In Russia, after a long battle with cancer, she passed away famous actress Stella Baranovskaya. Ekaterina Gordon informed about the last weeks of the star’s life.

Gordon met Stella when she needed legal services. It was then that Katya helped draw up Baranovskaya’s will and advised the woman on issues of custody of her son Daniil.

“When we became friends and began to trust each other, I held back for a long time so as not to send everything famous places people who called Stella a profiteer and ruined a dying man,” Gordon said. Analyzing her words, we can conclude that actress Stella Baranovskaya was accused of deception, saying that she falsified certificates and did not have any disease. Stella's envious people created groups and wrote all sorts of nonsense about the disease there.

Maxim Kotin father of Stella Baranovskaya's son: major Maxim Kotin

From Stella’s stories, it can be understood that a couple of years ago she had a difficult relationship with Maxim Kotin. When little Daniel was born, Stella brought the baby to meet his relatives and ask for at least some alimony. But, as she told her friends in horror, her grandfather asked the guards “to remove this bastard from the house and not let him in again.”

Then the disease was not close and on the horizon, so she coped with the first five years of her son’s life without outside help and the need to recognize the child. But when she was already in a very sad state, realizing that the child was staying with her great-grandmother, who was not able to study, she decided to start determining paternity - maybe the father would take care of the baby.

Maxim Kotin, father of Stella Baranovskaya’s son: Katya Gordon’s story about the last days of Stella’s life

“I wrote to Maxim Kotin, who, according to Stella, is Dani’s biological father (they are really very similar). And she wrote it to her mother, Irina Wintour,” Gordon continues. “She told me that this was the situation and I needed help.” She might not know that this is the situation with Stella, and that she considers Maxim the father of her child. After which I was immediately blocked, depriving me of the opportunity to write. Although, I could have written “you’re wrong, Katya,” or “I don’t know anything about this,” but I simply decided to ignore it. Anfisa Chekhova and I sincerely believed that the boy’s father would respond. And they even sent photos of Stella in a very painful state. And we had all the medical documents on hand. We periodically took care of the child who watched this terrible picture of his mother dying. The boy was periodically with me, then with Anfisa. Now he is with the singer Zara, where he has spent the last few days. We were all puzzled by his fate, reports the website I kept wanting a notary to come to her as soon as possible, but it was not so easy, since Stella was in a clinic 80 kilometers from Moscow. At one point it seemed to her that she was getting better. And so she postponed the notary until later. Although we had already agreed with her on a claim to establish paternity and were ready to file it. At the same time, a year ago, the real persecution of Stella began. Since she was accused of not being sick and deceiving people for money. A certain Madina and her mother went on TV and said that Baranovskaya was a charlatan. And even last Friday she was ready to go on TV with a story about her theft. This hurt Stella, and she was even ready to take a lie detector test if they brought it to her. For she no longer walked and screamed from every touch to her. When we put in an IV, the blood was very thick, and it was clear that she would survive last days».

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Biography, life story of Kotin Maxim

Maxim Igorevich Kotin is a Russian writer.

Childhood, family

Maxim was born in St. Petersburg in 1980. His mother is Irina Winter, interior designer, art director of the Mosfilm Gallery. His father, Igor Kotin, once served as head of the media department of the representative office of the Swiss company Glencore, then became one of the founders of a large Moscow energy company.


Maxim received his secondary education at gymnasium No. 73. Then he studied at the Lenfilm film school, then was a student at the music school named after. Later the young man entered the St. Petersburg state university at the Faculty of Journalism, which he successfully graduated in 2004.

Labor activity

Maxim Kotin worked as a columnist for Forbes magazine. He was an editor and special correspondent for the magazine "Secret of the Firm". For some time he was the editor of the portal A little later, he got a job at the information and social magazine “Snob” as a special correspondent and deputy editor-in-chief. Kotin also collaborated as an editor with the publishing house Mann, Ivanov and Ferber.

Maxim Kotin wrote two books about domestic business that became very popular. His creations ". If out of 100 times you get sent 99..." and "Nerds Do Business" (a series of three books) became bestsellers. For his work, Kotin has repeatedly received professional and public awards. Thus, in 2008 he became the winner of the “Business Book” award in the “Business Stories” category, and in 2011 – the winner of the “Runet Choice” award.


Maxim Kotin is the founder and head of the Hocus-Pocus publishing house, which produces handmade e-books.

Personal life

Maxim is married to a girl named Polina, the daughter of an alcohol magnate.

In 2010, Kotin dated a Russian film actress. In 2011, she gave birth to a boy, Daniel, presumably the son of Maxim.

After the tragic death in 2017 (the girl died from a severe form of cancer), the actress’s friends, as well as the public, began to actively find out whether Kotin was Daniel’s real father and whether he was obliged to take responsibility for raising little man on yourself. It is noteworthy that in Daniel’s birth certificate there is a dash in the “Father” column. Maxim refused to acknowledge paternity.

September 4, 30-year-old actress Stella Baranovskaya, which for a long time fought cancer and died. Her friend reported this Katya Gordon, who published an emotional video. “Stella died somehow martyrdom... in wild pain and worried that you, Max Kotin, even in this situation turned your back on your little son. And she also cried because of your post Madina Tatraeva that she was a charlatan... her friends helped her... and she lived in poverty... Artem gave money to rent an apartment, Anfisa, Zara helped as best they could... but there is no person... there is a child Danya with a dash in the paternity column... but grandparents, rich socialites don’t even want to know about him...”- Gordon said.

In 2016, Stella became the heroine of the “Live Broadcast” program, whose studio she decided to visit after slander against her. A certain Madina Tatraeva, who herself is fighting cancer, accused the actress of deceiving the public and using the money collected for treatment to buy cars, houses and travel around the world. Communities were even created against Baranovskaya social networks, throwing mud at her name every day.

Now, after the death of the actress, all the haters are silent, hastily deleting groups on social networks and refusing to comment. But, according to those close to the late Stella, all this no longer matters. Now Baranovskaya’s star friends - Katya Gordon, Anfisa Chekhova, Lera Kudryavtseva and singer Zara - are trying to find a new family for Stella’s six-year-old son Dani. As it turned out, while Baranovskaya was suffering from pain, her heir was at Gordon’s house, and after that Zara took the boy to her place.

The alleged father of the child, Maxim Kotin, refuses to contact Katya, according to whom, she and Stella collected documents to file a claim to establish paternity, but did not have time. The orphaned boy has a grandmother (the mother of the late actress), but she, according to media reports, is not able to provide him with a comfortable life. How will it turn out? further fate little Dani is still unknown.

Maxim Kotin famous person in certain circles. He is a journalist and book writer.

His parents are Irina Winter and Igor Kotin, quite famous and wealthy individuals. But now it’s not about them.

Maxim Kotin is originally from St. Petersburg, but at the moment lives and works in Moscow.

He has several business bestsellers to his credit.

He has won several awards and is the founder of the publishing house Hocus-Pocus.

There is now a buzz around his name, because, according to Stella Baranovskaya, Maxim is the biological father of her son.

Let me remind you that the young actress died the other day from a serious illness. She left behind a six-year-old son, whose further fate is unknown. Who will the boy stay with? Who will raise Daniil Baranovsky after the death of his mother?

But then no one believed her and only close friends began to help.

Now, when the boy’s paternity has not been established, it is unknown who he will stay with or whether he will be sent to an orphanage.

Will Maxim Kotin recognize his son?

Is Daniil Baranovsky really his relative?

There are still too many questions in this story.

Video review


This citizen would have remained out of the sight of the press and the public if he had given an account of his actions and, realizing that he was unable to bear responsibility on an equal basis with older men, would prefer entertainment appropriate to the younger one. school age. It is known that he lives with his parents and they are ready to feed, water and lead their child by the hand. It was necessary to continue in the same spirit, but no.

Maxim is the son of a certain Irina Winter. This is not the granddaughter of the famous Milady Alexandre Dumas, but the art director of the Mosfilm Gallery. The lady is looking very young and there is no way to tell that her son is indulging in girls and alcohol. Irina is immersed in landscape design and happily gives out advice on how to grow flowers.

This same Irina’s morals are not going well. Among her friends is Maria Maksakova, the wife of the late corrupt official Voronenkov, who became famous for the fact that for a year she robbed the Academy. Gnessins. Having fled to Ukraine with her husband, she received a salary for a year as a teacher of this educational institution. In short, these ladies love money very much.

Maxim's father is involved in business. It is known that he occupied not the last place in the representative office of the Swiss company in Russia. Today he is also not unemployed. The name of Igor Kotin can be found in the list of managers of NFR Energo LLC.

Maxim himself received a journalistic education and began his career with publications on business topics. After 3 years of publications in famous publications in Moscow and St. Petersburg, he wrote a book dedicated to Evgeny Chichvarkin. I call it a bestseller, however, such a work could become such a work through the efforts of the Union of Right Forces party. If at a party meeting they gave instructions to buy up a book about who pays for political drinking, then conscious party members will sweep the goods from the shelves.

In addition to such a brilliant journalistic career, Maxim has made a name for himself on social networks. The young lover of the sweet life loves to post photographs of his trips to expensive establishments. During one of the parties he met Stella Baranovskaya. A girl with a diploma from a theater school and the consciousness of a dissolute high school student could not help but attract the attention of a wealthy reveler.

Yes, both boys and girls love to have fun. But adult entertainment requires high level responsibility. This didn’t work out for Maxim at all. In 2011, Stella gave birth to a child, but there was no interest on the part of the father in the newborn. According to the testimonies of those who knew the couple, after the birth of his son, Maxim lost interest in his girlfriend. She did not insist on anything and even entered only her name on the birth certificate.

When Stella got sick, she tried to introduce her son to his father. I already had a negative experience; once, having taken the child, the girl went to visit Maxim and hinted about his responsibility for this life. The guy did not want to help his child, and the grandparents completely kicked the unfortunate woman out onto the street. After the death of Stella Baranovskaya, her child was left an orphan.

Maxim’s family has no reason, other than extreme greed and dense cruelty, to abandon Baranovskaya’s child. There is no mention of Kotin on his birth certificate, so arguments about a decent family do not apply. Maxim’s financial situation is not critical, so expenses for a child will not become a burden. But this idiot will never come to such conclusions.