As soon as fruits and berries are used in cooking: they make jam, compotes, even salads, bake cakes and pies, add them to ice cream and sauces... We remind you that you can safely make fruit tea from them! In winter it will warm you and provide you with vitamins, and in summer it will refresh you and give you vigor. Some interesting recipes preparing such delicious drinks We have collected below - take note!

Vitamin fruit mix

First of all we will provide you with universal recipe fruit tea, in which you can use absolutely any fruit, berries and their combinations. To get a super vitamin drink, it is better to combine several fruits and other ingredients, on average from 3 to 5, for example, the following combine well:

  • plums, pears, lemon and other citrus fruits;
  • apples, kiwi, bananas;
  • orange, pineapple, grapes;
  • cherries, peaches, citrus fruits;
  • bananas, strawberries, mangoes;
  • mint, pineapple and other tropical fruits;
  • pears, apples, ginger and raisins;
  • apples, mangoes and blackcurrants;
  • persimmon, pear, kumquat.

Naturally, you can come up with your own flavor combinations. We will tell you how to make fruit tea from 7 delicious, healthy and familiar ingredients: apples, pears, watermelon, kiwi, strawberries, lemon and honey. The steps are as follows:

  1. Take a small handful of well-washed, peeled and diced apples, strawberries, pears, kiwi, watermelon and a few slices of lemon.
  2. Grind the fruit in a blender for just a few seconds.
  3. We put fruit puree into a teapot and add a tablespoon of liquid honey on top. Mix.
  4. Place a couple of lemon slices on top; We can also add a few whole pieces of fruit used for puree.
  5. Pour boiling water over it and let it brew for five minutes if you want to drink the vitamin tea hot. For lovers of cold drinks, it is better to pour fruit tea warm water and wait for it to cool completely, adding a few ice cubes if desired.

Fruit puree can also be added to your favorite black/green tea. Also, you don’t have to grind chopped fruits in a blender, but simply pour boiling water over them, but such a drink will be more like a compote, and in the case of iced tea, the taste will be less rich. Experiment!

Delicious tea with dried fruits

Despite all the charm and benefits of fresh fruits and berries, many people like to make tea from dried fruits, because it is very convenient: you just need to pour boiling water over it, leave it to steep, and you can enjoy a wonderful, tasty drink. Therefore, we invite you to learn how to prepare dry fruits for tea.

Although some vitamins may be lost during the drying process, in general other important antioxidants and fiber are not lost. By the way, you can not only make fruit tea from dried fruits: for example, they make very unusual and aromatic fruit chips that you can take with you to school/work as a snack. You can also eat pieces of sweet dried fruit as a snack with regular tea and coffee drinks, so as not to add sugar.

In our case, we took the following fruits and berries, which are among the sweetest:

  • banana;
  • kiwi;
  • persimmon;
  • strawberry.

Ready! You can now pour boiling water over the dried slices, let it brew for 10-15 minutes and drink sweet, tasty and healthy tea.

Watermelon iced tea

The following fruit tea recipe includes one of nature's favorite summer gifts - watermelon! It not only perfectly refreshes and quenches thirst, but also strengthens immune system, and also starts metabolism and promotes weight loss. To prepare it, take the following ingredients:

  • 1-2 tablespoons of loose leaf white tea;
  • 1 watermelon;
  • 1/2 lemon;
  • a slice of ginger;
  • mint;
  • ice cubes.

We strongly recommend using white tea in this recipe, since it is minimally processed and incredibly healthy: it cleanses the body of toxins, contains much more antioxidants, fluorides and bioflavonoids than other types of tea, and has an antimicrobial effect. It is better to take loose leaf tea, but you can also take bagged tea - use 2 bags at once. It is worth noting that white tea is not cheap, so if necessary, replace it with green tea. Let's start cooking:

Spicy fruit tea with kumquats

Here is a recipe for fruit tea that will delight lovers of healthy and delicious drinks with a touch of exoticism. The main ingredient is kumquat - a citrus fruit called the “Japanese orange” and very popular in Asian countries, but sometimes appearing on the shelves of our supermarkets. Kumquat has a very spicy and unusual taste, it can be both sweet and sour. Kumquat fruit tea is very popular in Taiwanese cafes, but you can make it at home too! So, we will need:

  • kumquat - about 24 pcs.;
  • lime - 3-5 pcs.;
  • sugar - 110-130 g;
  • honey - 170 g;
  • drinking water - 120-140 ml.

IN original recipe unrefined cane sugar is used: it not only contains a number of useful microelements, which are not found in refined sugar, but also gives the drink a pleasant caramel flavor. However, you can replace it with regular white sugar.

This recipe is caffeine-free and fruit-based only, but you can add it to regular tea leaves if you prefer.

Ice peach tea

And the last fruit tea that we will advise you to prepare is a refreshing iced tea with peaches, which ideally quenches your thirst in the hot summer, and is also very pleasing to the taste buds. To prepare a large jug of the drink, you will need:

  • tea - 3 bags;
  • 1.5 liters of clean drinking water;
  • 225 g sugar;
  • 470 ml water (for syrup);
  • 3 fresh peaches.

It is recommended to take black tea, then you will get something very similar to everyone’s favorite but harmful store-bought iced tea like Lipton. But if you wish, you can take your favorite tea - green, white, combined, etc.

You will see a detailed recipe for making this drink in the following video:

Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

Read also on our website:

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Homemade lemonade - how to make this tasty, healthy and so refreshing drink in the heat yourself? What ingredients are traditionally used to diversify the taste of lemonade? We will share with you recipes for the best summer drinks, which are much tastier than store-bought ones.

Fruit tea with a bright and juicy taste will not only warm you up in the winter cold, but also refresh you. The main thing is to brew it correctly.

Fruit tea

There are long debates about which type of drink fruit tea should be classified as: teas or compotes?

Although the name of the drink contains the word “tea,” it almost never contains tea leaves, but consists exclusively of pieces of fruit, flowers, leaves and berries.

The basis for most fruit compositions is hibiscus, which gives fruit tea a unique floral freshness and a special pronounced sourness.

In addition to Sudanese rose leaves, cinnamon and citrus fruits are sometimes used as a base for fruit blends.

Benefits of fruit tea

Thanks to the gentle drying regime, the leaves and fruits of the fruit trees that make up the fruit tea retain all the beneficial substances, organic acids and groups B, C and P almost unchanged in form and quantity.

Fruit tea has a general strengthening and. It has no contraindications; children, the elderly, and pregnant women can drink it, with rare exceptions in cases of individual intolerance or allergies.

Making tea

Preheat the porcelain or earthenware teapot by rinsing it with boiling water. Place the fruit mixture in the teapot at the rate of 1-2 teaspoons per cup of tea.

The boiling water for brewing tea must be fresh, that is, boiled only once, and the water for preparing it must be.

Do not immediately pour freshly prepared boiling water over the fruit mixture. The temperature of the water for brewing should be about 80-85 0 C.

Otherwise essential oils, included in tea ingredients, under the influence high temperature will instantly evaporate and the tea will lose its unique aroma.

After letting the tea brew for 9-10 minutes, pour it into cups that need to be preheated, rinsing with boiling water.

Enjoy your meal!

In previous articles on our website we discussed in detail in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases, and also described what should be used when preparing amaranth tea to give it a special taste and enhance its beneficial effects.

Today we propose to consider what dried fruits and berries can and should be added to amaranth tea to give it a special taste and aroma. And, of course, make it a little more useful.

Beneficial properties of fruit tea

Even if you add pieces of dried fruits or berries to regular black tea, it will become incredibly beneficial for the whole body, providing:

  • tonic effect on the body;
  • activation of immunity;
  • removal from the body of toxins, waste and other negative substances accumulated over many years;
  • eliminating the feeling of thirst;
  • lowering cholesterol levels (if you drink this tea regularly);
  • complete saturation of the body with fluid, without which its normal functioning is impossible;
  • saturating the body with vitamins and minerals.

Note. Interestingly, you can make fruit tea yourself by combining virtually any fruit according to at will. As a result, you will be able to brew a real fruit mix. And by constantly changing the ingredients, creating new combinations, you will be able to brew a new, but always tasty and healthy drink.

How to brew fruit tea correctly?

Exist certain rules brewing fruit tea, following which you can get a rich taste.

  1. The teapot should be rinsed with boiling water so that it warms up thoroughly.
  2. Use only clean water, not straight from the tap. Yes, you will boil it, but this will not deprive it of the characteristic and not very pleasant taste that is characteristic of water from a municipal pipeline.
  3. The tea leaves must be filled with water whose temperature does not exceed 80 degrees. More hot water leads to the destruction of vitamins, minerals, extreme evaporation of essential oils.
  4. It takes no more than ten minutes to brew amaranth tea with fruit.

How to prepare fruit?

Fresh fruits and berries are not added to tea. Dried ones are more effective. Moreover, by making a supply in the summer, when fruits and berries are sold at affordable prices, you will create for yourself a real vitamin set that you will use in the fall, winter and spring, until the new fruit harvest appears.

It is important to adhere to the basic rules for drying fruits and berries, which we will tell you about in the section below.

Dry outdoors

The most ancient, simple and accessible method of obtaining dried fruits and berries. It requires:

  • collect the fruits you want to dry;
  • prepare a baking sheet;
  • send it with paper, parchment is best for these purposes;
  • lay out sliced ​​fruits in a thin layer;
  • place the baking tray in a place where direct sunlight does not penetrate;
  • It is recommended to cover the baking sheet with gauze at night.

Usually 4-5 days are enough for complete drying, but it happens that the fruits are cooked even faster.

Note. Monitor the condition of your preparations so as not to overdry them. In particular, pears and apples are optimal if they are chewed.

Dry in the oven

The advantages of this method are that it can be used in any weather, even when it suddenly rains outside for several days and the air temperature is not favorable for drying the fruit.

Sequence of procedure:

  • prepare the fruits, cut them;
  • Place baking paper on the bottom of the baking tray;
  • Spread the fruit over it in an even thin layer;
  • preheat the oven to 70 degrees;
  • place a baking tray inside;
  • drying lasts from 6 to 10 hours, sometimes more;
  • It is important to monitor the temperature level in the oven and reheat periodically.

Dry in an electric dryer

Suitable for those who already have an electric dryer. This device is not cheap, but it is easy to use and quite effective:

  • fruits are cut;
  • laid out on trays;
  • the device turns on;
  • ten hours later you get ready-made dried fruits.

General drying rules

In addition, it is important to follow several general rules drying:

  • fruits and berries must be fresh;
  • choose only whole ones, without traces of impacts, not damaged by worms, etc.;
  • Before drying, fruits must be washed and, if necessary, peeled.

Note. Apples and pears may darken when dried, which not everyone likes. To avoid this, it is recommended to soak the cut fruits in lemon juice for about five minutes.

Fruit additives for amaranth tea

We have selected for you the best fruit additives for amaranth tea. We focused primarily on those fruits and berries that grow in our area, although the list also includes exotic, but familiar and always available in stores.

Except for lemon, almost everything is added to tea anyway. And not dried, but fresh.

In the description below, we suggest one amaranth tea supplement at a time, but you can easily combine several.

As has long been known, if you eat one apple a day, you can forget about visiting the doctor. Apples are especially high in potassium and vitamin A.

Tea with the addition of apple also provides quite a lot of nutrients:

  • vitamins E, C;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • potassium;
  • catechin and others.

Therefore, apple tea is an excellent way to fill the body with vitamins and microelements.

The main advantages of this tea are that it increases protective properties the body, helps fight arthritis and other inflammatory processes, and acts as an excellent preventive agent for lung, prostate, and colon cancer.

Regular consumption of apple tea will also be an excellent prevention of any cardiovascular diseases.

note . Drinking apple tea is contraindicated for pregnant and breastfeeding women. Also, if you are taking medications, be sure to consult your doctor as apple tea may react with medications.

Dried strawberry pieces add a special taste and aroma to tea. Naturally, they will strengthen it too beneficial features.

After all, strawberries contain a large number of vitamins B, C, E, as well as various types of minerals, including:

  • folic acid;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • manganese;
  • and others.

Don't forget about fiber. This is why strawberries help normalize arterial pressure, protect the heart, prevent stroke, strengthen bones and teeth, activate the immune system, optimize metabolic processes, prevent processes premature aging, perform cancer prevention, etc. And salicylic acid is an excellent antipyretic.

In general, strawberry tea is an excellent way to fully improve your health. Especially when the main brew is amaranth!

Note. Strawberries are an excellent aphrodisiac for both men and women. And strawberry tea helps overcome depression, loss of strength and just a gloomy mood.

Dried raspberries also add not only a pleasant flavor to tea, but also make it healthier. Naturally, the first thing everyone will remember is that raspberry tea great way bring down a high temperature without fear of the consequences that may arise when taking antibiotics. Vitamins and antioxidants bring down the temperature, remove toxins and fill the body with strength.

  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin E;
  • magnesium;
  • folic acid.

It is this set that can significantly increase the chances of pregnancy. For men, raspberry tea is useful with a set of vitamins that help activate sperm.

As mentioned above, raspberry tea removes toxins from the body, harmful substances, for example, those that can provoke the development of cancer.

Note. Drinking raspberry tea is not recommended during pregnancy, a tendency to allergic reactions, the presence of stones in the bladder or kidneys. It is also contraindicated for those who have poor blood clotting. After all, as you know, raspberries thin the blood (that’s why it’s so effective at high temperatures).

Strawberries must not only be properly dried, but also collected. So, they must be fully ripe, and they must be harvested only in dry weather.

Interestingly, dried berries store vitamins, minerals, and beneficial substances for two years!

If we talk about the beneficial properties of strawberry tea, it is probably easier to say in what cases it will be useless. If such situations exist, of course! Strawberry tea will become an indispensable bio-additive for virtually all diseases, enhancing the effect of amaranth tea, activating the overall therapeutic effect in complex treatment.

Cherry is another great addition to amaranth tea, making it even more tasty and healthy.

In addition, it retains absolutely all the beneficial substances found in fresh berries - these are:

  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • zinc;
  • and other minerals;
  • vitamin C;
  • various antioxidants, etc.

Considering the excellent composition of cherries, its beneficial properties are not surprising, including:

  • protection against premature aging;
  • effective cleansing of the intestines from waste and toxins;
  • normalization metabolic processes in organism;
  • boosting immunity.

Most often it is customary to dry black currants, however, both white and red ones will be an excellent addition to tea in the cold season.

Currants are rich in vitamin C, surpassing everyone's favorite lemon in this indicator. Therefore, it is recommended to strengthen the immune system. Currant berries also have anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties. So, if respiratory diseases, acute respiratory viral infections or acute respiratory infections are detected, amaranth tea with currant additives will be excellent additional means to fight the disease.

In addition to vitamin C, currant berries contain other vitamins (K, B, P, E) and many minerals and trace elements, including zinc, iron and others.

Currant berries, like currant tea, will be an excellent prophylactic against:

  • diabetes;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • other chronic diseases;
  • oncology;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

And presence in large numbers folic acid helps to perform a complete cleansing of the body. Many phytocindes help fight fungi.

Tea has excellent organoleptic properties if you add a little dried apricots to it. Not to mention its beneficial properties.

Dried apricots are another natural storehouse of vitamins and minerals– phosphorus, calcium and many others. In addition, it contains an incredible amount of carbohydrates, and therefore dried apricots are recommended as an excellent product for restoring strength.

In general, dried apricots are another product that will definitely strengthen your body, strengthen your immune defense and give you strength.

Amaranth tea with exotic fruits

Now let's talk about what exotic fruits can be added to amaranth tea to enhance it taste properties and make it even more useful. Although they have long been conditionally exotic for us, because they are actually presented on store shelves in large quantities all year round- This:

  • oranges;
  • passion fruit;
  • pineapples.

Passion fruit attracts not only its unique,
rich and bright taste, but also rich in nutrients. It would take a very long time to list all the vitamins and minerals. Let's note all B vitamins, vitamins K, H, C, E, potassium, iodine, sodium, magnesium, iron, fluorine, iron, beta-carotene. And this is not a complete list.

It also helps cope with cholesterol, and also helps you fall asleep faster, since it has a calming and relaxing effect on the body.

In the regions where this wonderful fruit grows, it is widely used in folk medicine in the treatment of many diseases:

  • to reduce pain due to gout;
  • as a diuretic and bactericidal natural drug for genitourinary diseases;
  • as a laxative for certain diseases of the digestive system;
  • to eliminate headaches;
  • to combat depressive moods;
  • to alleviate the condition of women during menopause, etc.

Orange is another citrus fruit that will help saturate the body with many vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which will ultimately allow you to:

  • protect the body from premature aging;
  • produce a calming effect on the nervous system;
  • but at the same time it gives strength;
  • overcome stressful situations;
  • cope with depressive moods;
  • defeat infections and flu;
  • act as a prevention of cancer, etc.

Note. You should not overuse teas with orange and other citrus fruits, because this can lead to an excess of antioxidants in the body, which will harm the kidneys and liver. In addition, too many citrus fruits should not be consumed by those people who have been diagnosed with hypercidal gastritis, stomach ulcers, or duodenal ulcers.

Dried pineapples not only give tea a unique, pleasant taste, but due to their sweetness, they can even replace sugar.

Pineapples contain many essential microelements, including potassium, iron, zinc and others. Among the positive properties of dried pineapple:

  • elimination of edema;
  • decline negative impact stress;
  • improving mood and combating depression;
  • improved digestion.

Note. There is evidence that pineapple supposedly helps overcome the craving for smoking. But how reliable they are has not yet been established. Although research has been done.

A substance such as bromelain, which helps in the breakdown of proteins, deserves special mention, and therefore it is indispensable if it is necessary to neutralize the unpleasant feeling of nausea and heaviness in the stomach. In addition to this property, bromelain is also good because it reduces blood clotting, thereby fighting blood clots.

Do not forget about the presence of vitamin C, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, which makes even dried pineapple extremely useful for nervous system, heart, thyroid gland. It is an excellent preventative against arthritis, diabetes, colds, flu and other colds.

Amaranth tea with fruits and berries: to summarize

As you can see, amaranth tea can be supplemented with a variety of dried fruits and berries, which will give the hot drink a special taste and enhance its beneficial properties.

You have the right to decide for yourself which components to add to your tea - it can be either one fruit or berry, or a combination of any of them.

In the following articles we will briefly go over those herbal and fruit supplements that were not included in the first two materials.

Fruit tea is a drink whose taste and aroma is created by a mixture of berries, flowers, leaves, and fruits. The classic recipe excludes the use of tea leaves, but the beauty and uniqueness of such tea lies in its exclusivity and the possibility of creating unique recipes. For example, in the summer, drinks based on green tea with lemon are wonderfully refreshing, and in the winter, you can prepare a hot, aromatic treat for friends using black tea with the addition of fruit.

The main feature of the drink is the absence of caffeine, of course, if it does not contain tea leaves. That is why berry tea based on aromatic herbs, berries and fruits, in the absence of contraindications, can be drunk without restrictions.

Fruit treat recipes infinite set, but the main components of tea are citrus fruits, apples, blueberries, strawberries, strawberries, hibiscus. You can drink fruit tea either chilled or hot.

Spice lovers add mint, cinnamon, cardamom, and cloves.

The combination of various components allows you to get not only a tasty, but also a healthy, vitamin-rich drink. Fruit and berry tea:

  • in the hot season it perfectly quenches thirst, and in winter it warms;
  • it is a record holder for the content of vitamins and microelements;
  • perfectly refreshes and tones;
  • has a general strengthening effect, increases immunity;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • Naturally cleanses the body of waste and toxins;
  • normalizes cholesterol levels and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

You can strengthen or weaken certain properties of fruit tea by changing the composition and adjusting the blend. Drinks based on dried fruits are very popular. This is explained by the fact that the vast majority of fruits after drying retain their beneficial substances and bring maximum benefit. In addition, due to its availability, you can easily make tea based on dried fruits at home at any time.

Fruit drink recipes

The blend for preparing the drink can be purchased at a specialized store or made at home with your own hands.

Recipe No. 1. Equally delicious with or without tea leaves. The main blend consists of lemon slices, grated ginger, chopped apples, oranges, pineapples, black currants, with sugar or honey added as a sweetener. It is necessary to boil water and cool it slightly, to approximately 80 degrees. This water is poured into the fruit mixture for five minutes. Then add lemon, ginger, sweetener and leave for another five minutes.

Note: If you are using tea leaves in a recipe, you will need to infuse them first. hot water and prepare green or black tea, the fruit blend is added after.

Recipe No. 2 “Spicy”. Excellent product for warming up cold weather. The ingredients used are cranberries, apple, black currant, cinnamon, honey, ginger, allspice, cardamom.

To prepare, you will need glassware; boil water in it with added sugar and spices for five minutes. Then add the prepared fruits and berries and cook for another five minutes. After the drink is filtered, the treat is ready.

Note: this drink can be prepared using black tea; for this, in addition to sugar and spices, tea leaves are added to the water. The recipe can be supplemented with fruit syrup or honey.

Recipe No. 3 from dried fruits. This delicious treat, which helps normalize digestive functions. To prepare, you will need dried apples, pears, cherries, apricots, prunes, pour them with purified water, boil for ten minutes, then infuse.

Note: raisins are added to the drink to add sweetness, and to get a beautiful red hue, you can add black currants.

Recipe No. 4 with hibiscus. A drink made from Sudanese rose petals has been incredibly popular for many years. They make a delicious, slightly sour tea with a rich red color, better known as.

You can purchase ready-made fruit mixtures. The range is quite wide, some of them contain tea leaves. There are monocomponent ones, for example, green tea with pineapple, and with a more complex composition, a drink based on raspberries with apples and rose hips.

Recipes for fruit drinks from chefs

Restaurants serve drinks with amazing taste and aroma, but it is a mistake to believe that it is impossible to make them yourself.

Sea buckthorn drink with apples. Ingredients needed: (you can use fresh or frozen berries), fresh apples, honey, water. Apples must be cut into cubes, put in a bowl, add water, and heat for a quarter of an hour over low heat. Then you need to add sea buckthorn, honey and leave for twenty minutes.

Green tea with citruses. To prepare you will need: orange juice, hot green tea, several slices of grapefruit, any fruit syrup, several mint leaves, cardamom, hot water. You will need a copper bowl in which water, tea leaves, mint and cardamom are placed. All components are thoroughly heated over low heat for five minutes, then the mixture is removed from the heat and orange juice, fruit syrup and grapefruit slices are added.

And we’ll add a few recommendations, following which will help you prepare delicious, healthy tea. The cooking container should be warm, heated over a fire, the water should be purified, but it should not be boiled twice. You need to pour the selected fruit blend with hot water, but not boiling water. Otherwise, the essential oils will evaporate, which means the treat will lose its aroma.

photo:, belchonock, livfriis

They are very unusual in their composition. If we evaluate them as a whole, then we get drinks from tea and compote. In fact, we are talking about an unusual mixture of various flowers, leaves, fruits, berries and natural flavors.

What is fruit tea?

It is worth noting that simple black or green tea with added fruit will not be fruity, but only with certain additives. Fruit tea mainly differs from all others in that it contains practically no leaves.

It is best to drink this substance cold instead of regular soft drinks. If you look at this in detail, you will discover the fact that it contains no caffeine and contains a crushed fruit-leaf mixture. A large number of compositions of such a mixture are known. Lemon and cinnamon predominate among the ingredients.

In Russia, hibiscus is in great demand - tea with the individual sourness of cherry and the color of ruby. Since ancient times, eastern residents enjoyed consuming this gift of nature. Also in some countries of the Middle East, fruit tea was used as a drink for rituals.

The benefits of natural fruit tea

As is known, artificial flavoring additives not only will not benefit the consumer, but can also cause irreparable harm to the body. But, if you drink fruit and berry teas made from natural ingredients, human body will receive a number of useful microelements and properties. What are they?

  1. Fruit tea, which contains only natural elements, tones and does not contain caffeine.
  2. Increases immunity.
  3. Helps cleanse the body of harmful substances.
  4. It quenches thirst very well, while saturating the body with the necessary fluid.
  5. Contains a large number of useful substances.
  6. If you regularly drink green or black fruit tea, your cholesterol levels will decrease.

The fruit and berry compositions are very diverse: currants, strawberries, bananas, strawberries and dried apricots - such an unusual mixture can make the drink so aromatic and tasty that no tea gourmet will refuse it. Any of the previously mentioned benefits can be enhanced. To do this, you just need to supplement the tea with some ingredients.

Drying is carried out as carefully as possible in order to preserve all the benefits of the composition. Much attention should be paid to the fact that fruit and berry teas have almost no contraindications (the exception may be individual allergies to any individual components).

Making tea

To fully enjoy the aroma and taste of fruit tea, you need to follow a number of simple rules.

  1. Before preparing tea, the teapot must be rinsed with boiling water. The dishes must be warmed up.
  2. Great attention must be paid to water quality. Tap water is not suitable for fruit and berry mixture. Also, in no case should you re-boil water, as its properties are lost, and this, in turn, negates the taste of the mixture.
  3. The tea should be poured with slightly cooled water; the temperature should not exceed 80 degrees. If you use water at a higher temperature, there is a risk that some components of the tea mixture will break down and evaporate, making it impossible to enjoy the aroma and taste 100%.
  4. The brewing time should be 5-10 minutes and no more.

Fruit tea recipes

Creating your own personal fruit tea recipe is quite simple and anyone can do it. There are several fairly simple compositions that are not difficult to make:

  1. Grind required quantity raspberries and apples. Green tea mix with one spoon of chamomile and leave to brew for five minutes. Next, you need to strain and add chopped fruit. This summer mix is ​​very useful to drink with honey.
  2. Fruit tea made from currants. You need to prepare 50-100 grams of currants. Grind the top three leaves of the currant bush. You can optionally add sugar to the berries and then add hot water. In the hot summer, chilled tea will quench your thirst well, and cold winter A warm drink will warm you up.

It is not at all necessary to use ordinary components. You can always use more exotic ingredients, such as mango, lime, banana or pineapple. The main task - in the right way Prepare all ingredients for tea. This drink will always bring great pleasure to you and your loved ones.

The Downside of Fruit Tea

Many sources provide a wealth of information about positive sides fruit and berry teas. But it is worth paying attention to the fact that they should not be abused. For example, dentists unanimously insist that fruit mixtures are very harmful to oral health, especially for tooth enamel, since fruit tea contains acids and enzymes that have a detrimental effect on teeth.

Selection of fruit tea

Although making fruit tea yourself is not difficult, many lovers of this drink do not want to bother with this task and prefer to purchase a ready-made brewing mixture, thinking that the preparation recipe has a strict standard and universal technology. Perhaps in some cases this is exactly the case, but, as practice shows, not everything is as good as shown in the picture. First of all, you should be wary of those manufacturers who spend a lot on advertising, thereby diverting attention from the main thing - the tea itself.

When purchasing tea, you should carefully study the composition, since in many cases there are much more flavorings than the natural product. It is also worth noting that fruit tea in bags simply physically cannot contain more natural substances than flavorings. From all of the above, it follows that it is always better to purchase tea by weight in specialized stores, since there is less chance of stumbling upon a low-quality product.