The picnic season has started safely. Now you can more often have family dinners outdoors somewhere on a cozy edge of the forest, your favorite dacha or right in the yard of your house. You just need to create a delicious menu for an outdoor picnic.

A celebration of greenery

What snack should you prepare for the outdoors? Of course, a salad of fresh vegetables, because this is an ideal side dish for kebabs. Shredding half a head of cabbage Chinese cabbage, 8–10 sprigs of dill and parsley. Chop 2 cucumbers, 150 g spinach. Mix all the ingredients in a salad bowl, add salt to taste and season with olive oil. This salad will delight the eye with all shades of green and whet the appetite.

Generous baguette

Stuffed baguette - hearty and delicious for nature. Cut 300 g of ham into cubes, Bell pepper- also in cubes, 150 g of olives - in rings. Add 100 g of capers, 2 cloves of garlic and 100 g of cilantro. Mix vegetables with 200 g of sour cream, salt to taste. Cut off the top of the baguette, remove the crumb, fill it with filling and, sprinkle with 100 g of grated hard cheese, put it in the oven for 15 minutes. For such a hearty snack, you can choose any baguette with additives, such as sesame.

Rainbow of vegetables

Grilled vegetables - snack to nature, which will add color to the menu. Chop and add the onion with 2 cloves of garlic. Pour in 250 ml tomato juice, 4 tbsp. l. soy sauce, olive oil and lemon juice. Coarsely chop zucchini, eggplant, carrots and cauliflower. Marinate the vegetables in tomato sauce for 2 hours and fry on the grill.

Flaming sausages

What can you prepare for a picnic from food for meat eaters? Sausages in a “fur coat” will not leave them indifferent. Whisk 2 eggs, 1 tbsp. l. tomato paste and sour cream. Add 2 tbsp. l. flour, salt and spices and mix vigorously. Thread 6-8 sausages onto long wooden skewers and dip into batter. Now all that remains is to fry them thoroughly over the coals on all sides. It’s impossible to resist such a colorful snack.

Passion for ribs

Among recipes for outdoor picnics, pork ribs occupy a special place. Pass 6 cloves of garlic through a press, mix with 100 g of grated ginger root, 100 ml of soy sauce, 2 tbsp. l. honey, a pinch of salt and pepper. Cut 2 kg of pork ribs into portions, coat with spicy marinade, pour in 500 ml of tomato juice and leave in the refrigerator overnight. These pork ribs, fried on the grill, are very appetizing and tasty.

noble bird

What to cook for a picnic quickly and tasty for your losing weight relatives? They are unlikely to refuse a tender turkey kebab. Mix 5-6 chopped garlic cloves, 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, ½ tsp. hops-suneli, adjika, paprika and salt. Cut 2 kg of turkey fillet into 3-4 cm cubes and marinate for 2 hours. Thread the meat onto skewers, alternately with vegetables, and fry over coals until cooked. This kebab will delight you with its exquisite taste and will not affect your figure in any way.

On wings of fire

For those who don't count calories on a picnic, prepare a heartier poultry dish. For example, spicy wings. Beat 3 tsp into a homogeneous mass. mustard, 50 g honey, 200 ml cream, 2 tbsp. l. olive oil, 1 tsp. curry and 1 tsp. salt. Soak 1 kg of chicken wings in the marinade for an hour. Fry them over the coals on the grill until they turn golden brown. Crispy wings in a spicy-sweet sauce will please even the most severe critics.

Classic on the grill

Many people cannot imagine a menu for outdoor recreation without steaks. Chop a bunch of thyme, sage and rosemary. Chop the head of young garlic, combine with herbs, season with salt, pepper and 3 tbsp. l. olive oil. Place 5-6 beef steaks on the bone in a wide pan, cover with marinade, cover with film and leave for an hour. Grill steaks on the grill for 8-10 minutes on each side. It's simple but incredible tasty dish will delight the whole family.

Radiant salmon

No picnic menu would be complete without a grill. Rub 6-8 large salmon steaks sea ​​salt and white pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice. Wrap each steak in foil, topped with lemon slices and fresh chopped parsley. We marinate them for half an hour in the refrigerator, and then bake them directly in foil on a wire rack for 20–25 minutes, turning them over from time to time. Exquisite aromatic salmon will make any gourmet happy.

Gifts of Neptune

Grilled shrimp - a win-win dish for a picnic, step by step recipe which even beginners can master. Mix 2 tbsp. l. honey, 1 tbsp. l. balsamic vinegar and 1 tbsp. l. olive oil. Add lime zest, 1 tsp. sesame seeds, a pinch of salt and pepper. Pour the marinade over 1 kg of peeled shrimp and keep in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Thread the shrimp onto skewers and fry for literally 1-2 minutes on each side. The triumph of crispy seafood is guaranteed.

A picnic is not just a holiday in nature. Fresh air, fishing, badminton, tart smoke from a fire and crackling corners, favorite songs with a guitar, friendly company - what could be better? Picnic dishes deserve special attention. After all, they are needed not just to satisfy hunger. Usually they are prepared through joint efforts, turning even the process itself into little holiday. Roles are assigned, tasks are handed out... Someone is already carrying dry logs, someone is collecting brushwood, caring hands are stringing fragrant pieces onto skewers, smoke is curling over the fire, and the water in the pot is boiling... The kids are making noise, trying to contribute their own contribution. And here it is, the long-awaited moment - friends are seated around an impromptu table, ready to taste the fruits of their efforts. By then you will have a serious appetite, that’s for sure!

Maintaining safety is the key have a nice rest. Therefore, we will leave perishable foods at home. Of course, if you have a travel refrigerator, you can afford anything. But why? The choice of recipes is already quite wide. In addition to safety, you should also think about convenience. Dishes for a picnic in nature should not require complicated serving and an abundance of cutlery. It is better to cook something that you can eat with your hands. Or disposable forks. After all, we didn’t come to a restaurant! Therefore, let's take a break from conventions, get into the mood and enjoy real camp cuisine.

The king of picnics is kebab!

For those who are wondering what dishes to prepare for a picnic, the first thing that comes to mind is kebab. This is a real classic. Pork, lamb, veal, chicken, turkey, and fish are suitable for its preparation. Let's cut and marinate the meat in advance. It is better to do this the day before, then it will marinate sufficiently.

You need to grill kebabs over coals. Don’t think that the person who marinated the meat did the main work. Half the success depends on the kebab maker. Therefore, you should not let the process take its course - you need to keep an eye on the fire, preventing the flame from flaring up and spoiling the meat.

Hot: fish soup, kulesh, porridge

Are there fishermen in the company? Great! It's doubly great if they manage to catch something. Fresh fish makes a wonderful fish soup. You can play it safe by grabbing a silver carp head or a piece of silver carp fillet from home. The fish soup combines well with different types of fish, and the more of them, the more aromatic and rich the dish will be.

In addition to fish, millet or pearl barley, roots, potatoes, carrots, herbs, and pickles are added to the fish soup. It's quite possible to experiment here.

Other dishes for an outdoor picnic that can be cooked in a pot: kulesh, porridge with stew, potatoes with meat.

Lavash with cheese

An incredibly tasty delicacy, the preparations for which need to be made at home, will appeal to both children and adults. It is cooked on a grill grate. On thin pita bread a mixture of homemade cheese and herbs is placed. You can use suluguni, feta cheese, homemade cottage cheese, young garlic and onions, spinach, watercress, dill. Lavash envelopes are wrapped as tightly as possible. This dish is cooked over coals and served hot. Easy picnic meals like this are great to make with your kids.

Bruschetta with vegetables

If there are vegetarians in the company, they will certainly appreciate picnic dishes, the recipes of which do not contain meat. For example, crispy bruschetta with grilled vegetables. You can cook vegetables on the grill. When baked, asparagus, broccoli, bell pepper, tomatoes, eggplant, zucchini. The vegetables are laid out on hot bread pieces. Top them with olive oil, sprinkle with soy sauce or lemon juice, and sprinkle with sesame seeds or flaxseeds.

This dish is also perfect for Lent.

Mackerel with smoke

Moderately fatty, aromatic, and not containing a lot of bones, mackerel is very popular among lovers of outdoor recreation. You can prepare all sorts of picnic dishes from this fish. Recipes with mackerel may not require pre-marinating. It bakes quite quickly anyway. You can wrap it in foil, stuff it with vegetables, and bury it in hot coals. You can simply fry it on the grill. There is also an excellent recipe that makes the fish look like smoked fish. To do this, branches and umbrellas of young dill are placed on the grill, and whole fish or fish cut along the ridge are placed on them. The greenery does not catch fire, but smolders, emitting abundant smoke. As a result, the fish meat is soaked in it and smoked. This dish takes about an hour to prepare.


What to do with the kids? Which simple dishes Can the younger generation cook for a picnic? After all, children also want to feel like field cooks! And sometimes it’s simply unbearable to wait for aromatic fish soup or tempting kebabs. We will invite young tourists to master the preparation of sausages. They need to be put on sharpened long sticks. And you don’t have to wait for the coals at all - you can cook right above the flame. Along with sausages, you can fry tomatoes, pieces of lard, and bread.

Everyone should definitely appreciate the efforts of the little chefs! Moreover, this will help cope with the appetite that has developed in the fresh air.

Picnic snacks

You can diversify the table with snacks prepared in advance. For example, make a salad from boiled eggs, processed cheese and garlic with mayonnaise. At a picnic you can spread it on toasted pieces of bread. You can fill egg halves with a mixture of softened canned fish, herbs, onions and yolks. These dishes are especially good for a picnic at the dacha. Everyone will like them - both children and adults.

Picnic dishes will go perfectly with homemade sauces. It's a good idea to take care of them in advance. For example, make adjika, cook aromatic tomato ketchup, prepare tartare. Homemade pickles would also be appropriate in nature.

Baked potato

Potato picnic dishes are very diverse. The classic of the genre is to simply bury the unpeeled tubers in the ash and wait until they are completely baked. It is noteworthy that it is not necessary to remove the peel. You can eat with it, it’s even delicious in its own way. There are other variations of this delicacy. Several cuts are made on the potatoes, slices of lard or bacon, onion slices are placed in them, and sprinkled with seasonings. The stuffed tubers are wrapped in foil and baked that way. The good thing about this recipe is that the dish is prepared quite quickly, and the result exceeds all expectations!

Picnic drinks

First, let's remember what we agreed not to do during the picnic - not to take perishable foods with us. Therefore, kefir, fermented baked milk and even delicious homemade milk stayed at home. Instead, we will serve tomato and Apple juice, kvass, bottled water. Very good for a cool picnic green tea or brewed rosehip. And if you plan for the holiday to drag on until dark, we’ll stock up on the ingredients to prepare a drink over the fire. After all, it will probably be cold by the evening. Who would refuse aromatic herbal tea? We will need mint, lemon balm, thyme, raspberry and black currant leaves. You can add dried berries and dried fruits. Among the spices, anise, star anise, and cinnamon diversify the taste. There is no special recipe - just mix the herbs in a pot and let the water boil. And pour the drink into cups while still hot.

Without a shadow of a doubt, one of the most favorite and popular entertainments of the summer can be called going on a picnic. A sunny day and pleasant company will definitely lift your mood to unattainable heights, and delicious food will help make your outdoor recreation truly complete, give you strength and add pleasure. And this is where the most main question, causing many housewives to rack their brains. What to cook for a picnic? What dishes should you prepare in advance or what ingredients should you stock up on so that you can treat your friends and loved ones to delicious food without spending too much effort on preparing it? Let's try to figure this out together!

Try to limit your choice of picnic foods and foods to those that do not spoil in hot weather. Any fresh vegetables and fruits, pre-marinated kebabs, meat and fish products will help you with this. Perfect for picnics different kinds ready-made smoked meat, fish and poultry, most types of cheese will not spoil your holiday. But it is better to refrain from various ready-made salads, especially salads dressed with mayonnaise. It is too likely that such salads simply will not reach the picnic site, but will turn sour on the road, ruining your holiday and mood. If for some reason you are not ready to give up your usual dishes with mayonnaise, then season them immediately before serving. The same applies to sandwiches, sandwiches and canapés, which are popular at picnics. You shouldn’t prepare them in advance, it’s better to assemble your sandwiches right before eating, it won’t take much time, but such sandwiches will delight you with their freshness and taste.

When going on a picnic, do not forget to take care of the necessary tableware. Bring along a thick blanket to help you organize your makeshift table, and cover it with a waterproof tablecloth. You shouldn’t take heavy porcelain or ceramic tableware with you; modern disposable plates and cups weigh much less and will save space in your luggage, and a wide range of such tableware in our supermarkets will allow you to choose cutlery that fully matches your aesthetic taste. Oh yes, disposable dishes don't need to be washed! Don’t forget to stock up on plenty of napkins and be sure to take a thick garbage bag with you, because you will want to visit the place you once loved more than once, and you will be very pleased to see that this corner of nature has been kept clean thanks to your efforts.

Today “Culinary Eden” offers you a selection of tips and recipes that will definitely help even those who are planning to organize their first trip to nature, and will tell you what to cook for a picnic.

1. When going on a picnic, most of us cannot do without some types of perishable foods, and even more so without cool drinks. A portable refrigerator is perfect for maintaining the optimal temperature, but what should those who have not yet acquired such a device do? Don't despair and be smart! Freeze a few juice packets in advance and plastic bottles With mineral water in the freezer. Before you start packing your picnic, place frozen drinks at the very bottom of the basket or box, wrapping them in pieces of lightweight fabric. And on top of your drinks, place the products prepared for packaging. This simple technique will help you perfectly maintain the freshness of any quickly perishable food, and by the time it’s time to call everyone to the table, your drinks will thaw, maintaining their coolness and freshness.

2. Snack sandwiches with garlic butter are prepared very quickly and easily. All you need is to prepare the butter for this snack in advance. Place 200 g in a blender bowl. butter room temperature, add four chopped garlic cloves and 50 gr. chopped dill. Blend everything together in a blender for one minute, transfer to a plastic container and cool. Before starting the meal, fry slices of rye or wheat bread with your butter, place a thin slice of smoked meat or fish on top, garnish with slices of any fresh vegetables and sprigs of dill. Your sandwiches are ready!

3. Delicious French country sandwiches can be prepared in advance, or you can do it right in the open air, replacing the ham with slices of meat or poultry that has just been grilled over coals. Cut off the entire length of the top of one French baguette. Carefully remove some of the pulp so that the baguette has a cavity along its entire length. Drizzle the baguette with a dressing of one tablespoon olive oil and one teaspoon good wine or balsamic vinegar. Prepare the filling separately. To do this, finely chop, mix and season with olive oil one large tomato, one cucumber, one sweet pepper, half a red onion and two tablespoons of chopped parsley and basil, salt to taste. Place the finished filling in the cavity of the baguette, and place pieces of ham on top. Grease the top of the baguette with a mixture of 3 tbsp. spoons of softened butter and 1 teaspoon of mustard. Cover your baguette with its filling top part, gently press and cut crosswise into portions.

4. Classic Greek salad is perfect for picnics. This salad is very easy to prepare, and its refreshing taste will perfectly save you from the summer heat. Wash thoroughly and coarsely chop three ripe tomatoes and one cucumber. Cut one large red onion and two small sweet peppers into slices. Prepare the dressing separately. To do this, mix 6 tbsp. spoons of olive oil, 2 tbsp. spoons of wine vinegar, salt and black pepper to taste. Mix the prepared vegetables and place in a salad bowl, pour over the dressing, and place 150 grams on top. diced Feta cheese and sprinkle your salad with two tablespoons of chopped parsley and oregano. Before serving, garnish the salad with large pitted olives.

5. No American barbecue is complete without warm potato salad. Making such a salad is not at all difficult. The evening before your trip to nature, prepare a dressing for your salad. To do this, put ½ cup of peeled hazelnuts (hazelnuts), 100 g, into a blender bowl. parsley without branches, two cloves of garlic, 5 tbsp. tablespoons olive oil, salt and black pepper to taste. Grind everything together until a thick green mass is obtained, transfer to a plastic container and cool. While your kebabs are cooking, bake 10 small potatoes, washed and wrapped in foil, in the ashes. Peel the finished potatoes and cut them in large pieces and transfer to a salad bowl. Add 4 tbsp. spoons of finely chopped green onions and your dressing. Mix thoroughly and serve immediately.

6. Of course, no trip out of town is complete without barbecue, barbecue or grilling. Try to cook delicious pork ribs. Prepare the passata sauce in advance. In a deep saucepan, heat 3 tbsp. spoons of olive oil, add one finely chopped onion and two chopped cloves of garlic. Cook over medium heat for 5 minutes until the onion is soft. Then add 1 tbsp. spoon of dried oregano, 800 gr. canned tomatoes, 2 tbsp. spoons of tomato paste and 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar. Simmer, stirring frequently, for 20 minutes. Add 4 chopped fresh tomatoes without skin and seeds, salt and black pepper to taste. Mix thoroughly and simmer for another couple of minutes. Remove from heat and cool. To marinate the ribs you will need 500 gr. this sauce. The rest of the sauce can be stored in the refrigerator and used to make pasta. Pour 500 g into the pan. passata sauce, add 3 tbsp. spoons of liquid honey, 3 tbsp. spoons of soy sauce and 6 tbsp. spoons of sherry. Stir thoroughly and bring to a boil. Rinse one kilogram of pork ribs thoroughly, cut into portions and place in a pan with marinade. Simmer the ribs in the marinade for 15 minutes, remove from heat, cool and transfer to a glass or plastic container. Leave in a cool place for 6 - 10 hours. Grill over coals as usual. Serve with hot sauce and fresh vegetables.

7. Grilling spicy chicken wings is super easy. One kilogram chicken wings rinse and place in a bowl for marinating. Prepare the marinade separately. To do this, mix 180 ml. vegetable oil, 2 chopped garlic cloves, 2 chopped hot chili peppers, 1 tbsp. spoon of cumin, 1 tbsp. spoon of turmeric, 1 tbsp. spoon of ground coriander, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of grated lemon zest, 2 teaspoons curry, salt to taste. Pour the prepared marinade over the wings, mix thoroughly and leave in a cool place for 3 to 6 hours to marinate. Grill over coals.

8. Love fish dishes? There is nothing easier to prepare delicious grilled salmon with lemon butter. All you need is to prepare the butter in advance. To do this, blend 180 g in a blender until smooth. softened butter, 2 cloves of garlic, 2 tbsp. spoons of chopped green cilantro without branches, juice of ½ lemon, salt to taste. Cool the finished butter in the refrigerator, or better yet, freeze it. Already in nature, spread 2 kg on a sheet of parchment paper. salmon steaks, sprinkle them with a mixture of 3 tbsp. tablespoons olive oil, juice of ½ lemon and a pinch of white pepper. Leave the steaks to marinate for 10 minutes and then grill on the grill over the coals. Place a small cube of lemon butter on each cooked steak and serve immediately.

9. Most the best dessert Fresh fruit will be served at the end of the outdoor meal. If an ordinary apple, pear or peach seems too boring for a picnic, try making fruit salad. Refreshing and juicy, this salad will appeal to both adults and children. Remove the skin and seeds, and then cut into small cubes of 100 g. apples, pears, bananas and oranges. Add a handful of white and black grapes. Mix carefully and fill with 120 ml mixture. orange juice and 2 tbsp. spoons of liquid honey. Sprinkle the finished salad with chopped kernels walnut and serve.

10. Tired of store-bought drinks? Make your own lemonade! Pour one glass of water into a small saucepan, add one glass of sugar and heat over medium heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Cool the syrup, add the juice of 5 lemons, mix thoroughly and strain through cheesecloth. Pour the finished lemon syrup into a bottle and cool. During a picnic, you just need to dilute your syrup with cold mineral water to taste, pour into glasses, garnishing each with a slice of lemon and a mint leaf.

Even more proven recipes and interesting ideas you can find on the pages of Culinary Eden, which is always happy to tell you what to cook for a picnic.

When going on a picnic in nature, it is easy to forget about something important. The consequences can be different: from mild inconvenience to a ruined mood. Therefore, in order to fully enjoy the outdoors, you should think carefully about what to take with you and what to prepare when going outdoors.

Necessary things

  • Basket or cooler bag. It’s hard to imagine a camping trip without a picnic basket or cooler bag. The first one will save beautiful view food, and the second will also extend its shelf life. By the way, if you put a frozen bottle of water at the bottom of a regular bag, you will also contribute to better food preservation.
  • Furniture (bedding) for a picnic. Taking care of what your vacation will be like is no less important than thinking over a menu for the outdoors. This could be a blanket, folding table, picnic chairs or other items on which you can sit comfortably.
  • Equipment for making a fire. In order not to waste time looking for brushwood, you can prepare firewood in advance or charcoal. Special lighter fluids will also be useful. Matches are suitable for both regular and long-burning matches (for windy or wet weather). It's even better to replace them with a lighter.
  • Picnic dishes. First you need to determine the required number of dishes. This includes cutlery for each picnic participant, dishes for all dishes, and backup options in case an unexpected guest joins or something gets dirty. The best option– a set of disposable tableware.

Devices for preparing and heating food. The choice depends on what you plan to cook. It may:

  • fish soup pot;
  • barbecue set (skewers, grill, spears, etc.);
  • barbecue maker;
  • cutting board;
  • knives, a corkscrew and a key for opening canned food.
  • cloth gloves for turning skewers.

Summer! Heat! Many families are trying to leave the dusty, stuffy city and go out into the fresh air - to the forest or to the river. No matter what kind of holiday you prefer, outdoor picnic menu you need to plan carefully.

After all, there may not be an opportunity to buy a forgotten loaf of bread. An option when you take cheap ones with you canned fish or soups in bags are also not good. At best, you will get a persistent aversion to canned food and concentrates, and at worst... well, let's not talk about the worst :)

In the article we will look at sample menu for going out into nature on weekends from Friday evening to Sunday lunch. However, such a menu for a picnic in nature is also suitable for a small family hike or an outing to the country.

Menu for Friday


  • Most often, the signature dish of a picnic is shish kebab. And on Friday evening we will cook just that. There are a great many recipes for this delicious, but not very healthy dish. For example, . Or . Grilled vegetables as a side dish.
  • In the meantime, the kebab is fried, let's prepare snacks: . If there is no fish, then these rolls are delicious simply with herbs. Or cut pre-cooked .
  • Collecting - it is better to prepare the mushrooms for this recipe at home, and mix the filling and stuff it outdoors.
  • And the salad according to your taste, or you can just chop the vegetables.
  • And in the evening you can sit for a long time with a mug aromatic tea With ( prepare at home in advance) and admire the stars.

Menu for Saturday

  • Breakfast:
    Rice porridge with concentrated milk and raisins. Concentrated milk is diluted approximately 1:3 with water, then prepared as regular porridge. If there is shish kebab left over from the evening, you don’t have to add sugar and raisins to the common pot - those who wish will have a side dish for the meat.
    Tea coffee, .
  • Dinner:. Or .
    If you are not sure that you will be able to catch pike locally, you can bring frozen fish with you. To preserve perishable foods, you can either use special cooler bags or make an improvised refrigerator from available materials. Frozen food is wrapped in foil, placed in a bag, several plastic bottles with pre-frozen water are also placed there, and the whole thing is covered with a blanket. The safety of products for several days is ensured.
  • Afternoon snack. Cottage cheese with condensed milk and fruit. .
    If it’s season, you can pick blueberries and wild strawberries in the forest. If it’s still too early, pour boiling water over the dried fruits and add to the cottage cheese.
  • Dinner. or . Side dish – baked potatoes. Salad.
    Exotic lovers can be pampered.

Menu for Sunday

  • Breakfast:. Instead of regular milk, we use concentrated milk.
  • Dinner: . If you are unlucky and there are no mushrooms yet, don’t worry: this soup can also be prepared with dried mushrooms.
  • Tea, cookies, we eat what's left.

Before leaving the clearing, do not forget to clean up after yourself. Most often, garbage is buried, but stray dogs from the nearest village find such burials by smell and tear them up. After this, the picturesque clearing turns into a landfill. If it is not possible to take the garbage with you and throw it in a container, it is better to burn it. Cans that have been fired at a fire will be destroyed by rust in one to two years.

I hope that our menu for an outdoor picnic will help you not to think about what and how to feed your friends or family, but will increase the pleasure and benefits of a weekend spent away from the city. We wish you great impressions, a pleasant holiday and strength for new exploits!