Housing and communal services for the majority of citizens Russian Federationdark forest. This is completely the wrong approach. Unfortunately, not all housing and communal services workers are conscientious and honest. There are often cases when citizens suffer from their own legal illiteracy.

In Russian legislation, everything is structured in such a way that in order to enjoy your rights, you need to know about them, and also know how to achieve them. Therefore, the legal rights of Russian citizens are often oppressed precisely because of their ignorance. And therefore, Russians overpay for any government services, do not receive the benefits they are entitled to by law, and so on.

How can you protect yourself from such mistakes? It’s very simple: improve your legal education! It's actually not as difficult as it seems. For example, in today’s article we will examine in detail such an important issue as utilities.

Most citizens begin to get nervous at the mere mention of housing and communal services. Indeed, this branch of Russian government agencies has caused a lot of harm to people. And we are talking here not only about huge queues to pay for utilities (this problem has almost been resolved thanks to e-commerce and the ability to pay for anything via the Internet), but also about significant deception of citizens. Surely, almost everyone has encountered a utility bill that turns out to be several times more than necessary.

Indeed, situations still occur when housing and communal services employees (either counting on our inattention, or making mistakes on their own) issue us bills for services that we do not use. There are also frequent cases when utilities are simply not provided without special reasons. This is a direct violation of your civil rights.

Today we will tell readers about what is included in the list of housing and communal services. This knowledge will be useful to you in order to:

  • argue for the recalculation of payments for housing and communal services;
  • competently draw up a plan for your private house during individual housing construction;
  • receive benefits and subsidies to improve your living conditions if you do not use all utilities.

Knowledge of the basic legal framework is very important in a country like Russia. After all, no one will tell you about all your legal rights. Most government officials rely on your lack of education, ignorance, and can simply oppress you and your rights.

After reading our article, you will significantly improve your own legal literacy. This knowledge will likely save you a lot of time and money.

What are "utilities"

The concept of housing and communal services includes providing citizens with basic and necessary benefits for a comfortable life. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, every residential premises must have the means to provide these benefits. Thus, if your apartment or house lacks any of the following objects, then you have the right to express your desire to improve your living conditions, and the state will not be able to refuse you. On the contrary, you will be given a subsidy with which you can buy new apartment or private house.

Here is a list of required objects in a residential building:

  • shower or bath, as well as a sink (or sink) with a working faucet;
  • heating system that works without failure. In this case, any heating electrical appliances are not considered. Thus, if your home or apartment does not have a battery and you use a portable heater that uses electricity, then you are eligible to apply for a subsidy;
  • electricity and sockets according to European standard;
  • sewerage

Roughly speaking, we can say that the above objects are public services. However, this will not be entirely true. The facilities listed above are a means of providing public services.

What is included in the list of utilities

Despite what was written in the previous section, not all housing and communal services are mandatory. Some are considered optional, meaning you can choose one of the two as you wish.

The following services are considered optional:

  • hot water supply;
  • gas supply.

You can choose either one of these two services, or both at once. Let's give three examples for each case.

  1. It is logical to register for hot water supply without gas supply if there is nothing in your apartment that runs on gas fuel. Thus, if you do not have a gas burner in the bathroom, and the stove runs on electricity, you do not need gas at all.
  2. Residents who have a gas burner in their bathroom can completely abandon hot water supply in favor of gas. This is a device that allows you to easily and quickly heat water to the required temperature. Unlike a conventional water heater, the burner, firstly, runs on gas, and secondly, heats the water quickly enough so that you use the water supply as if you had a connection. hot water. This method is extremely economical, especially if you did not connect gas meters. Thus, you will only be able to pay for gas and cold water supply. As a rule, the bills in this case are significantly less than in the first situation. This choice becomes even more profitable when a gas stove is installed in your apartment.
  3. If you have a gas stove, but no gas burner, then you should arrange for both hot water and gas. However, this is an extremely disadvantageous and uneconomical choice. Try to avoid such situations - either completely give up hot water supply by purchasing a burner, or give up a gas stove in favor of an electric one.

In addition to optional utilities, the law provides a list of mandatory ones that should be in every home. So, the list of mandatory utilities includes:

  • cold water supply;
  • heating system;
  • sewerage;
  • electricity.

Thus, if your home lacks one of these amenities, you have the right to write a statement to the prosecutor's office to be compensated for all damage. Receiving housing and communal services from this list is your legal right.

For the average person, the news about an increase in utility tariffs is associated with an increase in the numbers in the receipt for all items in the “Payable” column. Such illiteracy in the housing issue turns into a new stream of negativity towards the faceless “everyone and everyone.” It is clear that in order to read a book, you need to know the letters and be able to combine them into syllables, and syllables into words. Likewise, awareness of the housing issue begins with the basics - understanding the “foundation” of the housing and communal services industry. New section- a kind of alphabet for those who want to understand. In this article we will look at what services and who increases tariffs.

When in Once again we are informed about an increase in tariffs for utility services, this affects the following points of the receipt: cold and hot water supply, sewerage, electricity supply, heat supply, gas supply. Tariffs for them are set and controlled by the state.

There is a limit on utility bills

Housing services- these are types of activities for operating the house, increasing and maintaining the comfort of living and maintaining the facility in good condition. Housing services are paid based on the area of ​​each resident's apartment. The cost of housing services is approved by the owners apartment building on general meeting.

According to the document, “maximum maximum indices” for changes in the size of citizens’ payments for utilities, starting in 2014, will be established by the Government of the Russian Federation for a period of at least five years, taking into account the growth rate of energy prices and other parameters. Regional characteristics will also be taken into account, with a calendar breakdown and differentiation by type of heating of residential premises.

What is included in the list of housing and communal services provided to citizens of the Russian Federation

  • according to the readings of the individual meter, payments for utilities are calculated in each individual apartment;
  • a part of the amount spent on general house needs is added to the individual amount, which is calculated according to the testimony of the administrative budget.

According to current laws, when supplying electricity to the end consumer, the permitted interruption cannot last more than two hours per month in the presence of two independent energy sources and no more than a day - in the presence of one source.

The difference between public services and housing

Tariff for housing services for tenants of municipal apartments are set by local authorities. And the owners of apartments in a multi-apartment residential building (in which a homeowners’ association or a housing cooperative or other specialized consumer cooperative has not been created) approve it at a general meeting, taking into account the proposals of the Management Company, and establish it for a period of at least one year.. If the owners do not If they find a compromise with the management company and do not make a decision, the tariff established for municipal apartments will be applied.

housing services- these include the maintenance of the common property of an apartment building (stairs, attics, basements, landings, elevators, communications), services and management work apartment building, current repairs - they make up the second part of the payment.

What is the difference between utilities and housing services?

Drainage. Sewage disposal should also be carried out around the clock - through centralized networks and in-house systems. Sewage systems should be present in most living areas of the home. If a residential premises does not have a centralized sewerage system, then it should not be taken into account in the list of utilities.

Heating. Thermal energy should be supplied to houses, apartments and non-residential premises centrally. Residents were deducted from paying for common heating costs. There is no need to pay for heating an entrance where there are no radiators. In 2013, new changes were made that relate to the rules for the provision of utility services. Regulatory coefficients were introduced for those who are in no hurry to install individual metering devices. For such owners, increased standards have been introduced for all types of utilities. Every six months the payment increases. As a result, the excess will reach 60%.

Housing and communal services

Contrary to the opinion of some homeowners, housing services are not subject to tariff regulation. Their cost is approved by the owners of the apartment building at a general meeting. Wherein Management Company or the HOA may try to “protect” the rate offered to residents.

4. Current repairs - housing service, which does not include renovation work of a major nature, but at the same time minor faults in the house are eliminated. These works do not include the elimination of housing and communal services accidents and their consequences (unscheduled repairs) and work to prepare the house for winter (scheduled preventative repairs)

What are public services: consumers, performers and legislation

Comfortable living conditions in a modern house or apartment cannot be imagined without the provision of high-quality and stable utility services by suppliers. Thanks to them, housing is provided with electricity, gas, heat, water and other benefits. Utility services are not free, but payment must correspond to the level of service.

A consumer is a person who feels the need for comfortable living conditions, it is for him that heat and gas supply systems, sewerage systems work, every service that ensures normal sanitary, hygienic and operational characteristics of the living space. The concept of consumer is related to the concept of performer.

Housing and communal services (HCS)

Yes, elevator maintenance and garbage removal are indeed included in the tariff structure for housing maintenance and repairs. Talk to your HOA about deciphering the payment receipt. It is possible that separate columns for “Elevator” and “MSW” are simply a way to make the composition of this tariff “transparent” for residents.

4. Current repairs - a housing service that does not involve major repairs, but at the same time minor defects in the house are eliminated. These works do not include the elimination of housing and communal services accidents and their consequences (unscheduled repairs) and work to prepare the house for winter (scheduled preventative repairs) 7 .

05 Aug 2018 700

Utility payments are a fairly pressing topic that interests almost all individuals. In this regard, this article will discuss what is included in housing and communal services, as well as how citizens of the Russian Federation can pay for them. In addition, each of the methods by which you can transfer funds for the use of a particular utility service will be separately considered.

Public utilities

Every person has heard at least once in his life about such a concept as housing and communal services, but not everyone fully understands what this term means. All services the provision of which is necessary for a consumer living in a residential building, apartment or separate room for his comfortable stay are called utilities. Any isolated property, the condition of which is considered suitable for long-term human habitation, belongs to the category of residential properties and can act as a consumer of utilities.

Attention! All issues related to the procedure for the provision and use of utility services, as well as the timing and methods of payment, and many other nuances, are regulated by such a legislative source as the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

What is included in this list

Utilities is a fairly broad term. In this regard, we propose to understand what exactly is included in this concept. Depending on the specific property in which an individual lives, he will use and pay for one or another package of utility services. The exact composition of these services is directly related to the improvement of a residential building. However, it must be remembered that garbage removal should not be included in this list in any case. The main types of housing and communal services, without which comfortable living for individuals is impossible, include the following:

Payment of utility bills

Some individuals pay for housing services all their lives using the same method and do not even realize that this can be done much easier and faster. In this regard, we propose to consider a list of all the ways in which you can transfer funds for the use of water or gas resources, as well as electricity:

  1. Payment via mail. This method is popular among pensioners who are accustomed to making all payments outside in electronic format, but with cash. You can pay for the use of utilities in a similar way by visiting one of the branches of such state company, like Russian Post. This organization is the operator of the state postal network. In addition, payments can also be made through banks.
  2. Payment by ATM/terminal. In the twenty-first century, there are ATMs at almost every step. Some individuals are mistaken in thinking that an ATM is a device intended only for automated withdrawal of funds. Using this device, you can also transfer funds, even if the individual does not have a bank card. In addition to ATMs, you can pay for housing and communal services using a terminal, which is designed for making a variety of payments by individuals. However, this will need to be done manually, in self-service mode.
  3. Payments through the portal. The least common way to pay for the use of gas, water and electricity is the city services portal, which is an Internet resource containing various background information. With the help of this site, people who are users of public services have the opportunity to obtain all the information they are interested in on this topic electronic.

The second of the above payment methods is good because, since every individual has used an ATM or terminal at least once in his life, transferring money for water supply, gas and electricity will be quite easy and quick. However, these devices usually charge a certain commission percentage of the amount transferred by the individual. In addition, in some cases you will need to stand in line, and if there is no exact amount that is required to be paid, then you can’t count on receiving change.

Transfer method material resources for housing and communal services, which has greatest number advantage is payment using the Internet portal. The most important advantage this method is that individuals they don’t even need to leave the house, and they can use a service of this nature at any time of the day. No interest is charged for transferring funds. However, for some citizens of the Russian Federation, using the portal seems at first glance to be a difficult and insufficiently reliable option. This opinion is erroneous, since the site is quite easy to use. The main thing is to go through all stages of registration and not miss any important details.

It should be noted that in order to make payments of this kind with the help of a bank, it is not at all necessary to come to the appropriate organization. In 2019, individuals are given the opportunity to make payments using online banking.

Utilities are represented by activities that provide citizens with comfortable living conditions. The list of provided utility services must be reflected in the agreement between residents and the housing and communal services, management company, HOA or other responsible body. However, not every person has such a copy of the house, so many people ask the quite logical question of what is the responsibility of the house manager and what exactly needs to be paid for.

With the flow recent years Some changes have been made to Russian legislation regarding the sphere utilities. According to government regulations, utility providers can be either entity, or individual entrepreneur. This person is responsible for acquiring the necessary resources, carrying out the agreed work, and the serviceability of all communication systems.

According to the latest changes, the right to use public services has:

  • The owner of an apartment or other residential premises with his family;
  • Citizens who received living space from a cooperative;
  • Tenants of housing in an apartment building;
  • Tenants of apartment building premises.

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Main points

First of all, it should be noted what is included in the list of provided utilities:

Name of communication Explanation
Cold water supply 24-hour supply from a central or intra-house network in quantity and quality appropriate for domestic needs. If there is no water supply system, there must be a water supply to the street water pump.
Hot water supply 24-hour supply through the central water supply network.
Sewage drainage Disposal of domestic wastewater through the intra-house and central sewer system. Most of the existing premises of an apartment building are equipped with such systems.
Electricity supply Uninterrupted round-the-clock supply of electricity in sufficient quantities
Gas supply 24-hour supply via the gas supply network. Supply using gas cylinders is acceptable.
Heating Supply of heat energy through centralized networks, as well as heat supply systems, maintaining proper temperature conditions during the heating season.

Of course, to public services cannot apply to a clause that specific house actually doesn't apply. For example, if there is no sewerage system or hot water supply, they should not be included in the payment and, accordingly, are not included in the agreement with the management company.

Obligations of management companies and housing and communal services

General household needs that are satisfied by management companies, housing and communal services and other relevant structures are also included in the cost of utilities. Every resident should know what exactly he is paying for and whether he is getting what he is paying for. General utilities include:

Additionally, there may be other clauses that are included in the contract individually. If you need to find out exactly what additional utilities these are and what else they include, you can contact the management company or housing and communal services. Often such a need arises from overly vigilant citizens or in cases of unscrupulous performance by governing bodies of their duties.

Current standards

The changes that affected the rules for the provision of utility services include not only the division of responsibilities into items, but also the procedure for calculating and paying for receipts. Not counting heating, payment is divided into a common house payment and individual payment for each apartment owner. Receipts also arrive separately.

Innovations also affected regulatory coefficients. This was done in order to encourage citizens to install individual meters in apartments. The principle turned out to be very simple: for those who have the technical ability to install a meter, but did not do so, an increased standard was introduced for all types of public services. Further, for the same category of the population, the tariff increased every six months by ten percent to a limit of sixty percent. In other words, further refusal to install meters is fraught with an overpayment of sixty percent just two years after such an innovation, which was approved back in 2013.

The only advantage of such a change is the fact that this percentage overpayment is aimed at saving energy and increasing the efficiency of existing systems.

Improper fulfillment of contract terms

If the management company still demands payment in full from residents, taking into account all the corresponding tariff increases, but at the same time fulfills its obligations in bad faith or does not fulfill them at all, then the law provides for certain actions. For example, if garbage is not removed in a timely manner, the surrounding area is not cleaned, there are no lamps in the entrance and windows are broken, then this and other violations must be recorded in an appropriate act. It can be drawn up by any resident of a given building, together with two neighbors and the chairman of the homeowners’ association.

It is worth considering that the reference period for the provision of low-quality utility services will be the date when the act was signed. In case of identified violations and mass discontent of residents, it is necessary to prepare a collective complaint with specific claims. The complaint must contain the last names, first names, patronymics, residential addresses and signatures of each resident participating. Such a document is submitted to the management company or housing and communal services. The complaint should clearly indicate the date by which the tenants demand that the deficiencies be corrected. You must keep a copy of it for yourself.

Next, a similar letter is sent to the Housing and Communal Services Department of the locality with a request to take appropriate measures and bring violators to justice. This is done if the first complaint has no effect. Further, if the second option does not work, you should go to court.

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List of utilities required for housing maintenance:

The second type of services provided by housing and communal services is housing services.

Watch a video about the list of utilities provided by housing and communal services:

What are we paying for?

Considering that housing and communal services are commercial organizations, therefore, all their activities are aimed at making a profit. All types of housing and communal services can be divided into paid and conditionally free. For an apartment owner, paid housing and communal services consist of::

  • Payments for utilities.
  • Payment for repairs and maintenance of residential premises.

Utilities include:

Tariffs for these services are set by regional and local authorities. When it comes to paying for housing services, things are completely different. If a homeowners association (HOA) has been formed in the house, then the tariffs for housing services are determined by their governing body. And if the house is managed by a management company (management company), then all tariffs for housing services are determined at a general meeting of home owners.

IMPORTANT: If the owners did not appear at the meeting and did not set tariffs, then they are set by the local government body.

According to Government Decree No. 731 of September 23, 2010 and Article No. 161 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the owner has the right to write an application to the HOA or management company in order to receive a written response, which will explain the tariffs, on what basis and by whom they were determined. If your application has not been responded to, you can complain to the following authorities:

  • District administration.
  • Housing inspection.
  • Prosecutor's office.

Conditionally free housing and communal services are paid for by the municipality or social services. These include:

Review of payment points

Every month each owner receives a receipt for payment of housing and communal services. The receipt shows full list all services and terms of their payment. This list includes:

  • garbage removal;
  • communications maintenance;
  • cleaning elevators, stairs and local areas;
  • electricity;
  • water supply (divided into cold and hot);
  • heating;
  • current and major repairs.

ATTENTION: In addition to standard services, the receipt may also include services such as security, video surveillance, etc. All additional items are agreed upon with the owners at the general meeting.

For ease of use, all services are arranged in a table. The header of the receipt indicates the deadlines for payment for services. At the bottom of the table is the total amount, which is calculated depending on the indicators and tariffs that fall on a given billing period. The amount owed may also be indicated on the receipt. In addition to the table with services and the total amount, the receipt contains information about the owner.