circumstances should the flooring be over-wetted!

The volume of the terrarium must be at least 10 liters per individual. The temperature inside must be maintained at 25-27 degrees (depending on the type of snail). For heating, it is better to use external heat sources (thermal cords or thermal mats), since heaters located inside the terrarium can cause severe burns to its inhabitants. You can also use incandescent lamps as a heat source, after protecting your pets from the light. In no case do not place the terrarium on the windowsill: Bright sun can interfere with the snail's daytime rest and will also greatly heat up its home. Another danger is drafts. Snails can freeze, because the temperature is below +18-20 degrees - it’s already cold for them.

You can green up your snail aquarium by adding non-toxic plants, such as lettuce or cat grass. Sphagnum moss is used as decoration (sold in flower shop), coconut shells, various driftwood from a pet store or from the forest (necessarily well processed).

The food bowl should be made of soft material (you can use plastic lids for jars). There should be no glass, metal, or ceramics in the terrarium! Snails do not need light, so you can turn it on only if you want to watch your pets.

Once a day, the walls of the terrarium must be wiped with a damp cloth, without using chemical substances, as they can cause severe burns. It is allowed to use ordinary soda, which must then be thoroughly rinsed off. General cleaning should be done every week. There should be a separate sponge for washing the terrarium and the dishes in it.

Land snails love to take a bath. To do this, you can place them in a shallow bowl of water or put them under a stream of warm water (not hot!). While swimming clean the sink thoroughly remove adhering dirt with a soft brush.

Feeding land snails

As a rule, snails are fed once a day - in the evening. Plant foods form the basis of their diet. They eat various greens, vegetables, and fruits with great pleasure.

Approximate diet

Lettuce leaves can be placed directly on the ground and used at the same time as a plate for vegetables, fruits and the food itself.

Sepia. There should always be a piece of cuttlefish shell in the terrarium, which the snails gradually gnaw on.

A dry mixture consisting of: ground grain mixture and calcium (egg shells, river shell rock, feed chalk, etc.). All this is necessary for the proper development and strength of the shell.

Fruits and vegetables:

  • carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, cucumbers;
  • bananas (or their skins), avocados, mangoes, apples, pears.

Hard fruits and vegetables pre-ground with a grater, soft - cut into small pieces.

Vegetable puree, prepared by yourself or bought in a store (baby puree, no salt!). The puree can be mixed with grain mixture and calcium, and given in the form of porridge.

Several times a week, snails need to be offered food high in protein:

  • meat puree;
  • seafood;
  • daphnia;
  • food for fish.

Under no circumstances should gastropods be fed salty foods, as salt is a terrible poison for them!

Daily care

Collect food leftovers to prevent them from rotting and, as a result, the appearance of midges and mold.

Collect feces not only on the surface of the soil, but also inside.

Spray the soil (as needed), the walls of the terrarium and the snails themselves.

You should be careful when removing the snail from the wall: under no circumstances pull it by the shell! You can remove it like this:

  • spray the wall with water;
  • snail and your hand, carefully slide your finger under the pet’s head;
  • gently lift and peel off.

Land snails are sweet, good-natured and very cute creatures. Having settled at your home, They are sure to become family favorites for many years.

For the convenience of our guests and regular users, we have compiled a catalog of aquarium snails. This list of snail species was compiled in alphabetical order, with a photo and a link to a single mollusk. Also, if necessary, you can always refer to the section of the site.

This yellow ampularia snail is well known to any aquarist. Perhaps only a novice lover of the aquarium world, entering a pet store, wonders about this yellow, creeping inhabitant of the aquarium.

Keep the ampoule in a regular aquarium with fish. The snail is compatible with many types of fish, but it should be taken into account that some fish try to pinch their whiskers, and some fish feed on mollusks. In view of this, we recommend keeping ampullaria with peaceful and non-aggressive fish, and if in doubt, consult with pet store sellers. Ampullaria do not live long with gouramis, other labyrinth fish, tetradons, and the aggressive cichlids of Africa and America.

The body of the lawns is dark gray-brown, and golden-brown dots seem to be scattered against this dark background. The leg of the lawns is muscular, massive, with a groove on the lower surface.

The river viviparus is a very variable species: each body of water, each station of the reservoir leaves its own imprint on the shell.

Other Features appearance and internal structure, characteristic of all types of meadows, are given in the description of the Viviparidae family. Dimensions. Sink height up to 40 mm, width up to 28 mm.

The coil snail (lat. Planorbis) is a representative of freshwater mollusks. In nature, the reel is found everywhere around the globe. IN natural conditions snails live in shallow water, in slowly flowing and stagnant bodies of water.

In aquariums, coil snails are found either brown or red in color. The shell is flat, twisted into a spiral. The snail's body has an elongated conical shape, the same color as the shell. The shell of adult snails reaches ~5-7 millimeters in diameter and 3 millimeters in thickness. To move, the snail uses a wide, flat leg, which is clearly visible outside the shell. On her head there are long horns, long, thin paired tentacles, as well as eyes.

Corbicula, golden bivalve or yellow Javanicus (Corbicula Javanicus) in wildlife common in countries South-East Asia. This tropical bivalve mollusk lives in fresh water bodies of China, Indonesia and Vietnam. A related species, Corbicula japonica, is widespread in Japan. These are bottom-dwelling mollusks. Half buried in the ground, they filter water, absorbing various suspended organic particles.

Optimal parameters for keeping corbicula: temperature 22-27 ° C, pH 6.4-8.5, gH 10-24. Like any aquatic organisms, these snails cannot tolerate high concentrations of poisons: . In general, they are undemanding to the quality of water in the aquarium, but there must be good oxygen saturation of the water, which means aeration in the aquarium is mandatory. Corbicula grow up to 3 cm in size. Life expectancy: 4 - 7 years.

The habitat of the marise snail (Marisa cornuarietis) is extensive; it lives in rivers, lakes and swamps, where there is a lot of vegetation. This is a fairly large snail, the width of its shell is approximately 1.5-2 centimeters and 5 centimeters in height. The shell is yellow with dark stripes and has 3-4 whorls.

The conditions for keeping marise are standard, as for many other snails: alkaline environment pH 7.0 - 8.0, hardness 8-15, temperature 25 degrees. In soft and slightly acidic water, destruction of the shell is observed. The aquarium should not have strong currents or aggressive fish. Of course, there should not be excessive concentrations of nitrogen compounds NH4, NO2, NO3, which is achieved by good filtration, aeration and timely replacement of aquarium water with fresh water.

The habitat of the melanie snail is Africa, Asia and Australia.

This is a viviparous mollusk that lives in the ground. The soil is their habitat, a refuge, a place where they feed and reproduce.

Water parameters for keeping neretins: pH 6.5 - 8.0, dH 6 - 20. Acidic conditions can stimulate shell erosion and should be avoided. It is best to maintain a harsh alkaline environment. Temperature: 22 - 26 0 C. Minimum aquarium volume: 8 - 10 liters per individual.

How bigger aquarium, the calmer these mollusks will feel. For painless maintenance, it is necessary to avoid sudden changes in water, increased acidity and poor filtration. Therefore, you will have to get a good filter and carry out mandatory weekly changes of 30% of the water in the aquarium. It is worth mentioning that Neretina snails are prone to escape, so having a lid will not be amiss.

The habitat of the pagoda snail (Brotia pagodula) is freshwater bodies of Myanmar, the snail is endemic.

The snail cannot be confused with other species, since its shell is very reminiscent of a pagoda (a tower with a multi-level structure), hence the name. This mollusk was first described in 1847 by British naturalist John Gould.

Pagoda snails are very peaceful and get along well with all the inhabitants of the aquarium. At the same time, it takes them some time to adapt; having gotten used to the new environment, the snails crawl out of the shelter in search of various growths and algae.

Found under the names: tropical pond snail, radix, Radix rubiginosa. This is a tropical analogue of our domestic pond snail. Origin: Malaysia and Indonesia (Borneo). The natural habitat of Radix sp. in reservoirs, as well as in swamps. Life expectancy in an aquarium is about a year.

Snail Pokemon is an algae destroyer and even destroys blue-green algae. They prefer to eat decaying leaves and scrape the walls. They actively eat bacterial film from the surface. In an aquarium they do not show aggression towards plants.

Water parameters for keeping Pokemon are typical for a tropical aquarium: temperature 22-28 degrees, pH 6-8, kH 3-8, dH 8-10.

The zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) is a widespread species of bivalve molluscs that lives in fresh and brackish waters. They have a greenish or yellowish shell, a characteristic triangular shape, with a pattern of transverse or zigzag brown stripes. The length of the shell of an adult mollusk is 4-5 cm. Adult mollusks feed and breathe by passing water through the gills in the mantle cavity.

This mollusk is not intended for small aquariums: the recommended minimum size is 90 liters or more!

The water temperature for this bivalve mollusk can range from +18C to +27C. There are no special requirements for water parameters.

Area: South Africa. Size: up to 1.5 cm. Life expectancy: from 3 to 5 years. Shell color and shape: There are growths on the shell, located in a chaotic manner. The growths can break off, which does not in any way affect the health of the snail.

Horned snails are very easy to keep and will feel great in an aquarium of any size. To keep them in good shape, it is recommended to keep them in water with an acidity (pH) of at least 7 and a water hardness of at least 10-13. Otherwise, the snail's shell will collapse, leading to their death. Horned snails can tolerate both cool and warm water, in warm water they are much more active. The average water temperature is not lower than 24 ° C; at temperatures lower than this, their activity decreases.

Elf snail biotope - ponds South America. The snail has an oval, slightly narrowed shell. The color of the shell is light with stripes along the entire circumference. The body of the spixie snail is spotted and darker than the shell, and may acquire yellowish or brown shades. Spixies are small snails, the shell diameter of males is 2 cm, females are slightly larger - 3 cm. Life expectancy is ~ 5 years.

Spixie belongs to the ampullariidae family. But the spixie differs from the one we are used to: the incredible length of the mustache, the absence of an intake tube-siphon for breathing, the speed of movement (speakies - Schumachers), behavior - spixies burrow into the ground during the day, lay a clutch of eggs under water, while ampullaria leave their clutch above the water satin stitch

Theodoxus is a panacea for algae in an aquarium. In general, these snails are unpretentious. Their main food sources are algae and detritus. Therefore, glass that has not been cleared of plaque will be a real gift for theodoxuses. It is best to leave some glass in the aquarium uncleaned at all times - the mollusks will appreciate it! And the more nutrition the snail receives, the faster it will grow.

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Theodoxuses should be provided with a neutral or moderately alkaline environment. Strict adherence to the temperature regime is not at all necessary. Mollusks will feel good at both +20 and +30 degrees. Theodoxus fluviatilis tolerates a salty environment, which means it can also be kept in an aquarium for sea ​​creatures. But in this case, it is important to remember that snails in salt water will be smaller.

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These gastropods have an unusual appearance - their shell is studded with thin and flexible needles.
And although these needles seem like a barbed weapon, they are actually not. The hairs on the shell are very fragile and delicate, so they do not pose a danger to others. Habitat The habitats of Thiara cancellata are fresh and brackish water bodies on the island of Bohol in the Philippines. The hairy snail can be seen in shallow river waters at depths of 1-3 meters and in tidal estuaries. Also found on the Pacific Islands and Indian Oceans. The tiara snail grows to only 2.5-3 cm in length. Their cream, brownish or yellow rounded shells twist into spirals, each of which is separated by narrow dark grooves with calcareous deposits.

It is recommended to maintain the water temperature for keeping tilomelania at home at about 28 degrees Celsius. In very hard water they lose their activity, in other words, they hibernate, and very soft water leads to the destruction of the shell, although the snails are comfortable in it. Don't forget about the specific soil. The bottom of your aquarium must be covered with leaves and wood (driftwood), preferably a couple of stones that replace rocky soil for snails. But, in most cases, the soil should be sandy or loamy.

A physeal snail with a small, almost round shell, which differs from all similar shells in that its curl goes from left to right, and not from right to left. Physa has a pointed end of the shell. Shell height 7-10 mm, thickness 4-6 mm. This size gives this Physa snail certain advantages, allowing the snail to climb into all sorts of cracks and corners and perform its duties as an orderly. The tentacles are long and bristly. Eyes at the base inside tentacles The leg is long and pointed. The color of the animal is black-blue, the shell is yellow-brown or brown.

Very surprising and interesting representatives of mollusks in our aquariums are Helena snails (Anentome Helena). These are quite beautiful and attractive inhabitants of the aquarium. These yellow-striped representatives of the reservoirs of Thailand, Indonesia and Southeast Asia are unpretentious in keeping, feeding and breeding.

In addition to their decorative properties, Helena snails have very interesting feature- they are predators and feed on animal (protein food) . Unlike many other freshwater snails, they do not eat plant organic matter.

Black Mystery Snail belongs to the genus Pomacea of ​​the Ampullariidae family. This family contains ~120 various types snails Like other representatives of the genus Pomacea, the black mysteria has a special process-siphon, with the help of which it captures and breathes atmospheric air.

Like any snails, the black mysteria is not difficult to keep; it can live perfectly even in a 10-liter aquarium, since adult specimens reach 5 cm in diameter. The snail will feel good in water with a pH of 6.5 to 8.0. The kN level should be around 6-18, and the water temperature can range from 22 to 28 C.

The habitat of the devil's thorn snail is the reservoirs of Southeast Asia. Snails can be found in silted rivers bordering the sea coast. They are found in Madagascar, southern Africa, as well as North and South America.

The devil's thorn is a large mollusk. The cone-shaped shell of the mollusk reaches 8 centimeters in length and approximately 2 centimeters in width. The shell has about eight spirals along its entire length. The standard shell color is deep black, but there are individuals with brown tones. The body of the mollusk is marbled in color, sometimes with a yellow or orange color. The snail's foot has round shape, slightly lighter than the body and has a brighter color.

Aquarium snail species video review