February 25, 1836, 180 years ago, American Colt received the first patent for an automatic revolver

“God made people strong and weak. Colonel Colt equalized their chances” - this is what they say in the USA about Samuel Colt, the man thanks to whom the triumphant march of the revolver began. Colt is sometimes even credited with inventing this weapon - but in fact, revolvers have been manufactured since the late 16th century. The first revolvers were not popular and in demand - their production was extremely expensive and difficult, and they did not provide continuous shooting.

In June 1818, the American officer and designer Artemas Wheeler patented a flintlock revolver - this weapon could be fired up to 7 times in a row. Nevertheless, the popularity of expensive revolvers has not increased much.

Grandpa's gun and electrical cord

In 1814, Samuel Colt, the future reformer of revolver weapons, was born in Connecticut. According to legend, little Colt's first toy was a flintlock pistol, inherited from his grandfather - former officer Continental Army. According to another legend, at the age of four, Samuel tried to convert a toy gun given to him for his birthday into a real one - and caused an explosion that almost destroyed the entire house.

At the age of 14, Colt became seriously interested in pyrotechnics. And on Independence Day, the young man installed a raft filled with gunpowder in the center of the city lake and stretched an electric cord from the raft to the shore.

The result was a loud explosion, killing the fish in the pond and causing panic among the festive townspeople.

Samuel's father, fearing that his son would burn down the house, sent the teenager to boarding school. At the boarding school, Colt did nothing but entertain his friends with pyrotechnics. And after some time, a fire broke out at the school - undoubtedly due to the fault of the future reformer of revolver weapons. One of the buildings of the boarding school burned down in the fire, and Colt was immediately sent home to his angry father.

The indignant parent did not want his negligent son to live under the same roof with him, and sent his son to serve as a sailor on a two-masted Corvo ship heading to India. On the ship, Colt loved to watch for a long time how the helmsman dashingly turned the wheel.

The result of these observations was the creation by Samuel of a wooden model of the future revolver. Colt's innovation was that he “introduced” a rotating drum system into the revolver, which alternately placed several pre-loaded cartridges under the firing pin.

Among the first

On February 25, 1836, in the United States, Colt acquired a patent for an automatic revolver, the rate of fire of which was five times higher than the rate of fire of its “predecessors.” With the financial support of his uncle, Samuel opens the Patent Arms Manufacturing Co., as well as a weapons factory in New Jersey.

It is important that Colt was one of the first industrialists to use machine production of weapons in their factories.

Although the inventor invested a lot of money in advertising his product, sales were not very successful. Then Colt went to Washington and showed the revolver to the seventh President of the United States and one of the founders of the Democratic Party, Andrew Jackson. The Democrat admired Colt's invention and even wrote a positive review of the weapon. Nevertheless, Samuel did not receive more orders. The industrialist actively tried to enlist the support of the American army, but at that time the US military called revolvers “the weapons of yesterday.”

As a result, Colt's company went bankrupt, and the inventor himself decided to start producing submarine cables. At the same time, Samuel's brother found himself in the dock.

Representatives of the yellow press immediately took advantage of the situation and began to write that the accused committed the murder with a Colt revolver.

Colt vs Comanche

In 1847, Texas Ranger Samuel Walker witnessed how his 15-man team, armed with Colt revolvers, dealt with a detachment of 70 Comanches. An enthusiastic Walker asked Colt for a meeting, during which the men agreed to cooperate. This is how revolvers with increased drum capacity Colt Walker appeared.

Colt Walker 1847

The weapon was quickly appreciated by the American army - a few months after the Colt Walker went on sale, Samuel received an order for 1,000 revolvers from the US military.

After this, Colt no longer had problems with sales.

In the early 1850s, Colt founded a gunsmith shop in Hartford (the capital of Connecticut). And two years later he opened a branch of his company in London, which the classic of world literature Charles Dickens would later speak about with delight.

Colt Dragoon

At the same time, Colt Dragoon revolvers, designed for shooting from a horse, as well as Colt Wells Fargo revolvers, went on sale. The latest model was lightweight and was created at a time of increasing demand for personal weapons - and it was immediately appreciated by security guards, detectives, and officers. In addition, these were the times of the gold rush and the exploration of the Wild West, so Colt’s weapons were quickly appreciated by gold miners.

Colt Wells Fargo

It is known that James Butler Hickok, an American hero of the Wild West, a famous shooter, scout and poker player, was armed with two Colt Navy revolvers. Hickok was called Wild Bill, and also Dick Duck and Duck because the shooter had a protruding lower lip.

In 1861, the Civil War began in the United States, during which Colt sold weapons to both southerners and northerners. It is interesting that it was then that American politicians and journalists began to develop the idea that the presence of weapons on both conflicting sides does not lead to lawlessness, but to a peaceful resolution of problems.

A few decades later, Colt Single Action Army revolvers would be called “peacemakers,” and the famous expression “God made people strong and weak. Colonel Colt evened their chances" will be turned into the phrase "Abraham Lincoln gave the people freedom, and Colonel Colt evened their chances."

Colt Single Action Army

Colt did not live to see the end of the war - at the age of 47, the inventor died in his native Hartford. Journalists wrote that “Colt died from natural causes" The great reformer of revolver weapons left behind a fortune estimated at $15 million.

There are two views on religion and human faith in God or in several Gods (the Jewish term “Elohim” used in the “Torah” is the word “Gods” in the plural).

Here are these two views on religion and human faith with a brief explanation:

1. The gods created everything, including people.(And according to the Bible, there are people on the 6th day of creation - “goyim”, and there are people on the 8th day of creation - the Jews. They were created by different Gods. Details in a separate article "Historical truth, which is carefully hushed up". Its logical continuation is another article "Crimean epic, a story about snake people").

2. People created God (or Gods) in their own image and likeness.(This is what the Hyperborean-Aryans did in their mythology, calling themselves “Hellenes” - “children of God.” Below are stone images of the god Apollo and the hunter-goddess Artemis).

The gods in human form look in these images as they themselves looked thousands of years ago people from the country of Hyperborea, who sculpted these Gods from stone in their own image and likeness.

Civilization of Lies

The most potent and therefore the most dangerous are basic matrices, which determine the main ideological attitudes of billions of people. Such matrices are given in the form of religious and political doctrines.

Artificial religions

In natural religion - paganism - the gods lived among people. They were visible, tangible - the God of the sun, the God of the wind...

God of the Sun - Russian Yarilo.

They were stronger than people, influenced their lives, and therefore people deified them, but were not afraid of them, they were friends with them, they addressed them directly - in the forest, in the clearing, with songs, round dances.

Secret control structures developed a speculative design - some abstract one God was torn away from people, lifted up, placed at an unattainable height. Instead of the horizontal structure of “people are gods”, a vertical hierarchy was created: at the top is the Lord God, below are his servants - priests, below - other people are God's servants, and not the children of the gods, as in paganism.

Symbolically this device is represented Masonic pyramid, the upper part of which is torn off from the rest of the structure, raised high, equipped with an all-seeing eye.

Image on the US $1 bill.

For comparison, the same pyramid, only for a capitalist society, where money - American dollars or gold - serves as God:

God in heaven is analogous to the secret structures on Earth. Both God and the secret power are invisible, but all-seeing, their will cannot be comprehended, it must be blindly obeyed.

Slaves are obliged to submit to both the servants of God - priests and secular rulers, since power comes from God - as is written in the sacred books.

All postulates of the “holy books” (as well as orders from secret structures) must be taken on faith. Analysis of the tenets of religion (as well as the rules of secret structures) is prohibited: to speculate, i.e. to think is sinful, for “blessed are the poor in spirit.” True adherents of religion - “believers” - were proclaimed to be those who were inclined to take everything on faith, without comprehension.

Thinkers were called heretics and subjected to all kinds of persecution - both religious and secular.

So, lie number 1: God created man.

I will say the following about this: everything is true, but what is said about God is a little wrong!

The so-called “pagan Gods” and “pagan mythology” were knowledge for the people, presented in a very simplified form, accessible to the consciousness of absolutely every person. Like fairy tales for children today! And the knowledge currently hidden from the people behind “Masonic symbolism” is already at the level of sages, magicians, clairvoyants and other esotericists. This esoteric knowledge differs from mythology as much as classical music (for the soul) differs from “pop” - music that pleases only a person’s animal feelings and instincts.

“Esotericism is a teaching, a body of knowledge intended only for initiated people who carry this secret within themselves and do not have the right to spread it beyond the boundaries of their knowledge. The concept of esotericism comes from the Greek word “esoterikos”, which means hidden, internal.”

In connection with everything stated above, in our time only a few lucky people can have an idea of ​​​​a real, and not an illusory, mythical God. These are either those who have been initiated into secret knowledge, having received it from the guardians, or those who at least once experienced the real support of God at a critical moment.

After these insights, I did not have “faith in God” like millions of believers, but real knowledge about God, who really created everything, including man. True, I learned that this real God is not at all the same as the representatives of various Christian Churches portray him to the people.

It was also revealed to me that our entire modern science of Nature - physics - is built on a false foundation. And this was done on purpose so that some people would not lose their monopoly on real information, on true knowledge.

The truth is that at the level of our microcosm we live inside a sort of endlessly sized “etheric matrix”. This endless, and therefore omnipresent “matrix” is both our soul and our memory, it is also God, this “ethereal matrix” is the “Kingdom of God” in the terminology of the Christian Gospels. I will repeat and clarify once again: this is located in the very depths of our microcosm, far beyond the boundaries of subatomic particles. So, God is not somewhere “in Heaven”, outside of us, He is inside us!

By the way, as I later found out in the process of studying world religions, this idea of ​​mine “about God and God’s Kingdom” very precisely corresponds to the words of Christ: God is in me, and I am in Him. "I and the Father are one"(John 10:30). “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you...”(Matt. 6:33). “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in his field, which, although smaller than all the seeds, when it grows, it is larger than all the grains and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and take refuge in its branches...”(Matthew 13:31-32). Last words the legendary Christ the Savior they say about the materiality of the “etheric matrix”, which is the “Kingdom of Heaven”. (I just ask you not to confuse matter, which gives birth to everything, with matter!).

Information for those whose soul is looking for its beginning...

Among those living on earth there have always been, are and will be people who commit transition from atheism to belief in God, Whom the various "sacred scriptures" available today describe as .

Why does this process of transition from atheism to faith in God take place in modern society, and why it will never be stopped, is explained primarily by the fact that human soul tends to ripen like fruit on a tree. And if the soul matures together with a person in the process when he turns from a child into an adult, it begins to encourage an already mature person to look at the world through the prism of his worldview that has suddenly changed and look for answers to seemingly long-forgotten childhood questions: "How was this whole world created with its wild diversity?" and “how did the very first people appear on earth?!”

At the same time, despite the fact that different nations There are as many as a dozen different “holy scriptures” in the world, and four religious collections: “Bible”, “Koran”, “Tanakh” and “Ganjur” are even protected by Russian legislation (so that no one can recognize them as extremist for their murderous content! ), for a person’s conscious faith in God it is necessary to recognize only one postulate: the invisible God exists inside nature and, moreover, He creates nature from the very depths of the microcosm.

You can comment on it in the following words:

As a person who has long since made the transition from atheism to conscious faith in God, with this article I want to help other people (who have yet to make such a transition) understand what it means “the invisible God exists inside nature and, moreover, He creates nature from the very depths of the microcosm”?

Let me make a reservation right away that not every adult’s soul matures to the state of a mature fruit! Often the human soul rots even at the stage of development, like an apple bitten by a worm.

Why is that? - there are many reasons for this. The main reason for the rotting of souls in people is due to a person’s struggle with his conscience, when it prevents him from achieving what he wants by unrighteous means. Going against his conscience, gradually killing it in himself, a person destroys his soul, which binds him with invisible bonds through subtle world with the invisible Creator.

By the way, on fruit trees, too, not all the inflorescences that we see in the spring later become mature fruits. The reason for this is the very different negative factors. Can you imagine what kind of harvest this would have? fruit tree, if each of its inflorescences turned into a ripe fruit?! But this doesn’t happen!

So people have all their little children - like these flowers! Thanks to modern medicine their survival rate is close to 100%, and when they become mature adults, then those who have preserved their souls are left with well if half!

Actually ours modern society due to the large percentage of soulless people and their special activity, it is therefore degrading, albeit slowly but surely, despite obvious scientific and technological progress... True, what kind of “progress” is this if the majority of all inventions and discoveries made undoubtedly the best minds of humanity, has a military purpose, and each new World War kills at times more people than the previous one?!

This has already been tested on people 2 times!

So, with this article I want to help all those people who still face the maturation of the soul and all subsequent metamorphoses associated with some adjustment of their worldview as a result of gaining conscious faith in the Creator.

Among people who have unconscious faith in God, and there are millions of them in the world today, the most common terms are: "The Kingdom of heaven", where every blind believer dreams of going when he dies, and "Holy Spirit" or simply "Spirit", about which, in particular, the Bible says that all gifts and talents in man come from Him:

4 There are different gifts, but Spirit the same;

5 and the ministries are different, but Lord the same;

6 and the actions are different, but God one and the same, producing all in all.

7 But to everyone is given a manifestation Spirit for good.

8 One is given Spirit a word of wisdom, a word of knowledge to another, the same Spirit;

9 faith to another, to the same Spirit; to others gifts of healings, to those Spirit;

10 To another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another divers tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues.

11 But the same one does all these things Spirit, dividing it to each individual, as He pleases.(1 Cor. 12:4-11).

Fresco: "The Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles":

Concerning "Kingdom of Heaven", into which every blind believer dreams of getting when he dies, in the same Bible, Christ the Savior himself gave him the following definitions:

24 Kingdom of Heaven like a man who sowed good seed in his field...

31 Kingdom of Heaven like a mustard seed

33 Kingdom of Heaven like leaven

(Matthew 13:24-34).

I note that these words are the most significant thing in religious literature, since they represent a worldview, one might even say, natural science part Christian faith . After all, through these words it is not at all difficult for thinking people to understand where exactly in the natural scientific picture of the world they need to look "the omnipresent and invisible Creator."

Let me note that I could never once refer to anyone’s “holy scripture” in order to tell where exactly in the natural scientific picture of the world people who seek it should look "the omnipresent and invisible Creator" since my transition from atheism to conscious faith in God did not occur after I "I read a lot of different religious literature"(as someone might think), but it happened contrary to this fact, even before I read the same Bible! This happened due to the emergence of new worldviews in me after overcoming the 33-year mark. It was as if after this milestone I became a little “clairvoyant”. Actually, even now, from article to article, I show my readers that I can look at the world completely differently than other people. But from the outside it seems to someone, and this has been said about me more than once, that "The writer Anton Blagin has a whole team of advisers and analysts".

So, when I was making a transition from atheism to conscious faith in God, and I realized that something unusual was happening to me, I then began to write a book to capture all those revelations that came to me in the form of incomplete the natural science and historical knowledge that I have comprehended, which is directly in contact with the sphere of religion. I simply didn’t have time to physically comprehend a lot of things back then, but I understood that I could figure it out later, but for now the main thing was that I had to systematize all the information and have time to put it on virtual shelves on the pages of the book.

This work took me more than two years. As a result, a book about our lives was born.

Link to download the book in PDF format.

Among the various information that came to me in 1996-1997 in the form of revelations was this:

This is a photograph of page 179 of my book, through which the text and drawing of the reverse side of the sheet appear.

You see here, among other things, the inscriptions in bold: “Kingdom of Heaven”, "Higher intelligence", followed by a dividing dotted line......... and then go: “Elementary particles”, “Atoms”, "Lower Mind" and so on. At the very bottom expanding towards the bottom size pyramids, where the infinity sign should be, there is again a dividing dotted line......... and then there is the inscription: “UNIVERSE”.

It’s interesting, isn’t it, about the “higher” and “lower” minds and their location on the chart?!

I repeat, this came to my consciousness as if by itself in 1996. Moreover, over the past 21 years since then, I have found a lot of evidence of the truth of this information! And then it was simply amazing and interesting to me how, as if out of nowhere, knowledge came to me that could not be read about in any textbook. Then, by the way, I learned that what was happening to me at that time, in different time happened to other people too. And the phenomenon when knowledge comes to people in an amazing way, as if from outside, has been called by the world of scientists and philosophers since very ancient times intuition.

"Intuition is the ability of direct, immediate comprehension of the truth without preliminary logical reasoning and without evidence" . (C) Daniel Kanneman.

Look now at this drawing, which can be found in various school physics textbooks:

Here a comparison is made of the frequencies of the so-called “electromagnetic radiation” and the corresponding wavelengths with the geometric dimensions of various objects. It turns out that in 1996 I saw in my mind's eye almost everything is the same, however, is not exactly the same...

This color drawing does not contain all the information about the Universe, since it is cut off on both the left and the right! Unlike him, he black and white drawing, which I published in the book “Geometry of Life,” contains all the completeness of information. Available on it size scale(its presence is extremely important!) begins with UNIT and ends with INFINITY. And this is the entire Universe in its totality from one end to the other, described in mathematical language!

If we now transform a color drawing from a school physics textbook, adding a “size scale” to it, then, regardless of whether we want it or not, we will come to a geometric construction in the form of a pyramid of sizes with a pointed top, which in turn will force us think the same way as the ancient Greek philosopher Democritus (c. 460 BC - c. 370 BC), the author of the idea, thought two and a half millennia ago atomic structure of matter.

This is what I got as a result of converting the drawing:

It is known that the ancient Greek philosopher Democritus was the first of the geometers to establish that "the volume of a pyramid and a cone is equal, respectively, to one third of the volume of a prism and a cylinder under the same height and with the same base area".

Thanks to his mathematical and geometric talent (and in ancient times, geometry was considered a science that allowed one to penetrate into the secret essence of things!), Democritus once came to the conclusion that everything large can be mentally cut into small ones, and everything smaller can be cut into even smaller ones, and so on almost to infinity in the direction of decrease, but at the very beginning size scales(and at the top of the size pyramid) is already uncut piece of matter.

This really existing, but extremely small, invisible to the eyes, uncut (indivisible) part of matter, described by Democritus, then in ancient times began to be called ATOMS.

Look now where in modern science the confusion and distortion of ancient knowledge about the Universe occurred:

"Atom(from ancient Greek ἄτομος - indivisible, uncut) - particle of matter microscopic size and mass, the smallest part of a chemical element that is the carrier of its properties. An atom consists of an atomic nucleus and electrons. If the number of protons in the nucleus coincides with the number of electrons, then the atom as a whole turns out to be electrically neutral. Otherwise, it has some positive or negative charge and is called an ion. In some cases, atoms are understood only as electrically neutral systems, in which the charge of the nucleus is equal to the total charge of the electrons, thereby contrasting them with electrically charged ions. The nucleus, which carries almost all (more than 99.9%) of the mass of the atom, consists of positively charged protons and uncharged neutrons bound together through the strong force. Atoms are classified according to the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus: the number of protons Z corresponds to the serial number of the atom in the periodic system of Mendeleev and determines its belonging to a certain chemical element, and the number of neutrons N - to a specific isotope of this element. The only stable atom that does not contain neutrons in the nucleus is light hydrogen (protium). The Z number also determines the net positive electric charge (Ze) of the atomic nucleus and the number of electrons in a neutral atom, which determines its size. Atoms various types V different quantities connected by interatomic bonds form molecules". .

As we see, it is stated here that "atom is a particle of matter" , but this is wrong!

First of all, modern science has violated the logic of Democritus’s understanding of atoms!

If you use a scale of sizes in your mental constructions, you will definitely end up with the construction of a pyramid with a pointed top, which with its tip indicates the existence of the smallest indivisible material particle, which forms the fundamental basis of the Universe.

And what do modern scientists explain to us with the help of their drawings?

They want to convince everyone that atoms - these are particles of matter that they consist of smaller subatomic particles: electrons and atomic nuclei, which in turn consist of even smaller particles, while they also claim thatatom from ancient Greek ἄτομος - indivisible, uncut.

Sorry, our scientists have some kind of schizophreniait turns out!

If you, dear ones, have discovered particles of matter, and then found that they are divided into smaller particles, then call these particles something in your own way, but do not give them a name "atoms", referring to Democritus! And don’t make a fool of the greatest ancient Greek scientist in this way! Like, "He was wrong when he spoke about the indivisibility of atoms!"

It is you, gentlemen scientists, who are mistaken! Why? - I explained above. The existence of truly indivisible ATOMS is proven by the exact science of GEOMETRY. At the same time, Democritus did not have particles of matter in mind when he built his geometric construction. By atoms he understood the indivisible particles of matter from which everything in the Universe is formed (takes shape)!

Now on this occasion it’s time to remember first button rule:

Now look at what an interesting historical parallel arises: the ancient Greek philosopher Democritus, who gave the world concept of atoms of matter, lived on earth since 460 BC. e. - to 370 BC. e., as all encyclopedias say. Another great educator, whom we know as Christ the Savior, according to the teachings Christian Church, lived four centuries after him, and in his parables he used the idea of ​​Democritus about the “smallest particles” from which everything in the world comes.

It is also known that for the convenience of the perception of complex knowledge even by simple farmers, Christ the Savior used the language of allegory to the maximum extent in order to explain to all people as clearly as possible where exactly God is, where the human soul and all life originate.

Let us read the words of Christ again:

31 Kingdom of Heaven like a mustard seed which a man took and sowed in his field,

32 which, although smaller than all seeds, yet when it grows, is greater than all herbs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and take refuge in its branches.

33 Kingdom of Heaven like leaven which the woman took and put in three measures of flour until it was all leavened.

34 Jesus spoke all these things to the people in parables, and without a parable he did not speak...(Matthew 13:24-34).

We read again and think about it: Kingdom of heaven like mustard seed, which is smaller than all the seeds, and it is similar sourdough, which is put into flour to ferment the dough!

Do you still not understand what mustard seed, leaven and the “Kingdom of Heaven” have in common?

The purpose of this allegory and the purpose of bringing this comparative series is only one - to convey to the consciousness of all who show interest in the questions of the origin of life on earth and the structure of the Universe, the simple principle of existence that “everything big consists of the small and is formed from it, and the small is from even less, and everything in general is formed from the smallest particles of matter (which is the Mother who gives birth to everything in the Universe!)”.

It turns out that that area of ​​the microworld that remains unknown modern science, is precisely the area "Kingdom of Heaven" from the teachings of Christ the Savior!

Even then, in 1996-1997, when I was writing the book “The Geometry of Life,” I wrote in it:

“If the basis of the world is a finite and indivisible particle of matter, then the Self-Generated, Self-Developing and Self-Knowing God is material, just as the “Kingdom of Heaven” in which He dwells is material, and He is eternal, just like Nature is eternal, capable of knowing Itself.

Some readers, having studied everything previous and reached this page, have the right to tell me: “This is the author’s point of view that is not supported by anything!” I also believe that the reader has the right to say so, because no hard evidence has been provided to him.

Christ once convinced people simply: he performed a miracle. Nowadays, a miracle is no longer proof. It has been privatized by all the media and is being shamelessly exploited. Parodies of miracles are literally pouring from TV screens today, fooling people. Thrillers, killers, shows-everything is suitable for fooling the viewer and listener. Therefore, I will not demonstrate any “supernatural” phenomena here, but I invite you to the miracle of insight-a new look at known scientific truths. To do this, I am forced to switch to the language of practical radio engineering and, as briefly as possible, literally introduce you to the ABCs of this science.

Let's consider the circuit symbol known to every schoolchild for an ordinary oscillating circuit, consisting of a capacitor (capacitance) and inductance (coil of wire). Anyone who has studied at school knows that when an electric current flows through a wire coil, a so-called magnetic field is formed around it, the lines of force of which form a torus-shaped volumetric spatial figure, similar to a lifebuoy or steering wheel.

The arrows in the figure indicate the direction of movement (rotation) of the so-called “magnetic field”.

Reference: The “magnetic field” has a pronounced material effect. The effect, for example, will appear when you begin to bring the like poles of two strong magnets closer together. There will be nothing visible between the ends of the magnet, but there will be a tangible resistive force preventing the poles from approaching each other. The “stronger” the magnet, the more difficult it is to bring like poles together. If we begin to influence iron powder with a magnet, then the particles of this powder will line up along the so-called lines of force. The picture of the arrangement of grains of iron powder will give us a visible form of the magnetic field..."

Take in now, reader!

Today even young children know about the magnetic field. Schools and universities teach disciplines called “magnetism” and “electromagnetism.” Teachers of different ranks and with different academic degree they tell how the so-called “magnetic field” is generated, how it interacts with the “electric field”, they even talk about the fact that the “magnetic field” has kinetic energy... However, about what material carrier is located in the so-called “magnetic field” flow" that performs work in electric motors and other electromagnetic devices, not a word is said!

This great mystery is WHAT flows, WHAT changes - students and schoolchildren do not understand it, and teachers do not explain this because they themselves do not know!

But the most curious thing is that all scientists and teachers know that the so-called “magnetic field” is always vortex! That is, it represents a certain vortex motion, which has (like a whirlwind on water!) the following characteristics:

2. rotation speed;

3. flux density (density of the so-called “magnetic flux”).

It is also known, and no one disputes this, that vortex magnetic fields (formations) equally arise both in air space and in airless space, for example, in outer space. And this eloquently suggests that the “physical vacuum” invented by modern scientists simply does not exist! It doesn’t exist, that’s all! There is only airless space called "vacuum"(from Latin vacuus - empty), which is given a precise and correct definition: "vacuum - This space free of matter". ( ).

And now, friends, pay attention! I hope that after reading everything written above, you understand that there is various substance, listed and numbered in D.I. Mendeleev’s Table, and exists matter, from which every substance is formed.

Consequently, a space free from any matter, in which so-called “magnetic fields” can arise and visible and invisible light can propagate, is literally "kingdom of matter", the kingdom of that very “Mother who gives birth to everything in the Universe” from the philosophy of the ancients, or the “Kingdom of Heaven” from the terminology of Christ the Savior!

Hence the conclusion: if nature begins with endless subtle matter, and LIGHT and the invisible “HOLY SPIRIT”, which takes on various forms, are its hypostases, then these two lines from two sacred scriptures can rightfully be considered the immortal truth:

Gospel: "God is light, and in Him there is no darkness..."(1 John 1:5).

Koran: "Allah is the light of heaven and earth"(Sura 24, verse 35).

Part two: "GOD IS LIGHT!"

So two religious teachings - Islam and Christianity- in unison they tell us that The Creator of the world is light!

What is elementary? unit of light as a physical phenomenon?

Quantum physics tells us that the unit of all light radiation is "PHOTON".

Let's read his definition: "Photon(from ancient Greek φῶς, native pad. φωτός, “light”) - an elementary particle, a quantum of electromagnetic radiation (in the narrow sense - light). It is a massless particle, capable of existing in a vacuum only by moving at the speed of light. A photon can only be in two spin states with a projection of the spin onto the direction of motion (helicity) ±1.Classical electrodynamics describes a photon as an electromagnetic wave with circular right-hand or left-hand polarization. From the point of view of classical quantum mechanics, the photon as a quantum particle is characterized by wave-particle duality; it simultaneously exhibits the properties of a particle and a wave." .

Illustrate this Aesopian language academicians from physics I want the following picture, which explains how elementary vortex formation, arising in the depths of the microcosm, may appear in one case as a transverse wave, and in another case as a kind of “energy quantum” that has spatial polarization.

Single microvortex- and there is "quantum of energy", which has spatial polarization.

This idea of ​​the photon clearly shows us that there are no real "transverse vibrations" An elementary particle of light does not perform any motion while moving in space. And what we mean by “frequency” when talking about light is actually the frequency at which the photon rotates around its axis! And this is not directly written about in any textbook!

"Spin(from the English spin, literally - rotation, rotate) - the intrinsic angular momentum of elementary particles, which has a quantum nature and is not associated with the movement of the particle as a whole." .

"Photon - massless neutral particle. The photon spin is 1, but due to its zero rest mass, a more appropriate characteristic is helicity, projection of the particle’s spin onto the direction of motion.” .

Now, friends, forget everything you were taught at school, technical school or university regarding the theory of light and the propagation of so-called “electromagnetic waves” in space.

Since the “first button” in theoretical physics was once “buttoned” incorrectly, then everything else, alas, was also “buttoned” incorrectly!

You are already convinced that scientists lied about everything atoms, passing off as them particles of matter, but hiding the real ones from humanity atoms of matter. At the same time, when the edges of incorrectly “buttoned” theoretical physics stopped meeting for these scientists, they invented "special form of matter". It had to be invented to explain the unique phenomena of electricity and magnetism at a time when these two phenomena began to be intensively studied in Europe, England and America.

This term “special form of matter” was introduced into scientific use in the middle of the 18th century by the US scientist Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), who in one of his works indicated that "electricity is special form of matter, consisting of particles whose sizes are smaller than the particle sizes ordinary substance" . Following him, all other scientists began to use this awkward term to designate particles that were smaller size particles of "ordinary matter". The term “special form of matter” began to be used to describe phenomena associated with various types of “fields”. Light generated by electromagnetic phenomena has also become a “special form of matter” in the theory of modern physics.

At the same time, despite all the lies of scientists regarding the region that is located in my drawing above the nucleus of an atomic substance...

The truth is that photon, an elementary particle of light, is capable of existing in a vacuum (airless space) only by moving with speed of light, and can only be located in two spin states with projection of the spin onto the direction of motion (helicity) ±1,- as written in the encyclopedia.

And indeed, any vortex formation may have either right direction of rotation, or left direction of rotation..., as, by the way, swastika, which was once embroidered on the ceremonial clothes of the priests of the "Russian Orthodox Church" and served as a symbol of the "Holy Spirit".

Swastika of left and right rotation on the deacon's vestment (16th century). Now it is an exhibit in the museum of the Novodevichy Convent in Moscow. The monastery itself was built in 1524, in 100 extra years before the famous Nikon reform.

The non-coincidence of the presence of swastika symbols on the ancient clothes of Orthodox priests is explained by the historian A. von Fricken, author of the pre-revolutionary work “Roman Catacombs and Monuments of Early Christian Art.” (M., 1872).

"One of the central places in the symbolic language of early Christians is occupied by swastika: “The gammatic cross is found on Christian monuments, primarily next to epitaphs, before Constantine. We see it next to a 3rd century inscription from the catacombs of the city of Chiusi in Tuscany; on a tombstone of Roman origin, now preserved in the collection of antiquities of the city of Bergamo, together with the monogram of Constantine, near the epitaph of the year 363 and accompanied by a monogram, a wreath and a palm. In many other examples, an equilateral cross with curved ends is a replenishment of catacomb tombstones, either separately next to the name of the deceased, or between A and Q. The same sign is repeated several times on a Christian sarcophagus of the 4th century (now in the city of Milan).”[With. 154; 519].

And this early Christian wall painting, discovered in the catacombs of Priscilla in Rome, dated to the 2nd century new era, directly points to the fact that the swastika in early Christianity was used as a symbolic image of the “Holy Spirit”.

On the right is the original drawing discovered in the catacombs of Priscila in Rome, on the left is the same one, restored.

This image was interpreted by experts as follows: "holy communion(vessel with a swastika), which is awarded to the soul of the righteous (dove) in the heavenly abodes."

It is not at all easy that I have now made a sharp transition from the theory of light to the image of the swastika (the symbol of rotation) and talked about its use in early Christianity as a symbol of the “Holy Spirit”.

In the language of ancient scientists (Latin) "Holy Spirit"- This Spiritus Sanctus. Just "Spirit"(The Gospels state: "God is spirit"(John 4:24)) - Spiritus.

Latin word with the same root spir - spīralis(spiral in Russian) means literally "coil, curl". And another Latin word spiro, containing the same root spir, translated from Latin into Russian means "to blow, to blow, to be alive" .

What prevents this religious and at the same time natural-scientific idea of ​​the ancients about the divine essence from being mentally correlated with the already familiar picture of an elementary particle of light - the photon, as it is represented by modern natural-scientific theory?!

There you are Spiritus(Perfume spīralis(spiral, vortex) at the same time, the symbol of which in ancient times was the so-called “Aryan swastika”.

Floor mosaic in the ancient Jordan, the temple of St. Cosmas and St. Dominian, discovered by archaeologists in the twentieth century.

By the way, according to the electronic encyclopedia, the word "alcohol"(alcohol) appeared in the Russian language exactly during the times Peter I(1672-1725) through English word spirit, which, in turn, comes from the Latin Spiritus - "spirit, breath, soul" (Wikipedia ). This can be regarded as mockery and mockery of the non-Russian sovereign of Russia over the state-forming Russian people.

26 year old Peter I Romanov.

So, we have learned that in the very depths of the microcosm, beyond all matter, that is, in the deep vacuum of space, the finest matter (“dark matter,” as some now call it) is hidden from our eyes, from which not only everything in the Universe is created , but also which literally “breathes” light of different frequencies, both in the range we see and in the invisible.

Most galaxies in the Universe are spiral! This image of deep space was taken Hubble telescope, launched jointly by the United States and the European Union into low-Earth orbit.

The finest omnipresent “dark matter”, in addition to the fact that it is infinite in the Universe, it also passes through all matter and through each of the living entities on Earth. At the same time, it participates in energy-informational communication with literally every living cell.

So, now I move on to the most important thing that I learned in 1996 from the revelations that began to come to me through the channel of intuition.

Let's look again at the drawing from my book "Geometry of Life":

I hope the reader already understands the location of the “Kingdom of Heaven”. The “Higher Mind” is also located there, to which some people sometimes connect and receive unique knowledge from there.

I note that all the stories in " scriptures"of different peoples of the world who tell us that some prophet heard the voice of God who told him some information or gave him some commandment, this is actually an artistic retelling of just such cases (or a parody of such cases) when a person with his consciousness found himself connected via a high-frequency communication channel to divine matrix, called in Christianity the "Kingdom of Heaven".


This is probably how you need to imagine the “Higher Mind,” Self-born in the kingdom of divine matter, as the creators of the film “The Matrix” imagined Him.

It is curious that blindly believing people dream of going to this “Kingdom of Heaven” when they die! At the same time, there is a phrase in the Gospels that encourages people to fall into Him during their lifetime: “From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forced upon us, and those who use force take it by force.” . (Matt. 11, 12).

It turns out that the original meaning of Christianity, most likely, was to teach people living on earth to make direct contact with the invisible God and receive grace from him in the form of special opportunities and special knowledge for doing good deeds. By the way, this is also hinted at by the phrase of the Apostle Paul, obviously addressed to some unreasonable people: “Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and the Spirit of God dwells in you?” (1 Corinthians 3:16).

I think it’s possible to stop the story here. The knowledge presented above, in my opinion, is quite enough for those who read my story to have a correct understanding of where to look with their minds "the omnipresent and invisible Creator".

I also hope that my readers will never have the desire to ask astronauts who have been in space: “Didn’t you see God there?!”

Wednesday, February 25, marks the 179th anniversary of one of the most popular weapons in human history - the Colt revolver. Let's remember the history of one of the main symbols of America, about which there was a famous proverb: “God made people strong and weak. Colonel Colt evened their chances."

Samuel Colt with one of his revolvers.
Samuel Colt was born in 1814 in Kentucky into the family of a farmer who moved to the city to do business. Samuel Colt's mother died of tuberculosis when he was six. Her father was an officer in the Continental Army, which fought for the independence of the States from England, so it is not surprising that little Samuel’s first toy was his grandfather’s flintlock pistol.
Samuel received his primary education at a rural school, where he was introduced to the Compedium of Knowledge, a popular scientific encyclopedia at that time. Reading this book gave Samuel much more pleasure than reading the Bible. The future inventor was especially impressed by articles about gunpowder and ​Robert Fulton, the inventor of the steamboat.
At the age of 15, Sumuel begins working part-time in his father's textile factory, where he gains access to tools, materials and professional skills of the workers. Taking an article from the same encyclopedia as instructions, he designs his own galvanic cell. With his help, he arranges a demonstration underwater explosion in a local pond on Independence Day, which impresses the townspeople.
Having then become a student at a boarding school for some time, Samuel did nothing but entertain his classmates with pyrotechnics. One of these pranks caused a fire at the school, which meant the end of Samuel's education. After this, his father sends him to study seamanship on the brig Corvo.
As the inventor later said, it was what he saw on the brig that inspired him to create his revolver. While still a teenager, Colt heard a conversation between two soldiers about the success of the double-barreled rifle and the impossibility of creating a pistol that could fire five or six times without reloading. Even then, Samuel decided that he would certainly deal with this problem in the future.
Colt was inspired by the helm of the ship he was sailing on. Whatever direction the captain chose, each of the spokes of the wheel always formed a straight line with a special coupling where it could be secured. This mechanism secured the steering wheel in a certain place regardless of its position.
Immediately on the ship, Colt assembles from scrap wood a model of his Pepperbox revolver with an automatically rotating barrel, the idea of ​​which was inspired by the mechanism for securing the steering wheel.

This is what Pepperbox revolvers looked like
Pepperbox revolvers by this time were the latest fashion in small arms. They had several rotating barrels, which made it possible not to reload the weapon after each shot. But rotation was usually carried out manually, which was time-consuming; in addition, the multi-barrel concept greatly affected the accuracy and reliability of the weapon.

The number of barrels in Pepperbox revolvers reached 24, as in this example from the Belgian company Mariette.
Colt's innovation was that he came up with a reliable mechanism for automatically rotating the barrels after each pull of the trigger so that they were locked exactly opposite the bolt. This was the first step towards a single-barrel multi-shot revolver.
After returning to the USA, Colt returns to work at his father's factory, but this time he is already doing his favorite thing - designing weapons. However easy life did not last long, soon the father ran out of money that he could invest in his son’s production, and he had to start earning money on his own.
To do this, Colt chooses a very unusual method - he creates a mobile laboratory for the synthesis of laughing gas, with which he travels around America. But the inventor remains true to his dream and, after some time, having collected a little accumulated money, decides to invest it in the production of the first revolver.
By this time, Colt had already abandoned the idea of ​​a multi-barreled weapon in favor of a single barrel and a rotating drum. Having borrowed another $300 from his father's friend, Samuel hires a gunsmith to create the first copy of his revolver. This process took several years and on February 25, 1836, Colt finally patented his invention in the United States under the name Colt Patterson, in honor of the city where the production of the revolver was located. In addition, he also receives a similar patent in the UK.

The next model, the Colt Dragoon, was designed for shooting from a horse. It was lighter than its predecessor, and the design resolved some of the problems that Walker owners had encountered.

Next was a Colt Wells Fargo revolver, apparently designed for the Wells Fargo company, which was engaged in transportation. Oddly enough, but despite the coincidence of names, there is no evidence that the revolver is actually related to transport company there are none left.

This model became especially popular among security guards, detectives and gold miners, of whom there were more than enough at that time - the Gold Rush was in full swing. This revolver was distinguished by its light weight and size, which made it easy to hide under clothing.
During the Civil War, one of the most popular small arms was the Colt Army revolver. It was latest model, released during the lifetime of Samuel Colt, who died in 1863.

The official cause of death was gout, although there were persistent rumors of poisoning. The fact is that during the Civil War, Colt, being a resident of the northern state, without a twinge of conscience sold 2000 brand new revolvers to the Confederate army, which, of course, many did not like.
To justify Samuel, it can be said that he did not fundamentally distinguish between buyers and always tried to sell his weapons to both sides of any conflict. For example, during his visit to Turkey, he assured Sultan Abdulmecid I that Russians had been buying his revolvers for a long time, which persuaded him to place a large-scale order. Colt's words were true, but he kept silent about the fact that he had previously said the same thing to the Russians about the Turks.

  1. At age 15, Samuel was expelled from school after he set fire to a building while trying to set off fireworks for his classmates.

  2. Rotating cylinder designs were already known in the 16th century (see illustration), but only Colt was able to create a revolver that was convenient to use and could be mass-produced.

  3. According to legend, the phrase “The Lord created people strong and weak” is written on the tombstone of the legendary gunsmith. Samuel Colt evened their chances." In fact, only his name and dates of life are engraved on the gravestone.

  4. To earn money to produce prototypes of his weapons, Colt traveled around America under the pseudonym “The Illustrious Doctor Colt” and demonstrated the effects of laughing gas on volunteers.

  5. In 1847, Colt received a government order for one thousand revolvers. This helped Samuel open his own production. His good acquaintance, the Texas Ranger Captain Walker, helped the gunsmith receive the order. Yes, the same one after which Chuck Norris named the series you watched as a child!

  6. The fame of Colt revolvers owes to the same Walker and fifteen of his rangers, who were patrolling the area and encountered a detachment of eighty Comanches. Thanks to their revolvers, the rangers killed 35 Indians and emerged victorious from the battle.

  7. Colt did not have official ranks and titles and this prevented him from performing representative functions (many high ranks abroad refused to accept a private person), so Samuel persuaded the governor to allow him honorary title"Colonel" This is how Colt presented himself in Europe, although he did not serve a single day in the army.

  8. Colt visited Russia three times and met with the emperors: Nicholas I and Alexander II, to whom he presented collectible samples of his weapons.

  9. Colt did not shy away from not entirely legal operations. For example, there is a known case when a batch of his pistols (almost 3,500 pieces) was discovered at customs, which they tried to smuggle from Belgium to Russia. In correspondence with his brother, Samuel admitted that he was forced to spend 100 thousand dollars (approximately 2 million in terms of current prices) to hush up this story.

  10. Colt was a brilliant industrialist; he mechanized the production process as much as possible for his time. At an exhibition in London in 1851, Samuel disassembled ten of his revolvers, mixed the parts, and then assembled them and showed them all ready to fire. Those present were shocked.

  11. Samuel Colt died at the age of 47. Not in a shootout, from simple gout. By this time he had become one of the richest people countries. His fortune in today's money was $300 million.

July 19, 1814 was born Samuel Colt(Samuel Colt). The legendary American engineer Samuel Colt is known as the inventor of the most famous individual small arms, named after him, and the proverb that says: “God made men great and small, and Colonel Colt equalized their chances.” This is where the mistake of most ordinary people lies, believing that Mr. Colt was a military designer and even worked for the government (like our national pride, Mikhail Kalashnikov).

Russia is threatened with weapons

In reality, the American army and police forces did not immediately receive the automatic pistol invented by Colt. For a long time, Samuel was mistaken for an eccentric who invents things that no one needs, which seemed like toys to others. He would have been considered a city madman, but the guy was the son of the owner of a factory where fabrics were produced. However, the rich son did not grow up as a barchuk, but from the age of 9 he worked hard at his father’s enterprise, where he created his first four-barreled pistol, which fired four bullets simultaneously. A very heavy weapon with such strong recoil that when fired, it could cripple the shooter himself.

Samuel Colt was born on July 19, 1814 in the town of Hartford (Connecticut). For his birthday, 4-year-old Samuel was given a bronze toy gun. The inquisitive kid stole a handful of gunpowder from his father’s hunting horn and the pistol exploded in his hands with a terrible roar, enveloping the child in clouds of black smoke. This was his first introduction to firearms, but far from the last experiment of the novice pyrotechnician. At the age of 15, Samuel entered Amhera University. Within the walls of his alma mater, the boy conducted an experiment with a sea mine, which turned into a loud explosion and an equally loud scandal. The student was expelled. The future creator of the legendary revolver hired himself as a sailor on the merchant ship Corvo. Watching the operation of a capstan - a mechanism in the form of a large drum for selecting anchor or mooring ropes with sockets for a stopper - he was struck by the idea of ​​​​replacing the gun lock with a rotating drum. They say that Colt assembled the first wooden model of his revolver on board the ship.

It must be admitted that the very idea of ​​​​using a drum for charging was not new, but it was Colt who was the first to think of combining the operation of the trigger mechanism with the rotation of this drum, which led to the appearance of a capsule revolver. The ingenious invention not only made its way, but its inventor had the same penetration power as his weapon. On February 25, 1836, 22-year-old Samuel Colt received a patent for his first revolver.

A year earlier, with the help of his businessman uncle, he opened the Patent Arms Manufacturing Co. and weapons factory in Paterson, New Jersey. The first model of the 38 caliber revolver was named Colt Paterson. His 9 mm bullet from a distance of 20 yards (18.29 m) pierced 3 pine boards each one inch thick (762 mm). All five charges could be fired in 5 seconds, and the handle, carved from walnut wood, made the revolver easy to handle.

Even the famous Texas Rangers, who appreciated the advantages of a repeating revolver, could not save his father American pistol. A group of rangers led by Jack Hayes unexpectedly encountered Indians near the Pedernails River. Having brought a large group of horsemen within shooting range, the Texas boys fired several continuous volleys at them, which demoralized the Comanche attackers. After several similar episodes, when small groups of Rangers completely defeated large hordes of Redskins, Colt's revolver began to be proudly called "Texas".

However, the Colt product, which cost only $20, was sold in small quantities, and the US military department, having purchased 100 pieces for testing, refused to continue the deal, declaring this revolver “yesterday.” Five years later, the Patent Arms Manufacturing Co. plant was closed. There are only two thousand bucks left in the pocket of the self-taught engineer. Samuel Colt, commissioned American government, developed sea ​​mine with an electric fuse, together with his namesake Samuel Morse, he launched the production of underwater telephone cables. It’s not for nothing that it is said that to whom war belongs, to whom mother is dear! The war with Mexico showed the merits of the new weapon to the soldiers and officers of the US Army. In Texas, conquered by the Americans, Jack Hayes formed a regiment of rangers and ordered a thousand revolvers for them - two per brother! Another Texan, a certain Sam Walker, suggested that Colt make some changes to the design. Advice from an experienced soldier helped create a new revolver model Colt Walker.

Since 1847, by order of the government, it began industrial production this type firearms. In 1848, near his native Hartford, Samuel Colt purchased a wasteland on which he built an arms factory, which is still in operation today. Colt's company "Colt's Patent Fire Arms Manufacturing Company" can be said to have armed all of America without a stretch. Already in the first year, the plant produced up to 150 "barrels" per day. The plant in Paterson switched to the production of expensive piece revolvers. The buyers of Colt's products were cowboys of the Wild Westerners and nouveau riche from the East Coast, terrorists, bandits and revolutionaries.Italian independence fighter Giuseppe Garibaldi sent a personal letter of gratitude to the inventor.

The governor of Connecticut awarded Colt the title of colonel because a famous and wealthy businessman (his fortune was estimated at $15 million) supported him in the elections. Samuel Colt died on January 10, 1862 at the age of 47, having survived Crimean War, the American Civil War between North and South and numerous skirmishes and clashes, one of the main characters in which was his brainchild, spewing deadly lead.